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Name:________________________ Date: ________





-continente (in África)

-século (in the 20th century)
-década (in the 60's) -país (in England)
-ano (in 1982) IN -estado (in California)
-estação do ano (in Summer)
-bairro (in Ipanema)
-mês (in September)
-períodos do dia, com exceção -rua (in the street)
de night ( in the morning)

-dia do mês ( on December -nome de rua (on Washington

22nd) Street)
-dia da semana (on Sunday) -avenida (on Kennedy Avenue)
-data específica (on Christmas -praça (on Washington Square)

-hora (at 7 o'clock) -rua com o número (at 54

Washington Street)
-local específico (at school, at
-data específica sem a palavra
church, at the movies)
day (at Christmas)

A) Underline the correct preposition:
a. My sister is (in, on, at) home.
b. They are (in, on, at) 229 Broadway Avenue.
c. Thomas is studying (in, on, at) Paris.
d. The new bank is (in, on, at) Baker Street.
e. Fred is going to Europe (in, on, at) Monday.
f. My birthday is (in, on, at) July.
g. She was at the club (in, on, at) 9 o'clock.
h. Independence day is (in, on, at) September 7th.
i. There was a big rock concert (in, on, at) 1970.
j. Gregory is working (in, on, at) the supermarket now.
B) Complete the sentences with in, at or on. All of the expressions contain time expressions.

1.History is the study of events that occurred _____ in the past.

2. We don’t know what will happen ______ the future.
3. Newspapers report events that happen _____ the present.
4. 11. I ate lunch ______ at noon.
5. I am a student ____ the present time, but I will graduate next month.
6. Ms. Walker can’t come to the phone right now. She’s in a meeting _____ the moment.
7. I usually take a walk ___ the morning before I go to work.
8. Frank likes to take a nap ____ in the afternoon.
9. Our family enjoys spending time together _____ the evening.
10. Our children always stay home ______ night.
11 I got home _____ midnight.
12. I moved to this city _____ September
13. I moved here _____ 1990.
14. I moved here _____ September 1990.
15. I moved here _____ September 3.
16. I moved here ______ September 3, 1990.
17. I moved here _____ the fall.
18. I work ____ the morning. _____ the afternoon, I have an English class.
19. ____ Wednesday, I work all day. ____ Thursday, I have an English class.
21. ____ Thursday afternoon, I have an English class.
22. My plane was supposed to leave _____ 7:07 p.m., but I didn’t take off until 8:30.


O imperativo é geralmente usado para expressar um pedido ou um comando. Ele é obtido da segunda
pessoa do singular do presente do verbo principal. Neste caso, “you” fica subentendido, mas não é

(you) Come back later. (Volte mais tarde.)

Wait here. (Aguarde aqui.)
Don´t come back later. (Não volte mais tarde.)
Don´t wait here. (Não aguarde aqui.)

Logo, para expressarmos o modo ‘Imperativo’ (dar uma ordem) em inglês, utilizamos sentenças como as
demonstradas abaixo. Veja:

Sit here and shut up. (=sente aqui e cale a boca)

Go to work. (=vá trabalhar)
Speak louder. (=fale mais alto)

Note que o modo imperativo nem sempre é “imperioso”. Veja:

Have a nice day. (=tenha um bom dia)

Take the first turning on the justify. (=pegue a primeira à esquerda)

Quando o verbo na oração principal estiver no imperativo, é frequente empregar o verbo auxiliar will
na question tag. Esta forma é normalmente empregue para pedir a alguém para fazer algo:

Example Significado
Shut up, will you? Podes calar-te?
Turn on the light, will you? Podes acender a luz?
Open the door, will you? Podes abrir a porta?

2 Existe outras formas possíveis para as question tags quando o verbo na oração principal
estiver no imperativo. Os verbos auxiliares podem ser won't, would, can, can't, shall:

Example Significado
Close the window, would (1) you? Podes fechar a janela?
Sit down, won't (2) you? Sente-se!
Shut up, can't you? Não podes calar-te?
Let's go, shall (3) we? Vamos?

