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O murucututu-pequeno considerado raro, mas The Tawny-browed Owl is considered rare, though

talvez seja mais comum do que se pensa, apenas given its shy nature, it may be less so than commonly
passando despercebido. Noturno, vive no dossel, thought. This nocturnal bird lives in the boughs of trees
inclusive de araucria, sobretudo em regies serranas. such as the araucaria, mainly in mountain regions.
Sua biologia mal conhecida. Alimenta-se de Little is known about its biology, except that it feeds
pequenos mamferos, aves e grandes insetos. Cria on small mammals and large insects and broods in tree
em ocos de rvores, colocando dois ovos que so hollows, laying two eggs that are incubated for five weeks.
incubados por cinco semanas. This species warrants closer study and monitor-
A espcie deve ser melhor estudada e monitorada, ing, especially given the widespread destruction of its
no s por conta da extensiva destruio de seu hbitat, habitat and the fact that so little is known about the
como por ser to pouco conhecida, sem que se saiba bird and its real conservation status.
qual sua real situao em termos de conservao.
Points of interest about the species in the Mar and
Particularidades da espcie nas serras do Mar e Pa Paranapiacaba mountain ranges Rare. Lives in closed
ranapiacaba Rara, vive em reas fechadas, inclusive forest, including araucaria. Its call can be heard from
em araucrias. Pode ser ouvida de outubro a fevereiro. October to February.

Um mundo de sons, sem cores Em suas caadas A colorless world of sounds On their nocturnal
noturnas, as corujas guiam-se pela audio muits- hunting forays, owls navigate by their extremely
simo acurada, que lhes permite localizar e capturar keen hearing, which enables them to seize their
as presas, s vezes sem sequer v-las. Incapazes prey without even seeing it. Though unable to see
de enxergar na escurido total, de dia tm boa viso, in the pitch of night and colorblind during the day,
mas no conseguem distinguir bem as cores. this species has otherwise fairly good eyesight.


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