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Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

MAtividades Escolares
Aprendizagem Conectada
6° ano do Ensino Fundamental

Língua Inglesa - Carga horária mensal 8 horas

Códigos das Habilidades Objetos de conhecimentos
EF06LI04) Estratégias de compreensão de textos orais palavras cognatas e pistas do contexto
(EF06LI08.1MT) discursivo.
(EF06LI10) Compreensão geral e específica: leitura rápida (Skimming, scanning).
(EF06LI12.1MT) Construção de repertório lexical e autonomia leitora.
EF06LI17) Partilha de leitura, com mediação do professor.
(EF06LI23) Construção de repertório lexical.
Adjetivos possessivos.
Nome da Escola: Estadual Professora Muralha de Miranda Passos
Nome do Professor:Suzana L. Brugnoli Andrade Pereira
Nome do estudante: ________________________________________________________________
Período: ( x ) vespertino ( ) matutino Turma 6° ano mês de outubro

1-Vamos ler e refletir sobre o poema de Rute Rocha.

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

2-Conforme podemos observas as pessoas são diferentes umas das outras e isso tornam as
pessoas lindas e especiais.
Vamos aprender algumas partes do corpo?

3-Numere as partes do corpo utilizando as palavras abaixo.

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

4- Coloque as partes do corpo de acordo com a numeração da figura.

5- look at the Picture and read.( olhe as imagens e leia);

Short (baixo) tall ( alto) thin (magro) fat( gordo)

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

Chubby(gorducho) pretty(bonita) handsome(bonito) ugly(feio) blonde(loira)

6- lool, read and answer the questions. Follow the example.( olhe , leia e responda as perguntas.
Siga o exemplo)

1- What is she like?


2- What´s he like?

3- What´s she like?


4 What´s he liçe?


5-What are they like?


7- Read
My- meu, minha, meus, minhas our- nosso, nossa, mossos, nossas
Your – seu, teu, sua, suas their –dele, dela, deles, delas
His- dele
Her- dela

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

8-Look at yhe pictures and complete the sentences ; Follow the example.( Olhe as figuras e complete
as frases siga o modelo).

1- a:Is she tall? 2- a: Is he short? 3- a:________ ______tall

b: No, she isn´t. b: No, ___________ b:__________________

She is short. _______________ ____________________

4-a;___________________ 5-a:______________________ 6-a:___________________

b:___________________ b:______________________ b:____________________

_____________________ ________________________ _____________________

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

9- Look at the picture above and complete . Follow the example( olhe as figuras acima e complete ,
siga o modelo).
1- She is short ___________ and thin_______________ .Her hair is long___________

2- He is _____________________ and ___________________. His hair is ________________

3- He is _____________________ and ____________________. His hair is ________________

4- She is ______________________and ____________________. Her hair is _______________

5- He is _______________________and ____________________. His hair is ________________

6- She is ______________________and ____________________. Her hair is _______________


What´s he like?
Kelly:Look this is my mother.
Chris: Oh, she is pretty.
Kelly: What about your mother?
What ´s she like?
Chris: She´s pretty too. She is not
verry tall.
Kelly:Is she thin?
Chris: No, she is not. She is fat.
Chris: Who is this?
Kelly: He´s my brother.
Chris: Mmmm! He´s handsome.
Kelly: What about your brother?
What is he like?
Chris:He`tall and thin. His hair
and his yes are brown.

Answer the questions about the text:

a) Is Kelly`s mother pretty? ________________________________________________________________

b) Is Chris mother tall? ____________________________________________________________________

c) IS Chris mother thin or fat? _______________________________________________________________

d) Is Kelly`brother ugly? ___________________________________________________________________

e) Is Kelly´s brother handsome? _____________________________________________________________

f) What´s Chris brother like?_______________________________________________________________

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE


Read and identify the people. Write their names in the boxes.

