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ArcelorMittal Tubaro

Aos Planos

Manual do Sistema de
Gesto Ambiental
Environmental Management System Manual
Cinturo Verde - Ptio de Carvo
Green Belt - Coal Yards
Nmero de pginas
Number of pages

Data da Criao
Creation date

Data da Reviso
Revision date

Reviso Nmero
Revision number
Nmero 03

Table of contents

1 A organizao ArcelorMittal Tubaro4

Arcelormittal tubaro organization

1.1 Perfil da empresa 4

Company profile
1.2 Responsabilidade ambiental 6
Environmental responsibility
1.3 Principais reconhecimentos 8
Main recognitions

2 Aspectos gerais do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental9

General aspects of the Environmental Management System

2.1 Estrutura do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental 9

Environmental Management System Structure
2.2 Interfaces com outros sistemas de gesto 10
Interface with other management systems
2.2.1 Com o Sistema de Gesto da Qualidade10
With the Quality Management System
2.2.2 Com o Sistema de Gesto de Segurana e Sade10
With the Health and Safety Management System

3 Sistema de Gesto Ambiental 12

Environmental management system

3.1 Requisitos Gerais 12

General requirements
3.2 Poltica Ambiental 13
Environmental policy

2 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

3.3 Planejamento13
3.3.1 Aspectos Ambientais 13
Environmental aspects
3.3.2 Requisitos Legais e Outros 13
Legal and other requirements
3.3.3 Objetivos, Metas e Programa(s) 13
Objectives, targets and program(s)

3.4 Implementao e Operao16

Implementation and operation
3.4.1 Recursos, Funes, Responsabilidades e Autoridades 16
Resources, functions, responsibilities and authorities
3.4.2 Competncia, Treinamento e Conscientizao 16
Competence, training and awareness
3.4.3 Comunicao 16
3.4.4 Documentao 16
3.4.5 Controle de Documentos 16
Document control
3.4.6 Controle Operacional 16
Operational control
3.4.7 Preparao e Resposta a Emergncias 16
Emergency preparedness and response

3.5 Verificao23
3.5.1 Monitoramento e Medio 23
Monitoring and measurement
3.5.2 Avaliao do Atendimento a Requisitos Legais e Outros 24
Assessment of legal and other compliances
3.5.3 No conformidade, Ao Corretiva e Ao Preventiva 24
Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action
3.5.4 Controle de Registros 24
Control of records
3.5.5 Auditoria Interna 24
Internal audit

3.6 Anlise pela Administrao26

Top management review

Anexo 1 Documentos do SGA por requisito normativo 28

Annex 1 Ems documents per normative requirement

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 3

A Organizao
ArcelorMittal Tubaro

1.1 Perfil da Empresa Company profile

Inaugurada em 30 de novembro de 1983, com capacidade ArcelorMittal Tubaro, inaugurated on November, 30, 1983, with
inicial de produo de 3 milhes de toneladas/ano, a an initial capacity of 3 million tons/year, is today one of the largest
ArcelorMittal Tubaro hoje um dos maiores complexos steel complexes in Brazil with a capacity to produce 7.5 million tons
siderrgicos no Brasil, com capacidade para produzir 7,5 of steel/year - 4 million tons are transformed into coils in the Hot
milhes de toneladas de ao/ano, das quais 4 milhes de Strip Mill inaugurated in 2002.
toneladas so transformadas em bobinas, no Laminador de
Tiras a Quente (LTQ), inaugurado em 2002. Strategically located in a 13.5 million m2 area by the sea close
to full logistics infrastructure that favours natural resources and
Estrategicamente localizada em uma rea de 13,5 milhes de raw material transportation and availability, ArcelorMittal Tubaro
m, junto ao mar e integrada a uma completa infraestrutura comprises integrated industrial units that transforms iron ore in
logstica que favorece o transporte e a disponibilidade de steel, and support areas including railroads, storage yards, power
recursos naturais e insumos, a ArcelorMittal Tubaro plants, ocean barge and port terminals.
composta por unidades industriais integradas que realizam a
transformao do minrio de ferro em ao, alm de setores de Since its privatization in 1992, it has accumulated investments of
apoio, que inclui linhas ferrovirias, ptios de armazenamento, over US$2.1 billion in technology updating, production increase
centrais termeltricas, um terminal de barcaas ocenicas e and improvement in product mix. In 2005 ArcelorMittal Tubaro
um terminal porturio. became part of the Arcelor Group and in 2006 of the ArcelorMittal
Group, the largest steel conglomerate in the world.
Desde a sua privatizao, em 1992, acumula investimentos
superiores a US$ 2,1 bilhes em atualizao tecnolgica,
Serra Localizao da ArcellorMittal Tubaro
aumento da produo e enobrecimento do mix de produtos. ArcellorMittal Tubaros locallization
Em 2005, a ArcelorMittal Tubaro passou a integrar o ArcellorMittal
Grupo Arcelor e em 2006, o grupo ArcelorMittal, maior Tubaro Porto de Praia Mole
conglomerado siderrgico do mundo. Port of Praia Mole

ES - Oceano Atntico
BRASIL Vitria Atlantic Ocean

4 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

A ArcelorMittal Tubaro produz placas e laminados a quente (bobinas)
que atendem a uma carteira de clientes estrategicamente selecionados
por segmentos industriais e regies, no Brasil e no exterior.
ArcelorMittal Tubaro produces slabs and hot coils for a portfolio of clients strategically selected by
industrial segment and region, both in Brazil and abroad.

Em 2004, foram iniciadas as obras da expanso que elevaram In 2004 expansion works started increasing installed capacity to 7.5
a capacidade instalada de produo para 7,5 milhes de million tons/year by the middle of 2007. The project represented
toneladas de ao por ano, a partir de meados de 2007. O investments of around US$ 1 billion.
projeto representou investimentos da ordem de US$ 1 bilho.
The long term view, the management transparency and the
A viso de longo prazo, a transparncia da gesto e o challenge of doing better every day created the foundation for
desafio de fazer melhor a cada dia formam o alicerce para o the development of the Company in every area it operates.
desenvolvimento da empresa em todas as dimenses de sua Therefore, more than produce steel, ArcelorMittal Tubaro produces
atuao. Por isso, mais do que produzir ao, a ArcelorMittal values that spread out in society. The Company performance, its
Tubaro produz valores que se disseminam em toda a investment capacity and its Human Resources, environmental
sociedade. O desempenho da Empresa, sua capacidade control and social responsibility policies have influenced directly and
de investimento e suas polticas de recursos humanos, indirectly the sustainable development in Esprito Santo and Brazil
de controle ambiental e de responsabilidade social vm throughout the years.
ao longo dos anos influenciando direta e indiretamente o
desenvolvimento sustentvel do Esprito Santo e do Brasil.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 5

1.2 Responsabilidade ambiental
Environmental responsibility
A responsabilidade ambiental uma diretriz fundamental da Environmental responsibility is a basic guideline in the ArcelorMittal
gesto empresarial da ArcelorMittal Tubaro, sendo parte Tubaro corporate management, being an integral part of the
indissocivel do processo de evoluo contnua da Empresa. Company process of continuous evolution.

Em reconhecimento s responsabilidades inerentes posio As a leader in the steel industry, the ArcelorMittal Group takes on the
de lder na indstria do ao, o Grupo ArcelorMittal estabeleceu responsibilities that come with the position and the commitment to
como compromisso fundamental atuar para garantir a act to ensure the quality of life of future generations. The target is to
qualidade de vida das futuras geraes. A meta Transformar Transform Tomorrow with global actions that are planned and carried
o Amanh com aes globais, planejadas e executadas em out aligned with three main values:
alinhamento com trs valores principais:


Nosso compromisso com o mundo que nos rodeia est alm Our commitment to the world around us goes beyond the
dos aspectos bsicos e leva em considerao as necessidades basic aspects and takes into consideration the peoples
das pessoas nas quais investimos e as comunidades onde needs and the communities where we operate and give
operamos e que apoiamos. Essa abordagem de longo prazo support. This long term approach represents the core of our
constitui o eixo central da nossa filosofia de negcios. business philosophy.

Qualidade Quality
Nossa viso supera os limites do presente para vislumbrar como Our view surpasses present limits to glimpse into the
ser a siderurgia do futuro. A qualidade de nossos produtos future of the steel sector. The quality of our products
depende da qualidade das pessoas. Por isso, nosso objetivo depends on the quality of the people. That is why our
atrair e fomentar o desenvolvimento dos melhores talentos, objective is to attract and foster the development of our
para oferecer solues de qualidade superior a nossos clientes. talents to offer quality solutions to our customers.

