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Quer entrar para nossa inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entéo cadastre seu e-mail no meu site a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . Ola, aqui é 0 prof. William Rossi, Sou 0 criador do projeto “INGLES PARA CONCURSOS"”, Sou professor de inglés e empresério. A ideia desse projeto veio da necessidade que muitos dos meus alunos tinham de aprender inglés especificamente para concursos e provas, id que nesses casos a habilidade de leitura e interpretagéo € a mais importante. € dificil encontrar material de estudo de forma pritica e organizada. Os cursos de inglés normalmente ensinam de forma global e no somente interpretagdo de textos. Nesses casos 0 aluno precisa pagar aulas particulares, 0 que nio é muito barato. Entio, devido a essa caréncia de recursos de estudos de inglés especifico para concursos, decidi criar esse projeto, Este material de estudo que vocé est recebendo gratuitamente é uma parte de todo o projeto. Muitas novidades ainda esto por vir. Mesmo que voc® jé fale inglés bem, deve dedicar um tempo de preparacio especifica para realizar uma prova de inglés. Mesmo falando portugués, nés sempre precisamos estudar quando temos que fazer uma prova de portugués, e com inglés ¢ a mesma coisa. Vocé esté recebendo 156 questées de de interpretagdo de textos em inglés da FCC (Fundacdo Carlos Chagas) de concursos para diversos cargos. O projeto inclui questées de inglés de outras bancas como CESPE-Unb, \Vunesp, FGV, ESAF e CESGRANRIO. Isso & 56 para te dar uma nocdo da quantidade de concursos que incluem inglés na proval E o inglés pode ser o seu diferencial, jé que a maioria dos concurseiros focam em outras matérias. E 0 limite entre passar ou nao pode esta em uma tinica questao! Esse material é sé 0 comego. Em breve vocé receberé outros contetidos relacionados ao inglés € a preparagdio para provas. Minhas dicas, materiais e outras surpresas s6 serio disponibilizadas para _os usuarios cadastrados no Facebook ou no site, Fique tranquilo quanto ao seu e-mail. Ele sé seri utilizado para nossa comunicacio, Quero estabelecer com vocé um relacionamento de confianca. Respeito sua privacidade e também odeio SPAM! Deixe seu comentério no blog e me diga o que achou do projeto e o que vocé gostaria de receber, suas duvidas ou sugestdes. Assim poderei saber o que € mais util para vocé. SUA OPINIAO € MUITO IMPORTANTE PARA MIM, £ BASEADO NA SUA OPINIAO QUE VOU DECIDIR SOBRE A CONTINUIDADE OU NAO DESSE PROJETO. OU SEJA, SO VOU CONTINUAR ESSE PROJETO SE SENTIR QUE AS PESSOAS REALMENTE GOSTARAM E QUE ELE ESTA TRAZENDO ALGUM BENEFICIO. ENTAO, DIVULGUE MEU TRABALHO E FACA COMENTARIOS NO BLOG (VOCE RECEBERA O www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . VOU TE RECOMPENSAR COM MAIS UNK).. QUESTOES, DICAS E OUTRAS SURPRESAS QUE ESTOU PREPARANDO. Um forte abrago do seu novo teacher © , e nos falamos em breve, William Rossi 001-Prova: FCC - 2006 ~ BACEN — analista administrative Parties Split on Data-Protection Bill By Jonathan Krim ‘Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, November 4, 2005; Dos House Democrats and Republicans split sharply yesterday over how to best protect consumers! Personal data, as legislation to curb the persistent scourge of identity theft and fraud began to move on a fast track on Capitol Hil In @ 18 to 8 vote along party lines, a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved a bill that would require information brokers to submit plans for safeguarding private data to the Federal Trade Commission for monitoring and review. The bill also would establish Nationwide requirement for notification of consumers the first when certain breaches of data occur and would force brokers to submit to security aucits if their data banks are compromised But Democrats on the panel said the bill was filed with loopholes and would leave consumers __§1 protected than they are now. They also accused the Republicans of shutting them out of bipartisan negotiations, and of making last-minute changes to agreed-upon provisions. Under the bill, data brokers and other firms that store consumer data would have to notify consumers that their information [ TO BREACH ] only a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site when it was determined that a “significant risk” of Identity theft or other fraud might resut. ‘That decision would be made by the company that was breached, which Democrats said was akin to having no requirement at all This year alone, tens of milions of consumers have been notified of breaches at information brokers such as ChoicePoint Ine. and LexisNexis, financial institutions, government agencies, universities, online retailers and other firms. Many notices were sent out under a Califomia law that covers any firm doing business in the state, "No notices would have gone out under the standard put forth in this bill” which would preempt state laws, said Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky (D-II) "We would not have known how badly corporations treat personal information, nor would consumers have been able to take action to protect themselves _ even {rom financial identity theft ~ if this bill had been in place in February 2005." Data brokers, direct marketers, financial Institutions and several largo technology companios supported the approach of the bill, as did FIC Chairman Deborah P. Majoras. They argue that thieves fr hackers cannot always use data they might gain ‘access fo, and that bombarding consumers with notices every time a breach occurs would cause people to ‘ignore them. “That concem is disingenuous," Schakowsky ‘said yesterday. "The right response to over-notifcation fs not to restrict information and to keep consumers and Congress in the dark. if we want to stop over- notification, then corporations need to clean up their act ‘80 consumers' personal information is not compromised inthe frst place." (Adapted from washingtonpost.com) 001. A palavra que preenche corretament paragrafo) & (A) more, (8) much (©) most. (O) least (€) less. lacuna (40 www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br. Goz. In the toxt, the correct form of the verb (TO BREACH] (Sn paragraph) is (A) breach. (B) breaches. (C) have breached. (0) was breached (€) was breaching. (0083. In the text, a synonym for curb (ist paragraph) is (A) improve. (8) accelerate, (©) stop. (Djapprove. (Ejreject. (004, In the text, who is accused of making last-minute changes to agreed-upon provisions? (A) Democrats (8) Republicans. (©) Consumers. (0) Information brokers. (€) Federal Trade Commission. (005. The bill discussed in the text (A) has been unanimously approved, (8) will be enforced immediately, (C) is supported by Republicans. (0) is considered a clear step forward in protecting consumers’ private data. (€) requires immediate notification of consumers in case of any breaches of data. (008. 0 trecho was akin to having no requirement at all (Geparagrato) significa (A) era como uma exigéncia qualquer. (8) era o mesmo que néo ter exigéncia alguma. (C)era preferivel a todos os outros requisitos. (0) era 0 minimo que se podia exigh (E) ndo era necessério mais nenhum outro requisite. (007. Segundo 0 texto, (A) o novo projeto de le se justifica pelo fato de as leis, estaduals de protegdo ao consumidor estarem ultrapassadas, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (8) apenas empresas de pequeno porte estdo sujeitas, 220 roubo de dados pessoais de seus clientes. (C)0 projeto de tei que foi aprovado vai permitir que os consumidores se protejam melhor contra a possibilidade de roubo de seus dados financeiros, (0) hd um compromisso técito entre empresas @ governo de proteger as informagbes pessoais de todos (8 consumidores. (E) 2 aprovagao do projeto de lei em discussao invalidaria uma lei califomiana de protegio ao consumidor. (008. A partir de if this bil had been in place in Fobruary 2005 (8 paragrafo), entende-se que (A) 0 evento relatado sobre a Califémia ocorreu em fevereiro de 2005. (8) © projeto de tei deveria ter sido aprovado em fevereiro de 2006. (C) desde fevereiro de 2005 aumentou a incidéncia de quebra de sigilo na internet (0) a preocupagao com a seguranga de informagées pessoals dos consumidores data de fevereiro de 2005. (€) a tramitagao da lei s6 teve inicio em fevereiro de 2005, (009. No texto, o verbo argue (10s paragrafo) deve ser traduzide como (A) argumentam, (8) debatem (C) acreditam (0) acusam. (€) reprovam. 010. Segundo o texto, (A) 08 hackers sao 0s responsaveis pelo acesso as informagdes pessoais e financeiras dos consumidores. (8) 08 republicanos acreditam que é importante alertar ‘8 consumidores toda vez que houver invasdo dos sistemas de informagéo, (C) 08 democratas acusam os republicanos de sonegarem informagdes ao Congresso. (0) se as empresas e as instituigdes que lidam com informagées pessoais zelassem pela seguranca desses dados, ndo haveria a necessidade de alertar os www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa consumidores sobre constantes invasées de computadores. (€) 20 defenderem um programa sistematico de alerta 208 consumidores, 0s republicanos demonstram acreditar que & melhor pecar pelo excesso do que pela falta de informagées aos consumidores, 002-Prova: FCC ~ 2008 ~ Metré-SP ~ Advogado Trainee An overview of Chicago trains and bus public transportation system Chicago, like any big city, has its share of traffic issues, and it can sometimes be very frustrating traveling through the city by car. Not to mention the scarcity of street parking and the ever increasing costs of downtown parking garages, and Chicago public transportation starts to look like @ great choice for getting around town. Fortunately, Chicago trains and buses are a great way to get you where you need to go. Follow this guide, and youll be zipping around the city inno time. Chicago Trains and Public Transportation Basics The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) runs a network of trains and buses that service nearly every corner ofthe city. The trains fall under two categories ~ subway and elevated trains (the "L'). A quick look at a ‘map of the Chicago train system, and you can see it spiders out from downtown and is your best bet for getting to most of your Chicago destinations. The CTA buses fill in the gaps, running on a regular schedule on ‘most major city streets. (Adapted trom: hitpigochicago.about.comiod/getingaroundehicago/alcta_ove rviewhim) 011. A synonym for issues in the above text is (A) possibiities (8) problems. (©) points. (©) policemen. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (€) personnel 012, 0 significado de get, no texto, & ir. (8) trazer, (©) evar, (©) pegar. (©) conseguir. 013, No texto, nearly pode ser raduzide por (A) satistetoriamente (B) absolstamente (©) porto de (©) longe ae. (©) quase. (014, Segundo 0 texto, (A) nem todo mundo gosta de uma cidade grande como Chicago, (8) 0 carro ainda & uma boa alternativa ao transporte pblico em Chicago, (C) 6 facil estacionar nas ruas de Chicago. (0) ha bons meios de transporte coletivo na cidade de Chicago, (€) o1ntimero de énibus excede o de trens em Chicago. 015, Em Chicago, (A) 2 melhor forma de se locomover, em geral, é 0 mete, (6) as linhas de Gnibus servem apenas ao centro da cidade. (C)0s énibus costumam estar sempre lotados. (D) apenas os trens elevados servem os subirbios. (€) 08 &nibus nao tém horaio fxo. Public transport In many parts of the western world the private car currently dominates. But in major western urban areas with good public transport systems and where the private car ownership and use Is discouraged, and also in the developing wor'd, where private car ownership is prohibitively expensive, walking, (motorcycling, and public transport offer welluused alternatives. Many ‘modern cities are investing in public transport initiatives www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa fo increase the attractiveness and usage of public transport. A popular transport mode in the developing world, and increasingly in the westem world, is the share taxi (mini-bus, jtney ete) that run on flexible or semi-flexible routes. Public transport can offer _ significant advantages in areas with higher population densities, due to its smaller physical and environmental footprint per rider. ()), road-based public transport risks being considerably slower than private vehicles if it gets held Lup in general traffic congestion. In addon scheduled transport vehicles have to make frequent stops to board ‘more passengers and an individual trp may require one or more transfers. Routes are often circuitous to increase the area serviced by the system. Transport Authorities wishing to increase the attractiveness and use of public transport often respond by increasing use of dedicated or semi-dedicated travel lanes (grade- separated, elevated, or depressed rights-of-way). History Conveyances for public hire are as old as the first ferries, and the earliest public transport was water transport, for on land people walked or rode an animal. This form of transport is part of Greek mythology — corpses in anciont Greece were always buried with a coin undemeath their tongue to pay the feryman Charon to take them to Hades. ‘Some historical forms of public transport are the stagecoach, traveling a fixed route from inn to inn, and the horse-drawn boat canying paying passengers, which was a feature of canals from their 17th-century origins. The omnibus, the first organized public transit system within a city, appears to have originated in Nantes, France, in 1826 and was then introduced to London in July 1829, (Adapted fom https wikipedia oravik/Pusl_ tanspes! 016. A palavra que preenche cortetamente a lacuna (!), no texto, 6: (A) Therefore, (8) Then, (©) Athough. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (0) However. (€) White 017. No texto, due to significa: (A) por causa de. (8) porque, (©) embora, (O)além de. (E) em oposigao a 018. Segundo o texto, (A) hd paises em desenvolvimento que proibem a aquisicao de carros_particulares_ para nao sobrecarregar o transito. (8) muitas cidades esto fazendo investmentos significativos para incentivar uso do transporte pabico. (C) em varias cidades 0 transporte publico pouco sado por ainda ser muito caro, (0) & preciso incentivar © uso do transporte coletivo para diminuir a poluigdo ambiental e sonora, (€) apesar de o transporte particular ainda prevalecer no mundo, 0 transporte ptblico vem ganhando cada vez mais adeptos. 019, Uma das formas encontradas pelas autoridades para tomar 0 Gnibus mais atraente para o usuario 6 (A) craritinerarios mais ditetos. (8) diminuir o namero de paradas dos énibus. (C) criarfaixas exclusivas para os Gnibus. (0) ampliar a érea urbana servida (€) aumentar © nimero de énibus nas tinhas ja existentes, 020. De acordo com o texto, (A) era costume, na Grécia Antiga, colocar uma moada sob a lingua do morto para pagar pelo seu enterro, (8) 0 veiculo usado nos canais da Grécia desde 0 século XVII é 0 barco puxado a cavalo. (©) 6 certo que o énibus teve origem na Franca, (0) ao contrério do que se acredita, 0 Gnibus fol ctiado na Inglaterra. (€) 0 primero meto de transporte publico foi aquatico, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa lista preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . 