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PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com


O objetivo deste e-book é apresentar frases e expressões usadas no dia-a-

dia por falantes nativos do idioma, nas mais variadas situações.

Existem inúmeras expressões que podem ser utilizadas, mas aqui fiz uma

seleção de 10 (dez) frases em 12 (doze) temas/situações frequentemente

usadas para facilitar o seu aprendizado.

Este material foi criado por mim e sua distribuição é livre, desde que seja

citada a fonte. É expressamente proibida sua venda ou seu uso comercial.

Caso isso ocorra, o responsável responderá nos termos da lei. Lembrando

que a elaboração deste material consumiu inúmeras horas de trabalho,

então faça sua parte e respeite o direito autoral, pois assim você incentiva

criadores de conteúdo a continuarem seu trabalho.

Espero que goste e aproveite-o ao máximo!

Um abraço,
Professor Anderson Mezei

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei
PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com


1 – Saying Hello and Goodbye 4

2 – Asking how someone is 4

3 – Saying how you are 5

4 – Saying thank you 5

5 – Responding to thank you 6

6 – Introducing yourself and others 6

7 – Speaking on the telephone 7

8 – Asking for clarification 7

9 – Asking for help 8

10 – Shopping 8

11 – Speaking about work 9

12 – At the airport 9

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei
PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com
1 – Saying Hello and Goodbye

1. Hi
2. Hello
3. Hey (informal)
4. Hi there
5. Hello there

6. Bye
7. Bye-bye
8. Take care
9. See you
10. See you later

2 – Asking how someone is

11. How are you?

12. How are you doing?
13. How’s it going?
14. How are things with you?
15. How’s life?
16. How’s your family?
17. How have you been?
18. What have you been up to?
19. What’s new?
20. What’s up?

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei
PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com
3 – Saying how you are

21. Fine
22. Good
23. Great
24. Pretty good
25. I can’t complain
26. Not bad
27. So-so
28. Not so good
29. I’ve been busy
30. Same as always

4 – Saying thank you

31. Thank you

32. Thanks
33. Thanks so much/a lot/a million
34. Thanks for your help
35. I really appreciate it
36. I’m really grateful
37. I appreciate your help
38. Thank you for your attention/assistance
39. I owe you one
40. That’s very kind of you

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei
PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com
5 – Responding to thank you

41. You are welcome

42. No problem (informal)
43. My pleasure
44. Anytime (informal)
45. Glad to help
46. No worries
47. Don’t mention it
48. It’s no bother
49. It’s nothing
50. It was a pleasure to help

6 – Introducing yourself and others

51. I am… (your name)
52. My name is… (your name)
53. Let me introduce myself
54. Nice to meet you (too)
55. It’s a pleasure to meet you

56. This is… (person’s name)
57. I’d like to introduce you to…
58. I’d like you to meet…
59. Have you met… ?
60. Let me introduce you to…

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei
PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com
7 – Speaking on the telephone

61. Hello, this is (your name)

62. Is (person’s name) there? (informal)
63. May I speak with (person’s name)? (formal)
64. I’m calling about…
65. I’m returning your call
66. Hang on a second (informal)
67. Hold on, please (formal)
68. May/Can I take a message?
69. Could you ask him/her to call me back?
70. He/She is not here/in. Would you like to leave a message?

8 – Asking for/Offering clarification

71. Excuse me?

72. Pardon (me)?
73. Could you (please) repeat that?
74. What do you mean?
75. I’m not sure I follow you
76. I don’t understand you
77. Could you explain… ?
78. Do you understand what I’m saying?
79. Do you know what I mean?
80. Is that clear?

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei
PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com
9 – Asking for/Offering help

81. I need some help
82. Could you help me out?
83. Could you give me a hand?
84. May I ask you a favor?
85. Could you do me a favor?
86. Can you help me with this/these?

87. May I help you?
88. Can I help you?
89. Do you need some help?
90. What can I do for you?

10 – Shopping

91. Excuse me, do you work here?

92. Do you have (product’s name)?
93. Where can I find… ?
94. I’m looking for…
95. I’m just looking/browsing
96. How much is this/it?
97. Do you have a smaller/bigger size?
98. Do you have anything cheaper?
99. Do you take/accept credit cards?
100. I’ll take it/them!

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei
PROFESSOR ANDERSON MEZEI – profmezei@gmail.com
11 – Speaking about work

101. What do you do (for a living)?

102. What’s your job?
103. Where do you work?
104. I work at/for… (company’s name)
105. Do you like your job?
106. I’m a/an… (job’s position/profession)
107. I have/run my own business.
108. I’m unemployed/out of work.
109. I’m looking for a job.
110. I’m retired/I don’t work anymore

12 – At the airport

111. May I see/have your passport, please?

112. The flight is delayed
113. The flight is on time
114. Where are the restrooms/toilets?
115. Your ticket and passport, please
116. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?
117. Please put your bag on the scale
118. How many bags are you checking?
119. Do you have any carry-on bags/hand luggage?
120. What’s your flight number?

Facebook - www.facebook.com/professormezei
Instagram - www.instagram.com/professormezei

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