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Codigo de Conduta do Parceiro VLI Prezado parceiro, Seite sict rece eeu ee ea] eee eee eeu ue nos guiam para construir parcerias que rest eet ecr nie: Ree Dear partner, We document g ‘oduce the Code of ict for you or we have partnershi \d of aifferent sizes, ns for both. orporate gov The subjects discussed herein seek t ofall stakehola’ Supplies Management Sumario SUT etelaVA Cu Cros Tere) iaies) UU) Sodas Ceo Oe uC ard Comp! To Pee cme teen ere ae Be We OS ee CL Ren eee sparencies in relat Mota ee tery Ethics in bus eter Te) Te Sea Cu Ce Cea See aels Coa Rog oto Pe ae CP are kei) Cote ieeay Sree BCE Meu nt nr eae ocala ee eng Seer Oy] ar ics a7 eee ty leone Matofe tad Pru ed Vee eemueaa Cec Pra rey ee Ce taciy DCU CIE Ou etc Deo ae een) Dre eo Cc fers tect 27 oy 28 cs] Er EC Ey co] peo) A Quem somos Who we are Nossa missao | Our mission Cetra Meee tear get esa io Pe etae ae oelee ean Legare ee ee) De AR ee nlp seated Reena re s0as diferentes em relagdo a SEGURANGA, Caeser ieee abd + Buscar RESULTADOS de forma persistente e consistente. vena oe aey ESN feieet cea gee eee or eee mete acog laa ages ee, Seacrest sd iy Gea eE ese eo Foca ounce EC Neeson ME aren arenas cee ent Re een ToC OMe ete em cen oa eo ee nes rola ramen eee M gy een) PEt eae a Cele eet ean Introdugao Introduction NE ogee euler ete CR ed fe cece tee a cise eee) logisticas multimodais que integram ferrovias, portos e terminais. Ueto son Sule a Se nse) sustentavele contribuir para uma sociedade mais Justa, Pence tet eet leet e wen cso oN coeur ene gee ee cada parceiro e demais envolvidos em nossa cadeia produtiva, lesen yeaa iene keen ee Seemeee et ieee ic ee eens eouicc) See ee euch au ee eeu ns ssee ecg uso Cae eee cage keen eset See I te oe ee eee See eta Rael eee ee eo Visa company committed to create value to its customers and fee tne ee ene is cee ieee oe ener ee aa oe Ed Cerca ert eae eg ee cena environmentally balanced ana economically prosperous society To. accomplish this, we need to act and positively and proactively ene elegance mates eg ene tokerae Mas uel ke anaes ac by ethical conduct in business relationshios with companies that Pe eter ne eee arated ees eerste apes customers, partners, raw material suppliers and service providers, directly or indirectly linked to the company’s operations. eee ene ries 9 | Codigo de Conduta dos Parceiros Partner s Code of Conduct rT 7 |Abrangéncia = Scope eal eae Me a eee ec ee Mn rod de suas empresas coligadas e controladas, em todos os locais onde a emoresa atua, Since eee ee Eerie ete elem MN ator hoe eee err) Codigo de Conduta ONT ee wt Ll Eu Eee Ley Cece ot re CT uea ee Tee Remon busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentavel. Isso inclui ore eerie cr at ivan fy Steele) ry ti 30. limitando a esse: eC Nee ele MMos ety tecteet Coes w ee tout: de extrema rigor no inate cetera ey Ce Una eu oeice ts Bees Loge iat eee Semen lacs io Pe Toe ov eter eois a NicueNectcometscc Sonos ago também (Oreje(=} of Conduct Compliance with laws, standards and agreements 4 Transparéncias nas relagées Net Mee ol el ty Peon eee Ree etree Toe ao Conca ie Coe Ng eres N eigeecNer foyer esto Rec ee eer Macs Teg egi cae MRC uc emi culms ic eet SER Meal eee aeieecaees prestadores de servico, entre outvas informagoes pedidas por nossa ess ee Cue ae eee cree CUCL cece ne ee ue aie ee ote eure negate nse eee EE) Coenen erm eee gies Bete Coes egies ea ccc Dee Neca a aca ortttetge nists ie cetar anor ee eels Mae reece} riodo de Caen cent eres} Transparencies in relationships and veracity of information Act correctly. Thus, ethics guide our behavior as an organization, we eee ne en omega teen mee eed pear? Pe MMS eA AAA UE ca Eeaeooneteat ate: Breer egg meri emmoeg! Sr eegeaey eae Minera ae Tue er entas : quotation, hiring, purchase and administrat famatascrss + Seek to formalize the communication of important information CN Merde ees eRe leet eee leone iog channels of partners only when formally