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The test ve years ofa chit’ ite ae critoa, the believe we can change things—or atleast ry. And experts tellus. That's when thelr characters are 10 we need youre. No, dont reach fr your ooket. formed. That's when caring counts. Someone to It's not your money — it’s you we want. In your show them how to do things. Someone just to hold community there are dozens of ways you can make 5 them. Unfortunately; for many of the world’s children, personal contact with kids and make a difference that's as a result — just what they don’t get. And society suffers to their lives. Maybe you'll help one to read, to play ist be the jecause a deprived child has a lot less 15 a game, to lear to laugh. Maybe you'll chance of growing up an adjusted adult. Some of us hand that holds out a little hope. |60 vo OME ON-HELP US GIVE A KID AHAND UFJF (DLEM) — Projeto de Universalizagio Prof” Bolsista: Fernanda Henriques Dias Prof" Orientadora: Vera Licia Krepker de Oliveira Aula, -UNL001 Dat A) Pre-Text: 1- Em sua comunidade hé campanhas de ajuda a menores? Se ha, que tipo de campanhes silo feitas, ¢ como elas so veiculadas? ‘Vocé conhece alguma Instituigaio de auxilio de criangas carentes? 3+ Vocé ja ajudou ou visitou alguma dessas Instituigdes? 4- Quais so os pontos positivos e negativos presentes nes tipo de Instituigio? B) Getting Closer to the Text: S- A partir da observacdo da gravura, o que podemos deduzir do titulo do texto? 6- Que tipo de informaco vocé espera encontrar no texto, tomando como ponto de partida 0 titulo do texto? ‘7- O que significa IAA? a Cas 8- HA quanto tempo a IAA existe? C) On the Text 9- Sublinhe as palavras cognatas. 10-Circule as palavras transparentes. 11-O que esta sendo anunciado? 12-De acordo com o texto, quando & formade 0 cardter da eriancad 13- Que tipo de ajuda o texto estd pedindo?(10-13) 14- Marque V ou F )(_) Os sébios afirmam que a fase principal para cuidar de uma crianga é durante seus 5 primeiros anos. b)(_) Todas as criangas recebem o cuidado que necessitam. ©) (A Assoviagio esté pedindo contribuigao em dinheiro, @)(_) A crianga carente tem menos chance de tomar-se um adulto ajustado. 15-Numere a segunds coluna de acordo com a primeira: (1) caring (3) (_ ) esperanga (2) show (4) (mostrar (3 ) hold (4) (muda (4) unfortunately (5) ( ) euidado (5) believe (9) ( Jacreditam (6) change (9) (vena (7) pocket (10) ( ) segurar (8) maybe (15) ( )talver (9 holds out (16) ( Jbolso (10 ) hope (16) ( )traz (11) come on (fim) ( }infelizmente 16- A partir da leitura atenciosa do texto, que tipo de ajuda vocé considera mais importante no que diz respeito aos servigos sociais e de assisténcia a menores? ©) On the lexicon 17-Obseve 0 titulo do texto: “GIVE AKID A HAND” Qual é 0 sentido em que a palavra em negrito foi usada?, 1-H no texto algum outro exemplo de palavras ou expressbes que tenham sido usadas da ‘mesma forma’, D) On the Grammar: 19- Observe as palavras destacadas nas frases abaixo: a) The first five years of a childs life are critical, the experts tell us. That's when their characters... (1-3) ) ..that’s just what they don’t get, (6) ©). Maybe you'll help one to read, to play a game... (14-15) As palavras destacadas fazem referéncia a outros termos do texto. Quais so eles? THAT. + A coesio lexical e a referéncia contextual ajudam a compreender melhor a organizagio do texto. Evitando repetir palavras ou expressdes jé usadas, 0 autor utiliza outras que se refiram a mesma coisa ou idéia. E importante a identificagdo dessas palavras a fim de que 0 assunto tratado na frase ou pardgrafo esteja evidente para o leitor. ‘© Observe as palavras destacadas nas sentengas abaixo: a) Some of us believe we can change things... (8-9) b) ...we need your help. (10) ) ...there are dozens of ways you can...(12) 20-Qual a fungfo exercida pelas palavras em negrito? E pelas palavras em itilico? 21-Em qué orden essas palavras se apresentam? > As palavras em negrito sto PRONOMES-SUIEITO. Os pronomes-sujeito, como 0 proprio nome jé indica, substituem o sujeito nas frases ¢ eles vém sempre posicionados antes do verbo. Quais sto eles: Portugués Inglés Singular: Plural: Observe as palavras em negrito e em itélico nas sentengas abaixo: 1) Someone just to hold them. (4-5) 22+ Qual a fungdo exercida pela palavra em negrito? E pela palavra em itélico? 23- im que ordem essas palavras se apresentam?___ > A palavra em negrito é um PRONOME-OBJETO. Os pronomes-objeios também substituem os nomes, porém vém normalmente posicionados apés 0 verbo, exercendo a fungdo de objeto das frases. Quais sao eles: Portugués Inglés Singular: Plural: ‘© Observe as palavras em negrito © em itdlico nas sentengas abaixo: a) ...we need your help. (10) ) ..make a difference to their lives. (13-14) 24- Qual € a funcio exercida pelas palavras em negrito? E pelas palavras em itilico? E pelas palavras sublinhadas? 25- Bim que ordem elas se apresentam no texto? see > As palavras em negrito sio PRONOMES ADJETIVOS POSSESSIVOS. Os pronomes adjetivos possessivos sempre virdo acompanhados de um nome, exercendo uma fung&o adjetiva. Quais sao eles: Portugués Inglés Singular Plural: + Com 0 uso dos pronomes (que também sto referentes contextuais) o texto tomna-se mais, claro, coeso e menos repetitive. 26- Complete as frases abaixo com o pronome mais adequado (so dadas 3 opedes). a) are very beautiful, (I— YOU — YOUR) b) This is book. (ME-WE-HER) ©) They need, help. (OUR-I-US) 4d) He wants to help (THEIR - THEM — HIS) °) am happy. (ME — YOU -1) p ‘clothes are expensive. (YOU ~ IT - HIS) E) Production: 27-Elabore frases que expressem maneiras de auxiliar criangas carentes. Lembre-se de usar as estruturas e formas gramaticais ensinadas nas aulas anteriores e os pronomes. UFJF — Universidade Federal de Juiz de For a Vera Liicia Krepker de Oliveira Prof Bolsista: Fernanda Henriques Dias Data:_ Rs Mra fae rai ipe International asin PU) Institute Ae tts) ees of ae Culinary Arts 100 Rlock Street + Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 (608) 675-9305, Toll Free: (888) 383-COOK huipslvwwveiioa.com Also find us at hpi ‘cookingcareer.shawguides.com Thre lasicel techniques, the modern way. ‘The disciplines. The precision. The art The icience. The ereativity. The simplicity. The supreme inventiveness. The revival of regional cooking. The history of gas-’ sronomy, the history of American euisine cand the history of wines. Service and ospitalizy. The equipment and techniques, The dietetic dishes. The experinientation Very extensive and demanding curriculun. | “The glory that comes to thos who master these techniques is never swift or easy.” ‘The New York Times. May 15, 2002. A) Prosext, 1. Voeé ja procurou propagandas de ‘algum curso?, 2, Quais 0s elementos mais recorrentes nestes tipos de textos? _ 3. 0 gud gealmenteinformada?_ & Quais informagies voc procuraria neste tipo de aniincio? 5. Vooé conlece algo sobre os ‘cursos de artes culindrias? B) Getting closer to the text 6. Qual é 0 veieulo de publicagio? Em qual seco? 7. Qual entidade esti oferecendo o ounio? ss Soe a 8. Ele tem garantias? Como voce cchegou a esta conclusio? C) On the text 9. Como a instituigdo define o curso do artes culinérias? 0.0 que é ensinado no caso? 12. Complete as informagies: a) Algumas qualidades do curso sf: ) 0 objetive do curso ©) Podemos entrar em contato por meio de: 4) Para “anunciar outros programas de culindria basta: uy 13. Releia 0 texto e correlacione as palavras: (i) single ( Ypratos ©) recipe (fic (3) cuisine ( ) invengio, inovagao @) making ( )vinhos () way ( ) receita inventiveness () revival ( (8) cooking ( )ripido (9) wines ()restbelecimento (10) dishes ( )ieito, maneira (11) demanding = (vem (12) comes ()cozinha (13) swift (fazer, consirir (14) easy ( Jeatiniia 14, De acordo com o contexto, o que significa “Toll Free”? D) On the Lexicon 15. Transcreva o enderego da firma de artes culinérias. 16. O que difere do endereco em Portugués? 17. Identifique as partes que compiem o enderezo: Street_ City, State_ Zip Code, Number, ) On the grammar 18, Observe as expressées: “The Intemational Institute” “The disciplines”. 19. Qual a fungdo das palavras em negrito? _ 20. As expressbes se diferem quanto plural € singular. E o artigo “the”, como ele se comporia diante dessa diferenca? 21, Encontre outros exempios do mesmo procedimento. 22. Que tipo de palavra o artigo “the” normalmente acompanha? 23. Na frase: “The single most important recipe in cuisine is the one used for making the chet 24, A palavra em negrito substitui outra palavra da frase. Que palavra é essa?_ 25. Encontre no texto outras palavras usadas como referenciaglo. F) Outside reading 26. Observe a fiase: “The single most important recipe in cuisine is the one used for making the chef.” Como vooé assoviaria essa expresso aos dados apresentados no texto? 27, Ele érelevante para o anincio? Por qué? G) Production 28, Produza um pequeno anincio para um curso de inglés. E-3 SKIMMING 6 Signs of Caffeine Addiction CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL TYPICALLY SETS IN AFTER 12 TO 24 HOURS OF ABSTAINING FROM CAFFEINATED DRINKS By January W. Payne Posted June 25, 2009 Caffeine alters mood and behavior, and it can also result in physical dependence, says Roland Griffiths, a professor in the departments of psychiatry and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. ‘People are hesitant fo think of it as a drug of addiction because it doesn't have alt of the health and adverse socal consequences associated with cour classic drugs of addiction, yet the basic mechanisms by which it hooks people are very ‘much like our classic drugs of addiction, he says. Most people experience mild to modest withdrawal, Griffiths says, whichis relieved by sinking coffee in the morning aftr abstaining from it overnight. Many people say," really don't get going until I have coffe, [and] then I feel great’ What they'ie not recognizing is that if they didn’t consume coffee [at all], they would wake up feeling great” Griffiths says Here are some ofthe signs of caffeine withdrawal, which typically appear 12 to 24 hours alter abstaining from coffee Headache > Lethargy + Depressed mood Nausea Vomiting ~* Muscle pain and stiffness (Disponivel empath enews comfatcleseahtae nes aog/osfasalgneof caffeine diction» “Acso em 3 jh 2009) a | Lerrura em Linus inctesa | UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL rANQANSeAAAa @ @ ¢ @ € e e e @ e € ¢ e e ¢ o DRaoV22994 © a PQVWD a PeeTeTFs 20 TITTT TT eC TT TTT eT TT eee ee ee He ~~ ~~ SKIMMING | UNIDADE § Bullies and Their Victims: Wanna Fight? by Cau, Taan and Jon Eowano Gnt What is Bullying? skatwelve-yearold what he or she hates most | A school, and you mightbe surprised to | learn that the school bully outranks homework and tests on the fear factor scale. A bully is a child who deliberately and continuously uses physical assault or verbal abuse to harm another child that he or she sees asmore vulnerable, Balles and thei victims can beas | ‘young as eight years old, and schoo! bullying peaks in the high school yeas. Bullies and their vietims canbe boys | or girls, and bullying can take place in cyberspace as well as the schoolyard: Both the bully and his or her victim suffer, and some are driven to extreme or suicidal behavior ‘According toa survey done by the American Academy | of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50 percent of school age childxen report being bullied at some point during their school years, and 10 percent report being bullied continuously. Children in this age group are most intensely aware of their peers’ opinions, acceptance, and rejection, The experience of being singled out and picked on can turn into an ever more emotionally devastating downward spiral, and the ‘experience of power felt bya bully can also become a dangerous emotional high that pushes him or her to more extreme:behavior. : | Bullying takes place anywhere children gather: the playground, the cafeteria, the school ‘hallways, the school bus, the mall, online on web sites such as My Space, or on cell phones via calls and text messaging, Bullying takes the form of punching, hitting ripping, name- calling, posting embarrassing messages or photographs, or sending nasty messages, Bullies canbe boys or girs, known or unknown to their victims. (Disponvel ems hporatermagcomjo8 folly. Acesso em: 29 Junho 2029) LEITURA EM LINGUA INGLESA i uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | a4 | | ! | FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4Lela os textos da pagina anterior, observando titulos, cognatos, gravuras, bem como as pri- meiras e titimas linhas de cada pardgrafo. Leve em conta também seu conhecimento prévio dos assuntos tratados. Em segulda, tente resumir, com suas palavras, a idéla central de cada um deles. 2.Em sua opiniéo, quem & a so os provavels leitores desses textos? APRESENTAGAO DE ESTRATEGIA BUSCANDO A IDEI JA GERAL DO TEXTO (SKIMMING) Esta esTRATéGIA DE LEITURA consiste em observarmos o texto rapidamente apenas para de- tectar 0 assunto geral do mesmo, sem nog preocuparmos com os detalhes. Para tanto, é neces- sat pretar eno 26 avout do tent, uo, sub-tuo (se hover, cognatos, primers e/ou i timas linhas de cada pardgrafo, bem como a inforinagdo n&o-verbal (figuras, gréficos e tabelas). ‘Skimming & muito uiizade em nosso dle2-ca, quando flheamos um jm ou revista pare obter uma ideia geral das principals matérlas/reportagens. No contexto académico é bastante empregada na selegSo de material bibllogréico para trabalhos de pesauis, CONSOLIDAGAO COMPREENSAO DETALHADA ‘ \Volte aos textos e relela-os, desta vez para ir além do nivel de compreensdo geral dos mesmos. 4 Leia os textos novamente e assinale verdadelro (V) ou falso (F) para as seguintes afirmacSes: Texto Ay ‘a Acateina, lém de aterar 0 comportamento, pode causar dependéncia. C] bb A cafeina também & considerada, pela maloria das pessoas, uma droga que vicia, pols acarre- 18 05 mesmos sintomes ¢ A maioria das pessoas que outras drogas. 