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issn = {1413-8123},
abstract = {The ethical formation of doctors involves professional relationships
that are part of their daily routine, and in this context, Faculdade de Medicina de
Marilia (Famema) provides the medical students to live deeply since the beginning
of the course at the Education Unit of Professional Practice, the ethical
reflection of the actions in health when developing abilities in the Primary Health
Care (PHC) together with the community. This scientific research analyzed the
perception of academics of medicine on the first and second years concerning
ethical actions in health developed together with the community. The qualitative
approach was the option of analysis of this study that allowed the construction of
three empirical categories common to the two years: The ethical and professional
training in PHC's reality; Confidentiality of information on the development of
medical professional secrecy; interpersonal relationships on ethical formation of
medicine students, with more predominance of the second category among the first
years students. Therefore, the ethical relations are more significant to the
students when lived deeply, since the beginning in practices like these. Key words
Medical ethics, Medical education, Human relations Resumo A formacao etica dos
medicos envolve as relacoes profissionais que fazem parte de seu cotidiano e, neste
sentido, a Faculdade de Medicina de Marilia (Famema) propicia aos estudantes de
medicina vivenciar desde o inicio do curso, na Unidade Educacional de Pratica
Profissional (UPP), a reflexao sobre a pratica e sobre a etica das acoes em saude
na Atencao Basica em Saude (ABS) junto a comunidade. Analisou-se, nesta pesquisa, a
percepcao dos academicos de medicina das 1a e 2a series acerca das relacoes eticas
envolvidas nas acoes em saude junto a comunidade. A abordagem qualitativa foi a
opcao de analise desta investigacao que permitiu a construcao de tres categorias
empiricas comuns as duas series: A formacao etica e profissional na realidade da
ABS; Confidencialidade da informacao no desenvolvimento do sigilo profissional
medico; As relacoes interpessoais na formacao etica do estudante de medicina, com
maior predominancia da segunda categoria entre os da 1a serie. Portanto, as
relacoes eticas sao mais significativas aos estudantes quando vivenciadas, desde o
inicio, em praticas como estas. Palavras-chave Etica medica, Educacao medica,
Relacoes humanas},
journal = {Ciência & saude coletiva},
pages = {S1533},
publisher = {Associacao Brasileira de Pos-Graduacao em Saude Coletiva - ABRASCO},
year = {2009},
title = {Ethical relationship in Primary Health Care: the experience of medical
students/ Relacoes eticas na Atencao Basica em Saude: a vivencia dos estudantes de
copyright = {COPYRIGHT 2009 Associacao Brasileira de Pos-Graduacao em Saude
Coletiva - ABRASCO},
language = {spa},
author = {Ferreira, Ricardo Correa and da Silva, Roseli Ferreira and Zanolli,
Mauricio Braz and Varga, Cassia Regina Rodrigues},
keywords = {Analysis ; Ethical aspects ; Health care industry ; Medical ethics ;
Medical students},

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