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2vosi2022 22:11 Uma Historia da Restauragdo do Senior nos EUA\A) | cito de artemis cinto de artemisa Apenas mais um site WordPress.com Uma Historia da Restauragao do Senhor nos EUA (4) 29 de junho de 2011 Em Anaheim 37. Resolvendo Questdes Sérias de uma Lideranga Tandem John Ingalls estava na igreja em Anaheim com Witness Lee, Philip Lee e o escritério do Living Stream na mesma localidade. Seu livro, Falando a Verdade em Amor, sobre os eventos e preocupacies relacionados as igrejas locais no final dos anos oitenta é unico, pois descreve suas muitas experiéncias com 0 irmao Lee ¢ Philip Lee em seu papel de lideranga virtual em conjunto. John Ingalls registra frustracdes de 1987 a 1989 enquanto ele e outros irmaos tentavam resolver problemas sérios que tinham com Living Stream e Witness Lee. 37. Conversas com Bill Mallon e Godfred No outono de 1987, John Ingalls e Bill Mallon, dois colaboradores altamente respeitados nos Estados Unidos, passaram varios dias juntos discutindo os acontecimentos na restauragao do Senhor. Durante esse tempo, Bill Mallon explicou a John Ingalls como ele havia sofrido naquele ano de varias maneiras por eventos ocorridos nas igrejas e no trabalho do LSM no Sudeste, 38. O Envolvimento Aumentado de Philip Lee nas Igrejas John saiu de suas palestras com a profunda impressao de que Philip Lee estava se tornando cada vez mais envolvido “em coisas espirituais concementes 4 obra do Senhor, as igrejas, os presbiteros e os cooperadores”. Isso preocupou John, uma vez que Philip Lee foi contratado por seu pai para ser 0 gerente comercial do escritsrio Living Stream e foi “supostamente instruido a lidar apenas com assuntos comerciais” e era “totalmente desqualificado tanto em posicéo quanto em carater para tocar em assuntos espirituais relacionados ao obra do Senhor ¢ das igrejas”. Jodo naturalmente ficou alarmado e comecou a temer pelo testemunho do Senhor. 39. Assuntos mais sérios sobre Philip Ao retornar a Anaheim, John procurou Godfred Otuteye, que coordenava com Philip Lee no escritério do Living Stream. Ele perguntou sobre o papel de Philip, dizendo que achava que Philip estava “sendo promovido e indo longe demais em seu envolvimento no lado espiritual do trabalho, ultrapassando muito sua posicao como gerente de negécios’. Godfred confirmou que a situagao era muito séria a esse respeito e que “viu e ouviu muitas coisas no escritério do Living Stream nos tiltimos meses que eram muito sérias e muito erradas. Godired concordou plenamente que o envolvimento de Philip Lee no trabalho estava fora de linha, mas indicou que havia coisas mais sérias do que isso, afirmando que “toda a situagao é doentia e corrupta”. 40. Irma do LSM relata mé conduta de Philip Poucos dias depois de falar com Godéred, um relatério chegou a John Ingalls sobre a ma conduta moral de Philip Lee no escritério do LSM. Uma irma que ocupava um cargo de destaque no Living Stream e que havia servido la “sacrificial e fielmente” por muitos anos testificou a John que Philip hitpsiartomisbolt wordpress.com/2011/08/28/a-istory-of4h a 2uvoero22 22:14 Uma Histéria da Restauragdo do Sento nos EUA(s) | cinto de atemisa vinha violando ela e outras irmas por um longo periodo de tempo e que ela nao o suportaria mais. Sua intengdo era renunciar, o que John confirmou ser realmente apropriado. John ficou chocado e surpreso com este relatério e contatou Godfred, que disse que ja sabia disso, 41. Others Contacted About Case John Ingalls was quite concerned about this case, especially since ten years previously there had been reports of similar incidents in the LSM office about Philip Lee that were confirmed by several eye- witnesses. He also felt that this immoral situation with Philip was more than a local matter since LSM was associated with churches all over the globe. John, therefore, “believed it to be reasonable and advisable for a few prominent co-workers who were aware of the history of the case and who were respected by Brother Lee to approach him and inform him of the matter.” 42. O irmao Lee diz que tira as maos de seu filho No caso, dez anos antes, Gene Gruhler, um ancido, perguntou ao irmao Lee o que seria feito a respeito de Philip. A forte palavra do irmao Lee para ele foi que os ancidos mantivessem suas maos longe, e que ele cuidaria de seu filho. Philip continuou, no entanto, como gerente do LSM, para desespero dos ancidos, incluindo John Ingalls. John disse que sempre que o irmao Lee era tao forte em um assunto, os ancidos sabiam que nao podiam fazer nada. Este foi o histérico de John para lidar com relatérios sobre Philip dez anos depois. A Fermentacao da Rebeliao Presente criticou severamente John por contatar colegas de trabalho que estavam “conscientes da historia do caso”. 