5 softe de abstinéncia leve a moderada, a qual é superads logo apés beber café na manhé seguinte. C] 4d Dr. Grifths afirma que as pessoas $6 acordam se sentindo bem se tomarem café. a « Aiguns dos sintomas relacionados 2 falta de cafeina sBo: dor de cabece, depresséo e vis8o tuva. | 52 | verrura ew Lineua inciesa | uma ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL RAARRAAAAMOOL: an Aa a q wwwewwwwewwvrwwwr rw wre ee ee ~~~ ~~ ~~ Skiumivg | UNIOADE 5 Texto B: ‘a As tarefas e provas sdo os fatores que meis amedrontam as criangas de 12 anos. E] Em tomno de 10% das criancas sofrem ameacas durante o perfodo escolar. E] As vitimas da perseguigdo na fase escolar podem ter problemas emocionais [] 4 Os ules, Isto 6, aqueles que ameacam/persequem, so, na maloria das vezes, conhecidos de suas vtimas. F] @ AS agressbes podem ser de vérlos tipos: socos, surras, rastelras, xingamentos, mensagens abusivas e fotos comprometedoras. L] | £-3 SCANNING THE WOMEN (Comedy) 12 -The Women is a remake ofthe 1939 George Cukor ass. “Tne updeted version faloms a group of female ends when the one they envied most danaves her husbands chesing on her 154 min MPAA Rare: PG-12 fr sexlated meter language, some vg use and ba smoking, SSraneino: Meg Ryan, Annate Bering, Eva Mendes, Debra = Messing, Jade Prket-Smith Mamma mat once aa | + Raised on a Greek sland by a foxmertyrebelious mam who never “acbsed te Ident ofher father, 2 bride so-be lestes three men tao might be her father nd ites them to her wedi, +108 Minutes. [MPAA Rare: PG-13 for some sexteloted comments. SARRING: Men SUuaep, Perce Brosnan, Amanda Seyi, Colin Fith, Stallon Skessgerd THE DARK KNIGHT (Action/Adventure) += The Coped Crusader returs, protecting Gatnam Cy fom the ‘nad einal mastermind, the Jokes +2 32min [MPAA Rarinc: PC-12 fr ntense sequences of wclence and some ‘Sragnive: Crison ale Heath Ledger, Aaron Eclat, Maggie {Galena Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Mergan| (Dsgonelenc malities conferees fp Acne 1 Ge nove 08 A} Budapest by Night N/a shed Tee of the East’ and spend an enjoyable | evening in a traditional restaurant in the hills of Budal We'll serve you a tational Hungarian threecoure mens accompanied | with wine. During the dinner you can enjoy a colourful Folklore Show Programme with dancers - dressed in folk costumes ~ and Gipsy Music. Next well drive around the illuminated city and stop on top of the Gellét Hill (Citadel), the most spectacular viewpoint of Budapest. The tour ends at your hotel or at Monte Carlo Budapest. {voucher for free admission incl} | DATE @ TIME: ‘Arai Ocroser: Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat. 19.00 [Novewoet-Mascu (Exc, Januay}: Fri, Sat. 19:00 DURATION: 4 hours | | | pric | Aouur: 65 EUR Should you be interested in the above | Cutonaw: 32 EUR program or need help, please do not | The price includes free pickup hesitate to contac us a service 30 minutes before info@sightsecingtoursbudapestcom | the tour starts —_ [Dinponivel ens dp vrsightseingtoursbdapest amyenyoudapestynight php ‘Acssipem: 22 novembro 2038.) .FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observe rapidamente os textos A e B acima e indique seus respectivos géneros: CO bula de remédios Ci aniincio de pacote turistico C segao de classificados Ditirinha humoristica sinopses de filmes 2 Agora localize as seguintes informagdes no texto-A: a o filme de maior dura bo filme de menor durago ___ = UNIDADE 6 2 idade minima exigida pela censura para assistir 0s flmes_ dos filmes que contém assunto relacionado a sexo eo fle que se passa em uma iha grega do filme que tem a atriz Meg Ryan no elenco 0 género a que pertence o filme “The Dark Night" fo filme que é uma refilmagem de um cléssico 3 Observe 0 texto-B e explique a que se referem os itens abaixo: a4 hours: b 32 EUR: c info@sightseeingtoursbudapestcom: Apri-October: Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat. 1800 4 Localize no texto-B as seguintes informagée: a Cidade européia comparada 3 Budapeste _ — b Tis alividades incluidas na excurséo € O més em que a excursdo no é oferecida APRESENTAGAO DE ESTRATEGIA BUSCANDO INFORMAGOES ESPECIFICAS NO TEXTO (SCANNING) Como vimos aNTERIORMENTE, nossos objetivos determinam © modo pelo qual reallzaros a lellura. Quando buscamos uma informacéo espectfica, concentramos a atencéo apenas em identificé-a, ignorando outros detalhes do texto, Essa técnica de leftura, conhecida como scan ting, consiste em correr repidamente os alhos pelo texto até localizar a informado desejade. (© scanning é prética rotineira na vida das pessoas. Alguns exemplos tipicos so 0 uso do dk Clonétio para obter informago sobre o significado de pafavras, a busca de um nimero na liste telefénica ou a utlizagBo do indice de uma revista ou lvro para encontrar um artigo ou capitulo Ge interesse. Essa técnica no exige letura completa nem detalhada do texto. LTISD ee & e @ e © & e © & & & & & & e & e e © € € € e « book wh so stickers eee game cards (RS 13,77 sumeo A woRD leaptivd Sosa These cars nea est wy ta ap your cil raion ar pump a semence RG 13,77 ert a a tdog as. “he teseseing fist word and pcre book at” Lei Crea a toate Thee rsa aga ater ca ey ts ee Iga rata bs ates ets gum ot oving fo baie: erly a) exch pack with 54 cards acrynry as tonne cach pack with Aaa try tn eed oi hee fines a fn maths, The srs dfx ean he a. RS 8,76 i St ted wl san be star ‘ee ggg avn FUTILE AROS fay HORARSS uc te ane tes pet 1 Geren fr shot eee Rama Come Ces A) Presest 1. Vocé jé leu algum catilogo de oferta de livros pedagigicas? 2. Que tipo.de informa pode aparcoer nesses catélogos? 3. Voc€ acha que 0 catilogo & eficaz pam a venda desse tipo de mateiial? Por qué] a 4. caldlogo apresenta algum tipo de divistio, ao apresentar seus produtos?__ B) Getting closer to the text 5.--De qual sego do.catélogo os textos foram tirados?, 6. Que tipo de produtoele apresenta?__ 7. Quais so iangamentas? 8. Do que sto e para que servem as fotos apresentadas? C) On the text 9. Dé 0 nome dos produtos oferecidos © suas especificagties em relag%io ao tamanho, conteddo... _ Titulo. |Editora Prego. Oque Quantidade [Tamanho wn 10. Dé o niimero da(s) opgdo(Ges) em que aparece a informagiio dada. a) Ajuda na aprendizagem da gramética, brincando, b), Ajuda 2 aprender soletrar. ©) Ajuda a reconhecer substantives de uso freqdente, 4) Ajuda a desenvolver a matemétics, linguagem, arte e estudos socials ©) Ajuda na aprendizagem de patavras. f) Ajuda a adquirir informacies. 2) Ajuda a desenvolver a escrita, a linguagem ¢ a matemética, 11. Os “Activity Books” so recomendados para criangas de que idade? 12. Quantos pasticipantes slic permitidos em cada jogo?, 13, Relate o assunto de cada material ‘D) On the lexicon 14. A palavra everyday é uma palavra simples ou composta? 15, Por quais palavras ela é formada? 16. Hi no texto outras palavras compostas? Quais? ) On the grammar 17. Observe a frase: “The series is ideal for children who have just started or will soon be starting school.” 18. A que classe pertence a palavra em negrito? 19, Em que tempo se encontra? Como vocd chegou A esta conclusio? 20. Hii no texto outros verbos no mesmo tempo? Quais? 21.0. ¢ formado por bi F) Ouiside Reading 22. Vocé acha que. esse tipo de material importante para o processo de aprendizagem de uma erianga? Por qué? 23, Pelas informaybes dadas no texto voc® acha que os materials apresentados so caros?_ @ Production 24, Monte um texto pera um catilogo de materiais didaticos infantis, 14 Specific Language Impairment Current trends in research dited by Stavroula Stavrakaki ‘alae aves of These 4 ‘This volumes dedicated othe fel of speci Language impair ment (SLD, addressing imporeant research questions including: thelnterelation of geneticand cognitive pros of individuals wit t1;ehecomorbide issue andlincal boundaries berween Stand other developmental ds Lonsof Lisand theoy- motivated therapy appreaches to individuals ith SLL. This volume brings to- ether esearchers with diferent slentic backgrounds and ‘5 research disciplines, challenging curtent points of viewand 45 fering new perspectives on issuesof SEI and developmental disorders. Contbutns by. Archibald EL Ba J Cet Peas; A Gavareé A ite; AT Gua C. rach erie, 30 C parton Fao C: Haman. ari Toa; Nowe R Nude, Cear, N.Sipean Nenu 5, Staveala Tal L. Sprenger Charles, Steak 0 1g 5| orders; ctoselinguistcmanifesa- {0} Structures, Strategies and Beyond ‘Studies in honour of Adriana Belletti 1 Edited by Elisa Di Domenico, Cornelia Hamann and Simona Matteini "Univer for BoreignesotPerui/Unressy ofOdebar Unrest Siena ‘The volume contains: contribution from senior nd Junior scholars covering core issues within the theoretical Investigation of thearchitecareand the mechanisms of ‘he faculty of language, with partcula emphasis onthe ‘computational component. The all pursue acomparatine approach, investigating and comparing different languages and dials or comparing diferent modes of acquisition, as in Adriana Bellet’ wor, to whom the volumes dedieate. ‘The papersin the fis part by Chomsly, Riz Blanch & Csi, Cinque, Costa, Calabrese del with theoretical issues suchaslabeling, checartography ofstructuresand the loal- iy of derivations inabroad sense-The papersin the second art(by Haegeman &Lohndal, Defito& Foti, Cruschina, ahousse,Di Domenico nd Contemoni, Dil oz20 & Masai concentrate onthe realization of sructore relative discourse, pasculaly on topic and fous postions inthe? peciphery and on cefeential dependencies. The third parecollecs pape (by Cardinale &Volpat, Friedmann, Yachin &eSzterman, Snsde & Hyams, Hamann & ‘Tuller, Ceecetto & Donati, Grewendorf& Poles) that specifically target intervention fet inelative clauses as apparent in diferent strucares, difeentlanguagesand iferent populations. Contributions by: Bae & C. Ces: Cals; A Cardinale & Felt; ceethets& coat. Chasis, Cinque Cantera. Posn 5. date, J Gost 5 ruschin;D- att &G. Far Domenic; E- Dioner, Hamam & 5: Nate. Fiedan, Mahi @ R Sctrman . Grewendr & Poets Regen; {CHnegeman Labeda C. Hamann Tar K. Labs a W rycen (Linguistic Aktuel/Linguistcs Today, 23) 2015. xvi, 431 pp. HB 9789027257052. FUR 99.00 | USD 14900 EBOOK 9789027268454 FUR 99.00 | USD 145.00 cert ings [Language eqs | yt Thee linguists S.Vrokown& H Ncantaa E Winen Ede Bee, PAL an Alpen, de Jog A, van dL, 58 [Panguage Acquisition and Language Disorders, s8] 2015. i327 DD. um 9789027253217 TUR 99.00 / usD 149.00 EBOOK 978903272.68426 TUR 99.00 / Us0 199.00 Language acausiion | Language dienes spe pathlogy Theoretical ingots ag 0 2 Te) Starting Over ~ The Language Development in Internationally-Adopted Children ‘ited by Fred Genesceand Audrey Delcenserie Mei Universe Unley of Motes. Taternationally-adopted children area unique population of languagelearners. They discon- 4, ‘nue aquisition of thei birth language when they are adopted by families that speak other languages. Their unigue language earning history raisesimpoctant practical nica and ‘theoretic issues. Practically speaking: whacis che typical language leaning ajctory of ‘hese children after adoption and what factors affect their anguage learning: age tadoption, country of origin, quality and nature of the pre-adoption learning environment andoth- They alo ruse important theoretical questions: How resilient is ther socoemotioal, cognitive and language development following adoption? Des ther language development resemble thatof stor second language learners or something else? Do they experience Fait Gg wadutldonoftateolclnguge scebcneenr cote crest eatacege 10 Heels aferadoptin and what araro-cognitv process undetie acqlsion ad posing ofthe er ine aoptdanguage;are the thesome zs theseof onlingualaatie speaks hve ote emer ‘second language learners? And, how do we interpret differences, if any, between adopted and noe ‘non-adoptive children? Chapters in this volume by leading researchers review research and provide insights on these issues. AS Content Ft, ema lr, Bosman Pate F Gene: Clme&Horma,K tenon Bs). Pre, 7 Gere eh 1A Eaten 2 he Seat ere {Mrendsintanguage Acsubston Research 8) 216 i208 pp. MB 9789027244086 EUR 90.00 / Us0 135.00 20 hoox 5785027267290 £0m Sooo [USD 13500 [itn onion end nga enact | Nesting etnies SURTEDT FRA AL anneemmee l urss Pro-text: Inglés instrumental Hoje vamos ler textos que pertencem ao género “catéloga de divulga¢do". Pensando em 'materiais de Linguistica e Ensino de Linguas, bem come nos titulos abaixo, quas informagBes vocé acha possvel encontrarmos no texto? Titulo: Specific Language Impairment; Structures, Strategies and Beyond; Starting Over ~ The Longuage Development in Internationelly-Adopted Children onthe tex 1) Othe o layout do testo e dé as seguintes informacbes: Subtituo; edtora;autorfes);referéncia bbliogrfica;contribuigdes; valores; palavra chave, 2) Lela os textos e, a partir da observacdo das palavras cognatas e transparentes, veja se trazem as informagies esperadas, 3) Qusis palavras so importantes para a compreensio do texto 4, que voce nfo ‘compreendeu? E da texto 2? E do texto 3? Busque o auxlio de um colega para compreender «estas palavras (apenas palavras importantes para 3 compreensio global do texto). 4) D8 as informacées salicitadas T1-Campo a que é dedicado volume: Questses de pesquisa abordadse pos de pesquisa: 7.2: Nimero de artigos: Temas cobertos: Ahordagem ‘Aquem é dedicado o volume ‘Quantas partes possuie do que trata cada uma dela 1.3: Qual é a perguntaprética da pesquisa ‘ais séo as perguntas tesrias: Onthe lexicon (Como ¢ feita a separacdo de palavras em inglés? Segue as regras do portugués? Outside reating: Que outros assuntos vocd acredita que podem ser estudados pela Linguistica? Quais temas te Interessam? 42 1% £3 INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL Food Pyramid on, aux. MAT & BEANS [Dispont en

; > , : ’ , » » » y ’ ’ ’ » wwvverveerwsewwrrwvwee Tse rere a iueenéweta conrextuat | UNIOADE ® ‘You also can see the bands start out wider and get thinner as they approach the top. ‘That's designed to show you that not all foods are created equal, even within a healthy food ‘group like fruit. For instance, apple pie would be in that thin part of th frit band because ithas alot of added sugar and fat. A whole apple — crunch! — would be down in the wide ppart because you can eat more of those within a healthy diet. (Dieponivel em: tpy/Aidshealthorgidetay heslhyood/ pyramid html, Acesso em 673009) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observando as ilustragées € 0 titulo descreva 0 que vocé pode antecipar sobre o contetido do texto. 2 Face uma lelturarépida para confirmar/descartar suas hipSteses.O texto correspondeu as suas expectativas? 3 Utlizando a estratégla scanning localize as seguintes informagées. 19 0s 3 grupos de alimentos representado$ na pirdmide: © grupo que 0 artigo coloca & parte em rlago-a0s outros cinco ¢ Uma dieta balanceada deve incu: _ 4A sigla USDA refere-se ao: «Esta versBo da pirémide 6 diigida & ‘8 Apés uma seguinda leitura do texto, procure deduzir o significado das palavras/expressées destacadas: : a” Keep consumption of saturated fats, trans fats and sodium low b A rainbow of colored, vertical stripes represents the five food groups plus fats and olls, €(5)— milk and dairy products 4 You can see that the bands for meat and protein (6) and oils (4) are skinnier than the others, ‘¢ You also can see the bands start out wider and get thinner as they approach the top. Lerrura em Lingua i UNIDADE & | INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL ‘i | APRESENTAGAO E PRATICA DE ESTRATEGIA ‘ FAZENDO /TECENDO INFERENCIAS CONTEXTUAIS A INFERENCIA é uma estratégia de grande valor na compreenséo de textos; muitas adivinha- Bes! suposices, que podem ser rejeitades ou confirmadas, ocorem até o leitor chegar 8 inter- pretagSo da mensagem. Ao encontrar uma palavra desconhecida, podemos fentar adivinhar seu significado fazendo uso do contexto, isto 6, observando a sentenca em que a palavra aparece u 25 sentengas anteriores @ posteriores. A habilidade de inferir & utlizada também para res- Cowexto Lnautstic — pistas que indicam se a palavra é um substantive, um adjetivo, um. verbo, etc. | i } + Conteero no mcutsrico (ow informacio nao-verbal) ~ pistas contidas em gravuras, : sréficos, tabelas, ete + Connecneento soars 4 oncantzacAo Textual ~ pistas contidas no titulo, subtitulo, diviséo em pardgrafos, ete : : 4 Nos exemplos abaixo, faca inferéncias para cémpletar as sentengas: a Em umia biblioteca, 0s livros so de acordo com o assunt, thulo e autor bb Uma longa exposi¢ao pode prejudicar a audigéo. € A poluico quimica pode ser multo prejudicial porque pode afetar a terra, o mar e dE impossivel cortar com esta faca porque ela esté totalmente Como vocé péde perceber, a0 nos depararmos com algo pouco legivel, apagado ou incom- a pleto, automaticamente procuramos utilizar essa habilidade para adivinhar o que falta e en- ae. tender 0 texto. « © L 2 Com base nas informagées acima, procure inferir os nomes dos filmes a segui. ’ ' ’ . , , ’ ’ » ’ ’ s , y ’ ’ ’ , » ’ , ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ , » » , s +: , » » > ’ ’ , , » » INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL | UNIDADE ® Dina fl_re seus _ Od___Jodam___her ar. Os exemplos sequintes mostram que o mesmo processo acontece em inglés (assim como em qualquer outra lingua). 