Esta é a forma mais delicada que will.
Esta forma serve para convidar alguém para fazer algo.
Esta forma é empregue com let's para sugestões.



1-Em inglês, a maioria dos adjetivos são situados antes do substantivo e/ou depois de um verbo de
ligação. Por exemplo:

She’s got a red (adjective) shirt (noun).

I know a Spanish (adjective) teacher (noun).
My records are (copula verb) old (adjective).
It feels (copula verb) good (adjective).

2. Mas e quando queremos dar, a um substantivo, mais de uma adjetivação? Qual a ordem dos
adjetivos? Embora existam regras que nos forçam a coloca-los em uma ordem fixa, elas são muito
complicadas. Portanto, nos limitaremos a descrever as mais importantes. São elas:

a) adjetivos de color, origin, material e purpose são colocados nesta ordem. Note:

It’s a yellow (color), american (origin), wooden (material), writing (purpose) pen.

b) outros adjetivos podem vir antes dos adjetivos de color, mas sua ordem é muito
complicada para enunciarmos regras.


I love her big brown eyes.

The second black dog.
The last little white cat.

3. De maneira geral, um adjetivo não pode vir desacompanhado de um substantivo. Mas existem
exceções, dependendo da construção e do contexto. Note:

a) numa escolha, quando o substantivo a que se referem os adjetivos desacompanhados já

tenha sido citado:

‘Do you have a pen?’ ‘You want red or blue?’

b) quando nos referimos a uma característica de um grupo específico de pessoas:

He’s a guy that helps the deaf.

Esta é uma construção em que deaf refere-se a um grupo de pessoas cegas, não a uma em
particular. Temos também the dead, the sick, the blind etc. Mas devemos notar um caso

the problems of the deaf ou deaf people’s problems

mas nunca the deaf’s problems

Adjectives w/ -ly ending

4. Em inglês, a maioria dos advérbios é formada adicionando-se o sufixo –ly ao adjetivo de origem
(careful/carefully, happy/happily etc.). Porém, existem algumas palavras que terminam em –ly mas
que, porém, não são advérbios, e sim adjetivos. As principais delas são: friendly, lovely, lonely,
ugly, silly, cowardly, likely, unlikely. Veja:

She was a lovely girl. (=ela era uma garota adorável)

His ugliness made him a lonely man. (sua feiúra fez dele uma homem solitário)
He was a cowardly soldier. (ele era um soldado covarde)
A dog can be the most friendly thing you’ll meet in your life. (um cão pode ser a coisa mais
amigável que você verá na sua vida) etc.

5. Para tomarmos essas palavras como advérbios, necessitamos de construções diferentes. Veja:

Everytime we meet, she hugs me in a lovely way. (=toda vez que nós nos encontramos ela me abraça

Duas coisas devem ser sempre lembradas ao falar / escrever adjetivos em Inglês.

1 - Eles sempre vem antes do objeto.

Ex.: casa bonita - beautiful house
edifício alto - tall building

2 - Os adjetivos NÃO TEM PLURAL.

Ex.: bonito = beautiful
bonitos = beautiful

1- neat ( organizado ) / messy ( bagunçado ) 16- thick ( grosso ) / thin ( magro, fino )

2- high ( alto ) / low ( baixo ) 17- soft ( macio )/ hard ( duro )

3- light ( leve ) / heavy ( pesado ) 18- smooth ( liso ) / rough ( áspero )

4- long ( longo ) / short ( curto ) 19 -over ( acima ) / under ( abaixo )

5- good ( bom ) bad ( ruim ) 20- full ( cheio ) / empty ( vazio )

6- tall ( alto ) / short ( baixo ) 21- loose ( frouxo ) / tight ( apertado )

7- young ( jovem ) / old ( velho )

8- clean ( limpo ) / dirty ( sujo )

9- pretty ( bonito ) / ugly ( feio )

10- wet ( molhado ) / dry ( seco )

11- straight ( reto ) / curly ( crespo )

12- fast ( rápido ) / slow ( devagar )

13- new ( novo ) / old ( velho )