2009 ~ MPE-SE Analista do Ministério Publico — Especialista em Andlise de Sistemas January 23, 2009 ‘Worm infects Millions of Computers Worldwide By JOHN MARKOFF A new digital plague has hit the intemet, infecting milions of personal and business computers in what seems to be the first step of a multistage attack The world's leading computer security experts do not yet know who programmed the infection, or what the next stage willbe. In recent weeks a worm, a malicious software rogram, has swept through corporate, educational and public computer networks around the world. Known as Conficker or Downandup, it is spread by @ recently discovered Microsoft Windows vulnerability, by guessing network passwords and by hand-carried consumer gadgets like USB keys. Experts say itis the K1K1 infection since the Slammer worm exploded through the Intemet in January 2003, and it may have infected as many as hine milion personal computers around the world. Worms like Conficker not only ricochet around the Internet at lightning speed, they harness infected computers into unified systems called botnets, which can then accept programming instructions from their clandestine masters. Many computer users may not notice that their machines have been infected, and computer security researchers said they were waiting for the instructions to materialize, fo determine what impact the botnet will have on PC users. It might operate in the background, uusing the infocted computer to send spam or infect other computers, or it might steal the PC user's personal information Microsoft rushed an emergency patch to defend the Windows operating systems against this vulnerability in October, yet the worm has continued to spread even as the level of wamings has grown in rocent weoks. Earlier this week, security researchers at Qualys, @ Siicon Valley security firm, estimated that about 30 percent of Windows-based computers attached to the Internet remain vulnerable to infection because they have not been updated with the patch, despite the fact that it was made available in October. Unraveling the program has been particularly challenging because it comes with encryption mechanisms that hide its internal workings from those seeking to disable it The program uses an elaborate shell-game- style technique fo permit someone to command it remotely. Each day it generates a new list of 250 domain names. Instructions from any one of these domain names would be obeyed. To control the botnet, an attacker would need only to register a single domain to send instructions to the botnet globally, greatly complicating the task of law enforcement and security companies trying to intervene and block the activation of the botnet. Several computor security firms said that although Conficker appeared to have boon writton from scratch, it had parallels to the work of @ suspected Easter European criminal gang that has profited by sending programs known as “scareware" to personal computers that seem to warn users of an infection and ‘ask for credit card numbers to pay for bogus antivirus software that actually further infects their computer. (One intriguing clue la by the malware authors {s that the first version of the program checked to see if the computer had @ Ukrainian keyboard layout. If it found it had such @ keyboard, it would not infect the ‘machine, according to Philip Porras, a security investigator at SRI Intemational who has disassembled the program to determine how it functioned. (Adapted from The New York Times) 021, A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna & (A) wel (8) best (©) better. (0) worse. €) worst. 022, De acordo com o texto, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (A) ainda nao se sabe qual sera 0 alcance da arao do Conficker, (8) 0 antivirus emergencial da Microsoft reduziu em 30% a ago do Conficker. (C)o virus 6 nao afetou computadores em rede. (0) qualquer usuario percebe imediatamente que seu computador foi infectado pelo Conficker. (€) jd se pode antecipar como serd 0 préximo ataque do Conficker. 028. A palavra que pode substiuir yet (60 paréarafo), no texto, sem alteragao de sentido, 6 (Asi (8) theroore. (©) however (0) athough, (€) despite. 024. Segundo 0 texto, sabe-se que Conficker (A) nao se espalha por melo de pendrives. (8) preservou computadores cujo teclado tem configuragao ucraniana (C) tem 0 objetivo de roubar informacdes pessoals dos usustios. (0) pretende usar 0 computador infectado para enviar spams, (€) j4 infectou mais de 8 milhées de computadores s6 nos Estados Unidos. 025. 0 Conficker, segundo o texto, (A) Jd estd sendo atualizado para bloquear a ago do antivirus langado pela Microsoft (8) 6 um virus que se espalha lentamente, mas de forma muito intansa, (C)ndo € téo pemicioso quanto o Slammer. (0) continua se espathando, apesar do crescente nivel de alertas jd disparados. (€) 86 se instala quando um anexo for executado pelos usuarios. 026. Segundo o texto, (A) Philip Porras foi quem descobriu que © programa funciona como um shell-game. (8) 0 Conficker 6 um programa sem nenhum similar, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (©) © Conficker jé tem registrados 250 dominios diferentes. (0) a forma de atuagao do Conficker dificutta a acao das empresas de seguranca digital. (€)0 scareware & um alarme falso de infeccéo de virus, sem maiores consequéncias, Title: January 26, 2009 By John C. Dvorak I's no coincidence that the computer industry peaked around the year 2000, went info a serious deciine, stabilized at the low point a couple of years ‘ago, and has since collapsed again. A coniluence of reasons is responsible for this, but when it comes to the industry bringing this on itsel, ‘one major event may have taken down the entire business. Tm speaking about the announcement of the IHanium processor. This continues to be one of the groat flascos of the last 50 years, and not because Intel blew too much money on its development or that the chip performed poorly and will never be widely adopted. It was the reaction and subsequent consolidation in the industry that took place once this grandiose chip was preannounced. We heard that HP, IBM, Dell, and even Sun Microsystems would use these chips and discontinue anything else they were developing. This included Sun ‘making noise about dropping the SPARC chip for this thing — sight unseen. | say "sight unseen” because it would be years before the chip was even protolyped. The entire industry just took intel at ts word that itanium would work as advertised in a PowerPoint presentation. Because this chip was supposed to radically change the way computers work and become the driving force behind all systems in the future, one promising project after another was dropped. Why? Because Itanium was the future for all computing. Why bother wasting money on good ideas that didn include i? The failure of this chip to do anything more than exist as @ niche processor sealed the fate of Intel — and perhaps the entire industry, since from 1997 to www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . 2001 everyone waited for the messiah of chips to take us all fo the next evel. It did that allright I took us to the next level But we didn't know that the next level was below us, not above. (Adapted fom POMAG.COM) 027. Um titulo adequado para o texto acima seria (A) Intel Pushes Back lanium Chip. (G) The Itanium Processor - Here to Stay? (©) Stop the Presses —Here Comes the Itanium Processor. (0) The Day After Itanium - The Computer Industry's Revival (€) How the ltanium Killed the Computer Industry. 028. One could summarize the first paragraph by saying that the computer industry (A) is envisaging a period of recovery. (6) has been on a decade-long down cycle. (C)has had its ups and downs since the year 2000, (0) reached its lowest point in 2008, (&) is now on the verge of a collapse. 029, Segundo o autor do texto, a razao principal do fiasco do processador de Hanium deve-se a fato de (A) toda a industria da informatica ter cancelado seus projetos em fungao do que 0 processador prometia ser, (8) Intel ter superestimado 0 mercado que usaria seu produto. (C)0 produto nao ter tide © desempanho esperado, (0) a indastia da informatica ter-se recusado a usar 0 processador em seus produtos. (E) a Intel néo ter podido levar 0 projeto a cabo por ter estourado seu orgamento (030. No texto, a expressao it would be years before the chip was even prototyped significa que (A) assim que 0 protétipo ficou pronto, 0 chip passou & ser produzido, (8) passaram-se anos & nem 0 protétipo do chip foi produzido. (C)0 protétipo do chip levaria anos para ser produzido, (0) poucos anos se passaram antes da produgao do protétipo do chip. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (€) © chip propriamente dito foi produzide poucos anos apés © prottipo. Chancelaria During his interview with the Financial Times last Friday, Celso Amorim, Brazil's foreign minister, admitted to feeling tired, frustrated and as if he had a bad hangover. “If the party has been good, a hangover is OK." he said, "But if i's been a bad party and your itlfriend has left with somebody else..." Mr Amorim has every reason to look back on the collapse of the Doha round of talks at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva ta week as a grim episode. Brazi's leadership of the G20 group of developing nations, which briefly showed so much promise, has come to nothing. Deep spits in the group emerged during the final days of the talks, with India, China and even Argentina putting protection of {HBit own manufacturers and producers ahead of the interests of global free trade. Mr Amorim, his team, Brazil and the world all deserved ..A. ‘Amorim deserves recognition for the statesmanlike role he played throughout the talks. Brazil's farmers are ‘among the most efficient in the world and they have . and even in failure and frustration Mr achieved that status with none of the coddling handed out to their competitors in developed nations. Brazil has the expertise and land ~ most of it far away from the ‘Amazon and other sensitive areas ~ to supply the world with the food it so badly needs. [fSIBAG, as Mr Amorim WARS, what the world will get is more starvation and destabilisation, Jonathan Wheatley (Cttp:/wwwJbranimax. com/forumimessage,clm?MID=1005) 031. A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna A, No texto, & (A) good, (@) best. (©) better, (0) worse. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa (©) worst. 032. In the text, their refers to (A) India, China and Argentina. (8) india (©) China, (0) India and China, (©) Argentina, 038. A synonym for Instead in the above text is (A) In spite of (8) Likewise (©) Therefore. (0) However. (€) In adaition. 034, 0 verbo wams, no texto, indica (A) confirmagao. (@) sugestao, (©) probabitidade. (0) necessidade, (€) alerta (035, According to the text, Mr Amorim (A) believes that due to the failure of the Doha round of takks the world will be in greater need of food, (6) is exhilarated by the outcome of the Doha round of taks. (C) was frustrated because he only played a minor role in the Doha round of talks. (0) had a bad hangover during a party at the Doha round of talks. (€) failed to grant Brazilian farmers the customs protection developed countries enjoy. 036. Infere-se do texto que (A) grande parte dos alimentos de que 0 mundo precisa chega a seu destino em mas condigées de consumo, (6) grande parte da terra produtiva do Brasil encontra- se préxima a regio amazénica, (©) 0s fazendeitos do Brasil, caso tivessem os subsidios de seus concorrentes dos paises, desenvolvides, poderiam tomnar-se os mais eficientes do mundo, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (0) rodada de Doha falnou porque alguns paises colocaram seus préprios interesses acima dos, interesses globais. (E) © Brasil, como lider do grupo G20, teve um desempenho bastante frustrante na rodada de Doha. Brazil's foreign policy: __TITLE__ Brazi is bidding for big-power status. What sort of power does it want to be? It is @ small force, but of huge symbolic significance. This month, 1,200 Brazilan troops arrived in Hai, the country's biggest foreign military deployment sinco the Second World War. Brazil is commanding @ United Nations peacekeeping force of 6,700 mainly Latn American troops and 1,600 police which is taking aver from American and French forces in the Caribbean sland, This marks a new departure Brazil has long been a genlle and introverted giant, content to be a bystander on the world stage. ...34 Luiz indcio Lula da Siva, the county’ left leaning president, is carving out 2 role for Brazil as spokesman for poor counties, most notably by founding the G20 group which lobbies for rich countries to open up farm trade, His government is playing @ more active role across South America. And it is seeking a permanent seat on the UN Securty Council "Brazil has begun to flax its muscles as a regional superpower" says Miguel Diaz of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington- based think-tank. If so, itis a paradoxical fi. On the one hand, Brazi's fondest wish is to mitigate the United States! dominance of global affairs and thereby to enhance Brazi's influence. The foreign minister, Celso Amorim, calls for “a more balanced world” and justifies the Hai mission in part as a step towards it “You cant be a supporter of multiateralism and when it comes to act say its [to] dangerous," says Mr Amorim. ‘On the other hand, Brazi's new activism often, though ..B.., coincides with the interests ofthe United Slates, Both countries want demiseraey aed! IABii in www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa places In the Americas where these seem fragile. in some of those places, Lula's Brazil has more friends and influence than George Bush's more abrasive United States. The two sometimes Bak rivals in these counties, but that {s one source of Brazil's usefulness, Lula di not start Brazits interational activism. th recent years, Brazilian troops have joined UN missions in East Timor and Angola. in 1996, Brazil acted with Argentina and the United States to forestall a coup in Paraguay ~ recognition that the defence of democracy in the region should take precedence over a tradition of non-nterventon in the affairs of neighbours The search for a stable South America has tong been an axiom of Brazi's foreign policy, but demographics have given it greater urgency. Brazilians, once described as clinging tothe coast lke crabs, have scurried westwards and northwards. The building of Brasilia, which replaced Rio de Janeiro as the capital in 1960, helped to spark development of the interior, & Process accelerated by an agricultural boom in such westem states as Mato Grosso. The Amazon, Brazil is teaming, is both a resource and weak spot, vulnerable to guerrilas, drug traffickers and land-grabbers For most of its history as an independent country, Brazil saw Argentina as its chief rival and strategic threat, That changed with the formation of (M@FG6SUF, an incipient customs union also involving Paraguay and Uruguay. This has allowed Brazil to shit much of its amy from its soutnem border to the north- waster jungles near Colombia and Peru Brazis sense of neighbourhood may be widening. Yet, argues Mr Valladao, Brazil has not decided what sort of neighbour to be. At times, it portrays itself as a team player. In theory, it negotiates on trade as a member of Mercosur. But Braz also sees itself as a "whale", with the heft and appetite to act on its own, Mr Amorim’s answer is that, in @ word likely to be dominated by blocks, Brazi's best option is to co- operate as much as possible with its neighbours and ather developing counties, Whales, he notes, gregarious animals.” (Adapted fom The Economist, June 11, 2004) 037. A synonym for taking over from in the text is a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (A) bringing together. ) joining. (C) replacing. (0) defeating (€) wiping out. 038. Considerando 0 sentido do texto, a melhor tradugdo para This marks a new departure é: (A) Isso sinaliza uma nova attitude. (6) Este 6 0 marco de uma nova parti. (C) Este ¢ um sinal de sucesso, (0) Essa 6 a marca do novo govemo, (€) Isso indica um novo rompimento, 039, The altemative that correctly completes the first paragraph of the above text is (A) And so it will remain, (8) Atiastitis playing a minor role (C) As usual, a Latin American leader. (0) Now that is changing, (€) No more troops for Haiti (040. In the text, the pronoun one refers to (A) UN Security Counel, (8) the country’s left-leaning president (©)active role, (0) farm trade. (€) 620 group. 041, Preenche corretamente a lacuna B, no texto: (A) not seldom, (8) usually (©) sometimes. (©) never. (€) not always. 