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Embalagens Rigesa. Fruto de responsabilidade.

Para a Rigesa, no basta apenas oferecer as melhores solues em embalagens para suas frutas. preciso fazer isso com responsabilidade. Prova disso que a matria-prima utilizada pela Rigesa fruto de orestas plantadas 100% certicadas pelo Ceror - programa coordenado pelo Inmetro. Oferecer solues inovadoras, com total respeito ao meio ambiente. Essa ideia a Rigesa faz questo de cultivar. Rigesa: a marca da sustentabilidade.
w w w. r i g e s a . c o m . b r

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Expediente Publishers and editors

EDITORA GAZETA SANTA CRUZ LTDA. CNPJ 04.439.157/0001-79 Diretor Presidente: Andr Lus Jungblut Diretor Secretrio: Romeu Inacio Neumann Diretor Comercial: Raul Jos Dreyer Diretor Administrativo: Jones Alei da Silva Diretor Industrial: Paulo Roberto Treib Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 1.224, CEP: 96.810-900, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS Telefone: 0 55 (xx) 51 3715 7940 Fax: 0 55 (xx) 51 3715 7944 E-mail: redacao@anuarios.com.br comercial@anuarios.com.br Site: http://www.anuarios.com.br A636 Anurio brasileiro da fruticultura 2011 / Helosa Poll ... [et al.]. Santa Cruz do Sul: Editora Gazeta Santa Cruz, 2011. 128 p. : il. ISSN 1808-4931 1. Frutas - Cultivo - Brasil. I. Poll, Helosa. CDD : 634.0981 CDU : 634.1(81) Catalogao: Edi Focking CRB-10/1197 ANURIO BRASILEIRO DA FRUTICULTURA 2011 Editor: Romar Rudolfo Beling Editora assistente: Angela Zamberlan Vencato Textos: Helosa Poll, Angela Zamberlan Vencato, Benno Bernardo Kist, Cleiton Santos, Cleonice de Carvalho, Erna Regina Reetz e Romar Rudolfo Beling Superviso: Romeu Inacio Neumann Traduo: Guido Jungblut Fotografia: Slvio vila, Inor Assmann (Agncia Assmann) e divulgao de empresas e entidades. Agradecemos s empresas e instituies que receberam gentilmente a nossa equipe, entre elas Associao dos Produtores e Exportadores de Hortifrutigranjeiros e Derivados do Vale do So Francisco (Valexport), Frutacor, Agrcola Famosa, Itaueira, Jandaia e Instituto Agropolos do Cear. Agradecemos, em especial, aos pais e familiares que autorizaram a participao das crianas que ilustram esta publicao. Projeto grfico e diagramao: Juliane Mai Arte de capa: Juliane Mai, sobre fotografia de Slvio vila Edio de fotografia e arte-final: Juliane Mai e Mrcio Machado Marketing: Maira Trojan Bugs, Andra Lenz e Rafaela Jungblut Superviso grfica: Mrcio Machado Distribuio: Simone Moraes Impresso: Coan Grfica e Editora, Tubaro (SC) ISSN 1808-4931 permitida a reproduo de informaes desta revista, desde que citada a fonte. Reproduction of any part of this magazine is allowed, provided the source is cited.

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Apresentao 6 Introduction Cenrio 12 Scenario Principais frutas 30 Main fruit Aes 66 Actions Pesquisa 94 Research Especial 108 Special Painel 118 Panel Eventos 122 Events

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A vida com sabor

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Que as frutas so essenciais numa alimentao saudvel e nutritiva, disso ningum duvida. Que elas oferecem praticidade nas refeies, tanto em seu armazenamento e em sua conservao a curto prazo quanto nas formas de serem servidas, outro atributo inegvel. A qualidade de uma dieta deve, impreterivelmente, considerar as frutas, permitindo usufruir de seus benefcios, especialmente das vitaminas indispensveis a um organismo pleno de energia. Por essas virtudes, fundamental que o consumo de frutas, tanto na forma in natura quanto industrializada ou com outros aproveitamentos na culinria, seja estimulado desde a infncia. O Anurio Brasileiro da Fruticultura 2011, ao atualizar as informaes de produo e de mercados das principais espcies comercialmente produzidas no cenrio nacional, elege como tema motivador em suas imagens de apoio, como os leitores podero conferir nas pginas de abertura, a relao familiar de crianas de diferentes idades com as frutas. Com essa disposio, o Anurio tem como propsito justamente lembrar que frutas tm tudo a ver com a infncia, e, por extenso, com uma dieta ideal para estimular um crescimento saudvel, que se traduza em energia e vitalidade. Coloridas, aromatizadas, cada fruta oferta elementos essenciais ao organismo e estimula inclusive a formao e o aprimoramento do paladar. Umas mais doces, outras mais cidas; algumas apropriadas ao consumo direto, convidando a mordidas suculentas, outras sugerindo aproveitamentos variados na cozinha, as frutas instigam a criatividade e retribuem com um show de cor, sabor e aroma. E no quesito variedade, o Brasil quase imbatvel. Por suas amplas extenses territoriais, o Pas produz, muitas vezes em plantaes nativas, formadas na natureza, as mais diversas espcies tropicais e temperadas. Isso contribui, por exemplo, para o amplo sortimento de sucos disponveis no mercado nacional, num mix que s cresce ano aps ano. Comercialmente, os pomares constituem uma das maiores expresses da ecltica economia do agronegcio. O imenso pblico consumidor interno aproveita as espcies conforme suas peculiaridades regionais (as frutas da Amaznia, as do serto, as do Cerrado, as do Sudeste e as das regies de clima frio do Sul), mas outra gama de espcies ganha o mundo, graas s exportaes, com clientelas em franca expanso. Assim, alm de garantir uma vida saudvel, a fruticultura assegura empregos e renda e impulsiona o desenvolvimento regional. esse pomar de riquezas, de prosperidade e de oportunidades que o Anurio Brasileiro da Fruticultura 2011 vem descrever. Que o contedo editorial inspire a todos, baixinhos e adultos de todas as idades, a consumir mais frutas, em diferentes momentos do dia. Dessa forma, cada um estar fazendo o melhor por si prprio. Boa leitura. E, claro, bom apetite.

A life full of flavor

It goes without saying that fruits are essential ingredients in healthy and nutritional diets. Another attribute is their practicality at meals, including storing requirements, short-term conservation practices and the manner they are served. The quality of a diet must inevitably go through different types of fruit, taking advantage of their benefits, especially vitamins indispensable for an organism full of energy. For their virtues, it is of vital importance to encourage the consumption of fruit from early childhood, either fresh or industrialized or through other culinary uses. The Brazilian Fruit Yearbook 2011, upon updating production and market figures relative to all major commercially produced species in the national scenario, elects

as motivating theme in its support images, as the readers can check in the opening pages, the familiar relationship of children of all ages with fruit. Within this context, the purpose of the Yearbook is to remind people that children and fruit have lots in common and, by extension, with an ideal diet that encourages the body to grow in a healthy manner, later translating into energy and vitality. Colored, aromatized, all fruits offer essential elements for the body, while enhancing the gradual development of a discerning palate. Some sweet, others acid; some ideal for direct consumption, inviting mouthwatering bites, others suggesting an array of uses in the kitchen, all fruits prompt creativity, and retribution comes in a variety of colors, flavors and aromas. With regard to variety, Brazil is almost unbeatable. For its vast territorial extension, the Country produces, often on vastly disseminated native lots, a huge variety of tropical and temperate fruit. This, for example, contributes towards the array of juices available in the national market, forming a mix that rises year after year. Commercially, the orchards constitute a major expression of the

eclectic economy based on agribusiness. On the domestic side, most people take advantage of the different species according to their regional peculiarities (fruit produced in the Amazon, hinterland, Cerrado, Southeast and in the cold South), but another array of species is now working its way into the world, thanks to exports, with ever-rising numbers of clients. Thus, besides promoting healthy lifestyles, fruit farming creates jobs, income and drives regional development. It is this source of wealth, prosperity and opportunities that the Brazilian Fruit Yearbook 2011 describes in detail. Let the editorial content inspire you and people of all walks of life, to consume more fruit, at different times of day. This is how you can do the best for yourself. Nice reading and, of course, have a good appetite.

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Cenrio Scenario

Cesta farta
Nmeros preliminares do IBGE do conta que a produo brasileira de frutas cresceu 5,17% em 2010
Depois da queda em 2009, a produo brasileira de frutas apresentou crescimento em 2010, se comparada ao rendimento do ano anterior. Os nmeros do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE), mesmo que ainda sejam uma estimativa, apontam safra de 43,164 milhes de toneladas, o que representa 5,17% a mais que em 2009, quando chegou a 41,041 milhes. A rea plantada foi de 2,179 milhes de hectares. O resultado mantm o Brasil como terceiro maior produtor mundial, atrs apenas de China e ndia. O presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ), Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, acredita que o resultado de 2010 deva se repetir em 2011, com incremento na produo entre 4% e 5%. Um dos fatores da expanso est no aumento do consumo interno. As frutas, junto com os vegetais, fazem parte do trip da alimentao saudvel, que inclui ainda produtos lcteos e carnes brancas, observa Fernandes. Alm da busca por sade, a incluso das frutas na alimentao deve-se ao maior poder de compra dos brasileiros, consequncia da baixa inflao registrada a partir do Plano Real, que teve incio em 1994. Em 2010, tivemos uma informao surpreendente a de que a classe C consome mais do que as classes A e B. Mas engana-se quem pensa que essa parcela da populao no se preocupa com a qualidade, alerta. O consumo no Brasil estimado em 47 quilos por habitante ao ano. Segundo o presidente do Ibraf, a forma como o produto apresentado faz a diferena na hora da deciso pela compra. A dona de casa busca praticidade, ento temos que facilitar, enfatiza. Diante dessa nova realidade, cresce a procura por frutas cortadas e embaladas, processadas e por sucos e nctares. A geografia da produo nacional tambm vem se COLHEITA modificando devido ESTIMADA DE necessidade de reduzir 43 MILHES DE custos. Novos polos TONELADAS esto se formando e outros esto se mudando, baseados em um critrio que nunca deveria ser esquecido: a proximidade dos centros de consumo, destaca Fernandes. O transporte, nem sempre adequado, desde os pomares at os locais de venda, acarreta, em mdia, 35% de perdas. O que tambm comea a preocupar os fruticultores o efeito que o aquecimento global pode ter sobre a atividade. Se as previses alarmistas se confirmarem, em algumas dcadas deve haver modificao nas reas de plantio. O presidente do Ibraf lembra que a fruticultura perene e isso significa que, aps o plantio, as espcies levam em torno de cinco anos para comear a produzir. Ele prev que muitas fruteiras devem se transferir para o Sul, onde haver mais calor.

O maior entrave da fruticultura brasileira so as perdas acarretadas pelo transporte at os mercados consumidores. O presidente do Ibraf, Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, classifica o problema como o calcanhar de Aquiles do setor. Lembra que, em alguns casos, o prejuzo pode chegar a 40% da carga. Se eu reduzisse essas perdas pela metade, no precisaria aumentar os plantios para dar sustentabilidade e suprimento demanda brasileira, e

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ainda poderia continuar exportando. Ele indica que o ideal seria que o transporte fosse feito, pelo menos, em veculos isotrmicos. No entanto, grande parte da colheita segue por grandes distncias, em estradas esburacadas e acondicionada em embalagens imprprias. Soma-se a isso a manipulao do produtor, do atravessador, nos centros de distribuio, e, finalmente, no varejo. Muitas vezes o produtor sai do seu pomar e chega numa ceasa e o preo caiu.

Da ele tem duas opes: ou vender com um enorme prejuzo ou jogar fora, observa. Segundo Fernandes, boa parte dessas perdas poderiam ser evitadas se existisse investimento em armazenamento frigorfico. As cmaras frias deveriam ficar, obviamente, nos centros de comercializao no atacado e tambm nos polos de escoamento para exportao, entende. Ele defende que a estrutura seja pblica e para uso coletivo.



Bountiful fruit basket

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ing is a perennial activity and it normally takes five years for fruit trees to bear fruit. He anticipates that many fruit farms will move to the South, where warmer temperatures are believed to prevail.

ACHILLES HEEL The biggest bottlenecks of

Brazils fruit farming business are the losses incurred during transportation to consumer markets. The president of Ibraf, Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, classifies the problem is the Achilles Heel of the sector. He notes that in some cases losses amount to 40% of the entire cargo. If we reduced these losses by half, there would be no need to increase our plantations to make the business sustainable, with enough volumes to meet our domestic demand, without interrupting our exports. He understands that minimum transport requirements should include isothermal vehicles. Nevertheless, a huge portion of the crop is hauled over long distances, with roads in very bad conditions, and fruits inadequately packaged. To make things worse, there is inadequate handling by producers, middlemen, distribution centers and, finally, improper retail outlets. Frequently, growers pick up their fruit and take them to the distribution center only to learn that prices have plummeted. There are only two options left, they either sell them at enormous losses, or throw them away, he observes. According to Fernandes, these losses could be prevented almost in their entirety if investment had been made in cold storages. The cold storages should obviously be located around the wholesale centers, and also around the export-oriented transport hubs, he notes. He maintains that these structures should be public and for collective use.

from 4% toe 5%. A factor that accounts for the expansion is the rising domestic consumption. Fruits, along with vegetables, are part of the health food tripod, which also includes dairy products and light meats, observes Fernandes. Besides pursuing healthy foods, the inclusion of fruit in After a decline in 2009, the production of fruit in Brazil the Brazilian diet also stems from the rising purchasing powsoared again in 2010, compared to the previous year. The er of the population, resulting from the low inflation rates figures estimated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography since the Real Plan in 1994. In 2010, surprisingly, class and Statistics (IBGE) point to a total of 43.164 million C showed higher consumption rates compared to classes tons, up 5.17% from the 41.041 million in 2009. The A and B. But those who think that this portion of the planted area reached 2.179 million hectares. population is not concerned with quality The result ranks Brazil as third largest world are wrong, he warns. producer, coming only after China India. Fruit consumption in Brazil is esHARVEST IS The president of the Brazilian Fruit Intimated at 47 kg per person a year. In ESTIMATED AT 43 stitute (Ibraf ), Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, the words of the president of Ibraf, the MILLION TONS believes that the result in 2010 will have a manner the product is displayed makes repeat in 2011, with production volumes up a difference when it comes to purchasing

Preliminary figures released by IBGE show 5.17% increase in fruit production in 2010

it. Housewives seek practicality, and it is up to us to make things easier, he stresses. In light of this new reality, people are more and more opting for cut, processed and packaged fruit, and for juices and nectars. The geography of our national fruit production business has been changing due to the need to reduce costs. New production hubs are surfacing and others are moving to different places, based on a criterion that should never be overlooked: the proximity to consumer centers, Fernandes notes. Transport, which is sometimes very deficient, from the orchards to the sales outlets, normally results into 35-percent losses. What is also raising concern among the fruit producers is the global warming phenomenon and its possible consequences on fruit farming. If the alarming forecasts confirm, there should be alterations in the production areas over the next decades. The president of Ibraf recalls that fruit farm-



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MULTICOLORIDA - MULTICOLORED Produo brasileira de frutas (em toneladas) Fruta TERRITRIO - OCUPADO TOTAL TERRITORY Produo brasileira de frutas (em hectares) Fruta Laranja Banana Coco Melancia Manga Uva Abacaxi Tangerina Limo Maracuj Mamo Ma Pssego Melo Goiaba Abacate Caqui Figo Pera Marmelo Total
Fonte: IBGE

2009 17.618.450 6.783.482 2.978.256 1.973.366 2.056.309 1.792.594 1.094.429 1.365.491 1.197.694 972.437 1.222.885 718.798 402.959 297.377 216.236 171.555 139.089 24.146 14.856 975 41.041.384

2010* 18.982.647 7.451.972 3.083.386 1.960.212 2.056.309 1.792.594 1.094.429 1.269.470 1.197.694 972.437 1.317.194 718.798 402.959 297.377 216.236 171.555 139.089 24.146 14.856 975 43.164.335

Laranja Banana Abacaxi** Coco*** Melancia Mamo Tangerina Uva Manga Limo Ma Maracuj Melo Goiaba Pssego Caqui Abacate Figo Pera Marmelo Total

2009 802.528 483.562 284.951 94.871 74.416 81.677 61.990 54.909 41.388 50.853 34.379 39.081 19.102 17.559 15.048 8.509 8.740 3.072 1.404 211 2.179.250

Fonte: IBGE/Ibraf *Estimativa **Converso: 1 fruto = 2,5 kg, nas regies Sul e Sudeste, exceto Paran (1,6 kg) e Santa Catarina (1,67 kg); 2,1 kg na regio Centro-Oeste; e 1,8 kg para as demais regies. Fonte: FNP ***Converso: 1 fruto = 1 kg (elaborao Ibraf )


Inor /Ag. Assmann

Diversidade de espcies e grande extenso territorial privilegiam a explorao da fruticultura no Brasil

caso de Roraima, onde o governo estadual comanda iniciatiAs dimenses continentais e a diversidade de frutas va com pomares irrigados, tendo como produes principais disponveis para consumo fazem do Brasil um campo proabacaxi, melo, mamo e manga. Em Tocantins, tambm na missor para a expanso da fruticultura. Seja para o mercado local e regional, seja para exportao, o fato que o Pas am- regio Norte, foram implantadas reas com abacaxi voltadas para comercializao no mercado interno. Em Mato Grosso, plia suas reas produtivas a cada ano. Individualmente, So no Centro-Oeste brasileiro, o Frutal foi convidado a realizar Paulo segue como o principal estado de cultivo, com destaum plano de desenvolvimento da atividade, que acabou senque para a colheita de laranja, banana, figo e uvas de mesa. do adiado. Eles querem uma alternativa econmica soja e E so justamente as regies consolidadas que apresentam j que as frutas vm de longe, acharam por bem incentivar o as maiores expanses de pomares. O diretor-geral do Insticultivo, observa Martins. tuto Frutal, Fernando Antnio Mendes Martins, destaca o Para ele, a expanso dos polos produtivos muito imporexemplo que vem do Cear. As empresas esto investindo em tante, porque o consumo de frutas existe em todas as regies. todas as regies do Estado, enfatiza. O mesmo tem sido obMuitas vezes os produtos vm de muiservado, segundo ele, no Rio Grande do Norte, to longe, transportados de maneira inacom ampliao das reas de melo e de mamo, dequada e acabam estragando, justifie mesmo na regio de Petrolina, em PernambuPLANTIO PRXIMO ca. Martins entende que a introduo co, que sofreu com problemas decorrentes da REGIO DE de pomares comerciais nas regies condesvalorizao cambial do dlar em 2009. CONSUMO sumidoras possa fortalecer os mercados De uma maneira geral, explica o diretor DIMINUI PERDAS locais e regionais e, em alguns casos, se do Frutal, a maioria dos estados brasileiros desenvolve projetos ligados fruticultura. o voltar exportao.



Inor /Ag. Assmann

Pomar itinerante

Brazils fruit farming business takes advantage of the diversity of species and huge territorial extension
The continental dimensions and the diversity of fruits available for consumption make the country an ideal place for expanding the fruit growing business. Whether for the local and regional market, or for export, the country is in fact expanding its planted area year after year. Individually, So Paulo is still the leading producer, where the predominant species are oranges, bananas, figs and table grapes. It is exactly the consolidated regions that boast the biggest orchard expansions. The general director of the Frutal Institute, Fernando Antnio Mendes Martins, points to the example set by the State of Cear. The companies are investing in every region across the State, he stresses. The same, he maintains, has been observed in Rio Grande do Norte, with the expansion of the areas planted with melon and papaya, and in the region of Petrolina, in Pernambuco, which suffered from the devaluation of the dollar in 2009. By and large, explains the Frutal director, the majority of the Brazilian states are developing fruit-oriented projects. It is the case of Roraima, where the state government has undertaken the irrigated orchard initiative, and the main fruits are pineapple, melon, papaya and mango. In Tocantins, also in the North, pineapple crops were established for domestic consumption. In Mato Grosso, in the Brazilian Center-West, Frutal has been invited to devise a plan for the development of fruit farming, but it was postponed. They are pursuing an economic alternative to soybean and, as the fruits come from faraway places, they found it necessary to encourage their cultivation, ORCHARDS NEAR Martins observes. CONSUMPTION In his opinion, the CENTERS REDUCE expansion of the proLOSSES duction hubs plays an important role, since fruits are consumed all over the Country. Frequently, the products come from faraway places, transported in improper manner and end up going bad, he justifies. Martins understands that the establishment of commercial orchards in the consumer regions tends to strengthen the local and regional markets and, in some cases, trigger exports.

Itinerant orchard

De volta ao prato
Com a recuperao dos pases atingidos pela crise econmica mundial, Brasil voltou a lucrar com exportaes de frutas
quantidade. Conforme Fernandes, o bom desempenho se O balano das exportaes brasileiras de frutas em 2010 deve substituio de variedades com semente pelas sem, reflete a recuperao econmica dos pases compradores, as apirnicas, o que praticamente duplicou o valor negociamajoritariamente da Unio Europeia, que haviam sido afedo internacionalmente. tados pela crise mundial, deflagrada a partir do segundo seAlgumas espcies importantes conseguiram recuperar mestre de 2008. Conforme dados da Secretaria de Comrcio o mercado em 2010. o caso da banana, que conquistou Exterior (Secex), rgo do Ministrio do Desenvolvimento, clientes na Amrica Latina e encerrou o ano com aumento de Indstria e Comrcio Exterior, o Pas embarcou 759.420 15,24% no faturamento com as vendas extoneladas em 2010, reduo de 2,69% em relao ternas, mesmo com volume 3% menor. A a 2009. Em faturamento, a histria foi outra. manga tambm apresentou bom desempeHouve acrscimo de 8,96%, totalizando VENDAS AO nho, chegando a um incremento de 13,15% US$ 609,612 milhes. EXTERIOR nos embarques e de 23,15% na receita. O presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de RENDERAM US$ Mesmo que 85% da laranja produzida Frutas (Ibraf ), Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, 609 MILHES no Brasil seja direcionada para a fabricao lembra que a crise no afetou to profundade suco, surpreendeu o fato de ter ocorrido mente a demanda por alimentos, mas sim a elevao substancial nos envios ao exterior da deciso sobre o que seria comprado, em funo fruta in natura: 43,49% em quantidade e 44,44% em valor. dos preos. Ele acredita que em 2011 o Brasil possa aumenO presidente do Ibraf lembra que havia grandes restries ao tar as vendas externas prximo a 10%. Vai depender muito produto por causa da ocorrncia da pinta-preta, doena caudo cmbio, do clima e do mercado, entende. sada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa, e que provoca a queda O melo foi o campeo de vendas em 2010, com dos frutos. Algumas cargas chegaram a ser recusadas na Espa177.828 t e faturamento de US$ 121,969 milhes. No entanto, a fruta que teve mais agregao de valor foi a uva. As nha em meados dos anos 2000. Ns conseguimos, atravs do 60.805 t embarcadas representaram US$ 136,648 milhes, trabalho nos packing houses e de plantios diferenciados, voltar a exportar laranja de mesa, afirma. sendo a primeira em receita e ocupando o sexto lugar em

JANELAS A comercializao internacional de frutas frescas requer um planejamento detalhado para que o produtor
saiba identificar o momento certo de vender o seu produto. Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes explica que grande parte dos produtos so colocados no mercado no perodo de entressafra no hemisfrio norte, as chamadas janelas. Voc no vai conseguir exportar as frutas na poca em que eles esto produzindo, destaca. No entanto, alerta o presidente do Ibraf, o mercado exige muita ateno, pois as janelas podem se alterar em funo de problemas climticos e at pelo avano da tecnologia, que proporciona a pesquisa de variedades mais tardias e tambm mais precoces. Foi o que aconteceu em 2009 nos Estados Unidos com a uva. A safra foi mais tardia e, quando fomos vender, no tnhamos mais espao, exemplifica. Outro fator importante a se observar a concorrncia. As frutas tropicais no so privilgio do Brasil e outros pases obtm sucesso com a produo. Fernandes cita o caso da manga, que tem sido cultivada em vrias partes do mundo, como Colmbia, Equador, Mxico, Malsia, Tailndia, Indonsia, Filipinas, Costa do Marfim e Guin. Eles exportam e tambm formam uma janela, observa.


Making a comeback
121.969 million. Nonetheless, the fruit that proportionally generated the most revenue was the grape. The 60,805 tons shipped abroad represented US$ 136.648 million, ranking first in revenue and sixth in quantity. Fernandes understands that the credit of the good performance goes to the replacement of traditional varieties with seedless varieties, the so-called apirenic table grapes, which almost doubled The Brazilian balance of fruit exports in 2010 reflects the internationally negotiated values. the economic recovery of the countries that import our Some important fruit varieties managed to recover the marfruit, most of them from the European Union, which had ket in 2010. It is the case of the banana. The fruit conquered been affected by the global economic crisis that surfaced in clients in Latin America and by year end celebrated a rise of the second half of 2008. According to data from the Brazil15.24% in revenue from foreign sales, in spite of the 3% smallian Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), an organ of the er volume. Mango sales also celebrated a good performance, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Brazil shipped abroad 759,420 tons in 2010, down 2.69% from with shipments soaring 13.15% and revenue, 23.15%. Though 85% of the oranges produced in Brazil are 2009. In terms of revenue, it was a different story. It was up destined for the juice industry, the surprising fact was the 8.96%, totaling US$ 609.612 million. substantial increase in the shipment of fresh oranges abroad: The president of the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ), up 43.49% in quantity and 44.44% in value. The president Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, notes that the crisis did not of Ibraf recalls that there had been enormous restrictions to have a deep effect on the demand of food, but, in light of the fruit due to the occurrence of black spot, the prices, it had a say in the decision on what disease caused by the fungus Guignardia was to be bought. He believes that in citricarpa, which causes the fruit to fall. 2011 Brazilian foreign fruit sales will FOREIGN SALES Some cargos were not allowed entrance in soar around 10%. It will depend a lot BROUGHT IN US$ Spain in the mid 2000s. Through work on the exchange rate, on the climate conducted in the packing houses and speand market, he comments. 609 MILLION cial planting systems, we managed to export Melons ranked first in sales in 2010, table oranges again he says. with 177,828 tons and revenue of US$

WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY International fresh fruit negotiations require careful planning should the producers want to take advantage of timely sales. Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes explains that huge amounts of the products are placed in the market during off-season time in the northern hemisphere, referred to as windows. There is no way exporting fruit during their season, he notes. Nevertheless, the president warns, the market requires much attention as the windows might suffer changes stemming from climate problems and even from technology advances, which may come up with premature or late
MAIS LEVE - ON THE DECLINE Exportaes brasileiras de frutas frescas (em kg) Fruta Melo Banana Manga Ma Limo Uva Laranja Melancia Papaia Abacate Tangerina Abacaxi Figo Outras frutas Coco Goiaba Pomelo Pera Framboesa/amora Outros ctricos Morango Airela e mirtilo Mangosto Ameixa Pssego Kiwi Damasco Cereja Total 2009 2010 Variao (%) -3,31 -3,00 13,15 -7,56 -4,99 11,45 44,44 -27,61 -1,80 -7,93 -55,18 -90,46 -13,31 -17,53 0,13 -3,68 3.200,74 -65,20 -67,33 19,23 -61,87 96,67 -98,71 -92,11 433,33 -84,00 -2,69 183.911.976 177.828.525 143.871.502 139.553.134 110.202.283 124.694.284 98.264.010 66.374.045 54.559.684 26.185.254 39.038.818 27.554.464 2.932.222 4.411.914 19.817.923 1.668.583 989.250 407.193 152.972 2.040 31.222 13.834 2.496 6.249 180 13.500 1.800 21 300 90.839.409 63.060.909 60.805.185 37.821.810 28.261.716 27.057.332 2.699.698 1.977.479 1.889.842 1.446.458 815.874 407.737 147.348 67.335 22.738 10.866 4.519 2.976 2.383 2.208 354 174 142 112 48

varieties. It was just what happened in the United States with the grapes in 2009. The crop matured late and there was no room left for our grapes, he exemplifies. Another relevant factor consists in paying heed to competition. Tropical fruit are not only produced in Brazil, other countries produce them and, frequently, with great success. Fernandes cites the case of the mango, which is cultivated in such different countries as Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Ivory Coast and Guinea. They all export and have their window, too, he observes.

Inor /Ag. Assmann

A DISTNCIA - BEYOND THE FRONTIERS Exportaes brasileiras de frutas frescas (em US$ FOB) Fruta Melo Banana Manga Ma Limo Uva Laranja Melancia Papaia Abacate Tangerina Abacaxi Figo Outras frutas Coco Goiaba Pomelo Pera Framboesa/amora Outros ctricos Morango Airela e mirtilo Mangosto Ameixa Pssego Kiwi Damasco Cereja Total 2009 122.094.688 39.394.960 97.388.159 56.328.134 43.771.018 110.574.457 11.343.154 15.735.304 34.457.466 3.606.220 3.281.271 10.580.302 7.796.246 2.029.468 165.970 297.764 600 208.488 342.275 8.604 60.618 1.074 28.154 1.979 641 2.872 559.499.886 2010 121.969.814 45.398.163 119.929.762 55.365.805 50.693.603 136.648.806 16.276.736 12.356.105 35.121.752 3.126.434 1.850.034 998.318 7.310.886 1.931.663 121.240 326.364 42.369 15.819 78.874 4.978 9.675 22.239 9.737 1.116 410 307 1.055 72 609.612.136 Variao (%) -0,10 15,24 23,15 -1,71 15,82 23,58 43,49 -21,48 1,93 -13,30 -43,62 -90,56 -6,23 -4,82 -26,95 9,60 6.961,50 -62,17 -98,55 12,45 -63,31 3,91 -98,54 -84,49 64,59 -97,49 8,96

With the recovery of the countries hit by the world economic downturn, Brazil again began to profit from fruit exports

780.413.735 759.420.595

Fonte: Secex - Elaborao: Ibraf - Obs.: As estatsticas de limo e lima foram agrupadas. Caqui est incluso em outras frutas

Fonte: Secex - Elaborao: Ibraf - Obs.: As estatsticas de limo e lima foram agrupadas. Caqui est incluso em outras frutas



Exportao de frutas requer ateno s exigncias comerciais e fitossanitrias de cada pas importador
portar muito mais caso realizasse acordos bilaterais. Para O mercado internacional envolve uma srie de regras a China, por exemplo, s posso exportar banana e abacaxi, e exigncias, que mudam de pas para pas. Na rea de alique no mundo todo tm trnsito livre, destaca. Para ele, o mentos, includa a fruticultura, esses requisitos referem-se Pas est perdendo tempo, pois os concorrentes esto negoa aspectos econmicos e tambm fitossanitrios. Cada item ciando diretamente com os importadores. Foi o que ocorreu possui as suas especificidades, o que torna as transaes cocom o Chile, que est exportando uvas para a China por merciais bastante complexas. No basta ter um comprador para o produto. preciso cumprir com as clusulas impostas meio de um acordo entre os dois pases. Em outros casos, o Brasil consegue vender, mas tem pelo governo da nao importadora. tratamento diferente dos demais exportadores. Fernandes Os Estados Unidos so um dos pases com maiores conta que o Mxico possui acordo bilarestries entrada de frutas. Para grande teral com a Unio Europeia, o que lhe parte dos produtos exigida a adoo EXPECTATIVA proporciona a iseno de taxas alfandegde medidas quarentenrias. So trataDE MUDANA NA rias na venda de limo. Dessa forma no mentos que eliminam riscos de nossas temos condies de concorrer com o Mfrutas levarem pragas e doenas para l. POLTICA EXTERNA xico, constata. O mesmo se d com relaIsso muito caro, e a qualidade tambm DO BRASIL o aos produtos industrializados. O predecai, explica Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, sidente do Ibraf explica que para esses itens presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas existem os Sistemas Gerais de Preferncia (SGPs), (Ibraf ). Por outro lado, lembra ele, o Brasil tem firmados entre pases ricos com os em desenvolvimento ou legislaes especficas que atrapalham o comrcio. Ele pobres. Por esses acordos h a iseno ou o desconto de cita o caso da liberao do uso de cloro para a lavagem de tarifas. Hoje no posso exportar suco de maracuj para citros, procedimento que dificulta a comercializao no a Unio Europeia porque eles possuem um SGP especial mercado de orgnicos. com o Equador, a Colmbia e o Peru, exemplifica. Na opinio do presidente do Ibraf, o Brasil poderia ex-

NO AGUARDO Para o presidente do Ibraf, Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, o que tem dificultado a chegada do Brasil ao mercado internacional a poltica externa implementada pelo governo. Nos ltimos anos, os grandes acordos multilaterais foram privilegiados em detrimento aos acordos bilaterais, enfatiza. No entanto, acredita que com a posse da presidente Dilma Rousseff haja mudana na forma de atuao com o mercado externo. J mandamos sugestes a todos os ministrios envolvidos com a questo, destaca. Outra providncia que compete ao governo federal a definio sobre as molculas ativas para cultivos menores, o que engloba praticamente todas as frutas comerciais. De acordo com Fernandes, o assunto vem sendo discutido h mais de dez anos. Ele entende que, por meio de legislao especfica a ser definida ainda em 2011, ser possvel o uso de agroqumicos mais seletivos e menos agressivos. A Unio Europeia vem impondo restries a determinados defensivos agrcolas. Se eu quiser colocar as minhas frutas l, vou ter que me adaptar, afirma.


