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VIDA e e MORTE on (iM OINICIO DE UM NOVO CICLO DA HISTORIA APS VIDA E MORTE PREDATOR SCRIPT DAN ABNETT ART BRIAN ALBERT THIES coLors 5 \ RAIN BEREDO : 4 j LETTERING : f f MICHAEL HEISLER COVER ART DAVID PALUMBO Esta historia tem lugar aproximadamente quarenta e trés anos depois dos eventos do primeiro filme do Alien (¢ apenas um ano apds os eventos em Fogo e Pedra) PUBLISHER MIKE RICHARDSON osror RANDY STRADLEY ASSISTANT E0/TOR FREDDYE MILLER esicner SANDY TANAKA, DigtTAL aa TECHNICIAN CONLEY SMITH Special thanks to Josh Izzo and Nicole Spiegel at Twentieth Century Fox. DarkHorse.com Facebook com/DarkHorseComics Twitter.com/DarkHorseComics ‘Advertising Sales (503) 905-2237 International Licensing (503) 905-2377 | Comic Shop Locator Service (888) 266-4226 PREDATOR: LIFE AND DEATH #1, March 2016. Published by Dark Horse Comics, Inc. 10956 SE Main ‘Street, Miwaukie, Oragon 97222. Predator” & © 1987, 2016 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All ights reserved, TM indicates a trademark of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Oark Horse Comics® and the Dark Horse logo are trademarks of Dark Horse Comics, nc, registered in various categories and countries. All rights razerved. No portion ofthis publication may be reproduced ar transmitteg, in any form or by any means, without the express wintten permission of Dark Horse Comics, Inc, Names, characters, places, and incidents featured in this publication ether are the product of the author's imagination or are used ficttiously. Any resemblance to actual persons [ving or dead), events, institutions, or locales, without satire intent, s coincidental Printed in Canada a eo aan PES aT el Clee) eee} SGU CC boaters PARA QUE TIPO MAS ioce ESTA Levar-nos? anime cAPLTAO. EquiLomerros OQ SUFICIENTE PARA SABER QUE NADA ENCATA EU REPRESENTO ‘A WEYLAND-YUTANE, CaPLTA PaGeT, EU VIAIO-VEIO (UsARES! A SUITE IMPERIAL 00 FIVE SEASONS! TA vE.cotsAS PIORES DO QUE TsTo.. NAVIOS CAARATANOLADO MAIS OISTANTE DE LED. A CONSTRUCAO SAS MINAS EM URSUS. ‘A WEYLAND. -YUTANT TEM VINSO ‘ARELVINDICAR GRANDES é EXTENSOES DE TEARITO: IOS NOS CINCO MUNDOS DESTARESIAO, INCLUINDO ERAN-LHE UN NONE DE Uma TLHA REG MITICA QUE ERA ICONMECIOA COND O MUNDO DOS MORTOS, PARA ONDE PRAM ENVIASOS OS OR- HINOSOS € CASTISADOS, PeLos seus GRINS. EU, Hi. ‘AgHO QUE OS NomeS ‘SAO GERADOS AUTO "HATICAMENTE. STARTARUS... LV-797. TARTARUS EA ‘SUA VIZINHANGA FAZEM PARTE DO PROGRAMA PARA ATRANSEORMAGAG € COLO- NIZAgAO £0 ABat6o DA TRIGIATIVA NOVO MUNDO” A COLONEA ESTA ANOVE NESES DA ‘TEitbA PARTIOA eMOS UM. NOME PARA TOR NAR ACOLSA MATS PESSOAL: ‘AWAYLAND ESTA CONVENCIDA QUE UMA CORPORAGAO RIVAL, TALVEZ A SEEGSON, ANDE A (CONTRATAR PROSPETORES SEM LICENGA PARA ASENTAR PRAGA NO MUNDO, ANTES DO NOSSO DEPARTAMENTO DE IDESENVOLVIMENTO E EX- BLORAGAO AVANGAR JAFIZENOS UMA. QUEDXAFORMALAS AUTORIDADES ‘CONSEQUENCTA DE. [a WINHA UNZDAGE FOL ESCOLMIDA PARA DAR Uika VESTA DE OLHOS, POR ST TINVESTIGAR! se Neces. sto PROCES. SAR ACURA ATI VIDADE TLESAL, Var FICAR AOBSERVAR ‘STI, MINHA, ‘SENHORA. QUAL Eo oBveTivOr, ATERBAR, mas, TAMBEN HA EPORFALAR ew CORTESTA, NAO. IR NENHUM, Tous ‘GUHAR PABA TD, THALIL! ENTENDID carLTa oH, YEAH! ‘MOSTREM 'A ELE ALGUMA ‘CORTESTA E PROTEGAM- Wa Ny in wt 4 ‘QUERES COMEGAR UMA ss Seen) GUERRA, SOL- sant ~ DADO? cos ‘ . foN wo NAO) costei po ASPECTO DA. ULTIMO. ‘AVISQ! SATAM COM AS MAS NO AR OU ABRIMOS FOGO CON- “RARINHA cocontn’> a Panecemos o QUE PARA TD ne NAO INTERE: , que voce: a PARECEN. a ° Pay VER ATRAVES DE Vocts sexta, ALSUINAS PER GUNTAS PARA ee! 2 < cy A ‘ A dy P r i \ Wi to Welcome to the first issue of the Life and Death story cycle. As with 2014's Fire and Stone, See cane ae es ee cena cee ee Pore Ca een ee eee eee Ce en eet ae eects However, unlike Fire and Stone, which was preceded by a lengthy and comprehensive period of planning by a group of five writers, several artists, and half a dozen editors, a bare-bones outline of Berea ee Oe SUE Chee aa ue wae CM eta Rec ua a eey rer Ras DES CR Or nance cence tse eens es ur Me ee ees Ce One Nes Gee ete Cee eS eer Tc nia eae eat a ea Most of the drawings were of the human characters, but there were also a few specific Predators. eee maar a cL a LIFE AND DEATH aU Ei 7 TONS Vola dd Next issue: Be careful—it's a jungle out there!

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