authorized. The use of the VLI See eta teaac hits Trademark Guide, which should be assigned to the partner in cas authorization ener erases esd . * 7 ne eee ar Dee et eee he Co aeT Seokesseuc ura cou terecgia ern OCT ed Beene) Seger serte eter Nicos Sorel] ee Me aie 0 fiscal, sone cero tes Cre Ce ecu ocd ea rela Conflito de interesses Qualquer tipo de relacdo pessoal, de carater habitual, entre parceiro jacios da VL deve ser comunicada formalmente no ato do cadastramento, como, por exemplo, relacdes de parentesco ou apadrinnamento entre 0 fornecedor e seus empregados com empregados da VLlefouacia Nao sera aceita intermediaco de representante comi exceto quando formalmente justificada a necessidade de envolvimento de representante pelo fornecedor. Tambem deverdo ser declaracias: as relacdes com representantes publicos, sendo estes Socios ou representantes da empresa parceira, Caso 0 potencial confito venhaa ocorre’ durantea atualizada pe nado, Abuso de poder / Assédio AVLIndo compactua com praticas comercia coercitivas ara obter vantagem. Tamoén contra moral, sexual, politico ou religioso. Concorréncia desleal Nao se’ empre: no ace'tos atos de espionagem juer outa pi al, bem como a ja a da concorréncia le: Fae ee van er Ee T) Conflict of interests Up syees and/or on of a commissioned -pted, except wher bythe with pub conflict occurs he statement Sigilo e confidencialidade das informagées Inforn onfid eee eT! Pee ea aes oes ete rec Seco i al a tacos toot ene Creo Coca ecor eels otsegs etek oom iarecia) Bert Comen tery Reeser Dern at + Plane amento de curto e longo prazo; VM oops coos Becton teceeties Be ecee ete Mi mene ocouc) ore produtos atégias de negdcios e de comercializagao: Reagan ea Sie oe ogog ee ee Ney ag a Seeeeroh ee acarge + Cannot be used to serve persor ployee or third parties; ee etcuentcd rae Ro eoma Tenet ion is considered, as long as it is not made avai i aceon oat elena elena Pretec coer) Plone ot Se yer eee Melt BLL tery (LGPD): Ieee Lee eres Tet ee tee N MRM ne ke Re Cieteeec eet etege el CRMC} Cee eee ee Pee a eed) ae Te emt ier oge Teepe ee a ne) reece ea Cut cue erty ane ele een ipecoer Lelgea ec aero aN td (ole te SVM ag Nao medimos esforgos para que as nossas relagdes contratuais Sue susie tate Macc eos eee ese eee ge ect nS destes principios e compromissos expressos nesta Diretriz podera implicar a adogo de medidas cisciplinares, incluindo 0 riot nel oomc acer oe cuca) do fornecedor, de acordo com normas internas da VLI. Creer ate ke LE auch Tenemtony oe) partners and suppliers to comply with Law 13709/2018 - General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD). TCR en cask tare et acer See nega Re er mou anaes eee Personal Data Protection Directive, available on the VL! Portal ( ) Sara ne rege one Eure aga eure wean gat le eed personal data rights, and failure to comply with these principles lee eee ane eet ag) Peete le mau Mae neh Aue one Pomme euch ey alee acme noe ne Ta VLIS internal rules. lene neta ey Satide e seguranga no trabalho arial cou + Atender aos requisitos da legislago traoalhista e eens ant Rou netro: a Nees tea er urea ses eee ae CSc evn necks fee + Mobilizar os empregados ea ole eeveots CU eden ee tog Mar ones) ence ns Leelee ere oe reget [ene Cera eet ae Measure! Deen neye reece crag et eee pe tee eet aM. Cregeen eens ane Cerna! Cerone eoe eta Seay aeeraet metal) Health and occupational safety me) Caen ae ee ee gee ey eee Re caged ogag tes Cacao eet a unos oe etary meh ice: eee als mee hele geeeie Ce Auta er leon anne Bens Tena fire) ong he results of investigations Piteloaet = + Commit to reducing the number of accidents and oce Bers ae Meme mete ae erie arg ren oe Py Meee ecg eei Conduta dos parceiros ee teeta ete WM Rede pene ye) ividaces dentro ou fora da empr nossos valores, principios e cédigos, mandato Ceaenui melon torn eee Tae Ue ees Neca een) eee Meee eee es Toca iad Cet feces eT iets Te lene am aici ees Neen fae morse reese) Clergy Crete see Nace? eel eel en ete eee NS TTT Malet