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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus

CS201: Data Structures (Fall 2017)
Assignment 2
(Deadline: 09th October, 2017 01:00 AM)
Submission: You are required to use Visual Studio for the assignment. Combine all your work
(solution folder) in one .zip file after performing “Clean Solution”. Name the .zip file as
ROLL_NUM_A_02.zip (e.g. 16i-0001_A_02.zip). Submit zip file on slate within given deadline.
Failure to submit according to above format would result in deduction of 10% marks.
Comments: Comment your code properly. Marks (minimum 10%) will be deducted for the
undocumented code.
Deadline: Deadline to submit assignment is 09th October, 2017 01:00 AM. Late submission without
any deduction will be accepted till 09th October, 2017 10:00 AM. No submission will be considered
for grading outside slate or after 09th October, 2017 10:00 AM. Correct and timely submission of
assignment is responsibility of every student; hence no relaxation will be given to anyone.
Plagiarism: -50% marks in the assignment if any significant part of assignment is found plagiarized.
A code is considered plagiarized if more than 20% code is not your own work.

Photo Organizer

You love to keep a collection of memories in form of photographs. You have decided to take
advantage of your programming skills in order to keep your memories organized. You want to develop
a Visual C++ console application to keep track of your photos. You have decided to assign categories
to photos as i) friends, ii) family and iii) trips. You also don’t want these categories to be fixed; you
want to start gym soon and you will be adding some more categories like sports and fitness etc. Some
of your photos can belong to more than one category like a trip with friends will go to both Friends and

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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus
Programming Details

You have decided to use singly linked list for each category in order to keep track of your photos. Each
photo in your software should have only one node. A photo node should be accessible (i.e., pointed) by
the linked lists of all categories assigned to that photo (cf. above picture). Moreover, each photo has a
default category named as “uncategorized” (not shown in the above picture).

A photo node is a data structure containing at least the following data members:
1. Title of the photo
2. Filename along with the path information, i.e., name and absolute or relative path of the folder on
the hard disk where the photo is located.
3. Date of the creation of the photo
4. Categories assigned to the photo
5. List of next pointers to enable inclusion of the photo node in the linked lists of multiple categories.
For example, a photo belonging to two categories will have two next pointers one for the linked list
of each category. The next pointers should be managed in a dynamic manner.


1) Add/delete category: If a category is removed then the corresponding linked list is also destroyed.
Remember each photo has only one node so the nodes belonging to multiple categories must not be
deleted. Moreover, the default category of the photos cannot be removed.

2) Add/delete photo: If a photo is deleted then the linked list of all categories (associated with the
deleted photo) must be updated. In contrast, if a photo is added, then it must be added to the linked lists
of all categories it belongs. On deletion the photo is removed from the default category as well.

1) Add/Remove categories of a photo: You have to update the linked lists of categories appropriately.
For example, if a photo is assigned a category “friend” then you have to add the node of that photo to
the linked list of category friend by establishing the pointers appropriately. Remember, every photo has
only one node and therefore assigning a new category only requires adjusting next pointers. The
default category cannot be remove.

4) Display photos in one or more categories: Use the display code (i.e., display_code.cpp) uploaded
along with the assignment to display the photos using web browser. The following display options
must be supported:
1. Union of photos in the specified categories, e.g., display photos belonging to categories A or B.
2. Intersection of photos in the specified categories, e.g., display photos that belong to both the
categories i.e., A and B.
3. XOR of photos in the specified categories, e.g., display photos belonging to one category but not
the other.
4. Photo with a specific title.
5. Photos taken on a specific date: MM/DD/YYYY

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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus
6. Photos taken in between a date range, e.g., display photos taken from MM/DD/YYYY to

5) Undo operations: Your program should be able to undo the operations of delete photo and delete
category. You have to use dynamic stacks for handing undo operations. Each entry on the stack should
save the operation name and all the parameters required to perform the reverse operation. For example
for delete photo operation the undo stack should store the operation “delete_photo” and parameters that
can be used later for recreating the photo node. In particular, to undo the “delete_photo” operation you
will have to i) recreate the photo node containing the information about the title, filename, date etc.,
and ii) reinsert it into the linked lists of relevant categories.

Additional details and advice

Your program should be menu driven and enable users to perform different operations mentioned
above. The menu gets input from the users and pass it (as arguments) to the ADT insert, remove,
search (i.e., retrieve and return), and display operations. Moreover, memory allocation should be
dynamic. Make sure to define a constructor and destructor for all classes. Your destructors must
deallocate all dynamically allocated memory.

Code for displaying Images

As you cannot display the photos directly on the console without the use of sophisticated libraries, the
easy way is to generate HTML files to display photos in browser when necessary. This can be done
using the Shell API. C++ provides the library to call the default browser to open up a specified HTML
(Assuming that we know the base path of our code). The following code is also uploaded as a .cpp file
along with the assignment.

#include <windows.h>
#include <Shellapi.h>
// Written for the course Data structures in FAST-NU-ISB
* This code is for creating HTML file at run time and then calling the using shell
* HTML have a lot of TAGs which we will not be covering all
* The code use the ones we need for displaying and formatting the images
* Then the ShellExecute will be used to call the created output
using namespace std;
int main()
string html="<html><head><title>Your Page Title
here</title></head><body><h1>YOUR TITLE OF CATEGORY HERE</h1>";
* <html> is a parent tag to be placed in the start of every html page
* head tag has a child tag in which we can specify the title of the page
"category name in your case"
* Body tag actually have all the child tags you can say i will have all the
remaining content

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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus
* <h1> tag is a heading of level 1 tag
string files[3]={"1.jpg", "2.jpg", "3.jpg"}; // links of images (supposed to
be taken from linkedlist)
string base_link="file:///C:/Users/admin/Documents/"; // of the same folder
of images and the one HTML is going to be
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
html+="<img src='";
html+=files[i]+"' width='400px' height='400px'><br /> <br />"; //
constructing images tags with 400x400 dimensions
html+="</body></html>"; // closing previously opened tags
fstream fout; // creating file stream
fout.open("file.html", ios::out); // assigning file with create replace mode
fout<< html; // writing the html tags to the text file
fout.close(); // closing the stream
string temp_link=base_link+"file.html"; // creating a full URL to be
understood by the browsers
if(ShellExecute(NULL, "open", temp_link.c_str(), NULL, NULL,
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)) // calling default browser with our constructed HTML file

What to submit

Submit your code for this assignment, programmed in C++ using Visual Studio 2017. A document
containing the snapshots of your code of main functionalities along with some algorithmic details must
be submitted. The document in particular highlight: how the data structures you used helps you in
improving run time. The code needs to be well documented so that grader can get a good idea of what
each of your procedures do.

Program modularity, clarity, documentation etc., along with correct implementation will be considered
for grading.

Good Luck!

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