Jigsaw puzzle
Fruit exports call for attention regarding every importers trade and phytosanitary requirements
Brazil could export much more if the country signed bilatThe international market is laden with requirements, eral agreements. To China, for example, we can only sell which change from country to country. In the area of bananas and pineapples, as they do not face any transport food, including fruit farming, these requirements are restriction around the globe, he stresses. In his opinion, the focused on economic and phytosanitary concerns. There Country is wasting time, simply because many competitors are specifications for each item, which make any comare negotiating directly with the importers. It is the case of mercial transaction rather complex. Having a buyer for Chile, a country that is shipping grapes to China through an the product is not enough. One has to comply with the agreement between the two countries. requirements of the importing country. In other cases, Brazil manages to sell, but does not reThe United States is one of the countries that imposes ceive the treatment bestowed on the competitors. Fernandes the strongest restrictions to the entrance of fruit into that recalls that Mexico signed a bilateral agreement with the Eucountry. For most fruit, quarantine measures are imposed. ropean Union, whereby the country is exempt from import They consist in treatments that eliminate the risk of any taxes levied on lemons. This makes it difficult to compete fruit to carry pests or diseases to that country. It is a very with Mexico, he ascertains. The same holds for industrialexpensive process and normally the quality of the fruit is ized products. The president of Ibraf recalls that for such affected, explains Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, president of items there is the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ). On the other hand, signed between rich countries and underdehe recalls, Brazil has specific legislation that veloped or poor nations. These agreements disturbs the market. He mentions the case THERE IS provide for tax exemptions or reductions. of the use of chlorine for washing citrus fruit, a procedure that makes the comEXPECTATION FOR A As things are, we are not allowed to export mercialization process difficult in the CHANGE IN BRAZILS passion fruit to the European Union, because of their special GSP with Ecuador, market of organic products. FOREIGN POLICY Colombia and Peru, he exemplifies. The president of Ibraf understands that

AWAITING The president of Ibraf, Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, blames Brazils foreign policy for the difficulties to reach the international market. Over the past years, the relevant multilateral agreements were privileged to the detriment of bilateral agreements, he emphasizes. Nonetheless, he believes that our newly inaugurated president, Dilma Rousseff, will alter our approaches to the international market. We have already forwarded suggestions to all ministries involved, he says. Another step that is up to the federal government

to take is a definition on the active molecules for minor cultivations, which comprises almost all commercial fruit. According to Fernandes, the subject has been debated for more than ten years. He has it that, through specific legislation to be defined before 2011 comes to a close, it will be possible to resort to more selective and less aggressive agrochemicals. The European Union has been imposing restrictions on certain agrochemicals. If we want to sell our products to that continent, weve got to comply, he concludes.


Para gringo ver

Iniciativas de promoo das frutas brasileiras no exterior so responsveis pelo crescimento das exportaes do setor
O sucesso das frutas brasileiras no exterior se deve muito s iniciativas de apresentao dos produtos aos possveis consumidores. O programa Brazilian Fruit, capitaneado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ) e pela Agncia Brasileira de Promoo de Exportaes e Investimentos (Apex-Brasil), o exemplo que melhor demonstra o xito desse tipo de estratgia. A parceria entre as duas entidades foi formada em 1998. Naquele ano, foram exportadas 294.617 toneladas de frutas. Doze anos EM DOZE ANOS DE depois, o Pas conseguiu AES, EMBARQUES incrementar as vendas CRESCERAM 157% externas em 157,76%, embarcando 759.421 toneladas em 2010. O presidente do Ibraf, Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, destaca que o programa trabalha em duas frentes: a promoo institucional e a promoo de vendas. Ele explica que no primeiro caso as aes se voltam para mostrar ao mundo as virtudes das frutas produzidas no Brasil. Segundo Fernandes, atualmente o trabalho est focado no conceito das superfrutas, que possuem alto valor nutricional e, por isso, conquistaram o paladar das pessoas interessadas em manter hbitos mais saudveis. Esto nessa lista o aa, a acerola, a goiaba vermelha e o mirtilo, entre outras. As iniciativas de promoo de vendas tm por objetivo colocar os exportadores em contato direto com os compradores. Os dois lados vo negociar e a a competitividade sempre fala mais alto, analisa o presidente do Ibraf. Na avaliao de Fernandes, sem a continuidade das atividades, o Brasil no teria conseguido aumentar o volume dos embarques.

Just for show

The credit of the soaring Brazilian fruit exports goes to publicity initiatives such as the promotion of our fruit abroad
The success of Brazilian fruit abroad results from the publicity initiatives abroad and the introduction of the products to prospective consumers. The Brazilian Fruit program, spearheaded by the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ) and by the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex Brasil), is an example that best demonstrates the success of such strategy. The partnership between the two entities started in 1998. During that year, fruit exports totaled 294,617 tons. Over the next 12 years, the country managed to increase its foreign sales by 157.76%, shipping abroad 759,421 tons in 2010. The president of Ibraf, Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, explains that the program is split into two fronts: Institutional promotion and sales promotion. He clarifies that in the first case all initiatives are geared towards making the world aware of the qualities of the fruit produced in Brazil. According to Fernandes, currently the work is focused on the concept of superfruit, with high nutritional value and likely to conquer the palate of discerning consumers concerned with healthy eating habits. The list of these fruit includes aa, acerola, red guava, myrtle and others. TWELVE YEARS OF The sales promotion PROMOTIONAL moves are intended to INITIATIVES bring the exporters in direct contact with the MADE SHIPMENTS buyers. Both sides are RISE 157% supposed to negotiate, and this is where competitiveness comes in, says the president of Ibraf. In his view, if these initiatives had been discontinued, Brazil would not have managed to keep its fruit shipments on the rise.

CRONOGRAMA As aes do Brazilian Fruit so realizadas em etapas. A atual engloba o perodo entre 2010 e
2012 e envolve em torno de 140 empresas. Em 2011, o trabalho mais efetivo teve incio com a participao das empresas exportadoras nas duas principais feiras mundiais do setor: a Fruit Logstica, em Berlim, na Alemanha; e a Gulfood, em Dubai, nos Emirados rabes Unidos. A coordenadora de programas de marketing do Ibraf, Stela Del Nery, explica que so realizadas outras atividades. Uma delas o convite a jornalistas estrangeiros para que venham ao Brasil conhecer toda a estrutura de produo. Eles sero os responsveis por divulgar as frutas brasileiras em suas naes. Entre os pases-alvo, segundo Stela, esto frica do Sul, Angola, Alemanha, Arbia Saudita, Canad, Chile, China, Emirados rabes Unidos, Espanha, Frana, Inglaterra, Portugal e Rssia. A mesma estratgia usada com os potenciais compradores. Algumas aes de marketing so feitas com frutas especficas, como a promoo em supermercados e restaurantes de pases determinados. Essa atividade foi realizada, por exemplo, em fevereiro de 2011 na Inglaterra com a apresentao do limo. A coordenadora do Ibraf destaca que o objetivo do Brazilian Fruit, em suas mais variadas iniciativas, fazer com que as empresas de alguma maneira consigam atender ao mercado internacional. Mesmo que ela no tenha potencial para exportar, pode aprender a forma de fazer, ressalta.
Slvio vila

CHRONOGRAM All the moves by the Brazilian Fruit are conducted step by step. The current one comprises the 2010 2012 period and involves about 140 companies. In 2011, the most effective work started with the participation of the exporting companies in two major global fairs: Fruit Logistica, in Berlin, Germany; and Gulfood, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The coordinator of Ibrafs marketing program, Stela Del Nery, refers to other activities, too. One of them consists in inviting foreign journalists to Brazil and show them our production structure. They are responsible for giving publicity to the Brazilian fruit in their countries. According to Stela, the target countries include South Africa, Angola, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Chile, China, United Arab Emirates, Spain, France, Britain, Portugal and Russia. The same strategy is used with potential buyers. Some marketing actions are focused on specific fruit species, particularly when it comes to promotions in supermarkets and restaurants in certain countries. Such a promotion, for example, was conducted in Britain when lemons were displayed, in February 2011. The Ibraf coordinator points out that the target of the Brazilian Fruit program, in its several variables, is to put the companies in a position to meet the needs of the international market. Should a company lack the potential for exporting, it could learn how to do it, she concludes.



Principais frutas Main fruit Abacaxi Pineapple

Barrado no embarque

dos, de 2008 para 2009, naquele Estado, que ento figurava Mesmo que a situao das vendas externas de abacaxi se mostre azeda, passando de US$ 10,5 milhes negociados na quinta posio entre os produtores brasileiros. A constatao feita pelo pesquisador Aristteles Pires de Matos, da em 2009 para US$ 998,3 mil em 2010, conforme dados mesma unidade da Embrapa e que coordena aes do Proda Secretaria de Comrcio Exterior (Secex), a gostosura do grama de Produo Integrada de Abacaxi no Pas, difundinproduto continua sendo bem apreciada no mercado interdo conceitos de sustentabilidade com baixo uso de insumos no. A pequena exportao, que ocorre principalmente para poluentes em vrios estados. a Europa, ainda estaria sofrendo efeitos da crise econmica Ele considera importante o incremento do marketing mundial e do cmbio desfavorvel, alm de outros fatores. na venda externa destacando as caractersticas da fruta e das Enquanto isso no plano domstico, com economia aquecivariedades. Nesse contexto, a Secretaria da Agricultura, Irrida, a produo se estabilizou, aps recuo em 2009, e vem gao e Reforma Agrria da Bahia (Seagri-BA) divulga que a sendo absorvida. variedade Prola, cultivada na regio de Itaberaba, vem conOs nmeros da colheita brasileira, lder mundial na quistando admiradores no continente europeu. cultura, que j estiveram em 1,78 e 1,71 bilho de No mbito dos estados, a liderana frutos em 2007 e 2008, respectivamente, ficana cultura disputada por trs unidaram em 1,47 bilho de unidades em 2009, des. A Paraba encontra-se frente, com segundo pesquisas do Instituto Brasileiro EXPORTAES de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE). Para os CARAM PARA MENOS 263 milhes de frutos em 2009. O Par lidera em rea (9.978 ha em 2009, mas perodos 2010 e 2011, as estimativas da DE US$ 1 MILHO com tendncia de reduo) e obtm instituio indicam oferta de 1,48 e 1,44 volumes prximos aos paraibanos (241 bilho de frutos respectivamente. A reduo milhes de frutos). Minas Gerais, que foi o em 2009 teria ocorrido por problemas climmaior produtor por volta do ano 2000, tem oscilado ultiticos, de acordo com avaliao do economista Clvis mamente entre o segundo e o terceiro lugares. No peroOliveira de Almeida, da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, do da anlise, colheu 255 milhes de unidades. Em busca sediada em Cruz das Almas (BA). de crescimento, a Bahia ocupa a quarta posio, com 121 Influiu igualmente no resultado, inclusive nas exportamilhes de frutos. Nas estimativas do IBGE para 2010, o es, a retirada da produo de uma empresa do Cear em ranking da produo fica na seguinte ordem: Paraba (258 decorrncia de problemas com a doena fusariose, causada milhes de frutos), Par (256 milihes), Minas Gerais pelo fungo Fusarium subglutinans. O fato representou a (222 milhes) e Bahia (139 milhes). diminuio de 100 milhes para 17 milhes de frutos colhi-

SUSTENTAO Pequenas cidades, localizadas nos estados com maior produo, tm na cultura um esteio econmico e um motivo de destaque. o caso de Floresta do Araguaia, municpio emancipado em 1993 de Conceio do Araguaia, no Par, com 19 mil habitantes e que, conforme se divulga, tira sustento, emprego e renda da abacaxicultura. Conhecida como a Terra ou a Cidade do Abacaxi, o maior produtor do Estado: obteve 175 milhes de frutos em 2009, enquanto em 2004 chegou a 216 milhes, exportando parte para a Europa desde 1998. Realiza tambm, sempre no ms de julho, o Festival do Abacaxi. A cidade mineira de Monte Alegre de Minas, que j foi a primeira no ranking da cultura em outros perodos, intitula-se Terra da Felicidade e Capital Brasileira do Abacaxi. Em 2009, colheu 96 milhes de frutos. Outras cidades da regio do Tringulo Mineiro, como Frutal e Canpolis, tambm se destacam na atividade. Na Paraba, desponta a pequena Itapororoca, na Zona da Mata, com 15 mil habitantes e 72 milhes de frutos em 2009, ao lado de outros municpios da regio, como Santa Rita e Araagui. Nessa rea, o espao disputado com a cana-de-acar, que tem avanado devido a sua valorizao, mas o abacaxi mantm importncia e apoio, buscando preservar o lugar conquistado, amparado na qualidade da produo. Ao mesmo tempo, conforme constata Aristteles Pires de Matos, da Embrapa, outras pequenas comunidades nas regies Norte e Nordeste tm despertado para a cultura, como o caso de dois distritos Novo Remanso e Vila do Engenho, ambos do municpio de Itacoatiara, no Amazonas. Ali uma produo isolada, numa rea de 1.200 hectares, abastece a capital Manaus e tambm o mercado regional de polpa para merenda escolar, reiterando a fora e a riqueza das frutas tropicais brasileiras.

Com produo nacional estvel, abacaxi tem no mercado domstico seu principal destino, especialmente aps a queda nas exportaes

Slvio vila



Slvio vila

tion. During the time of the analysis, its harvest reached 255 million pineapples. Seeking higher production volumes, Bahia now ranks fourth, with 121 million fruit. For 2010, IBGE ranks the producers as follows: Paraba (258 million pieces of fruit), Par (256 million), Minas Gerais (222 million) and Bahia (139 million). DESPENCOU - PLUMMETED Exportaes de abacaxi Ano 2009 2010 US$ FOB 10.580.302 998.318 Peso (kg) 19.817.923 1.889.842

SUSTENANCE The pineapple crop drives the economy of the small towns located in the major producing regions and earns them a prominent position. This is the case of Floresta do Araguaia, which belonged to the town of Conceio do Araguaia, in Par, but was raised to the town status in 1993. Its 19 thousand inhabitants are known to derive their livelihoods, jobs and income from pineapple crops. Known as the Pineapple Land or Pineapple Town, Floresta da Araguaia is the leading pineapple producer in the State: in 2009, its production reached 175 million pieces, whilst in 2004 it was 216 million, and exports to Europe started in 1998. Every year, the Pineapple Festival is held in the month of July. Monte Alegre de Minas, a town in Minas Gerais, which ranked first in the production of pineapples in other periods, claims to be the Land of Happiness and Brazilian Pineapple Capital. In 2009, it harvested 96 million fruit. Other towns in the Tringulo Mineiro region, like Frutal and Canpolis, are also prominent producers. In Paraba, the highlight is the small town of Itapororoca, in Zona da Mata, with 15 thousand people and 72 million pineapples in 2009, alongside other towns across the region, like Santa Rita and Araagui. In this area, there is competition between pineapple and sugarcane, where the latter is making strides due to its everrising economic role, but pineapples are succeeding in retaining their importance, support and market, on the grounds of high quality crops. In the meantime, in the words of Aristteles Pires de Matos, of Embrapa, other small communities spread across the North and Northeast have woken up to the crop, with two districts standing out Novo Remanso and Vila do Engenho, both in the municipality of Itacoatiara, in Amazonas. There, a 1,200-hectare plantation supplies the capital city and the regional pulp market for school meals, attesting to the strength and wealth of Brazils tropical fruits.

Fonte: Secex/MDIC

ESTVEL - STABLE Produo brasileira de abacaxi Ano rea (ha) 65.982 60.176 55.533 55.048 Volume (mil frutos) 1.712.365 1.470.995 1.488.875 1.443.224

Shipment ban
With a stable national production, the pineapple is mostly for the domestic market, particularly after the decline in exports
Though foreign pineapple sales may sound sour, plummeting from US$ 10.5 million negotiated in 2009 to US$ 998.3 million in 2010, according to data from the Brazilian Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), the sweetness of this fruit is very appreciated by the domestic market. The small shipments, especially to the European Community, are blamed on the lingering effects of the global economic crisis and the unfavorable exchange rate, among other factors. In the meantime, with the economy picking up steam in the domestic EXPORTS FELL scenario, production got BELOW US$ 1 back on track after the decline in 2009, and is MILLION being absorbed. The figures of the Brazilian crop, leading global producer, which had already reached 1.78 and 1.71 billion fruit in 2007 and 2008, respectively, remained at 1.47 billion pieces in 2009, according to a survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). For the 2010 and 2011 seasons, the estimates by the institution point to a total of 1.48 and 1.44 billion fruit respectively. The decline in 2009 is believed to have been caused by climate problems, says economist Clvis Oliveira de Almeida, of Embrapa Cassava and Fruit Farming, based in Cruz das Almas (BA). What also had an influence on the result, including exports, was the decision of a company in Cear to get out of the business due to the attacks of a disease caused by a fungus known as Fusarium subglutinans. The scourge reduced the crop from 100 million to 17 million pieces, from 2008 to 2009, in that State, which then ranked as fifth biggest

2008 2009 2010* 2011*

Fonte: IBGE (Pesquisa Agrcola Municipal) *Estimativas IBGE (Levantamento Sistemtico da Produo)

producer in Brazil. The figures were released by researcher Aristteles Pires de Matos, of the same Embrapa Unit, and coordinator of the Integrated Pineapple Production Program in Brazil, spreading sustainability concepts throughout the states, based on the use of low levels of polluting agrochemicals. He maintains the importance of marketing promotions abroad, focused on the characteristics and variety of the fruit. Within this context, the Secretariat of Agriculture, Irrigation and Land reform of Bahia (Seagri-BA) comments that the Prola variety, cultivated in the region of Itaberaba, is now attracting aficionados in the European continent. Among the different States, the leadership in pineapple production is now pursued by three of them. Paraba is the front runner, with 263 million fruit in 2009. Par is the leader in planted area (9,978 ha in 2009, but the trend is pending downward) and its production volumes do not differ much from the previous State (241 million pieces). Minas Gerais, the leading producer in the year 2000, has recently been occupying either the second or third posi-



Banana Banana

Cacho farto
Produo brasileira de bananas foi de 7,072 milhes de toneladas em 2010, mantendo o Pas na posio de quinto maior produtor mundial
A safra brasileira de bananas dever ser maior em 2011 na comparao com o ano anterior. A colheita prevista de 7,506 milhes de toneladas, 6,14% superior aos 7,072 milhes colhidos em 2010, conforme estimativa do levantamento do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE). a segunda fruta mais produzida no Pas, s perdendo para a laranja. A vantagem que pode ser colhida o ano todo e em todas as regies do Pas. A oferta s diminui em perodos de frio intenso no Sul e no Sudeste. A regio Nordeste liderou a produo em 2010 com 2,679 milhes de t. Em segundo lugar ficou o Sudeste com 2,261 milhes de t. Na sequncia esto Sul (1,026 milho de t), Norte (845.957 t) e Centro-Oeste (257.612 t). O Estado de So Paulo foi o principal produtor, com 1,271 milho de t, seguido pela Bahia, que registrou volume de 1,079 milho. Em ordem decrescente posicionam-se os estados de Santa Catarina (672.892 t), Minas Gerais (654.314 t), Pernambuco (542.295 t), Par (527.432 t) e Cear (445.169 mil t). A tendncia de crescimento tambm apontada para a rea colhida, que dever abranger 535 mil hectares

em 2011, ultrapassando em 6,95% a extenso de 500 mil ha do perodo antecedente. A rea ocupada pelo bananal dever registrar avano de 5,36%, passando dos 536 mil ha de 2010 para 565 mil na temporada atual. Apenas a produtividade dever regredir em 0,76% na safra corrente, quando deve passar de 14.123 quilos por ha em 2010 para 14.016 kg/ha neste ano. O Brasil o quinto maior produtor mundial, atrs de ndia (36 milhes de t), Filipinas (9,1 milhes de t), China (8,2 milhes de t) e Equador (7,6 milhes de t). De acordo com o pesquisador Edson Perito Amorim, da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, de Cruz das Almas (Bahia), a falta de variedades melho-

radas com boas caractersticas agroa de 2009, que ficou em US$ (FOB) nmicas um dos obstculos que o 39,394 milhes. Segundo o gerentesetor enfrenta, assim como problemas -executivo do Instituto Brasileiro de no ps-colheita, na comercializao Frutas (Ibraf ), Maurcio Ferraz, do e na conservao dos frutos. Outros total exportado em 2010, 75 mil t entraves so as doenas, em especial a foram destinadas para Argentina e sigatoka-negra, que atinge So Paulo, Uruguai. A fruta saiu da regio Sul, especialmente do Estado de Santa Santa Catarina e Norte do Brasil; a sigatoka-amarela e o mal-do-Panam. Catarina. A Europa importou cerca de 63 mil t. Ferraz explica que os A exportao brasileira de banana negcios foram afetados por probleem 2010 teve queda de 3%, ficando mas climticos, como o excesso em 139.553 toneladas, de chuvas, provocando contra as 143.871 t de 2009. Em a sada de grandes mulreceita, a soma REA E PRODUO tinacionais que atuavam no setor. Alm disso, a de 2010 US$ DEVEM CRESCER valorizao do real tor(FOB) 45,398 EM 2011 nou os preos brasileiros milhes supemenos atrativos. rou em 15,24%

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FAVORVEL Os bons preos pagos pela banana colhida na regio Norte do Estado de Minas Gerais em 2010 estimularam os produtores a investirem mais na atividade nesta safra. Segundo o diretor-presidente da Associao Central dos Fruticultores do Norte de Minas (Abanorte), Dirceu Colares, os bananais foram ampliados em cerca de 10% e renovados. A estimativa de incremento na produo de cerca de 300 toneladas ao ano. A rea cultivada em 2010 era de 11.000 hectares. O aumento da extenso plantada ocorreu em reas novas, onde est sendo implantado o projeto Jaba. Na safra passada, o preo mdio pago pela caixa de banana-prata de 20 quilos foi R$ 18,00, valor 17% maior que o registrado em 2009 e 76% acima do estipulado para cobrir os gastos com a cultura. Cerca de 90% do cultivo na regio de banana-prata. A Abanorte representa cerca de 3.000 produtores, dos quais 500 s plantam banana. A lavoura toda irrigada. As outras frutas cultivadas so limo tahiti, manga, mamo, maracuj, goiaba e melancia. A maioria dos produtores so de porte mdio com propriedades de aproximadamente 100 ha. A fruta comercializada no mercado mineiro e nos estados de Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo e Esprito Santo. Colares destaca que esto obtendo excelentes resultados com a opo pelo controle biolgico, usando

o mnimo necessrio de produtos qumicos. O ganho proporcionado pela adeso Produo Integrada de Frutas (PIF). Atualmente, 3.000 hectares esto aptos certificao do PIF. No entanto, o diretor da Abanorte lamenta que a diferenciao ainda no tenha agregado um valor maior ao produto na hora da comercializao. Um dos fatores que beneficiaram os preos da banana mineira em 2010 foi o aumento da demanda devido reduo da oferta no Vale do Ribeira, situado a 192 quilmetros de So Paulo e 220 quilmetros do Paran. De acordo com a Associao dos Bananicultores do Vale do Ribeira (Abavar), a produo de 2010 teve queda de 40%, provocada pelas enchentes ocorridas nos primeiros meses do ano. O volume produzido foi de 880 mil toneladas. A regio rene em torno de 3.600 produtores, que cultivam 46.000 hectares, dos quais 60% so de nanica e 40% de prata. De acordo com a Abavar, 5% dos fruticultores seguem as normas da PIF e a colheita ocorre o ano todo. A mdia de produo por hectare de 18 toneladas de prata e 30 t de nanica. O mercado interno de So Paulo consome 90% da produo. A expectativa da Abavar que a safra de nanica ser grande no comeo de 2011 e com falta de banana-prata. Isso eleva os preos nos primeiros meses do ano, que devem diminuir com a chegada da safra de prata em agosto.



Large bunch
Production of bananas in Brazil amounted to 7.072 million tons in 2010, keeping the Country in its position as 5th biggest worldwide producer
The Brazilian banana crop in 2011 is expected to be bigger than last year. Total harvest is estimated at 7.506 million tons, up 6.14% from the 7.072 million tons in 2010, according to a survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). It is the second most produced fruit in Brazil, coming only after oranges. Its edge over other fruit lies in the fact that it grows in all regions and is harvested year round. Supplies only decrease during cold winter periods in the South and Southeast. The Northeast was the leader in production in 2010 with 2.679 million tons. It was followed by the Southeast, with 2.261 million tons. The following regions come next: South (1.026 million tons), North (845,957 t) and the Center-West (257,612 t). The State of So Paulo was the main producer with 1.271 million tons, followed by Bahia, where the volume reached 1.079 million. In decreasing order, the following states also produce bananas: Santa Catarina (672,892 t), Minas Gerais (654,314 t), Pernambuco (542,295 t), Par (527.432 t) and Cear (445,169 mil t). The rising trend also holds for the harvested area, which is to reach 535 thousand hectares in 2011, up 6.95% from the 500 thousand hectares in the previous season. Areas devoted to bananas are estimated to soar 5.36%, from 536 thousand hectares in 2010 to 565 thousand in the current season. Only average yields per hectare are reckoned to drop 0.76% in the current crop, falling from 14,123 kilos per ha in 2010 to 14,016 kg/ha this year. Brazil ranks first among the biggest banana producers in the world, coming only after India (36 milPLANTED AREAS lion t), Philippines (9.1 milAND PRODUCTION lion t), China (8.2 million ARE POISED TO SOAR t) and Ecuador (7.6 million t). According to researcher IN 2011 Edson Perito Amorim, of Embrapa Cassava and Fruit Farming, in Cruz das Almas (Bahia), the lack of enhanced varieties with good agronomic characteristics is one of the obstacles faced by the sector, accompanied by post-harvest, commercialization and conservation problems. Other hurdles are diseases, particularly black sigatoka, which infests So Paulo, Santa Catarina and the North of Brazil; yellow sigatoka and the Panama disease. Brazilian banana exports dropped 3% in 2010, remaining at 139,553 tons, compared to 143,871 t in 2009. In revenue, the total in 2010 US$ FOB 45.398 million was up 15.24% from 2009, when it was US$ (FOB) 39.394 million. According to the executive manager of the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ), Maurcio Ferraz, of the total volume exported in 2010, 75 thousand tons were destined for Argentina and Uruguay. The bananas were produced in the South, especially in the State of Santa Catarina. Europe imported about 63 thousand tons. Ferraz remarks that the businesses were ill affected by climate problems, like excessive precipitation, resulting into big multinational groups getting out of the business. Furthermore, the high value of the Brazilian currency made Brazilian prices less attractive. RADIOGRAFIA - X-RAY Produo brasileira de banana Descrio Brasil (t) rea plantada (ha) rea colhida (ha) Produtividade (kg/ha) 2010* 536.370 500.732 14.123 2011* 565.137 535.533 14.016 Variao 6,14% 5,36% 6,95% - 0,76% 7.072.076 7.506.187

FAVORABLE The good prices

paid for the bananas produced in the North of Minas Gerais in 2010 encouraged the farmers to invest more in this crop. According to the president of the Central Association of Fruit Growers in North Minas Gerais (Abanorte), Dirceu Colares, the banana plantations were expanded by some 10% and renewed. As a result, production volumes are reckoned to soar about 300 tons a year. The planted are in 2010 reached 11,000 hectares. The biggest area increases occurred in new regions, where the Jaba project is now being implemented. At the previous crop, a 20-kilo box of silver banana sold for an average of R$ 18.00, up 17% from 2009 and 76% above the stipulated production cost. The silver banana variety predominates in about 90% of all cultivations. Abanorte represents about 3,000 producers, of which 500 are entirely devoted to cultivating bananas. The

farms are irrigated. Other fruit cultivated in the region are Tahiti lemon, mango, papaya, guava, passion fruit and watermelon. Medium-scale growers prevail across the region, with farms of approximately 100 hectares. The fruit are sold in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo and Esprito Santo. Colares refers to excellent results achieved through biological control methods, with scarcely any use of agrochemicals. The gain is provided by the adhesion to the Integrated Fruit Production Program (PIF). Currently, 3,000 hectares comply with all the PIF certification standards. Nevertheless, the director of Abanorte regrets that the difference has not yet added any relevant value at commercialization. One of the factors that greatly benefited the prices of the bananas produced in Minas Gerais in 2010 was a significant rise in demand derived from the crop frustration in Vale do Ribeira, situated 192 kilometers

from So Paulo and 220 kilometers from Paran. According to the Banana Growers Association of Vale do Ribeira (Abavar), the crop in 2010 suffered a reduction of 40%, caused by the floods occurred over the first months of the year. Total production reached 880 thousand tons. The region comprises some 3,600 growers, with a planted area of 46,000 hectares, of which 60% are nanica and 40% silver. According to Abavar, 5% of the farmers comply with the PIF standards, and harvest takes place year round. Average yield per hectare reaches 18 tons of silver banana and 30 tons of nanica. The internal market in So Paulo consumes 90% of the entire production. Abavar is expecting a huge nanica crop in early 2011, while there will be shortages of silver bananas. This drives up the prices over the first months of the year, but with the arrival of the silver crop in August, they will go down again.

