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* Para estudo especfico

** Para estudo geral

1 Algebra Linear e Aplicacoes 6ed - Callioli, Domingues, Costa
2 An introduction To Quantum Field Theory - Peskin, Schroesder
3 Apostila Lab Fsica I
4 Bindner - A StudentS Guide To The Study, Practice, And Tools Of Modern Mathemat
5 Boyce e Diprima - Equacoes diferencias elementares - 9 ed
6 Clculo - Volume 1 - James Stewart - 5 Edio
7 Classical Mechanics 5th ed. - T. Kibble, F. Berkshire
8 Curso de Fsica Bsica I Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 4
9 Curso de Fsica Bsica II Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 4
10 Curso de Fsica Bsica III Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 1
11 Curso de Fsica Bsica IV Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 1
12 Differential equations, dynamical systems and an introduction to chaos 2ed -
Devaney, smale and hisch
13 Differential Geometry - Manfredo
14 EDO - Notas de aula - Herminio Ladeira
15 Eletrodinamica 3Ed. David J. Griffitts
16 Erwin Schrodinger - What is Life (1944)
17 Mathematical Physics - Butkov
18 Fundamentos da Fsica I - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
19 Fundamentos da Fsica II - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
20 Fundamentos da Fsica IIII - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
21 Fundamentos da Fsica IV - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
22 Geometria Analitica um Tratamento Vetorial - 3 edicao -Ivan de Camargo - Paul
o Boulos
23 Intodruo a Fsica Estatstica - Salinas
24 Introduo a Cosmologia - Ronaldo E. de Souza
25 Introductio To Cosmology Barbara Ryden
26 Introductio To Cosmology Matt Roots
27 LaTex ICMC
28 Matrizes, Vetores e Geometria Analitica
29 Mecnica Clssica - Keith R. Symon
30 Mecnica Quntica - Griffiths
31 Metodos Matemticos 6ed - Arfken
32 Modelo relatrio completo
33 Particle Data Group
34 Quantum field theory in curved spacetime quantized fields and gravity - Leona
rd E. Parker, David J. Toms
35 Quantum Mechanics - Cohen
36 Relatividade Notas Daniel Vanzella 2
37 Relatividade Notas Daniel Vanzella
38 Relatividade Notas Mario Goto
39 Riemannian Geometry - Manfredo
40 Rindler Relativity Special, General and Cosmological 2ed
41 Termodinamica M.J. Oliveira V1
42 The Physical Universe, An Introduction to Astronomy - Frank Shu
43 Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics 2Ed. Callen, Herbert B
44 Tipler Vol 1 Ed 4
45 Tipler Vol 1 Ed 6
46 Tipler Vol 2 Ed 6
47 Um Curso de Calculo I Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
48 Um Curso de Calculo II Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
49 Um Curso de Calculo III Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
50 Um Curso de Calculo IV Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
51 Astronomia e Astrofsica - S.O. Kepler
52 Modulo 1
53 Modulo 2
54 Modulo 3
55 Modulo 4
56 Modulo 5
57 Modulo 6
58 Modulo 7
59 Webb Space Telescope Science Guide V1;2
60 Introduction to Eletrodynamics 4ed - Griffiths
61 Gravitation - Misner, Thorne, Wheeler
62 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4th - Gilbert Strang
63 Algebra Linear e Aplicaes 4ed - Gilbert Strang
64 Elementary Differential Geometry 4th - Barret
65 Solutions Introductio to Linear Algebra 4th - Gilbert Strang
66 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - Griffiths
67 Introduction to Statistical Physics - Huang
68 Classical Mechanics - Goldstein
69 Statistical Mechanics 2ed - Huang
70 A First Course in String Theory - Zwiebach
71 String Theory and M-Theory A Modern Introduction - Schwarz
72 Galaxies in the Universe An Introduction - Sparke
73 Black Holes and Time Warps Einstein s Outrageous Legacy - Thorne
74 Gravity An Introduction to Einstein s - Hartle
75 Exploring Black Holes Introduction to General Relativity - Taylor
76 Special Relativity - French
77 Introduction to Special Relativity - Resnick
78 Cosmological Physics - Peacock
79 Complex Analysis 3rd - Ahlfors
80 Differential Geometry Curves Surfaces Manifolds 2nd - Wolfgang, Kuhnel (Searc
h the 3rd edition)
81 Quantum Fields and Strings A Course for Mathematicians V1 - Pierre, Deligne
82 Complex Analysis 2nd - Ahlfors
83 Quantum Fields and Strings A Course for Mathematicians V2 - Pierre, Deligne
84 Elementary Differential Equations - Penney
85 NPCR 1 T
86 NPCR 1 W
87 NPCR 2 T
88 NPCR 2 W
89 NPCR 3 T
90 NPCR 3 W
91 NPCR 4 T
92 NPCR 4 W
93 NPCR 6 T
94 NPCR T Spreadsheet
95 Modern Chinese Textbook Sample
96 Reading and Writing Chinese Simplified Character Edition - William McNaughton
97 A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners
98 Analysis of Chinese Characters
99 Rapid Literacy in Chinese (S)
100 P. and S. on Quantum Mechanics Ph. D.
101 P. and S. on Solid State, Relativity and Miscellaneous Topics Ph. D.
102 P. and S. on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Ph. D.
103 P. and S. on Optics Ph. D.
104 P. and S. on Mechanics Ph. D.
105 P. and S. on Eletromagnetism Ph. D.
106 P. and S. on Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics Ph. D.
107 Quantum Field Theory of Point Particles and Strings
108 Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction
109 Introduction to Elementary Particles 2ed - Griffiths
110 Introduction to High Energy Physics - Perkins
111 Halliday Fsica 3 Ed 5
112 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 2nd - Ferbel
113 Solid States Basic - Simon
114 Introductory Nuclear Physics - Wong
115 Introduction to Solid State Physics 8th - kittel
116 Quarks and Leptons An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics - Halze
117 Solid State Physics - Ashcroft
118 Concepts of Particle Physics - Gottfried
119 Collider Physics - Barder
120 Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics V3 - Erika
121 Galactic Dynamics - Binney
122 QFT and the Standard Model - Schwartz
123 Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics V1 - Erika
124 An Introduction to Study of Stellar Structure - Chandrasekhar
125 An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics New - Carroll
126 Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics V2 - Erika
127 An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics Old - Carroll
128 Astronomy Astrophysics - Bhattacharya
129 Algebraic Topology - Hatcher
130 Differential Topology - Pollack
131 Basic Topology - Armstrong
132 Topology 2nd - Dugundji
133 A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology - Massey
134 Topology - Munkres
135 Elements of Algebraic Topology - Munkres
136 Fundamentals of Semiconductors 4th - Cardona
137 Fundamental Laws of Mechanics - Irodov
138 Problems in General Physics - Irodov
139 Standard Model: An Introduction(Notas) - Novaes
140 Lie groups, Lie algebras e representaes - Hall
141 The quantum theory of Fields VI Foundations - Weinberg
142 Quantum Optics - Walls e Milburn
143 Theory of Elementary particles physics - Cheng
144 Spacetime and geometry: an introduction to GR - Carroll
145 Modern Cosmology - Dodelson
146 Advanced quantum mechanics - Sakurai
147 The quantm theory of Fields VII Applications - Weinberg
148 The quantum theory of Light - Loudon
149 Path of integrals and hamiltonians - Baaquie
150 General Relativity - Wald
151 Theory of qunatum information - Wilde
152 Modern quantum mechanics - Sakurai
153 Spacetime physics - Taylor e Wheeler
154 Lectures on quantum mechanics - Weinberg
155 Introductory to nuclear physics - Krane
156 A students manual about general relativit - Scott
157 Classical eletromagnetic rediation - Marion
158 The quantm theory of Fields VIII Supersymmetry - Weinberg
159 Quantum optics - Scully
160 Relativistic Quantum mechanics Wave Equations - Greiner
161 introductory to Nuclear Physics - Wong
162 A modern course in statistical physics 2nd Ed.- Reichl
163 Modern Supersymmetry: Dynamics and duality - Terning
164 Lectures notes on lie Algebras and Lie Groups - Ferreira
165 Cosmology - Weinberg
166 Introduction to Differential Geometry - Spivak
167 Lie algebra and representation theory - Humphreys
168 Qumica Geral - Brady
169 One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear Algebra Vol. 1 - Apost
170 Multi Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra, with Applications to Differentia
l Equations and Probability Vol. 2 - Apostol
171 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 7th - Arfken
172 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 6th - Arfken
173 Chapter Chaos MMP 7th - Arfken
174 Chapter Mathieu MMP 7th - Arfken
175 Chapter Period MMP 7th - Arfken
176 Chapter Series MMP 7th - Arfken
177 Lecture Notes on General Relativity - Matthias Blau *
178 Group Theory in Physics an Introduction v1 - Cornwell
179 The Path Integral Approach to Quantum Mechanics - Matthias Blau
180 Plane Waves and Penrose Limits - Matthias Blau
181 Symplectic Geometry and Geometric Quantization - Matthias Blau
182 Supergravity Solutions - Matthias Blau
183 Elementary Introduction to Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime - Winitzki
184 Vector Calculus 4th - Colley
185 An introduction to mechanics 2nd - Kleppner
186 Group Theory in Physics - Wu-ki Tung
187 Finite-dimensional vector spaces - Halmos

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