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Escola Estadual “Francisco Manuel”

Aluno: ____________________________________________ n°______

Disciplina: INGLÊS
Professora: Aline Rodrigues Alves
Série: 3º EM Turma: _______ Data: ____/____/________
Valor: 10 Nota: _________


1) Complete as sentenças abaixo com o “Simple Past Tense” dos verbos regulares:

a) I _______________ my friend yesterday. (to visit)

b) They ___________________ a new restaurant last week. (to open)

c) The little boy ___________________ your question. (to answer)

d) Jonas ___________________ very well yesterday. (to dance)

e) The children ___________________ the new recreation center last week. (to visit)

f) You ___________________computer games yesterday. (to play)

g) We ___________________ the new coffee shop. (to love)

h) My father ___________________ Canada at university. (to study)

2) Escreva o significado das frases a seguir:

a) ____________________________________________

b) _____________________________________________
c) _____________________________________________

d) _____________________________________________

e) _____________________________________________

3) O que são Anglicismos? Dê ao menos 5 exemplos:


4) Qual palavra abaixo é um anglicismo, utilizada na língua portuguesa sem alterar sua

a) Website c) Rede social

b) Internet d) Sandwich

Good luck!

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