Fonte: IBGE - Levantamento Sistemtico da Produo Agrcola *Estimativas



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Laranja Orange

Chuva chata
Condies climticas desfavorveis na poca da florao levaram diminuio da produo nos pomares de laranja
As condies climticas prejudicaram a safra brasileira de laranja em 2010 nas principais regies produtoras. Em So Paulo, Estado que detm 80% do parque citrcola comercial do Pas, a colheita atingiu a 297,5 milhes de caixas de 40,8 quilos, queda de 1% em relao s 300 milhes de caixas obtidas em 2009. No levantamento de dezembro da Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab), em convnio com a Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento de So Paulo (SAA), foram desconsideradas 22,6 milhes de caixas perdidas e 2,1 milhes de caixas produzidas para consumo domstico. A rea total plantada em So Paulo de 608,6 mil hectares, com pomar produtivo de 555,1 mil ha. A produtividade ficou abaixo da mdia estadual com 1,75 caixa por planta. Do total comercializado, a estimativa que 82,7% tenham sido destinados indstria processadora de suco, o equivalente a 246,1 milhes de caixas. A produo nacional, segundo o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE), est estimada para 2010 em 18,9 milhes de toneladas em rea cultivada de 802,5 mil ha. No ano anterior, a safra brasileira ficou em 17,6 milhes de t. O engenheiro agrnomo Antnio Marcos Alves de Oliveira, da Coordenadoria de Assistncia Tcnica Integral (Cati), rgo da SAA, que atua em Mogi Mirim, no leste do Estado, explica que no segundo semestre de 2009, no perodo de florao dos ps, ocorreram muitas chuvas, diminuindo em at 30% a produo em algumas regies. Com a safra menor e baixos estoques de suco, o preo da laranja ao produtor melhorou bastante, enfatiza. Segundo ele, citricultores sem contrato com a indstria chegaram a receber R$ 15,00 pela caixa, enquanto aqueles com contrato antigo no passaram de R$ 11,00. As dificuldades enfrentadas pelo setor frearam os investimentos em novos pomares, situao que acabou se revertendo em 2010. Conforme dados da Coordenadoria de Defesa Agropecuria de So Paulo (CDA), em 2009 foram vendidas 5 milhes de mudas de citros e, em 2010, a comercializao subiu para 11 milhes de mudas. Esses nmeros mostram a recuperao do setor em funo da melhora no preo recebido por caixa, destaca. Dessa forma, IBGE ESTIMA a expectativa que haja cresSAFRA DE 18,9 cimento de safra em 2011, MILHES DE tanto que a Conab estima TONELADAS EM para o perodo produo de 353 milhes de caixas no Es2010 tado de So Paulo.

EXPORTAES Em relao ao mercado externo, o ano de 2010 reservou uma grata surpresa: aumento significativo nos embarques de laranja fresca. Conforme dados da Secretaria de Comrcio Exterior (Secex), rgo do Ministrio do Desenvolvimento, Indstria e Comrcio Exterior (MDIC), foram embarcadas 37,8 mil toneladas da fruta, o que gerou receita de US$ 16,2 milhes. O desempenho foi superior a 2009 em 44,44% do volume e 43,49% do faturamento. O incremento deve-se s melhorias ocorridas no tratamento da fruta nos pomares e nos packing houses. At meados dos anos 2000, havia muitas restries laranja brasileira em funo da ocorrncia da pinta-preta, doena causada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa, que provoca a queda dos frutos.
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Tiresome rain
Unfavorable climate conditions at blossoming time reduced yields in the orange orchards
The 2010 orange crop in Brazil suffered huge losses induced by unfavorable climate conditions. In So Paulo, State that is home to 80% of all commercial citrus crops in the Country, harvest amounted to 297.5 million 40.8kilo boxes, down 1% from the 300 million boxes in 2009. The December survey, conducted by the National Supply Company (Conab), jointly with the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of So Paulo (SAA), disregarded 22.6 million boxes that got lost and 2.1 million destined for domestic consumption. The total planted area in So Paulo reaches 608.6 thousand hectares, with productive orchards covering an area of 555.1 thousand hectares. Productivity fell below average in the state and remained at 1.75 boxes per plant. Of the total, it is estimated that 82.7%, equivalent to 246.1 boxes, were destined for the juice processing industry. Nationwide, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the production volumes are estimated to reach 18.9 million tons in 2011, harvested from an area of 802.5 thousand hectares. In the previous year, the size of the Brazilian orange crop reached 17.6 million tons. Agronomic engineer Antnio Marcos Alves de Oliveira, member of the Integral Technical Assistance Department (Cati), an organ of the SAA, based IBGE ESTIMATES in Mogi Mirim, east of the THE CROP AT state, explains that in the 18.9 MILLION second half of 2009, at blosTONS IN 2010 soming time, heavy rains occurred, reducing by up to 30% the production volumes in some regions. With the smaller crop and low juice stocks, farm gate orange prices improved considerably, he says. According to him, independent citrus producers, with no industry contract, fetched up to R$ 15.00 a box, while those chained to longterm contracts received no more than R$ 11.00. The difficulties faced by the growers curbed investments in new orchards, a situation that was reversed in 2010. According to data by the So Paulo Agriculture Defense Department (CDA), in 2009 sales of citrus seedlings amounted to 5 million and, in 2010, it was 11 million. These figures attest to the recovery of the sector, as a result of the higher prices per box, he points out. This leads us to expect a rise in the 2011 crop, and Conab openly refers to a crop of 353 million boxes for 2011, in the State of So Paulo.

DO P - TREE BY TREE Produo brasileira de laranja Ano 2007 2008 2009 2010* Toneladas 18.684.985 18.538.084 17.618.450 18.982.647

Fonte: IBGE / *Estimativa

CONQUISTOU - A CONQUEST Exportaes de laranja Ano 2009

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Valor (US$ FOB) Volume (kg) 11.343.154 16.276.736 26.185.254 37.821.810

Fonte: Secex

EXPORTS Regarding the foreign market, the year 2010 had a pleasant surprise in store: soaring shipments of fresh oranges. According to data released by the Brazilian Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), an organ of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), 37.8 thousand tons of the fruit were shipped abroad, bringing in revenue of US$ 16.2 million. The performance was up 44.44% in volume and 43.49% in revenue from 2009. The credit of this excellent performance goes to improvements to orchard cultural practices and to packing houses. Until mid-2000, there were an array of restrictions levied on Brazilian oranges by virtue of black spot outbreaks, a disease caused by the fungus Guignardia citricarpa, which causes the fruit to fall from the trees.



Limo Lemon

Ganhando terreno
So Paulo ainda domina a rea de limo no Brasil, mas novos pomares se expandem em outros estados

A qualidade do limo colhido em 2010 foi prejudicada pela prolongada estiagem, entre julho e agosto, que atingiu os pomares do Estado de So Paulo, maior produtor do Pas. Conforme as estimativas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE), a safra foi de 972.437 toneladas, repetindo o desempenho de 2009, em rea plantada de 41.388 hectares. Com relao ao mercado externo, ocorreu queda de 4,99% no volume, tendo sido embarcadas 63.060 t em 2010. A receita apurada no perodo apresentou crescimento de 15,82% frente a 2009, fechando em US$ 50,6 milhes. Os nmeros so da Secretaria de Comrcio Exterior (Secex), vinculada ao Ministrio do Desenvolvimento, Indstria e Comrcio Exterior (MDIC). O presidente da Associao dos Produtores e Exportadores de Limo (Abpel), Waldyr Promcia, destaca que 2010 foi um bom ano para o produtor. Com menos fruta no mercado, a caixa de 27 quilos chegou a ser vendida a R$ 20,00. Em anos anteriores, a melhor mdia nunca havia passado de R$ 14,00, conta. Em janeiro de 2011, por exemplo, a

caixa estava sendo vendida a R$ 10,00. Para o exportador, contudo, a remunerao no foi a esperada. Por causa da baixa qualidade da fruta no se conseguia um preo que compensasse, justifica. No entanto, conforme Promcia, em janeiro de 2011 j podia-se sentir a recuperao do setor. Melhorou a qualidade e tivemos mais demanda, enfatiza. O limo tambm estava sendo prejudicado pela recesso provocada pela crise econmica de 2008 e 2009. Segundo o presidente da Abpel, uma das surpresas ESTIMATIVA entre os mercados consumidores no exterior tem APONTA PARA sido a Inglaterra, que hoje COLHEITA 2010 o melhor comprador IGUAL A DE 2009 do Brasil, ultrapassando a Alemanha. Em fevereiro de 2011, a Abpel realizou uma promoo em escolas na Inglaterra, batizada de Lime Day, dentro do programa setorial Brazilian Fruit. Apresentamos o limo e os alunos criaram as receitas, conta.

EXPANSO So Paulo ainda

detm 80% do parque produtivo de limo do Brasil. No entanto, visvel a expanso dos pomares por todo o Pas. Um bom exemplo vem da regio norte de Minas Gerais, impulsionado pelo projeto Jaba, que um grande programa de irrigao na margem do rio So Francisco. Os promotores da iniciativa so a Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do So Francisco e do Parnaba (Codevasf ), ligada ao Ministrio da Integrao Nacional, e a Fundao Rural Mineira, vinculada Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento de Minas Gerais. Os primeiros trabalhos de implantao comearam h 30 anos. Na

primeira etapa foram abrangidos 19 mil hectares. A segunda fase est em consolidao, com aproximadamente 16 mil ha. A inteno, que era chegar a 100 mil ha na concluso do projeto, passou a ser de 70 mil ha, em funo das restries impostas pelo Cdigo Florestal. O Jaba tem como carro-chefe a fruticultura, principalmente com banana e manga, e atualmente possui reas com cana-de-acar. Entre as frutas cultivadas no norte de Minas, o limo uma das que mais cresce. H sete anos foi criada a Associao dos Produtores de Limo, Manga e Outras Frutas do Jaba (Aslim). O presidente da entidade, Darcy da Silveira Glria, explica que houve toda uma pre-

parao com participao em feiras e visitas a regies produtoras. Em 2004, os associados comearam a exportar. Saiam dois contineres por semana, conta Glria. Depois de usar packing houses alugados ou emprestados, a Aslim construiu a sua prpria estrutura com cmara fria, inaugurada em junho de 2010. Hoje sai do Jaba seis contineres de limo por dia para Salvador (BA) e Santos (SP), comemora. Os associados possuem 3 mil ha em produo, num total de 930 mil ps. Segundo Glria, a tendncia aumentar a rea com limo e tambm as vendas externas, com a implantao de uma empresa exportadora em Jaba, facilitando os embarques.

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Gaining momentum
So Paulo is still the leading lemon producer in Brazil, but new orchards are finding their way into other states

The quality of the lemons harvested in 2010 was affected by the prolonged drought, from July to August, which hit the orchards in the State of So Paulo, leading producer in the Country. According to estimates by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the crop amounted to 972,437 tons, a repeat of the performance in 2009, from a planted area of 41,388 hectares. As to the foreign market, there was a 4.99% decline in volume, and 63,060 t were shipped in 2010. Revenue derived from the exports was up 15.82% from 2009, totaling US$ 50.6 million. The figures were released by the Brazilian Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), an organ of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). The president of the Association of Lemon Producers and Exporters (Abpel), Waldyr Promcia, emphasizes that 2010 was a good year for the producers. With less fruit in the market, a 27-kg box sold for R$ 20.00. In previous years, the highest average had never exceeded R$ 14.00, he remarks. In January 2011, for example, a box was selling for R$ 10.00. SIZE OF 2010 The remuneration for the exporters, nonetheCROP ON A PAR less, lagged behind their expectations. In light WITH 2009 of the low quality of the fruit, no compensatory prices were achieved, he justifies. Nevertheless, according to Promcia, by January 2011, there were strong signs of recovery. Quality improved and so did demand, he stresses. Lemon sales were also caught in the net of the ripple effects of the 2008 and 2009 economic downturn. According to the president of Abpel, Britain has come as a surprise among the foreign consumers, and is now the leading buyer of Brazilian lemons, surpassing Germany. In February 2011 Abpel conducted promotional works, christened Lime Day, in British schools, , within the context of the Brazilian Fruit program. We introduced the lemon, and the students came up with the recipes, he says.

Inor /Ag. Assmann

So Paulo is still home to 80% of Brazils lemon production park. Nevertheless, there is no doubt about the expansion of the orchards across the entire Country. A good example comes from the North of Minas Gerais, driven by the Jaba project, which consists in a huge irrigation program alongside the So Francisco River. The initiative is under the responsibility of the Development Company for the So francisco and Parnaba River Valleys (Codevasf ), an organ of the National Integration Ministry, and Fundao Rural Mineira, linked to the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Minas Gerais. The first implementation works started 30 years ago. The first step involved 19 thousand hectares. The second step is now going through its consolidation phase, comprising approximately 16 thousand hectares. The target of 100 thousand hectares by the conclusion of the project, was reduced to 70 thousand by virtue of restrictions imposed by the Forestry Code. Fruit farming is Jabas flagship,

SEM NOVIDADES NO NOVELTIES Produo brasileira de limo Ano 2007 2008 2009 2010* Toneladas 1.018.703 965.333 972.437 972.437

Fonte: IBGE / * Estimativa

ROTA DE SADA - EXIT ROUTE Exportaes de limo Ano 2009 2010

Fonte: Secex

Valor (US$ FOB) Volume (kg) 43.771.018 50.693.603 66.374.045 63.060.909

particularly bananas and mangos and, more recently, sugar cane plantations, too. Among the fruit cultivated in North Minas Gerais, lemon crops are constantly soaring. Seven years ago, the Association of Lemon, Mango and other Jaba Project Fruit Producers (Aslim) was created. The president of the entity, Darcy da Silveira Glria, explains that the long preparation work included attendance at fairs and visits to fruit producing regions. In 2004, the associate members began shipping their products abroad. Initially, it was two containers per week, Glria recalls. After resorting to leased or rented packing houses, Aslim built its own structure, equipped with a cold storage, inaugurated in June 2010. Now it is six lemon containers a day that leave Jaba for Salvador (BA) and Santos (SP), she celebrates. The affiliated members have 3 thousand hectares under production, totaling 930 thousand plants. According to Glria, the trend is for lemon planted areas to increase and exports are supposed to follow suit, through the implantation of an export company in Jaba, which is supposed to pave the way for shipments abroad.



Ma Apple

Clima inadequado o responsvel pela queda de at 25% na produo brasileira de ma na safra 2010/11

Ao contrrio do ciclo anterior, a produo de ma da safra 2010/11 vai amargar queda no volume total entre 20% e 25%. A cultura foi prejudicada, principalmente, pela ocorrncia de granizo e geadas tardias em algumas regies e pela temporada atual ser novamente de alternncia para a variedade fuji, relata Pierre Nicolas Prs, presidente da Associao Brasileira de Produtores de Ma (ABPM). Pela estimativa do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE), o recuo da produo dever ser de 8,70%. A safra atual dever ser composta pelos seguintes tipos de ma: 62% de gala, 32% de fuji e 6% de outras variedades. A colheita de 2009/10 rendeu 1,274 milho de toneladas, superando em 4,44% a temporada 2008/09, que produziu 1,220 milho de t. De acordo com Prs, o resultado foi beneficiado pelas condies climticas, que favoreceram a gerao de frutos com tamanho maior. O ano tambm foi de recuperao de alternancia da variedade fuji. Os pomares da fruta esto concentrados na regio Sul, que respondeu por 1,272 milho de t em 2009/10. Santa Catarina colheu 680 mil t, seguida de Rio Grande do Sul (537.507 t) e Paran (55.350 t). O Estado de So Paulo, com 1.848 t, o nico que aparece como produtor da regio Sudeste, conforme o IBGE. O ciclo passado registrou produtividade mdia de 33,1 t por hectare. A rea total plantada ocupou 30.154 ha. O pre-

sidente da ABPM explica que no h levantamento das reas plantadas que ainda no entraram em produo, mas considera-se que essas macieiras ocupem entre 5% e 10% da rea total. O IBGE apura percentual menor, em torno de 1,66%. Os fatores mais comuns que impedem uma rea de ser colhida so granizo severo, geada tardia e se o pomar no tiver entrado em produo. Dependendo do tipo de muda, os primeiros frutos comeam a ser produzidos entre o segundo e o quarto ano de plantio. Os nmeros referentes s reas colhida e plantada em 2009/10 tm a ver SETOR GERA apenas com os pomares ainda no pro176 MIL EMPREGOS dutivos, j que no DIRETOS E foram relatadas perdas INDIRETOS significativas por granizo e geada na referida temporada, observa. Segundo Prs, o consumo aparente de cerca de 4,94 quilos por habitante ao ano. Estudo do Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul (BRDE), da economista Vera Regina Carvalho, de julho de 2010, aponta que o segmento da ma gera, direta e indiretamente, cerca de 176.500 empregos.

EM QUEDA O Brasil exportou 90.839 toneladas de mas em 2010, 7,5% inferior s 98.264 t comercializadas no
ano anterior. Em valor, a queda foi de 1,7%, rendendo US$ 55,365 milhes, em 2010, ante US$ 56,328 milhes em 2009. Principalmente a valorizao do cmbio brasileiro tem desestimulado, nos ltimos anos, a exportao em volume, esclarece Pierre Nicolas Prs, presidente da ABPM. Do total negociado, 80,2% foi comprado por pases que integram a Unio Europeia e 3,6% pela Comunidade dos Estados Independentes, com a Rssia representando quase 100% desse percentual menor. A Gergia tambm adquiriu um pequeno volume. Os demais destinos foram sia (8,09%); Oriente Mdio (4,5%); frica (2%); Nafta, que abrange Estados Unidos, Canad e Mxico (1,28%); e outros mercados (0,34%). Conforme Prs, as variedades exportadas so principalmente as que compem o grupo da gala, representando cerca de 75%. A fuji responde por 15% e outras variedades, 10%. Em 2011, deveremos ter queda no volume exportado em relao a 2009, especialmente em funo da valorizao da moeda nacional frente ao euro, estima. O Brasil importou 76.879 t de mas em 2010. Desse volume, 63% vieram da Argentina, 30,24% do Chile, 3,51% da Frana, 1,58% da Itlia e 1,66% de outras origens. A compra externa representou US$ 60,046 milhes, tornando a balana comercial do produto deficitria. Resultado totalmente atrelado moeda brasileira, que est valorizada, destaca Prs. As duas variedades mais compradas so Red delicious, que compe a principal oferta da Argentina, e gala, que o grosso da oferta de pases como Chile, Frana e Itlia. difcil, segundo o presidente da ABPM, estimar como a importao vai se comportar em 2011. O cmbio poder estimular um aumento. Por outro lado, a Europa tem estoque de mas em torno de 10% inferior ao de 2010 e os Estados Unidos, cerca de 3% menor, pondera.

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ON THE DECLINE Brazil exported 90,839 tons of apples in 2010, down

7.5% from the 98,264 t sold the previous year. In value, the fall reached 1.7%, bringing in US$ 55.365 million in 2010, against US$ 56.328 million in 2009. Basically, it is the Brazilian exchange rate policy that has been discouraging export initiatives over the past few years, clarifies Pierre Nicolas Prs, president of ABPM. Of the total shipments, 80.2% were destined for the European Union countries and 3.6% for the Community of Independent States, with Russia accounting for almost 100% of this minor percentage. Georgia has also acquired a small volume. The other destinations were Asia (8.09%); Middle East (4.5%); Africa (2%); Nafta, comprising the United States, Canada and Mexico (1.28%); and other markets (0.34%). According to Prs, the most exported varieties belong to the gala group, corresponding to 75%. Fuji accounts for 15% and the other varieties, for 10%. In 2011, exports will certainly be smaller than in 2009, particularly by virtue of the high values of the national currency against the euro, he reckons. Brazil imported 76,879 t of apples in 2010. Of this volume, 63% came from Argentina, 30.24% from Chile, 3.51% from France, 1.58% from Italy and 1.66% from other origins. Foreign purchases amounted to US$ 60.046 million, causing a deficit to the trade balance of this fruit. A result chained to the now high valued Brazilian currency, says Prs. The two most purchased varieties are Red delicious, especially from Argentina, and gala, mostly supplied by Chile, France and Italy. At the moment, the ABPM comments, there is no way estimating how apple imports are going to fare in 2011. The exchange rate may push imports up. On the other hand, the apple stocks in Europe are 10% smaller than in 2010, and in the United States they are 3% lower, he ponders.

NA SEQUNCIA IN THE SEQUENCE Histrico da produo brasileira Ano 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Volume (t) 850.535 863.019 1.115.379 1.124.155 1.220.499 1.274.705 1.163.819 *

Fonte: IBGE / *Estimativa

Severely affected
by Rio Grande do Sul (537,507 t) and Paran (55,350 t). The State of de So Paulo, with 1,848 t, is the only state in the Southeast that produces apples, from IBGE sources. Average yields in the previous season reached 33.1 t per hectare. The total planted area occupied 30,154 hectares. The Contrary to the previous year, the 2010/11 apple crop president of ABPM explains that there is no survey of the plantis 20% to 25% smaller than last year. The plantations ed areas that have not started producing yet, but it is believed were particularly damaged by untimely hailstorms and that these apple trees correspond from 5% to 10% of the total, frost conditions in some regions and by the fact that the but IBGE sources refer to a smaller area, about 1.66%. fuji variety predominates in the current apple variety alThe most common factors that prevent an area from beternation stage, says Pierre Nicolas Prs, president of the ing harvested are severe hailstorms, late frost conditions and Brazilian Association of Apple Growers (ABPM). Accordwhen the orchard has not started producing yet. Depending ing to an estimate by the Brazilian Institute of Geography on the type of seedling, the first fruit develop between the and Statistics (IBGE), the crop is supposed to second and the fourth year after planting. recede 8.70%. The current crop comprises The figures referring to the areas planted SECTOR GENERATES and harvested in the 2009/10 crop year the following varieties: 62% gala, 32% 176 THOUSAND fuji and 6% of other varieties. only address the non-productive orchards, DIRECT AND The 2009/10 harvest reached 1.274 since no significant losses due to hailmillion tons, up 4.44% from the 2008/09 storms and frost conditions have been INDIRECT JOBS season, when the total volume amounted to reported with regard to the crop in ques1,220 million tons. Peres understands that the tion, he observes. good climate conditions were responsible for the According to Prs, consumption seems to remain at generation of big fruit. The year was also high season for the 4.94 kilos per person a year. A study by the Regional Bank fuji variety, which alternates with other varieties. The orfor the Development of the Extreme South (BRDE), conchards of this variety are mainly located in the South, where ducted under the supervision of Vera Regina Carvalho, in a total of 1.272 million tons were produced in the 2009/10 July 2010, credits the apple segment with the generation of season. Santa Catarina harvested 680 thousand t, followed about 176,500 jobs.

SABOR DO SUL TASTE OF THE SOUTH Produo brasileira de ma 2010* Estado Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul Paran So Paulo Total
Fonte: IBGE / *Estimativa

Volume (t) 680.000 537.507 55.350 1.848 1.274.705

Unfavorable climate blamed for a 25-percent drop in the Brazilian apple crop in 2010/11


Mamo Papaya

Por amadurecer
Enquanto a oferta nacional de mamo mantm-se estvel, o volume exportado est em queda

sequncia do aumento da oferta e da queda na renda no A produo brasileira de mamo, a maior do mundo, segundo semestre de 2010, a tendncia para a temporada apresenta poucas alteraes nos ltimos anos. Desde 2006 2011 aponta para reduo ou a no renovao de pomares. oscila entre 1,8 e 1,9 milho de toneladas anuais, enquanto A estimativa do Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ) para a exportao do produto, de reconhecida qualidade e que j 2010 era de manuteno da produo. obteve resultados melhores, estacionou em 27 mil t. O dado A exportao do produto, que chegou a alcanar 39 mil mais recente do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica t em 2003, ficou em 30 mil, 27,5 mil e 27 mil t, respecti(IBGE), relativo a 2009, registra oferta de 1,792 milho de vamente, em 2008, 2009 e 2010, limitando-se t, ante 1,890 milho da temporada anterior. A rea ainda a 1,5% da colheita. O valor obtido colhida foi de 34,2 mil hectares, inferior aos com as operaes internacionais em 2010 36,5 mil ha do ano precedente. COLHEITA RENDEU foi US$ 35,1 milhes, pouco acima dos Em termos de rentabilidade, o Va1,7 MILHO DE US$ 34,4 milhes alcanados em 2009. lor Bruto da Produo (VBP) em 2009 TONELADAS Os principais destinos tm sido Comunifoi calculado em R$ 1,348 bilho, bem EM 2009 dade Europeia e Estados Unidos. acima do R$ 1 bilho apurado um ano O maior exportador o Estado do Espriantes. Esse fato teria justificado uma nova to Santo, com 12,3 mil t em 2010 (mesmo nvel recuperao da rea em 2010, na ordem de do perodo anterior), seguido da Bahia, que embarcou 7,6 mil t, 7%, referentes s principais regies de plantio, segundo registrando alta na comparao com 2009, quando vendeu 6,4 anlise de Aline Mariana Rodrigues, da Equipe Hortifruti Brasil, do Centro de Economia Aplicada (Cepea) da Escola mil t ao exterior. Em termos de produo, a Bahia colhe mais Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq), vinculada (891 mil t em 2009), seguida de Esprito Santo (550 mil t), Cear e Rio Grande do Norte, ambos com 104 mil t. Universidade de So Paulo (USP). Porm, como con-

OLHAR DIFERENCIADO Para o presidente da Associao Brasileira dos Exportadores de Papaya (Brapex),
Francisco Faleiro, est-se enfrentando uma grave crise na atividade. Convive-se com um problema muito srio de ampliao de custos na produo, sobretudo relacionados mo de obra, que teve uma elevao na ordem de 1.000% em oito anos, analisa. Cita tambm aumentos nos insumos agrcolas de quase 500% numa dcada, enquanto o cmbio teve expanso abaixo de 75%, alm de considerar o custo financeiro muito alto chega a atingir de 20% a 24%. Paralelamente, registra dificuldades em relao a adversidades climticas nos ltimos dois anos. Todos esses fatores levaram o setor a perder competitividade no mercado externo. Para o futuro, Faleiro no v boas perspectivas se no houver um olhar diferenciado do governo para o setor agrcola exportador, como um todo, que tanto representa para a balana comercial (40%). V imperiosidade de reviso na poltica trabalhista; desonerao fiscal; e estabelecimento de um cmbio distinto para a atividade. O diretor tcnico do Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistncia Tcnica e Extenso Rural (Incaper), Aureliano Nogueira da Costa, tem uma viso otimista em relao cultura. A entidade, que no fim de 2010 lanou mais uma variedade de mamo para o tipo Formosa, substituindo semente importada, tem atuado no acompanhamento tcnico e monitoramento da produo, que no Esprito Santo apresenta rendimento superior, incluindo reas irrigadas. Na avaliao de Costa, o mercado interno mostra-se bom e busca-se inserir o produto no programa da merenda escolar, alm de outros espaos, como nos grandes eventos esportivos previstos para o Pas. Ademais apresenta-se como uma cadeia preferencial na diversificao frutcola do Estado. A representatividade da cultura para o principal estado produtor destacada pelos dados da Secretaria da Agricultura, Irrigao e Reforma Agrria da Bahia (Seagri). Alm de render mais de R$ 700 milhes por ano, gera cerca de 10 mil empregos diretos no campo e 15 mil indiretos.

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Ripening up
While things remain stable on the national supply side, exported volumes have been falling
The Brazilian papaya crop, the largest in the world, has been rather stable over the past years. Since 2006 it has remained in the range of 1.8 and 1.9 million tons a year, whereas exports of the fruit, of an acknowledged high quality and with better performance in the past, have stabilized at 27 thousand tons. The latest figure released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), relative to 2009, registers a supply of 1.792 million tons, compared to the 1.890 million in the previous year. The planted area reached 34.2 thousand hectares, while last year it was 36.5 thousand. On the profit side, the Gross Production Value (GPV) in 2009 was calculated at R$ 1.348 billion, much above the R$ 1 billion the year before. This fact was supposed to have justified a new area recovery in 2010, around 7%, in the major growing regions, according to an analysis by Aline Mariana Rodrigues, of Equipe Hortifruti Brasil, of the Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (Cepea), linked with the Higher Agricultural School Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq), a division of the University of So Paulo (USP). Nevertheless, as a consequence of soaring supply and falling income in the second half of 2010, the trend for 2011 points to area reductions or no orchard renewal initiatives. The Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ) had estimated a stable production volume for 2010. Shipments abroad, which amounted to 39 thousand tons in 2003, fell to 30 thousand, 27.5 thousand and 27 thousand, respectively in 2008, 2009 and 2010, representing 1.5-percent of the entire harvest. The value derived from international operations last year reached US$ 35.1 million, slightly above the US$ 34.4 million in 2009. Major destinations have been the European Community and the United States. The State of Esprito Santo is the leading exporter, with 12.3 thousand tons in 2010 (equal to the last period), followed by Bahia, with 7.6 thousand tons, exceeding the 2009 figures, when the state shipped 6.4 thousand tons abroad. In terms of production, Bahia harvested more (891 thousand tons in 2009), followed by Esprito Santo (550 thousand t), Cear and Rio Grande do Norte, both with 104 thousand t. HARVEST


The president of the Brazilian Papaya Export Association (Brapex), Francisco Faleiro, spots a serious crisis in the activity. We are going through a serious problem of rising production costs, particularly with regard to labor, which soared around 1,000% over the past eight years, he analyzes. He also refers to almost 500-percent increases in input prices, over a decade, while the exchange rate soared barely 75%, besides taking into consideration the high financial costs from 20% to 24%. Making things worse, there have been unfavorable climatic conditions over the past two years. All these factors made the sector less competitive in the international market. For the future, Faleiro does not spot any good perspective, unless the federal government views the entire agricultural export sector from a different angle, as a whole, for its relevant role in the trade balance (40%). He also considers it urgent to take the following steps: a revision of the labor policy; tax exemption; and the establishment of a specific exchange rate for the activity. The technical director of the Esprito Santo Institute for Agricultural Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Incaper), Aureliano Nogueira da Costa, is rather optimistic with regard to the crop. The entity, which launched a new papaya variety of the Formosa type in late 2010, replacing imported seed, has given technical assistance and monitored production, now showing higher yields in the State of Esprito Santo due to irrigation operations. In Costas view, the domestic market is doing well and now what is pursued is the insertion of the fruit into school meals, besides other possible consumption spaces, like at huge sports events scheduled throughout the Country. Furthermore, papaya crops fit perfectly into the category of fruit diversification initiatives across the entire State. The representative status of the crop for the leading producer state is stressed through data released by the Bahia Secretariat of Agriculture, Irrigation and land Reform (Seagri). Besides generating revenues that exceed R$ 700 million a year, it is responsible for around 10 thousand direct jobs and 15 thousand indirect ones.