Liderana Leadership
Nossa clara viso de futuro nos permite criar constantemente Our clear view of the future allows us to create new
novas oportunidades. Esse esprito empreendedor nos levou opportunities. This entrepreneurial spirit has brought us to the
vanguarda da indstria siderrgica. Agora, ns estamos nos forefront of the steel industry. Now we are going beyond what
movendo para alm do que o mundo espera da indstria do ao. is expected from this industry.

Dessa maneira, uma gesto ambiental responsvel no deve This way, a responsible environmental management should not
focar-se apenas no dia a dia da Empresa e nos crculos sociais only focus on the day-to-day activities of a Company and on the
imediatamente prximos, mas ser consistente o suficiente social circles closer to the Company area, but be consistent enough
para que seus efeitos tambm resultem em ganhos futuros. to have its actions result in future gains. Since 2001 ArcelorMittal
Desde 2001, a ArcelorMittal Tubaro possui a certificao Tubaro has had the ISO 14001 certification for its Environmental
ISO 14001 pelo seu Sistema de Gesto Ambiental (SGA). Management System (EMS).

A busca pela crescente ecoeficincia na ArcelorMittal Tubaro The search for growing ecoefficiency at ArcelorMittal Tubaro is
est incorporada ao planejamento estratgico, atravs da incorporated in the strategic planning through a guideline that drives
diretriz que determina ser referncia em gesto ambiental. the company to be a reference in environmental management.

6 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Vista Panormica Parcial da ArcelorMittal Tubaro (a partir do mar).
ArcelorMittal Tubaros overview from the sea.

Desde o incio de produo da usina, em 1983, a Since its start up in 1983, the Company has invested consistently
Companhia tem investido fortemente na melhoria contnua in the continuous improvement of its Environmental Management
da gesto ambiental, destacando-se o modelo energtico highlighting the energy model based on gas recovery, the
baseado no reaproveitamento de gases, o desenvolvimento development of new applications for coproducts and the reduction
de novas aplicaes para coprodutos e a minimizao das of atmospheric emissions.
emisses atmosfricas.
Within the broad view of the environmental management, through
Dentro de sua viso abrangente de gesto ambiental, a Empresa a pro-active participation in several forums, the Company has
sempre procurou, atravs da participao pr-ativa nos mais always tried to create synergies to foster procedures that are
diferentes fruns, criar sinergias que estimulem procedimentos environmentally responsible at the same time that it incorporates
ambientalmente responsveis, ao mesmo tempo que incorpora new information and experiences on the matter.
novas informaes e vivncias sobre a questo.
In this process, it was one of the starting companies of the Centro
Nesse processo, foi uma das empresas fundadoras do Centro de Coprodutos Ao Brasil-CCA (Brazil Steel Coproducts Centre),
de Coprodutos Ao Brasil, criado pelo Instituto Ao Brasil, com created by the Instituto Ao Brasil (Brazil Steel Institute), targeting
o objetivo de fomentar o desenvolvimento de coprodutos at fomenting the development of coproducts so that they can
que venham a atender, com qualidade e de forma sustentvel, sustainably have several different applications. This way, as the
diversas possibilidades de aplicaes. Dessa forma, assim quality of the steel is internationally recognized, the CCA Brasil acts
como a qualidade do ao brasileiro mundialmente to ensure the same quality to the other coproducts in the sector.
reconhecida, o CCABrasil atua para assegurar a mesma
qualidade aos demais coprodutos do setor. In 2009, ArcelorMittal Tubaro became the first integrated steel
producer in the world to trade carbon credits with the product
Em 2009, a ArcelorMittal Tubaro passou a ser a called Optimization and Cogeneration of Electric Power. This is an
primeira Empresa produtora integrada de ao do mundo a action that shows the determination and pioneering work of the
comercializar crditos de carbono com o projeto denominado Company to reduce the effects of climate changes, which has been
Otimizao e Cogerao de Energia Eltrica. Uma ao que the focus and priority in government agendas all over the planet.
demonstra a determinao e o pioneirismo da organizao This is only one among the several projects that, each year, reassures
para reduzir os efeitos das mudanas climticas, foco e the Companys commitment to sustainability and to the UN Global
prioridade nas pautas governamentais de todo o planeta. Compacts principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the
Esse apenas um dentre os diversos projetos que, a environment and anti-corruption that ArcelorMittal subscribes to.
cada ano, reafirmam o compromisso da Empresa com a
sustentabilidade, em especial com os princpios dos direitos
humanos, direitos do trabalho, proteo do meio ambiente
e combate corrupo estabelecidos pelo Pacto Global da
ONU, do qual a ArcelorMittal signatria.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 7

1.3 Principais reconhecimentos
Main recognitions
A conquista de prmios regionais, nacionais e internacionais The regional, national and international awards ArcelorMittal
vista pela ArcelorMittal Tubaro como um reconhecimento Tubaro has been granted represents for the Company the
da sociedade ao seu desempenho na rea ambiental. As recognition society gives for its performance in the environmental
distines indicam, ainda, os avanos obtidos pela Empresa area. The prizes indicate and reinforce the advancements made by
em sua estratgia de sustentabilidade, a partir da qual conduz the Company in the sustainability strategy that guides the
seus negcios. A lista com os prmios mais recentes obtidos business. The list with the most recent awards to the Company
pela Empresa est disponvel atravs do site na Internet, is available on www.arcelormittal.com/br/tubarao section
www.arcelormittal.com/br/tubarao, na seo Meio Ambiente Environment and Community.
e Comunidade.

Prmio Benchmarking Ambiental 2011 - Pedro Srgio Bicudo Filho - Especialista da Gerncia de Meio Ambiente
(Trabalho vencedor Biodiversidade atravs de projetos e resgate da fauna e da flora com enriquecimento do cinturo verde)
2011 Environmental Benchmarking Award - Pedro Srgio Bicudo Filho, Environment Specialist - (winner case - Biodiversity through projects,
fauna & flora rescue and green belt enrichment)

8 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Aspectos Gerais do
Sistema de Gesto Ambiental
General aspects of the
Environmental Management System

2.1 Estrutura do sistema de gesto ambiental

Environmental management system structure
O Sistema de Gesto Ambiental da Empresa est estruturado The companys Environmental Management System is structured in
em Unidades, levando-se em considerao a pertinncia de Units according to the relevance of significant environmental issues.
aspectos ambientais significativos.

Administrao do SGA
EMS management

Utilidades Utilities Suprimentos Supply

Coqueria Coke plant Metalurgia Metallurgy

Sinterizao Sinter plant Servios gerais Support services

Aciaria Steel making plant Terminal porturio Port terminal

Altos-fornos Blast furnaces Sade e segurana Health and safety

Tiras a quente Hot strip mill Logstica de produtos Products logistics

Segurana patrimonial Property security Manuteno de controle Control maintenance

Servios operacionais Operational services Manuteno mecnica Mechanical maintenance

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 9

2.2 Interfaces com outros sistemas de gesto
Interface with other management systems
O Sistema de Gesto Ambiental tem interfaces com o Sistema The Environmental Management System has interfaces with the
de Gesto da Qualidade e com o Sistema de Gesto de Quality Management System and with the Health and Safety
Segurana e Sade, conforme especificadas a seguir, de forma Management System as specified below to allow synergetic actions
a permitir aes sinrgicas que potencializam os resultados. that make results more effective.

Com o Sistema de Gesto da Qualidade With the Quality Management System

O Sistema de Gesto Ambiental e o Sistema de Gesto da The Environmental Management System and the Quality
Qualidade tm como itens comuns: Management System have the following in common:

As classes e estruturas dos documentos normativos;

SGA Classes and structures of normative documents;

EMS O controle de documentos normativos;

Control of normative documents;

As condies normativas relativas ao controle de

Normative conditions regarding records control;

Auditoria ambiental, de qualidade, de segurana do

SGQ trabalho e patrimonial em novos empreendimentos e
modificaes - PE-SGC-0002.
QMS Environment, quality, occupational safety and property security audit
for new and modified enterprises - PE-SGC-0002.

Para o controle de documentos normativos utilizado um For the control of normative documents a single computer system
sistema informatizado nico para toda a Empresa, sendo is used for the whole Company, with criteria defined in specific
que os critrios para esse controle esto estabelecidos em normative documents as mentioned in the chapters of the manual
documentos normativos especficos, conforme mencionado that refer to 3.4.4- Documentation and 3.4.5 Document Control
nos captulos deste manual referentes aos requisitos 3.4.4-
Documentao e 3.4.5- Controle de Documentos.

