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Programa de Recuperação Paralela

2ª Etapa – 2013

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Professora:Eliane

Ano: 9º Turmas: 9.1 e 9.2

 Caro aluno, você está recebendo o conteúdo de recuperação.

 Faça a lista de exercícios com atenção, ela norteará os seus estudos.
 Utilize o livro didático adotado pela escola como fonte de estudo.
 Se necessário, procure outras fontes como apoio (livros didáticos, exercícios além dos propostos,
 Considere a recuperação como uma nova oportunidade de aprendizado.
 Leve o seu trabalho a sério e com disciplina. Dessa forma, com certeza obterá sucesso.
 Qualquer dúvida procure o professor responsável pela disciplina.

Conteúdo Recursos para Estudo / Atividades

* Interpretação * Livro – Welcome (Pages 8 and 10)

* 1st Conditional
* Units 1, 2 and 3
* 2nd Conditional
* Uso do will e do going to * Anotações do caderno
* Past Progressive
* Provas anteriores
* Might / Might not
* Would
* Should / shouldn’t
Rede de Educação Missionárias Servas do Espírito Santo
Colégio Nossa Senhora da Piedade
Av. Amaro Cavalcanti, 2591 – Encantado – Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP: 20735042 Tel: 2594-5043 – Fax: 2269-3409
E-mail: cnsp@terra.com.br Home Page: www.cnsp.com.br


Área de Conhecimento: CÓDIGOS E LINGUAGENS Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Tipo de Avaliação: BLOCO DE ATIVIDADES Etapa: 2ª Professor: Eliane


Nº de Questões: 12 Data: ____/____/2013.

Nome do (a) aluno (a): Ano:9° Turmas: 9.1 e Nº

Querido (a) aluno (a):
Para que se organize melhor siga as orientações abaixo:
 LEIA com atenção cada questão;
 PROCURE compreender o que está sendo pedido, para você resolver;
 ELABORE respostas completas;
 FAÇA uma letra legível;
 RELEIA todas as suas respostas antes de entregar ao professor (a).
Professor: Eliane

READ the text. WRITE True or False.

Voluntary Service Overseas Global Exchange

Eve Wilson is 19 years old. She’s going to spend six months living and working on a volunteer project
in Siri Lanka. Read our exclusive interview.
- Why do you want to do a six-month volunteer program?
I want to travel and learn about other cultures.
- What are you going to do?
I’m going to work as an educational assistant with children and I might work with older people too.
- Where are you going to live?
I’m going to live with a host family. It will be difficult at first as I don’t know if my family will speak any
- What are you going to take with you?
Not much. Clothes and books of course. I’ll take my iPod and camera.
- How many people are going to work on your project?
I think there are two other volunteers, but they might live in a different village from mine.
- Are you going to travel to other parts of Siri Lanka?
I don’t think we have much free time, but after the project finishes I might travel a bit. I hope I make some

a) Eve is going to Siri Lanka for six months. TRUE

b) She is going to work with children. TRUE
c) The other volunteers are going to live in her village. FALSE
d) She isn’t going to travel after the project finishes. FALSE
e) She might make some friends. TRUE

COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses (1st conditional).

a) If we protect rainforests, we will save (save) rare animals and trees.

b) If I leave now, I will get (get) the bus.
c) If we plant (plant) more trees, we’ll help the environment.
d) If I take a taxi, it will save (save) me time.
e) If Elsa goes (go) to Japan, she’ll visit Tokyo.

COMPLETE the sentences.

a) If I find your book, I will tell you. ( told - will tell - am telling )

b) We will not spend a lot of money if we go camping. ( will not spend - would spend - not spend )

c) If it rains, what will you do? ( will rain - rains - rain )

d) If I have enough money, I will fly to Paris. ( had - will have - have )

e) If Carol arrives on time, I will speak with her. ( arrives - arrive - will arrive )

COMPLETE with the correct form of the verb in parentheses (2nd conditional).

a) If I were rich, I would travel (travel) around the world.

b) If he drove more carefully, he would have (have) fewer accidents.

c) If I were you, I would study (study) for the test.

d) If she paid her debts, people would respect (respect) her more.

MARK the correct answer.
a) If it rains, I _______ go to the beach.
( X ) won’t ( ) wouldn’t
b) If Ellen studied hard, she ______ get better grades.
( ) won’t ( X ) would
c) If he puts on a jacket, he ___________ feel cold.
( X ) won’t ( ) wouldn’t
d) If you sang on TV, you __________ be famous.
( ) won’t ( X ) would

TRANSFORM the sentences in interrogative, affirmative or negative according to the information in

a) William will study English.

(Interrogative) Will William study English?

b) Will they travel to Canada?

(Affirmative) They will travel to Canada.

c) My brother will play soccer next week.

(Negative) My brother will not play soccer next week.

d) She won’t go to São Paulo by car.

(Affirmative) She will travel to São Paulo by car.

READ the plans and complete the sentences with the correct form of “be going to”.

a) We are not going to travel ( not / travel) next year.

b) He is not going to play ( not / play) cards tomorrow.

c) Are you going to sell your car? (sell)

d) I am going to watch TVat night. (watch)

WRITE P (Plan) or O (Offer).
a) They’re going to visit Japan. P
b) I’ll pick you up from school. O
c) I’m going to watch TV. P
d) We’ll do the shopping. O
e) They aren’t going to take a taxi. P

FILL IN THE BLANKS with the Past Continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

Last week, there was the city carnival. I was walking (walk) in the parade with my two sisters. We were
having (have) a fantastic time! There were a lot of bands. They were playing (play) all kinds of music. Lots of
people were dancing (dance) and we were wearing (wear) beautiful costumes. Some people were singing (sing)
and a lot of people were eating (eat) . I was drinking ( drink) a glass of coke and my sisters were drinking
(drink) some juice. We were laughing (laugh). It was great!

COMPLETE the sentences. USE might or might not.

a) Elsa starts a new job today. She’s very friendly.

She might make some friends.

b) Kenzo likes shopping.

He might buy some new clothes.

c) Fujiko has a headache.

She might not go to work today.

d) Cesar likes playing computer games.

He might play some tonight.

e) Isabella is very tired.

She might not stay up to watch the late night movie.

COMPLETE the sentences. USE would or wouldn’t.

a) I like my apartment. I wouldn’t move to a new neighborhood.

b) She likes old people. I think she would enjoy working in a nursing home.
c) I would like to live in another country. I don’t enjoy life here.
d) What would you do with a million dollars?
e) I love volleyball! I would play it every day if I could
READ the dialogue and MARK the correct word.

I) A: I’m hungry.
B: You ( should / shouldn’t ) have a sandwich.
II) A: I’m tired.
B: You ( should / shouldn’t ) watch late night movies.

III) A: I’m very thin.

B: You ( should / shouldn’t ) go on a diet.

IV) A: I’m hot.

B: You ( should / shouldn’t ) take a shower.

V) A: I can’t do my homework.
B: You ( should / shouldn’t ) ask your teacher for help.

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