VALORIZADA - HIGHLY VALUED Exportaes de mamo Ano 2009 2010 US$ FOB 34.457.466 35.121.752 Peso (Kg) 27.554.464 27.057.332

Fonte: Secex/MDIC

FORA REDUZIDA - REDUCED STRENGTH Produo brasileira de mamo Ano 2008

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rea colhida (ha) 36.585 34.213

Produo (t) 1.890.286 1.792.594


Fonte: IBGE (Pesquisa Agrcola Municipal)



Manga Mango

De volta pra casa

Desvalorizao cambial e avano pouco expressivo em produo fizeram o setor manter o foco no mercado interno

estimativa de produo do setor para 2010, conforme Quem tem a oportunidade de apreciar o Vale do So o Ibraf, revela que os nmeros permaneceram estveis. Francisco de cima entende porque a regio referncia naLima aponta que, com a expanso da rea plantada at cional quando o assunto manga. Os contornos do rio So 2008, houve elevao em termos de oferta e, consequenFrancisco dividem as atenes com o verde das centenas de pomares da fruta. Dos cus possvel admirar a cultura agr- temente, queda dos preos e reduo do volume de procola que movimenta a economia de nordestinos e brasileiros. duo. Assim como em outras reas do agronegcio, o cmbio tambm interferiu nas transaes da manga. Afinal, so cerca de 23 mil hectares de plantaes que do O pesquisador da Embrapa e o vice-presidente de regio o ttulo de maior exportador brasileiro da fruta. relaes internacionais da Associao dos Produtores e ExEm 2010, o Pas embarcou 124.694 toneladas de manportadores de Hortigranjeiros e Derivados do Vale do So ga, 13,15% a mais que em 2009, de acordo com dados do Francisco (Valexport), Arthur de Souza, concordam que, Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ). Desse nmero, 99.002 com a crise econmica, h trs anos, as atent saram do vale para ganhar solo internacioes dos produtores no se voltaram apenas nal, ou seja, aproximadamente 80% dos PRODUO DE para o mercado externo, mas, tambm, para embarques nacionais. Em valores, o setor movimentou US$ 119,9 milhes, MANGA EST ESTVEL as vendas internas. Prova disso a expectativa quanto ao selo de Indicao Geogrfica, cono que representou variao positiva EM 1,19 MILHO DE cedido pelo Instituto Nacional da Propriedade 23,15% na comparao com o ano TONELADAS de Industrial (Inpi) em agosto de 2009. anterior. Entre os principais compradores Para Lima, a utilizao do selo, que figuraram pases da Europa, como a Hoencontra-se em processo de implantao, surge landa, para onde foram enviadas 60.941 t, e como diferencial no mercado nacional ao estabelecer um os Estados Unidos, que importaram 24.610 t. padro nas vendas. O otimismo com a iniciativa tambm Quanto produo, de acordo com o doutor em economia aplicada Joo Ricardo Ferreira de Lima, da Em- percebe-se nas palavras de Souza. Na avaliao dele, a certificao vai agregar qualidade e reconhecimento s frutas brapa Semirido, de Petrolina (PE), a mangicultura no produzidas no polo, alm de beneficiar centenas de produregistrou incremento significativo. De acordo com dados tores e de possibilitar que o consumidor os identifique no do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE), competitivo cenrio internacional. em 2009 a colheita nacional foi de 1,197 milho de t a

NOVA ERA Ao lanar o selo de Indicao Geogrfica (IG) durante a edio de 2010 da Feira Nacional da Agricultura Irrigada (Fenagri), realizada em Petrolina, o Vale do So Francisco deu incio a um novo perodo de desenvolvimento na rea da fruticultura. Com a certificao, conquistada por meio da parceria da Unio das Associaes e Cooperativas dos Produtores de Uvas Finas de Mesa e Mangas do Vale do Submdio So Francisco (Univale) junto a instituies, como a unidade de Pernambuco do Servio Brasileiro de Apoio s Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae-PE), a Embrapa Semirido e a Federao da Agricultura do Estado de Pernambuco (Faepe), sero beneficiados 342 produtores de manga e uva de mesa de Petrolina e Juazeiro (BA). Conforme o pesquisador Joo Ricardo Ferreira de Lima, da Embrapa Semirido, o selo, primeiro do Pas para frutas in natura e que rene produtores de dois estados, visa a evitar que a produo de outros lugares leve o nome do Vale do So Francisco. Dessa forma, protege a qualidade e a notoriedade dos frutos produzidos na regio, alm de estabelecer um padro de qualidade. A identificao pode ser vista ainda como modelo para polticas de desenvolvimento regional. O prximo passo ser a caracterizao das frutas e a pradronizao necessria para que o produto tenha selo de IG, salienta Arthur de Souza, da Valexport. Os critrios sero definidos por um comit gestor composto por representantes de instituies relacionadas com a iniciativa. A previso de que o selo passe a ser usado ainda em 2011. Por se tratar de uma marca, sua utilizao, porm, ser possvel apenas para os filiados da Univale.

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DEVAGAR - SLOWLY Produo brasileira de manga Ano 2008 2009 2010*

Fonte: IBGE / *Estimativa

Volume (em t) 1,154 1,197 1,197

COM DESTINO EXPORT ORIENTED Exportao brasileira de manga Ano 2008

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Volume (em t) 133,724 110,202 124,694

2009 2010
Fonte: Ibraf

NEW ERA The Geographical Indication label, launched during the 2010 edition of the National Fair of Irrigated Agriculture, held in Petrolina, gave rise to a new era of fruit farming development in Vale do So Francisco. With the certification, conquered through a partnership between the Associations and Cooperatives Union of the Fine Table Wines and Mango Producers of the SubMid So Francisco Valley (Univale) and such associations as the Pernambuco Unit of the sebe Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), Embrapa Semiarid and the Agriculture Federation of Pernambuco (Faepe), 342 mango and table grape producers in Petrolina and Juazeiro (BA) will be benefited. According to researcher Joo Ricardo Ferreira de Lima, of Embrapa Semiarid, the label, pioneer in the Country for fresh fruit, comprising producers of two states, is intended to prevent the production of other regions to bear the Vale do So Francisco name. It therefore protects the quality and the reputation of the fruit produced in the region, besides introducing a quality pattern. The identification could further be viewed as a model for regional development policies. The next step will consist in the characterization of the fruit and the necessary standardization for the product to bear the GI label, says Arthur de Souza, of Valexport. The criteria are to be defined by a management committee made up of representatives of institutions related to the initiative. It is estimated that the label will enter into force before 2011 comes to a close. As it is a trademark, only Univale affiliated members will be allowed to use it.

Back home
Exchange rate depreciation and scarce advance in production induced the sector to keep the focus on the domestic market
Those who have a chance to watch Vale do So Francisco from above understand why the region is a national reference when the subject turns to mangos. The hundreds of lush green fruit orchards across the surroundings of the So Francisco River really capture the attention of the visitors. From the sky, it is possible to admire the crop that drives the economy of the people in the Northeast and Brazil. After all, 23 thousand hectares are devoted to this fruit, turning the region into the leading Brazilian exporter of this fruit. In 2010, mango shipments reached 124,694 tons, up 13.15% from 2009, from sources of the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ). A total of 99,002 t left the Valley for international soil, that is to say, representing approximately 80% of all national mango shipments abroad. In values the sector raked in US$ 119.9 million, which represented a positive variation of 23.15% compared to the previous year. Major buyers included European countries, like Holland, the destination of

and Byproducts Exporters (Valexport), Arthur de Souza, has 60,941 t, and the United States, with imports of 24,610 t. it that, because of the economic crisis, three years ago, the With regard to production, according to Joo Ricardo growers began to focus not only on the foreign market, but Ferreira de Lima, PhD in applied economics, of Embrapa Semiarid, in Petrolina (PE), mango farming did not register any on the domestic, too. What attests to this is the expectation for the Geographical Indication label, granted by the Nasignificant expansion. Data from the Brazilian Institute of Getional Institute for Industrial Property (Inpi), ography and Statistics (IBGE), reveal that in 2009 in August 2009. the total crop in Brazil amounted to 1.197 In Limas view, the use of the label, now million t while the estimated volume MANGO going through the implementation process, for 2010, according to Ibraf, reveals PRODUCTION makes a difference in the domestic market, stable figures. Lima comments that, with STABLE AT 1.19 since it sets a sales pattern. The optimism the expansion of the area planted up to MILLION TONS 2008, supplies rose and, consequently, regarding this initiative also surfaces in Souzas words. In his evaluation, certification will add prices went down, and production volumes quality and recognition to the fruit produced in were reduced. Just like in other agribusiness areas, the exchange rate also interfered in mango transactions. the hub, besides benefiting hundreds of growers, while givEmbrapa researcher and vice-president of international ing the consumers in the tight international market a chance affairs with So Franscico Vale Association of Vegetables to identify the product.



Melo Melon

Aqui e acol
Com importante presena na pauta de exportaes de frutas, melo ganha espao no mercado interno, no qual vendas cresceram 25% em 2010

nua sendo o cmbio defasado e incerto, avalia o presidente A liderana alcanada pelo melo no volume de frutas do Comit Executivo de Fitossanidade do Rio Grande do exportadas pelo Brasil manteve-se em 2010. No principal Norte (Coex), Francisco Cipriano de Paula Segundo. Conpolo produtor, na divisa dos estados de Rio Grande do tudo, aps participar de evento anual do setor realizado em Norte e Cear, mais de 80% da colheita segue para outros fevereiro na Europa, observa pequena e lenta resposta positipases, mas sem deixar de atender ao mercado interno. Aps va em nvel externo diante das dificuldades econmicas ainum ano de dificuldades em 2009, quando os problemas da presentes. No seu entender, j se permite expectativa de econmicos mundiais determinaram reduo entre 13% leve aumento nas compras e recuperao de preos, ficando e 20% nas operaes externas do produto, 2010 tambm mais prximos dos patamares histricos. Ele destaca as aes no correspondeu devidamente s expectativas, ficando as desenvolvidas para ampliar as vendas aos Estados Unidos, vendas prximas ao obtido anteriormente. A quantidade coque compram pequena quantia e mercializada (majoritariamente para a Europa) ficou em praticamente apenas durante um 177,8 mil toneladas, montante 3,3% abaixo do ano ms. Vislumbra meios de encamipassado. O valor recebido US$ 121,969 milhes EMBARQUE DE 177 nhar o assunto nas tratativas comer praticamente se igualou ao do ciclo antecedente MIL TONELADAS ciais que envolvero a visita do pree foi superado pelo da uva. RENDEU US$ 121 sidente americano, Barack Obama, O comrcio para fora do Pas ficou abaixo MILHES ao Brasil em maro de 2011. do esperado especialmente no segundo semestre, O setor, contudo, tambm est por conta do clima mais frio na Europa, inibindo o de olho bem aberto para o aquecido consumo, e da queda de produtividade no polo produmercado domstico, com a ascenso de renda da populao. tor nos ltimos meses do ano, conforme anlise de Letcia O dirigente do Coex tem informaes de que o comrcio Julio, integrante da equipe Hortifruti Brasil, do Centro interno do melo tenha aumentado at 25% em 2010, mas de Estudos Avanados em Economia Aplicada (Cepea), da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq), vin- enxerga condies de crescer mais. O assunto pauta na culada Universidade de So Paulo (USP). No fim de 2010, Cmara Setorial da Fruticultura, da qual Segundo participa. Entre os temas debatidos pela cmara esto o consumo aininiciaram-se chuvas intensas que se estenderam exageradas da baixo de frutas no Pas (54 quilos por habitante ao ano at o incio de 2011 e prejudicaram a atividade, alm da bacontra 200 kg na Europa) e a importncia de se incentivar a talha contra as pragas. insero delas no cardpio. Outro grande problema enfrentado para exportar conti-

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RUMO ESTABILIDADE Depois do recuo de 495 mil para 340 mil toneladas em 2008, a produo de melo no Pas atingiu a 403 mil t em 2009, conforme o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE), e ficou nesse patamar em 2010, de acordo com estimativa feita com o Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ). Em 2009, registrou-se a sada de uma grande empresa do setor e, em 2010, outra interrompeu momentaneamente atividades com a cultura. No caso da Agrcola Famosa, que se destaca na produo e na exportao de frutas, com reas no Cear e no Rio Grande do Norte, o movimento foi inverso ampliou a rea de melo de 3.400 para 4.000 hectares. O Rio Grande do Norte ultrapassou o Cear em produo na temporada 2009, com 201 mil t, ficando o segundo colocado com 124 mil t. Em termos de reas colhidas, apresentaram 7.182 e 4.888 ha, respectivamente. No mbito das transaes internacionais, os cearenses, com dois portos, garantiram maior volume embarcado: 108 mil t, em 2009, e 103 mil t no ltimo ano. Produo representativa de melo ocorre ainda no Vale do So Francisco, na divisa dos estados da Bahia e de Pernambuco, que inclusive registrou incremento de rea de 1.360 para 2.000 ha em 2010. A ampliao deve-se melhoria dos preos no mercado interno em 2009, conforme levantou o Cepea. Os dois estados, nos dados do IBGE de 2009, figuravam, respectivamente, com 32 mil e 16 mil t. E, entre as reas cultivadas com a planta naquele ano, o Rio Grande do Sul destacou-se com 2.146 ha e produo de 18 mil t. 59


Here and there

An important item on the list of fruit exports, melons are now working their way into the domestic market, where sales were up 25% in 2010
Melon sales, ranking first in fruit exports in Brazil, held steady throughout the year 2010. In the major producing hub, at the borders between the States of Rio Grande do Norte and Cear, more than 80% of the harvest is destined for other countries, but without overlooking the domestic scenario. After a year of difficulties in 2009, when the global economic problems resulted into a reduction of around 13% to 20% in the foreign operations of the product, 2010 was equally not entirely favorable, and foreign sales barely reached the levels of the previous year. The amounts negotiated (mainly to Europe) remained at 177.8 thousand tons, down 3.3% from the previous year. The revenue from this sale US$ 121.969 million did not differ much from the previous season and was outstripped by the revenue from grape sales. Foreign sales did not live up to expectations, especially in the second half of the year, on account of the colder climate in Europe, inhibiting consumption, and because of the decline in productivity in the producing hub over the final months of the year, according to an analysis by Letcia Julio, member of the Hortifruti Brasil team, of the Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (Cepea), a division of the High Agricultural School Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq), linked to the University of So Paulo (USP). In late 2010, the growing regions experiSHIPMENT OF 177 enced flood conditions THOUSAND TONS that went on until early BROUGHT IN US$ 2011, causing losses to the crop and triggered 121 MILLION pest outbreaks. Another serious prob-

lem that hinders exports is the erratic exchange rate, says the president of the Phytosanitary Executive Committee of Rio Grande do Norte (Coex), Francisco Cipriano de Paula Segundo. Nevertheless, after attending an annual event of the sector held in Europe in February, he spots a minor and slow positive response to the still existing economic crunches at international level. In his view, there is slight expectation for soaring purchases and price recovery, approaching the historical levels. He mentions the initiatives carried out towards expanding our sales to the United States, a country that purchases small amounts, but practically during only one month. He foresees a chance to have the subject included in the trade negotiations which are to involve the visit of the American president Barack Obama to Brazil, in March 2011. The sector is, however, also keeping an eye towards the bustling domestic market, where the purchasing power of the people is on the rise. The Coex official has learned that domestic melon sales soared 25% in 2010, and spots chances for further strides. The subject is on the agenda of the Fruit Farming Sectorial Council, he serves as a member. The subjects debated by the council include the low consumption levels of fruit in the Country (54 kg per person a year, compared to 200 kg in Europe) and the importance of encouraging the insertion of fruit in the daily diet.

HEADING FOR STABILITY After a retraction from 495 thousand tons to 340 thousand in 2008, the production of melons in the Country reached 403 thousand tons in 2009, according to figures released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and remained at that level in 2010, from an estimate by the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ). In 2009, a huge company of sector got out of the business and in 2010, another one interrupted temporarily its activities in this crop. In the case of Agrcola Famosa, which is a prominent fruit producer and exporter, with planted areas in the States of Cear and Rio Grande do Norte, what happened was just the opposite it expanded it planted area from 3,400 to 4,000 hectares. Rio Grande do Norte outstripped Cear in production volumes in the 2009 season, with 201 thousand tons, ranking second with a total of 124 thousand tons. In terms of harvested areas, they reached 7,182 and 4,888 ha, respectively. With regard to international transactions, Cear, with two ports, came out first in volumes shipped abroad: 108 thousand tons in 2009, and 103 thousand last year. Noteworthy melon crops also take place in Vale do So Francisco, at the borders of the States of Bahia and Pernambuco, where the planted area soared from 1,360 to 2,000 hectares in 2010. The expansion is due to better prices in the domestic market in 2009, according to Cepea figures. The two States, from IBGE figures in 2009, produced 32 and 16 thousand tons, respectively. And among the areas planted to melon at that year, the State of Rio Grande do Sul contributed with 2,146 hectares and a production volume of 18 thousand tons.

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PODE MELHORAR - LIKELY TO RISE Exportaes de meles frescos Ano 2008 2009 2010 US$ FOB 152.132.031 122.094.688 121.969.814 Peso (kg) 211.789.635 183.911.976 177.828.525

TUDO IGUAL - NO CHANGE Produo brasileira de melo Ano 2008 2009 2010* rea (ha) 15.788 17.544 17.559** Produo (t) 340.464 402.959 402.959

Fonte: Secex/Aliceweb

Fonte: IBGE/Ibraf *Estimativa **rea plantada



Uva Grape

Faltou fora
Com nmeros de produo e de exportao estveis, setor vitivincola brasileiro ainda trabalha para reverter quadro imposto desde 2008

De acordo com Loiva Maria, no ltimo ano o Pas apreMesmo munida de grandes poderes nutritivos, energtisentou dficit comercial de US$ 189,45 milhes, 60,84% cos e teraputicos, as uvas brasileiras no conseguiram comsuperior ao verificado em 2009. Houve aumento nas imporbater o quadro de produo estabelecido desde 2008, quantaes de todos os itens e reduo nas exportaes de suco do a crise econmica mundial fez os nmeros diminurem de uva, vinhos de mesa e espumantes. Quanto s transaes de modo considervel. A taxa de cmbio, a competitividade atrelada a outros pases produtores, o alto custo de produo internacionais de uvas frescas, os nmeros se mostraram um pouco mais animadores. De acordo com o Instituto Brasileie o desestmulo dos vitivinicultores foram alguns dos fatores ro de Frutas (Ibraf ), foram embarcadas 60.805 t em 2010, o que inviabilizaram a expanso do setor, segundo o pesquique gerou receita de US$ 136,6 milhes. No ano anterior, os sador na rea de economia Joo Ricardo Lima, da Embrapa envios totalizaram 54.559 t, no valor de US$ 110,5 milhes. Semirido, de Petrolina (PE). O mercado externo para suco de uva, Junto a isso, fatores climticos desfavorveis nas vinhos de mesa e espumantes, poreas de plantio de uvas para vinhos influenciaCOLHEITA DE rm, apresentou reduo. ram de modo negativo. O resultado foi a coQuanto s reas plantada e colhilheita de 1,295 milho de toneladas em 2010, UVAS CAIU PARA da, os nmeros mostram evoluo. reduo de 3,74% em relao ao ano anterior, 1,295 MILHO No Brasil, de acordo com o Instituto quando foram contabilizadas 1,345 milho de DE TONELADAS Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstit. Conforme a pesquisadora Loiva Maria Ribeica (IBGE), ocorreu incremento de ro de Mello, da Embrapa Uva e Vinho, de Bento 1,37% e 2,04%, respectivamente. O mais Gonalves (RS), a maior queda ocorreu na Bahia expressivo se deu no Estado pernambucano, que plantou (-13,51%), seguida por Minas Gerais (-10,05%). O Rio 8.801 hectares em 2010 (em 2009 foram 7.104 ha). ConforGrande do Sul, maior produtor nacional, registrou dimime Loiva Maria, a viticultura ainda est sendo implantada nuio de 6,06% e colheu 692,6 mil t. Pernambuco foi o em outros estados como Mato Grosso do Sul, Gois, Esprinico Estado que apresentou incremento, com 6,13% a to Santo, Cear e Piau. mais que em 2009.

RECORDISTA O cenrio da viticultura nacional, em 2010, tambm reservou espao para destaques. De acordo
com dados do Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (Ibravin), a comercializao no mercado interno de espumantes e de suco de uva 100% natural, no perodo de janeiro a dezembro, foi recorde em comparao com o mesmo perodo do ano anterior. O comrcio de vinhos espumantes elaborados no Rio Grande do Sul registrou acrscimo de 12%, com venda de 12,5 milhes de litros. Ao contabilizar as transaes em Santa Catarina e no Vale do So Francisco, o volume supera os 14,5 milhes de litros. A comercializao do suco de uva 100% natural, pronto para beber, apresentou balano positivo. Ao total, foram oferecidos 31,8 milhes de litros no ano anterior, contra 25,5 milhes de litros nos 12 meses de 2009, acrscimo de 24,5%. O aumento tambm ocorreu nas vendas de vinhos finos tintos. Foram 3,4% a mais em 2010, ou seja, 13,48 milhes de litros. Desempenho superior registrou o setor de vinhos rosados com crescimento de 10%. No desempenho geral, contudo, vinhos finos e de mesa sofreram queda de 3,3%, com a colocao de 232 milhes de litros no mercado, perante 240 milhes comercializados em 2009.
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Lacking strength
With stable production and export figures, the winemaking sector in Brazil is still trying hard to reverse the picture that has predominated since 2008
Although laden with nutritional, energetic and therapeutic powers, Brazilian grapes have not managed to fight the production picture in force since 2008, when the global economic crisis pressed down the numbers considerably. The exchange rate, competitiveness chained to other producer countries, high production costs and the discouragement of the winegrowers were some of the factors that made it unviable for the sector to expand, says economy researcher Joo Ricardo Lima, of Embrapa Semirido, in Petrolina (PE). ing national producer, registered a reduction of 6.06% and harvested 692.6 thousand t. Pernambuco was the only state that experienced a 6.13-percent rise from 2009. According to Loiva Maria, last year the Countrys trade deficit was as high as US$ 189.45 million, up 60.84% from 2009. All items experienced higher imported volumes, while exports of grape juice, table wines and sparklings declined. With regard to international fresh grape transactions, the figures look a little bit more encouraging. According to the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ), in 2010, shipments abroad amounted to 60.805 tons, generating revenue of US$ 136.6 million. In the previous year, shipments totaled 54,559 t, worth US$ 110.5 million. Exports of grape juice, table wines and sparklings, however, experienced declines. Regarding planted and harvested areas, the figures show evolution. In Brazil, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), they were up 1.37% and 2.04%, respectively. The most expressive rise occurred in the State of Pernambuco, where 8,801 hectares were devoted to the crop in 2010 (in 2009 it was 7,104 ha). Loiva Maria understands that winegrowing is now being established in other states, like Mato Grosso do Sul, Gois, Esprito Santo, Cear and Piau.

RECORD HOLDER The national winegrowing scenario also reserved room for highlights in 2010. Data released by the National Wine Institute (Ibravin), refer to record sales of sparklings and 100-percent natural grape juices in the domestic market, compared to the same period the year before. The market of sparklings made in Rio Grande do Sul soared 12%, and sales reached 12.5 million liters. If the transactions in Santa Catarina and in Vale do So Francisco are added, the volume exceeds 14.5 million liters.

Sales of 100-percent ready- to-drink natural grape juices, showed a positive balance. In all, sales of the previous year amounted to 31.8 million liters, compared to the 25.5 million liters over the 12 months in 2009, up 24.5%. Sales of fine wines also soared. In 2010, they rose 3.4%, totaling 13.48 million liter. Ros wines also celebrated a higher performance, soaring 10%. But if the performance is considered as a whole, sales of fine wines and table wines dropped 3.3%, with 232 million liters placed in the market, compared to the 240 million sold in 2009.


RETOMADA - REVITALIZATION Exportao brasileira de uva Ano 2008 2009 2010

Fonte: Ibraf

Volume (em t) 82.242 54.559 60.805

Along with these hardships, unfavorable climate problems in the wine grape planting areas exerted a negative influence. The result was a crop of 1.295 million tons in 2010, down 3.74% from the previous year, when it totaled 1.345 million t. According to researcher Loiva Maria Ribeiro de Mello, of Embrapa Grape and Wine, in Bento Gonalves (RS), the biggest reduction took place in Bahia (-13,51%), followed by Minas Gerais (-10,05%). Rio Grande do Sul, lead-

EM DECLNIO - GOING DOWN Produo brasileira de uva Ano 2008 2009 2010* Volume (em t) 1,399 1,345 1,295

Fonte: IBGE e Embrapa Uva e Vinho *Estimativa



Inor /Ag. Assmann

Aes Actions

Todos os gostos
Em grandes quantidades ou em pequenas pores, Brasil produz ampla variedade de frutas, algumas delas mais direcionadas ao consumo interno
reduzidas em funo da doena pinta-preta, relata. Cerca de A fruticultura brasileira oferece uma grande variedade 70% do volume negociado foi para o Canad. de opes entre cores, formatos e sabores. A diversidade A produo de melancia em 2009 alcanou a 2,056 estende-se ao volume produzido e ao montante comercialimilhes de t, superando a colheita de 1,995 milho de t em zado nos mercados interno e externo. O coco-da-baa, por 2008. Boa parte consumida no mercado interno e no exemplo, uma das frutas que o Pas produz em grande um mau negcio, destaca o gerente executivo do Ibraf. Em quantidade. Em 2010, a colheita foi de 1,965 milho de 2010, o Brasil embarcou 28.262 t, quantidade 27% menor toneladas, conforme levantamento do Instituto Brasileiro de que as 39.039 t comercializadas no ano anterior. A Holanda Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE). Em anos anteriores, a safra importou cerca de 54% da fruta e o chegou a 1,973 milho de t, em 2009, e a 2,149 Reino Unido, em torno de 25,5%. O milhes de t em 2008. PRODUO negcio foi afetado pelo encerramento A regio Nordeste a principal produtoDE PSSEGO das atividades de uma empresa exportara, respondendo por 1,457 milho de t em E MARACUJ dora. Porm, conforme Ferraz, algumas 2010. A fruta mais abundante na Bahia empresas esto aumentando a produo (502.364 t), no Cear (266.256 t), em SergiPRECISA CRESCER para atender ao mercado em 2011. pe (253.621 t), no Par (244.549 t) e em PerCadeia que precisa ampliar a produo nambuco (217.126 t). encontrada ainda nos a do pssego. A oferta nacional nem sempre suficiente estados de Esprito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande para suprir o consumo, como ocorreu em 2009. No perodo, do Norte, Paraba, Alagoas, Piau e Maranho. a colheita foi de 216.236 t e foi necessrio importar 11.000 Grande parte da produo consumida internamente t. O Brasil precisa investir em novas variedades de pssego em forma de gua de coco, que tambm exportada. Em para suprir a demanda interna, sugere Ferraz. A exportao, 2010, os embarques somaram 407.737 t, que resultaram em da mesma forma, somou apenas 174 t em 2010. Ele refora US$ (FOB) 121.240. A tendncia que o volume enviado que a produo da maioria das frutas de clima temperado ao exterior mantenha-se nesse patamar, segundo o gerente ainda muito deficiente. executivo do Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ), Maurcio Quanto ao maracuj, o gerente executivo ressalta que o Ferraz. Os principais compradores de gua de coco so PorPas deixou de ser grande exportador para ser importador. tugal, Espanha e Egito. Em 2009, a colheita foi de 718.709 t e, atualmente, o Brasil Outro destaque em volume produzido a tangerina, compra polpa para a fabricao de nctar. A Bahia responque atingiu a 1,094 milho de t em 2009, conforme o deu por 322.755 t da fruta, seguida por Cear (129.001 t), IBGE. A produtividade por hectare foi de 19,97 t e a rea Sergipe (44.486 t), Esprito Santo (42.320 t), Minas Gerais colhida ocupou 54.814 hectares. A produo localiza-se em (35.108 t) e outros estados (145.128 t). So Paulo (415.054 t), Paran (271.845 t), Rio Grande do Quem diria mas, segundo Ferraz, o cheiro da goiaba no Sul (146.352 t), Minas Gerais (132.795 t), Rio de Janeiro agrada o comprador europeu. As vendas externas so de ape(36.646 t) e outros estados (91.737 t). Conforme Ferraz, nas 150 t, das quais 63 t seguem para a Frana. A temporada a fruta teve uma baixa de mais de 55% na exportao em brasileira de 2009 rendeu 297.377 t, com Pernambuco e So 2010, com embarque de 1.977 t, enquanto no ano anterior Paulo produzindo dois teros do total. foram enviadas 4.411 t. As vendas para a Europa foram

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For all tastes

In huge amounts or small portions, Brazil produces an array of different fruit species, some of them geared mostly towards domestic consumption
Fruit farming in Brazil offers a variety of options, including colors, shapes and tastes. This diversity extends to the volumes produced and to the quantities marketed at home and abroad. The common coconut, for example, is one of the fruit that is abundantly grown in the Country. In 2010, total harvest reached 1.965 million tons, according to a survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In previous years, the crop amounted to 1.973 million tons, in 2009, and to 2.149 million tons in 2008. The Northeast is a major producer and accounted for 1.457 million tons in 2010. The fruit is more abundant in (502,364 t), in Cear (266,256 t), in Sergipe (253,621 t), in Par (244,549 t) and in Pernambuco (217,126 t). It is also found in the states of Esprito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraba, Alagoas, Piau and Maranho. A huge part of the crop is consumed in the domestic market in the form of coconut milk, which is also exported. In 2010, the shipments abroad amounted to 407,737 t, which brought in US$ (FOB) 121,240. The trend is for the volumes shipped abroad to remain at this level, comments the executive manager of the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ), Maurcio Ferraz. The main buyers of coconut milk are Portugal, Spain and Egypt. Another fruit produced in huge amounts is the tanger-

ine, which reached 1.094 million tons in 2009, from IBGE sources. Yield per hectare was 19.97 t and the harvested area occupied 54,814 hectares. Production is located in So Paulo (415,054 t), Paran (271,845 t), Rio Grande do Sul (146,352 t), Minas Gerais (132,795 t), Rio de Janeiro (36,646 t) and other states (91,737 t). According to Ferraz, exports of the fruit dropped more than 55% in 2010, with shipments of 1,977 t, compared to the previous years 4,411 t. Sales to Europe suffered reductions because of outbreaks of a disease known as black spot, he says. About 70% of the volume negotiated was shipped to Canada. The production of watermelons in 2009 reached 2.056 million tons, outstripping the harvest of 1.995 million tons in 2008. A huge part is consumed in the domestic market, and is good business, too, says Ibraf executive manager. In 2010, Brazil shipped abroad 28,262 t, down 27% from the 39,039 t marketed the year before. Holland imported about 54% of the fruit and the United Kingdom,25,5%. The business was affected by the decision of an export company to shut down its activities. However, according to Ferraz, some companies are now increasing their production volumes to meet the market needs in 2011. The peach fruit chain needs to expand its production

volumes. National supplies are rarely enough to meet consumption needs, a fact that occurred in 2009. Over the period, total harvest amounted to 216,236 t and 11,000 t had to be imported. Brazil should invest in new peach varieties to supply the domestic market, Ferraz suggests. Exports equally followed suit and reached only 174 t in 2010. He stresses that the production volumes of most temperate fruit are still lagging behind. Regarding the passion fruit, the executive manager regrets the fact Brazil no longer exports this fruit, but is now an importer. In 2009, total harvest remained at 718,709 t and, currently, Brazil purchases pulp for manufacturing nectar. Bahia accounted for 322,755 t of the fruit, followed by Cear (129,001 t), Sergipe (44.486 t), Esprito Santo (42.320 t), Minas Gerais (35.108 t) and other states (145,128 t). It may sound odd, but, according to Ferraz, the smell of guava does not please the European buyers. Foreign sales barely reach 150 t, of which, 63 t are PEACH AND destined for France. The 2009 PASSION FRUIT season in Brazil amounted to CROPS ARE 297,377 t, with Pernambuco LAGGING BEHIND and So Paulo responsible for two thirds of this volume.