3 Se a palavra weight for desconhecida, o seu significado poderd ser inferide quando a mes- ma for apresentada em coritexto: Many people ere worried about their weight. To reduce wefaht, they eat less, eliminate carbo- hydrates from their diet, do a lot of exercises to burn calories, etc. 4 No texto abaixo, a palavra substituida por tock (palavra inexistente, sem sentidc) também pode ser deduzida pelo contexto. She poured coffee into @ tock Then, holding the tock, she drank, Unfortunately, as she was pla- cing ton the table, the tock fell from her henid and broke 5 Do mesmo modo, nao é diffell deduizr 0 significado de “Mazda”, na sentenca abalxo: Fve Just bought a Mazda so Idrive to work. 6 Utilize a mesma estratégia, inferéncia, 6 usada para'descobrir as palavras em inglés que estdo faltando nas seguintes sentencas: alremovedthe from the shelf and began to read. 'b Rachel Is very hard working. On the other hand, her sister is very ‘¢ Everyone knows that ifyou step on an egg, it will” 7 Observe o comercial publicado para divulgar os 30 anos da DISAL, Ad interpreté-lo procure ler nas entrelinhas e encontrar significado além do que esté expresso explicitamente pelo autor, 8 Com base nos conceitos apresentados na pagina anterior, identifique, 0s tipos de conheci- mento e contexio que vocé utilizou para chegar & interpretacdo do comercial. verruna 84 cineus wetese | UMA ABoROAGEN MSTRUMENEAL | a7 the older it is (a The oldest book {_distsbutor in Brazil Fate Ne Rtn ELT 6 No 598 UMA ABORDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL HO eo DOGARHMAAMABARAMANRARDAOROREOLREADDRAARD DOD Ham min de oO J a INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL | UNIDADE 6 CONSOLIDAGAO INFORMAGAO NAO-VERBAL E OBJETIVOS DA LEITURA 4 Observe o layout do texto “The Food Guide Pyramid” e 0 subtitulo: The Pyramid Speaks. Vocé concorda com essa afirmativa? © que a pirémide tem a dizer? 2 Quial o objetivo des degraus na parte lateral da pirdmide ? 3 Como vocé avalia a contribuigio das ilustragées (Informago nao — verbal) para a compre- ‘ensdo da mensagem do texto? 4 Assinale 0 provével objetivo do leitor ao ler o texto? Caiversto Diapticacao prética CD enriquecimento intelectual LerTura eW.LINGUA Ingtess | Uma AsoRCAGEM JNSTRUMENTAL ww K5] GRUPOS NOMINAIS Don’t write off organic food THE FOOD STANDARDS AGENCY'S REPORT COMPLETELY FAILED TO ADDRESS THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF FARMING CHEMICALS ON HUMAN HEALTH, WRITES MOLLY CONISBEE By MoLLy Conisaee Published: 3M1PM BST 30 Jul 2009 ‘Comments 271 Comment on this artic id you know that the average industrially produced apple may have been sprayed up to 16 times with 30) different chemicals? Or that exposure to pesticides has been linked to birth defects, male infertility and nervous system disorders? Well, the Food Standards Agency's report on organic farming ‘would leave you none the wiser. It completely Swersconcyneiiuanfometineeniss failed to address the long-term effects of farming chemicals on human health The study, which concentrated on the nutritional content of organic food compared ‘to non-organic food, claimed there was litle difference between the two. But with closer reading the researchers do report in their analysis that there are higher levels of beneficial nutrients, such as flavonoids and beta carotene, in organic compared to non-organic foods, But the FSA don't consider these differences to be “important”, UNIADE 10 | GRUPOS NOMINAIS ‘The study concluded that there was no need for people to buy organic food for health benefits, but people don't only buy organic food because they think it will make them healthier. The EU's Quality Low Input Food project has found that regular buyers of organic food have a much more sophisticated understanding of thé range of benefits that organic. farming and food deliver, which stretch well beyond the nutritional ‘The environmental advantages are self-evident: organic farms have on average 30 per cent more species and 5o per.cent more overall numbers of wildlife such as birds, butterflies ‘and bees. Compassion in World Farmning, the recognized experts on animal welfare, says organic farming has the potential for the highest animal welfare standards. Artificial nitrogen fertilizer is banned in oxganic farming, so there are fewer runoffs of nutrients that cause the algae blooms in coastal waters which can have severe impacts on wildlife. There is also less dangerous waste on organic farms than on non-organic farms. vr future will be dominated by climate change. Here organic farming is leading the ‘way, by using solar powered fertility through crops like red clover that fix nitrogen into the soil for subsequent crops. For our own health and the health of the planet, organic food and farming will play a big part in a sustainable food and farming future, Molly Conisbee is Director of Campaigis and Communications atthe Soil Association. {bisponte en: .Acesso em: 18 de agost 009) FAMILIARIZAGAO COM O TEXTO 4 Observe o titulo, a figura que ilustra 0 texto e a legenda e diga qual 0 provavel assunto do texto: : = 2 Faca uma leitura répida do texto (skimming) e confirme ou refaga a predigéo feita na ques- tao anterior. 2 Relacione os parégrafos do text (II. IV ou V) s suas respectivas idelas principals. 17] Relato de um estuda feito sobre as diferengas nutricionais entre os produtos argénicos € néo-orgénicos. ” Os beneficies do cultivo dos produtos organicos para o bem-estar dos animals e do melo-ambiente. | s6 | cerrura ew uincua inctess | UMA asoRoAceEM INSTRUMENTAL Tt Ce TETES ee wevvsveervrsesTewrrevevvTeZTZZ ET Tere rT TTerTeToCwres Ww Y GRUPOS NOMINAIS | UNIDADE'10 77 Os efeitos dos produtos quimicos usados na agricultura tradicional para asadde. ~ —1 A importincia da agriculture de produtos organicos para o futuro do planeta, 17] A opgao por prodiitos orgénicos vai além da questa nutricional 4 Agora volte ao texto e, utilizando a estratégia scanning, encontre as seguintes informagdes: a Alguns dos efeitos colaterais dos pesticidas para o homem, b A diferenga nutricional entre produtos organicos e no organicos. € 0s motivos pelos quall as pessoas preferem os produtos orgénicos. 4 As vantagens que o cutivo de produtos orgénicos traz 80 meio ambiente. APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO GRUPOS NOMINAIS Os cRuPos womtvals séo formados de um niicleo (substantivo) e um ou mais modificadores (que podem ser adjetivos ou outros substantivos). Em portugués, os modificadores geralmente. ‘aparecem DEPOIS do nticleo (exemplo: escandalos financeiros). Em inglés, porém, os modi cadores quase sempre aparecem ANTES do niicleo: financial scandals, Por isso, € importante observar que, em inglés, 0 nticieo seré quase sempre a Litima palavra'do grupo nominal. Nos 1r8s grupos nominais a seguir, os niicleos so, respectivamente, complex, teacher e women: a. the biggest industrial Latin American complex, b..my new Mathematics teacher, c, three beautiful women. E ‘Algumas vezes, entretanto, © grupo nominal poderd incluir uma preposigio (in, on, at, of, for, etc nesses casos, 0 nicleo seré a palavia que precede a preposigéo. Exemplos: the colourof fis hair; the funny picture on the blackboard: the fear in her voice 41As siglas abalxo so grupos nominais. Com base na informagéo fornecida em inglés, procu- re deduzir o significado de seus correspondentes em portugués: IMF (International Monetary Fund) Fh EU (European Union) UE UNO (United Nations Organization} Onu: UNIDADE 1 | GRUPOS NOMINAIS | 2 Identifique os nticleos dos grupos nominais abalxo, retiradés do texto, e traduza-os: a the average industially-produced apple b the long-term effects of farming chemicals on human ___ « the nutritional content of organic food __ dd non-organic food ¢ higher levels of beneficial nutrients £ regular buyers of organle food The environmental advantages —_ ele hh Artificial nitrogen fertilizer i severe impacts on wildlife '8 Sublinhe os grupos nominais do pardgrato abaixo, extraido do texto, ¢ circule seus respec- tivos niicleos: Our {uture will be dominated by climate chenge. Here organic farming is leading the way, by using solar powered fertility through crops like red clover that fx nitrogen into the soll for subse- _Quent crops, For our own health and the health of the planet, organic food and farshing will play i a big part in a sustainable food and farming future. CONSOLIDACAO PALAVRAS-CHAVE E INFERENCIA 1 identifique as palavras que foram importantes na consirugao do significado do texto. 2 Utilizando’ estratégie inferéncia, deduza o significado das palavras em negrito nas sen- tengas abaixo: ~. alt completely filed to address the long-term effects of farming chemicals on human heslth, O cirecionar Oenderegar Oabordar b The EU's Quality Low Input Food project has found that regular buyers of organic food have a much more sophisticated understanding of the range of benefits that organic farming and food deliver, which stretch well beyond the nutritional O superam Dlestendem Dalongam « Artificial nitrogen fertilizer is banned in organic farming, so there are fewer run-offs of nutrients that cause the algae blooms in coastal waters O comenteza Descoamento O corrida 4..organic food and farming will play a big part in a sustainable food and farming future. Cl teréo um papel iinportante__- C1 fardo uma grande partida Oi seréo ampiiados of 1 Ond ee ee en a re Pers rer yi er ere ee ee A) Pre-text , 19 1 O que faz as pessoas sentirem cides’ aa 2- Como reage uma pessoa enciumada? E\ccMallummete)@st-le} 3- Quem sente mais ciime: o homem ou a aeeeres ae mulher? Reibstein believes that B) Getting closer to the text en the most glamorous 4- O que voeé entende do titulo “Love Your Man, ees i ‘Make Him Look Bad”? Linc aoedionting 5- Relacione o titulo com & imagem SR 1 6 Quem sto as pessoas da foto? Pacey i C) On the text attractiveness of their 7- Qual € 0 assunto do texto? z ones 8. O que diz a psicdloga Janet R speito Ree do assunto do texto? “aaa tiene % 9- Quais so os exemplos citados por Cerca a Roibstein?________ Cpeteie es Gil 10- Ache o significado para as seguintes palavras' avid Arquette (pictured Insecure a TORR IRC Rig Good-looking mate Courteney Cox dresses omens anes Reeser Sf D) On the lexicon Catherine Zete-lones, 11+ Observe as palavras “consciously” & Bauer RSERICeekiy “subconsciously”. ST eR IRAE Cuc tipo de palavras sfo estas? ‘went down the tubes Maybe these women Saat CN Mee oa ae E) On the grammar 12- Observe as sentengas how Michael Douglas gained four kilos how Beckham's manly image went down the tubes...” -when his wife Victoria told the press that he wore her thongs.” Em que tempo verbal esto as palavras grifadas? 13- Qual ¢ 0 infinitivo destes verbos?, 14- Aponte o que ha de diferengas entre estes verbos 15- Qual é a alterago que estes verbos softeram? F) Outside reading 16- 0 que vocé compreende da expresso “..how David Beckham's manly image went down the tubes..."?__ G) Production 17- Descreva como deve estar ou o que determina uma pessoa na moda hoje em dia. FS) —DELAC Inglés Instrumental - Professora Fernanda H. Dias A) _ Prestext * 1. Quais sio as principais causas da obesidade? ea 2 Qunis sof patses mais afetdos por esta pritain Is the Most Overweight. 2. sicen dao ninwn eps ata po 4 esta doenga esté aumentando ou diminuindo? Por European Nation — que? B) Getting closer tothe text believe that Britons - 4. Em queselor da revista a reportagem estd? need tobe educated ony 5. Olhando 0 titulo, qual seré 0 foco da “basic eatin reportagem? hebing’o ©) On the text fashioned tradition of a6. De acordo com o text, a Bretanha €: home-cooked family? (_) a nagio “mais pesada” da Europa, pois superou supper every night.” a Alemanha. aritain is also feeling. () a segunda nagio “mais pesada” da Europa, the extra weight “ —sendo superada pela Alemanha. financially. The National (-) a nago que possui tanto problema de obesidade Health Service spends . quanto a Alemanha. ing'Germany as.—‘£1.73 billionayearin 7. Eos EUA, como sto definidos pelo texto? wre erat odaong sony 5 Cm cone reat nation, Britain released —weatments for heart do texto ioetewernen and one diabetes. n addition, b) Estudiosos acreditam que os britinicos Ter Grits men are experts believe that the, precisam, oversight. With fewer time that obese workers" e) A situagdo da obesidade na Bretanha finan 20 percent of take off from work for, d) Os britinios tém como hibitos alimentares Britons owning a dining illhealth' result in a cost’ 9. Marque V ou F e destaque no texto os trechos table, many of them of £3 billion. Britain is nos quais as informag6es se encontram: prefer to have quick rapidly catching up'to a) (_) 0 afastamento do trabalho por motivo de meals of junky food the United States, problema de saide resulta num custo médio de while sitting in front of which still remains the £1.73 bilhies. rhe Tue seme experts fatcapital ofthe world. 6) () A Bretanha exté sendo financeramente aleada c)(_) A metade da populagao britanica sofre deste mal. 8 (_)Os obesos necessitam voltar aos velhos hébitosalimentares, no qual a propria familia prepara suas refeigbes. 10. Ache os termos correspondentes as Seguintes expressdes: a)superar —b)jantar——-c)conhecimentos alimentares) gastar_¢) saide aim ‘D) On the lexicon 1. As palavras “women" e “men” estéo no singular ou no plural? 12, Encontre no texto palavras no plural. © pracedimento & 0 mesmo? E) On the grammar 13. Observe as palavras “Germany”, “United States", “Britain” e “Europe”. Usa-se artigo antes destas palavras? Explique. 14, Compare as frases: “Britain i the most overweight Buropean Nation”. “Overtaking Germany as Europe's heaviest nation...” F) Outside Reading 15, Vocé concorda que uma das maneiras de se combater a obesidade é ter “a good old-fashioned tradition of @ home-cooked Family supper every night”? A) Pre-Text 1+ Vocé gostadeanimais?__ 2- Como eles podem ser caracterizados?__ 3- Qual tipo Ihe atrai mais? Por que? B) Geiting Closer to the Text: ENVIRONMENT. Wilting Wildlife W/: Siberian tiger ora Philippinecagle? ster doit quick By 203% reyanda quarter of the woes “Sto spies of mamalsand ‘ein eight bid species willbe ‘ne according to new report ‘othe Unite NatonsEnviron- sent Programme Hlamehuman _tementandindstial devel men, whieh havedestroyed the forests and ween that arehomete mst of our endan- gered east. Experts have pinpointed several ways to combat defor estation, deterioration of ma ‘ne life and ozone depletion ‘The key issue: all governments EBB Timeless most designer ‘SOON 70 BE GONE: The Siberian tiger and Phillopne eagle Fashions may come and go, but one accessory that has always remained in style is J @§ « pet chihuahua, Weighing only around a kilo, S\_ chihuahuas can fit into 4 4 Que tipo de textos sto estes? 5+ Considerando 0 titulo dos textos apresentados & relacionando-os com as fotos, do que eles se tratam?, ‘must comply with the Kyoto Protocol (which, for one, would limit habitae-harming green house gas emissions). Buti Washington's Kyoto-phobia ‘persists, 2032 might wel roll Around before that happens ©) On the text: T- Oque témos textos em comum?. 