Construct 2

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File (Arquivo) -> New (novo).

Plano de Fundo (Tiled Background) ->

Snap to grid -> ajusta a grade e move em posições exatas.

Adicionando comportamento (behaviors) - >

*Chão (Tiled Background)-> Solid,

*Personagem (Sprite) -> Platform, Scroll to,

*PlataformaEmMovimento (Tiled Background)-> Solid, Sine(Movement = Vertical).

*Porta (Sprite) ->

dicionando um evento ->

Add Event -> Personagem -> IS OUTSIDE LAYOUT ==> Add Action -> System -> RESTART

-Para passar de fase

Add Event -> Personagem -> ON COLLISION WITH OBJECT -> OBJECT: Porta ==>
Add Action -> System -> GO TO NEXT/PREVIOUS LAYOUT -> Which: Next.

-Para Resetar fase

Add Event -> Personagem -> ON COLLISION WITH OBJECT -> OBJECT: Espinhos ==>
Add Action -> System -> RESTART LAYOUT.

*Variavel de instancia.
-No objeto moeda clique em propriedades, em Instance variables-Edit Variables >>
Add >>
health para o Name (nome), deixe o campo Type (tipo) como Number (número) e para o
campo Initial value (valor inicial) digite 1.

Add Event -> Personagem -> On collision with another object -> Object: Moeda
Add Action -> Moeda -> Subtract From -> Instance variable “health” -> Value “1”

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