Com o Sistema de Gesto de With the Health and Safety Management System
Segurana e Sade
The Environmental Management System and the Occupational
O Sistema de Gesto Ambiental tem em comum com o Health and Safety Management System have in common the
Sistema de Gesto de Segurana e Sade a sistemtica relativa systematic identification of potential emergency situations and the
identificao de situaes potenciais de emergncia e tambm Emergency Preparedness and Response, as well as environment,
a preparao e atendimento a emergncias, bem como auditoria quality, occupational safety and property security audit for new
ambiental, de qualidade, de segurana do trabalho e patrimonial and modified enterprises, regulated by - PE-SGC-0001, PE-
em novos empreendimentos e modificaes, os quais so SGC-0002, and PE-SGC-0003, respectively.

10 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Equipamento de Controle Ambiental: Filtro de Mangas, para captao de material particulado.
Environmental Control System Bag Filter System for dust control.

regulamentados pelos PE-SGC-0001, PE-SGC-0002 e PE- Aspects subject to property control and under specific legislation by
SGC-0003, respectivamente. the Labour Ministry regarding Health and Safety and consolidated
by Regulatory Norms are included in the OHSAS scope.
Os aspectos restritos ao limite da propriedade e regidos
por legislao especfica do Ministrio do Trabalho, relativos On the other hand, aspects related to radioactivity, dust emission,
Segurana e Sade, e consolidados pelas Normas noise and odour, because they are not restricted to the inner area of
Regulamentadoras (NRs) so considerados no mbito do SGS. the Company and have potential impact on the surrounding region,
are of interest to both systems.
Por outro lado, os aspectos relativos radioatividade, emisso
de poeira, rudo e odor, por no serem restritos rea interna
da Empresa e possurem potencial de impacto na regio
circunvizinha, so de interesse dos dois sistemas.



Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 11

Sistema de
Gesto Ambiental
Environmental Management

3.1 Requisitos gerais

General requirements
A ArcelorMittal Tubaro estabelece, documenta, implementa ArcelorMittal Tubaro establishes, records, implements and maintains
e mantm seu Sistema de Gesto Ambiental em consonncia its Environmental Management System in compliance with ISO
com a Norma ISO 14001:2004, visando melhoria contnua 14001:2004, aiming to continuously improve its efficiency.
de sua eficcia.
The ArcelorMittal Tubaro Environmental Management System
O Sistema de Gesto Ambiental da ArcelorMittal Tubaro comprises all the units and processes of the Company whose
abrange todas as unidades e processos da Empresa cujas activities, products and services may be related to environmental
atividades, produtos e servios possam estar relacionados a aspects. Therefore, the System scope refers to:
aspectos ambientais. Portanto, o escopo do Sistema se refere a:

Atividades relacionadas ao Processo Integrado de Produo de Placas de

Ao por Lingotamento Contnuo e Bobinas a Quente, incluindo Cogerao
de Energia Eltrica, Beneficiamento de Coprodutos, Transporte de Produtos
ao Porto de Praia Mole e Operao do Terminal de Barcaas Ocenicas.
Activities related to Steel Slabs and Coils Integrated Production by Continuous Casting and Hot
Rolling Processes, including the Cogeneration of Electricity, the Processing of Coproducts, the
Transportation of the products to Praia Mole Port, and the Operation of the Ocean Barges Terminal.

12 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

3.2 Poltica ambiental
Environmental policy
A Poltica Ambiental da ArcelorMittal Tubaro est disponvel ArcelorMittal Tubaro Environmental Policy is available to stakeholders
para as partes interessadas internas no Sistema Corporativo that have access to SisCorp (Corporate System) and intranet in the
(SisCorp) e na intranet (Portal ArcelorMittal Brasil)), http:// section Corporate (ArcelorMittal Brasil Portal), http://portalcorp.
portalcorp.tubarao.com.br/Corporativo/Paginas/default.aspx, tubarao.com.br/Corporativo/Paginas/default.aspx, as well as on
na seo Corporativo, como tambm em quadros dispostos the boards displayed in several areas of the company, and it is
em vrios locais da Empresa, e comunicada atravs dos communicated through awareness raising events and trainings carried
diversos eventos de conscientizao e treinamento realizados out by the Human Resources and Environment areas.
pelas reas de Recursos Humanos, e Meio Ambiente.
For external parties, the Environmental Policy is available through
Para as partes interessadas externas, a Poltica Ambiental est the website www.arcelormittal.com/br/tubarao in the section
disponvel atravs do site na internet, www.arcelormittal. Environment & Community and it is also disclosed in different
com/br/tubarao, na seo Meio Ambiente & Comunidade e events sponsored by Image and Communication Management.
tambm divulgada nos diferentes eventos promovidos pela
Gerncia de Comunicao e Imagem.

3.3 Planejamento
Aspectos Ambientais Environmental Aspects

A ArcelorMittal Tubaro declara em sua poltica ambiental In its environmental policy ArcelorMittal Tubaro states its
o seu compromisso com a adoo de prticas gerenciais commitment to appropriate managerial practices to use natural
apropriadas para utilizar de forma eficiente os recursos resources and energy in an efficient way, reduce atmospheric
naturais e a energia, reduzir emisses atmosfricas, efluentes emissions, effluents and generation of residues; to foster recycling
hdricos e a gerao de resduos; e promover a reciclagem e a and trading of coproducts.
comercializao de coprodutos.
The identification of environmental aspects is for the Company
A identificao dos aspectos ambientais , para a Empresa, a continuous activity so that through the definition of significant
uma atividade contnua, de forma que, atravs da aspects it can foster actions that reduce or eliminate impacts of the
determinao dos aspectos considerados significativos, possa activities, products and services on the environment.
promover aes que minimizem ou eliminem impactos de
suas atividades, produtos e servios sobre o meio ambiente. To identify environmental aspects and define their importance,
these are the factors to be taken into consideration:
Para identificao dos aspectos ambientais e determinao
de sua significncia so considerados basicamente os
seguintes fatores:

Legislao Aplicvel
Applicable Legislation
A frequncia do aspecto e a magnitude do
impacto ambiental decorrente Manifestao das partes interessadas
The frequency of the aspect and the magnitude Stakeholders reaction
of the resulting environmental impact

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 13

A identificao dos aspectos ambientais est documentada The identification of the environmental aspects is documented in
atravs dos seguintes procedimentos escritos: the following written procedures:

PE-SGA-0006 & Legenda Legend

Aspectos ambientais influenciveis pela Empresa
Activities, products and services of the Company

Novos empreendimentos modificaes em equipamentos,
processos e instalaes na Empresa
New enterprises, changes in equipment, processes, and facilities
in the Company

Atividades produtos e servios da Empresa
Activities, products and services of the Company

Requisitos Legais e Outros Legal and Other Requirements

A legislao ambiental relativa s atividades, aos produtos e Environmental legislation related to the Companys activities,
aos servios da Empresa, em nvel federal, estadual e municipal, products and services, be it municipal, state or federal, is identified
identificada pela Gerncia de Meio Ambiente, atravs do by the Environmental Management through data collection and a
levantamento e acompanhamento da legislao existente. follow up of the existing legislation.

Quanto a normas ambientais aplicveis e demais requisitos As for applicable environmental norms and other requirements
subscritos pela Empresa, so identificados em fruns subscribed by the Company, several specific forums are identified
especficos, tais como: Conselho Superior de Meio Ambiente, such as: Higher Council for the Environment, Brazil Steel Institute
o Frum de Meio Ambiente do Instituto Ao Brasil (IABr) e Environment Forum and the Brazilian Business Council for
o Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustainable Development (CEBDS).
Sustentvel (CEBDS).
Laws and other requirements concerning the Company are taken
As leis e demais requisitos pertinentes Empresa so into consideration in the process of evaluating the environmental
levados em conta no processo de avaliao de significncia aspects of the Companys activities and services, as well as in
dos aspectos ambientais das atividades e servios da the implementation of actions in the operational control and in
Empresa, bem como na implementao de aes no controle setting the objectives, targets and programs for the Environmental
operacional e no estabelecimento de objetivos, metas e Management.
programas de gesto ambiental.
Legal and other requirements subscribed by the company and
A identificao, a disponibilizao para os interessados e o applicable to the environemental aspects of ArcelorMittal Tubaro
acompanhamento do atendimento aos requisitos legais e activities, products and services, are identified, made available to
de outros requisitos subscritos pela Empresa, aplicveis aos stakeholders and monitored for compliance, in accordance with
aspectos ambientais das atividades, produtos e servios da PE-SGA-0002.
ArcelorMittal Tubaro so realizados conforme PE-SGA-0002.