14- light ( claro ) / dark ( escuro )

15- wide ( largo ) / narrow ( estreito )



• Comparativo

igualdade: af. as … as
neg. not so (as)… as

inferioridade: less … than

superioridade: adj. (de uma sílaba ou de duas sílabas terminados em

LE; Y; OW; ER) + er (than)
more + adj. (than) (para os outros adjetivos)

• Expressões com comparativo de superioridade

comparativo + and + comparativo = cada vez mais

colder and colder more and more interesting

the + comparativo … the + comparativo = quanto mais … mais

the easier the better the more expensive the more difficult to buy

• Superlativo

the + adj. + est (para os de uma sílaba e os de 2 sílabas terminados em LE; Y; OW; ER) the
most + adj. (para os outros adjetivos)

• Adjetivos que tem o comparativo e o superlativo irregulares:

Comparativo de
Adjetivos Tradução Superlativo

Good Bom Better (melhor) Best (ótimo)

Bad Mau Worse (pior) Worst (péssimo)
Little Pouco Less (menos) Least (mínimo)
Much Muito More (mais) Most (máximo)
Many Muitos More (mais) Most (máximo)
Far Longe Farther (distância Farthest / Further
espacial) (o mais longe)

Further (distância
(além disso)


I - What is the comparative form of these adverbs and adjectives?

1- big : a) biger b) bigger c) more big

2- expensive: a) expensiver b) expensiveer c) more expensive

3- tall: a) taller b) taler c) more tall

4- pretty : a) prettier b) prettier c) more pretty

5- intelligent : a) intelligenter b) intelligentier c) more intelligent

6-lazy: a) lazyer b) lazier c) more lazy

7-good: a) gooder b) better c) more good

8-bad: a) badder b) worse c) more bad

9- short: a) shorter b)shortier c) more short


Escolha a resposta correta para cada questão

1-I live ___________________ than you.

a) the most farther b) the farthest c) farther d) farther e) more farther

2- It's ___________________ moment of my life.

a) the beautifulest b) the beautifuller c) beautifuler d) the most beautiful e) the more beautiful

3- Mary's __________________ her brohter.

a) the shorter than b) the shorter c) shortest than d) shorter than e) the shortest

4- I'm not _______ tall _______ your sister.

a) the - more b) than - most c) as - as d) more – than e) the - most

5-Chocolate is much _________________________ honey.

a) the best b) as good as c) as good as d) the worst e) as bad as f) better than

6-This exercise is _______________ than the last one.

a) the easiest b) easier c) the easier d) the more easy e) more easy

7- Summer in these parts of the country is _________________ in Brazil.

a) more hot b) more hot than c) hotter than d) hoter than e) hottest than

8-Which one is _____________, a kilo of cotton or a kilo of gold?

a) the heavier b) more heavy c) heavy than d) heavy e) heavier

9-______________ day in my life is today.

a) worse than b) more worse than c) the more worse d) the worst e) the worse than

10-This is _____________________ rock I have ever seen.

a) big b) the bigger c) the biggest d) the bigger than e) biggest than

Will / Won´t
WILL / WON´T + VERBO (infinitivo)

I will travel by the end of January.

I think I won´t have patience to take care of children.
I don´t think I will be a nice doctor.
I won´t go to the mall right now!

Afirmativa : I will go to the mall now.

Negativa: I won´t have the last class today.
Interrogativa: Will you go to the doctor ?

Tempo verbal que também trata do futuro, além daquele que usamos o WILL como verbo auxiliar, que se refere
ao futuro simples..
Utilizamos este tempo verbal para ações que acontecerão quando previamente já esperamos, agendamos,


OBS.: para uma melhor compreensão da expressão GOING TO, vamos traduzi-la como VAI, VÃO,


I am going to have dinner with a friend tonight.

She isn´t going to have English classes anymore.
Are you going to travel this weekend?

