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Consuming Visions Accumulation and Display of Goods in America 1880—1920 EDITED BY Simon J. Bronner hur Museum, terthue Museum, Ine Books Canada Lid Electra, with display type set rthur, Delaware Includes index ISBN 0-393-02709-0 ISBN 0-393-9b002-1 PAPERBACK W. W, Norton & WW. Nos 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. x sreat Ri cll Street, London WC2B 3NU Contents B Associate Profess Pennsylvania State U risburg ind Veblen: Rethinking B Jackson Lears Professor, Departmes Rutgers Un Strategists of Display ork I Dom : 13 Ag of Graduate Studies, American Si From Parlor to Living Room Domestic Space, Interior Decoration, and the Culture of Personality Karen Halttunen [A number of recent popular books with titles such as What Your House You, What Do You Say the homes of our acquaintances. They offer so we can learn about tendencies, and personal style bef mistakes,

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