042. Inthe text, these refers to (A) places. (8) democracy and stability (©) both countries, (©) friends and influence. (&) the Americas, (043. A synonym for back in the text is, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa (A) commana: (8) enhance. (C) support (0) deploy. (€) mitigate. (044, Infore-se, pelo texto, que (A) 8 paises ricos estéo empenhados em abrir suas fronteiras aos produtos do grupo G-20. (6) © Brasil tem enviado tropas ao Halli desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial (C) um dos objetivos do grupo G-20 é fazer os paises Ticos abdicarem do protecionismo aos seus produtos agricolas. () © grupo G20 foi criado para incentivar a comercializagdo dos produtos agricolas entre seus membros. (€) 0 Presidente Lula pretende ser o porta-voz dos paises pobres da América do Sul. (045, According to the text, Mr Amorim (A) concedes that Brazil should not support Hait (6) believes Brazil should not get involved in regional disputes. (C) claims that it is too dangerous to side with ‘multilateralism, (0) does not think a “balanced world” will ever be possible. (€) believes Brazi’s mission in Haiti wil contribute to a more balanced world (048. One can infer from the text that (A) Brazil may be more influential in South America than the U.S. due to President Lula’s friends in the region. (8) Brazil and the U.S. have always had the same interests in Latin America. (©) the U.S, are not really interested in. promoting democracy in South America (©) Brazil and the U.S. are, in fact, rivals in South America a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (€) Brazil is useful in the intemational scene due to its alliances with the United States. 047. De acordo com o texto, 0 objetivo prioritério da politica externa do Brasil & (A) 2 partcipagao ativa em organizagées intemacionais ‘multilaterais (@) a estabilidade polttca da América do Sul (C)a nao intervengao nos assuntos de outros paises. (0) seguranca de suas fronteiras, (€) 0 apoio aos governos democréticos dos paises vizinhos, (048. According to the text, (A) although Brasilia has encouraged many Brazilians to move inland, most of its population stil ives along the coast, (8) the creation of Mercosur allowed Brazil to move a large part of its troops to more troublesome regions like the Amazon. (C) in spite of the Mercosur, Argentina is stil viewed as a strategie throat to Brazil (0) Paraguay has always been a threat to the democracy in South America (€) the sudden agricultural boom of the state of Mato Grosso has contributed to a more balanced demographic distribution, (049. One can infer from the text that (A) the ‘whale’, as suggested by Mr Valadao, Is a perfect metaphor, not only for Brazil but also for all Mercosur members. (8) Mr Valadéo and Mr Amorim agree that Brazil has been a responsible neighbour in South America, (C) Mr Amorim endorses the idea that Brazil is a whale, acting on its own. (0) the future of Brazit's foreign policy will be to side with a larger number of developing countries, even beyond South America’s borders. (€) Brazil is willing to cooperate with developed countries in order to widen its influence in South America, 050. The phrase that completes the TITLE of the text in the best way is: www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (A) We are the world (8) Dwinding ght (©) Playing second fle (0) The UN wakes up (©)Aciant stirs ‘The best of enemios On a surprising range of foreign-policy issues, the rivals have morphed into each other. But differences remain Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman for Minnesota, once joked that Aimeticans treatiferelgh [lie much as they treat dentsty — something they ‘would rather not think about unless they have to, The fist three presidental elections after the end ofthe cold war, in 1992, 1996 and 2000, saw ...C.. discussion of the world beyond America’s borders. The economy trumped international affairs, the culture wars diplomacy. Even in 2004, when America was really at war, values seemed to matter much more than abroad di This year will be different, Foreign policy wil define the election almost as much as America's troubled economy. The next American president will inhert the most ciffcult international situation since Richard Nixon won power in 1968: SWOIRBSIVIWEFSIII Iraq and Afghanistan, in their fith and seventh year Fespeetivelj; an Iran bent on acquiring nuclear weapons; instability in Pakistan; deeply strained relations with a prickly Russia; rivalry with booming China; a catastrophic drop in America's. standing around the world; and a backlash against globalisation. The candidates, MeCain, are the products of different Nevertheless, they see eye-to-eye on many big issues. First, both genuinely understand that f8IN@RBFESGA ‘must strive to improve America's global image. A big majority of Americans agree that their country’s Barack Obama and John worlds, reputation has been badly damaged in the Bush years, ‘This not only makes it dificult for America to exercise moral leadership; it also hinders its exercise of hard power, In the run up to the invasion of Iraq the Turkish government felt obliged to refuse American troops permission to operate from its soil ‘Things can only get better a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site ‘The good news is that ether candidate is wel- placed to improve America's image. And if you are in the business of improving America's brand, there is no better way to start than by replacing the current president. That said, Mr Obama would cleanly do @ lot mote to rebuff America’s image than Mr MeCain ever could. Some 250,000 people tumed out to see him in Berlin in July; Mr McCain's earlier vist to Europe wont Virtually unnoticed, Both candidates also advocate specific policies that are designed to clear some of the blemishes on America's image. They both propose a policy of cap- and-trade to deal with global warming, an issue on which American leadership has been sorely lacking for the past eight years, Te\lBethllSpHOse tH6"USS!Gt {HUG - Mr McCain with the authority of a man who was himseif tortured by the Vietnamese. M@VIBGtRIWAINS close Guantnamo Bay The second area where the two men have ‘mote in common than one might expect is the “war on teror’, They have plenty of disagreements, to be sure: Mr Obama does not go as far as Mr McCain in describing it asthe defining struggle ofthe ime, and he sounds less preoccupied with state sponsors of terrorism, But whoever wins the presidency will continue to place militant Islam at the centre of hs foreign policy. But for all that they agree on the need for a fresh, more multilateral approach, (HFS FEMainISOMé hefty differences between the two men, even if the pressures of the campaign have narrowed them a itl Most simply put, Mr McCain remains significantly more hawkish than Mr Obama. No voter should doubt thal, as president, he would be (GKliNelivéd t6lfaveUrlalrebUSt approach, whether that be the use of military means, or the use of tougher diplomatic ones. ‘The second big diference is over diplomacy. Mr Obama hopes to use the power of negotiation to tackle some of the world's most intractable problems During the primary he promised to ROIGMIRESRGiLORa! ({GIKSIWARUAMBHER'S enemies, including the theocratic government of Iran. He promised to back talks between Israel and Syria in a bid to break Damascus's military alliance with Tehran. He also put a lot of emphasis on www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa Using diplomatic tools to soWve the impasse over Israel and Palestine. Mr McCain gives the impression that he thinks talk has its limits (Adapted from The Economist, October 2nd 2008) 051. A palavra que preenche a lacuna C, no texto, corretamente & (A) many, (8) few. (©) such, (O)iitt (E) much 052. Segundo o texto, (A) o resultado das eleicdes americanas ja ¢ previsivel face as posigSes antagdnicas advogadas pelos dois, candidatos, (8) a politica extema proposta pelos candidatos sera um dos fatores determinants do resultado das (C) a polltica externa sempre foi uma das maiores Preocupagées dos presidentes eleitos apés a Guerra Fria (0) 08 problemas intemacionais atuals dos Estados Unidos sao decorrentes, em grande parte, do governo Nixon. (€) foi gragas ao fim da Guerra Fria que as relagées, entre os Estados Unidos © a Russia tornaram-se amistosas. 053. According to the text, (A) Mr Obama is better suited to improve America’s image abroad, (6) the US has always set a moral example to the international community in spite of resorting to hard power occasionally. (C) due to the positive views the US enjoys around the ‘word, it was allowed to base its troops in Turkey before an attack on Iraq (0) Mr McCain enjoyed a large audience during his visit to Europe. (E) Mr Bush can't be blamed, alone, for America’s damaged image, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . 054, © trecho American leadership has been sorely lacking for the past eight years significa que a lideranga (A) vem sendo injustamente criticada ha oito anos. (8) esta gravemente ameagada ha olto anos. (C) foi bastante comprometedora durante oito anos, (0) tem sido extremamente ativa nesses itimos oito (€) tem sido praticamente inexistente nesses alimos oito anos, 055, Segundo 0 texto, os dois candidatos & presidéncia dos Estados Unidos tém pontos de vista divergentes fem relagaio (A) & posigdo que deve ocupar a guerra ao terrorismo islamico na politica extema. (8) a0 uso do poder militar para resolver impasses diplomaticos. (C)A politica relativa ao aquecimento global. (0) 0 fechamento da Baia de Guantanamo, (€) a tortura de prisioneiros, 00! 2009- TJ-SE Analista Jui =Anilise de Sistemas rova: FC Microsoft Update Quietly installs Firefox Extension A routine security update for a Microsoft Windows component installed on tons of millions of computers has quietly installed an extra add-on for an untold number of users suring the Web with Mozilla's Firefox Web browser. Earlier this year, Microsoft shipped a bundle of updates known as a “service pack” for a programming platform called the Microsoft .NET Framework, which Microsoft and plenty of thirdparty developers use to _IVERB|_ @ varioty of interactive programs on Windows. The service pack for the .NET Framework, like other updates, was pushed out fo users through the Windows Update Web site, A number of readers had never heard of this platform before Windows Update started offering the service pack for it, and many of you wanted to know whether it was okay fo go ahead and www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa install this thing. Having earlier checked to see whether the sorvice pack had caused any widespread problems cor interfered with third-party programs ~\ and not finding any that warranted waving readers away from this update ~\ I told readers _(A]_ Tm here to report a small side effect trom installing this service pack that | was not aware of until Just a few days ago: Apparently, the .NET update automatically installs its own Firefox add-on that is dificult ~-if not dangerous -/to remove, once installed. Annoyances.org, whieh lists various aspects of Windows that are, well, annoying, says "this update ‘adds to Firefox one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities present in all versions of Internet Explorer: the abiliy for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC." Im not sure I'd put things in quite such dire terms, but I'm fairy confident that @ decent number of Firefox for Windows users are rabidly anti-Intemet Explorer, and would take umbrage at the very notion of Redmond monkeying with the browser in any way. Big deal, you say? I can just uninstall the add- (on via Firefox's handy Add-ons interface, right? Not so fast, The trouble is, Microsoft has disabled the “uninstall” button on the extension, What's more, ‘Microsoft tells us that the only way to get rd of this thing Js to modify the Windows registry, an exercise that if done imprecisely -can cause Windows systems to fail to boot up. Anyway, tm sure its not the end of the world, but it's probably infuriating to many readers nonetheless. Firstly ~ to my readers ~ I apologize for overtooking this...feature” of the NET Framework security update, Secondly -\ to Microsoft - this is @ great examplo of how not to convince people to trust ‘your security updates. (Adapted rom http:voices.washingtonpost com/securityfiy 2009/0Simicrosoft_update_quiatly_insta.htmi) (056. The [VERB] that correctly completes the text is (A) delete. (8) uninstat (C)run, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entdo cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . () um, ©) play, 057. The segment that logically replaces _{Al__ in paragraph 3 is (A) that | was certain it was unsafe to instal it (8) to check for themselves as | wasn’t quite sure how that “Yeature" worked. (C) they'd better wait for Microsoft to comment on this, feature.” (0) to stay away from it, just in case, (€) not to worry and to go ahead and install it (058, The text states that removing the add-on can bo dangerous because (A) the process may install malicious software on a PC. (6) the system may not boot up. (C) Internet Explorer's vulnerability is sill unpatched. (0) the add-on will interfere with third-party programs. (€) the add-on will disable Firefox, 059. According to the text, (A) the add-on installed by Microsoft's Windows security Update has only affected users of Mozilla's Firefox web browser. (8) Microsoft's update had been widely announced prior to its installation, (C) the Microsoft NET Framework had been updated before although a great number of users had not realized it. (0) Microsoft's “service pack’ for the NET Framework solved a variety of problems that had been overlooked before. (€) Annoyances org specializes in detecting Windows security problems and reporting them to Microsoft so the company can work on them. 60. According to the text, (A) Microsoft is doing a good job in gaining their users’ confidence and trust regarding thelr security updates, (8) Firefox does not have a specific Add-Ons page where users could find assistance to uninstall Unwanted features. (C) the Firefox extension can be easily uninstalled even www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa by novice users. (0) the author of the blag is taking responsibilty for not having examined the “service pack" more closely (€) from now onwards, rather than just shipping security Updates in “service pac fons on its website, Mozilla will publish all add- 006-Prova: FCC ~ 2009 ~ TJ-SE- Técnico Judiciario rogramacao de Sistemas OpenOffice Installs Insecure Java Version By Brian Krebs February 4, 2009; 6:30 PM ET ‘An alert reader let me know that the latest version of OpenOffice, the open source altemative to the Microsoft Office productivity suite, also instalis a very old, insecure version of Java. Users who accept the default installation options for OpenOffice 3.0.1 also will get Java 6 Update 7, a version of Java that Sun Microsystems released last spring (the latest version is Java 6 Update 12). This is notable because not only could attackers target security vulnerabilities that were fixed in subsequent versions of Java, but Java 6 Update 7 was released prior to Sun's inclusion of a feature known as “secure static versioning, which is intended to prevent Web sites from invoking even older versions of Java that may be present on the user's system, Starting with Java 6 Update 11, Sun included a featuro that uninstalls older versions, but that functionality for whatever reason did not automatically remove versions prior to Java 6 Update 10. It's not clear why OpenOffice ships with this outdated version. For what i's worth, the latest version of OpenOffice appears to work just fine with the latest, Java 6 Update 12. Ive sont a note to the OpenOffice security toam to find out, and wil post an update if | hhear back from them. Finally, | should note that Sun only released Java 6 Update 12 a few days ago. However, Sun says there are no secunty updates in this latest version, so there is no need to update if all you care about is having the most secure version of Java. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . Update, Fob. 11, 3:09 pm. ET: Tho OpenOffice.org security team responded that the newest version of Java caused installation problems with the latest version of OpenOffice. The group plans {o ship the latest Java version with the next version of Opendfce, due to be roleased at the and of March. In the meantime, a version of Open Office without the older Java version can be downloaded here (Adapted from http:volces.washingtonpost com.securltyfiv2009/02/0pe noffice_installs_Insecure_j.htmi) (061. In the text, let know in “An alert reader let me know" means (A) informed, (8) suggested. (©) said, (0) advises. (€) requested. 