14 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Objetivos, Metas e Programa(s) Objectives, Targets and Programs

Os objetivos e as metas ambientais estratgicos so The strategic environmental objectives and targets are established
estabelecidos levando-se em conta os seguintes fatores: by taking the following factors into consideration:

Os Objetivos e Metas Ambientais Globais da ArcelorMittal; ArcelorMittal Global Environmental Objectives and Targets;

Os aspectos ambientais significativos; Significant environmental aspects;

O atendimento a requisitos legais e outros; Compliance with legal and other requirements;

A avaliao do desempenho ambiental; Assessment of environmental performance;

As manifestaes das partes interessadas; Response from stakeholders;

A preveno da poluio; Prevention of pollution;

Referncias ambientais externas; External environmental benchmarks;

As No Conformidades vigentes; e Existing nonconformities; and

Requisitos financeiros. Financial requirements.

Os objetivos e metas ambientais estratgicos esto integrados The strategic environmental objectives and targets are integrated
gesto global da Empresa e fazem parte do Plano Empresarial to the global management of the Company and are part of the
e de Tecnologia. Adicionalmente, as metas estratgicas Corporate and Technology Plan. Additionally, the strategic targets
so desdobradas em metas funcionais e, sempre que unfold in functional targets and whenever possible associated
possvel, associadas a indicadores de desempenho ambiental to measurable environmental performance indicators. From that
mensurveis. A partir da definio e aprovao dos objetivos e definition and approval of specific functional objectives and
metas estratgicos e das metas funcionais so elaborados os targets the Environmental Management Programs are prepared in
Programas de Gesto Ambiental, de modo a identificar: order to identify:

Os responsveis em cada funo e nvel pertinente; The people in charge of each function and corresponding level;

As aes necessrias; The necessary actions;

Os prazos que devem ser observados; e The deadlines to be met; and

Os recursos requeridos The necessary resources.

Os procedimentos relativos identificao e Procedures concerning the identification and follow up of the
acompanhamento dos objetivos e metas estratgicos e metas strategic objectives and targets and environmental targets,
ambientais, incluindo os respectivos programas de gesto including the programs related to Environmental Management,
ambiental, esto estabelecidos no PE-SGA-0003. are established in PE-SGA-0003.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 15

3.4 Implementao e operao
Implementation and operation
Recursos, Funes, Responsabilidades e Autoridades
Resources, Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities

A Administrao do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental tem como integrantes:

The members of the Environmental Management System Administration are:

CEO de Aos Planos Amrica do Sul; CEO Flat Carbon South America;

Vice-Presidente Administrativo e Financeiro; Financial and Administrative Vice-President;

Vice-Presidente de Operaes; Operations Vice-President;

Vice-Presidente Tcnico e de Projetos; Projects & Technical Vice President;

Vice-Presidente Comercial; e Commercial Vice-President; and

Gerentes Gerais. General Managers.

A Administrao do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental assegura a The Environmental Management System Administration establish,
disponibilidade dos recursos necessrios para o estabelecimento, implement, maintain and improve the System itself, including
implementao, manuteno e melhoria do prprio Sistema, human resources and special skills, infrastructure, technology and
incluindo recursos humanos e habilidades especializadas, financial resources.
infraestrutura, tecnologia e recursos financeiros.
The Administration representative assigned to the Environmental
O representante da Administrao designado para o Sistema Management System is the Environment Manager, whose
de Gesto Ambiental o Gerente de Meio Ambiente, cujas responsibilities are specified in PE-SGA-0015, supported by a team
responsabilidades esto especificadas no PE-SGA-0015, of specialists in Environment who provide assistance to the Areas
sendo o mesmo apoiado por uma equipe de especialistas em regarding the EMS maintenance and continuous improvement.
Meio Ambiente que promovem o assessoramento s
Unidades relativas ao SGA na sua manuteno e promoo da The responsibilities and authorities of the other members of the
melhoria contnua. Company regarding the several elements of the Environmental
Management System are established in PE-SGA-0015.
As responsabilidades e autoridades dos demais integrantes da
Empresa, em relao aos diversos elementos do Sistema de The Company Organizational Structure is available on the website
Gesto Ambiental, esto estabelecidas no PE-SGA-0015. www.arcelormittal.com/br/tubarao in the section Company >
Organization > Organizational Structure and also through the internal
A Estrutura Organizacional da Empresa est disponvel atravs communication network ArcelorMittal Brasil Portal.
do site na internet, www.arcelormittal.com/br/tubarao, na
seo Empresa > Organizao>Estrutura Organizacional e
tambm eletronicamente atravs da rede de comunicao
interna Portal ArcelorMittal Brasil.

Competncia, Treinamento e Conscientizao Training, Awareness and Competence

A Empresa assegura que seus empregados cujas atividades The Company makes sure the employees whose activities may
tenham potencial de causar impactos ambientais significativos potentially cause significant environmental impacts are dully qualified.
possuam as competncias necessrias. Estas competncias Their qualifications involve training, education or experience, are
consideram aspectos de formao, treinamento ou experincia, identified and recorded as follows:
e so identificadas e registradas conforme descrito a seguir:

16 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Educao Education
Cada ocupao tem o seu nvel de escolaridade exigida e Every occupation requires a certain education level defined
definida no Sistema Informatizado de Recursos Humanos, in the Human Resources Computer System, available in the
disponibilizado na rede corporativa. corporate network.

Treinamento Training
A sistemtica de treinamento est definida no The training system is defined in PE-GRH-0013, and each
PE-GRH-0013, sendo que cada ocupao tem o occupation has the required knowledge (PE-GRH-0009)
conhecimento requerido (PE-GRH-0009) definido defined in the corporate system GIDE (Employee
no sistema corporativo GIDE (Gesto Integrada de Development Integrated Management).
Desenvolvimento do Empregado).

Experincia Experience
Nas ocupaes em que exigida experincia prvia na For the occupations demanding previous experience in the
funo ou similar, o tempo de experincia definido como function (or similar), the time of experience is defined as one
um dos critrios de seleo nos editais internos e nos of the selection requirements in the internal and external
anncios para recrutamento externo (PE-GRH-0001). recruitment ads (PE-GRH-0001).

A identificao de novas necessidades de treinamento associada The identification of new needs for training associated with the
aos aspectos ambientais e ao Sistema de Gesto Ambiental environmental aspects and to the Environmental Management
feita pelos Gerentes das Unidades, os quais so tambm System is carried out by the Area Managers, who will also be
responsveis pela elaborao do Plano de Treinamento. responsible for the preparation of the Training Plan.

A capacitao dos empregados das empresas parceiras ocorre The qualification of contractors employees takes place according to
conforme sistemtica definida no PE-SGA-0012. the system defined in PE-SGA-0012.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 17

Para conscientizao dos empregados, e parceiros, a To raise employees and partner companies awareness the
Empresa conta, desde 1996, com o Programa Interagir de Company counts on the Interagir Environmental Education Program.
Educao Ambiental. Este programa aborda a importncia da This program addresses the importance of compliance with the
conformidade com a Poltica Ambiental e demais requisitos Environmental Policy and other requirements in the Environmental
do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental, os aspectos ambientais Management System, the significant environmental events and
significativos e respectivos impactos ambientais associados s respective environmental impact associated with the activities
atividades desenvolvidas, os benefcios ambientais associados performed, the environmental benefits associated with the personal
ao desempenho pessoal, as funes e responsabilidades em performance, the functions and responsibilities in complying with
atingir a conformidade com os requisitos do Sistema, bem the System requirements, as well as the possible consequences of
como as potenciais consequncias da inobservncia dos non-compliance with specified procedures.
procedimentos especificados. Sistema de Gesto Ambiental

Poltica Ambiental
Environmental Policy

Sistema de Gesto Ambiental

Environmental Management System

Programa Interagir de educao ambiental

Interagir Program on Environmental Education

Fortalecimento do Canal de
Instrumento Facilitador Comunicao Melhoria de Desempenho
Facilitating Instrument Strengthening of Communication Channel Performance Improvement

Postura Pr-ativa Integrao, Sensibilizao e Valores Ambientais

Proactive Posture Environmental Values
Integration, Awareness and Qualification

Metodologia do Programa
Program Methodology

Diagnsticos da Percepo Ambiental Afinidades Avaliaes Sistemticas

Enviromnental perception diagnosis Interaction Systematic reviews

Mdulo DESPERTAR Conhecimento Mdulo AGIR

Awakening Module Knowledge Act Module

Aes Pr-ativas Atitudes Projetos de Melhoria Ambiental

Pro-active Attitudes Attitudes Environmental improvement projects

A Empresa dispe de um Centro de Educao Ambiental The Company has an Environmental Education Centre (CEAM),
(CEAM), espao no qual so desenvolvidas aes que estimulam a space where actions to promote awareness and the learning of
a conscientizao e o aprendizado das questes ambientais. environmental events are developed.