6 Quais sao as fontes dos textos. Seja o mais especifico possivel. handbags, they don't require much food (like their chie and sleek’ owners), they take short stridest 50 Resuma os dois textos da seguinte forma: a) Animais descritos: masters can keep up and they come in a variety of colors to match different outfits’. Marilyn Monroe and Billie Holiday were the first to recognize the appeal of chihuahuas, bbut recent fans include Madonna, Nicole and Natalie Appleton from the group All Saints as well as actor Rourke. | | g | i | ; Texto 1: Newsweek; June 3, 2002 ‘Yexto 2: Speak Up; April, 2001; 167. jickey ©) Tipo deanimal:__ 4) Convivéncia com humanos: 10- Complete com as informagGes do primeiro text: 8) Animais citados = b) Orgio que fez 0 novo relatério de espécies em extingaio: ©) Culpados pela extingge 11-Complete com as informagbes do segundo texto a) Acessério quenao sai de moda:_ ) Peso dos chihuahuas: ©) Primeiros atores a reconhecerem a atragio dos chihuahuas: 9) Fasrecentes: 12-Déas palavras do primeiro texto que significam: a) Rapido b) Povoagio ©) Desenvolvimento @) Pantano ©) Perigosas f) Apontaram_ 2) Destruigio h) Ponto 13-Dé 0 significado das seguintes palavras, presentes no segundo texto: ‘) Fashions b) Remained - ©) Pet 4d) Fitinto e) Match 14-Correlacione as colunas: (1) Sleek ( )Roupas (2) Owners (_) Esbeltas (3) Short strides (_ )Ficar desabrigados (4) High-heeled ()Chave (5) Outfits () Cumprir com (©) Key ( )Donos (7) Comply with ( de satto alto (8) Harming ( )danos (9) Roll around ( ) Passos curtos D) On the Lexicon: 15- Além dos animais citados nos textos, quais outros animais vocé conhece, em inglés? B) On the Grammar: 16-As palavras “as” usadas na sentenga ‘... as well as actor Mickey Rourke.” tém o mesmo significado, para efeito de tradug0? 17- Que fungao elés exercem na frase? ¥) Outside Reading 18- Qual &2 sua opinio sobre o uso de animais de estimago como um acessério de moda? ) Production 5 19-Faga um artigo informativo sobre @ maneira que os animais vém sendo “usados” nos dias de hoje. UIE (DLEMD ~Projeto de Uoiversalicagio ‘Prof Bolssta: Fernanda Henriques Di Prof Orientadara: Vern Leia Krepker de Oliveira Aula “UNIO Data A)Present 1. Quaissdo 0s flsos cognatos que voots comhecent? 2. Fags uma lista de falsos cognsios e dé seu significado. 2B) Geting closer tothe text 3. Tente taduzir as fases aba: 4) Hle was a formidable dictator, 1) Fie didnot mind having 2 travesty marriage, ©) Classified data, 4) Her peiod is ste. ©) He refused to sigh the minutes os the mening. ©) Onthetext 4. Resin 9 oxo abi, sbauindo a % pl sgifiado du plaza em eg, ToMy father and my mother ate my parents. Meat pai minha mae sie meus #, 2, thrwzl is avery lauge country, (O Brasil .& um pats muito 3. My parents never argc, ‘they live in harmony. Meus * une: harmonia. Ak. bles vive em 4.That library has a large collection of rare books. Aquela tem uma * colegio de livros ratos 5.He is not strong chough to. push the ear, [Ele niio tem forga sulicignte para A 6. What was the actual reason for that meeting? Qual foi a raaao ps 7. He abused her but he did not set ally bit her. Ele a mas:* nao batew neta, 8, Professor Clarke gave series of ec tures last week 0 Professor Clarke dew una # de * na semana passada 9.1 intended to attend one of those © Tectures, but I coulda come, Tew ok eat uma dessas ok, mis nae ule vir: 10. She pretended not to hear us, but cuually she did, Ela * ho nos ouvir, amas ok, ele “17. On that partieut: 11, Professor Clarke isa great scholar, Bi 0 Irofessor Clarke € inwito *. i 12, The cigars from Cuba are famous. | Os + de Cul sto Famoses, 13.1 don't’ notice any-differenee be boven the cigars from Cuba and{ those from Usha Gu nfo % nenhuna diferenga entte 0s 95 Ide Cub € 05 da Balin. + asin was nol i physician, He was a physicist | Einstein oo cr #. leer fica. |g 15. No. physician would ever catyone ta sinuke se Netom jamais A alguém, a fae sar advise ‘s. 16. Why dont you follow a friends ad | vice? You should swap smoking | Par que voce nao segtte 0 dle sum amigo? Voce devin paar de funar occasion, | wasn, there, 18. There are some no! [advise all of you to rend then. HA alguns * no guadto, Eu % todos ! vvocss a Ie-los. 2. 2. “The new minister was appei the president last week © novo'minisiro fot: pelo presi- | dente na semana passa,” al His appoi Ddyall, ‘Ak dele foi bem reeebida por todos. iment was well feceive ‘When they realized their mistake, it ‘was to Tate, Quando eles + seu fxd, era tarile; eas ot "God Save the Que isthe Bish! | ratonal auton cus Save a Tinh” € 0° ¥ n cna baie, ‘A sensible person woidld never do such a foolish thing, Uma pessoa >* nunca faria tamantiaj| tolice, , 4 26. Don't worry, The thieves. will. be!) arrested preseutly. i ‘Nao’se preocupe. Os ladraes serio | eK, i ‘They wanted to leave the theater, Dut they couldnt find the exit”) les queriam sair do teatro, mas no | conseguiam encontrar a . 19, We had a private conversation and 28, The new nuclear plant will bean | dhe gave me some good advice. 1Nés tivemos uma conversa 7 ¢ ele dléu-me alguns bons *. 20, The principal has an appothtment [29. They had been looking for the eiay with his private physician at 9 © tein um * com seu * as 9. operation presently: ‘| ‘A nova x nitclear'estard em ofe~ | rai . anil eventually found it, : les estavam procurando a x e-# a encontrarain. « ifhan she vealized her tlephong at "Pride and iejadica™ 1s «great Wi. There af people djing of hunge call had been cutoff, she abused te! novel by Jane Austen, Don't you fecl any sympathy { operator. | -“Omulhoe * "eum geane x deau-, them? Quando ela * que a sua chamada torla de Jane Austen, ist pests aor, oe foure Yo Uinba sida cortads, cla A 2%: 39, jy hislaest novel, theauthor gives us “HOSeME ® clas? 4 comprehensive description of the 48. T know how you fel. | syripathia cds caused by nuclear plants, Tu sei como voce se sete Eu We stopped aur work at 7 o'clock and resumed it an hour later Em scu limo %, 0 autor nos.di Nés paramos onosso trabalhoas7ho- yma descricdo dos causados “9 The explorers were lost in tl ras € 0 uma hora depois. las # wcleares desert They lad no compas. Qs exploradares estavam perdid oeiah ena Da Se eat 39, Honesty is the best policy. no deserto. Eles nav tinhau ky smd he dried them. Ahonestidade ¢a melhor #.- —~ !50, Evciyone was sympatheticabout n piublems, (im ver) grateful for that | Todos foram muito % a respeito meus problemas. Sau muito gta por isso, rama tim #; cle 40. They had to face hazaeds of all sorts in that tnission. Eles tiveram de entremtar % de todos 33. Thomas Alva Edison had an ingen- 05 naquela missio. ious mind, 4L Jack « Judie chey Tavou a louca e ela errxugoti 1. My sympathies (on the death . The boy was excited atthe prospect st. pother), Thomas” Alva Edison tina wma: of getting a bike for Christmas te pela morte do seu itmio ues: ‘0 pen esava com ak de panbar, teens (OH mode co 3A. Blankets are generally made of — uivabicicleta no Natal {52. The collar of my sit is too tight ee rinente tetas Min Gerais ich in om ove | [puta collac oit ny dog to wall} Os eobertores sio geralmente (Cil05! Minas Gerais € riea em * de ferro, | O.# dx minha camisa esté mu de x dela Ys - Beil 43. Actually we don't own a house. Wel En coloco wna %* no mew eachor 439, Racial prejudice is still a problem in many counties. + 05 ndo Lemos wma casa. Nbs pie 0% racial ainda € um problema em, De ganios alaguel. Nds som 53, Teachers are ordinary people. eee _gamtosaluguel, Nos somos B. Teachers are ordinary’ peopl. i 0s professores Sio pessoas *. 36. The boss wants a comprehensive) 4, Mis. Fords ¢enant was injured in a’ report of the sitttation. | car accident. pay rent. We are tenants. part passear com ele. |. My son is an apt student, He, leat quickly, i Meu fitho é um alino x. Ele apre de rapidamente. © patiio quer um relaidrio % da! O % da Sta. Ford ficou * num aci- siwuacto dente de catro. 45. He sullercd several injuries and i855, donit know uch about petrol; b now in a private clini. ay uncle is an expert on the stibje Ele softeu diversos * € agora eslé Ey nio sel inuito sobre %, mas mr rnuina clinica *.” Go én * no *, 46, You will be trying to get into collegews6, A careless driver: is’ apt, to ha ‘next year. Lhope youl succeed. accidents Vocts tentardo entrar para a * no Um motorista descuidado esti * préximo ano. Espero que vocts *. —teracidentes, Dyno Leicon 5. Conf no dono osgntiado das paves qu ves tve dvi, 2) Onthe Graamar 6. ldentiique det as pleas ea negito Classe das sets, de acwdo com o suas aqueles que sto formadas por prefixaglo ou suliasto © dé a ) Outside reading ‘7. Fasa uma lista com os flsos cognaios que vocé conhece,incluindo os apreadidos nest aula ©) Production 8. Faga um pequeao texto, neluindo pelo menos 5 Filsos cognatos. | | | i i | | | ‘EEE AFIXOS Michelangelo’s first painting bought FORT WORTH, TEXAS ~ THE KIMBELL ART MUSEUM WILL SOON BE THE ONLY US MUSEUM TO DISPLAY A MICHELANGELO PAINTING AFTER ACQUIRING HIS EARLIEST KNOWN WORK, A RARE TREASURE THAT WAS TUCKED AWAY AND DOUBTED AS AUTHENTIC FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY. Published: 7:00AM BST 14 May 2009 hhe museum declined to disclose how much T paid for "The Torment of Saint Anthony’ a 15th-century oil and tempera painting on wood panel that depicts scaly, homed, winged. demons trying to pull the saint out of the sky Experts believe he painted itwhen he was only 12 or 13 years old Only four such works ~ including this one~ by the artist exist, and two of them are unfinished. Most of his paintings are frescoes, the famous scenes on the ceiling and wall of Rome's Sistine Chapel “This is one of the greatest rediscoveries in the history of art,” Eric M Lee, the Fort Worth “Te Ten st ron bain aes Uinedioteksenlestonmnnel ProeAP museum's director, said. "The evidence could not be Lerruea ex Linsua inctesa | uma asonDAGEM INSTRU: 4 unipape 19 | AFixoS stronger. It's like a detective story, like a mystery, and it involves one of the greatest artists of all time” “The painting was exhibited as late as 1874 in Paris. But some questions about its authenticity had surfaced through the years, and after a London family acquired it in the 19005, the painting was kept privately and largely forgotten in the art world, Mr Lee said Last summer an art dealer bought it for nearly $2 million ata Sotheby's auction and then took it to New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, where one department chairman shared hhis hunch that it was the work of the Renaissance artist, Lee said. Experts in the Met's paintings conservation department carefully cleaned it by removing decades of dirt, as wel as paint layers that art restorers had applied through the ages to fil {in chips or dull areas, Mr Lee said. ‘When they examined the painting further using X-rays and infrared technology, they ‘were able to see how the artist made certain brush strokes, scraped paint layers to achieve detail and even changed elements of the painting before the final version, Mr Lee sai. Museum experts said they determined it not only was Michelangelo's - based on similarities to his other works and the artist's stories of the piece as told to biographers ~ but also that it was his earliest work —based ont its age and details in the painting, The confirmation came a few months ago, and then the Kimbell decided to buy i, Mr Lee said ‘The generations of dirt and paint build-up had obscured the painting's identity, and some doubted its authenticity because a similar paiiting existed, Mr Lee added. But an art expert ‘who extensively studied both paintings said the otter was done in the’17th century. Michelangelo's piece has previously been known as “The Temptation of Saint Anthony” because he was inspired by a similar engraving of that name while learning to be an artist. But after the Kimbell acquired the oil painting, Lee decided to change its name because that engraving depicts a different scene, he said ‘The painting will be displayed at the Kimbell starting this fall after a summer exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Lee said he may loan the painting to other ‘museums later for travelling exhibits “This could not be a rarer object,” Mr Lee said. "That's why this is such an extraordinary opportunity.” (Disponive em: Acesso em: 20julho 09} | | -ArIxoS | UNIDADE i FAMILIARIZACGAO COM O TEXTO i. 41Vocé leré um texto sobre um dos trabelhos de Michelangelo. Antes de comécar a leitura, porém, lela 0 parégrafo abaixo sobre esse famoso artista: Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 - February 18, 1564) was @ Renaissance painter, sculptor, poet and architect, He is famous for creating the fresco celling of the Sistine Chapel, one of the most stupendous works in all of Wester art, as well as the “Last Judgment” over the altar, and “The Martyrciom of St Peter" and “The Conversion of St, Paul" in the Vatican's Cappella Paolina, among is many sculptures are those of the Fieta and David, again, sublime masterpieces of their field; he also designed the dome of St Peter's Basilica, (Disponivel em: . ‘Acesso em 33 jlo 2009.) a Dentre as informagées apresentades acima, hé alguma que vocé desconhecia sobre Michelangelo? ; b Vocé sabe de outros fatos sobre o artista, que nd foram mencionados no péragrafo acima? 2 Agora leia o texto da pagina anterior, observando de modo especial o titulo, 1° parégrafo em negrito, figura e legenda, além de cognatos e palavras/expressées que vocé jé conhece em inglés. Em seguida, descreva em uma sentenca o assunto tratado. 2 Volte ao texto, desta vez para localizar as informacées abaixo. Néo se esqueca de usar a estratégia scanning, isto 6, lela seletivamente, buscando apenas os dados necessérios para realizar a atividade. ‘a nome do museu que comprou a obra de Michelangelo 34 UNibADE 12 | #FIXOS 'b quantla paga pelo museu para adquirir a obra Pascoe «titulo da obra descoberta {d periodo em que a obra fol realizada tipo de pintura que caracteriza os trabalhos de Michelangelo # motivo pelo qual 2 obra ficou desaparecida por mals de um século, desde a sua titima exibicgo pblica em Paris, em 1874 ‘9 quantia paga pela obra, adquirida em um leildo na Sotheby (tradicional casa de leildes ingles) fh tecnologia utizada por peritos do Museu de Arle Metropolitana, em Nova lorque, para desco- brie a identidade do autor da obra i ttulo original da obra de Michelangelo jrazio pela qual Eic Lee (diretor do Museu em Fort Worth, no Texas), decidlu mudar o titulo original APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ASPECTO LINGUISTICO AFIXOS Avixo & UMA LETRA ou grupo de lelras que se acrescenta ap comego (prefix) ou final (sufho) do raiz de ume palavra para formar novas palavras. Por exemplo, quando a reiz comfort & acres- cida do prefixo un- e do sufko -able, forma-se uma nove palavra: uncomfortable. © conhecimento dos afixos é muito importante porque Tecilta a identlicago de novas pala- vas e, em consequénecia, @ compreenséo durante o processo de leitura,Além disso, possibiita a0 ler amplir seu vocabulério pessoa. Veja, a seguit, alguns exemplos de prefixos com seus respectvos significados: negagéo, demais/em excesso; menos que o necesséria/desejado; erro: FEFIIIIISSISOPPOSOSSLLVPSTVIITTIIVssvVsewvVew~eTBeTY~ew~ww ~~ AriKos | UNIDADE 18 is ly im, it un Never + Children often + Lthought we had +Doyou disapprove | secome teeta when | Undeestimete your | ° o of advertisements for ; enemy! they're overtired. ty, party, but perhaps | cigarettes? ++ What's that , : ++ He looks canara miscounted. + Cocaine, LSD and | osaustec: theyre id.doing inthe | tunately your heroin are all egal bar? He's clearly H overworking him. luggage has been drugs. underage. : >We all tend to ; j iscirected to a i hee be oes overuse certain _— ee ae different airport. job because my boss underpaid, especially expressions. . us wes impossible. | | rewiglos | aetheworksso on =e - ++ Tm only a few kilos of professional . a dangerous. oe co poem overweight. na ‘ misconduct when inegulr heartbeat. | iuogage | 7 Wiheutaletet | perioveaairwth but there are drugs orate, felt rather Is overweight, you ‘a student became which help. f underdressed at publ fave topayexta. | their wedding (Os sufxos, por sue vez, apresentam-se em maior niimero que 0s prefixos. Vejo, a seguir, “gins exemplos de sufbise a classe gramatical que sinaizam, “Para formar verbos: en; -ity;-ize/-ise ty Could you please speak more slowly? (slow slowly) + He lived happily with his wife. + My mum gives me so much food | think she (hoppy » happiy) wants to fatten me up. (fat > fatten) + Most of these people are paid monthly” + Could