062, In the text, this outdated version refers to (A) Java 6, Update 6, (@) Java 6, Update 7. (©) Java 6, Update 10. (0) Java 6, Update 11 (€) Java 6, Update 12 083, According to the text, (A) hackers soon found out that Java 8, Update 11 did not uninstall older versions and attacked users of OpenOffice 3.0.1 (6) Java 6, Update 12 was released about a year ago. (C) Java 6 now has a feature that ensures websites will only invoke its latest version. (0) most security vulnerabilities in Java 6, Update 7 and prior versions were fixed by “secure static versioning (€) Microsoft Offce comes with a very old version of Java 6. 064, According to the text, (A) the latest version of OpenOffice did not work with Java 6, Update 12 because it did not uninstall previous www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa lista preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (&) OpenOffice ships with Java 6, Update 7 because it is safer than later versions. (C) Java 6, Update 12 has been widely tested and presented no security problems (0) all users with a Java 6 ver should update to the latest version, In prior to Update 12 (€) in terms of security, Java 6, Update 11 is as secure as Java 6, Update 12. 065. The OpenOffice security team (A) declared that it will take responsibilty for problems ‘caused by the older version of Java in Office 3.0.1 (6) released a new Java version at the end of March, (C) never responded to Brian Krebs's note. (0) took a week to reply to Brian Kreb's note. (€) asked Brian Krebs to make available at his website a version of OpenOffice with Java's latest update. June 16, 2009 China Orders Patches to Planned Web Filter By EDWARD WONG BEIJING - A designer of censorship software that the Chinese government requires to be preinstalled ‘on computers sold in China has been ordered to fix potential security breaches in the software, the newspaper China Dally reported Monday. The report was an indication that the government stil supports. use of the software _[CONNECTOR_ heated debate overt The software, called Green Dam-Youth Escort, has come under attack by many computer users in China for both political and technical reasons. Critics say that although the Chinose government insists that the software will bo used only to block access to pornography Web sites, the software's actual use will be to block any site with content deemed politically objectionable, like the Tibet issue or the 1989 Tiananmen killings. The government says all computers sold in China must have the software installed by July 1. Early reports had indicated that the goverment might simply require Green Dam to be included on @ CD packaged with new computers, so users would have the option to install it. But it became apparent last week that the government was insisting that all computer makers preinstall the software by July 1. Foreign computer makers leamed of the directive just three weeks ago and have been asking the Chinese government to reconsider the rules. ‘Some computer experts who have studied the software said last week that it was so flawed that it could allow hackers to monitor a user's Intemet activity, steal personal data or plant viruses. One expert, J. Alex Halderman, 2 computer science professor at the University of Michigan, has posted on the Intemet a report on Green Dam's vuinerabilties. Rather than agreeing to scrap the software alfogethor, the Chinese goverment has responded to the technical enticisms by ordering that the potential socunty breaches be eliminated. ‘Mr. Halderman said in an interview last week that it had only taken a few hours for him and his students to infitrate @ computer loaded with Green Dam ‘and force it to crash, A skilled hacker could take over the computer to mine personal data or hitch it to other infected machines in a malevolent network known as @ botnet, he addod. (Adapted from The New York Times, June 1, 2008) 086. The correct [CONNECTOR] to fill the blank is (A) however. (8) since. (©) white (0) despite. (&) because. 067. The meaning of actual in the text is (A) turer, (6) present. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (Creal. (0) up-to-date. (€) new. (088, One can infer from the text that (A) there is consensus in China about the use of Green Dam. (&) the Chinese government claims that Green Dam will not be used for political purposes. (C) the Green Dam has been designed to block chiefly Chinese pornographic sites. (0) foreign computer makers have refused to preinstall Green dam in thelr machines, (&) the Chinese government does not expect users to refuse to install Green Dam, 069. According to the text, (A) China will have Green Dam's vulnerabilities fixed Instead of scrapping it. (8) Green Dam allows users to keep track of their Internet accesses, (C) Groen Dam is equipped to detect malicious software. (0) Green Dam's vulnerabilities have not all been Identified yet, (€) the Chinese government has ordered all technical criticisms to be taken back, 070. Mr-Halderman (A) has succeeded in eliminating all Green Dams security breaches. (6) has ordered his students to try to create a botnet with a machine loaded with Green Dam, (C)and his students managed to identify all malicious consequences of using Green Dam. (0) crashed a machine loaded with Green Dam to prove how skilled his students were. (€) said that it would be possible to mine a user's personal data in a computer loaded with Green Dam. 2009 - TRT-Ce ‘Tecnologia da Informat a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site For Inteligence Officers, A Wiki Way to Connect Dots By Steve Voge! Washington Post Staff Weiter Thursday, August 27, 2009 Intelipedia, the intelligence community's version of Wikipedia, hummed in the aftermath of the Iranian presidential election in June, with personnel at updating a page dedicated to tracking the disputed results. Similarly, @ page established in November myriad government agencies immediately after the terrorist attack in Mumbai provided intelligence analysts with a better understanding of the scope of the incident, as well as @ forum to speculate on possible perpetrators. “There wore a number of things posted that were ahead of what was being reported in the press,” ‘said Sean Dennehy, a CIA officer who helped estabiish the site, Intelipedia is a collaborative online intelligence repository, and it runs counter to traditional reluctance in the intetigence community to the sharing of classified information. Indeed, ‘it stil meets with formidable resistance from many quarters of the 16 agencies that have access to the system. But the site, which is available only to users with proper government clearance, has grown markedly since its formal launch in 2006 and now averages more than 15,000 edits per day. I's home to 900,000 pages ‘and 100,000 user accounts “About everything that happens of significance, there's an intelipedia page on," Dennehy said. Intelipedia sprung from a 2004 paper by CIA employee Calvin Andrus titled “The Wiki and the Blog: Toward a Complex Adaptive Inteligonce Community." Dennehy listened to a presentation by Andrus and recalled the skepticism among colleagues about adapting Wikipedia to the intelligence community. He shared their skepticism. "But something he said interested me enough to look into it further," Dennehy said. Context was also a factor. Afler the Sept. 11, 2001,torrorist attacks, intelligence agencies had come under intense criticism for failing to pull together disparate strands of information pointing to the possibilty of @ major incident. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa "We were all doing it in stovepipes," Dennehy said. Dennehy described 9/11 not so much as a catalyst but as a selling point to explain how Intellpedia could help collate information. “Cal used 9/11 as a backdrop,” said Dennehy. "it was really more about what was happening on the Web." In 2005, Dennehy was given the job of leading the effort and persuading the inteligence community to use it, @ task likened to “promoting vegetarianism in Texas" by the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit group devoted to improving the federal government (Adapted from lpm. washingtonpost.comip- ynicontertarticlr2009/08/26/AR2009082603608. htm) 071. No texto, o significado de hummed é (A) sofreu uma pane, (6) travou. (©) fervithou. (0) pubicou noticias confitantes, (€) ficou sobrecarregada, 072, 0 trecho, tracking the disputed results, contorme empregado To texto, pode ser traduzido por (A) seguir 0s resultados da disputa. (8) acompanhar os resultados contestados. (C) contestar os resultados da disputa, (0) divulgar 0 debate sobre os resultados. (€) publicar os resultados da disputa 073. Segundo o texio, uma das vantagens da Intetipedia é (A) oferecer a possiblidade de uniformizar as noticias das 16 agéncias partcipantes, (8) disponibiizar, na_imprensa, informagées antes consideradas confidenciais pela CIA. (C) fomecer informagées que permitam prever acidentes e identificar ciminosos. (0) permitir que qualquer pessoa acesse seus dados, por meio da Wikipedia, (E) proporcionar informagées mais atualizadas do que as da imprensa, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . 074, De acordo com o texto, (A) a proposta inicial da intellpedia foi apresentada ‘num artigo de Calvin Andrus, (8) apesar de suas vantagens, nem a Intelipedia poderia ter evitado 0 desastre de 11 de setembro, (©) Dennehy levou mais de dois anos para se convencer da utlidade da intalipedia. (0) @ Intelipedia, assim que foi tangada em 2006, alcangou 15.000 usuarios, (€) 08 servigos de inteligéncia tradicionais ainda nao aderiram a Intelipedia. 075. Infere-se do texto que (A) 2 Intelipedia corre orisco de ser desatvada devido 2 enorme resistencia por parte de muitas agéncias de noticias tradicionais. (8) Dennehy, na realidade, nao teve muita difculdade fem convencer os servigos de inteligéncia a participarem da Intelipedia. (C) 0 atentado de 11 de setembro desencadeou um esforgo conjunto em busca de formas eficientes de transmitrinformacdes importantes ao grande pablico. (0) & época do 11 de setembro, as agéncias de inteligéncia trabalhavam —_isoladamente, no comparthando suas informagées (€) 0 governo americano ainda nao se convenceu de que a Intelipedia pode ter um papel relevante no Ambito da defesa do pals. (009-Prova: FCC ~ 2010- Bahiagas ~ Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Contabilidade Tuesday 23 February 2010 (OFGEM’S DECISION AGAINST NATIONAL GRID'S METERING CASE IS FURTHER ENDORSED BY THE COURT OF APPEAL Ofgem welcomes today’s Court of Appeal ruling that National Grid breached the law and acted www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . anticcompettively in the domestic gas metering market, endorsing Ofgem’s April 2008 findings. Today's ruling fully endorses the substance of Ofgem’s case, that the mult-milion pound contracts struck by National Grid with suppliers in 2002 when the ‘metering market was opened to competition harmed new entrants’ ability to compete and acted against consumers’ interests. The effect of the Court of Appeal's ruling is that suppliers will be free to renegotiate the terms of contracts with National Grid Gas, and it opens the door fo claims for damages against National Grid by competing meter operators, as the competition law rogime allows. Welcoming today’s ruling, Ofgem’s Chairman Lord Mogg said "We welcome the Court of Appeal's endorsement of Ofgem's decision. This confirms that National Grid breached the law and acted anti- competitively. It is a victory for consumers and strikes @ firm blow in favour of new and competing entrants in Britain's energy market. Today's ruling shows that energy companios who hold and abuse positions of ‘market dominance will face the full force of regulatory action and the lav. Today's ruling follows an earlier decision in April 2009 in favour of Ofgem by the Competition Appeal Tribunal, 076. A decisio a que se refere o texto (A) 6 um duro golpe contra empresas que abusam de sua posigao no mercado. (8) permiticé a entrada de novos consumidores no mercado energético britanico. (C) prejudica possiveis novos fomecedores de medidores de gas. (0) incentiva consumidores a renegociarem seus contratos com a Ofgem (€) possibilta a novos fornecedores de medidores de {948 que processem a Ofgem por perdas e danos, 077, Infere-se do texto que (A) 0s contratos assinados pela National Grid em 2002 rndo tem validade. (6) 0s consumidores nao foram prejudicados na batatha entre a Ofgem e a National Gri. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (C)a National Grid tera de raver os contratos assinados ‘com seus consumidores em 2002 (0) a sentenga do dia 23/2/2010 reforga uma decisao similar de 2009. (€) as leis de mercado no Reino Unido nao so muito rigidas, (010-Prova: FCC - 2010- Metré ~SP- Analista Trainee ~ Psicologia Subways Posted on Friday March 27th, 2009 by Jebediah Reed To give some sense of the pace of public works construction in China, the city of Guangzhou is planning to open 83 miles of new subway lines by the cond of next year. Meanwhile, New York - a city of about the samo size — has been playing around with the 1.7- ‘mile Second Avenue line for decades now. China also builds subways rather cheaply - $100 milion per mile versus $ 2.4 billion per mile in the Big Apple. Not surprisingly, projects there are more aggressive in all respects: there are 60 tunnel boring ‘machines operating in Guangzhou, while only one is slated for the Second Avenue project; workers put in five 12-hour shifts a week (and if they don't like it, they can go pound glacial til); and seizing property is a breeze. ‘An article in the Business section of today’s NY Times (Clash of Subways and Car Culture in Chinese Cities by Keith Bradsher) [VERB] a smart look at the forces at play as China goes on a transit infrastructure spending spree while it simultaneously becomes evermore sprawling and car-centrc Here's one interesting passage, [CONJUNCTION] the story is worth reading in its entiroty Wester mass transit experts applaud China for investing billions in systems that will put less stress fon the environment and on cities. But they warn that other Chinese policies, like allowing real estate developers to build sprawling new suburbs, undermine the benefits of the mass transit boom. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entéo cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu ‘Mr. Chan Shao Zhang , a 67-year-old engineer in charge of the works in Guangzhou, defended Guangzhou's combination of cars and subways, saying that the city built a subway line to @ new Toyota ‘assembly plant fo help employees and suppliers reach it Subways have been most competitive in citios like New York that have high prices for parking, and tolls for bridges and tunnels, discouraging car use. Few Chinese cities have been wiling to follow suit, other than Shanghai, which charges a fee of several thousand dollars for each license plate The cost and physical limitations of subways have discouraged most cities from building new ones. For instance, only Tokyo has a subway system that carries more people than its buses. The buses are cheaper and able to serve far more streets bul move ‘more slowly, pollute more and contribute to trafic congestion. China has reason to worry. It surpassed the United States in fotal vehicle sales for the first time in January, although the United States remained slightly ahead in car sales. But in February, China overtook the United States in both, in part because the global downturn has hurt auto sales much more in the United States than in China, There are many countervaling forces _) China has passed its own stimulus package and the govemment is eager to put people to work, create economic activity, and build modem infrastructure. The Guangzhou project is part of major national transit buildout. But the nation’s cities are also sprawling beasts, and in that sense, more suited to cars than trains. Not shockingly, many Chinese profer the former. (Adapted fom htp:www.infrastructurist.com/2009103127!