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PROTEGIDA O pesquisador Urano de Carva-

Riquezas a explorar
Regio Norte do Brasil possui a maior diversidade de frutas nativas, que agora so reconhecidas como de clima equatorial
conta hoje com 12.000 hectares plantados com o cupuaiA regio Norte do Brasil possui a maior diversidade de zeiro. A espcie apresenta melhor rendimento de produo rvores frutferas do Pas, com cerca de 220 espcies produem rea parcialmente sombreada. Por esse motivo, os potoras de frutos comestveis, ou seja, 44% da diversidade de mares foram implantados, quase na totalidade, em sistemas frutas nativas do territrio nacional. So frutas que ainda agroflorestais, ou seja, em associao com culturas perenes, no sabemos nem como consumi-las, mas que precisamos inclusive com rvores produtoras de madeira. realizar estudos e pesquisas para sistematizar a produo, A polpa exportada em pequena escala para o Japo. defende Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, presidente do Instituto Comea a entrar no mercado norte-americano, pois est Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ). Em volume, a regio contribui sendo utilizada em mistura (mix) com o aa e o guaran, com apenas 8% da produo nacional de frutas, conforme o relata o pesquisador. O bacuri outra fruta com possibilidaInstituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE). Segundo Fernandes, as frutas produzidas na Amaznia esto de de conquistar novos mercados, pois o aroma e o sabor so menos agressivos que os do cupuau. O bacurizeiro uma sendo chamadas de clima equatorial. A regio, principalmente rvore madeireira e por isso foi muito derrubada. A oferta os estados do Par, do Amap e do Acre, passou a ser reconheatual insuficiente para atender demanda interna. cida como importante produtora a partir da popularizao do O Par lidera a produo, que fica em torno de 2.000 aa. Do Par sai a maior quantidade dos frutos amaznicos. toneladas, equivalendo entre 200 e 240 t de polpa por ano. De acordo com o pesquisador Urano de Carvalho, da Embrapa A espcie tambm ocorre espontaneamente no Maranho e Amaznia Oriental, em Belm (PA), a exportao de frutas e no Piau, onde muito apreciada. Na atualidade, a fruta derivados renderam ao Estado US$ 28 milhes em 2009. nativa com maior preo na Amaznia. Um quilo custa, em O Estado paraense produziu 500 mil toneladas de aa plena safra de fevereiro a maro, R$ 5,00. Cada quilo tem em 2009, retiradas de aaizais nativos manejados para a obentre 100 e 120 gramas de parte comestvel. teno de frutos. O estimado que entre 15.000 e 20.000 O tapereb, conhecido em outras regies do Pas como t da bebida de aa tenha sido exportada para outras regicaj, e o muruci tambm so produzidos e industrializados. A es do Brasil, representando o processamento de 30.000 a pupunha, consumida s aps coco, est limitada at hoje ao 40.000 t de frutos. Para o exterior foram 4.100 t da bebida, mercado da Amaznia. Alm disso, no Brasil e o que corresponde a 8.200 t de fruta. na Amrica Central, em particular na Costa Depois do aa, o cupuau a espcie Rica, mais conhecida como planta produnativa da Amaznia que tem despertado CUPUAU COMEA tora de palmito. Depois de aa, cupuau e maior interesse atualmente, segundo A SER EXPORTADO bacuri, podemos apontar a pupunha como Carvalho. Lembra que o mercado fora PARA OS ESTADOS outra fruta com grandes chances de conquisda Amaznia para o cupuau comeou a UNIDOS tar novos mercados, avalia. ser buscado bem antes que o aa. A regio

lho, da Embrapa Amaznia Oriental, destaca que a valorizao de frutas como aa, cupuau, bacuri e muitas outras tambm favoreceu a conservao da floresta amaznica. O aa, por exemplo, era derrubado para a extrao de palmito at o fim da dcada de 1990. A dizimao dos aaizais nativos no ocorreu porque a planta multicaule e, ao ser cortada, rebrota em sua base, esclarece. Os agricultores extrativistas passaram a explorar o aaizeiro como planta produtora de frutos e no de palmito. O corte do caule para extrair o palmito s feito quando a planta atinge mais de 15 metros, inviabilizando a colheita dos frutos. O bacurizeiro tambm vinha sendo derrubado com finalidade madeireira h mais de quatro sculos. A matria-prima era muito utilizada para a construo de canoas, barcos e casas. A explorao do fruto passou a ser mais interessante para os agricultores do que a comercializao da rvore em p. Um bacurizeiro com mais de 30 anos produz ao ano, em mdia, 500 frutos, que, vendidos na propriedade, geram receita de R$ 250,00. A mesma rvore com altura entre 20 e 30 metros e dimetro de 80 centmetros comercializada, em p, por R$ 100,00 a R$ 200,00. Atualmente, segundo Carvalho, o aaizeiro e o cupuauzeiro so cultivados em larga escala. No entanto, a participao do aa oriundo do extrativismo ainda superior a 90% da produo. A tendncia que essa participao diminua, pois o incremento na rea plantada tem sido grande, estima. Hoje existem no Par mais de 10.000 hectares de plantaes em rea de terra firme. A produo extrativa toda oriunda de reas de vrzea, um ecossistema bastante frgil, alerta. No caso do cupuau, a relao inversa: em torno de 95% da produo originria de reas cultivadas. O plantio das espcies nativas muito importante porque a coleta extrativista no bem vista pelos importadores, ainda mais pelos pases do hemisfrio Norte, relata Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, do Ibraf. um prato cheio para criticarem a preservao do meio ambiente, a explorao de trabalho infantil e a devastao da floresta. No entanto, argumenta que o Brasil o pas com maior potencial de diversidade para atender s necessidades e demandas novas e futuras de frutas.



Slvio vila

The pursuit of wealth

The Northern region of Brazil is home to a great number of native fruit, which are now acknowledged as equatorial fruits
The Northern region of Brazil is home to the biggest diversity of fruit trees in the entire Country, with some 220 species of edible fruit, meaning that it is responsible for 44% of all native fruit across the national territory. We do not even know how to consume these fruit, a fact that calls for research work and studies in order to systematize these crops, argues Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, president of the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ). In volume, the regions share remains at only 8% of the national production volumes, according to figures released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Fernandes maintains that all fruit produced in the Amazon are referred to as equatorial climate fruit. The region, particularly the States of Par, Amap and Acre, came to be acknowledged as relevant producers after the aa became popular. The biggest amounts of Amazon fruit are produced in the State of Par (PA). According to researcher Urano de Carvalho, of Embrapa Eastern Amazon, based in Belm (PA), exports of fruit and fruit-based products

brought US$ 28 million to the state coffers in 2009. The production of aa amounted to 500 thousand tons in the State of Par in 2009, harvested from native aa lots, which were managed appropriately for the production of fruit. Shipments of aa-based beverages to other regions throughout Brazil are estimated at 15 to 20 thousand tons, representing the processing of 30 to 40 thousand tons of fruit. Exports abroad reached 4,100 tons of the beverage, corresponding to 8,200 tons of fresh fruit. The aa is followed by the cupuau in the category of native Amazon fruit that arouse great interest nowadays, says Carvalho. He recalls that the cupuau found its way into the markets outside the Amazon region before the native aa. Cupuau plantations in the region now amount to 12,000 hectares. The species yields more abundant fruit in shady areas. For this reason, most all orchards were established in agroforestry systems, meaning they were planted side by side with other perennial species, including timber trees, in a double-cropping system. The pulp is exported on a small scale to Japan. It is now making it to the North-American market, as it is being used in mixes with guaran and aa, the researcher CUPUAU IS NOW comments. Bacuri is the name of another BEING EXPORTED fruit likely to conquer TO THE UNITED new markets, due to its STATES less aggressive aroma and flavor, compared to cupuau. Bacuri trees suffered great devastation because of their timber properties. Current supplies are lagging behind our national demand. Par is the leader in production, which reaches some 2,000 tons, equivalent to 200 240 tons of pulp a year. This species also occurs spontaneously in the States of Marano and Piau, where it is very popular. Nowadays, it is the fruit that fetches the best prices in the Amazon region. Smack in the middle of the harvesting season, a kilo sells for R$ 5. The edible portion of a kilo remains at 100 and 120 grams. The tapereb, also known as caj in other regions across Brazil, and the murici are also produced and industrialized. Pupunha is limited to the Amazon regions and is consumed after boiling. Furthermore, in Brazil, Central America and, in particular, in Costa Rica, it is known as a palm heart production plant. After the aa, cupuau and bacuri, it is pupunha that stands great chances to conquer new markets, he argues.

PROTECTED researcher Urano de Carvalho, of Embrapa Eastern Amazon, has it that the rising value of such fruit as aa, cupuau, bacuri and lots of others has also been a factor in the preservation of the Amazon forest. The aa, for example, used to be cut down for its heart of palm until the late 1990s. The decimation of the native aa lots did not occur because it is a multi-stem plant and, after being cut down, it sprouts again from the stump, he explains. The extractive-oriented farmers began to explore the aa as a plant that produces fruit and not just heart of palm. The trunk for the extraction of heart of palm is cut after the plant has reached a height of 15 meters, making it unviable to harvest its fruit. Bacuri trees used to be cut down for timber purposes for over four centuries. The wood was intensely used for making canoes, boats and houses. Exploring the fruit turned out to be more profitable for the farmers than just selling the timber. A thirty-year old bacuri tree yields some 500 fruit a year, on average, which, sold at farm gate prices, generate revenue of R$ 250. The same tree, 20 to 30 meters high, and 80 cm in diameter, sells for R$ 100 to R$ 200, in the forest. Nowadays, says Carvalho, aa and cupuau trees are cultivated on large scale. Nonetheless, native aa trees still represent 90% of the entire production volume. The trend is for this proportion to decrease gradually, since great investments have been made in aa plantations, he reckons. At the moment, there are more than 10 thousand hectares of dry land in the State of Par planted to aa. Extractivistic production comes mostly from swamplands, a rather fragile ecosystem, he warns. In the case of the cupuau, the situation is exactly the opposite; about 95% of the volumes come from planted areas. The planting of native species plays a relevant role in terms of exports, since most importers, particularly the countries in the northern hemisphere, frown on products that come from extractivistic operations, comments Ibraf official Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes. It gives them every excuse to blame us on environmental destruction systems, child labor exploration and forest devastation. Nonetheless, he argues that Brazil is the country with the biggest potential to invest in diversification schemes to meet present and future demands for fruit. 73


Inor /Ag. Assmann

TENDNCIA Ao produzir suco de uva, as vantagens

no so apenas dos empresrios. Produtores e regio deparam-se com muitos pontos positivos. De acordo com o pesquisador de viticultura e enologia Giuliano Elias Pereira, da Embrapa, sediado em Petrolina (PE), a fabricao surge como alternativa para o grande e, tambm, ao pequeno viticultor, visto que o custo de produo e o tempo de elaborao so mais baixos. Os vinhos e os espumantes podem demorar de 50 a 60 dias para chegar ao mercado, dependendo do tipo, enquanto o suco pode estar pronto para comercializao em algumas horas ou poucos dias aps a colheita. Alm do diferencial do semirido, onde possvel produzir de duas a trs safras por ano, o gerente-geral da Terroir do So Francisco, Mbio Dutra, ressalta que o suco de uva , hoje, tendncia no mundo todo. No lquido, capaz de preservar caractersticas do vinho, no h presena de lcool, fator determinante para que possa ser consumido por todos os pblicos e faixas etrias. Somam-se a isso as propriedades nutricionais, que tambm despertam o interesse. Ao sabore-lo, o consumidor ingere uma bebida recheada de antioxidantes,

Sabor de esperana
Produo de suco de uva no Vale do So Francisco deixa produtores animados com a alternativa de renda
Em meio a barracas e nas mos de vendedores, as uvas do semirido brasileiro tm lugar de destaque. Nas estradas do municpio de Lagoa Grande (PE), vistosas, grandes e coloridas, enchem os olhos de visitantes e so sinnimo de mesa farta para moradores e produtores. Alguns quilmetros adiante, ao se distanciar da rea urbana, a tarefa de impressionar quanto riqueza do Vale do So Francisco dos parreirais. O olhar se perde em meio ao verde vibrante de centenas de hectares. At mesmo os bodes e os jegues que transitam pelo semirido parecem no querer se afastar das plantaes que do regio aspecto singular. Um presente doce dos nordestinos aos brasileiros. O cenrio de desenvolvimento e crescimento fica ainda mento ao projeto piloto. Segundo o mais amplo quando se conhece uma gerente-geral e responsvel tcnico da das seis vincolas que l encontraram vincola, Mbio Dutra, a fase experipotencial econmico e mercadolgico mental rendeu bons resultados. Hoje para impulsionar seus negcios. Uma so 20 hectares destinados ao cultivo delas, a Terroir do So Francisco (anda fruta utilizada na fabricao dos tiga Garziera), foi alm e apostou em sucos, mas a meta dobrar a rea. mais uma alternativa para a regio: a O projeto de expanso, segundo produo do suco de uva. O sol do serto inspirou os empre- Dutra, tambm engloba aumento na escala de produo. Hoje so fabricasrios e, em meados de 2009, o suco das, em mdia, 500 garrafas por dia; natural denominado com a expresso no futuro, espera-se obter a mesma ganhou as capitais nordestinas. As quantidade por hora. Contudo, o uvas BRS Isabel Precoce, plantadas na investimento deve fazenda Garibaldina, e o ocorrer aps a fase de modo artesanal de avaliao da aceitao produo, que renSUCO DE UVA AJUDA no mercado, da potende 8 mil caixas por A DRIBLAR CMBIO ano cada uma cialidade de produo DESFAVORVEL com 12 garrafas de e da viabilidade eco500 ml , do andanmica, salienta.

estimulante das funes hepticas e aliada na circulao sangunea, entre outros elementos que fazem bem sade. Junto a isso, ao se deparar com os ndices de crescimento do produto em solo nacional, a alternativa de renda tambm usada para driblar a desvalorizao do dlar , ganha ainda mais importncia. A produo e o consumo do suco de uva crescem a cada ano entre os brasileiros. No Rio Grande do Sul, onde se concentra 90% da produo nacional, a oferta da bebida registrou acrscimo de 9,16% em 2010, sendo que o suco integral aumentou 67,69% e o concentrado, apenas 1,01%, de acordo com dados da Embrapa Uva e Vinho, de Bento Gonalves (RS). Outro ponto merecedor de destaque diz respeito ao consumo per capita. Em 1998, era consumido 0,35 litro por habitante ao ano. Em 2007, o nmero passou para 0,7 litro e, hoje, chega a 1,51 litro. Para Pereira, os nmeros ainda so pequenos, mas a evoluo mostra que a bebida, aos poucos, comea a frequentar, de maneira assdua, os lares brasileiros. Consequncias da construo de uma imagem positiva que, se depender dos nordestinos, no vai se apagar to cedo.

Boas notcias tambm chegam rpido. A partir do conhecimento de que o suco de uva poderia movimentar ainda mais a economia do Vale do So Francisco que produz 8 milhes de litros de vinho por ano , ideias inovadoras surgiram. A prefeitura de Petrolina (PE), em parceria com a Embrapa Semirido, pretende agitar os arredores do rio So Francisco, que corta a regio. Trata-se do projeto Ilha do Vinho. O objetivo primordial promover a produo do suco de uva na Ilha do Massangano para dar sustentabilidade aos mais de 1.800 moradores, que hoje encontram suporte na produo

de umbu, fruta tpica do semirido, e na criao de bode. Na primeira etapa, que est em andamento, ser realizado um experimento com a implantao de 1 hectare de uva e a participao de 10 ribeirinhos. O processamento do fruto ser realizado no Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia (IF Serto). Outros parceiros envolvidos so a unidade regional do Servio Brasileiro de Apoio s Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae) e a prpria comunidade da Ilha do Massangano. A data para incio da execuo do projeto ainda incerta, mas deve ocorrer o mais breve possvel. No momento, a prefeitura aguarda a liberao da licena ambiental, por meio

da Agncia Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos (CPRH), e a outorga de gua com a Agncia Nacional de guas (ANA). Com as autorizaes em mos, pretende-se aumentar a rea de plantio para 20 hectares, que sero cultivados por aproximadamente 40 produtores. A iniciativa tambm vai alm. Se a produo corresponder s expectativas, h planos de distribuir o suco de uva junto merenda em escolas pblicas de Petrolina. Com isso, outras famlias tero a chance de provar dos benefcios do produto, que no permanecem somente no campo econmico. A partir dos pequenos, est a chance de tornar a diversidade um grande negcio.



Taste of hope
ate their businesses and express their economic and market potential. One of them, Terroir do So Francisco (former Garziera), exceeded its initial target and bet on a new alternative: the production of grape juice. The sun of the serto inspired the businessmen and, in mid-2009, the natural juice named after the phrase made Amid tents and in the hands of street vendors, the grapes it to the capital cities in the Northeast. Such grape variety of the Brazilian semiarid always make a difference. Along as BRS Isabel Precoce, planted in the Garibaldina farm, the roads of the municipality of Lagoa Grande (PE), these and the home-style production system, with an output of lush, huge, colored and eye-catching sceneries are synony8 thousand boxes a year - each containing a dozen 500 ml mous with bountiful tables at the homes of dwellers and bottles, keep the pilot project in operation. According to producers. Some kilometers away from the urban center, it the general manager and technical supervisor of the winery, is the vineyards that impress and attest to the wealth of Vale Mbio Dutra, the trial stage yielded good results. Now it is do So Francisco, with a lush green scenery of hundreds of 20 hectares devoted to the cultivation of fruit, transformed hectares unfolding before the eyes. into juice, but the target is to double the area. It even looks as if the bucks and donkeys that calmly The expansion project, according to Dutra, also walk along the road do not want to stray away includes an increase to the production from the plantations that lend the region a scale. Now the daily output remains at GRAPE JUICE very distinctive look. A wonderful gift be500 bottles, on average; in the future, we HELPS FIND A stowed on us by the northeastern people. hope to produce the same amount per WAY AROUND The scenario of development and progress hour. Nonetheless, the investment is waitUNFAVORABLE gets all the more impressive when one gets ing for the results of the market accepEXCHANGE RATES tance evaluation, production potential and to know one of the six wineries that found in this remote land the ideal place to opereconomic viability, he comments.

Grape juice production in Vale do So Francisco, as an alternative source of income, brings smiles on growers faces

TREND The production of juice yields not only benefits to the businessmen. Producers and communities take advantage of several positive aspects. According to viticulture and enology researcher Giuliano Elias Pereira, of Embrapa, based in Petrolina (PE), juices come as an alternative for both small-scale and commercial winegrowers, in light of the smaller production cost and manufacturing time. Wines and sparklings could take 50 to 60 days to reach the market, depending on the type of wine, while juices require just some hours or days after the fruit have been harvested. In addition to the potential of the semiarid, where two or three crops a year are feasible, the general manager of Terroir do So Francisco, Mbio Dutra, stresses that grape

juice has become a leading trend in the whole world. In liquid form, keeping the characteristics of wine, it contains no alcohol, a determining factor that makes it suitable for people of all walks of life and age groups. Furthermore, the nutritional properties also arouse interest. Upon savoring it, consumers ingest a beverage laden with antioxidants, with the capacity to trigger the hepatic functions and enhance blood circulation, just to mention a few benefits to health. Along with it, the stark realization of the strides the product is making across the country, this income alternative also seen as a way around the devalued dollar -, is further consolidating its importance. Both production and consumption of grape juice have been rising year

after year in Brazil. In the State of Rio Grande do Sul, home to 90% of the entire national production, grape juice sales were up 9.16% in 2010, whilst sales of whole juices soared 67.69% and concentrate, just 1.01%, according to data released by Embrapa Grape and Wine, in Bento Gonalves (RS). Another noteworthy ascertainment has to do with per capita consumption. In 1998, it was 0.35 liters per capita a year. In 2007, it jumped to 0.7 liter and now it is 1.51 liters. In Pereiras view, the numbers are still small, but evolution has shown that the beverage is, little by little, working its way to the Brazilian kitchen tables. The result of the building of a positive image, which, as far as the Northeast is concerned, will never fade away.

Inor /Ag. Assmann

Good news also travels fast. As soon as they learned that grape juice could provide a good opportunity for the economy to make further strides in Vale do So Francisco which now produces 8 million liters of wine a year , innovative ideas surfaced. The municipal administration in Petrolina (PE), jointly with Embrapa Semiarid, intends to stir up the surroundings of the So Francisco River, which cuts through the region. It is all about the Wine Island project. The major objective is to promote the production of grape juice on the Massangano island to lend a sustainable status to the 1,800 dwellers, which now derive their livelihood from the production of umbu, a typical fruit of the semiarid and from goat farming operations. During the first stage, now underway, a one-hectare trial field will be established, shared by 10 riverside dwellers. The fruit will be processed at the Federal Institute of Educa-

tion, Science and Technology (IF Serto). Other partners involved include the regional unit of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and the Massangano community. The time to start the project has not yet been scheduled, but it is supposed to take place soon. At the moment, the municipal administration is waiting for the environmental licenses, to be issued by the State Agency for the Environment and Water Resources (CPRH), and the water license from the National Water Agency (ANA). With the license in hand, the intention is to expand the planted area to 20 hectares, to be cultivated by approximately 40 farmers. The initiative goes even further. Should production correspond to expectations, there are plans for including grape juice in school meals of public schools in Petrolina. This would give other families the chance to try the benefits of the product, which do not only remain within the economic boundaries. From small scale operations there is a chance to progress to huge businesses.



Mercado de sucos de frutas tem registrado incremento constante e atende ao pblico que busca uma opo prtica para manter uma dieta saudvel

Pronto para crescer

Aumento de renda da populao, convenincia e praticidade, bem como divulgao de benefcios sade, esto ampliando significativamente o consumo de sucos de frutas no Pas, principalmente dos produtos prontos para beber. Diversas entidades ligadas ao setor tm informaes de que os ndices anuais de crescimento ultrapassam os dois dgitos. Aproximaram-se de 20% em 2010, quando as indstrias investiram fortemente em aumento de produo.

As vendas desses produtos, de acordo com pesquisas da empresa Nielsen divulgadas at outubro de 2010, comparativamente com o ano anterior, registravam incrementos de 19% a 22% em volume e faturamento, respectivamente. A Associao Brasileira dos Produtores e Envasadores de Nctares e Sucos (Abrasuco) tem ainda outros levantamentos, que confirmam ter sido ultrapassada a sua previso inicial de crescimento de 11% a 12% em sucos e nctares em 2010. O consumo desses itens, conforme clculo da associao, ficou em torno de 550 milhes de litros em 2010. A entidade dispe tambm de dados referentes cesta de bebidas no carbonatadas e no alcoolizadas, que incluem sucos, nctares, ps, refrescos, isotnicos, energticos e gua de coco, na qual o aumento verificado nacionalmente em 2010 foi de 10% em volume e 20% em preos, a partir da participao mais forte dos itens de maior valor agregado.

Constata igualmente que, enquanto diminuem os nmeros dos concentrados, a presena de sucos e nctares de frutas nos lares brasileiros avanou de 40,7% para 47% de 2009 para 2010, por conta da melhoria da renda e da opo por convenincia e praticidade, assinala o presidente da Abrasuco, William Sallum. O setor est tomando direcionamento muito forte para o produto pronto para beber, refora Etlio Prado, presidente da Associao das Indstrias Processadoras de Frutos Tropicais (ASTN), com sede em Aracaju (SE). As empresas, segundo informa, atuam com 14 saboCONSUMO EM 2010 res no mercado, que evoFICOU EM TORNO lui a cada ano: em 2009, DE 550 MILHES absorveu 9% a mais e, no DE LITROS ano seguinte, o acrscimo foi de 17%. O dirigente identifica as mesmas razes j mencionadas, aliadas qualidade dos produtos. O suco mais consumido no Pas, o de uva, igualmente mostra a boa performance do setor. Segundo o Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (Ibravin), foram colocados venda 36,7 milhes de litros em 2010, representando 20,6% a mais do que a quantidade comercializada no perodo antecedente. No produto inteiramente natural e pronto para beber, o volume registrado foi de 31,8 milhes de litros ampliao de 24,5%.

Slvio vila

CORRENDO JUNTO Para atender expanso e outras necessidades que se verificam no mercado, a indstria do segmento de sucos de frutas busca fazer investimentos e adequaes. No mbito da ASTN, por exemplo, registra-se a substituio de embalagens de suco integral de vidro por pet, aumento da oferta de gua de coco envasada em tetrapak e aumento geral da capacidade instalada das fbricas. Particularmente na rea de frutos tropicais, verificou-se ainda a criao de consrcio entre Maguari e DaFruta, constituindo a Empresa Brasileira de Bebidas e Alimentos, que concentra cerca de 30% do mercado desses sucos. Novos investimentos na regio Nordeste tambm esto previstos, como a implantao de agroindstria de processamento de laranja em Rio Real, litoral norte da Bahia, pela Brasfrut; e estudo de projeto no setor em Petrolina (PE) pela Construtora Queiroz Galvo. Da mesma forma, a Abrasuco verificou a adio de muitos equipamentos no parque industrial de sucos de frutas em 2010 para atender demanda, chegando mesmo a enfrentar algumas dificuldades em termos de matria-prima. Para 2011, segundo o presidente da entidade, William Sallum, as perspectivas continuam boas e o crescimento deve permanecer alto. Se no ficar em dois dgitos, certamente vair estar prximo, acredita. 79


products, says Etlio Prado, president of the Association of Tropical Fruit Processing Industries (ASTN), based in Aracaju (SE). The companies, he says, have launched 14 flavors in the market, which is making strides year after year: in 2009, consumption was up 9%, and the following year it soared 17%. The official identifies the same reasons previously mentioned, jointly with the quality levels of the products.

Grape juice is the most consumed juice in Brazil, equally attesting to the good performance of the sector. According to the Brazilian Wine Institute (Ibravin), in 2010, 36.7 million liters were placed in the market, up 20.6% from the amount marketed the previous year. With regard to entirely natural and ready-to-drink products, total sales reached 31.8 million liters an increase of 24.5%.

To meet expansion needs and other market demands, the fruit juice industry segment seeks investments and adjustments. In the field of action of ASTN, for example, the changes include the replacement of glass containers with pet bottles, rising supplies of coconut water in tetrapak and general increase of the industries installed capacities. Particularly in the area of tropical

Ready to grow
Fruit juice market has been rising constantly and its target is the health-oriented public in pursuit of healthy diets
the production of juices and nectars was outstripped in 2010. Rising purchasing power of the population, convenience The consumption of these items, according to calculations by and practicality, are significantly driving up the consumption of fruit juices throughout the entire Country, particuthe association, remained at about 550 million liters in 2010. The entity also holds data related to noncarbonated and larly the ready-to-drink products. Several entities linked to non-alcoholic beverages, which comprise juices, nectars, powthe sector have learned that the present growth rates reach double-digit numbers. They got close to 20% in ders, cool drinks, isotonics, energy drinks, coconut 2010, when the industries invested heavily water. These beverages registered a 10-perCONSUMPTION in higher production volumes. cent rise in volume and 20% in prices, in Sales of these products, according to 2010, resulting from a bigger share of high IN 2010 surveys conducted by Nielsen, a polling value-added products. It was also ascertained REMAINED company, disclosed in October 2010, that, while the number of juice concentrates AT ABOUT 550 growth rates were up 19% and 22% in goes down, the presence of juices and necMILLION LITERS volume and revenue, respectively, from tars in Brazilian homes soared from 40.7% to 47% from 2009 to 2010, on account of the the previous year. rising purchasing power and the option for convenience and The Brazilian Association of Nectar and Juice Propracticality, says the president of Abrasuco, William Sallum. ducers and Canners (Abrasuco) displays other surveys, which confirm that the initial estimate for an 11% to 12% rise in The sector is strongly leaning towards ready-to-drink

fruit, the novelty was the creation of the Maguari and DaFruta consortium, forming the Brazilian Company of Beverages and Foods, with a 30-percent share of the market of these juices. New investments in the Northeast are in the pipeline, like the implementation of the orange processing industry in Rio Real, on the north coast of Bahia, by Brasfrut; and a study for a project of the sector in Petrolina (PE),

by Construtora Queiroz Galvo. Following on the heels of that company, Abrasuco ascertained the addition of several sets of equipment in the fruit juice industrial complex in 2010 to meet demand, although facing some difficulties in terms of raw material. For 2011, perspectives continue bright and growth rates should hold firmly. Double digits might not be achieved, but it may come close to that point, he concludes.

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de valor
Enquanto o volume embarcado diminuiu, a receita obtida com as exportaes de suco de laranja cresceu 11,48% em 2010
Destaque nas exportaes do setor frutcola, o suco de laranja brasileiro recuperou valorizao em 2010. Incluindo subprodutos, os embarques do setor renderam US$ 2,042 bilhes, aumento de 11,48% sobre o resultado obtido em 2009. O preo aumentou em decorrncia da reduo das safras da fruta nas principais reas produtoras Flrida, nos Estados Unidos, e So Paulo. O Brasil lder na venda externa do suco, dominando inclusive mais de 50% do mercado internacional, para o qual destina mais de 80% da produo. Em termos de volume, no entanto, est experimentando queda nos nmeros, especialmente aps 2007, quando chegou ao topo com 1,415 milho de toneladas. Em 2010, o total enviado ao exterior ficou em 1,2 milho de t, 100 mil a menos que na EMBARQUES DE temporada anterior. Vrios SUCO DE LARANJA fatores tm influenciado RENDERAM para tanto, conforme se US$ 2 BILHES avalia no segmento: desde a questo cambial, a reduo no consumo do produto em pases desenvolvidos e o paralelo incremento de novas bebidas no mercado (como guas, isotnicos e energticos), at a concorrncia de outras regies produtoras. Para 2011, o presidente da Associao Nacional dos Exportadores de Sucos Ctricos (CitrusBR), Christian Lohbauer, acredita que as vendas externas iro se manter semelhantes s do ano passado. A safra norte-americana de laranja dever permanecer em nveis parecidos com a anterior e a brasileira pode at ficar maior, mas o impacto no dever ser representativo, no seu entender. Os preos do suco devem se equivaler aos do perodo antecedente e at podero ser um pouco melhores, tendo em vista que os estoques esto mais baixos, acrescenta o dirigente. Entre as exportaes de sucos de outras frutas em 2010, a performance dos derivados de ma, bem como das misturas, tiveram crescimento significativo. As vendas externas da bebida de ma, conforme estatsticas da Secretaria de Comrcio Exterior (Secex) divulgadas pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf), apresentaram evoluo de 22 mil para 38 mil t de 2009 para 2010, enquanto o valor recebido elevou-se de US$ 19,4 milhes para US$ 33 milhes no perodo. As misturas sem fermentao, embora ainda em volumes menores, chegaram a crescer 538% de um ano para outro, passando de 387 t para 2.468 t. A remunerao obtida chegou a US$ 3,5 milhes, contra aproximadamente US$ 720 mil do perodo anterior.

High value products

into the market (like waters, isotonic and energy drinks) and competition from other producing regions. For 2011, the president of the National Association of Citric Fruit Juice Producers (CitrusBR), Christian Lohbauer, believes foreign sales will remain on a par with last year. The North-American orange crop is poised to remain at the levels With an outstanding performance in the fruit sector, Brazilian orange juice recovered its value in 2010. Along with by- of last year and the Brazilian crop might even reach bigger volumes, but without meaningful impact, he understands. Juice products, the shipments of the sector brought in US$ 2.042 prices are expected not to differ from last year, with chances for billion, up 11.48% from the results achieved in 2009. Prices a minor improvement, in light of this years smaller stocks. went up as a result of the smaller fruit crop in the main proWith regard to juices from other fruit species in 2010, ducing regions - Florida, in the United States and So Paulo. the performance of apple-derived products, as well as mixBrazil leads foreign juice sales, reaching a share of upwards of tures, was considerably higher. Foreign sales of apple juice, 50% of the international market, which is the destination of according to figures released by the Brazilian Secretariat of more than 50% of the entire production volumes. Foreign Trade (Secex), disclosed by the Brazilian Fruit InIn terms of volume, nevertheless, the figures have been stitute (Ibraf ), rose from 22 thousand to 38 thousand tons gradually receding, especially from 2007 onwards, when the from 2009 to 2010, while revenue rose peak of 1.415 million tons was reached. In 2010, from US$ 19.4 million to US$ 33 million total foreign sales remained at 1.2 million t, over the period. The nonfermented beverSHIPMENTS OF down 100 thousand tons from the previous ages, soared 538% from one year to the season. Many factors have had an influence ORANGE JUICE next, rising from 387 t to 2,468 t. Revon the result, according to segment sources: RAKED IN US$ 2 enue from the sales amounted to US$ 3.5 from the exchange rate policy to the reducBILLION million, against approximately US$ 720 tion in consumption in developed countries, thousand in the previous period. along with an array of new beverages launched

While shipments shrank in volume, revenue from orange exports soared 11.48% in 2010

VITRIA NA OMC O principal destino do suco de laranja nacional a Europa (cerca de 70%). Mas um mercado importante tambm so os Estados Unidos, ficando em torno de 15% do total. Em relao a ele, o Brasil obteve vitria importante em fevereiro de 2011 (embora ainda coubesse recurso) junto Organizao Mundial do Comrcio (OMC), numa ao movida contra a aplicao de tarifas antidumping ao produto brasileiro. O painel aberto em setembro de 2009 pelo governo pediu a condenao da modalidade de clculo utilizada pelos Estados Unidos para determinar se existiria dumping, num processo chamado zeramento (zeroing), que considerado injusto pelos brasileiros. O Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores avaliou que o relatrio emitido pela organizao representa significativa vitria do Brasil em tema de relevncia para o comrcio bilateral e espera que a deciso encoraje os Estados Unidos a abandonar definitivamente a prtica do zeroing em todos os procedimentos antidumping. Para o presidente da Citrus BR, Christian Lohbauer, o fato no deve assegurar ganho de mercado, mas uma concorrncia mais leal e menos dispendiosa. At ento, alm da tarifa de importao, era exigida mais essa taxa, o que encarecia o produto e influa nas vendas.