Ley) Eee Te outs Lele sa go) Ue eee eee lar ger uck eee tees eretuiere cel culeomauie se Seoulecaage sorte la (eee Clete sy tipo de violag3o aos direitos humanos, seja em fungao de raga, etnia, Pouce eel religiosa, condigao de Pee iee Neues es neta cece Mec ose Rese c de pessoa com deficiéncia, estado civil ou idade rea ou empr Porta our iae testcase ei aecssa ci devidas tratativas estabelecidas por este codigo. eee OC) Gemeente ee teeg tC ne ae Cuneo) eae Meee Nae Moone eee a) Buen ee leer come Leo Errata! eon tour) eens eeEN ar Muar) Sine Miroir e et temic Pee eeerm Ate adore ein Ln | Te fee CMM erg cee Try Pee ete cael ee ene ec eet ssi eieer tee sate Metsu ee Mteiaie) Sorry g nee ae eeu) eee Mee cieeg etc eer Lara ce icy Paes teri ecco cus ast) Sees rege teen Nae ges e equipamentos (acessibildade, comunicago em Braille, entre outros) ee enc et cae ero ender fe ode NU a aa ke Ae ee adolescentes para fins sexuais, inclusive mediaco ; Pe ogee eek etre et ate Rec eedgC| Peete emcees : efou execucdes de servigos em localidades que fazem part Beate ert mae mete Mets feckeete Cee egee ee gien nner E peice ea ae UEC) Ceo Pa lentos Unicos e apresenita capacidade para crescer e se desenvolver Coser eee a aca Degen a a acidade da Pee eefeiet decir Teen ecm occ cise mkt) mulher, ciminuindo a discrepéncia histérica e cultural de a inatoro. oportunidades, sem criar um ambiente discrim aed CT MMM eae oe aCncat mene eee Seat ea inaccordance with the Principles of t Teale eucns ver Peer eata ra Rights. We do not tolerate any type of human rights violation, whether ee ata! oro a ver mnoue ete eicles eckson eee Woecoicelecdese eae cal eeteg Eater Pacey) Maen Da eae ead Bees ecole og et tM cnr ge) ea eee eer) partners who Bene) Tolan) ctices in the work of ch oe Rae operate wit ear Cr esa Or ea ere the labor legislation and eth i) ein leery Ee Sorry reeds ay eee Ut Weert ue ume cntaaget whenever possible, people with disabilities in the workforce, including eee oe eee aaa. in Braille, among others) Prevention of child sexual exploitation eee Cour ae NT provide fora Topas eee emir da Ue re eee tee ae a naa gc is able to grow and develop both personally and profes re Uae rg prmareogrs enema Cr ners to permanently seek recognition and one ete cae ep hn g one ae) OMe tere eat eee gees riminatory environm TET Lal Pete eee egg CT CE Reco iece Yee eon Deets emai t erst peerage e, para tanto, trabalne para mantter sua cadeia produtiva em consonéncia Com Se uae Ret Keke oo Feel ue et tecoueT =] Eel cated SS cery ed ieee umm se evel CM oa) Serge oust Ton tacts seta aS eee gece ekece utente + Ter conhecimento dos aspectos e impactos ambientais causados suas atividades, orodutos e servicos e implementar as agdes de conzrole eee ene ara eae enc eae eae) Reeaemnere cocker acs Eee teeter er gear e aeie rues Peas a Sua cic Leey + Os incidentes e acidentes com repercussao ambiental devem ser Cone emcees ceca coer reece eee ier) Ni etecet vedere eet eeu acco teste it See Me enc Ee Tetc) eed ge cae aca eg ae ages yee oy Eeenuener rh gnere seat eee ash ewe therefore, works to maintain its Cee nt emis neo eer Loon na Loon Arahat gem eer led Wee Reha Soda ua ron nna ae ay el aral creme ocala eens ee aga enn ser oat operations, products and services and implement the necessary and rere aprel ro eu oe eos caMead ich) eo ae Tareas eteg em ea) eee) Ciculete! cesar occa Incidents and accidents with environmental repercussions must be eon Ruler rE wel Med gC mech ae Eagan ene ry. eel een eee} ET] Compromissos Gee ieee en gee ch peta eee gle eer ec coeur Ul ac N eae cose ive oie ods keecooe neces) Capacitagao it Estimulamos 0 desenvolvimento dos parceiros. A VLI exige padrao de qualidade e cap: Peart get ieee Cus) Dees eid ers seers eer muCC eg Meme esa eeu real Bionicle tele epee ieee) EET rele ary TC se eee ger Fue ect terete) Te Meceoe ene eter parceiros atuem da mesma forma coer) Cored Meee Pe ae ene ae) Pete element eee Roane nel eam Uereamcetalguaerte) participate in this process with eee