- builting-a-suowayis-96-percent-cheapersn-chinal) 078. The correct translation for pace, as tis used in the 1" paragraph of the tex, is Aycusto. (8) sto. (©) lugar. (0) espago. (€)oficiéncia 079. The underlined word there, in the 2nd paragraph, refers to (A) New York. (8) China, (©) Second Ave. (0) Guangzhou. (€) Big Apple. 080. A synonym for a bre paragraph of the text, is (A) cheap. (8) legal (C)easy, (0) expensive. (€) dificut. (081. The correct word that replaces [VERB] in the text (A) does, ) gives. (C) makes. (0) turns. (€) takes. (082. The word that correctly replaces [CONJUNCTION] Inthe text is (A) since. (8) when. (C)untess. (0) though, (E) therefore. 089. The expression that correctly fils the blank _X_at the end ofthe tox is (a) atal (6) at last. (C) atleast. (D) at ease. (€) at work 084, Segundo o texto, a China esta www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (A) investindo substancialmente na infraestrutura do transite. (8) desencorajando 0 uso de automéveis nos centros urbanos. (C) controtando a criagao de novos subtirbios. (0) expandindo suas lithas de metré para coibir 0 uso do carro, () investindo na construgdo de linhas de metrS para evitar futuros problemas ambientais, (085, De acordo com o texto, (A) as vantagens ambientais decorrentes das novas linhas de met em Guangzhou podem ser anuladas pela expansao imobilaria. (6) apesar de Guangzhou ser praticamente do mesmo tamanho de Nova York, a cidade tom 83 milhas a mais de linhas de mete. (C) guardadas as devidas proporgies, o custo do metro na China equipara-se ao da cidade de Nova York. (0) apesar de os empregados do metré de Nova York trabalharem § tumos de 12 horas semanais, as obras continuam lentas. (E) 0 metré de Guangzhou teré 60 tdneis quando estiver concluldo, 086. Qual das altemativas abaixo NAO encontra respaldo no texto? (A) 0 alto custo dos estacionamentos em Nova York incentiva a populagao a usar o transporte public. (6) Em Xangai, 0 custo da placa de um automdvel uttrapassa os USS 1.000, dessa forma desencorajando uso do carr. (C) A maiovia das cidades chinesas segue o exemplo de Nova York, incentivande @ uso do transporte pablic. (0) © sistema de metré de Téquio atende mais passageiros do que os énibus. (€) Poucas cidades estao construindo novas linhas de metré devido a seu alto custo. 087, Segundo o texto, (A) a venda de carros na China ultrapassou os Estados Unidos em janeiro de 2008, (8) a venda de carros nos Estados Unidos bateu 0 recorde em fevereiro de 2008. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (C) a venda de carros na China teve ligeira queda devido a recesséo mundial (0) China vendeu mais vefculos em fevereiro de 2009, do que os Estados Unidos. (€) a recessio provocou uma queda significativa na venda de carros nos Estados Unidos em janeiro de 2009 011-Prova: FCC ~ Metré-SP ~ Engenheiro Junior- Engenharia Elétrica ‘Subways: The New Urban Status Symbol Business Week - December 5, 2007 by Jennifer Fishbein It seems like everywhere you tum these days, ‘ new high-speed train is whisking more passengers ‘across longer distances faster than ever before. A INOUN} to Paris from London is quicker than fying: Japanese bullet trains traverse the 320 miles from Tokyo to Osaka in two and a half hours; and magnetic levitating trains in Shanghai cut through the city at 268 ‘miles per hour. But while high-speed trains may grab all the glamour, the more mundane business of subway construction is what's driving the biggest growth for transportation companies. Indeed, the world is seeing an unprecedented boom in new subways and expansion to existing systems. Thanks to surging economic growth and urban populations, demand for subways is soaring in China and India. Lots of other laces around the world also are building new lines, from Dubai to Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic. And many European and American citios ~ including even such improbable locales as Los Angeles and Phoenix ~ have caught the transit bug. Problem-Solving and Prestige Some cities build out of necessity. Rising prosperity prompted Dubai residents to buy so many cars that they realized they could [ADVERB] longer drive these cars because they were stuck in traffic. Others are keen on the environmental benefits of ‘metros, which produce far less pollution and encourage drivers to leave cars at home, Some places, mainly in www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa the Middle East, are looking to diversity their oil- dependent economies. And others, to be honest, are chasing an urban status symbol. Building a metro won't turn any old town into Paris or London, but it does tell the world that you've arrived. "You have in some cases a prestige issue, which is more the case in young cities in need of an image,” says Jean-Noé! Debroise, vice-president for product and strategy at Alstom (ALSO.PA), the French transport company that has built a quarter of the world's metros. Rennes is an example of the new trend. The city of about 212,000 people in northwestem France was looking to raise its profile when it installed a metro in 2002. It raised the bar by opting for 2 driveriess system made by Siemens = just lke the shiny new No. 14 line in Paris ~ protecting passengers from the French penchant for transit strikes. Turin, tay, did the ‘same to help win its bid for the 2006 Winter Olympics; its driverless system opened just before the games. Even the Spanish island of Mallorca inaugurated a short ‘metro line in April in hopes of luring even more tourists to its capital, Palma. Alas, it closed indefinitely in September due to flooding, amid charges of mismanagement. A Boon for Transit Builders Tho world's three largest metro manufacturers, Montroalbased Bombardier (BBDB.TO), Alstom, and Munich-based Siemens (SI) report high demand for ‘mass transit, including tramways and light-rail systems that run both under and [PREPOSITION] ground. The global subway market was worth 9.3 billion dollars in 2008 and is projected to grow at a rate of 2.7% per year until 2016, according to a 2007 study by the European Railway Industry Assn. Subway lines [TO BUILD] or ‘extended in 20 European cities and five Middle Eastern ones, and dozens of towns are constructing light-rail systems, reports the Brussels-based International Association of Public Transport. The size of a city determines its need for a ‘metro system. Cities of a few milion people ~ or those anticipating huge population growth — really cant do without a mass transit system. But cifies of one or two ‘milion inhabitants can choose between @ subway and a a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . surface tramway, which costs far less but also runs ‘more slowly. [CONJUNCTION] funding is an issue, cities usually will spring for a subway, says Debroise "The tramway has a very old image of the 19th century, with horses in the streets,” he says. (Adaptod from hup:Iiwww.businessweek comislobabiz! contenvoc2007/gb2007125 600001 him?chan=toptnows_ toptnewstindex_global+business) 088. The word that best replaces [NOUN] in the text is A)trp, (8) rade. (©)drive, (0) stro. (€) flight (089. The word that best replaces [ADVERB] in the toxt (A) so. (6) ro. (C)any. (0) much, abi. 090. The word that best replaces [PREPOSITION] in the textis yup. (8) ahead (©) above. (©) higher. (©) around. 091. The correct verb form for [TO BUILD] inthe text is (A) had uit (8) have built. (C)are building. (2) are being built, (€) were being built, 092, The word that best replaces [CONJUNCTION] in the texts (A) Since. (®) However. (C) Unless, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa (0) Moreover. (€) Because. 093. A synonym for soaring, as itis used in the text, is (A) leveling (8) dropping, (C) dwindling (0) gleaming (€) skyrocketing (094, In the text, you've arrived means (A) you are environmentally conscious. (8) you are setting a world trend. (C) you are concemed about your passengers’ satisfaction. (0) you have reached your destination (€) you have succeeded. (096. According to the text, (A) Los Angeles is building new subway ines, (8) Phoenix will probably never bulld a subway system. (C) subway trains are becoming increasingly faster. (0) Japanese bullet trains are faster than Chinese ‘magnetic levitating train, (€) no European city is expanding its current subway lines, (096. Which one of the following is made NO reference ton the text as a reason for building a subway system? (A) reduce traffic jams, (8) show concer for the environment. (©) diminish air pollution (2) improve city landscape. (&) restrict car use. 097. According to the text, (A) one way young cities can gain prestige is by building a subway system, (6) Paris and London's prestige is largely due to its efficient subway system, (C) Rennes’ criveriess subway system did not meet up to the city’s expectations, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (0) Turin almost lost its bid for the 2006 Winter Olympics because of a delay in building its driverless subway system. (E) Paima de Mallorca’s subway system succeeded in attracting more tourists even though itis @ short line, 012-Prova: FCC ~ 2010 ~ TCE-SP ~ Agente de Fiscalizacio Financeira Informatica - Suporte Web Is Windows 7 Worth It? Harry MeCracken, PC World Monday, October 19, 2009 10:00 AM POT Reading about a new operating system can tell ‘you only so much about it After all, Windows Vista had far more features than XP, [CONJUNCTION] fell far short of it in the eyes of many users. To judge an OS accurately, you have to live with it. Over the past ten months, I've spent @ substantial percentage of my computing life in Windows 7, starting with a preliminary version and culminating in recent weeks with the final Release to Manufacturing edition. Ive run it on systems ranging from an underpowered Asus EeePC 1000HE netbook to a potent HP TouchSmart allin-one. And Ive used it to do real work, not lab routines. Usually, I've ‘tun the OS in muttiboot configurations with Windows Vista and/or XP, so I've had a choice each time | tumed the computer on: [MODAL] | opt for Windows 7 or an older version of the OS? The call has been easy to ‘make, because Win 7 is so pleasant o use, ‘So why wouldn't you want to run this operating system? Concem over its performance is one logical reason, especially since early versions of Windows Vista managed to tum PCs that ran XP with ease into lethargic underperformers. The PC World Test Center's ‘speed benchmarks on five test PCs showed Windows 7 to.be faster than Vista, but only by a ite; ve found it to be reasonably quick on every computer Ive used it on — even the Asus netbook, once | upgraded it to 2GB of RAM. (Our lab tried Win 7 on a Lenovo $10 netbook with 1B of RAM and found it to be a shade slower www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa than XP; for details see "Windows 7 Performance Tests.) Here's a rule of thumb that errs on the side of caution: If your PC's specs qualify it to run Vista, get Windows 7; if they don't, avoid it, Microsoft's official hardware configuration requirements for Windows 7 are nearly identical to those it recommends for Windows Vista: a 1-GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM, 18GB of froe disk ‘space, and a DirectX 9-compatible graphics device with a WDDM 1.0 or higher driver. That's for the 32-bit version of Windows 7; the 64-bit version of the OS roquires a 64-bit CPU, 2GB of RAM, and 20GB of disk space. Fear of incompatible hardware and software is another understandable reason to be wary of Windows 7. One unfortunate law of operating-system upgrades — which applies equally to Macs and to Windows PCs — is that they wil break some systems and applications, especially at first. Under the hood, Windows 7 isnt radically different from Vista, That's a plus, since it should greatly roduce the volume of difficulties relating to drivers and apps compared to Viste's bumpy rollout. | have performed a half-dozen Windows 7 upgrades, and most of them went off without a hitch. The gnanlest problem arose when | had to track down a graphics driver for Del's XPS M1330 laptop on my own - Windows 7 installed a generic VGA driver that couldn’ run the Aero user interface, and as a result failed to support new Windows 7 features such as thumbnail views in the Taskbar, The best way to reduce your odds of running into a showstopping problem with Windows 7 is to bide ‘your time. When the new operating system arrives on October 22, sit back and let the earliest adopters discover the worst snafus. Within @ fow wooks, Microsoft and other software and hardware companies will have fixed most of them, and your chances of a happy migration to Win 7 will be much higher. If you want to be realy conservative, hold off on moving to Win 7 until youre ready to buy a PC that’s designed to run it wot, Waiting a bit before making the leap makes sense; waiting forever does not. Microsoft took far too long fo come up with a satisfactory replacement for a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . Windows XP. But whether you choose to install Windows 7 on your current systems or get it on tho next new PC you buy, youll find that i's the unassuming, thoroughly practical upgrade you've been waiting for - faws and all (Adapted from itp Fw peworld comvarticla/172602/windows 7 review him » 098. A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna ICONJUNCTION), no inicio do texto, & jas. (6) yet. (C) while. (0) therefore. (©) although. (099. © verbo que preenche corretamente a lacuna [MODAL], no 10 pardgrato, & (A) May, (ey wil, (Must (0) Could, (€) Should 4100, The meaning of to bide in fo bide your time ts: (A) to take. (8) to spend. (©)t0 waste. (0) to pass. (&) to save. 401. Segundo 0 texto, para julgar com preciso o desempenho de um sistema operacional, conveniente (A) ler tudo © que for possivel sobre ele. (8) realizar testes em laboratério. (C) testé-o no dia a dia. (0) ter acesso a todas suas vers6es prefiminares, (€) comparé4o com verses anteriores. 102, Segundo o texto, 0 Windows Vista (A) substitulu, com vantagens, o Windows XP. (8) tove um desempenho que deixou a desejar. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (C) fo um sucesso imediato aos olhos de muitos (0) teve um comeco dificil, mas depois deslanchou. (€) exige uma configuragéo de hardware mais robusta do que 0 XP. 403. De acordo com o texto, qual das afirmagées abaixo NAO 6 verdadeira em relago ao Windows 7? (A) Tem desempenho satisfatrio, (8) Funciona em qualquer maquina em que o Windows Vista rode. (C)€ compativel com qualquer tipo de hardware. (0) Sua instalagao, no geral, nd oferece diiculdade, (&) Tem uma interface agradavel 104, Segundo 0 texto, 0 autor recomenda (A) migrar imediatamente para o Windows 7. (8) esperar algumas semanas até a maioria dos problemas serem sanados, (C) 86 migrar para 0 Windows 7 quando tiver um PC. compativel com todas as funcionalidades que ele oferece. (0) comprar um PC novo, que jé venha com 0 Windows7, (€) ser conservador e nao migrar para o Windows 7, Instrugées: Para responder as quesiées de nimeros 18 20, considere o texto abaixo. As Information Systems (IS) development becomes more a function of purchasing packages or assembling components, with less emphasis on programming, student enrollment in IS courses at universities continues to decline. Sometimes it looks like the IT revolution has ‘moved on and left many 1S researchers [ADVERB]. For example, according to Nokia, tho next generation of computers will be in your pocket. About 1.3 billion mobile phones are sold each year, compared to only 300 milion personal computers. An increasing umber of these phones come with full-blown operating systems that let users access, organize, and use much ‘more information than older handhelds. The mobile software market may soon exceed the current software ‘market for computers, and a wide variety of information a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site systems will rise on top of all the new software. However, only a relatively small percentage of IS research focuses on the mobile revolution. Actually, many 1S programs in business colleges seem impervious to the wake-up call that Information schools provide. Rather, they continue to offer curricula that reflect the past rather than look toward the future, Little wonder that students, whose degrees are based on @ very limited number of traditional courses in one area of study, offen fail to meet their employers’ expectations, With ile integration across disciplines to prepare students for the complex problems they wil face, organizations find it necessary to further educate those whom they hire or g0 abroad to seek appropriate employees with a wider range of skills and knowledge. (Adapted trom ito Www computer oralems/Computer oralComoutingNowiho mepage'2009/1009/W CO |Sinnovation pat) 108. A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna [ADVERB], no inicio do texto, & (A) op. (over. (C) below. (0) across. (©) behing 108. Segundo o texto, (A) devido ao desenvolvimento da area, hé cada vez mais interessados nos Sistemas de Informacao, (G) a demanda por cursos de Sistemas de Informagao cursos universitérios de tem diminuide por nao contemplarem os avangos da telefonia mével (C)o05 celulares com sistemas operacionais completos cexigem um desembolso cada vez maior. (0) 08 cursos de Sistemas de Informagéo no deveriam preparar seus alunos para pesquisas na érea de telefonia mével (€) apesar das novas funcionalidades incorporadas aos telefones colulares, os computadores de mao ainda Permitem a manipulagao de muito mais informacao. 