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LightBox Steven Mengin Create a scaling on-scroll effect Produce a scrolling effect that makes cluttered content elements clearly distinguishable 1. Create HTML document TTemehwetpege constuced wth TAL dteumertcontanrs tendon ed seton Tre head pence lee St Sa ooo Seto foo icCompatib’ ‘title snap Serolis/title> seript srehttp(/ajae geogleaps.com/ajan/ Libsrsquery.3.1/;qH6ryan e"> script sreeodeJs!>/seriot> Inese> boa see ST 2 HERE ‘ontel> 2. Scroll content Tre dtasclnap atts used aol tre the tem colectone nhs case we wil make Ue of > theadvartaze of tere abe ea et arespon=ne image stan hen ncto ther niger aoe" “asction dato-serollsnap="gropl> styles"bacground uring j0)> styes"background= uring? jp)» stylebacground url Ging/3-i8)"> 3. Style the container Now ietthe HTML page ccaamet cpl. we can goen efeassoncstring nesives nte stescse 6 gree Slorea ee a resentation of adatascotpl Eontane Ths a0 recto e ailved 3: a Beck OF beaaiobe Tox berg cre algredcanato heb wth [éatarseollanep)< display: block width: 40090 heights a0bp«; text-align: centers overflow out ? . Container elements tev cen ofthe data scosnapcortarer ae Dstkang as ck ler wl ria the wh 10 percent whe atthe sar te ako mating he habe pert contanerAddra 2 raatononallatirbutes wt then rage anmatens ween te sae changed ‘age coversthe ea Taata-scrolisnap3 > #{ display: block; height: 100; transition: all 5s: bockground-size: cover: ? 5. Create zoom-out scrolling (Ghent tease sotinap certain val hae 9 se rmakng use othe sce rarsfom an ech ine ho ta scotsnap extant : [aterserolisnap}.serolling > + transform: seale(6,.8); } 6. Initiate JavaScript vithallot te svieg nes now etn, the nt steps tthe wer sri the corer certain The var serolinede; window. ade vertListoner "load", Funetien()¢ D: 7.Scrolling event Weare ie aor ech bopto teeter me lax seotsnap oeranes one pases wlthen enale sto nave as mary sroling cara ve trecrling cess ane avedetnecinthe CSS. The dened scrote reference S.enen( $(*[date-scralsnip)"), function( S(¢his).on "muses unetion()L serolINade = this thi) abdlass("serol ine »: »: 8. Scroll snap Thesnap fect fst tigger wen the user reas trescroling To seid comcstadcase desing wth fh Pd tascrtinl certane 9 Sry bce a mow evet on te page wind dea th duet sco lcaton wl the=oing dae ‘(window .on(*mouseup,function(¢ scr Nede).renoveclass¢ scrolling"), ‘vor height = $(serollNode) heiehtOs ‘ar position = s(eerollNade)serol1Top()5 vor serollRatio = position / height; Foor. 3srotIRatioysheieht S(serobede).serollTop( ySerell ); »: LightBox KLMiFly50 Code an on-click scroll-up navigation effect Allow visitors to navigate related web content without the need to constantly load new pages ‘1LCreate the HTML etooges ned tobe defies an HTML docu cont nonce See? hens ‘ Link rel="stylesbeet™ types"tent/ese™ “eerie srewhtt:/ajen.goglesps.cnd 2}ae/ Libs! euery1.9.2/query.min. 387 seripe>