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Aula 1 - Teoria das Relaes Internacionais (16/10)

Leitura Reviso
Leitura Sugerida
Teoria das Relaes Internacionais. - CASTRO, Thales.
Social forces, State and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory. - COX, Robert.
Teoria das Relaes Internacionais no Ps-Guerra Fria. - HERZ, Monica.
The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory. - HOPF, Ted.
Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. - JACKSON, Robert; SORENSEN, George.
Cap. 2: IR as an academic objetct
Cap. 3: Realism
Cap. 4: Liberalism
Cap. 6: Social Constructivism
The Promise of Institutional Theory. International Security. - KEOHANE, Robert; MARTIN, Lisa.
The False promise of International Institutions. - MEARSHEIMER, John.
A Poltica entre as Naes. - MORGENTHAU, Hans.
Cap. 1: Uma Teoria Realista da Poltica Internacional
Cap. 2: A cincia da Poltica Internacional
Teoria das Relaes Internacionais. - WALTZ, Kenneth.
Cap. 4: Teorias sistmicas e reducionistas.
Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics. - WENDT, Alexander.
Leitura Complementar
Paz e Guerra entre as Naes. - ARON, Raymond.
Cap. 2: O poder e a fora ou os meios da poltica
Cap. 4: Os sistemas internacionais
Cap. 6: Dialtica da Paz e da Guerra
The Poverty of Neorealism. - ASHLEY, Richard.
Neorealism and neoliberalism: the contemporary debate. - BALDWIN, David.
Vinte anos de crise: 1919-1939. - CARR, Edward Hewlett.
Cap 1: A cincia da Poltica Internacional
The Constructivist Turn in International Theory. - CHECKEL, Jeffrey.
A Reconstruction of Constructivism in IR. - GUZZINI, Stefano.
Power, Realism and Constructivism. - GUZZINI, Stefano.
Introduo s relaes internacionais: teorias e abordagens. - JACKSON, Robert; SORENSEN, George.
Introduction au droit des relations internationales. - JEUNE, Pierrick Le.
International Institutions: two approaches. - KEOHANE, Robert.
Teoria das Relaes Internacionais: Correntes e debates. - MESSARI, Nizar; NOGUEIRA, Joo Pontes.
Cap. 1: Introduo
Cap. 2: O Realismo
Cap.3: O Liberalismo
Cap. 4: O Marxismo
Cap.6: O Construtivismo
Relaes internacionais: interdependncia e sociedade global. - OLIVEIRA, Odete Maria de; Junior, Arno Dal Ri.
Teoria das Relaes Internacionais. - SARFATI, Gilberto.
Cap. 2: Os paradigmas clssicos das Relaes Internacionais
Cap. 12: o Neorealismo
Cap. 14: o debate Neo-Realismo versus Neoliberalismo
A contribuio marxista para o estudo das relaes internacionais. - VIGEVANI, Tullo.
Social Theory of International Relations. - WENDT, Alexander.
Cap. 3: Ideas all the way down? On the construction of power and interest
Cap.6: Three Cultures of Anarchy

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Atividade ps-aula (31/10)

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