107. De acordo com o texto, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa (A) recém-graduados om Sistemas de Informagao, no geral, precisam passar por um periado de treinamento antes de conseguirem um bom emprego. (6) boa parte dos cursos de Sistemas de Informacao passou por uma reforma curricular para se adequar aos avangos tecnol6gicos da informatica, (C).a maioria dos empregadores esta satisfeita com a formag3o tecnolégica dos empregados com diploma em Sistemas de Informagao. (0) hd casos em que empregadores se vem obrigados a buscar empregados mais qualiicados no exterior. (E) apesar de os curriculos dos cursos de Sistemas de Informagao nao acompanharem a evolugéo da TI, os graduandos nao tem dificuldade em encontrar ‘empregos bem remunerados. 013-Prova: FCC ~ 2010 ~ TRT -228.Regifio- Analista Judicidrio ~ Tecnologia da Informacso Managing government has never been more challenging. Public sector leaders face increasing expectations from citizens, businesses, elected officials, and employees.Pressed to provide services and information more quickly andcost effectively than IADVERB}, they are often saddled withlegacy Information systems that fall to leverage current technology or provide an enterprise-wide view of government. To moet these challenges, Oracle introduces Oracle iGovernment, a platform for innovative, integrated, and intelligent operations that lets you tear down silos and link frontand back-office operations while reducing costs and increasing responsiveness. With Oracie iGovernment you can modernize your IT infrastructure, increase efficiency and transparency, and improve service delivery. Oracle is the world’s largest business software company, with more than 345,000 customers. And only Oracle delivers @ complete platform of database, ‘middleware, and applications—all based on open standards—to transform your organization. Oracle has reinforced and extended its public sector offerings with the acquisition of Sun, the loading provider of open-standards based Solaris and Linux a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . platforms, architect of the award-winning SPARC processor family, and @ key founding member of the Java community. Oracle's Sun solutions for thepublic sector provide a comprehensive set of capabilities for mainframe rehosting and migration and enterprise consolidation,enhancing our complete, open, and integrated solutions that support Oracle's iGovernment vision. Sun's advanced systoms,storage, and services are designed to give you the value youexpect, the quality you need, and the expertise you require tofully ‘modemize your IT infrastructure. 108. A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna [ADVERS] 6 (A) today, (8) past. (©) always, (O)ever. (€) never. 109. A tradugdo correta, dentro do contexto, para To mest these challenges é (A) Descobrir essas mudangas. (6) Para implementar essas mudancas. (C) Para enfentar esses desafos (0) Para evitar esses desafos (E) Encontrar esses desafs. 110. Segundo o texto, (A) a Oracle tormou-se subsididria da Sun recentemente, (8) a arquitetura dos premiados processadores da familia SPARC foi desenvolvida pela Sun. (C)as solugées apresentadas pela Sun para o setor Pablico sdo de facil compreensao, om especial, as referentes a migragao e consolidacao da empresa (0) com @ aquisigéo da Sun, a Oracle entrou para 0 mercado dos aplicativos de oédigo aberto, (E) © iGovemment da Oracle é uma plataforma Inovadora, que permite melhorar os servigos de “delvery’ 111. O texto 6 essencialmente (A) uma resenha publicada em revista especializada, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa (6) uma avaliagao dos efeitos da fusdo entre a Oracle © a Sun, (C) uma comparagao entre os produtos oferecidos pela Oracte e pela Sun. (0) 0 antincio de uma série de novos langamentos a serem produzidos em conjunto pela Oracle e pela Sun, (€) de divulgagao elaborado pela propria Oracle. The literature is ful of testimonials for data warehousing. There is almost nothing about the arguments [PREPOSITION] data warehousing, In this paper | attempt to slightly fl that void by shedding light ‘on business and cultural factors that greatly lessen the value of data warehousing for certain organizations. By the way, when I refer to data warehousing, | refer to both centralized data warehousing systems and data mart. Some of the reasons data warehousing efforts ‘may not be appropriate for certain organizations are. Data warehousing systoms. for the most part, store historical date thet have been generated in internal transaction processing systems. This is @ small part of the universe of data available to manage @ business ‘Sometimes this part has limited value, That is, sometimes the business end user community does not have a strong interest in old transaction processing system data beyond what are available in basic reports generated in transaction processing systems. This lack of interest often stems from the fact that the markets In which a business compotes are in great flux or that the internal structure of the organization is in perpetual transition. If these conditions exist, thore may not be a solid historical base to compare current performance with. Also, sometimes there is @ lack of interest in looking at this data in any in-depth way because a business is so simple that a data warehouse is overkill, Data warehousing systems can complicate business processes significant. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . [CONJUNCTION] the interest in business process reengineering seems fo have waned, some of the appreciation of how complicated processes can slowly strangle @ business has remained. Data warehousing, if unchecked, can foster the “institutionalization" of easily created reports whose reason for being quickly is forgotten while people still toil to process these reports. if your organization does not know how to throw out processes (pardon my calling producing, distributing, and reading @ report @ ‘process’), data warehousing can quickly add cluter to the business environment. Text] Despite the speed of the deta warehousing development effort, it takes time for an organization to figure how it can change its business practices to get a ‘substantial return on its data warehousing investment. | ‘speculate that rigorous analysis of the retum on most of the major data warehousing implementers’ investments would find @ much longer average payback poriod that ‘you would surmise from reading the trade press. 112, A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna [PREPOSITION] 6 (A) against, (8) toward (©) for. (0) trom, (€) through. 113, A palavra que preenche coretamente @ lacuna [CONJUNCTION] & (a) Why. (6) Therofore (©) Nevertheless (D) Since. (€) Though 114, Depreende-se do texto que (A) 0 autor acredita que a maioria das empresas nao precisa de complicados depésitos de dados. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa (8) 86 as empresas que valorizam dados histéricos se beneficiariam com a implantagdo de depésitos de dades. (C) se uma empresa no souber administrar eficientemente seu depésito de dados, 0 material gerado apenas acrescentard dados indteis ao ambiente empresarial (0) empresas em constante transigdo sé tm a ganhar com a implantagdo de um depésito de dados. (€) um exame acurado dos dados armazenados no depésito de dados pode ajudar qualquer empresa a aumentar sua eficiéncia 115. A afirmacao que preenche corretamente o box [extjé (A) Data warehousing can become an exercise in data for the sake of the data, (8) In certain organizations ad hoc end user query/reporting tools do not "take", (C) Many "strategic applications” of data warehousing have a short life span and require the developers to put together a technically inelegant system quickly. (0) Data warehousing can have a leaming curve that may be too long for impatient firms. (€) Data warehousing systems can require a great deal of "maintenance" which many organizations cannot or will not support 014-Prova: FCC ~ 2011- TRE-RN~ Analista Judiciario - Andlise de Sistemas One test of the vigor of the systems analyst role is that of demand. What is the current job market and what are the future employment prospects for the systems analyst? How do these compare with past? A recent study by Smolkina (2001) indicates that ‘employment of systems analyst is projected fo rank in the top twenty in the number of new jobs and is expected fo increase over one hundred per cent over the next twenty years. n that study it was revealed that employment in computer and data processing services grew by more than 900,000 jobs from 1988 to 1998. in 1998, there were about 1.6 million wage and salary a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . Jobs, and an additional 216,000 sel-employed workers, ‘making it one of ..... industries in the economy. ‘Since the late 1980s, employment ...N... most rapidly in ‘the computer programming services and prepackaged software segments of the industry. From 1988 to 1998, about 245,000 jobs were created in programming sorvices and another 166,000 in prepackaged software. The study further revealed that the computer and data processing services industry has grown dramatically in recent years and employment is expected to grow ‘about 117 percent by the year 2008, making this the fastest growing industry in the U.S. economy. The ‘majority of workers in computer and data processing services are managers, professional specialists, such as computer systems analysts, engineers, and scientists; and technicians, such as computer programmers. Together, these occupational groups accounted for 70 percent of the jobs in the industry, reflecting the emphasis on high-level skils and creativity, These statistics imply that the job title "systems Analyst" is indeed lI... and in fact is thriving (at least in name). (Adapted from Morrll JS. et al, 2001. The Systems Analyst A Post Mortem? available at hip:/hwww.sba, ‘muohio.edulabas!2001/quabediMorrel Iyst_A_Post_ Mortem. pa ho_Systoms_Ana 116. A altemativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna le (A) large, (8) larger. (©) the larger, (O) largest (€) the largest. 117. Aaltemativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna’ lle & (A) grew. () grows, (©) grown. (D)has grown, (E) was grown. 118. A altemativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa Mh. € alive (8) scarce. (C) stagnant. (D) deceased. (E) moribund 119. The text stated that (A) more than 900,000 new systems analysts came on the market between 1988 and 1998, (6) in 1998 self-employed workers outdid wage and salary jobs in the computer industry. (C) the job of systems analyst was expected to more than double in the folowing two decades. (0) the job of systems analyst was extremely domanding (€) most workers in the computer industry had been employed by the software segment. 120. Inthe text, these occupational groups refers to (A) computer systems analysts, engineers and scientists, (6) managers, professional specialists and technicians. (C) technicians and computer programmers. (0) professional specialists, computer systems analysts, engineers and scientists (€) managers, computer systems analysts, scientists and technicians. 015-Prova: FCC - 2011- TRE-RN ~ Técnico Judiciario - Programacio de Sistemas Technology and legal pressure have changed ‘spammers’ terms of trade. They long relied on sending ‘more e-mails from more computers, knowing that some will get through, But it is hard fo send 100m e-mails without someone noticing. in 2008 researchers from the University of Califomia at Berkeley and San Diogo posed as spammers, infitrated a botnet and measured lts success rate. The investigation confirmed only 28 “sales on 350m e-mail messages sent, a conversion rate under .00001%, Since then the numbers have got a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . But spammers are a creative bunch. ..1... of tricking consumers info a purchase, they are stealing their money directly. Links used to direct the gullible to site selling counterfeits. Now they install "Trojan" ‘software that ransacks hard drives for bank details and the tke, Spammers also. have become more sophisticated about exploiting trust. In fow places is it granted more readily than on social-networking sites. Twitter, a forum for short, telegram-like messages, estimates that only 1% of its traffic is spam. But researchers from the University of Califomia at Berkeley and the University of Ilinols at Champaign-Urbana show that 8% of links published were shady, with of them leading to scams and the rest to Trojans. Links in Twitter messages, they found, are over 20 times ‘more likely to get clicked than those in e-mail spam. Nor is Facebook as safe as it seems. As an experiment, BitDefender, an online-security firm, set up fake profiles on the social network and asked strangers {0 enter into a digital friendship. They were able to create as many as 100 new frionds a day. Offering a profile picture, particularly of a pretty woman, increased their odds. When the firm's researchers expancied their requests f0 strangers who shared even one mutual friend, almost half accepted. Worse, a quarter of BitDefender’s new friends clicked on links posted by the firm, even when the destination was obscured. (Adapted from htp:iwwn economist comMnode!17519964) 421, Aaltemativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna wb 8 (A) Because, () In spite, (C) Inneed. (0) In view. (€) instead, 422. De acordo com o texto, (A) usuarios do Twitter confiam mais em links nessas mensagens do que nos de e-mails. (8) as redes sociais como Twitter e 0 Facebook tem tecnologia de ponta que consegue _reduzir significativamente 0 recebimento e envio de spams, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (C)o indice de spams no Twitter é de apenas 1%. (0) € muito dificl novos amigos no Facebook clicarem com links desconhecides. (€) estudos da Universidade da California em Berkeley © da Universidade de Ilinois em Champaign-Urbana concluiram que mulheres bonitas tém mais facilidade de fazer novos amigos no Facebook. 128. Aalterativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna Waué (A) much (8) most, (©)less. (O) least. (ite. 1124, Em qual das alternativas abaixo ike tom o mesmo significado que tem no texto? (20 parégrafo) (A) What separates Live Mesh from simpler services like Dropbox is its abilly to remotely access your other PCs via Microsoft's Remote Desktop, (8) Back up the existing app before you upgrade, and then revert to the older version if you don't like what you find, (C) It's more like looking at a computer monitor than its traditional observing, (0) Like an IPhone, an Android smartphone carrying navigation software can guide you, with certain limitations. (€) One can glance at a letter, invitation, paragraph, ‘menu, and the like and immediately predict the content of the document 128, Segundo o texto, (A) gracas @ sua criatividade, 0s spammers estio conseguindo aumentar 0 nimero de compradores de sites ficticios, (6) pesquisas da Universidade da Califémia em Berkeley e em San Diego confirmaram que spams por e-mail ainda so um sucesso. (C) 6 dificil que 0 envio de 100 mithées de e-mails passe despercebido, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (0) 08 spammers esto aprimorando os spams por e- mail. (E) 08 spammers estéo enfrentando cada vez mais problemas legais. Making Performance Budgeting Work: New IMF Book October 04, 2007 ‘Member countries will find valuable advice on how to reform their budgeting practices fo improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public expenditure in a ‘major new work on performance budgeting produced by the Fiscal Affairs Department. The book, Performance Budgeting: Linking Funding and Results (500pp), came off the presses of the top UK publisher Palgrave Macmillan in September. Edited by FAD staff member Mare Robinson, the book contains a comprehensive treatment of contemporary performance budgeting practice and theory. In a series of thematic chapters and case studies, the book discusses: = The key forms of performance budgeting which [TO IMPLEMENT] around the world - how they differ, and what they have in common point. = Lessons from the experience of govemments around the world - ranging from OECD nations to developing, ‘middle-income and transition countries - about what forms of performance budgeting work, under what circumstances, and with what implementation strategies. = How successful performance budgeting can improve aggregate fiscal discipline = The information requirements of performance budgeting, and + The links between performance budgeting and other budgeting and public management reforms. Many of the contributors to this work are leaders in performance budgeting implementation in their countries. Others are respected academics and www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa technical experts from the Intemational Monetary Fund and other international organizations. Countries covered in the case studies include the UK, USA, Australia, France, Chile, Spain, Russia, Colombia and Ethiopia, (One major focus of the book is performance budgeting as @ too! for improved expenditure prioritization - that is, for helping to shit limited public resources to the services of greatest social benefit. A key finding is that this type of performance budgeting will only work if the budget process is fundamentally changed so that top politicians and bureaucrats systematically consider expenditure priorities when formulating the budget. This means more than just considering the priorities for new spending. It requires ‘also having mechanisms to systematically review existing spending programs to identily what is Ineffective and low prionty and can, therefore, be cut This is what countries such as Chile and the United Kingdom have successfully done, and the United States is currently attempting 0 achieve with its Program Assossmont Rating Tool instrument. Conversely, itis a ‘mistake to believe that merely changing the budget Classification and developing performance indicators will in itself improve the allocation of resources in the budget. (Adapted fom hitp:lIbtoa- _pfm.imf.oralpfmbloq/2007/10/making-performa.htm!) 126. No texto, comprehensive significa (A) faci de implementar. (8) intetigivet (C)abrangente, (0) bem estruturado. (€) colaborativo. 127. The correct form of [TO IMPLEMENT] is (A) implemented. (8) was implemented. (C) willbe implemented. (0) has been implemented, (&) have been implemented. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . 128. O livro em questao (A) @ © maior que tata do tema de orgamento governamental (8) fo: escrito por Mare Robinson. (C) aborda principaimente as experiéncias bem- sucedidas das nages desenvolvidas, (©) apresenta estratégias orgamentarias para otimizar 08 gastos pilblicos. (€) inclui estudos de caso em todos os capltulos, tematicos, 128. Observe que work fol empregado, no texto, com dois sentidos diferentes: |. Making Performance Budgeting Wark I. is a major new work. Leia as sentencas abaixo: This work is protected under copyright laws and reproduction is strictly prohibited = Institutions such as the rule of law will rarely work if they are simply copied from abroad, = Theory of the Firm builds models to help explain how markets work - His new book is called " Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View. = She wanted it to be the definitive work on the subject of voting and women's rights around the world, A altemativa que representa a ordem correta em que (08 sentides aparecem no conjunto das sentengas é (A) MAUL AAI (Cyan tL (OPM A ©) ALM 180. According to the text, (A) Chile and the United Kingdom have managed to cut ineffective and low priority programs. (8) top poltcians and bureaucrats should not formulate budgets. (©) thematic chapters have been written by respected ‘academics from the IMF. (0) the budget process cannot be changed because public resources are limited to social services, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (©) the United States are not willing to review their spending programs nor to make any budget cuts. House G.0.P, Leaders Agree to Extension of Payroll Tax Cut By JENNIFER STEINHAUER Published: December 22, 2011 WASHINGTON - Under a deal reached between House and Senate leadors, the House will now approve as early as Friday the two-month extension of ‘a payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits approved by the Senate last Saturday, and the Senate will appoint members of a House-Senate conference committee fo negotiate legislation to extend both benefits through 2012, House Republicans - who rejected an almost identical deal on Tuesday - collapsed under the political rubble that has accumulated over the weok, much of it from their own party, worried that the blockade would do serious damage to their appeal to voters. The House speaker, John A. Boehner, announced the decision over the phone to members on Thursday, and did not permit the usual back and forth that is common on such calls, enraging many of them, Affer his conversation with lawmakers, the speaker conceded to reporters that it might not have been “politically the smartest thing in the world" for House Republicans to put themselves between a tax cut and the 160 milion American workers who would benefit from it, and to allow President Obama and Congressional Democrats to seize the momentum on the issue, Tho agrooment ended 2 partisan fight that threatened to keep Congress and Mr. Obama in town through Christmas and was just the latest of the bitter struggles over fiscal policy conservatives, the president and the Democratic- controlled Senate, involving House Under the deal, the employee's share of the Social Secunty payroll tax will stay at the current level, 4.2 percent of wages, a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site through Feb. 29. In the absence of Congressional action, it would revert to the usual 6.2 percent noxt ‘month. The goverment will also continue paying unemployment insurance benefits under current policy through February. Without Congressional action, many of the long-term unemployed would begin losing benefits next month. In addition, under the agreement, Medicare will continue paying doctors at current rates for two months, averting a 27 percent cut that would otherwise occur on Jan. 1. The new deal makes minor adjustments to ‘make it easier for small businesses to cope with the tax ‘changes and prevents manipulation of an employee's pay should the tax cut extension fail to go beyond two months. ‘Mr, Obama, who has reaped poltical benefits from the standoff, welcomed the outcome. “This is good news, just in time for the holidays," he said in a statement. "This is the right thing IVERB 1] to strongthn our families, grow our economy, and create now jobs. This is real money that will [VERB 2]. real difference in people's lives." (Adapted from: hp Jiwew.nytimes.comi2011/12/23/usipaiies!) 131, Aextensao de que trata o texto (A) fo! aprovada pola Camara na sexta-teira (8) podera ser prorrogada até o final de 2012 se as negociagdes relatives & legislagdo pertinente forem bem-sucedidas. (C) foi rejeitada pelo Senado no sabado. (0) sofreu emendas pelos republicanos para evitar que perdessem seu eleitorado, () foi decidida pelo Presidente da Camara na terga- feica 182. Segundo o texto, (A) a oposigao republicana & extenstio dos beneficios ‘em pauta acabou beneficiando o Presidente Obama, (B) no final, os republicanes acataram bem a decisdo do Presidente da Camara, www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (C) mesmo apés sua decisao, o Presidente da Camara Permitiu que os outros membros a contestassem. (0) 0 Presidente da Camara concedeu uma coletiva & imprensa para reforgar sua oposigo @ extenséo dos beneficios aos desempregados. (E) 08 legisladores confirmaram que a oposigéio dos republicanos & medida era a melhor estratégia na atual conjuntura politica 18, Infere-se do texto que (A) 0 atual impasse entre os deputados conservadores da Camara, 0 Presidente Obama e 0 Senado é 0 primeiro conflto no que conceme a politica fiscal. (8) a coesao do partido republicano foi decisiva na aprovagao da extenséo dos beneficios fiscais aos, trabalhadores e aos desempregados. (C) se 0 impasse no fosse resolvido, o Congresso € 0 Presidente Obama no poderiam se ausentar da capital durante o Natal. (0) Congreso pretende extinguir os atuais beneficios, fiscais dos trabalhadores e desempregados em 29 de fevereiro de 2012 (€) 0 Presidente da Camara aglu de forma autortaria, Prejudicando a imagem de seu partido, 134. A melhor tradugao para should the tax cut extension fal fo go beyond two months é (A) a extensao do corte do imposto deveria ir além de dois meses, (8) a extensao do corte do imposto pode falhar dentro de dois meses. (C) desde que a extensio do corte do imposto nao Ultrapasse dois meses. (0) se a extanséo do corte do imposto chagar a mais, de dois meses. (€) caso a extenstio do corte do imposto no passe de dois meses, 135, The correct verb forms of VERB 1 and VERB 2 in the last paragraph are (A) to do= do (8) to make ~ make a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (C) to make - do, (0) do ~ to make, (€) to do~ make, 017-Prova: FCC ~ 2012 ~ TRT ~ 62. Regio ~ PE~ Analista Judiciério - Tecnologia da Informacao Microsoft touts Windows 8's ability to detect, fix hard disk problems The new operating system makes the process faster and less disruptive to the operation of the computer By Juan Carlos Perez May 10, 2012 04:46 PM ET IDG News Service ~ Microsoft has revamped the way Windows 8 monitors hard disk operations and detects problems in an effort to make the diagnostic ‘and repair process less intrusive and disruptive, even 1s disk capacity continues to balloon, The improvements in Windows 8 center on the (ChkDsk utility, which inspects the hard disk and checks for a variety of errors and problems. Until nov, running [ChkDsk has offen been inconvenient ...58... end users have to stop using the machine while the utility runs, ‘and the scan can take a long time to complete. Microsoft also tweaked NTFS, the Windows OS file system. Until now, the NTFS “health model” conceived the machine's hard disk as @ single unit that was either well or damaged, and which thus was taken completely offine and made unavailable to the end user while ChkDsk ran, sometimes for hours. “Downtime was directly proportional to the number of fles in the volume,” roads Microsoft's blog post late Wednesday authored by Kiran Bangalore, ssonior program manager of Windows Core Storage and File Systems. In Windows 8, however, the NTFS scans for problems in the background while the system remains online, and an initia attempt to fk problems on-the-fly is done, (Adapted trom hitp:/iwonw.computerwortd.com/s/article/9227070/Microsof touts Windows 6 ¢ ability to detect fix hard disk pr ‘oblems) www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . ‘136. A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna 6 (A) however. (6) stil (C) because, (O)yet (©) although 137. Segundo o texto, (A) © ChkDsk do Windows 8 no exige que o usuario pare de usar 0 computador enquanto utlitério escaneia o disco rigid. (8) esté ficando mais dificil rodar © ChkDsk porque a capacidade dos discos rigidos 6 cada vez maior. (C) apesar das melhorias, 0 ChkDsk do Windows 8 ainda pode levar algumas horas para terminar 0 diagnéstico do disco rigido. (0) © Windows 8 dispde de um novo uiilitio que diagnostica € repara _imediatamente problemas no disco rigido. quaisquer (€) com as inovagées no Windows 8, o NTSF passou a considerar o disco rigida como uma unidade inica a ser diagnosticada 198, No texto, downtime significa (A) tempo de operagio da maquina. (B) tempo em que o computador fica destigado. (C) periodo em que o computador nao pode ser usado (0) periodo em que a maquina opera com capacidade reduzida. () nmero de horas que © NTFS leva para resolver problemas. 018-Prova: FCC ~ 2012- TRT- 6a regio ~ PE ~ ‘Técnico Judicidrio ~ Tecnologia da Informacdo Internet insecurity Once more unto the breach Jun 3rd 2011, 11:02 by MG, { SAN FRANCISCO DEFENCE companies have been left defenceless. The cyber attacks against Lockheed Martin and L-3 Communications, two American defence giants, as well as those against Google and America’s a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site Public Broadcasting System (PBS) difer in their details. But they all highlight the fact that hackers are becoming ever more tenacious and creative in their attempts to get their hands on sensitive data, It’s not just American firms that are under atfack. On June 2nd, @ group of hackers calling itselt “LulzSec" claimed that it had been ablo to get into the network of Sony Pictures. LulzSec (which also uses the ‘moniker “The Lulz Boat’) claims itis behind the hacking of PBS's website foo. The rise of hacktivism’, which involves groups of hackers not necessarily driven by financial gain (though this can be a handy by-product of their nefarious activities), poses a growing challenge to companies and governments. Often the motive is revenge. LulzSec claimed its attack on PBS was ‘motivated by the media organisation's decision to air an investigative report that included erticism of WikiLeaks, the organisation that has been publishing leaked diplomatic cables, Anonymous, a hacker collective that hhas gained global notoriety for penetrating the networks of credit-card companies and other organisations, has also justified some of its actions by saying they are protests at the way in which Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been persecuted by governments and courts, (Adapted tram tp: /www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2011/06/internet insecurity) 138. A. tradugao lempregado no texto, (A) embora. (8) por que, (©) entretanto. correta de though, conforma (©) enquanto. (€) portanto. 140. Segundo o texto, (A) 08 ataques dos hackers carecem de criatividade. (8) 0 grupo LulzSec assumiu a autoria do ataque & PBs. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (C) 0s ultimos ataques dos hackers sempre tiveram por alvo empresas americanas. (0) 08 ataques as companhias de defesa nacional diferem bastante entre si (€) © Google, até agora, nao sofreu nenhum ataque cibernstico, 4141. De acordo com o texto, (A) 0 motivo maior que move os hackers & financeiro. (8) 2 WikiLeaks também esté envolvida nos timos ataques dos hackers. (©) © governo americana e as empresas vitimas dos hackers aceitaram o desafio de por im aos ataques. (0) alguns hackers justiicam seus ataques como vinganga por eriticas a WikiLeaks. (E) as maiores vitimas dos hackers so as empresas de cartées de crédito 019-Prova: FCC - 2012 ~ TRT-112. Regio -AM- Internet Architects Warn of Risks in Ultrafast Networks Ifnothing else, Arista Networks proves that two ‘people can make more than $1 billion each building the Internet and stil be worried about its reliabilty. David Cheriton, a computer science professor at Stanford known for his skils in software design, and Andreas Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun ‘erosystems, have committed $100 million of their ‘money, and spent haif that, fo shake up the business of connecting computers in the Internet's big computing centers. As the Arista founders say, the promise of having access to vast amounts of data instantly, anywhere, is matched by tho threat of catastrophe. People are creating more data and moving it ever faster ‘on computer networks. The fast networks allow people {to pour much more of civilization online, including not Just Facebook posts and every book ever written, but all ‘music, live video calls, and most of the information a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entdo cadastre seu e-mail no meu site technology behind modem business, into a worldwide “cloud” of data centers, The networks are designed so 4s fo be always available, via phone, tablet, personal computer or an increasing array of connected devices. Statistics dictate that the vastly greater number of transactions among computers in a world 100 times faster than today will lead to a greater number of unpredictable accidents, with less time in between them, ‘Mr, Bechtolsheim says that because of the Internet's complexity, the global network is impossible {fo design without bugs. Very dangerous bugs, as he describes them, capable of halting commerce, destroying financial information or enabling hostile attacks by foreign powers. ‘More transactions also mean more system attacks. Even though he says there is no turning back (on the online society, Mr. Cheriton worries most about secunty hazards. “|... the claim that the Chinese ‘military can take it down in 30 seconds, no one can prove me wrong," he said, The common connection among computor servers, one gigabit per second, is giving way to 10- gigabit connections, because of improvements in semiconductor design and software. Speeds of 40 gigabits, even 100 gigabits, are now used for specialty purposes like consolidating huge data streams among hundreds of thousands of computers across the globe, ‘and that technology is headed into the mainstream. An engineering standard for a terabit per second, 1,000 gigabits, is expected in about seven years. (Adapted trom, bttp:tiworw.nylimes.com/2011/11/14/technotogy!) 142. According to the writer (A) software engineers cannot be trusted since they are mainly wortied about making money, (G) although @ lot of money has been invested in building the internet, the whole network system is not always reliable. (C) by making more data available, fast networks tenable users to enhance their knowledge about modem clvilzation www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa www. inglespraconcurso.com.br . (D) internet users may feel threatened by the vast amount of data which can be instantly created when using fast networks. (€) Arista founders have invested a great deal of their money to ensure that transactions among computers are increasingly faster. 143. For Mr. Bechtolsheim, (A) the global network should be periodically swept for bugs. (8) although bugs can cause serious problems, they are ever dangerous enough to negatively affect commerce, (C) given the intemet's complexity, dangerous bugs are Unlikely to spread across the global network (0) hostile attacks are not to be feared by internet users since foreign powers can be hired to prevent them. (E) one cannot ignore that the global network is vulnerable to bugs. 144, In fine 22, the appropriate verb to complete the gap is (A) have made. (6) have performed. (Cydia (0) have done. (€) have carried out, 1145, From the text, we learn that speed connection (A) ranges from 40 to 100 gigabits for all ordinary computers, (8) may reach 1,000 gigabits when used for specific purposes, (C) of one gigabit per second is being replaced by 10- gigabit connections, (0) varies between 40 to 100 gigabits depending on the engineerin charge. (E) will soon reach 100 gigabits per second. 146. The text allows us to state that ultrafast networks. (A) are particularly useful for those who are interested in writing books about modem business transactions. a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site (6) are easily managed as long as powerful devices are developed to control bugs. (C) should not be used in modern business since they may cause financial loss. (0) demand tougher security controls due to the substantial amount of data exchanged by users, (€) will soon be risk free since much effort has been made to overcome current challenges January 23, 2009) ‘Worm infects Millions of Computers Worldwide By JOHN MARKOFF A new digital plague has hit the Intemet, infecting millions of personal and business computers in what seems to be the frst step of a multistage attack. The world’s leading computer security experts do not yet know who programmed the infection, or what the next stage willbe In recent weeks @ worm, a malicious software rogram, has swept through corporate, educational and public computer networks around the world. Known as Conficker or Downandup, it is spread by a recently discovered Microsoft Windows vulnerability, by guessing network passwords and by hand-carried consumer gadgets like USB keys. Experts say itis the ...1 ‘Slammer worm exploded through the Intemet in Infection since the January 2003, and it may have infocted as many as fine milion personal computers around the wortd. Worms like Conticker not only ricochet around the Internet at lightning speed, they hamess infected computers into unified systems called botnets, which can then accept programming instructions from their clandestine masters, Many computer users may not notice that their machines have been infected, and computer security researchers said they were waiting for the instructions to materialize, to determine what impact the botnet will have on PC users, It might operate in the background, using the infected computer to send spam or infect www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa ‘other computers, or it might steal the PC user's personal information, Microsoft rushed an emergency patch to defend the Windows operating systems against this vulnerability in October, yet the worm has continued to spread even as the level of wamings has grown in rocant wooks. Earlier this week, security resoarchers at Qualys, @ Silicon Valley security firm, estimated that about 30 percent of Windows-based computers attached f0 the Internet remain vulnerable to infection because they have not been updated with the patch, despite the fact that it was made available in October. Unraveling the program has been particulary challenging because it comes with encryption mechanisms that hide its intemal workings from those seeking to disable it The program uses an elaborate shell-game- style technique to permit someone to command it remotely. Each day it generates a new list of 250 domain names, Instructions from any one of these domain names would be obeyed. To control the botnet, {an attacker would need only to register a single domain fo send instructions to the botnet globally, greatly complicating the task of law enforcement and security companies trying to intervene and block the activation of the botnet. Several computer security firms said that although Conficker appeared to have been writen from scratch, it had parallels to the work of a suspected Eastem European criminal gang that has profited by sending programs known as “scareware” to personal computers that seem to warn users of an infection and ‘ask for crodit card numbers to pay for bogus antivirus software that actually further infects their computer, One intriguing cluo left by the malware authors is that the first version of the program checked to see if the computer had @ Ukrainian keyboard layout. If it found it had such a keyboard, it would not infect the machine, according to Philip Porras, @ security investigator at SRI International who has disassembled the program to determine how it functioned. (Adapted from The New York Times) a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . 147. A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é (A) wel (8) best. (C) better. (0) worse. (E) worst 448. De acordo com o texto, (A) ainda nao se sabe qual serd o alcance da ago do Conficker, (8) 0 antivirus emergencial da Microsoft reduziu em 30% a aco do Contficker, (C)o virus 66 no afetou computadores em rede. (0) qualquer usuario percebe imediatamente que seu computador fol infectado pelo Conficker. (€) jd se pode antecipar como serd 0 proximo ataque do Conficker. 149, A palavra que pode substitu yet (60 pardgrafo), no texto, sem alteragdo de sentido, & (A) stl (8) therefore. (C) however. (O)although, (€) despite. 150, Segundo o texto, sabe-se que 0 Conficker (A) nao se espalha por meio de pendrives. (B) preservou computadores cujo teclado tem cconfiguragao ueraniana. (C) tom o objetivo de roubar informacées pessoals dos usuarios, (0) pretende usar 0 computador infectado para enviar spams. (€) 4 infectou mais de 9 milhées de computadores 36 nos Estados Unidos. 181. 0 Conficker, segundo o texto, (A) esté sendo atualizado para bloquear a agéo do antivirus langado pela Microsoft. (8) 6 um virus que se espatha lentamente, mas de forma muito intensa. (C)ndo 6 tao pericioso quanto o Slammer. (0) continua se espathando, apesar do crescente nivel de alertas j disparados. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa (E)s6 se instala quando um anexo for executado pelos 152. Segundo o texto, (A) Philip Porras foi quem descobriu que o programa funciona como um shell-game. (6) 0 Conficker é um programa sem nenhum similar. (C) © Conficker j& tem registrados 250 dominios diferentes. (0) a forma de atuagdo do Conficker dificuta a acao das empresas de seguranca digital (€) 0 scareware é um alarme falso de infecgao de virus, sem maiores consequéncias, Title: January 26, 2009 By John C. Dvorak I's no coincidence that the computer industry peaked around the year 2000, went info a serious dociine, stabilized at the low point @ couple of years ago, and has since collapsed again. A confluence of reasons is responsible for this, but when it comes to the industry bringing this on itself, one major event may have taken down the entire business, Im speaking about the announcement of the IHanium processor. This continues to be one of the groat ffascos of the last 50 years, and not because Intel blew too much money on its development or that the chip performed poorly and will never be widely adopted. It was the reaction and subsequent consolidation in the Industry that took place once this grandiose chip was proannounced, We heard that HP, IBM, Dell, and even Sun Microsystoms would use these chips and discontinue anything else they were developing. This included Sun ‘making noise about dropping the SPARC chip for this thing — sight unseen. J say "sight unseen" because it would be years before the chip was even prototyped. The entire industry just took Intel at its word that fanium would work as advertised in a PowerPoint presentation. Because this chip was supposed to radically change the way computers work and become the driving force behind all systems in the future, one a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . promising project after another was dropped. Why? Because Itanium was the future for all computing. Why bother wasting money on good ideas that didn't include a? The failure of this chip to do anything more than exist as a niche processor sealed the fate of Intel — and perhaps the entire industry, since from 1997 to 2001 everyone waited for the mossiah of chips to take Us all to the next level. It did that allright. t took us to the next level. But we didn't know that the next level was below us, not above. (Adapted trom PEMAG.COM) 153, Um titulo adequado para o texto acima seria (A) Intel Pushes Back Itanium Chip, (G) The Itanium Processor ~ Here to Stay? (C) Stop the Presses - Here Comes the Itanium Processor. (0) The Day After Itanium ~ The Computer Industry's Revival (€) How the ltanium Killed the Computer Industry, 454. One could summarize the first paragraph by ssaying that the computer industry (A) Is envisaging a period of recovery. (6) has been on a decade-long down cycle. (C) has had its ups and downs since the year 2000, (0) reached its lowest point in 2008, (€) Is now on the verge of a collapse. 185. Segundo 0 autor do texto, a razao principal do fiasco do processador de Itanium deve-se a fato de (A) toda a industria da informatica ter cancelado seus projetos em fungao do que o processador prometia ser. (8) 2 Intel ter superestimado o mercado que usaria seu produto. (C)0 produto nao ter tide o desempenho esperado, (0) indastria da informatica ter-se recusado a usar 0 processador em seus produtos. (€) 2 Intel ndo ter podide levar 0 projeto a cabo por ter estourado seu orgamento, 186. No texto, a expressao it would be years before the chip was even prototyped significa que www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa lista preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (A) assim que o protétipe ficou pronto, o chip passou a ser produzido. (6) passaram-se anos e nem o protétipo do chip foi produzido. (C)0 protstipo do chip levaria anos para ser produzido, (0) poucos anos se passaram antes da produgéo do protétipo do chip. (€) 0 chip propriamente dito foi produzide poucos anos apés 0 protetipo. © gabarito para todas as questées encontra-se logo abalxo. www. inglespraconcurso.com.br GABARITO 001-Prova: FCC ~ 2006 ~ BACEN ~ analista administrativo 001-£ 002-D 003-C 004-B 005-C 006-8 007-£ 008-A 009-A 010-D OB 012-0 O1SE 014-0 015A O16-D 017A O18B 019-C 020-E Sistemas 021-£ 022-A 023-C 024-8 025-D 026-D 027-E 028-B 029-A 030-C 00% Chancelar ova: FCI 031-C 032-A 033-D 034-£ 035-4 036-D 037-C 038-A 039-D 040-C 041-£ 042-8 043-C 044-C 045-E 046-A 047-8 048-B 049-D 050-E 051-D 052-8 053-A 054-£ 055-B 005-Prova: FCC ~ 2009- TJ-SE Analista Judiciari Andlise de Sistemas 056-C O57-E 058-8 059-A 060-D Quer entrar para nossa lista preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . 006-Prova: FCC — 2009 — TJ-SE- Técnico Judiciario ‘= Programacio de Sistemas 061-A 062-8 063-6 064 065.0 007-Prova: FCC ~ 2009 ~ TER- Judicidrio ~ Programagio de Sistemas = Técnico 066-D 067-C 068-8 069-A O70-E (008-Prova: FCC ~ 2009 ~ TRT-Ce ~ Analista Judicigrio - Tecnologia da Informacéo O71-C 072-8 073-£ 074-A 075-D (009-Prova: FCC ~ 2010- Bahiagas ~ Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Contabilidade 076-A 077-0 (010-Prova: FCC - 2010- Metré ~SP- Analista Trainee ~ Psicologia 078-8 079-8 080-6 081-E 082D 083-E 084-A 085A 086-C 087-D 011-Prova: FCC — Metr6-SP ~ Engenheiro Junior- Engenharia Elétrica 086-8 089-8 090-C 097-0 092-6 093-E 094-E 095-A 096-0 097-A, 012-Prova: FCC ~ 2010 ~ TCE-SP ~ Agente de Fiscalizacio Financeira Informatica - Suporte Web 098-8 099-E 100-A 101-C 102-8 103-€ 104-8 105-£ 106-8 107-0 www. inglespraconcurso.com.br Quer entrar para nossa 013-Prova: FCC - 2010 - TRI -2: Analista Judicidrio — Tecnologia da Informacio 108-D 109-0 1108 111-6 MZA 13 1140 115.0 MGE 17D 118A 119-0 120-8 2011- TRE-RN ~ Técnico Judicidrio ~ Programacao de Sistemas WE 122A 1238 124 125-6 016-Prova: FCC - 2012-TCE Fiscalizacdo Financeira 126-6 127 128D 129.8 130A 131-8 132A 133-0 1946 1358 0117-Prova: FCC - 2012 ~ TRT ~ 62. Regio - PE- Analista Judicidrio ~ Tecnologia da Informacso 136-6 137-4 138-6 018-Prova: FCC ~ 2012- TRT- 6a regio ~ PE ~ ‘Técnico Judiciério - Tecnologia da Informacdo 139-4 140-8 141-D a preferencial e receber dicas e estratégias para melhorar seu inglés para concursos e outras provas ? Sim?! Entao cadastre seu e-mail no meu site www.inglespraconcurso.com.br . (019-Prova: FCC ~ 2012 ~ TRT-112. Regio ~AM- analista Judicidrio ~ Tecnologia da informacéo 1428 143-1444 145-6 146-0 1009- MPE- SE- Analistado Andlise de Sistemas Ministério Public M7-E 148A 149-0 1508 181-0 1820 153 184.8 155-4 156-0 www. inglespraconcurso.com.br

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