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Associao Gonalense e niteroiense

Teste de recuperao de Ingls quarto ano
1)Relacione os nomes dos cmodos das casas com as figuras.

1-living room
3-dining room




2) Complete com this ou that

a) ________is my pen. Esta a minha caneta
( ) this ( ) that
b) ______ girl is beautiful. Essa menina bonita
( ) this ( ) that
c) ______ pencil is not my. Aquele lpis no meu.
( ) this ( ) that
3)Complete com o verbo to be he, she, it.
_________ is a doctor. Ele mdico
( ) He ( ) She ( ) It

____ is a maid. Ela empregada domstica.

( ) He ( ) She ( ) It
________is a beautiful umbrella. um belo guarda chuva
( ) He ( ) She ( ) It
________ is crying. Ela est chorando.
( ) He ( ) She ( ) It
________is watching TV. Ele esta assistindo TV.
( ) He ( ) She ( ) It
3) Relacione os nomes das peas de roupas com as figuras.

Good luck!


2 dress

3 shoes

4 jeans

5 shirt 6 tennis
Good luck!

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