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INFERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 9223 Firat editton 1002.02.15 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity of atmospheres — Classification Corroston des métaur ef alliages — Corrosivité dos atmospheres — Classification Refaranise numbar Is 9223:199246) CopmrgMt bythe Intentional Urganization Por Standardization Sal fu D4 15-58 200 150 9293:1992(E) Foreword ISO (tho Intornatlonal Organizaton for Standardvation is a workowiee federation of national standards bodies (ISO "nomber bodies). Tha work of prepariag inlernalional Standards is normally carried out through {60 technical committees. Each mamber body inlorested In a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right ta be represented on that committee, Intornatlersl organizallons, gevorn mental and ron-govammettal, Ii ilzlson wilt (SC, also take part in the work, ISG collaborates tlosely with the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all mallers of clectrotechnicat standardization. Draft International Standards adopled by lie iechnical committees are circulated to tho member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter- national Standard requires approval by al least 75% of the member bodies casting a vole. Intornalional Standard 180 9223 was prepared by Technical Committer IBOITC 188, Corrosion of metals and alfoys. Annex A lorms an Integral part of this International Standard. Annex B ig for information only, © 130 19% Ail rlghts reserved, No part of Pris puldlelun trey be repronnied or ullizedin ary fora fr by any meane, electronic oF mecharleal, eluding sfietacopying arl ty crotiin, wlihout FParerlanton In ting frarn the publisher Intemational Organization for Standardization (Caee Potala S6® CIt1241 Geneve 20» fullzarinel Fined In Gwitzarland Copyright bythe Intcnational Grganization Por Standardization Sal do 04 16-02 200 ISO 9228:1992(6) Introduction Motals, alloys and mataille coatings may suffer almeaphatie corrosion when their Surlarcs are wetted. The nature and rate of the aitack will depend upcn the properties of surface-formed electrolytes, particularly vith regard to the level and type of geseotts and particulate pollutants in the aimosphere and te tha duration of thoir action on the metallic surface. Bala on the corrosivity of the atmosphere are essential for the devel- opment aad specification of optimized corrosion resistance far mantl- factured product Thove are two ways of determining the corrasivity estegary of a given location according to thls International Standard (see figure 0.4) Tho corrosivity catogorioe ore definod by the corrosien effects on etan- dard specimens ex shccified in ISO 9226. The corrosivily categories may be assessed in terms cf the most significant atmospheric factors {ufli- eneing the corrosion of motals and alloys Le. lime af welnoss and pol lution level ‘The corrosivity category is a technical characteristic whieh provides a hasis for the selection of mintorlats and protective measures In almos- pheric envitonmonts subject to the demands of the specific applleation, particularly wilh rogard to service Ife This International Standard doos nol take into consideration the design and mode of operstion of the product which can influenée Ils corrosion resistance, since these effects are highly apecife and cannot be gener allzet CopmrigMt bythe Intentional Urganization Por Standardization Sal fo 04 16-05 200

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