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VICTORY AT THE WTO The main destination for the national orange juice is Europe (about 70%). But the United States is also a very relevant market, and its purchases represent about 15% of the total. It was against the United States that Brazil came out winner in February 2011 (although an appeal could still be filed) in a ruling by the World Trade Organization (WTO), in a court case against the antidumping tariffs levied on the Brazilian product. The panel opened in September 2009 by the government asked for a rejection to the type of calculation used by the United States to determine whether there was dumping or not, in a process referred to as zeroing, which is considered to be unfair to the Brazilian producers. The Ministry of foreign Affairs concluded that the report issued by the Organization represents a significant victory for Brazil in a relevant subject for bilateral trading operations and hopes the ruling will encourage the United States to definitely abandon the Zeroing practice in all antidumping procedures. The president of Citrus BR, Christian Lohbauer, understands that the fact should not be viewed as the conquest of a market, but as more loyal and less expensive competition. Up to that time, besides the import tariff, another fee was required, further increasing the price of the products, with obvious reflections on sales.

Em busca de equilbrio
Produtores e indstrias de suco de laranja buscam implantao de um conselho para regular o setor

A indstria e os produtores de laranja do Brasil esto em tratativas para a formao de um conselho que defina a poltica do setor para regular as safras da fruta. Desde a dcada de 1990, com a liberao dos preos pelo governo, o setor passou a ser regido pelo mercado. A iniciativa, batizada de Consecitrus, inspirada no modelo do Consecana, rgo que estabelece a remunerao dos produtores de cana-de-acar, em vigor desde 1999. As discusses em torno da implantao do Consecitrus tiveram incio no segundo semestre de 2010, mas a ideia antiga, tendo sido sugerida pela Associao Brasileira de Citricultores (Associtrus). A indstria est representada pela Associao Nacional dos Exportadores de Sucos Ctricos (Citrus BR) e, por parte dos produtores, so trs entidades: a Associtrus, a Sociedade Rural Brasileira (SRB) e a Federao da Agricultura do Estado de So Paulo (Faesp). O presidente da Citrus BR, Christian Lohbauer, lembra que at 1994 havia um contrato padro, o que garantia uma certa estabilidade na compra da laranja. O Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econmica (Cade), rgo vinculado ao Ministrio da Justia, considerou a prtica anticoncorrencial, o que acabou com os valores de referncia e desobrigou a indstria a colher e transportar a fruta. A partir da, os preos pagos aos

produtores passaram a ter uma alta volatilidade, com cada indstria definindo a remunerao. Segundo Lohbauer, as cotaes dependem de fatores climticos e mercadolgicos, tanto do Brasil quanto dos Estados Unidos. Quando h muita oferta na Flrida e em So Paulo e o clima ideal, a safra boa e o preo cai. Ao contrrio, com pouca laranja no mercado, o preo sobe, explica o presidente da Citrus BR. Conforme Lohbauer, o Consecitrus dever ser um frum de debates entre produtores e indstrias para discutir e chegar a um consenso sobre os custos de produo do setor e um valor de referncia para o pagamento da caixa de 40,8 quilos. Temos que montar uma estrutura tcnica, que todo o ano se rena FALTA DE CONSENSO para estabelecer esses ATRAPALHA parmetros, enfatiza. CRIAO DO Sem o estabeleciCONSELHO mento de uma remunerao que norteie o mercado, os valores tm oscilado muito de um ano para outro. Em 2009, So Paulo e o estado norte-americano da Flrida, as duas maiores regies produtoras no mundo, tiveram grandes safras. A caixa chegou a ser comprada pela indstria a R$ 4,00. No ano seguinte, com safras menores e estoques baixos, o valor pago atingiu R$ 15,00 por caixa. Para o presidente da Citrus BR, a discusso sobre o Consecitrus est bem encaminhada. No entanto, defende que os produtores se organizem em uma nica entidade. Eles caminham para isso, da podemos partir para a conversa tcnica, acredita Lohbauer.

NEGOCIAO O presidente da Associtrus, Flvio Viegas, considera que as discusses em torno do Consecitrus pouco avanaram. Na opinio dele, o ponto que atrapalha as negociaes a falta de confiana entre produtores e indstrias. Ele tambm no concorda com o que classifica como imposio da indstria para que os citricultores tenham apenas uma entidade representativa. Somos favorveis a um sistema que vincule a remunerao dos produtores ao preo pago pelo consumidor. O diretor do Departamento de Citricultura da SRB, Gasto Crocco, entende que o conselho deve buscar o mximo de transparncia acerca das informaes do setor. Dentro desse ambiente, podemos chegar ao equilbrio de toda a cadeia, acredita. Crocco lembra que a questo no se resume ao preo, mas envolve o cenrio da citricultura. Hoje temos grande incidncia de greening nos pomares e, para combater o vetor, aumenta-se o nmero de pulverizaes. Temos que atacar esse tipo de problema, exemplifica.



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In pursuit of equilibrium
Orange juice producers and industries are poised to set up a council to rule the sector
The industry and the orange producers in Brazil are in the process of setting up a council with the responsibility to define the policy of the sector that regulates the crop of this fruit. Since the 1990s, when the government liberated the prices, the sector has been under the rule of the market. The initiative, christened Consecitrus, gets its inspiration from Consecana, an organ that establishes the remuneration of the sugarcane producers, now in force since 1999. The debates about the implementation of the Consecitrus started in the second half in 2010, but the idea goes a long way back to the past, and was first suggested by the Brazilian Association of Citrus Growers (Associtrus). The industry is represented by the National Association of Citrus Juice Exporters (Citrus BR) and, from the growers side, there are three entities: Associtrus, Brazilian Rural Society (SRB) and the Federation of Agriculture LACK OF CONSENSUS of So Paulo (Faesp). The president of HINDERS THE Citrus BR, Christian CREATION OF THE Lohbauer, recalls that COUNCIL up to 1994 there used to be a standard contract, which represented an assurance for a certain stability in orange purchases. The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade), on organ linked to the Ministry of Justice, ruled the practice anticompetitive, a fact that put an end to the reference values and exempted the industry from harvesting and transporting the fruit. From that moment onward, farm gate prices entered a highly volatile stage, with every different industry dictating their own prices. According to Lohbauer, the quotes rely on climate and market factors, both in Brazil and in the United States. When there is abundant supply in Florida and in So Paulo and climate conditions are favorable, this obviously results into a good crop but with depressed prices. In a reverse situation, when supply is tight, prices soar, explains the president of Citrus BR.

Lohbauer understands that the Consecitrus should be a forum for debates between growers and industries in order to reach consensus on such matters as production cost and reference cost for a 40.8 kilo box. We have to set up a technical structure, which meets on a yearly basis to set up the parameters, he stresses.

Without a remuneration standard that serves as a guideline for the market, prices have fluctuated a lot from one year to the next. In 2009, So Paulo and Florida in the USA, the two leading producers in the world, harvested huge crops. A box of oranges was sometimes purchased by the industry for as little as R$ 4. The following year, with smaller crops and

low stocks, a box sold for R$ 15. For the president of Citrus BR, the debate on the Consecitrus is on the right track. Nonetheless, he suggests the growers should get organized in one entity only. They are really walking towards one entity, and then we can address the technical side, Lohbauer ponders.

NEGOTIATION The president of Associtrus, Flvio

Viegas, has it that the debates on the Consecitrus have made scarcely any progress. In his opinion, the item that hinders the negotiations is the lack of confidence between producers and industries. He equally disagrees with what he classifies as industry imposition regarding only one grower representative entity, suggested by the industry. The system that we approve is the one that links farm gate prices to prices paid by the consumers. The director of SRBs Citriculture Department,

Gasto Crocco, understands that the council should be as transparent as possible about any information on the sector. Within this environment, we are in a position to reach the equilibrium of the entire chain, he says. Crocco recalls that the question is not limited to the price, but it involves the citriculture scenario. Currently we have severe greening outbreaks in our orchards and, to fight the vector, we increase the number of sprayings. This is the type of problem we should address, he exemplifies.



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Tem soluo
Cmara setorial discute e prope sadas para os principais problemas do setor, como registro para defensivos e novas molculas
Os principais problemas que afetam a fruticultura so tratados com maior ateno desde 2003 por representantes do setor, ano em que foi instalada a Cmara Setorial da Cadeia Produtiva de Fruticultura. O engenheiro agronmo Luiz Borges Jnior um dos que participam dos debates desde a primeira reunio. J integrou o grupo como presidente da Associao Brasileira de Produtores de Ma (ABPM) e do Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ). Atualmente, como consultor especial, representa a Confederao da Agricultura e Pecuria do Brasil (CNA). A partir do que discutido na cmara, so elaborados documentos e encaminhados para quem possa so-

lucionar os problemas apontados. O grande entrave que o Brasil at hoje no tem uma poltica agrcola definida. Vivemos de situaes emergenciais, sem um programa de longo prazo. Vamos viver tomando sustos, avalia. Segundo Borges Jnior, os assuntos priorizados em 2011 sero a falta de registro para defensivos e para novas molculas e a continuao do programa de marketing para aumentar o consumo e a exportao de frutas. Tambm devero buscar uma soluo para evitar a entrada de novas pragas

quarentenrias pela fronteira Norte do atrapalha, argumenta. A Comisso Nacional de FruticultuBrasil. Especificamente em Roraima, ra da CNA, com apoio da cmara setoonde as novas ligaes terrestres com a Guiana e a Venezuela tm permitido rial, est investindo recursos para conhecer a fundo o mercado consumidor de o acesso de novas pragas e o risco muito grande, porque o controle sani- frutas no Brasil. O objetivo traar uma estratgia de marketing que realmente trio federal quase inexistente nessa aumente o consumo de frutas, legumes regio, destaca. e vegetais (FLV). Outra demanda A situao envolvendo o registro o incremento das exportaes, cujos de produtos para fruticultura e hortiprincipais destinos so Estados Unidos e cultura muito grave, na opinio de Europa. Na avaliao de Borges Jnior, Borges Jnior, pois os produtores de para elevar as vendas externas preciso frutas tropicais e temperadas no tm ir para a sia. Mas temos barreiras defensivos registrados. Isso coloca-os sanitrias para resolver, precisamos ter em condio ilegal. Com frequncia apoio diplomtico, as nossas embaixadas a Anvisa (Agncia Nacional de Vina regio no esto em condies de regilncia Sanitria) divulga casos de solver sozinhas o problema e a estrutura produtos contaminados, o que no do Ministrio da Agricultura ainda verdade, aponta. O produtor usou pequena. Esperamos que com a criao um defensivo no registrado para a dos adidos agrcolas nas embaixadas o cultura, mas os limites de resduo esto dentro dos padres admitidos pela assunto prospere, pondera. Uma luta que continua sem soluFAO (Organizao das Naes Unidas o a do crdito rural, principalmenpara Agricultura e Alimentao). te para o mdio e o grande produtor. Uma nova norma resolveria o proO limite de recursos com juros blema, porm os entraves subsidiados muito burocrticos impebaixo e no levado em dem a soluo. A ONZE TEMAS conta a intensidade ecofalta de registro COMPEM A AGENDA nmica da atividade por tem causado ESTRATGICA hectare. Como exemplo, srios entraves 2010-2015 Borges Jnior cita que para a exportao um financiamento de R$ e muitos produtos 2.000 por hectare para gros registrados hoje no resolve o problema, mas para frutas Brasil so proibidos nos principais pouco contribui. A falta de recursos mercados mundiais. Temos lutado para facilitar os registros das novas mo- estaduais e federais tambm afeta o funcionamento do Seguro Rural. Solculas que so menos txicas e seguras mente a criao do Fundo de Catstropara a populao e o meio ambiente, fe resolver o problema. no entanto, mais uma vez a burocracia

AGENDA Conforme Francisco de Assis Mesquita Facundo, secretrio da cmara setorial, ao

longo de 2010 foi elaborada a Agenda Estratgica 2010-2015. O documento rene um conjunto de propostas distribudas em 11 temas. So eles: estatsticas; pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovao (PD&I); assistncia tcnica; defesa agropecuria; marketing e promoo; gesto da qualidade; governana da cadeia; crdito e seguro; legislao; comercializao e incentivo agroindustrializao.

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Solution on hand

Sectorial chamber debates and proposes a way out of the sectors most pressing problems, like the register for agrochemicals and new molecules
The most pressing problems that are jeopardizing the fruit farming business have been receiving closer attention from the representatives of the sector since 2003, when the Sectorial Chamber of the Fruit Farming Production Chain was set up. Agronomic engineer Luiz Borges Jnior is one of the members who has taken part in the debates since the first meeting. He once served the group in his capacity as president of the Brazilian Association of Apple Producers (ABPM) and of the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ). Currently, as special consultant, he represents the Brazilian Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA). The debates in the chamber are the basis for documents that are forwarded to the people in a position to come up with a solution to the problems. The real obstacle lies in the fact that Brazil has not yet defined an agricultural policy. We put up with emergency situations, without any long-term program. We will continue enduring threats, he evaluates.

According to Borges Jnior, throughout 2011 priority attention will be given to the agrochemical register, to the issue of new molecules and the continuity of the marketing program to boost both fruit consumption and ex-


ports. A solution intended to curb the entrance of quarantine pests through the North border of Brazil is also to be pursued. Especially in Roraima, where the new terrestrial connections with Venezuela and the Guianas have allowed the entrance of new pests. And the risk is really serious, because federal sanitary control measures are almost inexistent in the region, he notes. The question involving the register of products for fruit faming horticulture is really serious, Borges Jnior comments, simply because there are no registered agrochemicals for the producers of tropical and temperate fruit, making their activity illegal. Rather frequently, cases of contaminated fruit are reported by the National Sanitary Vigilance Agency (Anvisa), which is not true, he insists. The producer applies a non-registered agrochemical, but the residue limits remain within the standards recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). A new standard could solve the problem, however, there are bureaucratic hurdles that prevent any solution. The lack of the register has caused serious obstacles to exports and lots of products registered in Brazil are not allowed in the leading global markets. We have been doing our best toward registering the new molecules, which are less toxic and safer for people and for the environment, but bureaucracy is again the problem, he argues. The Brazilian Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), jointly with the Sectorial Chamber, is now doing investments into a study on the Brazilian fruit consuming market. The target is to devise a market strategy that really boosts the consumption of fruit, vegetables and legumes (FVL). A boost to exports, now mostly to the United States and Europe, is just one more

demand. Borges Jnior maintains that if it is a question of propping up sales, heading to sia might be the solution. Nonetheless, there are sanitary barriers that need to be surmounted, we need diplomatic support, our embassies throughout the region are not in a position to solve the problem without additional support and the structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa) is very deficient. We hope that the solution will come from the recently created agricultural attachs, he says. An ongoing battle, with no solution in sight, is the question of rural credit, especially for medium and commercial farmers. The limit of resources with subsidized interest rates is very small and the per-hectare economic intensity is not taken into consideration. As an example, Borges Jnior cites the R$ 2,000 per hectare loan. It will solve the problem for grain producers, but gives hardly any contribution to fruit growing. The shortage of state and federal resources also negatively affects Rural Insurance programs. Only the creation of the Catastrophe Fund will solve the problem.

AGENDA According to Francisco de Assis Mesquita Facundo, secretary of the Sectorial Chamber, the 2010-2015 Strategic Agenda was created in 2010. The document contains a set of proposals split into 11 themes. They are as follows: statistics, research, development and innovation (PD&I); technical assistance; agriculture defense; marketing and promotion; quality management; chain governance; credit and insurance; legislation; commercialization and incentive to industrialization.



Supported by Sebrae, producers and fruit-oriented initiatives make a difference in the market and chart new frontiers
By focusing on organization and management, along with innovation and technology towards the conquest of markets, several projects in the area of agriculture, supported by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) are proving successful and winning recognition. Certifications were awarded in many States, based on product quality, grower organization, implementation of technologies, cost reductions and value adding moves, says analyst La Maria Lagares. In Rio Grande do Norte, the Potiguar Agroindustrial Development Cooperative (Coodap), with 20 melon producers, and the Frutos da Paz Farmers Cooperative (Cooapaz), with 93 pineapple, lemon and coconut growers were distinguished with Fair Trade certifications in 2009 and 2010. In the same State, the Novos Pingos Cooperative (Coopingos), comprising 36 associate members devoted to cashew nut farming, was awarded the Fair and Organic Trade certification in late 2010. Projects in Pernambuco and Bahia also obtained the Globalgap and Integrated Production certifications, along with the Geographical Indication for mangoes and grapes, granted by the National Institute for Industrial Property (Inpi). In Rio Grande do Sul, winegrowing projects in Pinto Bandeira, in sierra gaucha, were awarded the Geographical Indication on 7 October 2010. In that same year, Gran Legado, a sparkling wine made in Bento Gonalves, received the top quality award. On November 6th, the Garibaldi Sparkling consortium was launched, in compliance with the internal standards for making the product. Other Sebrae supported initiatives are the development and the implementation of the Aa Safe Food SEBRAE LENDS Program (SFP), in the states of Amap and SUPPORT TO Par. This initiative AGRICULTURE IN THE comes with other ENTIRE COUNTRY moves in other states, where Minas Gerais stands out for lending support to the sector, thus qualifying and boosting the production volumes, along with fruit sales at home and abroad. For 2011, La comments, Sebraes efforts are focused on aligning the fruit farming and winegrowing segments with the strategic agendas devised by the two sectors within the range of the respective sectorial chambers. In the first case, 49 projects are involved, amounting to R$ 13 million (R$ 5 million from Sebrae and R$ 8 million from 321 partners), in 314 municipalities of 19 states. In the other, two projects totaling R$ 709 thousand, bring together 13 partners from two states, and an agreement with the Brazilian Wine Institute (Ibravin), amounting to R$ 2.9 million. The target is to develop activities in Gois, Bahia, Esprito Santo, Pernambuco, Paran, Santa Catarina, So Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, with structural actions, knowledge management, innovation and technology. The major initiatives to be carried out over 2011 include stimulus to fruit consumption, promoted jointly with the Brazilian Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), and wine, sparkling and grape juice consumption, jointly with Ibravin.

Com respaldo do Sebrae, produtores e iniciativas voltadas fruticultura conseguem se destacar no mercado e abrir horizontes
Ao focar a organizao e a gesto, aliadas inovao e tecnologia na busca do mercado, muitos projetos da rea de fruticultura respaldados pelo Servio Brasileiro de Apoio s Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae) esto apresentando xito e reconhecimento. Certificaes foram recebidas em vrios estados a partir de um diferencial de produtos, organizao dos produtores, implantao de melhores tecnologias, reduo de custos e agregao de valor, destaca a analista da entidade La Maria Lagares. No Rio Grande do Norte, a Cooperativa de Desenvolvimento Agroindustrial Potiguar (Coodap), com 20 produtores de melo, e a Cooperativa de Agricultores dos Frutos da Paz (Cooapaz), reunindo 93 fruticultores de abacaxi, limo e coco, foram distinguidas em 2009 e 2010 com certificaes em Comrcio Justo. Do mesmo estado, a Cooperativa Novos Pingos (Coopingos), com 36 associados dedicados castanha de caju, recebeu a distino em Comrcio Justo e Orgnico no fim de 2010. Projetos de Pernambuco e da Bahia obtiveram as certificaes Globalgap e Produo Integrada, alm da Indicao Geogrfica para manga e uva concedida pelo Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (Inpi). No Rio Grande do Sul, proAES DO jetos de vitivinicultura da SEBRAE APOIAM A localidade de Pinto Bandeira, na serra gacha, tiveram ouFRUTICULTURA EM torgada a Indicao GeogrfiTODO O PAS ca em 7 de outubro de 2010. Conferiu-se ainda, no mesmo ano, o prmio de melhor espumante ao Gran Legado, de Bento Gonalves, e lanou-se, em 6 de novembro, o consrcio do Espumante de Garibaldi, de acordo com as normativas internas de elaborao do produto. Destaca-se tambm o desenvolvimento e o incio da implantao do Programa de Alimento Seguro (PAS) Aa no Amap e no Par. A iniciativa soma-se a outras em diversos estados, com destaque para Minas Gerais, que tm apoiado o setor, qualificando e incrementando a produo e o comrcio interno e externo dos frutos brasileiros. Para 2011, assinala La, o Sebrae busca o alinhamento das carteiras de fruticultura e vitivinicultura com as agendas estratgicas elaboradas pelos dois setores no mbito das respectivas cmaras setoriais. No primeiro caso, so 49 projetos no valor total de R$ 13 milhes (R$ 5 milhes do Sebrae e R$ 8 milhes de 321 parceiros), em 314 municpios de 19 estados. No outro, dois projetos, totalizando R$ 709 mil, renem 13 parceiros de dois estados e um convnio com o Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (Ibravin), no valor de R$ 2,9 milhes. O objetivo desenvolver a atividade em Gois, Bahia, Esprito Santo, Pernambuco, Paran, Santa Catarina, So Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul, com aes estruturantes, gesto do conhecimento, inovao e tecnologia. O incentivo ao aumento do consumo de frutas, em parceria com a Confederao Nacional da Agricultura (CNA), e de vinhos, espumantes e sucos de uva, com o Ibravin, est entre as principais iniciativas em curso durante 2011.

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Lula Helfer

Pesquisa Research

Sim s diferenas
Projeto d esperana e oportunidade de diversificao nos pomares nordestinos
Santa Catarina (Epagri), e das unidades da Embrapa Uva e O cenrio da fruticultura do Vale do So Francisco, no Vinho, de Bento Gonalves (RS), e Clima Temperado, de Nordeste brasileiro, no constitudo apenas por pomares Pelotas (RS), alm de outras instituies e universidades, de manga e videiras, os carros-chefe da sua economia. Os deram incio, em 2004, pesquisa Introduo e avaliao de 120 mil hectares de cultivo irrigado so ocupados, tambm, culturas alternativas para as reas irrigadas do semirido brasipor plantaes de frutas como banana, coco verde, goiaba, leiro. A coordenao do projeto do pesquisador da Embramelo, acerola, limo e maracuj, alm de outras atividades pa Semirido Paulo Roberto Coelho Lopes. agrcolas, segundo dados da Associao dos Produtores e De acordo com Maria Auxiliadora, na primeira fase as Exportadores de Hortigranjeiros e Derivados do Vale do So expectativas foram superadas, pois ficou comprovada a viabiFrancisco (Valexport). Essa lista de diversificao, no entanlidade de se produzir outras variedades. Portanto, ser possvel to, pode aumentar ainda mais. Depender apenas de algumas culturas para movimentar a encontrar plantaes de frutas de clima temperado, como ma, pera e caqui, no Vale do So Francisco economia de uma regio pode ser preocupandaqui a alguns anos. As avaliaes de produte, conforme salienta a chefe de pesquisa e ESTUDO ADAPTA tividade e capacidade de adaptao regio desenvolvimento da Embrapa Semirido, FRUTAS DE CLIMA foram algumas das caractersticas essenciais Maria Auxiliadora Colho de Lima. Por para a obteno do resultado, cujas anlises isso, a entidade, localizada em Petrolina TEMPERADO AO ocorreram em campos experimentais das (PE), e pesquisadores da Empresa de SEMIRIDO instituies e em propriedades particulares. Pesquisa Agropecuria e Extenso Rural de

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AVALIAO O projeto, considerado indito para a regio semirida, tambm visa avaliao de culturas de clima
subtropical, como limo, laranja e pomelo, mas so as de temperado que se encontram no estgio mais avanado. O prximo passo, conforme explica a engenheira agrnoma Maria Auxiliadora Colho de Lima, avaliar as prticas de manejo (poda e adubao), o custo de insero das novas culturas, a incidncia de pragas e doenas, e o estabelecimento das necessidades de nutrientes e de irrigao. Os estudos seguiro at 2013. Segundo Maria Auxiliadora, com a pesquisa espera-se atender a interesses de pequenos, mdios e grandes produtores. No primeiro momento, no entanto, o foco ser o mercado regional, com ateno ao ramo agroindustrial. A proposta no descarta, contudo, a possibilidade de trabalhar culturas com potencial competitivo no mercado externo. Ao diversificar o plantio, alm de ampliar as oportunidades de cultivo rentvel, inova-se no campo, reduz-se a dependncia econmica local e abrem-se novos caminhos em meio ao mercado internacional, elementos que possibilitam o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade.



Accepting differences
Project paves the way for new opportunities and orchard diversification in the Northeast
The fruit farming scenario in Vale do So Francisco, in the Brazilian Northeast, does not only consist of mango orchards and vineyards, the flagships of its economy. The 120 thousand hectares of irrigated cultivations also produce bananas, green coconuts, guavas, melons, acerolas, lemons and passion fruit, besides other agricultural activities, according to data released by the So Franscico Vale Association of Vegetables and Byproducts Exporters (Valexport). Nonetheless, this diversification list could expand even further. The dependence on only a few crops for driving the economy on an entire region may be a cause for concern, warns the head of the research and development department of Embrapa Semiarid, Maria Auxiliadora Colho de Lima. That is why, the entity located in Petrolina (PE), and researchers of the Rural Extension and agricultural Research Corporation of Santa Catarina (Epagri), and Embrapas Grape and Wine, in Bento Gonalves (RS), and Temperate Climate, in Pelotas (RS), besides other institutions and universities, started in 2004 specific research work, known as Introduction and assessment of alternative crops for the irrigated areas in the Brazilian Semiarid. Paulo Roberto Coelho Lopes, researcher of Embrapa Semiarid, coordinates the project. According to Maria Auxiliadora, at the first stage, all expectations were exceeded, since the viability for producing other varieties was fully demonstrated. Therefore, in a few years from now, it will be no surprise to come across temperate climate fruit plantations, like apples, pears and persimmons, across Vale do So Francisco. Productivity STUDY ADAPTS assessments and adaptation capacity to the region were TEMPERATE CLIMATE some of the essential characFRUIT TO THE teristics achieved in the trial SEMIARID fields of these institutions and in privately owned farms.

EVALUATION The project, seen as a pioneer in the Semiarid region, is also intended to assess other crops from subtropical climates, including lemons, oranges and pomelos, but it is temperate climate fruit that have been the target of deeper research works. The next step, according to agronomic engineer Maria Auxiliadora Colho de Lima, consists in evaluating the management practices (pruning and fertilization), the cost of inserting the new varieties, the incidence of diseases and pests, the establishment of the nutrient and irrigation needs. The studies have been scheduled to go on until 2013. Maria Auxiliadora explains that the research work is intended to see to the interests of small, medium and commercial farmers. At a first moment, nevertheless, the focus will be on the regional market, with special attention to the industrial sector. The bid does not disregard research works on crops that could be potentially competitive in the international marketplace. Planting diversification boosts the chances for profitable cultivations, leads to field innovations, reduces local economic dependence and paves the way for these fruit to work their way into the international market, elements that lead to development and sustainability.



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Rede internacional de pesquisa visa a avaliar propriedades de frutas tropicais em benefcio da sade humana e da ampliao de mercado
A pesquisa frutcola brasileira promete grandes realizaes durante o ano de 2011. Por meio de uma rede internacional de pesquisa na rea de ingredientes funcionais, os participantes da Rede Frutactiva, aprovada em dezembro de 2010, iro desenvolver maneiras para investir nos ingredientes bioativos fornecidos por algumas variedades de frutas. Ao mesmo tempo, almejam aumentar as possibilidades de consumo e agregar valor aos produtos. Aprovado pelo Cyted conselho que rene Organismos Nacionais de Cincia e Tecnologia (ONCTS) dos pases de lngua espanhola e portuguesa da Amrica, juntamente com Portugal e Espanha (Iberoamrica) e representado em solo brasileiro pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq) , o projeto ter liderana da Embrapa Agroindstria Tropical, de Fortaleza (CE), e coordenao do pesquisador da unidade Ricardo Elesbo. Durante os quatro anos de trabalho, espera-se montar um grupo multi e transdisciplinar que favorea a cooperao, a interao, a transferncia de conhecimentos, metodologias e tecnologias para caracterizao, obteno e uso de compostos bioativos de frutas tropicais no tradicionais nos pases iberoamericanos, como acerola, aa, rom e caju. Aumentar a contribuio social das frutas em estudo s populaes locais onde esto disseminadas e promover polticas pblicas voltadas nutrio tambm englobam as propostas da rede.

International research network analyzes the human health benefits of tropical fruit and market expansion moves
the Portuguese acronym) , the project will be under the Fruit-oriented research works in Brazil are likely to celsupervision of Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry, based in ebrate relevant achievements throughout 2011. Through an Fortaleza (CE), and under the coordination of Ricardo international research network focused on functional ingreElesbo, researcher with the unit dients, the participants of the research network dubbed FruDuring the next four years, the intention is to set up a tactiva Network, which got its approval in December 2010, multi and transdisciplinary team that is supposed to prowill engage in the development of manners to invest in the mote cooperation, interaction, knowledge transference, bioactive ingredients that are present in some fruit species. characterization methodologies and technologies, extraction In the meantime, the idea is to boost consumption and add and use of bioactive compounds from non tradivalue to the products. tional tropical fruit in Ibero-American Approved by the Cyted a council that countries, like acerola, aa, pomegranate includes the National Organisms for SciFRUIT-BASED and cashew nut. Other proposals of the ence and Technology (NOST) of the SpanBIOACTIVE network include the social contribution ish and Portuguese speaking countries in INGREDIENTS WARD of all fruit species through a study of the America, jointly with Portugal and Spain OFF DISEASES (Ibero-America) and represented in Bralocal populations where they are found, zil by the National Council for Scientific and the promotion of public policies and Technological Development (CNPq, in geared towards nutrition values.


SAUDVEL Alm de fornecer nutrientes, as frutas possuem

ingredientes bioativos com propriedades comprovadas na preveno de doenas degenerativas. Ao detectar os compostos antioxidantes, os pesquisadores trabalharo para estimular o consumo. As frutas so as principais fornecedoras de componentes que ajudam na reduo de radicais livres molculas que degeneram as clulas humanas acumulados no cotidiano. De acordo com o coordenador, Ricardo Elesbo, a Rede Frutactiva tambm tem como meta valorizar as frutas existentes apenas em solo brasileiro, alm de promover o interesse pela produo de outras variedades em maior escala, como o umbu. Fornecer subsdios para a pesquisa de melhoramento e indstria que queira utilizar extratos dessas frutas para obteno de produtos cosmticos e nutracuticos constituem, do mesmo modo, os objetivos da rede. Os resultados sero apresentados s comunidades acadmicas e aos investidores industriais pelo menos duas vezes por ano. Para isso, a equipe contar com 33 mil euros anuais para promoo de reunies, cursos e lanamento de publicaes. Composta por 14 grupos de pesquisa, sendo quatro do Brasil, e 12 empresas, a Rede Frutactiva contar com 109 pesquisadores dos nove pases que fazem parte da iniciativa. Em conjunto, trabalharo para divulgar os bons componentes das frutas brasileiras, possibilitando abrir novos mercados e criar hbitos mais saudveis.