you simplify what've you Just sald? (month » menthiy, (simple » simpli) + Do you find it cfcut to exercise daily?” + Le’s modernize the kitchen, shall we? (oy diy) (modern » modemize) [yearly / monthly / weekly / daily / hourly Inightly também podem ser classiicados como adjetivos, quando se referem @ substantivos] > Lerruga em Lineua mnctesa | UMA ABoROAGEN insrRuMeNTaL | 79 oy UNIDADE 12 | AFIXOS + In our talk show, we try to make interviewees feel as relaxed as possible. (interview » interviewee) {ee indica a pessoa que softe @ aco do verbo “interview"] + |wish TY interviewers would make pollticians answer their questions propery, (interview » interviewer) Ler indica @ pessoa que faza aco do ++Folha de Lonekina isa daly newspaper. {day » daily) > At school, we now have monthiy tests. (month » monthly) ++ She has a friendly smile (friend » friendly) ++ Itwas a good party and the food was heavenly. (heaven » heavenly) -ation/-ition/-ision fablefible + It's important for children to get a good education, (educate » education) + Asecretary would be a welcome addition 10 our staff. (add » addltion) + Two drivers were killed in a collisjon belween a car and a taxilast night, (colle »cotiston) + Britain has more than ten national newspapers. (ation > national) * Lal também pade formar substantivos] + The house isin very desirable aree of the city, (desire » desirable) + They made me an inesistible offer so we closed the deal. (esist»iresstble) aly ity; ment “ship + Alan is someone who always needs the approval of other people. {approve » approval) “al também pode formar adietivos’} + Her fends take advantage of her generosity. (generous » generosity) +> What this state needs is really strong government. (govern » government) + Everyone wants to find true happiness, Fight? (hapay » happiness) + Did you form any lasting ftiendships while you were at college? (fiend friendship) ++ He isa very careless driver, that’s why | never ride with him, (care » carefess) + He had a painless death: (pain » painiess) ‘Hess sinaliza auséncia: careless» sem culdado, desculdado; painless » sem dor, indotor] + Be carefiulto look both ways when you cross the road. (care > corefh ‘+s your arm very painful? (pain + painful) "ful sinaliza 0 oposto de ~ess: careful ‘com Cuidado, ciidadoso; painful - com dor, dolorido/doloroso] 80 | LeiTum® em Lingua InGLEsA (Disponivel emtipficionany cambridge org} UMA ABORDAGEM IISTRUMENTAL STTCHMANHENTTITTTKPKPKRPFRPRP Eee eIIr reer ee ei te ee (Oe 4 UNIDADE 13 1 No diagrama abaixo, encontre os equivalentes em inglés das seguintes palavras: desonesto Internacional investimentd Inesquuectvel = ® Kile] 1 Alu|N Glut Eltle ujefR E|FIN Alala Div|T ele} R]s}o Tlo}N RIG} A ELY PE s]H]a Dirle Riulo LelTURA EM LINGUA INGLESA wer re err ee ee eee ee ee ee we ewe www ee ewe ewe wewweewewce ua anonoacen instaunenrat | unioave 19 | arixos 2 Todas as pelavas do exerci anterior so composts de uina raz + fix (prefilsutxo) Classfique-as conforme a tabela ababo: iysances un attract ve super. market 3 Todos os vocébulos sublinhados nos trechos abaixo, retirados do texto, contém prefixos e/ ou sufixos. Classifique e traduza-os de acordo com os significados que expressam, utilizando ‘oquadro que segue: PREFIXOS: (R} repeticao (N) negacdo SUFIXOS: _ (5) substantivo (M advérbio de modo (} advérbio de intensidace (7) advérbio de tempo (AC) adjetivo ne forma comparativa (AS) agjetivo na forma superlative + The museum declined to disclose how much it paid for “The Torment of Saint Anthony" + Only four such works (.) by the artist exist, and two of them are unfinished, + “This is one of the greatest rediscoveries in the history of at. + The evidence could not be stronger. + But some questions about its authenticity hed surfaced through the years. + The painting was kept privately and largely forgotten in the art world, Mr Lee said. + Last summer an art dealer bought it for nearly $2 million ADR ARR RRR AMMA RAARDHARAAAMONMHMHAEAAMRAAAEE EKA \3 AFIKOS UNIDADE 1 + Experts in the Met's paintings conservation department carefully cleaned it | Museum expest said they determined itnot only was Michelangelo's ~ based on similarities to his, other works and the atts stores ofthe plece as told o biographers —butalsothatitwas his earliest work — based on is age and details inthe painting, The confmation came a few months ago. + Michelangelo's piece has previously been known as “The Temptation of Saint Anthony” because he was inspired by a similar engraving of that name while learning to be an artist. + "This could not be a rarer object” Mr Lee said, O disclose CD unfinished oe O greatest Dirediscoveries = O stronger O authenticity Oprivateyy Otargey dealer _ CO conservation O carefully D similarities __ CO biographers Deatliest, O painting Oconfirmation O previously. Oitemptation Olengraving Orerer CONSOLIDAGAO ; . MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS E INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL 4 No texto sobre a descoberta do primeiro trabalho de Michelangelo, 0 autor utiliza varios marcadores discursivos para melhor organizar as informagées apresentadas. Observe os pa- rd grafos.a seguir e identifique os marcadores discursivos empregados, bem como as ideias ‘que expressam. . + Experts in the Met's paintings conservation department carefully cleaned it by removing decodes of dirt, as well as paint layers that art restorers had applied through the ages to fil in chips or dull areas, Mr Lee said. ‘Museum experts soid they determined it not only was Michelangelo’ - based on similarties to his other works and the artist's stories of the piece as told to blographers but also that twas his earest work — based on its age and details in the painting, The confirmation came a few ‘months ago, and then the Kimbell decided to buy i, Mr Lee said. +The generations of dirt and point buildup had obscured the painting’ identity, ond some doubted its outhenticty because o similar painting existed, Mr Lee added. But an art expert who extensively studied both paintings said the other was done in the 17th century. Unrpane 13 | AFIxOS Oposicéo Causa/consequéncia Adigao Sequéncia cronolégica 2 Qual o significado dos vocébulos destacados abalxo? a The Kimbell Art Museum will soon be the only US museum to display a Michelangelo painting after acquiting his earliest known work Dadauirir C exiir Dbuscar bb ...arare treasure that was tucked away and doubted as authentic for more than a century. Oidesprezado D1 violado Orestaurado It's like & detective story like a mystery, and it involves one of the greatest artists of all time” Ooosta Datere Ocomo d Lee said he may loan the painting to other museums later for traveling exhibits, O vender Oemprestar Olevar < eo a AAAARMAMARAMRMAMABAARAMONRMAAAHBH HERO AnAKAadesawns A QUESTION OF In the struggle between science and animal rights, a primates expert calls for moderation By JANE Goonau, “AVID GREYBEARD FIRST SHOWED ME HOW FUZZ THE DISTINCTION Between animals and humans can be. Forty years ago [befriended David, a chimpanzee, uring my first field trip to Gombe in Tanzania. One day Tof- fered hima aut in my open palm. He looked directly into my eyes, took the nut ott of my hand aud dropped it. At the same moment he very gently quezed ry hand as ifto say, dont wantit, but Lunderstand your motives. Since chimpanzees are thought to be physiologically close to humans, researchers ‘use them as teat subjects for new drugs and vaccines. In the labs, these very sociable ‘creatures often live isolated from one another in 5-by 5 foot cages, where they grow surly and sometimes violent. Dogs, cats and rats are also kept in poor conditions and subjected to painful proce- ares, Many people would find it hard to sympathize swith rats but dogs and eats frepartof on lives. Tenor 15 yeatsago,whentheuse of an- imals in inedical testing was fist brought to my attention, I decided to visit the labs my~ self, Many people working there had forced themselves tobeliee that aninal testing isthe only way forward for medical research. meer ‘Once we acoept that ani- FRIENDS: | malsaresentientbeingsistethicaltousethemin research? Fromthe Goodall} pointof view ofthe animals itisquitesimply wrong, Fromour stand Sntsesitxp | point itseems ridiculous to equate a rat with human being, we Mithhe | ceasyandhonesty believe thatusing animal in esearch wil inthe chimps i] ‘end, reduce massive human suffering, it would be difficult to argue P| Ghatdoingso isunethial, How do wefindawayoutofthisdilemma? ‘One thing we ean dois change our mind-set. Wecan begin by questioning th a sumption that animals are essential to medical research, Scientists have concluded that chimpanzees are notusefal for AIDS research because, even though their genet fe makeup differ fom ours by about 1 percent, their immune systems deal much df= ‘rently with the AIDS virus. Many scientist test drugs and vaerines on animals sim= Fly because they are reqited toby law rather than out of scientific mett. This is & Ey ne, because our medical technology's begining to provide alternatives. We ca perform many tests on cell and issue coltures without recourse to systemic testing on cerynale, Computer simulations can also cut dovn on the numberof animal tests we need eo nu, Weaver exploring these alternatives vigorously eno ‘Gun ot lg yeats ago anioal-rights activists resorted to violence against hamans in thir efforts to break dough the public's terrible apathy and lack of imagination on this issue. This extremism is counterproductve. believe that more and more people tie becoming aware that fo use animals thoughtless, without any anguish oF make ng an effort to find another way, diminishes ws s human beings. ‘Goopate dhe author of "Reason for Hope” WRWSWHEK MAY7, 2001 ea aLe On SU En ren UFJF (DLEM) ~ Projeto de Extensio Prof Bolsista: Fernanda Henriques Dias, Prof’ Orientadora: Miriam Volpe Ingles Instrumental 1 Data: 1.PRETEXTO 8) Observe o titulo e subtitule do texto, Como vocé poderia selacion’-tos? b) A palavra strugele (subtitulo) significa Iuta ¢ o verbo frasal to mix up (na fegenda da foto) significa rmisturar-se. A partir dessas informagtes, qual pode ser o principal enfoque da noticia? ©) Voce ja pensou em “direitos” dos animais? Por que vocé acha que foram escolhidos chirpanzés para pen: exemplificar 0 assunto? 4) Partindo das palavras cigncia © animal, presente no subtitulo, faga uma rede de palavras que podem parecer no texto, 2, PRIMEIRA LEITURA a) Faga um levantamento das palavras cognatas presentes no texto, b) Quem éa Dra, Jane Goodall? ©) Aondeela teve contato com os chimpanzés? 3, COMPREENSAO ~ (Os Seguintes exercicios podem ajudé-to para a methor compreensio do texto, Y Estude do vocabulirio: 4) Numere a segunda coluna de acordo com a primera (2) feta (23) (deixar cair @) nut day ( ) proximo G) to drop (15) ( Jconstituigao (4) 10 squeeze (L6) ( )noz (6) close L7) ( ) rabatho (6) cage (11) () javla ©) surly 12) ( )tecido (8) makeup (139) ( )apertar tissue 43) ( ) ma-humorado ) Levando em considerago que as palavras fuzzy ¢ distinction (L. 1) so anténimos, qual pode ser 0 significado de fuzzy? ©) Sea palavra friend & um substantivo que significa amigo. A que classe de palavras pertence e o que pode Significar befriended (2)? (Note a formacio da palavra: betftiend+ed) 1d) Note a formacio da palavra counterproductive (L 48) (counter+productive). Qual pode ser seu significado? ) Assim como a palavra “zoo” ¢ usada correntemente, apesar de ser uma maneira de abreviar “zoological gardens", a palavra lab (L8) também é. A partir do contexto e dado que a sua forma nio abreviada é uma palavra cognata, tente inferiro seu significado, 1) Apalavra subject pode significar sujcito, assunte, submeter ou matéria, dependendo do contexto em que for ‘empregada, Verifique qual 6 0 seu significado no texto (LIS). A palavra issue (L48) é sindnimo de um dos significados de subject. Qual deles pode ser? 4 by 5) Nas linha 27 € 35 palavra way foi usada. Ela tem o mesmo significado em ambas? O que significa “the only way forward”(L27) ¢"a way out™(L35)? 4) Levando em consideragio os verbos frasais abaixo, numere Segunda coluna de aeordo com a primeira (1) to deal .. with 39, 40) ( )diminir @)to cut down on (L 44) ( ) quebrar @) to break through (L 47) ( ) lidar com (4) to become aware (L49) ( )conscientizar 4) Nalinha 11, o tamanho das jaulas ¢ expresso usando a palavra “foot”. Essa palavra,slém de significa pé, & ‘também uma unidade de medida, Apés (er sido aodtada a unidade internacional de medidas, poucos patses continuaram usando este tipo de ‘medida, sendo umn deles os EUA. MEDIDAS: Substantive Height. | High x Low (sz: [Tall xshont Tenatit ‘Wiath Depth Deep x Shallow Weight Heavy x Light [Fat x"Thin > Esto da gramética " Kk) Localize no texto exemplos de quantificadores. 1) Aquese referem; * ith sa6) * them. 7) = their (138 & 39) = they an) 'm)_Encontre no texto exemplos do uso da passado simples de verbos inregulares. 4, COMPREENSAO GERAL ) Quem é David e qual foi o primciro contato entre ele ¢ Jane Goodall? “by Para que os chimpanzés sto usados e como cles sfotratados? Que outros animais podem ser uses para 0 ‘mesino objetivo? ©) No.tereeiro pardgralo, qual é 0 dilema citado e por que a autora considera as questdes como um dilema? No quarto pardgrafo, 0 que autora prope como alterativa 20 uso de animais em pesqusas médicas? © Oque conteceu hi 10 ou 15 anos? 1) A concluséo €esperansosa? S.OPINIAO 4) Qual é2 sua opinio em relagdo ao uso de animais como cobaias pasa a medicina humana? On the text 1- De acordo com o titulo 0 que vocé acha que sera aborcado ao longo do texto? 2- Quais so alguns dos poderes da Mulher Maravitha? 3- Apds uma répida analise no texto selecione as palavras-chave observando cognatos transparentes: 4- Quais foram os éitimos filmes de super-heréis protagonizados por mulheres? 5- Numere a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira: (1) Strength () Guerreira (2) Leading (_) Mais feroz (8) Fight { ) Segurar (4) Clay () Forea (9) Fiercest () Proxima (8) Warrior { ) Barro (7) Grip (_) Principal (8) Suppressed (Luter (9) Upcoming (_) Suprimido 6- Em quais ideais a Mulher Maravilha acredita? 