Nota: Os simulados e treinamentos de preparao e atendimento de Note: The simulations and trainings for Emergency Preparedness and
emergncia so realizados e coordenados pela Gerncia de rea de Response are carried out and coordinated by the Property Security Area
Segurana Patrimonial, segundo condies estabelecidas no PE-SGC-0003. Management, according to conditions established in PE-SGC-0003.

18 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Comunicao Communication

A comunicao com as partes interessadas internas e Communication with internal and external stakeholders may occur in
externas pode ocorrer de forma pr-ativa ou reativa. a proactive or reactive way.

A comunicao reativa, internamente, abrange a resposta a Reactive communication addresses internally the reaction to
questionamentos dos empregados, corpo gerencial, diretores the employees, managerial body, directors and third parties
e terceiros, sobre questes ambientais da Empresa, e a questionings about the Company environmental events, and the
comunicao pr-ativa refere-se s iniciativas sob coordenao proactive communication refers to initiatives under the coordination
da Gerncia de Comunicao e Imagem, com apoio da Gerncia of the Image and Communication Management, with the support
de Meio Ambiente, para divulgao do desempenho ambiental of the Environmental Management to disclose environmental
e promoo de aes de conscientizao. performance and promote awareness actions.

Entre as aes pr-ativas de comunicao interna Among the proactive internal communication actions
institucionalizadas na Empresa, podemos citar: Boletim institutionalized in the Company, we can mention: Information
Informativo, Jornal da ArcelorMittal Tubaro, "folders", Bulletin, ArcelorMittal Tubaro Newsletter, folders, fliers and
prospectos e "outdoors". Adicionalmente, a Gerncia de Meio billboards. Additionally the Environmental Management prepares
Ambiente, elabora o Relatrio Tcnico Mensal, com informaes the Monthly Technical Report with information on the Company
sobre o desempenho ambiental da Empresa, o qual discutido environmental performance, which is discussed with the areas in
com as unidades em reunies peridicas de meio ambiente. regular environmental meetings.

A comunicao externa na sua forma reativa abrange as The reactive external communication addresses the Companys
respostas da Empresa a demandas das partes interessadas. answers to stakeholders demands. The proactive way corresponds
J na forma pr-ativa, corresponde s iniciativas da Empresa to the Companys initiatives to promote awareness and release
para promover a conscientizao e divulgao de questes of events related to environmental sustainability. Such initiatives
relativas sustentabilidade ambiental. Tais iniciativas ratificam confirm the Companys decision of communicating externally its
a deciso da Empresa de divulgar externamente seus significant environmental aspects.
aspectos ambientais significativos.
Among the external proactive actions there are: the support
Entre as aes pr-ativas externas destacam-se: o to environmental public agencies, the ArcelorMittal Tubaro
atendimento a rgos pblicos ambientais, , Programa Conhecer Program, and the ArcelorMittal Brasil Sustainability
Conhecer ArcelorMittal Tubaro e Relatrio de Report.
Sustentabilidade ArcelorMittal Brasil.
The procedures for communication are established in PE-
Os procedimentos para comunicao encontram-se descritos SGA-0004.
no PE-SGA-0004.

A documentao do Sistema de Poltica, Objetivos e Metas Ambientais; Environmental Policies, Objectives and Targets;
Gesto Ambiental composta pelos
seguintes tipos de documentos: Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental; Environmental Management System Manual;

The documentation of the Padres Empresariais; Corporate Standards;

Environmental Management System
comprises the following documents: Padres Tcnicos; Technical Standards;

Padres Operacionais; Operational Standards;

Registros; e Records; and

Documentos Externos, como legislao e normas brasileiras.

External Documents Brazilian legislation and norms.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 19

Controle de Documentos Document Control

Controle da Poltica, Objetivos e Metas Ambientais

Environmental Policy, Objectives and Targets

A Poltica Ambiental da ArcelorMittal Tubaro estabelece os The ArcelorMittal Tubaro Environmental Policy establishes the
princpios da Empresa relativos ao seu compromisso com o principles for the Company regarding its commitment to the
desempenho ambiental. Elaborada pela Gerncia de Meio environmental performance. It is prepared by the Environmental
Ambiente, aprovada pela Administrao na figura do CEO Management and approved by the Flat Carbon South America
de Aos Planos Amrica do Sul. O controle de reviso feito CEO. The review control is made through SisCorp.
atravs do SisCorp.
The preparation, approval and distribution of the Environmental
A elaborao, aprovao e distribuio dos Objetivos e Metas Objectives and Targets are done in compliance with PE-
Ambientais feito conforme PE-SGA-0003. SGA-0003.

Controle do Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental

Environmental Management System Manual

A elaborao e atualizao do Manual do Sistema de Gesto The preparation and updating of the Environmental Management
Ambiental feita pelo Representante da Administrao. System Manual is done by the Administration Representative, who
Para isto deve revis-lo a intervalos no superiores a trs is in charge of the necessary reviews on a day-to-day basis. The
anos, alm de promover revises que no dia a dia se faam approval of the Environmental Management System Manual is the
necessrias. A aprovao do Manual do Sistema de Gesto Flat Carbon South America CEO responsibility.
Ambiental de responsabilidade do CEO de Aos Planos
Amrica do Sul. Environmental Management System Manual is made available
electronically through the internal communication network
O Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental disponibilizado ArcelorMittal Brasil Portal in the section Corporate.
eletronicamente atravs da rede de comunicao interna
Portal ArcelorMittal Brasil na seo Corporativo The control of the reviews is done in the SisCorp, indicating the
number of the review, approval date and a summary of the changes
O controle de revises feito no SisCorp, indicando-se o carried out.
nmero da reviso, a data de aprovao e uma sntese das
alteraes efetuadas.

Controle de Padres
Standards Control

O controle dos padres da Empresa feito de modo The Company standards control is done in a corporate way under
corporativo sob coordenao da Gerncia de Gesto da the coordination of the Quality Management Area, which uses the
Qualidade, que utiliza como suporte o Sistema de Controle de Standards Control System. The Control System is found in PE-
Padres. A sistemtica de controle encontra-se estabelecida NOR-0001, PE-NOR-0002, PE-NOR-0003, PE-NOR-0004 and
nos padres PE-NOR-0001, PE-NOR-0002, PE-NOR-0003, PE-NOR-0005.
PE-NOR-0004 e PE-NOR-0005.

Controle de Documentos Externos

External Documents Control

A aquisio e controle de normas brasileiras na Empresa, The acquisition and control of Brazilian norms in the Company as
bem como as aes para que esses documentos estejam well as actions for these documents to be available in their latest
disponveis sempre em suas ltimas verses, esto a cargo do versions are the responsibility of the Technical Information Centre
Centro de Informaes Tcnicas, mediante a solicitao dos by request of respective users.
respectivos usurios.

20 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

As condies de controle dos documentos normativos da The controlling conditions of the normative documents of the
Empresa, bem como de documentos externos referenciados Company, as well as the external documents referred to the internal
nos padres internos, so regidas pelo Padro Empresarial standards, are ruled by the Corporate Standard PE-NOR-0001.
The applicable legislation to the Environmental Management
A legislao aplicvel ao Sistema de Gesto Ambiental System is kept updated through the contract with a specialized
mantida atualizada atravs de contrato com empresa company and made available for consultation by the Environmental
especializada e disponibilizada para consulta pela Gerncia de Management.
Meio Ambiente.
Environmental licenses necessary for the installation of new
Licenas ambientais necessrias para instalao de novos enterprises and Companys operation are controlled by the
empreendimentos e operao da Empresa so controladas Environmental Management.
pela Gerncia de Meio Ambiente.

Controle Operacional Operational Control

As operaes associadas a aspectos ambientais significativos The operations associated to significant environmental events are
so controladas pela Empresa de uma das seguintes formas: controlled by the Company in one of the two ways:

Para atividade, produto e servio sob administrao For activity, product and service under the direct administration
direta da Empresa, e onde a ausncia de instrues of the Company, and where the absence of documented
documentadas possa acarretar desvios em relao instructions can result in deviations regarding the Environmental
Poltica Ambiental e aos objetivos e metas, o controle Policy and the objectives and targets, the control is carried out
feito conforme condies estabelecidas no captulo according to conditions established in the chapter (operational
"Controle Ambiental" do mesmo padro (operacional ou or technical), unless in case of a process that is completely
tcnico). A no ser em caso de processo integralmente environmental related, when the standard will deal exclusively
ambiental, situao em que o padro trata exclusivamente with the environmental event.
da questo ambiental.