HEALTH FRIENDLY Besides being a source of nutrients, most fruit have bioactive ingredients with unquestionable properties for warding off degenerative diseases. Upon detecting the antioxidant compounds, the researchers remain focused on stimulating consumption. The major components that reduce the free radicals molecules that degenerate human cells and gradually accumulate in the body - are found in fruit. According to coordinator Ricardo Elesbo, one of the targets of the Frutactiva Network consists in boosting the value of fruit found only on Brazilian soil and also includes the interest in producing other varieties on a larger scale, like the umbu fruit. Similar objectives of the network include inputs for enhancement-oriented research works and for industries thast happen to be interested in using extracts of these fruit for their cosmetic and nutraceutical products. The results will be presented to academic communities and industrial investors, at least twice a year. To this end, the team will rely on a financial grant of 33 thousand euros a year for staging meetings, courses and for launching new publications. Comprising 14 research teams, four of which from Brazil, and 12 companies, the Frutactiva Network relies on the work of 109 researchers, all involved in the initiative, spread across 9 different countries. They will work jointly towards giving publicity to the good components of Brazilian fruit. New markets and the creation of healthy eating habits are also pursued.

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Aliadas sade

Inor /Ag. Assmann

Irresistible Irresistvel
Rede de pesquisa trabalha para desenvolver variedades de melancia mais saborosas, de alto valor comercial e resistentes a pragas e doenas
vares. Com coletas realizadas em centenas de municpios dos esMagali, criao do cartunista Maurcio de Sousa, vai ter tados de Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Piau, Midezenas de motivos para aumentar seu apetite. Tudo porque nas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul, entre outros, 953 amostras de um grupo de pesquisadores, ao formar a Rede de Pesquisa sementes crioulas do forma ao Banco Ativo de Germoplasma, em Melhoramento de Melancia, em abril de 2009, pretende mantido na Embrapa Semirido. Elas so utilizadas para realizar originar variedades que sejam ainda mais saborosas, de alto os cruzamentos em busca de variedades que correspondam s valor comercial e resistentes a pragas e doenas. necessidades dos produtores e do mercado. A melancia est entre as cinco olercolas mais importantes Os trabalhos de melhoramento vegetal j resultaram na cultivadas em solo brasileiro, fato que motivou o desenvolgerao da cultivar BRS Opara, a nica no Brasil que apresenvimento do projeto de melhoramento gentico. Participam ta resistncia ao odio sem precisar recorrer ao uso de insumos da iniciativa grupos de unidades da Embrapa Mandioca e qumicos para control-lo. Atualmente, conforme a pesquiFruticultura (BA), Semirido (PE), Hortalias (DF), Rondnia (RO), Agroindstria Tropical (CE) e Recursos Genticos e sadora Rita de Cssia, a variedade est em fase de validao e registro para que seu plantio possa ser iniciado em 2012. Biotecnologia (DF) e das universidades do Estado da Bahia Parte da estratgia dos pesquisadores suprir o mercado (Uneb), Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Federal com outras variedades e hbridos, adaptados s diferentes conRural do Semirido (Ufersa) e Estadual de Feira de Santana dies ambientais do Pas, sempre atentos s caractersticas para (UEFS). Atualmente, a cultivar Crimsom Sweet corresponde a insero no mercado. Tambm espera-se encontrar cultivares 90% das plantaes brasileiras, segundo a pesquisadora Rita de Cssia Souza Dias, da Embrapa Semirido. Sua deficincia, com maior rendimento, sendo que hoje a mdia nacional varia de 4 a 31 toneladas por hectare, conforme Rita de Cssia. no entanto, a suscetibilidade a muitas doenas que afetam a A pesquisadora salienta que houve cultura, entre elas as fngicas, como o odio. registro de nveis animadores de subsNo apenas a atuao malfica do fungo CULTIVAR tncias antioxidantes, como licopeno que motiva o desenvolvimento do projeto; ouRESISTENTE AO (anticancergena) e betacaroteno (fonte tros problemas fitossanitrios enfrentados pela ODIO DEVE ESTAR de vitamina A), em algumas variedades melancia incentivam a busca por resistncia NO MERCADO trabalhadas pela rede. A meta, entregentica. Caractersticas como frutos de menor EM BREVE tanto, encontrar outras novidades tamanho, produtivos e atraentes ao consumidor tambm so almejadas ao desenvolver novas cultienriquecedoras.

Research network is developing a more delicious watermelon variety, of high commercial value and resistant to pests and diseases
Magali, the brainchild of cartoonist Maurcio de Sousa, will have hundreds of reasons to enhance its appetite. The credit goes to a group of researchers, who, after creating the Watermelon Enhancement Research Network, in April 2009, seek to find out more delicious watermelon varieties, of high commercial value and resistant to pests and diseases. The watermelon is one of the five most important olericole plants cultivated in Brazilian soil, a reality that has given rise to the genetic enhancement project. The initiative is shared by the following Embrapa units: Cassava and Fruit Farming (BA), Semiarid (PE), Vegetables (DF), Rondnia (RO), Tropical Agroindustry (CE) and Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (DF) and the universities of Bahia (Uneb), Federal Rural of Pernambuco (UFRPE) and State University in Feira de Santana (UEFS). Nowadays, the Crimsom Sweet cultivar corresponds to 90% of all Brazilian watermelon plantations, says researcher Rita de Cssia Souza Dias, of Embrapa CULTIVAR Semiarid. Its deficiency, RESISTANT TO nonetheless, lies in its susOIDIUM IS IN ceptibility to many disTHE PIPELINE eases that attack the crop, among them, the fungus diseases, like oidium. It is not only the damage caused by the fungus that triggers the development of the project; other phytosanitary problems of this variety encourage the work in pursuit of genetic resistance. Such characteristics as smaller fruit, productive and appealing to consumers are also the focus of the development of new cultivars. Through sample collections carried out in hundreds of municipalities in the States of Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Piau, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, among others, 953 creole seed samples materialize the Active Germplasm Database, run by Embrapa Semiarid. They are used for crossings in search of varieties that meet the needs of the the market and producers. The vegetable enhancement works have already generated the BRS Opara cultivar, the only one in Brazil resistant to the fungus oidium, without the need to resort to agrochemicals to control it. Currently, according to researcher Rita de Cssia, the variety is undergoing the validation and register stage for plantings scheduled for early 2012. Part of the strategy of the researchers consists in providing the market with other varieties and hybrids, adapted to the various environmental conditions across the Country, always paying great heed to the characteristics required by any market insertion move. The researchers also hope to come up with high-yielding varieties, since the national average remains at 4 to 31 tons per hectare, says Rita de Cssia. The researcher points out that there have been records of encouraging antioxidant levels, like lycopenu (anticancer) and betacarothen (source of vitamin A), in some varieties studied by the network. The target, nonetheless, is to come up with enriching novelties.



Inor /Ag. Assmann

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QUALIDADE Com a inaugurao do Laboratrio de Biotecnologia e Qualidade de Frutas, todas as pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Centro de Frutas do IAC relacionadas qualidade sero realizadas em suas dependncias, explica o pesquisador Marco Antonio Tecchio. No mbito da biotecnologia, no entanto, tm andamento no local os projetos relacionados ao melhoramento gentico do abacaxizeiro, do pessegueiro e da videira. Entre as dezenas de estudos realizados no centro destacam-se, na viticultura, a caracterizao de germoplasma de uva para mesa, vinhos e porta-enxertos; a utilizao de reguladores vegetais que visam a melhorias na qualidade dos cachos e das bagas de uva e a uniformizao da brotao da videira; sistemas de conduo alternativos para videira e a avaliao do comportamento de copa e porta-enxerto em diferentes regies vitcolas no Estado de So Paulo. Em frutas de caroo (pssego e nectarina), objetiva-se o desenvolvimento de cultivares precoces e pouco exigentes de frio. Na cultura da macadmia, busca-se desenvolver variedades mais produtivas para ampliar a produo sem necessidade de expandir a rea de cultivo. Outro trabalho diz respeito s fruteiras de clima tropical, no qual figura o abacaxizeiro. Com ele desenvolvida pesquisa que visa obteno de variedades resistentes a pragas e doenas com frutos de qualidade. Destaca-se, nesse sentido, o lanamento, em janeiro de 2010, da cultivar IAC Fantstico, com caractersticas de resistncia fusariose, principal doena da espcie no Brasil. Iniciativa que, como todas as outras, visa melhoria das tcnicas culturais empregadas nos cultivos de frutferas e obteno de variedades com alta potencialidade agronmica. Tudo para ver pomares ainda mais verdes e cheios de bons frutos.

No Instituto Agronmico de Campinas (IAC), a pesquisa frutcola no ganhou reforo apenas na rea da biotecnologia e da qualidade de frutas. Em dezembro de 2010, foi inaugurado o Laboratrio de Microbiologia e Fitopatologia Ps-colheita, no Centro de Engenharia e Automao, em Jundia (SP). As novas instalaes permitiro que sejam realizados estudos envolvendo o controle de podrides ps-colheita, bem como a quantificao de micro-organismos causadores de doenas transmitidas por alimentos, explica a pesquisadora Patrcia Cia. Alm de servir pesquisa agrcola, a unidade poder atender a agricultores e empresas do ramo de diversas regies brasileiras. Entre os servios que estaro disponveis, aps a implantao da ISO 17.025, est o atendimento de solicitaes de anlises microbiolgicas. De acordo com Patrcia, esto em desenvolvimento trabalhos que envolvem o estudo de mtodos convencionais e alternativos de controle de podrides, com o intuito de contribuir para a reduo de perdas qualitativas e quantitativas na fase da ps-colheita. Os pesquisadores do andamento tambm a estudos que englobam a anlise de podrides em diversas frutas. As atenes so divididas entre o controle da antracnose em goiabas e a induo de resistncia contra o fungo C. gloeosporioides; a utilizao de atmosfera monitorada de oznio para o controle de podrides em uvas de mesa e o aumento do perodo de conservao; e o controle alternativo da antracnose em mames Golden e de podrides ps-colheita em pssegos.

Novos laboratrios do IAC agregam agilidade e eficincia a pesquisas em fruticultura
A fruticultura brasileira ganhou mais um aliado para ampliar o leque de iniciativas positivas e de crescimento. Em 30 de novembro de 2010, o Instituto Agronmico de Campinas (IAC) deu incio aos trabalhos do Laboratrio de Biotecnologia e Qualidade de Frutas, no Centro de Frutas, em Jundia (SP). Com a inaugurao, a obteno de variedades utilizando-se ferramentas biotecnolgicas para auxiliar o programa de melhoramento gentico e a avaliao da qualidade de frutas passou a ser rotina entre os pesquisadores. Junto a isso, as novas instalaes daro suporte aos projetos de pesquisa voltados ao aumento de produtividade, melhoria da qualidade e resistncia a doenas, pragas e a condies ambientais adversas. Conforme o pesquisador FRUTAS MAIS e diretor do Centro de Frutas do IAC, Marco Antonio SAUDVEIS E Tecchio, com o laboratrio RESISTENTES SO OBJETO DE ESTUDOS em pleno funcionamento, demandas verificadas no setor produtivo podero ser atendidas com mais agilidade. O laboratrio ocupa 88 metros quadrados e dividido em oito salas. Nele, no aspecto da qualidade, so realizadas avaliaes fsicas (peso, textura e dimenses) e qumicas (pH, acidez, teor de slidos solveis e outros) de frutas como uva, pssego, nectarina, ameixa, caqui, abacaxi e macadmia, que renem o maior nmero de projetos em andamento no local. Na rea de biotecnologia sero realizados estudos com a cultura de tecidos, objetivando a obteno de maiores quantidades de mudas com alto potencial agronmico e com sanidade. A ferramenta permite ainda obter variedades livres de viroses. Nessa rea, os estudos com abacaxi, uva e pssego, oriundos de fazendas localizadas em polos produtores no Estado paulista, so priorizados. Segundo Tecchio, as pesquisas no laboratrio, o qual recebeu investimento de R$ 200 mil, tambm iro proporcionar maior diversificao de plantio, material de melhor qualidade gentica e sanitria, alm da reduo de custos com insumos e defensivos agrcolas. O pesquisador ressalta ainda que, ao plantar mudas de qualidade e mais resistentes s pragas e doenas, o agricultor poder expandir a produo e, com isso, aumentar sua renda. Na gama de benefcios, o consumidor tem lugar garantido ao se deparar com frutas mais saudveis, saborosas e de alto valor nutricional.


Divulgao IAC


Speeding things up
New IAC laboratories provide speedier and more efficient research on fruit farming practices
Fruit farming in Brazil has gained another ally towards expanding the array of positive initiatives and growth rates. On 30th November 2010, the Agroeconomic Institute of Campinas (IAC) started the construction of the Fruit Quality and Biotechnology Laboratory, in the Fruit Center, based in Jundia (SP). With its inauguration, the creation of new varieties through the use of biotechnological tools geared towards the genetic enhancement program and the assessment of fruit quality has turned into routine work among the team of researchers. Furthermore, the new facilities will provide support for the research projects focused on soaring productivity rates, quality improvement and resistance to pests, diseases and adverse climate conditions. According to researcher and director of the IAC Fruit Center IAC, Marco Antonio Tecchio, with the laboratory in full operation, demands from the production sector could be met faster. The 88-square meter laboratory is split into eight rooms. In them, as far as quality is concerned, physical assessments (weight, texture and dimension) and chemical evaluations (pH, acidity, soluble solid rates and others) are conducted on such fruit as grapes, peaches, nectarines, plums, persimmons, pineapples and macadamia, which make up the biggest number of projects underway in the place. Tissue culture studies are to be carried out by the area of biotechnology, with the target to obtain higher amounts of

healthy seedlings with high agronomic potential. The tool also allows for the production of varieties free from virus diseases. In this area, the studies on pineapple, grape and peach, all fruit coming from farms located in producing hubs throughout the State of So Paulo, are given priority. According to Tecchio, all research work carried out in the laboratory, which required an investment of R$ 200 million, will also provide for crop diversification, material of higher genetic and sanitary quality, while the growers are to benefit from lower expenses on inputs and agrochemicals. The

researcher also points out HEALTHIER AND that, by planting quality MORE RESISTANT seedlings and more resisFRUIT ARE NOW tant to pests and diseases, UNDER STUDY the farmers are in a position to expand their production volumes, with obvious reflections on higher income. Within the array of benefits, consumers will surely take advantage of healthier, more delicious and highly nutritional fruit.

QUALITY With the inauguration of the Fruit Quality and Biotechnology Laboratory, all quality-oriented research
works carried out by IAC Fruit Center related to quality will take place at its facilities, explains researcher Marco Antonio Tecchio. In the biotechnology area, however, the projects related to the genetic enhancement of pineapples, peach trees and vineyards, are conducted through field trials. Among the tens of studies conducted in the center, the ones that stand out at winegrowing are the germplasm characterization of table grapes, wine grapes and and graft-bearers; the use of vegetable regulators intend to enhance the quality of grape bunches and berries and bud sprouting uniformity in vineyards; alternative conduction systems for the vineyards and the evaluation of the behaviour of the crown and graft-bearer in different winegrowing regions in the state of So Paulo. In stone fruit (peach and nectarine), the goal is to develop premature cultivars and little demanding in terms of cold temperature. With regard to macadamia, more productive varieties are the target in order to expand production volumes without bigger planted areas. Another work has to do with the tropical fruit trees, where the pineapple bush stands out. Research on this fruit seeks to come up with varieties resistant to pests and diseases, while producing high quality fruit. Within this context, the highlight is the launching of the IAC Fantstico cultivar, in January 2010, highly resistant to Fusarium wilt, a major disease that attacks this species in Brazil. An initiative, which, like all others, seeks improved cultural practices in fruit farming activities, along with the creation of varieties with high agronomic potential. And all this work is intended to make our orchards greener and trees loaded with fruit.

At the Campinas Agronomic Institute (IAC), research work on fruit trees has not just gained help for the area of biotechnology and fruit quality. The Post Harvest Microbiology and Phytopathology Laboratory was inaugurated in the Engineering and Automation Center, in Jundia (SP). The new facilities are to pave the way for new studies on post-harvest rot control, as well as the quantification of the microorganisms that cause diseases transmitted by food, explains researcher Patrcia Cia. In addition to render services to agricultural research works, the unit is in a position to see to the needs of companies of the sector in several regions across Brazil. The available services, after getting certified by ISO 17.025, include requests for microbiological analyses. According to Patrcia, there are works underway that involve the study of conventional and alternative rot control methods, with the target to contribute towards reducing qualitative and quantitative losses during the post-harvest stage. The researchers are also carrying on with studies that include analyses of rot incidences in several other fruit. All efforts are split between the control of anthracnose in guavas and the induction of resistance against the fungus C.gloeosporioides; the utilization of the ozone monitored atmosphere for the control of table grape rot and for extending their conservation period; and alternative control of anthracnose in Golden papaya and post-harvest peach rot.

Divulgao IAC



Sob controle
Desenvolvimento de produtos biolgicos amplia as opes para o fruticultor proteger o pomar e atender s exigncias de compradores
machos ficam confusos, no conseguem realizar a cpula e, Enquanto alguns pesquisadores trabalham para enconsequentemente, perpetuar a espcie. Romano salienta, no contrar variedades e hbridos de frutas que sejam mais entanto, que a aplicao deve ocorrer no incio da infestao, resistentes a pragas e doenas, outros se dedicam ao desenvolvimento de produtos capazes de combater esses viles dos quando a populao da praga est baixa. Os biofungicidas tambm tm importncia para a fruticulpomares. Dentro dessa linha surgem os produtos biolgicos, tura, uma vez que melhoram a eficincia no manejo de determique complementam o manejo integrado. De acordo com o nadas doenas. , de igual modo, uma grande estratgia aliada coordenador de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Produtos fitotecnia. Conforme Romano, o composto desenvolvido a Biolgicos da Basf para Amrica Latina, Fabrizio Carbone Romano, essas tcnicas tm papel extremamente importante. partir da bactria gram-positiva Bacillus subtilis (agente biolgico no patognico, comum no solo e na gua) um exemplo. Com ao distinta da exercida pelos produtos qumicos, O pesquisador explica que o produto age como uma ferramenta os biolgicos agem de vrias maneiras. Segundo Romano, o de proteo, sendo sua caractristica principal a capacidade de controle de pragas e doenas pode ser feito com a utilizao inibir o desenvolvimento de outros agentes biolgicos. de feromnios e de biofungicidas. Na primeira utilizada Por meio de pulverizao foliar ou via solo, o biofungiciuma tcnica conhecida como confuso sexual de machos. da pode ser aplicado prximo colheita objetivando o maNela so montadas armadilhas com o feromnio sexual nejo de resduos. Com isso, o produtor tem a oportunidade nas reas de produo com o objetivo de atrair insetos do de atender s exigncias de grandes varejistas e exportadores sexo masculino de determinada espcie. Depois realizada a que apresentam rigorosas restries a resduos e inserir seu observao peridica, na qual os tcnicos conseguem reunir produto em novos mercados. Nesse contexto, Romano acredados como surgimento da praga, densidade populacional dita que a indstria deve investir em ao longo da safra e identificao da rea com maiores tecnologia e inovao para dispoou menores infestaes. FEROMNIOS E nibilizar aos fruticultores produtos Em seguida, aps a pulverizao das plantaBIOFUNGICIDAS e solues que auxiliem no manejo es com inseticidas convencionais, so colocados de resistncia de doenas e pragas e em campo 500 liberadores com maior concentraSO ALIADOS DOS agreguem valor ao campo, permitino de feromnio sexual. Incapazes de localizar POMARES do a insero em novos mercados. a fonte da substncia produzida pela fmea, os

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Under control
Development of biological products broadens the option for fruit growers to protect their orchards and comply with buyer requirements
the female, the males get confused, become unable to mate and, While some researchers are engaged in coming up with fruit varieties and hybrids that are more resistant to pests and diseases, consequently, fail to propagate the species. Romano, however, others devoted their efforts towards the development of products stresses that any application should occur in the early stage of the infestation, when the population of the pest is still low. capable of fighting these scourges of the orchards. It is within Biofungicides also play an important role in fruit farmthis line that biological products come in, and they complement ing, since they improve management efficiency of certain the integrated management practices. According to Fabrizio diseases. They are equally a strategic ally to Phytotechnics. Carbone Romano, coordinator of Basfs Latin Americas ReAccording to Romano, the compound developed from the search and Biological Products Development department, these gran-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis (non pathogenic techniques perform an extremely important role. biological agent, common in soil and water) is an example. With a function very distinct from the one performed The researcher explains that the product works as a protecby chemical products, the biological agents act in different tion tool, and one of its major characteristics is the capacity manners. According to Romano, pests and diseases can be to inhibit other biological agents. controlled by pheromones and biofungicides. In the former, Through foliar or ground sprayings, biofungicides can the technique used is known as male sexual confusion. Traps be applied close to harvest time with the purpose of managcontaining male sexual pheromones are installed in the production areas with the aim to attract male insects of a certain ing the residues. This gives the growers the chance to launch their products into new markets and comply with the everspecies. These traps are monitored periodically, giving techstricter residue related requirements of commercial nicians the chance to collect such information as the retailers and exporters. Within this conarrival of the pest, population density during text, Romano believes that the industry the season and identification of areas with PHEROMONES AND should invest in technology and innovation major an minor infestation rates. BIOFUNGICIDES to provide the fruit growers with products Afterwards, once the crops have been and solutions that boost plant resistance sprayed with conventional chemicals, 500 GO WELL WITH to diseases and pests, while adding value liberators with higher sexual pheromone ORCHARDS to the products, making them work their concentrations are placed in the field. Unable way into new markets. to find the source of the substance produced by



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Navegar preciso
Transporte martimo domina nas exportaes brasileiras de frutas frescas, mas estrutura dos portos precisa melhorar
Mais de 80% das exportaes brasileiras de frutas so realizadas por via martima. Para poder garantir que os produtos cheguem do outro lado do Oceano Atlntico em boas condies de consumo, necessrio uma bem montada estrutura de transporte e armazenamento. O Brasil j melhorou em muitos aspectos. No entanto, ainda h muito a ser aperfeioado para agilizar e diminuir os custos das vendas. O pesquisador Rufino Fernando Flores Cantillano, da Embrapa Clima Temperado, em Pelotas (RS), entende que a logstica para as frutas frescas no deve ser pensada somente a partir do transporte. Ela tem incio no local da produo e se estende at o ponto de venda, destaca. Nesse contexto, avalia o pesquisador, a manuteno da cadeia do frio fundamental por se tratar de alimentos altamente perecveis. A localizao geogrfica do Brasil pode ser considerada privilegiada pelo fcil acesso aos mercados importadores. Para Cantillano, o Pas pode perder essa vantagem logstica caso no sejam resolvidos alguns gargalos. Ele cita os altos custos e a estrutura inadequada de portos e aeroportos; o excesso de burocracia; a grande distncia entre as regies produtoras e os portos, o que encarece o transporte; e a falta de experincia de muitos exportadores. Essa situao est mudando com os avanos observados na infraestrutura e logstica, consequncia das privatizaes dos portos, das ferrovias e das comunicaes, mas muitos aprimoramentos ainda so necessrios, avalia. O presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Frutas (Ibraf ), Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, enfatiza que um dos pontos importantes para as exportaes a manuteno da frequncia dos embarques. Ns no temos um volume para exigir cargas de frutas em si. Ento, sempre teremos que recorrer s sobras de pores e de espaos em contineres, explica. Para Fernandes, necessrio que se faa um amplo estudo sobre a logstica que temos hoje LOGSTICA DEVE no Brasil para frutas. SER PENSADA Ela no mais absDESDE O LOCAL trata, mas sim o fiel da DA PRODUO balana, conclui.

Navigation required
Maritime transport predominates in Brazilian fresh fruit exports, but port structure is long overdue for an overhaul
More than 80% of Brazils fresh fruit exports are transported by sea. To make sure the products reach the other side of the ocean in good consuming conditions, a well structured transport and warehousing structure is needed. In many respects, Brazil has made improvements. Nevertheless, there is still much to do when it comes to speeding up deliveries and reducing sales costs. Researcher Rufino Fernando Flores Cantillano, of Embrapa Temperate Climate, in Pelotas (RS), understands that fresh fruit logistics should not only be considered in terms of transport. It starts at the production site and ends at the sales outlet, he emphasizes. Within this context, the researcher argues, the maintenance of the cold chain plays a relevant role, since fresh fruit go bad fast. Brazils geographic location is viewed as privileged for its easy access to important markets. In Cantillanos view, the Country could lose this logistic edge if some bottlenecks remain unsolved. He cites the high costs and improper structure of our ports and airports; excessive red tape; the huge distances between the producing regions and the ports, adding costs to transport; and the lack of experience of many exporters. This situation has been improving thanks to infrastructure and logistic advances, resulting from the privatization of ports, railways and communications, but more improvements are needed, he comments. The president of the Brazilian Fruit Institute (Ibraf ), Moacyr Saraiva Fernandes, emphasizes the need to maintain the frequency of the shipments. Our volume is not enough for exclusive fruit cargos. This forces us to resort to spaces left empty in the hold or in containers, he explains. Fernandes has it that a comprehensive study on Brazils fruit logistic structures is badly needed. It is no longer an abstract being, but the driving force, he concludes. PORTA DE EMBARQUE SHIPMENT GATE Exportaes nacionais de frutas frescas em 2010 por vias de transporte Vias Martima Rodoviria Area Meios prprios Postal Total
Fonte: Secex

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Volume (kg) 635.358.047 85.061.180 38.967.874 28.454 5.040 759.420.595




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Especial Special

Starting point Ponto de partida

sumir a liderana nas exportaes de frutas, cargas altamente perecveis que precisam de uma estrutura de frio. O porto de Pecm possui uma rea, de 80 mil metros quadrados, especfica para contineres refrigerados (reefers), com 888 tomadas fixas e mais 120 tomadas de geradores extras (power pack). Duas cmaras frigorficas so utilizadas para inspeo de produtos vegetais. O per tem 350 metros de comprimento, com dois beros de atracao, sendo um calado de 14 metros na parte interna e 15 metros na externa. Quem conheceu o porto cearense de Pecm em 2002, Semanalmente, ocorrem trs servios regulares de embarque, quando ele entrou em funcionamento, no imaginava o com navios equipados com tomadas frigorficas que atendem quanto o terminal se expandiria. Localizado em So Gonaaos mercados do norte da Europa, do Mediterrneo, das lo do Amarante, na regio metropolitana de Fortaleza, em Ilhas Britnicas e da costa leste dos Estados Unidos. apenas oito anos consolidou-se como o maior exportador Conforme o engenheiro Mrio Lima Jnior, diretor de de frutas frescas do Brasil. Em 2010, o Pas enviou 635.358 Desenvolvimento Comercial da Cearportos, nos ltimos toneladas ao mercado externo por via martima. Saram por Pecm 252.239 toneladas, o que equivale a 39,70% do total. trs anos houve investimento de R$ 4,5 milhes. Os recurOs maiores volumes foram de meles, bananas, mangas, cas- sos foram utilizados na ampliao do parque de tomadas frigorficas e na reforma de uma das cmaras de inspeo vetanhas, uvas e melancias. getal. Tambm foi instalado um novo porto de O excelente posicionamento de Pecm, acesso (gate) para movimentao de carga gesendo a ltima escala do Mercosul antes ral e granis slidos, com o objetivo de agilizar da rota de navegao, faz com que aos DE PECM a chegada de contineres pela entrada principal poucos o terminal aumente a sua gama PARTIRAM 252 MIL do porto. Segundo Lima Jnior, at julho de de clientes. O porto, administrado pela TONELADAS DE 2011 devem ser instaladas mais 480 tomadas estatal estadual Cearportos, aproveiFRUTAS EM 2010 frigorficas no terminal de mltiplo uso. tou esse potencial e preparou-se para as-

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Port of Pecm, in Cear, is gradually assuming the leadership in fresh fruit exports in Brazil, with 39.70% of all shipments
Those who saw the port of Pecm in 2002, when it started operating, could certainly not figure out how much the terminal would expand. Located in So Gonalo do Amarante, in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza, in just eight years it has consolidated as the leading fresh fruit exporter port in Brazil. In 2010, the country shipped 635,358 tons abroad by boat. Shipments from the port of Pecm amounted to 252,239 tons, equivalent to 39.70% of the total. The biggest volumes consisted of melons, bananas, mangos, cashew nuts, grapes and watermelons. Pecms excellent geographic location, being the last Mercosur stop before the navigation route, is gradually increasing the terminals array of clients. The port, controlled by the state company Cearportos, took advantage of this potential and worked its way up to a leadership position in fruit exports, highly perishable cargos that depend on a cold chain. The port of Pecm offers an 80-thousand-square-meter area, specific for refrigerated containers (reefers), with 888 fixed electric outlets and an extra 120 outlets from extra power packs. Two refrigerated chambers are exclusively for the inspection of vegetable products. The pier is 350 meters long, comprises two loading docks, with an internal 14-meter draft and an external 15 meter draft. There are three regular shipments per week, with boats equipped in line with the markets of northern Europe, Mediterranean, British Islands, and East Coast of the United States. According to engineer Mrio Lima Jnior, Commercial Development director of Cearportos, investments of R$ 4.5 million were made over the past three years. The resources were utilized in the expansion of the reefer 252 THOUSAND TONS outlets park and for the refurbishment of the OF FRUIT WENT vegetable inspection THROUGH THE PORT chambers. A new access OF PECM IN 2010 gate was also installed

for cargos in general and solid bulk cargoes, with the aim to speed up the arrival of the containers through the main entrance of the port. According to Lima Jnior, upwards of 480 reefer outlets are to be installed in the multipurpose terminal, by June 2011. PARTIDA - DEPARTURE Movimentao das exportaes de frutas em 2010 - Principais portos Porto Pecm (CE) Fortaleza (CE) Santos (SP) Salvador (BA) Natal (RN) Rio Grande (RS) Itaja (SC) Fonte: Secex
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Volume (kg) 252.239.352 93.502.719 92.042.152 77.514.042 66.928.358 55.355.337 32.879.510

Receita (US$) 356.377.773 113.478.815 63.193.943 110.072.702 50.712.252 31.767.682 22.414.078

Porto de Pecm, no Cear, consolida-se como o maior exportador de frutas frescas do Brasil, com 39,70% da movimentao de cargas



Boa sada
Chile realizou melhorias e consolidou um bemsucedido sistema de exportao para as frutas
A promoo das transaes internacionais realizada Enquanto o Brasil ainda caminha para aprimorar sua pelo governo federal, em conjunto com a iniciativa privaestrutura logstica e assim exportar mais, com reduo de da, por meio do programa Pr-Chile. O transporte por via custos, o Chile j consolidou um bem-sucedido sistema de martima responde por 95% do total e o principal porto de comrcio internacional. Com um territrio de apenas 759,9 sada Valparaso. Conforme Cantillano, em 1998 foi fechamil quilmetros quadrados contra 8,5 milhes de km2 do da a estatal chilena que cuidava dos portos, deixando para Brasil , o pas andino consegue altas produtividades com o setor privado a administrao, mediante concesso. O bom padro fitossanitrio. Quase metade das frutas so exresultado foi surpreendente pois, sem aumentar a superfcie portadas in natura. Os principais itens vendidos so uva de dos terminais, mas melhorando a tecnologia e a gesto, a camesa, kiwi, pera, ma, abacate e ameixa. Os destinos so os pacidade operativa dos portos foi duplicada, ressalta. mercados dos Estados Unidos, do Canad e da Europa. Tambm o sistema de transporte areo est muito O pesquisador Rufino Fernando Flores Cantillano, da bem organizado no pas. A empresa com maior particiEmbrapa Clima Temperado, de Pelotas (RS), explica que o pao no mercado a Lan Chile Cargo, que realiza maior crescimento do setor exportador de frutas o controle de qualidade dos produtos e chilenas comeou na dcada de 1970, com assessora os usurios sobre embalagens e o modelo de economia de livre mercado. PRIVATIZAO manuseio. As principais frutas exportadas A reforma tributria e de aduanas, as DUPLICOU via area so framboesa, pssego, nectaripolticas de cmbio, as novas regulamenCAPACIDADE na, cereja e ameixa, que tm entre os destaes porturias e as modificaes na Lei DOS PORTOS tinos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Frana, da Marinha Mercante foram importantes Canad e Japo. para lograr esses avanos, enfatiza.