7- Verifique se as afirmativas abaixo so verdadeiras ou falsas, assinalando V para vercadeiras © F para falsas: (_) Patty Jenkins eriou a ie6nica super-heroina (_) Ela definitivamente se tornou uma vigilante por causa de um trauma da infancia. (_) Escutpida do barro por sua mde, a rainha Hipdlita e dada a vida por Afrodite, juntamente com poderes sobre-humanos como presentes dos deuses gregos, a Princesa Diana de Themyscira se tornatia a mais teroz querreira de todos os tempos. (_) Vivernos em um mundo onde os direitos das mulheres nao so suprimidos com sutileza, a liberdade de expressav esté sendo afogada com impunidade ¢ a masculinidade agressiva esté tentando agarrar as rédeas do mundo, ( ) Patti risco. seado @ misoginia arruinaram nossa geragao atual ¢ a préxima geragdo nao esté em On the grammar: 8- Retire do texto palavras que terminam com os seguintes sufixos, aponte a tradugdo e a classe gramatical Sutixo Palavra Tradugao Fungao ful vest ist ive $- Com base no seu conhecimento e no texto lido, qual a sua opiniao sobre a importancia do filme Mulher Maravitha? [RR FE: Lingua Estrangeira para fins Especificos — Leitura Académica #EN Turma: LENO “ESCEER" Alunas: Lia Coelho do E. S. Tupan e Natalia B. Franco Review: Netflix’s ‘Master of None’ Season 1 Is an Inventive, Addictive and Artistic Form of Social Education Review: Netflx’s ‘Master of None” Season 1 san Inventive, Addictive and Artistic Form of Social Education Ata time when diversity in television Is the hot topic in entertainment, how fitting itis for a show like "Master of None” to pop up and serve as the ideal example of what a unique voice can bring tothe table. Well, voices really, as the Netix comedy series ls co-created by “Parks land Recreation’ veterans Ansari (who played the too-big-er-a-small-town Tom Haverford) and ‘Alan Yang (who served asa writer, director and producer on the NBC sitcom). (.) ‘Though the 10 episodes that make up Season 1 are serialized, each examines a different topic that’s easly outlined in a'70s-era neon-lt tle card, “Parents,” “indians on TV,” “Old People” ‘and “Mornings” are pretty self-explanatory in terms of what's to come, but how those topics ‘are examined is consistently surprising and refreshing. if "Masters of None” shares anything with its "Parks and Rec" roots, i's that both shows are relentlessly postive. Dev, the New York-based actor played by Ansari is the type of guy who seems fine with just about any scenario thrown at him, Deserted by his friends at a bar? He'll enjoy the tasty beverages of chat it up with a few strangers. Unlucky in love? Hel find a way to make a joke or get back out there absent any chips on his shoulders, I's cuiasty that drives Dev, and soit also drives the show. That curiosity leads to questions; questions which are bounced off his core group of friends. Eric Weareheim (of “Tim and Erie” fame, who also directed a handful of episodes) plays Arnold, a giant man-child who's devoted to his friends, abit eccentric in his opinions and a partner in Dev's constant quest for “the best” food available, Balancing out Arnold's oddball antics is Brian (Kelvin Yu), a straight laced, lean cut Average Joe who's an intellectual equal to Dev (leading to some enlightening back-and-forth’s between the two), but more assured in his Czech mates Brits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable, neither of which is held up by the data. Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altruism than other people. =e ee s+ UNIDADE 12 | MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS Richard Robins, a psychologist atthe University of California at Davis, US, says that the study pls the plug on claims that perceived differences in national character reflect genetic Aiferences between ethnic groups. “Stereotypes about national charactér seem to be largely cultural construction, transmitted through the media, education, history, hearsay, and jokes,’he explains. 4 “erracciano hopes thatthe results will make people address their own misconceptions “People should trust les in their own beliefs about national character he says. "These can be dangerous and the basis fr discrimination” (Disponfvel em: the former Secondyi/THiIy) | irrrcengay | Betoretritort..| (ofa when (Em segundoterceno (ontesce) | primeira) | (quando) ugar) Then,/Next,/After that,/ mowed ny after... ‘the latter while Afterwards, (A seguir) ourenty, (depois que/de) (ofa (enquanto) (atueimente) | Finally, : segundo/a) Finalmente, /Por dttima) z Exs: We had teo, and afterwards we satin the garden for a while. The European Union was formerly called the European Community Most people nowadays ore aware of the importance of a healthy diet Allthe orrangements should be completed prior to your departure. Zimmerman changed his name after he leR Germany. Ofte two suagestions, | prefer the former, She offered me more money of @ cor and I chose the later. | went there when I was o chit. White | wos in ay, I went to see Alessonco, LelTuRa EM LINGUA INctesa | UMA ABoRDAGEM INSTRUMENTAL | 71 UNIDADE 12 | waRcaoones oiscuRsivos Pete ae for example, J for instance, Jeg, / Le. A er die te In short, /In conclusion,/in summary, or exer) : Capen) Finally,/To sum up, such as (ta/tois como) ss (Frraimente Em resumo) Ike (como) xs: That sum of money is to cover costs such as travel and accommodation, To sum up, fora healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking. As a matter of fact, /In fact In the same way/ Likewise Actually, / Indeed, larly! Correspondingly, (D6 fato, /Na verdade) (Pa mesma forma) Exs: i ve known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, actually, The cost of ving in the city is more expensive, but salaries are supposed to be correspondingly higher Fontes: hp /dictionaryeambridge org e hp jivwwldoceonline comjdicionary ‘1 Nos trechos abalxo, retirados do texto, os marcadores discursivos foram sublinhados. In- dique a idéia que cada um deles sinaliza (adicéo; contraste; tempo; sequéncia cronolégica, exemplificacéo; énfase; comparacéo; concluséo). The researchers found that there was no correlation betiween perceived cultural characteristics ‘and the actual traits rated for real people. tn contrast, previous studies have shown that some gender stereotypes, such as the Idea that women are warmer and men are more assertive, do reflect real trends Bits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable (1 Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altruisrn than other people. aand such as ebut bincontrast________—s dwhile____ factually aan oe ee WARCADORES biscuAsiVoS | UNIDADE 12 CONSOLIDAGAO INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL E REFERENCIA PRONOMINAL ‘1 Indique os referentes dos pronomes sublinhados nos trechos a seguir: + Americans are pushy and the English are reserved, right? Wrong, says a new study, which reveals there is no truth in this sort of national stereotyping, - Paticipants were questioned about how neurotic, extroverted, open, agreeable, and conscientious typical members oftheir own cultureare. This data was then compared with participants'essessments oftheir own personalities and those of other spectic people they had observed. + In many casas, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves, awhich ______—etheir (2x) ethey bthis __ those fthemselves 2No texto “Exploding the myth of cultural stereotypes", autor emprega uma série de pala- vraslexpressées para descrever as diferenas culturais. Classifique-as conforme o significa- do que expressam, isto &, positive (P) ou negative (Ne, com base no contexto em que esto inseridas, taduza-as. i : + Americans are pushy and the English are reserved, right2. - Participants were questioned abouthow neurotic, extroverted, open, aareeable, and conscientious typical members of their own culture are. + In many cases, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves. “The Swiss believe that they are closed-off to new experiences,” says Antonio Tesracciano, “But in fact they are the most open culture to new ideas in art and music” + Brits rank themselves as introverted, while’ Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable, neither of which is held up by the data. Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altruism than ather people, a pushy [) reserved [] neurotic C extroverted L] o a e open () ee f agreeable 1) ae LEITURA eM Lingua mctesa | UNA ABoRDAGEW IsTauuentar | 73 | 2 63 umipade 12 | warcapores piscuRsivos 3 conscientious C] fh harsh i closed-off J introverted k disagreeable 1) 1 antagonistic LI m modesty C] nv attruism L) Encontre, na lista acima, 3 pares de anténimos e 2 pares de sindnimos. ®PACDADARAOAAAAABAADBABADEA: Bannan ad aananaaaan = . a &1'¥ USO DO DICIONARIO Your iBrain: How technology changes the way we think HOW THE TECHNOLOGIES THAT HAVE BECOME PART OF OUR DAILY LIVES ARE CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK By Gany SmaLt aND Gist Vorcan OCTOBER, 2008 In Mind & Brain KEY CONCEPTS 5 + The brain's plasticity —its ability to change in response to stimuli from the environment ~ is well known. What has been less appreciated is how the expanding yse of, technology is shaping neural processing + Young people are exposed to digital stimulation for 10 several hours every day, and many older adults are not far { behind. + Even using a computer for Web searches for just an hour tf aaday changes the way the brain processes information. A constant barrage of e-contacts is, {i both stimulating —sharpening certain cognitive skills - and draining, studies show. 15 ‘u're on a plane packed with other businesspeople, reading your electronic ! Y= (of the Wall Street Journal on your laptop while downloading files to your : BlackBerry and organizing your PowerPoint presentation for your frst meeting i when you reach New York. You relish the perfect symmetry of your schedule, todo lists PRUTTTATAAPAVATT ATTIC TTATTTATTTAUTAUVAVTVATLO PET wwevwvwewrwwew ere rrr wr ewrwewwer were wr Er ewe wore e we 50 00 vicionanio | uNiDADE 20 and phone book as you notice a woman in the next raw entering litte written notes into her leather bound daily planner. You remember having one of those .. What? Like a zillion yyeats ago? Hey, lady! Wake up and smell the computer age. You're outside the airport now, ‘waiting impatiently for a cab along with dozens of other people. It's finally your turn, and as you reach for the taxi door large man pushes in front of you, practically knocking you ‘over, Your briefcase goes flying, and your laptop and BlackBerry splatter into pieces on the ppavernent. As you frantically gather up the remnants of your once perfectly scheduled life, the woman with the daily planner book gracefully steps into a cab and glides away. ‘The current explosion of digital technology not only is changing the way we live and ‘communicate bt also is rapidly and profoundly altering our brains. Daly exposure to high technology—computers, smart phones, video games, search engines such as Google and ‘Yahoo—stimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransrnitter release, gradually strengthening, new neural pathways in our brains while weakening old ones, Because ofthe current technological revolution, our brains are evolving right naw-—at a speed like never before (Pispontvel em: -htpwwwsciam comfarilecfntid-yoursbrsin», Aso ein 2 agosto oo} FAMILIARIZAGAO COM ° TEXTO “1 Observe o tituld e subtitulo do texto acima e descreva seu provével assunto: 2 Agora leia o texto para confirmar ou descartar as suas hipéteses. ‘3 Qual a relagao da figura com a mensagem do texto? 4Relacione as palavras das duas colunas abaixo para formar as combinacées (verbo + subs- tantivo) apresentadas no texto. Que significado vocé daria a cada uima delas, com base em seu conhecimento de mundo e do assunto? 4 downloading (J a the way we live and communicate entering LI b your PowerPoint presentation 3 organizing 1] e litle written notes 4using dfiles S waiting e 2 computer for Web searches i ‘ a aa ob umioave 20 | uso 06 BiciONARIO 6 changing C] ffor a cab altering g our brains APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ESTRATEGIA USO DO DICIONARIO 08 terrors de toda lingua estrangeira sentem algumes vezes a necessidade de recor 30 lcionétio em busca de informacdes que possam sjudé-os a compreender determinades pala vias, expressbes ou frases. Mas, antes de dar inicio @ essa tarefa, atente para esias dicas Um bom dciondrio & aquele que fomnece todas as informagies necessétlas durante 0 pro- cesso de letura de textos em lingua estrangetra, Quais seriam essas informagbes? Observe o seguinte verbete retirado do dicionérto Oxford Escolar para estudontes brosie 108 de inglés ~ portugués-inglés, inglés portuqués, 1999, Oxfor book" /buk’ s 1 ivra: book club clube da livro 2 cademo 8 caderno de exercicios 4 {che- ques) taldo S the books [pl] as contas: 10 do the books fazer a cantabildade LOC to be in ssb’s good books (G8) gozar do favor de alguém to do sth by the book fazer algo como manda 0 figurino/corretamente Ver th BAD, COOK, LEAF, TRICK book /bvld 4 vt, vi reservar, fazer uma reserva 2 vt contratar 3 vt (colog) (policia fichar 4 Vt Esporte) penalizar LOC to be booked up 1 ter a lolaco esgotade 2 (calog): !m booked up. No tenho hora na agenda, PHR V to book in registrar-se. Veja também este outro verbete retirado do dicionério Password: English dictionary for speakers of Portuguese [translated and edited by Hohn and Monica Stahel]. ~ 2a. ed. - Séo Paulo ~ Martins Fontes, 1998. book [buk] noun 1.2 number of sheets of paper (especially printed) bound together: a” ‘exercise book. D livro 22 piece of writing, bound and covered: I've written a book on Shakespeare. D livia 3 a record of bets. Clivro de apostas '@ verb 1 to buy or reserve (a ticket, seat etc] for a play ete: ve booked four seats for Friday's concert. reservar 2 to hire in advance: We've booked the hall for Soturday. Ci reservar bt Uso 00 pIcioNAnio | UNIDADE 26 Como voc pode perceber, poderos encontrar as seguintes informagées: + representacéo fonética (bukt /buk/) + classe gramatical: substantivo - 5. (noun - n), verbo =v. (verb - - ad}, advérbio - ad, (adverb - adv) et + significados diferentes como substantivo (3) ¢ como verbo (vi, vi). + locugdes e expressdes apds LOC + Phrasal Verbs (verbos preposicionadios) apés PHR V + exemplos em ilo, ); adjetivo - adi. (adjective +08 diferentes signiicados da palavra em suas respectivas dreas (Esporte; policio) Podemos ainda encontrar em diclonérlos: + formas verbeis, por exemplo, 0 passado dos verbos irregulares (go ~ went, + adjetivos nas formas comparativa'e superlativa (high’ adj -er, est) + plural irregular de substantivos (wife ~ wives) + variantes do Inglés Americano ou Briténico (AM theater — GB theatre; AM analyze - GB onalyse) Essas informacGes variam de um dicionério para outré. Dependendo da situaco, um diciond- tio de bolso pode ser iti, Na grande maioria dos casos, entretanto, torne-se indispensdvel a ut- lizagio de um dicionério.meior, mais completo, em que seja possivel encontar espectficidades 4o idioma ~ no caso de lingua inglesa, por exemplo, o usb de phrasal verbs, idioms, slag, ete. Lembre-se sempre que 0 contexto é que indica a adequada interpretaco do vocébulo, pois dependendo da situacéo, esse vocébulo pade adquirir novo significado Vamos verficar se vacé conseque usar adequadamente 0 seu dicionério? 4 Como se diz. caminhdo em inglés americano e britanico? 2 Como se diz parabéns! ‘a quando alguém comemora aniversétio e b quando vocé deseja cumprimentar alguém por ter conseguide um bom emprego? 3 O que quer dizer a expresso Oh dear!? pe i 68 ‘UNIDADE 20 | USO 00 DICIONARIO 4a Aque classes gramaticais pertencem as seguintes palavras perfect perfection, perfectionist perfectly equals as suas respectivas tradugSes? 5 Qual 6 0 passado do verbo buy? ——— 6 Qual é 0 plural da palavra mouse? E da palavra agency? 