Para atividades, produtos e servios sob administrao For activities, products and services under indirect
indireta, ou seja, desenvolvidos por empresas contratadas, administration, i.e., developed by contractors, it is the
o controle cabe s prprias contratadas, atravs de padres responsibility of the contractors, through their own operational
operacionais prprios, obedecendo ao que estabelece o PE- standards, to comply with PE-SGA-0012, which also establishes
SGA-0012, que tambm estabelece responsabilidades e the responsibilities and procedures of the Company to the
procedimentos da Empresa sobre as empresas contratadas. Contractors.

Os equipamentos de proteo ambiental so manutenidos The equipment for environmental protection is maintained by the
pela Gerncia de rea de Manuteno de Sistemas de Environmental Control and Cooling Systems Maintenance Area
Controle Ambiental e Refrigerao, segundo procedimentos Management, according to documented procedures, comprising,
documentados, compreendendo, entre outras, as among others, the following conditions:
seguintes condies:

Cadastramento no Sistema Informatizado de Registration in the Computerized Maintenance System

Manuteno (SISMANA), atravs de cdigo especfico. (SISMANA) through a specific code.

Elaborao de Planos de Inspeo, Manuteno e Preparation of Inspection, Maintenance and Lubrication Plans,
Lubrificao, levando-se em conta as caractersticas e taking into account the characteristics and history of each
o histrico de cada equipamento. Atravs do SISMANA machine. Through SISMANA and Bag filter Control System,
e do Sistema de Controle de Mangas, so desenvolvidos plans are developed for inspection, maintenance and lubrication,
os planos de inspeo, de manuteno e de lubrificao, preventive and predictive, leading to a portfolio of services,
preventivas e preditivas, dando origem a uma carteira de which are executed according to their level of priority.
servios, que so executados segundo os respectivos graus
de prioridade.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 21

Manuteno de Registros de modo a demonstrar o Maintenance of Records in order to demonstrate the history of
histrico das medies executadas em cada equipamento. measurements performed on each machine.

As diretrizes para o gerenciamento ambiental de coprodutos The guidelines for the environmental management of coproducts
e resduos na Companhia esto estabelecidas no PE- and residues in the Company are established in PE-SGA-0011,
SGA-0011, e os critrios e procedimentos para destinao and the criteria and procedures for final disposal of coproducts and
final externa de coprodutos e resduos gerados pela residues generated by the Company or by service providers are
Companhia ou por seus prestadores de servios esto established in PE-SGA-0016.
estabelecidos no PE-SGA-0016.
The structuring of the chapter Environmental Control, as well as
A estruturao do captulo Controle Ambiental, bem como its content, must follow the criteria established in PE-NOR-0001.
seu contedo, deve seguir os critrios estabelecidos pelo PE-

Preparao e Resposta a Emergncias Emergency Preparedness and Response

As situaes potenciais de emergncia que possam ter Potential emergency situations that might have an impact on the
impactos sobre o meio ambiente so identificadas em environment are identified in all the Companys activity and service.
todas atividades e servios da Empresa. Cabe s Unidades It is the responsibility of the areas to prepare the Emergency Plans,
elaborarem seus Planos de Emergncia, documentando suas documenting their activities in specific standards.
atividades em padres especficos.
Additionally, as a way of testing the procedures established, an
Adicionalmente, como forma de testar os procedimentos Annual Program for Emergency Response comprises:
estabelecidos, elaborado e implementado o Programa Anual
de Simulao de Emergncia, o qual considera: The Emergency Plans of all the Areas;

Os Planos de Emergncia de todas as Unidades; Emergency situations occurred in the previous period.

Situaes de emergncia ocorridas no perodo anterior. The identification of potential emergency situations is regulated in
PE-SGC-0001, and the preparedness and response to emergencies
A identificao de situaes potenciais de emergncia in PE-SGC-0003.
regulamentada no PE-SGC-0001, e a preparao e
atendimento a emergncias no PE-SGC-0003.

Simulados de preparao e resposta emergncias.

Emergency preparedness and response exercises.

22 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

3.5 Verificao
Monitoramento e Medio Monitoring and Measurement

O monitoramento e medio ambiental Acompanhamento do desempenho ambiental da Empresa;

so realizados de modo a permitir: Monitoring of the Companys environmental performance;

Environmental monitoring and Controle operacional de processos relacionados com aspectos ambientais
measurement are carried out to allow: significativos;
Operational control of processes related to significant environmental events;

Acompanhamento de metas ambientais associadas aos aspectos ambientais

significativos passveis de medio.
Follow up of environmental targets associated to significant environmental events
subject to measurement.

Os procedimentos para a realizao dos monitoramentos e

medies pertinentes encontram-se descritos no

Adicionalmente, realizado um monitoramento visual a partir

de cmeras localizadas em pontos estratgicos na Empresa.
Essas cmeras monitoram as caractersticas das emisses
atmosfricas das principais instalaes.

Os equipamentos e instrumentos envolvidos no

monitoramento ambiental so sistematicamente
manutenidos, calibrados e ajustados segundo padres
especficos do Sistema de Gerenciamento Metrolgico da
Empresa, sob a responsabilidade das Gerncias de Engenharia
de Automao e de Servios de Manuteno Eltrica.

Procedures for the necessary monitoring and measurement are

described in PE-SGA-0007.

Additionally, there is a visual monitoring from cameras located

in strategic points of the Company. These cameras monitor the
characteristics of the atmospheric emission of the main equipment.

The equipment and instruments involved in the environmental

monitoring receive systematic maintenance, and are calibrated
and adjusted according to specific standards of the Metrologic
Management System of the Company under the responsibility of
the Automation Engineering and Electrical Maintenance Services
Management Area.

Central de Superviso de Monitoramento Ambiental,

localizada na Gerncia de Meio Ambiente.
Monitoring Supervisory Center located at Environment Management Office.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 23

Avaliao do Atendimento a Requisitos Compliance with Legal and other Requirements
Legais e Outros Assessment

A avaliao do atendimento aos requisitos legais ocorre The assessment of compliance with legal requirements is carried
de forma contnua atravs de diferentes instrumentos de out in a continuous way through different monitoring tools as
monitoramento, conforme relacionados a seguir: described below:

Relatrios de monitoramentos hdricos e atmosfricos encaminhadas ao rgo ambiental estadual;

Water and atmospheric reports forwarded to the state environmental agency;

Relatrios de balano de resduos encaminhado ao rgo ambiental estadual;

Residues Balance reports forwarded to state environment agency;

Relatrio de acompanhamento do cumprimento das condicionantes das licenas ambientais;

Follow up report to comply with environmental license conditions;

Auditorias de Conformidade Legal, a cada 3 anos; e

Legal Conformity Audits, every 3 years; and

Auditorias Internas do SGA.

EMS Internal Audits.

A avaliao do atendimento aos outros requisitos subscritos The assessment of the compliance with other requirements
pela Empresa ocorre atravs de reunio especfica anual e das subscribed by the Company is done in specific annual meeting and
auditorias internas, quando aplicvel. in internal audits, when applicable.

Os resultados dessas avaliaes so monitorados atravs de The results of these assessments are monitored in monthly
reunies mensais com as reas e na reunio da anlise pela meetings with the areas and in the Top Management Review
Administrao. meeting.

A sistemtica para avaliao do atendimento aos requisitos The system to assess compliance with legal and other requirements
legais e aos outros requisitos subscritos pela Empresa subscribed by the Company are described in PE-SGA-0007.
encontra-se descrita no PE-SGA-0007.

No conformidade, Ao Corretiva e Non-conformity, Corrective Action and

Ao Preventiva Preventive Action

A identificao e o tratamento de no conformidade so The identification and treatment of non-conformities are critical
fundamentais para garantir a conformidade e melhoria do to ensure the conformity and improvement of the Environmental
Sistema de Gesto Ambiental. Management System.