Good way out

Chile carried out improvements and consolidated a successful fresh fruit export system
While Brazil is still in the process of improving its logistic structure with an eye towards more exports and lower costs, Chile has already consolidated a successful international trade system. With a territory of only 759.9 thousand square meters compared to 8.5 million km2 of Brazil - the Andean country celebrates high productivity rates and good phytosanitary standards. Almost half of all fruit produced in that country are exported fresh. The main varieties are table grapes, kiwi, pears, apples, avocados and plums, and they are mostly shipped to the United States, Canada and Europe. Researcher Rufino Fernando Flores Cantillano, of Embrapa Temperate Climate, in Pelotas (RS), explains that a major leap in Chiles fruit export business took place in the 1970s, under the free market economy model. Tax and customs reform, exchange rate policies, new port regulations and changes to the Merchant Marine Law played a major role towards the achievement of these advances, he emphasizes. International trade promotions are under the responsibility of the federal government, jointly with private initiative, through the Pro-Chile program. Maritime transport accounts for 95% of the total, and Valparaso is the main outgoing port. According to Cantillano, in 1998 the Chilean state corporation in charge of the ports, was shut down, and administration was passed on to the private sector, by means of a concession process. The result was surprising because, even though the surface of the terminals was not expanded, the capacity of the ports PRIVATIZATION doubled, through technolDOUBLED THE ogy and management imCAPACITY OF provement, he recalls. THE PORTS The air transport system is also well organized in that country. Lan Chile Cargo is the company with the biggest share in the market, and it is in charge of checking product quality, while serving the users in its advisory capacity regarding packaging and handling. The main fruit exported by air are as follows: raspberry, peach, nectarine, cherry and plum and are shipped to the United States, Britain, France, Canada and Japan.

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Mar adentro
Hamburg Sd, empresa alem fundada em 1871, atua em todo o mundo com o transporte martimo de cargas
A exportao martima de frutas depende, entre outros fatores, da disponibilidade de contineres refrigerados (reefers). Uma das gigantes do setor a companhia alem Hamburg Sd, fundada em 1871, com atuao em todo o mundo. No Brasil, administra sete rotas com sadas semanais aos seis continentes, possuindo dez escritrios ao longo da costa para atender aos segmentos de carga perecvel (carnes, sucos, frutas e pescados) e um inteiramente dedicado fruticultura, em Petrolina (PE). O diretor de carga reefer da empresa, Henrik Simon, responsvel pela regio da costa leste da Amrica do Sul, explica que a exportao martima de produtos perecveis depende de trs fatores para ser bem-sucedida. Um deles a disponibilidade de rotas e contineres refrigerados, com itinerrios fixos e com o tempo de trnsito compatveis com o shelf life (vida de prateleira). Outro fator importante a infraestrutura porturia, assim como a atuao dos rgos pblicos na liberao alfandegria e fitossanitria das cargas. Simon enfatiza que o armador pouco pode contribuir com navios novos e estoques abundantes de equipamentos reefer se os terminais no oferecem condies operacionais para viabilizar um servio semanal e com datas fixas de atracao. A cadeia de suprimentos e compras de frutas se organiza em recebimentos semanais, o que tambm colabora para otimizar a utilizao dos navios. Hoje o grande esforo da Hamburg Sd, junto aos terminais que opera, de manter os navios dentro das janelas de atracao e proteger o que chamamos de integridade de schedule, alm da disponibilidade ininterrupta de equipamentos reefers nos portos, enfatiza. Entre os terminais nos quais a empresa atua, o diretor de carga considera como melhores estruturados os de Pecm (CE), para os embarques de melo, manga e uva, e Rio Grande (RS), para a ma. Simon considera que ainda h estrangulamentos nos acessos aos portos, em especial aos navios de grande porte, que exigem calados mais profundos. Por terem capacidade maior de armazenamento, essas embarcaes concentram cargas, o que gera congestionamentos na recepo e na retirada dos contineres da zona porturia. Por outro lado, avalia que h significativa EMPRESA TEM melhora na rea tcnica, tais como disponibilidade PARTICIPAO de tomadas para plugagem de contineres, agilizaEM NOVO PORTO o dos reparos de unidades refrigeradas e sistemas CATARINENSE de monitoramento da temperatura dos reefers.

INVESTIMENTOS Segundo Henrik Simon, os planos da Hamburg Sd so de crescimento no Brasil. Ainda para
2011 est programado o incio das atividades do terminal de Itapo (SC). O novo porto, que tem participao acionria da empresa alem, foi inaugurado em 22 de dezembro de 2010. A companhia tambm est colocando em funcionamento novos navios, batizados de Santa Class, que sero os maiores em operao da costa brasileira. Em um total de dez, eles tm capacidade para 7.100 Teus (contineres de 20 ps) e so equipados com 1.600 tomadas reefer. As embarcaes configuram as rotas da sia e da frica com a costa leste da Amrica do Sul.



Divulgao Hamburg Sd

Across the ocean

Hamburg Sd, a German maritime freight transport company founded in 1871, with operations all over the world
Maritime fruit shipments depend, among other things, on the availability of refrigerated containers, also known as reefers. One of the giants of the sector is the German company, Hamburg Sd, founded in 1871, with operations all over the world. In Brazil, this company runs seven routes, with weekly departures to all continents, and has seven offices located along the coast, responsible for the segments of perishable cargo (meat, fruit, juices and sea food), and one office entirely devoted to the fruit COMPANY HAS A business, in Petrolina (PE). SHARE IN NEW The reefer sales direcPORT IN SANTA tor of the company, HenCATARINA rik Simon, responsible for the east coast of South America, explains that maritime fruit shipments depend on three factors if success is to be achieved. One of them has to do with the availability of routes and refrigerated containers, following fixed itineraries, with transit time compatible with the shelf life. Another relevant factor is port infrastructure, including the public organs responsible for customs formalities and phytosanitary certificates for the cargos. Simon stresses that the contribution of the shipping companies is limited to the launch of new ships and refrigerated equipment, which do not bring much benefit if the terminals do not offer the necessary operational conditions, with arrivals and departures scheduled on a weekly basis. The fruit supply and purchasing chains are organized for weekly deliveries, which also helps with maximizing the use of the ships. At the moment, Hamburg Sds great effort at the terminals where the company operates, is to comply with the arrivals and departures schedule of the vessels, respecting what is known as schedule integrity, in addition to the uninterrupted availability of refeer equipment at the ports, he comments. Among all the terminals where the company operates, the cargo director sees ideal conditions in the port of Pecm (CE), for melon, mango and grape shipments, and in the port of Rio Grande (RS), for apple shipments. Simon still spots bottlenecks in the access routes to the ports, especially for huge ships, which require deep draft routes. Because of their bigger warehousing capacity, these shipments concentrate heavy cargos, which generate bottlenecks at the receipt and removal of containers from the port zones. On the other hand, in his view, there is significant improvement in the technical area, such as power inlet sockets for containers, speedy repair work for damaged refrigerated equipment and refeer temperature monitoring systems.

INVESTMENTS According to Henrik Simon, Hamburg Sd intends to expand its businesses in Brazil. The container terminal refurbishing work in Itapo (SC) is set to start before 2011 comes to a close. The new port, where part of the shares belongs to the German company, was inaugurated on 22nd December 2010. The company is also launching new vessels, christened Santa Class, the biggest to operate along the Brazilian coast. In all, there will be ten new 7.100 TEU container ships, equipped with 1,600 power inlet sockets. The new ships are to connect the Asian and African routes with the eastern South American coast.


Painel Panel

Terra da prosperidade
plicando que o Estado produz tudo, da fruticultura tropical temperada, alm de frutas nativas, como umbu, caj e mangaba, dentre outras, que despertam o interesse e o desejo de gourmets do mundo inteiro. Ele avalia que a Bahia tem condies para se tornar um dos maiores fornecedores do mundo devido s altas produtividades e qualidade dos frutos, o que permite a entrega dos produtos aos clientes com regularidade e atendendo s exigncias do mercado. Com esse perfil, diz o secretrio, temos que dar outro nico Estado brasileiro a manter um escritrio de nepasso importante, que a agroindustrializao do Estado. gcios da agropecuria em Pequim, no endereo da Agncia De acordo com ele, seguindo as diretrizes do governador Brasileira de Promoo de Exportaes e Investimentos Jaques Wagner, agroindustrializar a Bahia o foco da Seagri, (Apex-Brasil), a Bahia estreita cada vez mais sua relao com para agregar valor, gerar empregos e renda, e melhorar as a sia, colocando seus produtos naquele mercado e buscancondies de vida no interior baiano. do investimentos para a agroindustrializao. As oportuniUma das iniciativas voltadas atrao de investimentos foi dades de negcios so muitas, mas a fruticultura baiana, em a abertura do escritrio de negcios da agropecuria na China, especial, pela sua diversidade e versatilidade, vem chamando estabelecendo a presena da Bahia na sia, destino de misses a ateno do mundo. comerciais que tiveram como objetivo demonstrar as grandes Lder nacional na produo de guaran, coco-da-baa, oportunidades de investimentos na agropecuria baiana. mamo, manga, graviola e maracuj, alm de grande proEnquanto isso, a empresa nacional Brasfrut iniciou a insdutor de laranja, limo, melancia, goiaba, uva e abacaxi, a talao de uma fbrica no municpio de Rio Real para procesBahia sente a falta de indstrias para beneficiar os produtos. sar a laranja produzida na Bahia; a Casa Valduga, de origem Visando a mudar essa realidade, o governo baiano elegeu italiana, fez parceria com a Special Fruit, de Juazeiro, a agroindustrializao como prioridade, o que faz para implantar uma indstria de sucos de desse setor da agropecuria um nincho de frutas; e a empresa venezuelana Alina do mercado fadado ao sucesso. LDER EM GUARAN, Brasil comeou as obras para instalar no A Bahia possui a maior diversidade COCO, MAMO, municpio de Wenceslau Guimares, no de produo agropecuria do mundo, MANGA, GRAVIOLA Baixo Sul da Bahia, uma indstria para bediz o secretrio estadual da Agricultura, neficiar banana da terra. engenheiro agrnomo Eduardo Salles, exE MARACUJ

Land of prosperity
Fruit farming in Bahia is an excellent opportunity for investment and the State elected product industrialization as priority
Only Brazilian State with an agribusiness office in Beijing, sharing its address with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex Brasil), Bahia is entering an ever closer business relationship with Asia, placing its products into that market and seeking investments geared toward agroindustrialization. There are manifold opportunities for businesses, but Bahias fruit business, in particular, for its diversity and versatility, is capturing the attention of the world. National leader in the production of guaran, coconut, papaya, mango, graviola and passion fruit, besides harvesting huge amounts of oranges, lemon, watermelon, guava, grapes and pineapple, Bahia is resenting the lack of industries for processing these crops. With an eye towards a change to this reality, the government of Bahia elected agroindustrialization as priority, turning this agricultural sector into a successful market niche. Bahia is home to the biggest agricultural diversity in the world, says the State Secretary of Agriculture, agronomic engineer Eduardo Salles, explaining that the State produces everything, from tropical to temperate zone fruit, besides such native fruit as umbu, caj and mangada, among others, which arouse the interest of gourmets around the entire world. He understands that Bahia is in a position to become one of the biggest suppliers of the world due to high yields and excellent quality, giving clients assurance of timely deliveries, in compliance with market requirements. With such a profile, the secretary comments, we have to take another important step, which is agroindustrialization operations across the state. According to him, in line with the directives of governor Jaques Wagner, Bahias agroindustrialization move is the target set by Seagri in order to add value, generate jobs and income, and improve the quality of life throughout the interior of the state. One of the initiatives focused on attracting investments was the inauguration of the agribusiness office in ChiLEADER IN na, with Bahia setting foot GUARAN, in Asia, the destination of COCONUT, PAPAYA, commercial delegations MANGO, GRAVIOLA whose objective consisted AND PASSION FRUIT in demonstrating the huge investment opportunities in Bahias agribusiness operations. In the meantime, the national company Brasfrut has already started the construction of an orange processing plant in the municipality of Rio Real; Casa Valduga, of Italian origin, has entered into a partnership with Special Fruit, in Juazeiro, to implement a fruit juice industry; and the Venezuelan company Alina do Brasil has already started the construction of a banana processing plant in the municipality of Wenceslau Guimares, in Bahias Low South portion.

Fruticultura baiana tima oportunidade de investimento e o Estado elegeu a agroindustrializao de seus produtos como prioridade



Frutos da integrao
Unio de empresas forma uma das trs maiores produtoras de mas do Brasil
Ao finalizar o processo de integrao com a Pomifrai Fruticultura, a Renar Mas (RNAR3), pioneira na produo e comercializao de mas in natura e processadas no Brasil, consolida-se como uma das trs maiores produtoras da fruta no Pas. A concluso dessa etapa marcada com a preparao da primeira safra integrada e a expectativa de obter quase 70 mil toneladas de mas em 2011 de produo prpria. Por meio de um sistema altamente moderno, com tecnologia de ponta e responsabilidade socioambiental, a cultura atinge padres de qualidade reconhecidos mundialmente pelo mercado. No ano de 2010, a companhia passou por um perodo de reestruturao com foco na integrao das operaes da Renar e da Pomifrai, envolvendo mudanas corporativas, reduo de custos produtivos e renegociao do passivo. Em 2011, a diretoria executiva da Renar focada na consolidao das iniciativas de reduo de custo desenvolvidas durante 2010, crescimento de receitas e no fortalecimento das relaes comerciais, afirma Alexandre Biselli, diretor presidente. Com modernas instalaes de plantio, processamento e armazenagem de mas, a Renar possui em torno de 5.900 hectares nas melhores reas de cultivo da fruta no Brasil. A capacidade de classificao e embalagem de cerca de 90.000 toneladas por ano e de armazenagem, de 49.000 toneladas de frutas.
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Para o mundo
Ebraz Exportadora destaca-se na produo de frutas no Semirido
Depois de percorrer cerca de 50 km a partir de Juazeiro (BA), a placa na beira da estrada sinaliza o encontro com uma das fazendas que integram o leque de exportao da regio do Semirido. Desde 1989, parte da produo frutcola, que d ao Vale do So Francisco o ttulo de maior exportador de manga e uva do Pas, sai da Ebraz Exportadora para ganhar o mundo. Com foco somente no mercado externo, so 340 hectares destinados manga (das variedades Tommy Atkins, Keitt e Kent) divididos em 15 reas, que podem abrigar de 3 a 60 ha. A meta ampliar em 100 hectares a extenso destinada mangicultura. Conforme o gerente administrativo, Astor Mller, que atua na fazenda desde 2004, as vendas foram direcionadas a pases da Europa, como Holanda, Portugal e Alemanha, e tambm a pases americanos, como Estados Unidos, Canad e Mxico. Mller ressalta que a produo aumentou 20% em relao a 2009. As videiras, por sua vez, ocupam 90 ha, onde figuram as variedades Festival, Crimson e Thompson.

The fruits of integration

Merger of companies results into one of the three biggest apple producers in Brazil
By completing the integration of Pomifrai Fruticultura, Renar Mas (RNAR3), pioneer in the production and commercialization of fresh and processed apples in Brazil, the merger consolidates as one of the three biggest producers of this fruit in Brazil. The conclusion of this step is marked by the preparation for the first integrated crop and the expectation for a production volume of nearly 70 thousand tons from the groups orchards in 2011. Through a highly modern system, based on state-of-the-art technology and socioenvironmental responsibility, the crop achieves quality standards acknowledged by the international market. In 2010, the company went through a restructuring period focused on the integration of the Renar and Pomifrai operations, involving corporate changes, reduction of productive costs and renegotiation of liabilities. In 2011, Renars board of directors remains focused on the consolidation of cost reduction initiatives developed in 2010, revenue growth and the strengthening of the commercial affairs, says Alexandre Biselli, president. Relying on modern planting, processing and warehousing facilities, Renar devotes about 5,900 hectares to the fruit in the most suitable cultivation areas across Brazil. The grading and packaging capacity reaches 90,000 tons a year, while the warehousing facilities can house 49,000 tons of the fruit.

For the world

Ebraz Exportadora excels in the production of fruit in the Semiarid
After driving for 50 kilometers or so from Juazeiro (BA), the road sign signals the direction of one of the farms that sustains the regions export businesses in Semiarid. Since 1989, part of the fruit production, which endows Vale do So Francisco with the reputation as the biggest mango and grape exporter in the Country, leaves the Ebraz Exportadora company for the world. Focused only on the foreign market, there are 340 hectares devoted to mango plantations (varieties Tommy Atkins, Keitt and Kent), split into 15 areas, comprising from 3 to 60 hectares each. The mango growing area is to be increased by 100 hectares. According to administrative manager Astor Mller, who has been working on the farm since 2004, most sales were shipped to European countries, like Holland, Portugal and Germany, and also to the United States, Canada and Mexico. Mller comments that production rose 20% compared to 2009. There are also 90 hectares devoted to vineyards, where the leading varieties are Festival, Crimson and Thompson.



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Eventos Events

Plantation and Banana Research and Development Network for Latin America and the Caribbean (Musalac). Inovao e sustentabilidade sero os temas abordados no 5 Simpsio do Papaya Brasileiro, promovido de 31 de outubro a 4 de novembro, em Porto Seguro. Ser a primeira edio realizada na Bahia as anteriores ocorreram no Esprito Santo. A Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura tambm est frente da iniciativa. O Estado sediar ainda a 22 edio da Fenagri Feira Nacional da Agricultura Irrigada, que neste ano ser em Juazeiro. O evento ocorre de 27 a 30 de julho com promessa de remodelao, segundo o secretrio executivo da feira, Voldi Silva Alves. O enfoque ser dividido entre as exportaes,

que sempre dominaram as discusses em anos anteriores, com as perspectivas do mercado interno. O foco este ano diferente, com abertura de espao para a agricultura familiar, estruturada nas associaes e produzindo com igual qualidade do grande produtor, destaca Alves. A Fenagri promovida pela Prefeitura Municipal de Juazeiro, por meio da Assessoria de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Econmico em parceria com a Secretaria de Agricultura, Desenvolvimento Rural e Meio Ambiente. A realiao fica por conta do Instituto Agrotecnologia. Alm de mostrar os potenciais da regio e atrair investidores, a feira destaca-se por apresentar novidades dos setores de tecnologia, fertilizantes, embalagens e logstica.

CLIMA AMENO Saindo do Nordeste em direo ao Sul do Pas, o convite para participar do Enfrute Encontro
Nacional sobre Fruticultura de Clima Temperado, realizado a cada dois anos no municpio de Fraiburgo (SC), tradicional produtor de ma. O evento atrai cerca de 1 mil participantes das reas de produo, comercializao, pesquisa e ensino e conta com aproximadamente 50 empresas expositoras, alm de palestrantes nacionais e internacionais. A 12 edio do Enfrute est marcada para os dias 26, 27 e 28 de julho e promovida pela Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuria e Extenso Rural de Santa Catarina (Epagri) em parceria com o governo do Estado e do municpio e instituies de pesquisa. a oportunidade para atualizar-se sobre os conhecimentos desenvolvidos pela pesquisa agropecuria brasileira e mundial.
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frutcola estadual. A estimativa movimentar R$ 30 milhes em negcios. A realizao da feira uma iniciativa conjunta do Comit Executivo de Fitossanidade do Rio Grande do Norte (Coex), da unidade estadual do Servio Brasileiro de Apoio s Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae/ A fruticultura desenvolve-se no Brasil nos mais diferenRN) e da Universidade Federal Rural do Semirido (Ufertes ambientes, tanto em regies de clima tropical como de sa). Conforme o diretor executivo da feira, Joo Manoel temperado, cada uma com suas peculiaridades e aptido para da Silveira Neto, na verso 2011 esperamos atrair outros determinados frutos. As pesquisas e os contextos pertinentes segmentos devido ao tema sustentabilidade estar na pauta a essa atividade so debatidos nos eventos do setor. de discusses de todas as empresas. Entres as referncias de iniciativa est a Expofruit Feira A Bahia ser o destino daqueles interessados em saber Internacional da Fruticultura Tropical Irrigada, realizada em mais sobre as culturas da banana e do mamo. O Simpsio Mossor (RN). A atividade chega 15 edio abordando o Internacional ISHS/ProMusa ocorre pela primeira vez no tema Sustentabilidade: Um bom negcio, e voltada a produBrasil e est marcado para o perodo de 10 a 14 de outubro, tores, empresas, importadores, exportadores, pesquisadores em Salvador. Ser a terceira edio do evento. As anteriores e universitrios, entre outros. A feira conta foram realizadas na frica e na sia. com 320 estandes de produtos e servios A atividade tem como tema Bananas e EXPOFRUIT e a expectativa receber 15 mil pessoas Pltanos Produo Global Sustentvel e Usos de 8 a 10 de junho. Alternativos e uma promoo conjunta entre PROJETA GERAR Um dos objetivos do evento R$ 30 MILHES EM Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, de Cruz das proporcionar o acesso de produtores Almas (BA), ProMusa, International Society NEGCIOS a compradores e assim apoiar o setor for Horticultural Science (ISHS) e Bioversitys

Eventos realizados de Norte a Sul mostram as novidades em tecnologias


Yielding fruit
Events held from North to South feature technology novelties
Fruit farming in Brazil is spread across many different environments, including tropical climate zones and temperate climate, each one with its peculiarities and aptitudes for certain species of fruit. All research works and contexts pertinent to this activity are debated at the events of the sector. Amid these initiative references, one that stands out above the others is Expofruit International Fair on Irrigated Tropical Fruit, held in Mossor (RN). The event is now reaching its 15th edition, addressing the question of Sustainability: A good business and is geared toward producers, companies, importers, exporters and universities, among others. The fair comprises 320 stands of products and services and some 15 thousand visiEXPOFRUIT tors are expected to attend PROJECTS THE the event from 8 to 10 June. One of the targets of the GENERATION OF event is to put the growers in R$ 30 MILLION IN contact with the buyers, thus BUSINESSES lending support to the fruit business of the State. Businesses are expected to amount to R$ 30 million. The fair is held jointly by the Executive Phytosanitary Committee of Rio Grande do Norte (Coex), state unit of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and the Federal Rural University of the Semiarid (Ufersa). According to the executive director of the fair, Joo Manoel da Silveira Neto, in the 2011 version we hope to attract other segments, too, since sustainability is the main item on the agenda of every company. Bahia will be the destination for those interested in knowing more about banana and papaya crops. The International ISHS/ProMusa Symposium is held for the first time in Brazil and has been scheduled for 10 14 October, in Salvador. It will be the third edition of the event. The previous ones were held in Africa and Asia. The theme of the event is Bananas and and Planetrees Sustainable Global Production and Alternative Uses, and is a joint promotion by Embrapa Cassava and Fruit Farming, in Cruz das Almas (BA), ProMusa, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and Bioversitys Plantation and Banana Research and Development Network for Latin America and the Caribbean (Musalac). Innovation and sustainability are themes to be addressed at the 5th Brazilian Papaya Symposium, scheduled for 31st October through 4th November, in Porto Seguro. It will be the first edition held in Bahia the previous ones were staged in the state of Esprito Santo. Embrapa Cassava and Fruit Farming is also responsible for the initiative. The State will also play host to the 22nd edition of the Fenagri National Fair on Irrigated Agriculture, which is to held in Juazeiro this year, 27 through 30 July, under the auspices of a remodeling process, says the executive secretary of the fair, Voldi Silva Alves. The focus is to be split between exports, a subject that has always predominated in the previous debates, and the perspectives of the domestic market. This year the focus is different, granting room for family farming, structured in associations and matching commercial farmers in product quality, comments Alves. Fenagri is promoted by the Municipal Administration of Juazeiro, through the Economic Development and Planning Advisory Department, Rural Development and the Environment. The event is held under the responsibility of the Agrotechnology Institute. Besides featuring the potentials of the region and attracting investors, the fair excels in novelties regarding technology, fertilizers, packaging and logistics.

MILD CLIMATE Leaving the Northeast for the South of the Country, the invitation is for attending the Enfrute
National Fair on Temperate Climate Fruit Farming, held every other year in the municipality of Fraiburgo (SC), a traditional apple producer. The event attracts about one thousand participants from the areas of trade, research and learning and relies on approximately 50 exhibitor companies. The 12th edition of the Enfrute has been scheduled for 26, 27 and 28 July and is promoted by the Rural Extension and Agriculture Research Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri), jointly with the state and municipal governments and research institutions. It is an opportunity to brush up on the technological unfoldings developed by Brazilian and global rural research works.


Vigor nacional
A Frutal 18 Semana Internacional da Fruticultura, Floricultura e Agroindstria, agendada para 12 a 15 de setembro em Fortaleza (CE), tem previso de oferecer mais de 400 estandes. So esperados mais de 40 mil visitantes nos quatro dias do evento, cujas rodadas de negcios devem superar os R$ 27 milhes movimentados na edio anterior. Para a Frutal Amaznia e Flor Par Semana da Fruticultura, Floricultura e Agroindstria, promovida de 23 a 26 de junho em Belm (PA), a expectativa atrair pblico superior a Com as transaes internacionais prejudicadas devido 36 mil visitantes, que podero conferir mais de 300 estandes. crise financeira global, algumas reas voltaram s atenes O desafio das rodadas de negcios ultrapassar os R$ 30 miaos consumidores nacionais. o caso da fruticultura, que lhes transacionados na edio de 2010. passa por um momento de valorizao junto ao pblico O presidente do Instituto Frutal destaca o papel dessas do Brasil. Estamos vivenciando o fortalecimento do iniciativas em ajudar a promover as frutas, mercado interno, com aumento da capacidaos sucos e as flores da regio e a impulsiode de compra dos brasileiros e melhorias nar a comercializao, especialmente para o na logstica e nas tecnologias de produA CADA FRUTAL, o e de comercializao, tendo como CERCA DE R$ 30 MIL exterior. Olinda destaca que o instituto tem trabalhado na formao de consrcios de exconsequncia o aumento no consumo de SO NEGOCIADOS portao de flores, no Cear, e de cacau, na frutas, observa Euvaldo Bringel OlinBahia, alm de promover workshops e planos da, presidente do Instituto Frutal. de ao em outros estados. Segundo ele, com a queda das exportaAs edies da Frutal so caracterizadas por mostrar es de frutas frescas em 2009 e 2010, as empresas novidades relacionadas aos setores de frutas, flores e agroinse estruturaram para fornecer tambm ao consumidor interno, o que vem se manifestando nos eventos promovidos pelo dstria, antecipando o que dever ocorrer em relao aos insumos de produo, expostos nos estandes; s novas instituto. Para as edies de 2011 da Frutal, esse foco deve tecnologias, apresentadas nas palestras; e s novas linhas de ser debatido e fortalecido, assim como a competitividade no financiamento, oferecidas pelos agentes financeiros. Outra mercado externo e a ateno ao meio ambiente. A organizamarca dos eventos o lanamento de produtos. Em 2010, o dos eventos espera para este ano maior participao de por exemplo, um expositor apresentou uma variedade de instituies de governo, de expositores de insumos e movimelancia de polpa amarela. mentaes financeiras mais expressivas.

National vigor
Events of the Frutal Institute have addressed the strengthening of the domestic market, a way to make up for sluggish exports
With international transactions still under the ripple effects of the global financial crisis, some areas turned their focus on national consumers. This is the case of the fruit farming business, which is now attracting aficionados across the country. We are witnessing a soaring domestic market, where the purchasing power of the Brazilians is on the rise, alongside improvements in logistics, production technologies and commercialization, resulting into rising fruit consumption rates, observes Euvaldo Bringel Olinda, president of the Frutal Institute. According to him, with the decline in fresh fruit exports in 2009 and 2010, the companies structured themselves to supply the domestic consumers, a fact that has become evident in the events promoted by the institute. For the 2011 Frutal editions, this is supposed to be the focus of the debates, alongside such matters as competitiveness in the foreign market and environment concerns. The organizers of the events are expecting more participation from government institutions, input exhibitors and more expressive financial movements. Frutal 18th International Fruit, Flower and Agroindustrial Week, scheduled for 12 - 15 September, in Fortaleza (CE), is estimating a total of 400 exhibition and display stands. The four-day event is expected to attract upwards of 40 thousand visitors, with business rounds outstripping the R$ 27 million in the previous edition. For Frutal Amaznia and Flor Par Fruit, Flower and Agroindustrial Week, scheduled for 23 - 26 June, in Belm (PA), the expectation is for upwards of 36 thousand visitors to the 300 display stands. The challenge of the business rounds is to exceed the R$ 30 million of the 2010 edition. The president of the Frutal Institute stresses the AT EVERY role of these initiatives FRUTAL EVENT, in promoting the fruit, juices and flowers of the NEGOTIATIONS AMOUNT TO ABOUT region and in driving their sales at home and R$ 30 MILLION abroad. Olinda mentions the Institutes efforts in setting up flower exportation consortiums in the State of Cear, and cocoa consortiums in Bahia, besides the promotion of workshops and action plans in other States. What makes the Frutal editions very special are the novelties related to the sectors of fruit, flowers and agroindustry, anticipating what is expected to happen with regard to the production inputs, displayed at the stands; new technologies addressed at the lectures; new credit lines offered by the financial agents. Another mark at these events is the launching of new products. In 2010, for example, one of the exhibitors displayed a yellow pulp watermelon variety.

Eventos do Instituto Frutal tm abordado o fortalecimento do mercado interno, sada encontrada para driblar a reduo das exportaes

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Slvio vila

Bem servido Lots of choices

Expofruit 2011 - Feira Internacional da Fruticultura Tropical Irrigada Data: 8 a 10 de junho Local: Expocenter - Mossor (RN) Contato: 84 3312-6939, expofruit@gmail.com e www.expofruit.com.br 18 Hortitec - Exposio Tcnica de Horticultura, Cultivo Protegido e Culturas Intensivas Data: 15 a 17 de junho Local: Recinto da Expoflora - Holambra (SP) Contato: 19 3802-4196 e www.hortitec.com.br Frutal Amaznia e Flor Par Data: 23 a 26 de junho Local: Hangar Centro de Convenes e Feiras da Amaznia - Belm (PA) Contato: 85 3246-8126 e www.frutal.org.br Enfrute - Encontro Nacional sobre Fruticultura de Clima Temperado Data: 26 a 28 de julho Local: Parque da Ma - Fraiburgo (SC) Contato: 49 3561-2000 e enfrute@epagri.sc.gov.br Frutal 2011 - 18 Semana Internacional da Fruticultura, Floricultura e Agroindstria Data: 12 a 15 de setembro Local: Fortaleza (CE) Contato: 85 3246-8126 e www.frutal.org.br Fenagri 2011 - Feira Nacional da Agricultura Irrigada Data: 27 a 30 de julho Local: Juazeiro (BA) Contato: 74 3613-5133 Simpsio Internacional ISHS/ProMusa Data: 10 a 14 de outubro Local: Bahia Othon Palace Hotel - Salvador (BA) Contato: 71 2102-6600 e www.gt5.com.br/promusa 5 Simpsio do Papaya Brasileiro Data: 31 de outubro a 4 de novembro Local: Porto Seguro (BA) Contato: www.gt5.com.br


Slvio vila

Fique frio. Ns cuidamos.


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No matter what.

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