7 Quantos significados possui a palavra minute como: a substantive? —_ b adjetivo? —_ © que significa a palavra minutes? PATTLUVUVAVII ELEY ‘8 Qual o significado das palavras em itélico nas sentencas abaixo? a Press any key to enter the program bb Give me the key to open the dogr =} «¢ Exercise is the key to good health. (Ue L usually play the guitar on Saturdays. _ e They play soccer twice a week. ogo £ Thet ploy was beautiluly performed by Femanda Montenegro, t +9 Agora que vocéjé sabe como ulizar seu dicionéro, procure uma tradusso apropriada para as palavras em télico, retiradas do texto. Pata facilitar seu trabalho, cassiique-as Primelo- mente em: substantivo (S), verbo (V), adjetivo (Adj) ou advérbio (Adv) a You'e on a plane packed with other businesspeople, reading your electonic version of the Walt Street Journal on your laptop while downloading files to your BlackBerry and organizing your PowerPoint presentation for your frst meeting when you reach New York packed ee meeting b You relish the perfect symmetry of your schedule, to-do ists and phone book as You notice & woman in the next row entering litle witen notes into her leather-bouns daly plonner- relish ee Ee ee wchedule planner evueaerraareaeazraIAIAO rere » » » » » » » , » » » » , » ’ ’ ’ » y ’ » ’ , , » , » » , » » , » , , » , » » » , » » , | | | | | | | | | S000 oicionanie: | UNIOADE 20 ¢l's finally your tum, and as you reach for the taxi door & large man pushes in front of you, practically knocking you over tum fi ON Ss oe ee ee feat for ets Se Se ea pushes __ knocking..over 4 As you frantically gather up the remnants of your once perfectly scheduled file, the wornan with the daily planner book gracefully steps into @ cab and glides away. frantically Ss Gaines 0p 2 ae eee rennet Se ee eee glides away Dally exposure to high technology ~ computers, smart phones, video games, search engines such as Google and Yahoo — stimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransmitter release, gradually strengthening new neural pathways in our brains while weakening old ones, smart = ane release strengthening Pathways J CONSOLIDAGAO MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS, FORMAS VERBAIS E APOSTOS ‘I ldentifique os marcadores discursivos utilizados nos perfodos abaixo (retirados do texto) indique as ideias por eles transmitidas (sequéncia cronolégica; contraste; causa/conseqiién- cia; adigdo; tempo; énfase; exemplificagéo; comparacéo). ‘a A constant barrage of e-contacts is both stimulating — sharperiing certain cognitive skils ~ and draining, studies show. b The current explosion of digital technology not only is changing the way we live and communicate but also Is rapidly and profoundly altering our brains. UNIDADE 20 | USO DO DICIONARIO « Daily exposure to high technology ~ computers, smart phones, video games, search engines such as Google and Yehoo - stimulates brain cel alteration and neurotransmitter release .. «a Because of the current technological revolution, our brains are evolving right now ~ at a speed lke never before. es eee eee fe You're on a plane packed with other businesspeople, reading your electronic version of the ‘Wall Street Journal on your laptop while downloading files to your, BlackBerry and organizing ‘your PowerPoint presentation for your frst meeting when you reach New York: 2 Localize no texto 0 trecho onde o autor faz uma narrativa informal ¢ indique que forma verbal esté sendo utilizada e com que objetivo. ‘3 Sublinhe os apostos presentes nos seguintes trechos retirados do texto: ‘a The brain's plasticity — its abiity to change in response to stimuli from the environment is well known, : b Aconstant barrage of e-contacts is both stimulating — sharpening certain cognitive skils — and raining, studies show. ‘¢ Dally exposure to high technology ~ computers, smart phones, video games, search engines such as Google and Yahoo — stimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransmitter release, gradually while weakening old ones. strengthening new neural pathways in our brai ee ee ee ee ee ee a « ‘ Teacher professional development in Brazil ACROSS. 5 Desafios 7 Crescimento g Educagao 9 vozes 410 Desenvolvimento DOWN 4. Ensino 2 Especialista 3. Justica social 4 Performance 6 brasileiro tps prtonarcoreoesers rePNaDe a4 a 3S Inglés Instrumental ~ Letras Inglés ~ 1° perfodo!2018 UFSJ- Prof. Fernanda 7 Alunos: Altair dos Santos Bernardo Jtinior; Fabiana; Luis Fellipe Femandes Geoffroy Teacher Professional Development in Brazil: Colonization of Teachers! Voices Daniele Nascimento University of Alberta danielad@ualberta.ca Abstract, This paper focuses on professional development practices implemented in Brazil, and the influence of post-colonial views in the power-relation between the “educational authorities" or “experts” and teachers. The paper addresses how this relationship in professional development is mostly “one-sided”, as often it does not include the ‘voices’ of teachers. Rather, it prioritizes the assumptions many “experts” have towards teachers’ needs for growth, in which the choices of topics and the kind of professional development programs to be designed often follow a “one- fits-al” model or banking education as defined by Freire (1970). This paper emerged from the author's experience during her Master's thesis research (Nascimento, 2010). She addressed the challenges of teaching in public schools in Brazil, and its implications in a social justice context. Through the lens of different teachers who participated in a volunteer-based Canadian/Brazilian teacher professional development program, the research investigated in which ways the inclusion of teachers’ voices in professional development programs could affect. teachers’ performance in a Brazilian context. During four years over the summer, Canadian teachers and Brazilian teachers worked together on a professional development program that aimed to encourage teachers to share their teaching experiences and reflect on their practice, aw Keywords: professional development, teacher education, Brazil, voices, professional growth, A) Pre-text 1+ Do que vooé acha que 0 texto trata? 2- Quais as dificuldades geralmente encontradas pelos professores? 3- Tais dificuldades séo mais recorrentes no ensino pblico au privado? B) Getting closer to the text 2. Responda as perguntas abaixo com base no resumo estudado. a) Qual o tipo de texto? b) De onde 0 texto foi tirado? ©) Qual 0 foco do texto? d) Como o texto classifica a relagao entre especialistas e protessores? ) O que foi investigado pela pesquisadora? f) Qual foi o propésito do programa? 2+ Relacione as colunas abaixo: 1 One-sided 10-(_ ) Trabalho 2. Assumption 11-() Suposi¢ao 3 Aimed 12-(_) Projetado 4 One-fits-all 13-(_ ) Escolhas 5 Research 14-(_ ) Unilateral 6 Choices 15-(_ ) Pesquisa 7. Paper 16-( ) Raita /.sov/buse ov & Views 17-(_ ) Padronizado ‘9. Designed 18-(_ ) Opinides / wyeto wy 3) Complete o quadro com 5 palavras relacionadas aos seguintes temas : Colonizacao Pesquisa Educagao ] €) On the Grammar 1- Traduza os termos abaixo seguindo 0 seguinte esquema: Artigo/Pronome + substantivo + adjetivos a) Professional development practices b) Professional development programs ©) ...her Master’s thesis research ) ...a social justice context ¢) ...a volunteer-based Canadian/Brazilian teacher Professional development program 2. Observe a frase: “It prioritizes the assumptions many “experts” have towards teachers needs for growth, in which the choices of topics and the kind of professional development programs...” a) Qual a fungao das palavras em negrito? ') Encontre ¢ sublinhe no texto outros conectivos que tenham a mesma fungéo de in which, D) Post-reading Leia 0 conceito de educagao bancaria € trace uma relagao com o resumo estudado na aula. “A educago “bancéia" pressupde uma relagao vertical entre 0 educador e educando. O ‘educador é 0 sujeito que detém o conhecimento, pensa e prescreve, enquanto 0 educando & objeto que recebe 0 conhecimento, é pensado e segue a prescrigéo. O educador “bancéirio” faz “depdsitos" nos educandos e estes passivamente as recebe, Tal concepoaio de educagéo tem como propésito, intencional ou nao, a formagdo de individues acomodados, n&o ‘questionadores e que se submetem & estrutura de poder vigente.'(Toyama, 2004). [2] NASCIMENTO, D. Teacher Professional Development in Brazil: Colonization of Teacher's Voices. Cultural and Pedagogical inquiry. V. 6, 0.1, p. 4-24, 2014 TOYAMA, F. Educacao bancaria e educacao libertadora. 2004. Disponivel_ em: . Acesso em 06 abr. 2018 red stoz ‘spromysewg nquiets| woasserg eBendue7 aw wy seweD Bulsn wey NOSANIS Toy of auth pee sue Se gg ste sa awa oo sm sang sn ena OR LS aa ieee Susog pu soar ga 0 YI POR NAD Wowie "Nonnedues yo asp © prague a o so se en sn fe 0 i s | a Fp i moose nda ono une om pos Sy ose poo uo N64) "09 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO JOAO DEL RET DEPARTAMENTO DE LETRAS, ARTES E CULTURA LETRAS - LINGUA INGLESA E SUAS LITERATURAS EFE: Lingua Estrangeira para Fins Espectficos ~ Leitura Académica ‘Turma: LENO! ‘Alunos: Jalmir Jesus de Souza Ribeiro Maria Eduarda Malvar Porto AL Prectext 1) Language game. 2) O que é possivel trabalhar na sala de aula para tornar o ambiente mais descontrafdo e atrativo para os alunos aprenderem e apreenderem? 3) Qual a utitidade de jogos no processo de ensino-aprendizagern da Iingua inglesa? __ B, Getting closer to the text 4) Que tipo de texto é este? Onde ele é encontrado? 5) A partic do titulo principal, o que & possfvel propor de inovador para a sala de aula? __. C. On the text ©) Quantos motivos o autor sugere para o uso de jogos nas aulas de linguas? Por que ‘voot acha que existe essa quantidade de motivos? 7), Marque V ou F. Indique a(s)linha(s) do texto em que se encontram as informagées. a) (_) Segundo o autor, ha muitas razbes para usar jogos em salas de aula, __ 1b) (_) Os jogos em sala podem prejudicar a concentracio dos alunos, ©) (_) Normalmente os jogos nao podem ser personalizados de acordo com objetivo do aluno, __ 4) ) Jogos aumentam o interesse dos alunos. —_ ©) (_) Jogos se encaixam na teoria das inteligéncias mittiplas. _ UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO JOAO DEL RET th DEPARTAMENTO DE LETRAS, ARTES E CULTURA, Uswuésdefacant LETRAS ~ LINGUA INGLESA E SUAS LITERATURAS ariizjeieasita 8) Numere a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira: () Quite ( ) Redugao ) Tailored () Construgao (3) Aroused (Muito (4) Lowering ( )Despertado (5) Building ( ) Adaptados D. On the lexicon 9) Circute no texto as aparigdes das palavras “as”. Qual a fungio de cada ovorréncia? __ 10) Quais outras fungGes 0 “as” pode assumir? E, On the grammar 11) Encontre no texto os verbos modais e indique a fungfo de cada um abaixo: MODAL VERB [FUNCTION de SaaS Critical thinking 12) Tendo em vista a realidade brasileira das escolas, as propostas do texto se tommam vidveis? 13) Quais outras reflexes o texto traz A luz? English for Specific Purposes: What does it mean? Why Is it different? Laurence Anthony Dept. of Information and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering ‘Okayama University of Science, 1-1 Ridai-cho, Okayama 700, Japan anthony ‘at’ ice.ous.ac.jp -) 42 wmetis ese? ‘As described above, ESP has had a relatively long time to mature and so we would expect the ESP community to have a clear idea about what ESP means. Strangely, however, this does not seem to be the case. In October this year, for example, a *very heated debate took place on the TESP-L e-mail discussion list about whether or not English for Academic Purposes (EAP) could be considered part of ESP in general. At the Japan Conference on ESP also, clear differences in how people interpreted the meaning of ESP could be seen. Some people described ESP as simply being the teaching of English for any purpose that could be specified. “Others, however, were more precise, describing it as the teaching of English used in academic studies or the teaching of English for vocational or professional purposes. At the conference, guests were honored to have as the main speaker, Tony “Dudley-Evans, co-editor of the ESP Journal mentioned above. Very aware of the current confusion amongst the ESP community in Japan, Dudley-Evans set ‘out in his one hour speech to clarify the meaning of ESP, giving an extended definition of ESP in terms of ‘absolute’ and ‘variable’ characteristics (see below). Definition of ESP (Dudley-Evans, 1997) absolute Characteristics 1. ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners 2. ESP makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves , ESP is centered on the language appropriate to these activities in terms of grammar, lexis, register, study skills, discourse and genre. Variable Characteristics 1, ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines 2. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of General English “3, ESP is likely to be designed for adult leamers, either at a tertiary level institution or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be for learners at secondary school level 4, ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students. 5, Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language systems *The definition Dudley-Evans offers is clearly influenced by that of Strevens. (1988), although he has improved it substantially by removing the absolute characteristic that ESP is "in contrast with ‘General English™ (Johns et al., 1991: 298), and has included more variable characteristics. The division of ESP into absolute and variable characteristics, in particular, is very helpful in resolving “arguments about what is and is not ESP. From the definition, we can see that ESP can but is not necessarily concemed with a specific discipline, nor does it have to be aimed at a certain age group or ability range. ESP should be seen simple as an ‘approach’ to teaching, or what Dudley-Evans describes as an ‘attitude of mind’. This is a similar conclusion to that made by Hutchinson et al ‘$(1987:19) who state, "ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the leamer’s reason for learning’ () Fonte: L. Anthony (1997). ‘English for Specific Purposes: What does it mean? Why is it different?’, On-CUE. Vol. 5., No. 3., pp. 9-10. Disponivel em: hifes:/www.laurenceanthony.net/abstracts/ESParticle.html. Acesso em: 23/05/2018, ied +! UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO JOAQ DEL REL DEPARTAMENTO DE LETRAS, ARTES E CULTURA LETRAS ~ LINGUA INGLESA E SUAS LITERATURAS ses act Turma LENO1 - EFE: Lingua estrangeita para fins especitioos ~ Leitura Académica Protessora: Femanda Henriques Dias Turma: LENOt Alunos: Carlos Anténio Oliveira Neves © Ménica Silva Rodrigues Cogo 1) Pretext Video: contextualizagao sobre o texto — histéria, conceito e importancia do ESP. 2) Getting closer to the text a: Veja o layout do texto. Ele se assemelha a algum outro texto trabalhado anteriormente nessa aula durante esse semiestre? 'b- Qual o titulo do texto. Tem subtitulo? c- Aque género pertence? 4: Trata-se de um texto completo? Ou apenas uma seg0? e- Quem é 0 autor do texto? 3) On the text A- Marque V ou F. (__) Adivisdo do ESP de acordo com caracteristicas absolutas e variévels ajuda a defini 0 que é e o que nao é ESP. (| 39-40) (_ ) Dudley- Evans discursou objetivando jogar luz sobre o conceito de ESP. (|. 17) (_) ESP ¢ indicado para alunos intermediaries e avancados” é uma caracteristica variével. (1.33) ( }Wrata-se de caracteristica absoluta: "ESP pode ser designado para disciplinas especificas’. (1. 27) (A comunidade ESP tem uma ideia clara acerca do signiticado do ESP. (1. 2-4) B - Indique uma traducao possivel para as seguintes palavras, de acordo com 0 texto. 1 tertiary level (130) - 2 seem (I. 04) 3 amongst (. 16) - 4 attitude of mind (1. 44) 5- took place (| 05) &- seen (|. 08) - 7 guests (|. 14) - 8+ state (I. 45) - 4) On the Grammar Observe as seguintes palavras/expressdes: “however” (|. 10), “whether” (| 05}, “in ‘contrast with” (1 37}, “as to" (1 46). a-O que elas significam? b- que ideias elas conectam? 5) On the Lexicon a- Observe as expresses relatively (I. 2) e necessarily (|. 41). O que elas significam? b- A que classe de palavras pertencem? Encontre outras palavras com a mesma fungdo no texto. 6) Post-reading Faga um breve resumo da segao lida do texto, considerando se a compreensao que voo8 tinha anteriormente leitura do texto 6 a mesma de agora e salientando quais 40, porventura, as informacdes novas para vocé acerca do tema, obtidas apés a leitura desse artigo. 