Quando fazemos uma comparação entre os dois tempos verbais no futuro, fica claro o seguinte o uso de
cada um:

Futuro Simples (WILL) = as ações sempre são prováveis, mas não certas; outras são resolvidas

Futuro Imediato (GOING TO) = as ações sempre serão certas, pois em sua maioria já estão certas de
Eu ficarei aqui. ( decisão repentina )

1 - Complete as frases com o futuro:

I fell hungry. I think I __________________ something.

It's too late to telephone Tom. I ______________ him in the morning.
"It's very cold in here. " " I ______________ the air-conditioning."
"Did you write the latter to Jack?" "Oh! I forgot! I ________________tomorrow."

2 - Escreva as frases em Inglês:

Eu estarei em Paris. -----------------------------------------------
Eu não dormirei. ----------------------------------------------------


Os advérbios de frenquência são geralmente usados antes do verbo principal.

E.g., I always read books.

She never watches TV.
Quando a frase contiver o verbo "TO BE (am, is, are)", os advébios serão colocados
depois deste.

E.g., They are usually at home in the evenings.

He is always happy.

Se a frase possuir verbos auxiliares (do, can, etc.), o advérbio de frequência será
colocado entre o verbo auxiliar e o verbo principal.

E.g., I can never find my keys.

Do you usually go home by car?

0 % __________________________100 %



Rewrite the sentences adding the adverbs in parenthesis:

1- I play tennis. (never)


2- They go to the supermarket in the morning. (usually)


3- Do you drink the same thing for breakfast? (always)


4- I eat fish for lunch. (sometimes)


5- My friend gets up at 7 a.m. (always)


(Simple Present Tense)
Tempo Presente Simples é utilizado para indicar:

Present tense é usado para dizer:

 que algo acontece o tempo todo. Ex: I live in New York.

 que algo acontece repetidamente; Ex: I always brush my teeth.
 que algo é uma verdade em geral; Ex: All living creatures need water to live.
 também para falar sobre coisas em geral ou com que frequência elas acontecem. Ex:
Hurricanes are very dangerous.

Todo os verbos regulares têm a mesma base forma do infinitivo sem "TO" para todo as pessoas no
Tempo Presente Simples, exceto na 3ª pessoa do singular ( He, She , It) que nós temos adicionar um
S / ES ou IES no fim do verbo.

Aqui estão as três formas.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I watch TV. I don’t watch TV. Do I watch TV?
You watch TV. You don’t watch TV. Do you watch TV?
He watches TV. He doesn’t watch TV. Does he watch TV?
She watches TV. She doesn’t watch TV. Does she watch TV?
It watches TV. It doesn’t watch TV. Does it watch TV?
We watch TV. We don’t watch TV. Do we watch TV?
You watch TV. You don’t watch TV. Do you watch TV?
They watch TV. They don’t watch TV. Do they watch TV?


 DO/ DOES são utilizados no Tempo Presente Simples na forma Negativa e Interrogativa quando nós
não temos Verbo TO BE na sentença.

 Para I, YOU, WE, THEY usamos DO / DON’T.

- Para HE, SHE, IT ( = 3rd person) usamos DOES / DOESN’T.

- Na forma afirmativa o S / ES ou IES é adicionado ao verbo na 3ª pessoa do singular, mas na

Negativa e no Interrogativo o verbo perde isto porque há o verbo auxiliar (DOES / DOESN´T)
indicando a 3ª pessoa do singular.

Ex: Affirmative - She loves Michael. (She = 3o person)

Negative - She doesn’t love Michael.
Interrogative - Does she love Michael?

- Quando você pergunta uma pergunta com o verbo auxiliar DO/ DOES, você responde a pergunta com DO/
DOES também.

Há dois tipos de respostas:

Complete answer: Ex: A: Do you like sausages? Short Answer: A: Do you like sausages?
B: Yes, I like sausages. B: Yes, I do.