No conformidades podem ser identificadas pela prpria Non-conformities may be identified by the Area itself, by
Unidade, por rgos ambientais, nas reunies de anlise environmental agencies, in the Top Management Review meetings,
pela Administrao, a partir de avaliao de atendimento from legal assistance assessment, in environmental inspections and
legal, em inspees ambientais e nos relatrios de auditorias in internal and external audit reports.
internas e externas.
Real non-conformities can lead to corrective action processes to
As no conformidades reais podem dar origem a processos avoid recurrences, and the potential nonconformities can result in
de ao corretiva de modo a evitar a sua reocorrncia, e preventive action processes to avoid occurrence. Standard PE-

24 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

as no conformidades potenciais podem resultar em aes SGA-0008 establishes the recording and treatment system for
preventivas de modo a evitar a sua ocorrncia. O padro PE- these non-conformities.
SGA-0008 estabelece a sistemtica de registro e tratamento
destas no conformidades. Additionally, it is considered as an environmental occurrence any
deviation taking place, related to a certain activity, product and
Adicionalmente, considera-se como ocorrncia ambiental service, detected in environmental inspections and that lead to
qualquer desvio que ocorra, em relao a uma determinada an adverse environmental impact. These deviations are identified
atividade, produto e servio, detectado em inspees according to definitions in PE-SGA-0005 and treated in the PE-
ambientais e que d origem a impacto ambiental adverso. SGA-0008.
Esses desvios so identificados conforme definido no PE-
SGA-0005 e tratados atravs do PE-SGA-0008.

Os registros do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental so emitidos
e mantidos segundo condies padronizadas de forma a
possibilitar a identificao e rastreabilidade das informaes
relativas ao desempenho ambiental, ao controle
operacional, aos objetivos e metas ambientais e aos demais
requisitos ambientais.

O controle dos registros ambientais contempla sua

identificao, armazenamento, proteo, recuperao,
reteno e descarte.

A sistemtica para controle dos registros encontra-se definida

de forma corporativa no PE-NOR-0003.

O SisCorp utilizado como instrumento da gesto de


Control of Records

The records in the Environmental Management System are

issued and maintained according to conditions standardized to
allow the identification and traceability of the information related
to the environmental performance, to the operational control,
to the environmental targets and objectives and to the other
environmental requirements.

The control of environmental records includes its identification,

storage, protection, recovery, retention and disposal.

The record control system is corporately defined in PE-NOR-0003.

The SisCorp is used as a tool to manage records.

Registro de Monitoramento Contnuo no SisCorp.

Continuous monitoring register in the SisCorp.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 25

Auditoria Interna Internal Audit

As Auditorias Internas so realizadas de modo a determinar The Internal Audits are carried out to determine if the Environmental
se o Sistema de Gesto Ambiental est em conformidade Management System complies with the planned provisions and with
com as disposies planejadas e com os requisitos da Norma the requirements stated in the ISO 14001:2004 Standard, and if it
ISO 14001:2004, e, ainda, se est implementado e mantido is implemented and kept efficiently. The internal audits also target
eficazmente. As auditorias internas tambm tm por objetivo at providing information to the Administration on the Environmental
prover a Administrao de informaes sobre a situao do Management System situation.
Sistema de Gesto Ambiental.
The Annual Audit Program is established, implemented and
O Programa de Auditoria Anual estabelecido, implementado maintained by the coordination of the Environmental Management
e mantido sob a coordenao da Gerncia de Meio Ambiente and takes into consideration the environmental importance of the
e leva em considerao a importncia ambiental das Unidades, Areas, the environmental performance in the period, the previous
o desempenho ambiental no perodo, os resultados de audit results, the introduction of new processes that may affect
auditorias anteriores, a introduo de novos processos que the Environmental Management System, and the regulation
possam afetar o Sistema de Gesto Ambiental, e os requisitos requirements, when applicable.
regulamentares, quando aplicvel.
Standard PE-SGA-0021 details the system for planning,
O padro PE-SGA-0021 detalha a sistemtica de programming, performing and recording internal audits as well as
planejamento, programao, execuo e registro the activities to monitor and qualify the auditors.
das auditorias internas, bem como das atividades de
acompanhamento e qualificao dos auditores.

3.6 Anlise pela administrao

Top management review
As Reunies de Anlise pela Administrao devem ter como participantes:
Top Management Review meetings must include the following participants:

CEO de Aos Planos Amrica do Sul; FCSA (Flat Carbon South America) CEO;

Vice-Presidentes; Vice-Presidents;

Gerentes Gerais; General Managers;

Gerente de Meio Ambiente; e Environmental Manager; and

Outros gerentes, quando convocados pelo CEO de Aos Planos Amrica do Sul.
Other managers, when invited by the FCSA CEO.

Cabe Administrao promover a Anlise do Sistema de The Administration is responsible for the Review of the
Gesto Ambiental no mnimo semestralmente, ou em perodo Environmental Management System, at least twice a year, or more
inferior, quando julgado oportuno, em funo de fatos often whenever necessary, due to current events.
This review carried out by the Administration aims at the continuous
Essa anlise pela Administrao visa contnua adequao, adjustment, relevance and effectiveness of the Environmental
pertinncia e eficcia do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental e Management System and includes, among others, the assessment
inclui, entre outros fatores, a avaliao de oportunidades de

26 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Dr. Benjamin M. Baptista Filho (CEO de Aos Planos Amrica do Sul)
coordenando as Reunies de Anlise pela Administrao.
Benjamin M. Baptista Filho (CEO - Flat Carbon South Americas).

melhoria, a identificao da necessidade de alteraes na of improvement opportunities, identification of the needs to change
poltica, objetivos e metas ambientais, bem como em outros policy, objectives and environmental targets, as well as other
elementos do Sistema. elements in the system.

Os Elementos do SGA ligados gesto operacional da Empresa The EMS Elements connected to operational management of the
so avaliados em reunies peridicas com o Vice-Presidente de Company are assessed in periodic meetings with the Operations
Operaes e demais gerentes por ele convocados. Vice-President and other managers invited to participate.

A Gerncia de Meio Ambiente responsvel pelo The Environmental Management area is responsible for planning,
planejamento, coleta das informaes pertinentes e registro collecting relevant information and recording the resulting analysis.
das anlises resultantes. A sistemtica para a realizao das The system to carry out the Top Management Review meetings is
reunies de anlise pela Administrao est estabelecida no established in PE SGA 0013.
PE SGA 0013.

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 27


Documentos do SGA por

Requisito Normativo
EMS documents and records per
Normative Requirement

Requisito ISO 14.001 Documentos SGA Nome do registro

Item Requirement ISO 14.001 Documents SGA Records

Requisitos gerais Manual do sistema de gesto ambiental Manual do sistema de gesto ambiental
General requirements Environmental management system manual Environmental management system manual

Poltica ambiental Poltica ambiental da ArcelorMittal Tubaro Poltica ambiental da ArcelorMittal Tubaro
4.2 Environmental policy ArcelorMittal Tubaro environmental policy Arcelormittal Tubaro environmental policy

Planilha de aspectos ambientais
Identificao de aspectos ambientais
Environmental aspects spreadsheet
Identification of environmental aspects

Matriz de controle ambiental para novos

PE-SGA-0009 empreendimentos ou modificaes
Controle ambiental em novos
New and modified enterprises environmental
empreendimentos e modificaes
control matrix
Environmental control in new and modified
enterprises Necessidade de licena
Need for license

4.3.1 Aspectos ambientais Questionrio de auto-avaliao ambiental

Environmental aspects Environmental self-assessment questionnaire
Lista de verificao ambiental
Environmental checklist
PE-SGA-0006 Termo de compromisso de uso de co-produto
Diretrizes para avaliao ambiental de Commitment agreement for the use of coproduct
clientes de coprodutos e resduos
Guidelines for the environmental assessment
Documentao legal
Legal documentation
of clients for coproducts and residues
Relatrio de avaliao
Assessment report
Plano de ao do cliente
Customer action plan

28 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Requisito ISO 14.001 Documentos SGA Nome do registro
Item Requirement ISO 14.001 Documents SGA Records

Plano de controle ambiental

PE-SGA-0012 Environmental control plan
Diretrizes para controle ambiental de
Planilha de aspectos ambientais de atividades
servios de terceiros
Guidelines for the environmental control of
Contractors activities environmental aspects

Formulrio a termo de compromisso

Estabelecimento de termo de Environmental agreement
Aspectos ambientais compromisso ambiental com as unidades
4.3.1 Ata de reunio de gesto ambiental com a
Environmental aspects externalizadas
Environmental agreement with externalized
unidade externalizada
Evironmental management meeting minutes with
externalized company

Reduo das emisses de gases efeito Matriz de avaliao de rve
estufa critrios e consideraes no CER assessment matrix
escopo de novos empreendimentos
prior consideration of the cdm form
Reduction in greenhouse gases - criteria
Prior consideration of the CDM form
and considerations in the scope of new