LL) RU eeu een iecds a Race ge aie eae ak Reka eae oge Caren etre oc aman an Mele lion oe enon ac eat eric COME eae met LA oe weet ee oy Peo ae ae our) prUT Tet ry Comunicagées tele Rocce Moo ee Ceca Cece ye keoulecs Se etc yse ring RE Cece tee er ages Tetra ea es Cierra es Cevecatcy : de poder, fraude, Pecemobne Seen Bete ner ene Seon ace earns tool eons ace [een agers eee cy Pee ue crc cation for reporting eer) Receubrgeccrs le eeucag ee eee Etec ae Ac erate OAL Lele ean dieu aaa proce ale aS ee eate Kesey Me eggs uray See Mos se tecuted ere Itis the role of the VLI supplier to help ensure a partnership oer gchoncioal Cages ea roa oe neural mite erteceeti preranen Saeeeale) one mere erage) eee aa Piaete} ae eration Kose ecu ei aR eRe Iya ol eon MCLE Certs (4 Redan retell gy lela ae ee pETacssae) Peak Recs . poet Bate eee cee Nosso compromisso é coma exceléncia operacional fe'tacom Ee Ee Por isso, acreditam eee eateries Peeeesae ys NUM clo Meat ae omit eg Semaine ACCA Caeeer ean tenet cep ecene os Este proceso de avaliag Pelee eer tree Seemueter at ieee Sede gene more) CAV MWe tener teouiesaa) eels ES aa IeE) ge ager ned an Ge gree a € of companies hired. in eon ures aie aa Mla cm atagema erat ay sessing partners Our commitment is to operational excellence carried out with safety and respect for the environment. Therefore, resets Sendai lectern tag eee alg ae eet oa Paolo ele Ce nee! Peers ee Hear eanneetete ea Li lenseuertial ces an ena eal Ng tence eee age etna eres PE Petree et Odescumprimento dos principios e comprom: esremel ees eal ee recs ue Celie enact ig ttnecicin ney cteog ie Pree aCe rae eleanor a ale) fornecedor, de acordo com normas da VLI Coo eee Cu uN Taal Xeee teal Sailer Sivan Tene maiore Gener a en iegneeccor ee ee Era ace o eee eee ie Failure ta comply wi oraens aac at Ceara ieenertnancr emp et eka eel accordance with VLIrules. wins Maer Leon et pee Caren tra Melee enaceguicr) oY Domenie eae Teouted tot Tne eer da ly ol ty With you, we create connections CTU that generate value. CédgodeCondutadosParceros 41 TERMO DE RESPONSABILIDADE 7 sociedade ityida em conformidade com as leis do . NO estado defdo neste ato devidamente representada por seu DOiReiok Tec uicO nome LA 7 : , POfiSS3O . portador(a) da identficacdo nil declara (a) que conhece e aceita os pnincipios contidos no Cédigo de Conduta dos Parcerros VL. cuja integra fol entregue nesta data; (b) que buscara cumprir, a partir desta data, os termos € condigGes transcritos nesse Cédigo de Conduta e que buscaré manter-se adequado a ele e desenvolvé-lo e integré-lo aos processos de gestéo; © que ouscaraé compartilhar com a VL e corn a respectiva rede de fornecedores, os esforgos. as dificuldades e as conguistas na incorpora¢éo das praticas propostas visando. 4 sustentabilidade dos negécios da empresi (d) estar clente de que a asgipat Zs FE Compromisso nao obriga a vu ae ES DISCLAIMER Companys name: ee _ company duly constituted in accordance with the laws of the country headquartered in the oty of in the state of registered under the number — hereby duly represented by its = name citizenship joo == , bearer of 10 No States (a) that it knows and accepts tne principles contained in the Code of Conduct for VL! Partners, the entirety of which was delivered on this date. (b) that it val seek to comply, as of this date. with the terms and Conditions transcribed in ths Code of Conduct and tnat it will seek to remain adequate to it and to develop and integrate it into the management processes, © that It will seek to share wth VLI and with tne rescective network of suppliers, the efforts, difficulties and achievements in incorporating the proposed practices aimed at the sustainability ot the companys business. (d) be aware that the signing of t! force VL to execute any ousines: Term o* Commitment does not lationship with the signatory : 5’915.103/0001-48 a Santos Eee proptetario 42 Cooga de Conouta das Paicetros Cah ea oneness Pecos 83

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