This is my band. Alex is short and

heavy. His hair is short. Willy is
short and heavy, too. His hair is
long. Mandy is short and thin.
Susan is tal and thin.
I´m tall and thin, too. My hair is
long, my name is Jason.

Boy- menino/ girl- menina

True or False?

1-One girl is tall. _________________ 4- Three boys are short. _____________________

2-- Two girls are short. ______________ 5- Two boys are short and heavy. _______________

3- One girl is tall and thin _____________ 6- One boy is short and thin. __________________

No mês de agosto você aprendeu sobre horas, você se lembra? Você aprendeu como perguntar e
responder sobre horas exatas. Agora vamos estudar as horas com minutos cero? Para isso precisamos
saber os numerais. Então vamos lá!

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

Agora observe os relógios abaixo. Eles mostram hora com minutos, nesse caso não podemos usar a
expressão O’CLOCK no final da resposta como fazemos com as horas exatas. Vamos ver os modelos?
Observe os relógios abaixo e as respostas:

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

12- What time is it? Look at the clocks and answer

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

13-Observe as preposições que são utilizadas quando estamos nos referindo ao tempo.

14-Look at the Judy’s schedule

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

15-Look at the posters and write about the events. (Olhe os pôsteres e escreva sobre os eventos). Siga
o modelo






16-.Você gosta de esportes? Qual é o seu favorito? Leia o texto abaixo e observe atentamente. Bob e
Fred estão se preparando para assistirem a um jogo. Será que eles estão atrasados? Será que vão
chegar em tempo para assistir ao jogo? Vamos ver?

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

New vocabulary
Quick – rápido Where- onde Well - bem , então
Very - muito Now – agora Too- também
But -mas Bus- ônibus
Ready - pronto Late – atrasado

17- Transcreva do texto as frases que correspondem a cada tradução abaixo:

a) Estamos atrasados- We´re late._______________________________________________________

b) Que horas são? _______________________________________________________________________

c) Que horas é o jogo?____________________________________________________________________

d) Eu não estou pronto. ___________________________________________________________________

e) O onibus está atrasado. _________________________________________________________________

Atividade complementar

1-Look at the Picture and answer the questions  olhe as figuras e responda as questões.

1- Bus 2- train 3- plane 4- concert 5- movi

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

a) What time is the bus? ____ It`s four forty- five________________________________.

b) What time is the plane? ________________________________________________________

c) What time is the concerte? ______________________________________________________

d) What time is the movie? ________________________________________________________

e) What time is the game? ________________________________________________________

2-Lool the pictures read and check. True or false. (Olhe as imagens, leia e marque true verdadeiro

ou false falso).

1:- Is the concerta t 8:45? 4- What time is the plane?

- No, it isn´t. It´s at 7:50. - It´s at 7:30.
2- _ What time is the game? 5- Is the train at 5:35?
- It´s at 10:00 o´clock. - Yes, it is.
3- Is the bus at 1 o´clock? 6- Is the movie at 3:30?
- No, it isn´t . It is at 1;20. - No, it isn´t. It is at 3 o´clock.

Secretaria Adjunta de Gestão Educacional - SAGE

3-. Look at the schedule and Answer the questions (Olhe o horário e responda as perguntas. Siga
o modelo).

Ex: What time is the science on Tuesday? It’s at seven thirty on Tuesday.

a) What time is Portuguese on Thursday?

It´s at 9:10 on Thursday______________________________________________________

b) What time is art on Friday?


c) What time is Physical Education on Monday?


d) What time is English on Wednesday?


e) What time is the history on Wednesday?


f) What time is math on Thursday?


Chin, Elizabeth Young: Keep in mind 7º ano
.  Amos, Eduardo/ Elisabeth Presher ACE- Teacher’s manual 1.
 Amos, Eduardo/ Elisabeth Presher: Our Way 1.
 Mckeegan, David/ Suzan Iannuzzi: Click Together student book 1


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