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Corao Hana-Ami Projeto original de: Atelier Suzuran http://www.suzuranart.com Diagramas adicionais de: Abaloriomania http://www.misabalorios.


Materiais - 24 cristais n4 azuis - 16 cristais n4 verdes - 80 miangas 9/0 prata - 1 metro fio de nylon 0,30 Abreviaes - C: Cristal - M: Mianga - D: Direito - E: Esquerdo Modo de Fazer A tcnica bsica a de Hana-Ami. (Veja explicaes em Como Fazer.) O corao possui duas faces, que vamos chamar de frente e verso. Elas so iguais, cada uma com 7 partes, mas essas partes so feitas em ordem diferente, como mostra a numerao nos diagramas abaixo: no diagrama A v-se cada parte da frente em uma cor diferente:

no diagrama B aparecem em verde as contas que correspondem quelas da frente que sero comuns aos dois lados:

1) Primeiro lado, frente Siga a seqncia da execuo do diagrama A. Faa uma flor (Hana-Ami) de 5 lados, iniciando no ponto rosa destacado nas contas azuis. Acompanhe os diagramas abaixo. Aps realizar a parte 7 inicie o outro lado.

2) Segundo lado, verso As contas marcadas em verde so contas introduzidas na frente e que sero comuns aos dois lados. Siga a seqncia da execuo mostrada no diagrama B. Acompanhe os diagramas abaixo. Arremate o corao.

Crystal Beaded Heart

http://jewelrymaking.allinfoabout.com/features/crystalheart.html Use crystals, firepolish beads, pearls, or combinations of beads to make a stunning heart pendant or charm. You can weave a flat heart or make two and join them to make a three-dimensional or puffed heart. Materials Comments Beads Stringing Material I used 4-mm Czech firepolish beads, but Swarovski bicones or round pearls or even seed beads work nicely. Experiment using seed beads at the ends of crystals, both as a design element and to protect your stringing material. I used clear nylon fishing line. Colored wire looks cool with very sharp crystals. Powerpro is another good choice for sharp crystals. Nymo will work for pearls and other opaque beads.

You can create a lot of different looks based on this design depending on your choice of beads and stringing material and on whether you choose to use a single heart or combine two hearts. All of my beads are the same color, but it's easy to introduce color as a design element. (Esto es una tapa del Corazon, haz dos = para unirlos en 3D)

Una tapa del Corazon Haz dos para un corazon 3D Steps :

Pasos para unir dos tapas

1. The heart shape is made using cross weaving, which is the technique used in my Hugs & Kisses Ring (string) and Autumn Leaves Necklace (wire) tutorials. 2. Cut about 2 feet or half a meter of your stringing material. Thread three beads onto the cord or wire and allow them to slide toward the center of the line. The fourth bead is your crossover bead. One end of the thread passes through the hole of the bead from left to right (or top to bottom) and the other end of the thread goes into the bead from right to left (or bottom to top). 3. If you study the thread path, you will see that you are working the heart on its diagonal, making a series of crosses. Then you pick up the top bead of the heart and work the downward diagonal. When you have completed the heart you can tie a knot and run the thread back through the pattern to hide the ends (or if you are using wire, simply run back through the pattern a ways). You can even make the heart using a single thread if you really prefer it. 4. The firepolish heart shown in my top photo is what you get if you weave the basic 2-dimensional heart. 5. If you use tight tension, the tops of the heart will puff out a bit and the beads will turn toward each other. A looser tension will result in a flat heart. For a 3-dimensional flat heart, make two hearts, lay one on top of the other, and string them together at the edges. 6. For a puffed heart, make two hearts using a relatively tight tension and then lace the two hearts together with edging beads, as shown in this diagram. If you lace two hearts together to make the puffed heart, you will have a single bead at the 'dip' in the top of the heart. It's easy to run a jump ring or make a loop of seeds beads through this bead so that you can make your heart into a pendant or charm.You could hang a single flat heart from its stringing material in the dip, but the connection will be more secure if you run wire or beads through the two 'dip' beads or the two top beads. For a bracelet or anklet, consider joining the heart to a beaded band using the two beads on each side of the heart. So pretty!



Empezar por la estrella centrando la mitad del hilo, cada cabo va indicado en un color, usa la tcnica cruzada hasta salir por donde indican las flechas (puntada en redondo usando la tcnica cruzada)

Da la vuelta al corazon de modo que la estrella es por donde hemos salido en el paso anterior y es el comienzo de este paso.
Sigue la indicacin del dibujo hasta salir por donde indican las flechas

Sobre esta base de collar formado por 2 filas se indica donde va a ir la argolla para insertar el colgante corazn

Esquema total del corazn donde vemos donde va la argolla http://www.abalorios.net/aba/otros/oyc/corazon.htm

Le coeur en 3D

Fournitures :

perles swarovski ou perles facettes 4mm perles de rocaille (pour l'anneau) fil de nylon

Tout d'abord, commencez la premire face en croisant les deux fils dans une mme perle, la perle rose reprsente le dpart :

Continuez ainsi jusqu' ce que vous ayez ralis 3 carrs de quatre perles. Il faut ensuite faire deux carr mais cette fois-ci trois perles comme indiqu sur le schma ci-dessous. En effet, ceci permet de faire une extrmit arrondie :

Aprs avoir ralis l'arrondi, continuez comme sur le schma en suivant les flches.Une fois le deuxime arrondi ralis, faites un noeud et repassez les fils dans des perles proches puis coupez. Faites la seconde face de la mme manire.

Il faut maintenant assembler les deux faces : pour cela reprenez un autre fil et faites comme sur le schma ci-dessous. Il s'agit ici de refaire des carrs quatre perles dont deux sont celles des extrmits des deux faces du coeur. J'ai mis des pointills car il suffit de faire la mme chose sur tout le tour.

Enfin il reste faire l'anneau du coeur : passez le fil dans la perle colore en vert et enfilez sur un brin douze perles de rocaille, repassez ensuite dans la swarovski, faites un noeud, repassez dans des perles proches puis coupez.

Et voil, vous venez de raliser un joli petit coeur, c'est pas mignon ?

Corazon 3D

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