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Metodo 1
tendo usuario e senha do modo privilegiado
Cat2950# write erase
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]y[OK]
Erase of nvram: complete
Cat2950# reload
Metodo 2
1) Conecte um cabo console ao equipamento e abra um Emulador de Terminal (Hypert
erminal, Tera Terminal, ou qualquer outro) utilizando a seguinte configurao:
Bits per second (baud): 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1

Flow Control: Xon/Xoff

2) Tire o cabo de fora do switch.

3) Aperte o boto mode (localizado na frente, do lado esquerdo do equipamento) e l
igue novamente.
a) 2900XL, 3500XL e 3550: Solte o boto mode quando o LED sobre a porta 1 apagar.
b) 2940 e 2950: Solte o boto mode quando o LED STAT apagar (aps soltar o boto mode,
o LED SYST piscar mbar).
c) 2960 e 2970: Solte o boto mode quando o LED SYST piscar mbar e voltar para verd
e (aps soltar o boto mode, o LED SYST piscar verde).
d) 3560 e 3750: Solte o boto mode quando o LED SYST ficar verde (sem piscar). Aps
soltar o boto mode o LED SYST piscar verde.
e) 2955: Nos switches 2955 no preciso apertar o boto mode. Basta durante o boot en
viar um break. Para isso devemos apertar Ctrl+Break no teclado (se voc estiver us
ando o Hyperterminal). Neste link temos outras combinaes para outros terminais.
Devemos esperar at a mensagem abaixo para aperte Ctrl+Break
C2955 Boot Loader (C2955-HBOOT-M) Version 12.1(0.0.514), CISCO DEVELOPMENT TEST
Compiled Fri 13-Dec-02 17:38 by madison
WS-C2955T-12 starting
Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:0b:be:b6:ee:00
Xmodem file system is available.
Initializing Flash
flashfs[0]: 19 files, 2 directories
flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 7741440
flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 4510720
flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 3230720
flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 7 seconds.
done initializing flash.
Boot Sector Filesystem (bs:) installed, fsid: 3
Parameter Block Filesystem (pb:) installed, fsid: 4
*** The system will autoboot in 15 seconds ***
Send break character to prevent autobooting.

4) A partir daqui, qualquer que seja o switch o procedimento igual. Digite flash

switch: flash_init
Initializing Flash
flashfs[0]: 143 files, 4 directories
flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 3612672
flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 2729472
flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 883200
flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 86 seconds
.done Initializing Flash.
Boot Sector Filesystem (bs:) installed, fsid: 3
Parameter Block Filesystem (pb:) installed, fsid: 4

5) Digite load_helper.
switch: load_helper

6) Digite dir, para verificar o nome do arquivo de configurao.
switch: dir flash:
Directory of flash:/
2 -rwx 1803357 <date> c3500xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC7.bin
4 -rwx 1131 <date> config.text
5 -rwx 109 <date> info
6 -rwx 389 <date> env_vars
7 drwx 640 <date> html
18 -rwx 109 <date> info.ver
403968 bytes available (3208704 bytes used)

7) Renomeie o arquivo de configurao.

switch: rename flash:config.text flash:config.old

Digite boot, para que o switch reinicie.
switch: boot
Loading "flash:c3500xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC7.bin"###############################

File "flash:c3500xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC7.bin" uncompressed and installed, entry po

int: 03000

9) O switch bootar sem nenhuma configurao (zerado). Entre no modo de configurao privi
legiado e renomei o arquivo de configurao, voltando ao normal. Depois salve a conf
igurao na nvram:

Switch#rename flash:config.old flash:config.text
Destination filename [config.text]
Switch#copy flash:config.text system:running-config
Destination filename [running-config]?
1131 bytes copied in 0.760 secs
Sw1#show runnig
Neste momento a configurao inteira foi restaurada, inclusive a senha.

10) Reconfigure as senhas:
Sw1# conf t
Sw1(config)#enable secret <new_secret_password>
Sw1(config)#enable password <new_enable_password>
Sw1(config)#line vty 0 4
Sw1(config-line)#password <new_vty_password>
Sw1(config)#line vty 5 15
Sw1(config-line)#password <new_vty_password>
Sw1(config-line)#line con 0
Sw1(config-line)#password <new_console_password>

11) Salve a configurao e PRONTO!
Sw1#write memory
Building configuration

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