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D. FILE_ 65 ‘HE LORD'S SUPPER In the commmion of believers with their Lord and with one another, ‘the enblens to be used ere bread and the fruit of the vine, or the cup, the broken bread representing his broken body, and the red juice of the grape his spilled blood. It is an unsettled question with some what kind of bread should be used et the Lord's supper, But we see no objections to the white, raised leaf. 4nd it is an established rule with us not to depart from established custom unless good reasons can be given for such departure, Singularity for the sake of differing from others is no real advance. And such differences often raise prejudice, and hinder the progress of the cause of truth, But some object to the raised loaf, because on the occasion of the in- stitution of the supper our Lord used bread that was unleavened, It should be Femembered that then were the days of unleavened bread, at which feast leaven The Jews had no other bread at that time, wes put out of all their hous and no other could be used unless obtained of the Gentiles, ‘This seams to be sufficient reason for the use of unreised bread on that ever nemoreble night, Thore certainly was nothing in the mangled body of our divine Saviour to be illustrated by leaven, or by ite absence in the bread, Some have carriod this matter even so far as to request the removal of the raised loaf after the emblems have been prepared on the table, ama have chosen in its stead the brown, rye and indian meal, even mixed with pumpkin and sweetened with molasses! But here is en objection of the sane nature that Jed them to change the eublem; namely, Christ dia not use bread at the insti- tution of the oupper partly composed of indian-corn meel, as this article of food was first found on this hemisphere, among the Indians, known by the name of maize, In order to shun a supposed objection on the one hand, if we run into another, of the same nature, equally objectionable, we do not advance. 4nd there certainly is something to the refined taste very objectionable in -2- representing the body of our dear Saviour by a brown loef of rye and indian bread. We do not object to the graham loaf, as it is probable that what is now called superfine flour, was not known until the unfortunate introduction of bolts into our mills, The bread made eighteen centuries ago was of barley or wheat meal, ground in hand-mills, and vrobably coarse, made without separa- ting from it what is now called the bran, But we do not urge the use of the graham bread at the Lord's supper, but choose rather, lest we appear singular, without a good cause, the use of the white loaf. But what shall be used at the table of the lord as an eublem of the precious blood of Christ? The enswer in Scripture language is, "the fruit of the vine" and "the cup." That the grepe-vine is here meant no one will call in question. The prophet, in speaking of the death of Christ, represents his garments as being red, as he that treadeth the wine-press. Some, however, object to grape wine, because it is fermented, and they have even chosen in its place, water sweetened with molasses, We freely edmit that this isa suitable article to go with rye and indian bread, But there is something disgusting in the idea of representing the blood of the holy Jesus vy molasses, the cane from which it is made, raised in slavery, and its juice, pressed and boiled in slevery, and with slave hands barreled and shipped North for free Christians to use instead of the juice of the grape, cultivated on free soil, ‘This objecting to a fow drops of domestic wine with which to only t the Lips at the Lord's supper, is carrying totel-abstinence principles to great length, 1 those who are conscientious in this matter, we would recom- ment pure cold water. We would object to purchasing wine of liquor-venders for two reasons; first, it is patronizing and, to an extent, sustaining them in en unholy traffic; and, second, you do not know whether you get the fruit of the grape-vine in what ‘they may give you, although the barrel from which they drew it may be branded a with alcohol, and colored with poisons. Know what you use. Let the deacons obtain the cultivated grape, see the wine made, md secured from the air to keep it from fementing as much as possible, ‘Then you have an article compering well with the white loaf, fitting the occasion of colebrating and Hereld, April 16, 1867. ‘the Lord's supper.--James White in Re

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