10 5 ®%O GENERO ACADEMICO English as a global language in China = Abstract English is now said to be‘an international language or known as a global language. It is an obvious fact that English is definitely important as a window for the Chinese to see the world. English is the key for us to access the Western modern scientific nd technological advances. In this article, Iwi try to examine some issues with particular reference to the situation of English language teaching (ELT) in China and its relationship with the outside world + Introduction In the past few decades since World War Il, the emerging global economy has made it possible for English to play an important role as the world standard language. In view of the situation, millions of students are learning English as the most important foreign language for international communication all over the world, People ofthe world unanimously consider English as the most useful language for cross-boundary communication. Thus, from an ordinary Chinese point of view, English is not the language for us to speak with ‘Americans, the British or any other native speakers. Rather, it is the common language for us to communicate with Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Singaporeans and other Asians and people from developing countries. The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable in the history the English language. It has becorne an international language ‘means for multinational and multicultural communication. 35 3e 35 40 6 50 | vumtoane 21 | 0 Genera acapewico ‘As the spread of English progresses, English is bound to refleca diversity of disparate cultures. Since no language is used to its fullest extent by its native speakers, there is always ‘much room left for our non-native speakers to exploit it in the unique form of English usage, phonetically, lexically, syntactically, semantically and pragmatically. As a matter of fact, English has been used by our Chinese asa tool to know the West and at the same time, let the World know China at its greatest extents. “+Modern ELT in China A great deal of attention has been paid to English teaching and learning since the beginning of the reform of Chinese economiy in 1978. With mote and more Western companies and joint ventures rushing into China, many college students would like to pursue their further education in the West to acquire advanced knowledge in science and technology. Chinese students are no longer ignorant of international English tests such as TOEFI. (Test of English es a Foreign Language) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and so on. Some foreigners will even be amazed to see the heat-wave of English learning in China. Just take a domestic employer, especially those in the field of foreign trade businesses for example. They consider ‘communicative competence in English to be a decisive factor in hiring a potential employee, Therefore, an applicant must demonstrate his oral English capability besides their various English qualification certificates. This emerging challenge to the traditional methodology of ELT is unprecedented in that the teacher is no longer seen as the sole provider of knowledge and the students are no more encouraged to assimilate their teacher's instruction dutifully or to work their way ploddingiy through the lines of their textbook. : ‘The initial progress in ELT took place when English became part of the College Entrance Examinations. The Ministry of Education issued guidelines for textbook makers, requesting that English textbooks should include materials on the Western culture, listening and speaking practice as well. However, there are some disadvantages. of ELT education in China. The first isa lack of qualified foreign language teachers, most cof whom have no experience of living in Western countries. In fac, effective English teachers should have abundant cross-cultural awareness ~ itis often the case that quite a number of English teachers in China have a very limited knowledge of English while students have high expectation from their teachers, As a result, teacher development programs have become the “boitlesneck" issue" in our current ELT. Worse is the backward ‘methodology: teachers, as well as students, typically adopt the Grammmar-Translation ‘method to teach and leatn English, which focuses on English grammar and vocabulary, ‘on linguistic phenomena rather than on reading the content itself. It is no surprise to see Chinese students with satisfactory marks on their English examinations who can't DBRABPAVRAVRARWDLSSHSOHOP HHO HHSODBAOOAASBAAGHG4OD Tr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr re 7997999998999 9FTF7F9THESETSSISESTS 55 65 6 85 © GENERO acaoemico | UNIDADE 21 communicate well in English with foreign peers. There is a popular saying about this extravagant scene in learning English as “dumb and deaf" English According o a survey, most college students in China whose majors'are not English spend more than 70 percent of their study time on English after class. Meanwhile they have to attend fourhour English courses every week in class. What's more i that the English teacher, unfortunately, has to face normally so or more students in the classroom because of {he expansion of enrolling college students in recent years. Therefore, itis almost impossible for an English teacher to take good care of each student in clas. Some English classes have zo access to an audio-video language laboratory, neither do they have access to the Internet. ‘This rigid pattern of old fashioned textbook-based, teacher dominated and test-oriented teaching is out of date with the rapid growth of international communication in China. Educators have realized the importance of shifting the pattern of FLT from the traditional linguistic acquirement to communicative competence and the module of teaching English Janguage from single skill development to integrated skills training, That can be seen from the reform of syllabuses and curriculum development project issued by the Ministry of Education in 1999. The new syllabus emphasis is on a student-centered approach instead of a teacher-centered one, Meanwhile, the vocabulary capacity required for students has ‘been enlarged from the original 3,800 common used English words and phrases to 4,0co. ‘Another outstanding feature ofthe ELT reform in China's higher institutions is that English study will be continuous throughout the duration &f four years in college. ESP (English for Special Parpose) courses are also added to the final year of students study of English in college. The goal of these courses is to ensure thatthe non-English major students who have different specialized background can make good-use of English after their graduation” in their future working career. Besides, the Ministry of Education requires that ll ofthe specialized subjects (preferably taught from foreign textbooks) be conducted in English in ‘the near future. There will bea national English standardized test which will be divided into several levels to evaluate the outcome of reforming in Chinese ELT from primary level t ‘the tertiary level, which means English will become a real tool for communication in China’s educational institutions. The construction of a streamlined? ELT system from Chinese primary schools (third grade) tothe tertiary level is underway. ~*Conciusion AU this stage, China needs and will continue to want English badly. In order to function efficiently in its economy with the global market, China needs to bring large numbers of people to higher level of proficiency in English for a wide variety of functions. Success of English language teaching and learning depends largely on understanding English as a tool for communication. Thuis, ifa student is encouraged to speak with confidence, itis the foreign language teacher's duty to help students overcome the fear of speaking and learn the Lerura ew Lingua metess, | una asonoaceniwsreumenra | 27] $4 90 ge unibave 2: | 0 GENERO ACADEMICO fact that Chinese English learners can use English effectively without feeling guilty oftheir strong accent, Modern communication such as TV and the Internet makes us more exposed toan English medium environment than we used to be. Itwill be no surprise at all fora Chinese person to survive in English (By J Suaosiy, Wenzhou College of Pression and Technology) Fonte: The weekly colunn Article 99, May 2002 (adaptado} (Versio original disponive em-htp:jwwwelmewsletter com back/May200fetgg2co2 hime. ‘Acesso em 22 agosto 2009) GLossARio 4 the bottleneck issue —a questéolimitadora (que impede 6 avango} 2 major ~ area de concentragao em um curso de graduagao 2 streamlined ~ modernizado, atualizado FAMILIARIZAGAO com © TEXTO 41 Faca um skimming do texto, isto,6, obsefve o titulo, layout, cognatos e palavras conhecidas @ déscreva a ideia geral do mesmo em uma sentenca. 2 Releia o texto, desta vez priorizando a busca das informacées abaixo: ‘a o status atual da Lingua Inglesa, alcangado nos titimos 40 anos bb duas razées pelas queis 0s Chineses tém se dedicado ao aprencizado da lingua inglesa GAHMAHRHAAMRALHOHOEGHHMHMALOBGXGEADAANAGABOBAeG20: Saeaganne wwe wwe ewe were we ewww wwerwvvvevvee vv vesvssewweD (0 GENERO AcADEmico | UNIDADE 21 « fator decisivo para a contratagio de novos funcionériog na China, em especial pot empresas 1a érea de comércio exterior d fator que propiciou um progresso inicial no ensino de inglés na China dois aspectos negativos ainds observados no ensino de inglés na China 3 A que se referem os nlimeros em negrito, nos trechos abaixo? “A great deal of attention has been paid to English teaching and learning since the beginning of the reform of Chinese economy in 1978" b “According to d survey, most college students in China whose majors are not Englist spend mote than 70 percent oftheir study time on English after class.” ¢ "What's more is that the Englisb teacher, unfortunately, has to face normally 50 or more stu- dents in the classroom because of the expansion of enrolling college students in recent years.” "That can be seen from the reform of syllabuses and curriculum development project issued by the Ministry of Education in 19997 "Meanwhile, the vocabulary cepacity required for students has been enlarged from the original 4,800 common used English words and phrases to 4,000." 3O UNIDADE 21 [ERO ACADEMIC 4 Em sua opiniéo, as informagdes apresentadas no artigo “English as a global language in China” so relevantes para o universitério brasileiro? Justifique. APRESENTACAO E PRATICA DE ESTRATEGIA RECONHECENDO O GENERO ACADEMICO Topa PRoDUGAO ESCRITA segue algum tipo de convencdo. Livtos de recelta, cartas, emails, listas de compras, recados, e dicionérios apresentam linguagem e formato especticos para que possam ser faciimente compreendidos e ullizados. So justamente essas convencdes que pos- sibiltam ao leltor manusear qualquer lito e, nia maioria das vezes, reconhecer imediatamente 0 seu género textual ‘Todos nés conseguimos let os géperos textuais de nosso cotidiano facilmente. Damesma for- rma, se passarmos a ler artigos académnicos com frequléncia,e observarmos as convengées que os caracterizam, também seremos capazes de éfetuar a leitura de tal género sem dificuldade. A esérita académica geralmente segue estruturas convencionals, Os artigos das éreas das Ciencias Biol6gicas e Exatas costumam conter subdivisées internas, com cabegalhos, para epre- sentar a discusséo de um problema, aIteratura existente (ou sea, os artigos e livros jé public dos a respeite), 0 formato da pesquisa, os resultados alcangados, ¢ de que manetra tes resulta- dos vém suprir uma lacuna ou aprimorer nossa cornpreensio de determinado assunto, Por outro lado, os artigos das éreas das Ciéncias Humanas no tém multas subdivistes in- ternas; de modo geral, costumam apresentar apenas tr8s partes principals: a intredugfo (que descreve 0 background e 0 “problema’), o desenvolvimento (que trez os argumentos e as re- flexes do autor, com base nos dados que evidenciam o problema), e @ conclusdo (que resume a resposta do autor a0 problema), O primeiro passo para 2 leitura e compreenstio de artigos académicos & saber que sua organi- zagio e apresentago seguem normas felativamente rigidas. Identficar tals normas pode inclusive ‘unxiiar 0 teitor a escrever artigos do mesmo género, Leia as dicas a seguir culdadosamente: Observe o artigo como um todo, antes de iniciar a leltura propriamente dita, Procure iden- tiflcar 0 propésito/objetivo, pablico-alvo e assunto do artigo a ser lido. Procure pistas no ttulo fou subttulo, no resumo (abstract) que costuma preceder o artigo, no Jayout, nas notas de rodapé, na nota de referéncia biogréfics do autor (que pode vir no inicio ou final de um artigo ‘ou tivo}, (© Genero acanémico | UNioaDE 25 ‘As perguntas abalxo podem auxilié1o a considerar 0 artigo como um todo: + Quem escreveu o artigo? O.que é possivel descobrir sobre o autor do texto que vocé tem em méos? Se puder, procure outros artigas ou livros escritos pelo mesmo autor Isto Ihe daré uma idéia de como o artigo inte- gre/complementa outros trebalhos do autor, bem como sua érea de interesse/especialidade. + Quem é 0 piblico-alvo, ie,,a quem o autor se dirige? Esta questio é extremamente importante porque afeta o estilo, contetido e abordagem do assunto discutido no artigo. Vocé pode fazer um skimming dos primeiros parégrafos para ter Uma idéia, De feto, 05 dols primeiros parégrafos do artigo apresentam, ou deverlam apresentar, as razSes{ustiticativas (rotionale) pare & pesquisa relatada, Quanto mais especffica e detalhada for a pesquisa, mats especiicos sero 0s leltores @ quem tal artigo se destina = Qual é 0 assunto do artigo? Se 0 artigo foi bem redigido, os primelros parégrafos vo determinar o assunto do mesmo. © titulo também sugere, ou devetia sugerir, o assunto principal do artigo, ea linha de ractocinio adotada pelo autor. Além disso, 0 abstract — ou seja, 0 resumo em inglés que costuma pre- ceder artigos contidos eri revistas clentticas — em geral apresenta uma breve descricéo do contetido do artigo, Finalmente, um outro focal que contém um resumo do artigo & a concluséo. Geralmente mais longa que a introduco, a gonclustio resume ofs) argumento(s) do autor, situan- do-ofs) em um contexto mais amplo, ‘Texto adapta, (Versio original dsposivel em: -, Acesso em: 22 agosto 2009.) O texto “English as a Global Language in China” pertence ao género “artigo académico”, ‘1 Localize algumas caracteristicas comuns a esse género (layout, vocabulétio, registro): 2 foyout (Como se configura este texto? De que forma é divicido?} b vocabulério (jargdo caracterstico de uma determinada érea de conhecimento): Exs: «reaistro {linguagem mais formall: Exs: UNIDADE 21 | © GENERO AcADEMICO 2 Agora relela o abstract e verifique se 0 resumo do autor sintetiza de modo claro e objetivo © contetido do artigo. CONSOLIDACGAO GRUPOS NOMINAIS E INFERENCIA CONTEXTUAL _ 4 Nos trechos abaixo, extraidas do texto, os grupos neminais foram sublinhados. Circule seus respectivos nticleos e, em seguida, traduza as expressées sublinhadas: a ‘Inthe past fev decades since World Worl, the emerging global economy has made it possible {or English to play an important role as the world stondord language.” bb “This rigid pattem of old fashioned textbook-based, teacher-dominatéd and test-oriented teaching Is out of date with the rapid growth of intemational communication in China.” aaneonenenoarencrasnaneaaaacal ¢ "The new sylobus emphosis is on @ student-centered approach instead of a teacher: i centered one," 2 Deduza o significado das palavras ou expressées sublinhadas de acordo com o contexto ‘em que estao inseridas: ‘a “People of the world unanimously consider English as the most useful language for cross-boundary communication.” é € € € ¢ € ¢ 6 ¢ é é 4 « ¢ ¢ € é @ € wevevwevsvewew i wwwwwewrwvwwrwwwwrwrwvewvuves [ete © GENERO ACADEMICO | UNIDADE 21 b “Educators have realized the importance of shifting the pattesn of ELT from the traditional linguistic acquirement to communicative competence and the module of teaching English language trom single skill development to integrated skills training.” € “The construction of a streamlined ELT system from Chinese primary schools (third grade) to the tertiary level is underway.” ee =e ee At this stage, Ching needs and will continue to want English badly." ce acer ence RPE TERR LelTURA eM LINGUA INGtesa™

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