The 3rd Person

 Geralmente, no Presente do Indicativo ( Simple Present Tense ) é adicionado ao verbo um

S para a 3ª pessoa do singular (He, She, It).
Ex: I dance – She dances
* A 3ª pessoa do verbo TO HAVE is HAS.
 Quando o verbo termina em Y precedido por uma consoante, ele perde o Y e é
acrescentado IES.
Ex: I study – She studies

 Quando o verbo termina em Y precedido por uma vogal

Fixation Exercises

1 – What’s the 3rd person of these verbs?

a) Work : _________________ n) Watch:____________________

b) Leave :_________________ p) Clean: ____________________
c) Call:____________________ q) Do: ______________________
d) Study :__________________ r) Win:______________________
e) Start :___________________ s) Know:_____________________
g) Believe:_________________ t) Mean:_____________________
h) Remember:______________ u) Say:______________________
i) Speak: _________________ v) Paint:_____________________
j) Have: __________________ x) Cook:_____________________
k) Take:____________________
l) Understand: ______________
m) Ask: ____________________

2 – Change these sentences into the Negative and Interrogative form.

a) She lives in Denver.
b) Mike has two daughters.
c) I understand you perfectly!

3 – Answer these questions in the negative and in the affirmative.

Alternate complete and short answers.
Ex: A: Do you know who I am?
B: No, I don’t know who you are. or No, I don’t.
Yes, I know who you are. or Yes, I do.

a) Does you father work here?

b) Do your grandparents live in the same city as you?
c) Does your brother’s girlfriend study German?

d) Do you know me?

e) Does Margaret go to the beauty – salon every weekend?

4 – Answer these personal questions. Choose complete or short answers.

a) Where do you live? _________________________________________________________________

b) What kind of music do you like best? ___________________________________________________

c) When do you go to the club? __________________________________________________________

d) Do you like soap operas? ________________________________________________________ ____

e) Does your cousin work for Boston Bank? ________________________________________________

f) What do you do every morning? _______________________________________________________

g) Where do you like to go on the weekends? _______________________________________________

5 – Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

a) Mrs. Carlton work here.

b) My brother don’t have a son.
c) Do she like me?
d) My computer have a lot of softwares.
e) Does John is believe you?
f) Does Rita and Robert has a big house?
g) We goes to the beauty salon every Saturday.
h) It don’t works if you doesn’t press the button.

6 – Put in the correct order.

a) pizza you do like?
b) to where doesn’t she go know.
c) your I don’t thoughts understand!
d) morning, I hard the in work.
e) hates study Larry Math to. ____________________________________________________________
f) beautiful writes Mrs. poems Robinson.
g) do mean you what? ____________________________________________________________

7 – Practice these statements. Pay attention to the pronouns.

Ex: ( I - piece of chocolate cake / some apple pie )

I don’t want a piece of chocolate cake. I want some apple pie.

a) ( She – play the guitar / play the violin )


b) ( They – send some flowers to Mary / send her some candies )


c) ( He – buy a leather jacket / buy leather pants )


d) ( We – invite just the girls for the party / invite everybody )


e) ( I – meet my friends at the mall / meet them at the club )


8 – You are asking a friend questions. Use DO / DOES.

Ex: I work on the weekends. How about you?

Do you work on the weekends?

a) I sleep late. How about you? _________________________________________________________?

b) I wake up at 7:00. How about you? ____________________________________________________?
c) I eat just salads for dinner. How about you? _____________________________________________?
d) My father drinks cappuccino. How about your father? _____________________________________?
e) Mrs. Harrison has a mansion. How about you? ___________________________________________?
f) I ride my bike in the morning. How about your brother? ___________________________________?
g) Tom washes his car on Sunday. How about you? _________________________________________?
a) I chat on the net at night. (when / Mary?) _______________________________________________?
b) My mother studies Italian. (what / your mother?) _________________________________________?


Nós usamos o Presente continuo (The Present Continuous) para falar sobre alguma coisa que está
acontecendo ou está próximo do momento de falar. Pode ser acompanhado de advérbios como: now, at
this moment, at present, etc.

Ex: She’s driving to work now.

