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Um comentrio sobre a obra de Descartes, Princpios da filosofia

cartesiana, nica obra publicada com seu prprio nome, valeu-lhe um

convite para ensinar filosofia na Universidade de Heidelberg.
Espinosa, entretanto, recusou, por julgar que lhe seria exigido
renunciar liberdade de pensamento, pois o convite estipulava
que todos os cuidados deveriam ser tomados para "no ofender os
princpios da religio estabelecida".
A commentary on Descartes' work, Principles of cartesian
philosophy, only work published under his own name, brought him on
an invitation to teach philosophy at the Universty of Heidelberg.
Spinoza, however, refused, thinking that it might be demanded
the renouncement of his freedom of thought, for the invite
stipulated that all care should be taken to "not insult the
principles of the established religion".

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