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SCHELLING STUDIEN Internationale Zeitschrift zur klassischen deutschen Philosophie Herausgegeben van Lore Hahn im Auftrag Wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Clausia Bickmann ( (Strasbourg), Thomas Leinkau (Munster) Peter L Oesterreich (Neuend (Budapest, Franck Fischbach mst-Otto Onnasch (Utrec inders Moe Rasmussen (Arhus) SCHELLING STUDIEN Internationale Zeitschrift zur klassischen deutschen Philosophie Band 1 Herausgegeben von Lore Hiihn, Paul Ziche und Philipp Schwab im Auftrag der Intemationalen Schelling-Gesellschaft Verlag Karl Alber Freiburg /Miinchen Hegel’s Logic of Essence Robert B. Pippin (Chicago) Abstract ‘The goal of the essay is to examine the general strategy of Hegel's analysis in The Science of Logic by focusing attention on one of its ‘most important sections, his discussion of essence and appearence ‘The Logie ie conceived as a comprehensive theory of al possible mo- ‘understood non-subjec- tively, as all the possible ways the world could make sense. One ineli- rminable way of making sense is by means ofthe distinction between essence and appearance, In the pastages under question, the isnuee icompre= tacion on Hegel's understanding ofthe identi of indiscernibls. L. The Task of a Logic of Essence ‘The idea that the world chat is dizectly accessible around us, just as it “seems” to be, can only make sense if tis understood as the expression of what is not directly accessible, has been one of the most persistent and powe i such views, the cour experiencs "That question, that way of thinking, appears on the agenda of He- agel’s Science of Logic in its second book, the logic of “Essence.” The major issue throughout the Logic has concerned the possibility of in- 7B Robert B. Pippin lue of the master [Wert der Sach: rota question about which things exist or (is an inguiry about the determinations 1g out as what it “actually” is. An example could be: a practice exists, and we want to know not merely what happens or whether it exists but whether the practice is actually a religious prac- tice. Or: a computer wins at chess; is it actually thinking?? Something is displayed ina jut is it actually art? ‘These are questions the force of which does not depend on the practice or computer continuing to exist, The assumption has been that we cannot successfully make it what anything * cannot be empiri I hardly exhaust she eynonyns, The last, Wecenketer, indicatr thats expresed ina jadgment. CE. Lear 1568, 6 4 Hegel's Logic of Essence -ven while also being the articulation of the conceptual structure of reality. This has nothing to do with cies-form out of though tually be addressed, i the species-form: agical or categorial formality as such, "And the concept of formality as such must lf. Tn the passages u seeming or even shining’ the “determinations of reflection” s IL Hiegel’s Strategy The very sitle of a “Logie of Essence” su ly sopher whom Hegel seemed most to admire, Aristotle and we shall see that Hegel will initia version of the true actuality (he ideas) of the sensible appearences; bout the relation between substance and its at- mn of the logic; Leibniz, who claimed that the appearance of substantial interaction and real relat appearance, to be contrasted with monadic actuality; ‘hom the actuality of the appearances had a transcendental dimension, ego's self positing. 2 Rph, GW 181, 25: my

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