Forma: Sujeito (Subject) + verb to be (am / Is / are) + o verbo principal + ING + ...
I am working

Quando nós usamos o Present Continuous?

a) Para ações incompletas – ações que estão acontecendo no momento .
Adverbios como: now, at present, at this moment, podem aparecer na sentençae.
Ex: I am studying English now.

b) Futuro Próximo – O Presente Contínuo pode expressar uma ação que irá acontecer em um futuro
definido.. Adverbios como : soon, today, tonight, this week, this afternoon, tomorrow podem ser usados nas
Ex: She is retiring soon. / They are playing Mozart at the concert tonight.

c) Uma repetição frequente- - Quando dá a você a idéia de uma situação que aborrece.
Adverbs like always, constantly, ... can be used in the sentences.
Ex: She is always complaining about life.

d) Um futuro programado – Quando você têm a pretensão de fazer alguma coisa.

Ex: I am moving to a new house in three weeks.

e) Com situações de mudança e desenvolvimento.

Ex: The population of the world is rising very fast.

Quando nós adicionarmos ING ao verbo nós temos de analisar o final do verbo.
Se o verbo termina em:
E – o verbo perde o E e acrescenta ING = live, living / make, making
Y – apenas o ING é acrescentado = study, studying / play, playing
IE – o verbo perde IE e o YING é acrescentado = die, dying / lie, lying

Quando o verbo termina em consoante/ vogal/ consoante e a sílaba tônica é a última, nós dobramos a última
consoante e acrescentamos ING. Ex: begin - beginning


O verbo To Have não acrescenta ING quando ele dá idéia de “Posse” .

Ex: I am having a headache. (wrong)
I have a headache. (right)

Nas expressões como: TO HAVE LUNCH and TO HAVE FUN pode ter o Contínuos ( the Continuous).
Ex: What’s he doing? He’s having lunch.

PS (Pos Scriptum): As formas Interrogativas e Negativas são feitas com o verbo to be.

Ex: She is learning how to dance. / Is she learning how to dance? / She isn't learning how to

Fixation Exercises
1 - Put these sentences into the Negative and Interrogative form.
a) Mary is teaching math.
b) They are having fun at the party.

2 - Answer these questions.

a) What are you doing? _______________________________________________________
b) What is your friend doing?___________________________________________________
c) Is your mother listening to the radio?___________________________________________
d) Is your dog eating a lot of beef?_______________________________________________

3 - Complete the sentences using one of the words below.

paint drink sing have play
a) She is ________________________ beautifully.
b) He is ________________________ soccer.
c) They are ______________________ coke at the snack bar.
d) My mother is ___________________ a wonderful picture.
e) We are _______________________ a great time here.

4 - Match the two columns.

a) What are you doing? 1) No, she isn't.
b) Is she writing a letter? 2) No, we aren't.
c) Where are you going? 3) Washing the dishes.
d) When is she traveling? 4) Tomorrow morning.
e) Are we having dinner out tonight? 5) To Montreal.



1- Quando uma ação no passado pode não ter terminado:

I was reading a book. (Eu estava lendo um livro.)
(Não há a certeza de que você terminou o livro.)

2- Quando uma ação é interrompida por outra:

They were watching TV, when John arrived.

3- Quando duas ações estavam acontecendo ao mesmo tempo:

While you were cooking dinner, I was playing tennis.

4- Para as frases negativas, basta acrescentar NOT depois de WAS / WERE:

I was not reading a book (was not = wasn’t).
They were not playing tennis (were not = weren’t).


My Heart Will Go On

by Celine Dion ( Theme of the film Titanic)

Every night in my dreams I see you,

I feel you
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance and spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.

Near, far,
wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.

Love can touch us one time

and last for a lifetime,
And never let go till we're gone.
Love was when I loved you,
one true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on.

Near, far, wherever you are,

I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.

You're here, there's nothing I fear

And I know that my heart will go on.
We'll stay forever this way,
You are safe in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on

1 - Que frase da letra é um exemplo perfeito de frase no Presente Simples?

2 - Quantas preposições são citadas na letra?

3 - O que a palavra DOES significa na frase " I believe that the heart does go on."

4 - O que é a frase " My heart will go on. "?

Um futuro incerto ou uma promessa definitiva?


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