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O Gro-de-milho

ERA UMA VEZ um casal que no tinha filhos e a mulher pediu sempre a Nossa Senhora que lhe desse um, nem que fosse do tamanho de um greiro de milho. E assim foi, ao fim de nove meses ela teve um filho, mas to pequeno, to pequeno, como um gro de milho. Foi-se passando tempo e o pequeno no crescia nada, de sorte que ficou sempre do mesmo tamanho. O pai era lavrador e, quando andava a trabalhar no campo, era o Gro-de-Milho que lhe ia levar o jantar numa cesta; mas, como era to pequeno, ningum o via, e no percebiam o que fazia correr aquela cesta pela rua abaixo. O pai recomendava-lhe que no se chegasse para o p dos bois, mas uma vez que ele lhe tinha ido levar o jantar, a brincar trepou para cima de uma folha de milho e um dos bois, pensando que era um greiro de milho, lambeu-o com a lngua. Quando o pai quis voltar para casa, por mais que o procurasse no deu com ele, mas tanto chamou que por fim ouviu uma vozinha responder que o boi o tinha comido e estava dentro da tripa. O pai ficou muito aflito e matou logo ali o boi para procurar o filho nas tripas, mas por mais que procurasse no o encontrava, at que deixou ficar tripas e tudo. De noite, um lobo atrado pelo cheiro da carne, veio e comeu as tripas do boi, e deitou a fugir. O lobo teve umas grandes dores de barriga e o Gro-de-Milho comeou a gritar-lhe: "C... a, c... a!" Mas o lobo, ouvindo isto teve tanto medo que mais fugia e no podia obrar. O Gro-deMilho continuava a gritar: "C... a, c... a!", at que o lobo to atrapalhado se viu que fez as suas necessidades. O Gro-de-Milho logo que saiu das tripas do lobo, lavou-se muito bem lavado numa pocinha que ali estava e foi por ali fora. A meio do caminho encontrou uns almocreves que levavam os machos carregados de dinheiro. De repente, saltam uns ladres, matam os almocreves e levam os machos com o dinheiro para uma casa que havia nuns pinheirais. O Gro-de-Milho, como ia metido num alforge, foi tambm sem que ningum percebesse. Os ladres despejaram o dinheiro em cima de uma grande mesa e comearam a cont-lo. O Gro-de-Milho ps-se debaixo da mesa e comeou a gritar: "Quem d dez reis, quem d dez reis!" Os ladres, assim que ouviram isto, tiveram tanto medo que deitaram a fugir. Ento o Gro-de-Milho ensacou o dinheiro, p-lo em cima dos machos e foi para casa. Quando l chegou, era ainda de noite e bateu porta. O pai perguntou: "Quem est a?" e ele respondeu: "Sou eu, meu pai, abra depressa." O pai veio logo abrir a porta e o Grode-Milho contou-lhe ento tudo, entregou-lhe os machos e o dinheiro e o lavrador, que era pobre, ficou muito rico. Moral da histria: As pessoas no se medem aos palmos! Provrbio sobre o milho: Quem passarinhos receia, o milho no semeia.

The Grain of Corn (popular story)

ONCE UPON A TIME a couple had no children and the wife always prayed to the Holy Lady of Ftima to give her one, even if it was the size of a seed of corn. And so, after nine months she had a son, but so small, so small as a grain of corn. The time went on and he didnt grow a thing, so that he was always the same size. The father was a farmer, and when he was working in the field, the Grain of Corn took him the basket with the dinner, but since he was so small, no one saw him, and did not realize that he was running through the street with the basket. His father advised him not to come to the foot of the ox, but once he had gone to take dinner, playing he climbed onto a sheet of corn and one ox, thinking he was a corn grain, licked him with his tongue. When his father wanted to go home, he did not find him, and called him, finally he heard a voice replying that the ox had eaten him and he was inside its gut. The father was very distressed and killed the ox there to look for hi son in its guts, but he did not find him and left guts and all there. At night, a wolf attracted by the smell of flesh, came and ate the guts of the ox, and lay to rest . The wolf had some major gripes and Chickpeas began shouting to him: "C. .. around, c ... there!" But the wolf heard this had much more to fear fled and could not defecate. The Grain of Corn continued to yell: "C. .. around, c ... there!" Until the wolf succeeded with relief . The Grain of Corn straightway coming up out of the guts of the wolf, washed himself well in a small puddle and walked away. After a while he met some muleteers leading mules loaded with money. Suddenly some thieves attacked, kill the muleteers and lead the mules with the money to a house that was in the forest. The Grain of Corn, as he was put into a knapsack, was not noticed. The thieves dumped the money on a large table and began to count it. The Grain of Corn stood under the table and began shouting: "Who gives ten kings, who gives ten kings!" The thieves, as they heard it, were so afraid that they fled away. So Grain of Corn bagged the money, put it on top of a mule and went home. When he arrived it was still night and he knocked on the door. The father asked, "Who's there?" and he replied: "I, my father, open quickly." The father came, opened the door and Grain of Corn told him everything and gave the money and mules to the farmer. Who was poor, became very rich. Moral of the story: "People are not measured by their size!"

Proverb about corn: "Who fears birdies, does not sow corn."

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