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English The Gamelan is an Indonesian instrument, greatly known for the influence it still has in Indonesian culture.

It is not just a musical instrument, but several instruments on the same body (metallophones, xylophones, gongs, among others) that are usually tuned to each other, that comprise one Gamelan. The term refers both to the whole of these instruments as their instrumentalists and it is common that part of an instrument can not be used simultaneously with another set because of the tuning conflict.

Portuguese O Gamelan um instrumento indonsio, extremamente conhecido pela influncia que ainda tem na cultura indonsia. No se trata apenas de um instrumento, mas sim vrios instrumentos no mesmo objecto (metalofones, xilofones, gongs, entre outros) que esto normalmente afinados entre si, para que componham um Gamelan. O termo referente tanto ao conjunto destes instrumentos como aos seus instrumentistas e comum que parte de um instrumento no possa ser usado simultaneamente com outro de outro conjunto por conflitos de afinao.

MISSOM, Instrumentos Musicais, Lda Rua dos Navegantes, 73, 4000-358 Porto Portugal

www.missom.com info@missom.com

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