Identificao de requisitos legais e
outros requisitos aplicveis aos aspectos
Registro de legislao e outros requisitos
ambientais Register of legal and other requirements
Identification of legal requirements and other
Requisitos legais e outros applicable requirements to environmental
4.3.2 aspects
Legal requirements and others
Normas ambientais para especificao
Environmental Standards General

Objetivos e metas ambientais

PE-SGA-0003 definio de objetivos, Environmental objectives and targets
Objetivos, metas e programas metas e programas de gesto ambiental Tabela de objetivos e metas
4.3.3 Objectives, targets and programs Environmental Standards General Table of objectives and targets
specification Programa de gesto ambiental
Environmental management program

Recursos, funes,
4.4.1 responsabilidades e autoridades
definio de responsabilidade ambiental
Resources, functions,
Definition of environmental responsibility
responsibilities and authorities

Documento de concluso pine institucional

PE-GRH-0001 Document completion of the institutional PINE
provimento de pessoal
Documento de concluso pine rea
Competncia, treinamento e Supply of staff
Document completion of the area PINE
4.4.2 conscientizao
Competence, training and PE-GRH-0009
awareness gesto integrada de desenvolvimento do
Integrated management for employee

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 29

Requisito ISO 14.001 Documentos SGA Nome do registro
Item Requirement ISO 14.001 Documents SGA Records

Registro de evento de treinamento
gesto de treinamentos
Training event record
Training management

Plano de controle ambiental

PE-SGA-0012 Environmental control plan
diretrizes para o controle ambiental de
Planilha de aspectos ambientais de atividades
servios de terceiros
Guidelines for environmental control of
Contractors activities environmental aspects
Competncia, treinamento e spreadsheet
4.4.2 conscientizao Programa anual de simulao de emergncia
Competence, training and Emergency simulation annual program
Planilha de situaes potenciais de emergncia
 Potential emergency situation spreadsheet
Critrio de avaliao dos simulados de
preparao e atendimento a emergncias
Emergency preparedness and response
Emergency simulation assessment criteria
Conceito de avaliao dos simulados de
Emergency simulation assessment concept

PE-SGA-0004 Comunicao de parte interessada

Comunicao ambiental com as partes Communication to stakeholders
interessadas Relatrio de sustentabilidade
Environmental communication with Sustainability report
4.4.3 stakeholders

4.4.4 Documentao Manual, Padres e Registros do SGA

Documentation EMS manual, standards and recordings

Objetivos e metas ambientais

Environmental objectives and targets
Tabela de objetivos e metas
Definio de objetivos, metas e
programas de gesto ambiental Table of objectives and targets
Definition of environmental management Programa de gesto ambiental
objectives, targets and programs
Environmental management program

Classificao e numerao de padres
registrados no Sispad
Controle de documentos
Classification and numbering of standards
4.4.5 Document control
registered in the sispad

Tramitao e controle de padres
registrados no Sispad
Process and control of standards registered in
the sispad

Estruturao, redao e formatao de
padres registrados no Sispad
Structuring, writing and formatting standards
registered in the sispad

30 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Requisito ISO 14.001 Documentos SGA Nome do registro
Item Requirement ISO 14.001 Documents SGA Records

Controle, tramitao e disponibilizao
de padres da expanso da ArcelorMittal
Structuring, writing and formatting standards
registered in the sispad
4.4.5 Controle de documentos
Document control PE-NOR-0005
Disponibilizao de padres registrados
no Sispad para empregados de Aos
Planos Amrica do Sul
Availability of standards registered in the
sispad for employees from Flat Carbon South

Planilha de controle de gerao mensal de

coprodutos e resduos
Coproducts and residues monthly generation
control spreadsheet
Balano da rea de coprodutos e resduos
PE-SGA-0011 Coproducts and residues area balance sheet
Diretrizes para gerenciamento de Relatrio de comercializao de coprodutos e
coprodutos e resduos resduos alienveis
Guidelines for coproducts and residues Coproducts and disposable residues trade report
management Inventrio de coprodutos e resduos
Coproducts and residues inventory
Planilha de controle de recebimento mensal de
resduos alienveis
Disposable residues monthly acceptance control
4.4.6 Controle operacional Plano de controle ambiental
Operational control PE-SGA-0012 Environmental control plan
Diretrizes para controle ambiental de
Planilha de aspectos ambientais e atividades
servios de terceiros
Guidelines for the environmental control for terceirizadas
contractors Contractors activities environmental aspects

Destinao final externa de coproduto ou
Fatura de resduos e coprodutos
resduo Coproducts and residues invoice
Final external destination for coproduct or

Diretrizes para o recebimento de
Ficha do efluente para descarregamento na
efluentes lquidos na rea de tratamento
rea de tratamento de gs
de gs da coqueria Discharging effluent form at gas treatment area
Guidelines to accept liquid effluents at Coke
plant gas treatment area

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 31

Requisito ISO 14.001 Documentos SGA Nome do registro
Item Requirement ISO 14.001 Documents SGA Records

Planilha de situaes potenciais de emergncia
Identificao de situaes potenciais de
e de acidentes potenciais
Potential emergency and accident situations
Identification of potential emergency

Programa anual de simulao de emergncia

Emergency simulation annual program
Preparao e resposta a
emergncias Planilha de situaes potenciais de emergncia
4.4.7 Potential emergency situation spreadsheet
Emergency preparedness and
response PE-SGC-0003 Critrio de avaliao dos simulados de
Preparao e atendimento a emergncias emergncia
Emergency preparedness and response Emergency simulation assessment criteria
Conceito de avaliao dos simulados de
Emergency simulation assessment concept

Monitoramento e medio Resultado de monitoramento atmosfrico

Monitoring and measuring Results of atmospheric monitoring
PE-SGA-0007 Relatrio de monitoramento atmosfrico
Monitoramento ambiental, verificao do Atmospheric monitoring report
atendimento legal e outros requisitos
Programa de monitoramento e medio
Environmental monitoring, checking of
Monitoring and measurement program
compliance with legal and other requirements
Relatrio de monitoramento hdrico
Water monitoring reports
Relatrio de balano de coprodutos e resduos
Excluso de dados de concentrao
Coproducts and residues balance report
de material particulado e gases do
monitoramento contnuo das chamins Relatrio de acompanhamento do
Exclusion of data regarding particulate cumprimento das condicionantes das licenas
matter and gases concentration continuous ambientais
Avaliao do atendimento a monitoring Environmental license conditions compliance
requisitos legais e outros follow-up report
Assessment of compliance with Relatrio de auditoria legal
legal and other requirements Legal audit report
Excluso de dados de concentrao
de material particulado e gases do Relatrio de avaliao do atendimento a outros
monitoramento contnuo das chamins requisitos
Monitoring of carbon credits: cogeneration of Compliance with other requirements assessment
electrical energy through LDG recovery report
Relatrio de gerao de crditos de carbono
Carbon credit generation report
Excluso de dados do monitoramento contnuo
de material particulado e gases
Particulate matter and gases continuous monitoring
data exclusion form

32 Enviromental Management System Manual | MA-SGA-0001

Requisito ISO 14.001 Documentos SGA Nome do registro
Item Requirement ISO 14.001 Documents SGA Records

SAC requerimento de ao corretiva

SAC corretive action request
Identificao e tratamento de no- SAP requerimento de ao preventiva
conformidades, aes corretivas, SAP preventive action request
preventivas e oportunidades de OM oportunidade de melhoria
melhorias ambientais OM improvement opportunity
No-conformidade, ao Identification and treatment of environmental
4.5.3 SSC requerimento para simple correo
corretiva e ao preventiva nonconformities, corrective and preventive SSC request for simple correction
Noncomformity, corrective and actions and improvement opportunities
preventive actions OA ocorrncia ambiental
OA environmental occurrence

Diretrizes para identificao de
Relatrio semanal de ocorrncias ambientais
ocorrncias ambientais Environmental occurrence weekly report
Guidelines to identify environmental

Classificao e numerao de padres da
4.5.4 Controle de registros
Control of records
ArcelorMittal Tubaro no Sispad
Classification and numbering of standards
registered in arcelormittal tubaro sispad

Relatrio de auditoria ambiental

KE-SGA-0021 Environmental audit report
4.5.5 Auditoria interna Auditorias do sistema de gesto Programa anual de auditorias
Internal audit ambiental Annual audit program
Environmental management system audits Relao de auditores
List of auditors

4.6 Anlise pela administrao Ata de reunio de anlise pela administrao
Anlise do SGA pela administrao
Top management review Top management review meeting minutes
EMS top management review

Manual do Sistema de Gesto Ambiental | MA-SGA-0001 33

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