43, Nenhuma Aco Novamente Tomada Pelo Irmao Lee O irmao Lee novamente nao tomou nenhuma acao depois de tomar conhecimento através da comunhao dos irmaos dos sérios problemas no LSM criados por seu filho. Levaria meses até que 0 irmao Lee finalmente removesse Philip de sua posico como gerente do LSM em julho de 1988, e ele o fez com relutancia e sob grande pressao dos santos e dos anciaos. Entao os presbiteros, que também estavam sob pressdo dos santos, acabaram removendo Filipe da comunhao da igreja. Os presbiteros subsequentes, incluindo Ed Marks e Francis Ball, eventualmente reverteram essa excomunhao, dizendo que foi uma decisao errada, pois abragaram Philip a mando de seu pai ¢ o restauraram & “comunhao” na igreja em 1993. Eles até escreveram um palavra de desculpas a Philip por nao assinar uma carta, informando-o de sua “ago graciosa”” 44, Preparation for Fellowship with Brother Lee In the fall of 1987 John Ingalls came together with some of the brothers that he had close fellowship with through the years concerning the Lord’s work. They all had the same registration within them that the church life had gone down in their localities and was very poor for the most part throughout the country in other localities. (Brother Lee’s assessment was similar, which he expressed many times.) The brothers sought out fellowship before the Lord to determine the reasons for this. This they did in preparation to have fellowship with Brother Lee, when he retuned from Taipei. 45. Conclusions About Condition of Churches They came to the following conclusions about the spiritual condition of the churches. 1) the ministry was being too highly exalted and emphasized 2) There was an excessive emphasis on numbers 3) LSM was growing in influence and control with Philip Lee as the office, with whom all the churches were to be one 4) Aberrational speaking and activity in the full-time training in Taipei, the FITT, which was being headed up by Philip Lee 5) Moral misconduct of Philip Lee in the LSM Office 46. First Fellowship With Witness Lee On December 12th, 1987, four brothers went to see Brother Lee after he had returned from Taipei. John Ingalls, Al Knoch, Godfred Otuteye, and Ken Unger represented many brothers as they opened their heart to Brother Lee about their concerns, John Ingalls would have sixteen sessions of fellowship with Brother Lee, and Ken Unger twenty from this point over the next couple of years in hitpsiartomisbolt wordpress.com/2011/08/28/a-istory-of4h 28 2uvoero22 22:14 Uma Histéria da Restauragdo do Sento nos EUA(s) | cinto de atemisa their attempts to address the serious developments in the recovery. This first fellowship was encouraging, but in nearly all subsequent times of fellowship, they made little progress with Brother Lee, and Philip still held his position for months as manager of LSM. 49. A Surprising Elders’ Meeting On Monday, December 14, 1987 Brother Lee held an elders’ conference hoping to hear from the elders their positive reports about the new way. Many were honest and open with him that discouragement, dissension, and division had developed in some localities and brothers were gravely concerned. Brother Lee was not open to their fellowship in the Body; rather, he was offended by their honesty. He proceeded to push through, not only as “commander-in-chief” of the work, but also of the church, 50. Another Shocking Development On the morning of December 19, 1987 before leaving for the training in Irving, John Ingalls again received a call from the LSM sister requesting to meet with John and Godfred. She shared in more detail Philip’s immoral behavior. This left the two elders “revulsed and in a daze”. They felt that Benson and Ray must know something about these matters and determined that they should be approached in Irving. 51. Fellowship With Benson and Ray That afternoon John Ingalls and Ken Unger flew to Irving. They had a time with Benson and Ray the next day and shared with them initially about their concerns that were non-related to the misconduct of Philip Lee in the LSM office. They let them know what a huge mistake they were making in promoting and exalting the office and Philip Lee, starting in 1981. Benson and Ray disagreed. This response surprised and disappointed John and Ken, who then tried to impress them with the seriousness of the matter. 52. Benson and Ray Refuse to Hear About Philip's Misconduct When these same four brothers came together again later that day, John brought up Philip’s misconduct in the office of LSM. Benson and Ray, who were deeply involved with LSM, became angry and would not hear them, saying that this was a matter to be taken up by the church in Anaheim, not by them. John and Ken felt that the matter was more than a local church problem and should involve Benson and Ray who were the counterparts of Philip Lee in the LSM operation that touched all the churches. 53. Benson and Ray Bring Report to Brother Lee In the elders’ meeting that night it was evident that Benson and Ray had reported to Brother Lee all that John Ingalls and Ken Unger had shared with them. He spoke on the same matters, vindicating himself strongly while rebuking those he thought were opposing, though not mentioning names. John Ingalls felt that Brother Lee was out of line with the truth and was not presenting himself appropriately before the brothers. A number of brothers were grieved, disturbed, and discouraged by his talk. Sponsored Content Distrito Federal: 30 cursos liberados sem mensalidades. 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Gilberto Guimaraes permalink E imprecionante a percistécia e amor carnal carne e sangue do irmao Lee pelo seu filho nao para entender como um irmao ensinado ao contrario e que neste erro nao ser que em seu coracao ja estava errado Responder Crie um site ou blog gratuito no WordPress.com. Antincios Your Journal one for life DENUNCIAR ESTE ANUNCIO htps:ifatomisbelt wrdpress.com/2011/08/28/a-hstory.ol- 408

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