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John Cage

Escola de Msica do Conservatrio Nacional

Histria da Msica 3 ano Professora: Teresa Castanheira
Aluna: Leonor S Machado

13 de Maio de 2013

John Cage

15.09.1912 12.08.1992 Compositor Americano Terico, escritor, artista Pioneiro:

Msica aleatria Msica electroacstica Uso no convencional dos instrumentos

Merce Cunningham (coregrafo)

Desenvolvimento da Dana Moderna

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Primeiros Anos

Aulas particulares de Piano

Reportrio de msica sec. XIX

Queria ser escritor Prmio Hollywood Bowl (1928):

Props um dia de calma para todos os Americanos "By being hushed and silent we should have the opportunity to hear what other people think',"

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Primeiros Anos

Ingressou em Pomona College, Claremont Desistiu em 1930

I was shocked at college to see one hundred of my classmates in the library all reading copies of the same book. Instead of doing as they did, I went into the stacks and read the first book written by an author whose name began with Z. I received the highest grade in the class. That convinced me that the institution was not being run correctly. I left.

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Primeiros Anos

Europa (Paris, Alemanha, Espanha, Itlia,)

Arquitectura gtica e grega Pintura Poesia Msica

1 contacto com:

Msica contempornea (Stravinsky; Hindemith;) Johann Sebastian Bach

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Anos de Aprendizagem

1933: Aulas com Henry Cowell 1934-35: Aulas com Arnold Schoenberg

Grande influncia Afirmou que nenhum dos seus alunos americanos era interessante, excepto Cage:
"Of course he's not a composer, but he's an inventorof genius."

7.06.1935 Casa com Xenia Andreyevna Kashevaroff

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A Dana Moderna e as Influncias do Oriente

Produz msicas para coreografias

Oskar Fischinger (animador abstrato, cineasta, pintor): Tudo no mundo possui um esprito que pode ser libertado atravs do seu som." Comea a explorar instrumentos pouco ortodoxos, como utenslios domsticos, folhas de metal, etc

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A Dana Moderna e as Influncias do Oriente

Imaginary Landscape No. 1 (1939)

Primeiros trabalhos de msica electro-acstica Premiada em Seattle, Primavera de 1939

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A Dana Moderna e as Influncias do Oriente

Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle

Professor e Acompanhador Ensemble de Percusso 1940: inventa o Piano Preparado

Chicago School of Design

The City Wears a Slouch Hat (soundtrack para a Radio)

Nova Iorque

Max Ernst e Peggy Guggenheim Conhece Piet Mondrian, Andr Breton ,Jackson Pollock, Marcel Duchamp, entre outros.

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A Dana Moderna

Dedica-se ao piano preparado

Compe para vrios coregrafos

Merce Cunningham

1942: The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs

Voz e piano fechado

1945: Divorcia-se de Xenia Kashevaroff

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Influncias do Oriente

1946: Tutor de Gita Sarabhai, msico indiano

Objectivo da msica: "to sober and quiet the mind, thus rendering it susceptible to divine influences"

Estuda escritos de Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

Filsofo e historiador indiano Grande mediador da cultura oriental tradicional para o Ocidente, sobretudo a indiana e a budista

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Influncias do Oriente

1946-48 - Compe:

Sonatas and Interludes para piano preparado String Quartet in Four Parts

John Cage







Sonatas and Interludes para piano preparado

16 sonatas e 4 interldios

Sonatas IIV Interlude 1 Sonatas VVIII Interludes 23 Sonatas IXXII Interlude 4 Sonatas XIIIXVI

45 Notas Preparadas

Parafusos, borrachas, plstico, noz, apagador.

Tcnica de composio:

Forma AABB Sequncia arbitrria de nmeros que define a estrutura a nvel macroscpico e microscpico Pierre Boulez: The structure of these sonatas brings together a preClassical structure and a rhythmic structure which belong to two entirely different worlds"

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Proporo ritmica da Sonata III

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade

Fundao Guggenheim -> Europa

Olivier Messian Pierre Boulez

The New York School

John Cage Morton Feldman Earle Brown Christian Wolff

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade

I Ching (ou Livro das Mutaes)

Texto clssico chins Usado para Adivinhao

Cage: principal tcnica de composio de aleatoriedade

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade

I Ching (ou Livro das Mutaes)

Cheap Imitation - perguntas:

Qual dos sete modos, se tomarmos como modos as sete escalas, com incio em notas brancas e restantes em notas brancas, o que vou usar? Qual das doze possveis transposies cromticas vou usar? For this phrase for which this transposition of this mode will apply, which note am I using of the seven to imitate the note that Satie wrote?

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade

Imaginary Landscape No. 4 (1951)

Para 12 rdios

Music of Changes (1951)

Para piano solo

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade
When I hear what we call music, it seems to me that someone is talking. And talking about his feelings, or about his ideas of relationships. But when I hear traffic, the sound of traffichere on Sixth Avenue, for instanceI don't have the feeling that anyone is talking. I have the feeling that sound is acting. And I love the activity of sound [...] I don't need sound to talk to me.

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade

433 (1952)


O silncio no existe. Apenas temos que ouvir e abrir os nossos ouvidos O silncio o meio de separar tons e acordes de forma a evitar interpretaes meldicas das relaes entre os vrios sons David Tudor: 433 was for Cage a simple and quite natural extension of his use of chance operations applied to sounds and silences in composition, with silences, in this case, comprising the entire gamut of materials at his disposal.

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade

1952 - Black Mountain College

"Theatre Piece No. 1"


> 1953: compe para dana moderna

1957-58: Concerto para Piano e Orquestra 1958: Variaes I

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

A aleatoriedade

1958: Festival de Darmstadt

Evento anual aps 1946 Contexto ps-guerra Luciano Berio, Pierre Boulez, John Cage, Morton Feldman, Gyrgy Ligeti, Olivier Messiaen, Luigi Nono, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Edgard Varse, Iannis Xenakis,

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

O Reconhecimento

1960: Prof. de msica experimental

Water Walk

1961: Publicao de Silence

Escritos e palestras de 1931-69

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

1961-62: Atlas Eclipticalis

Baseada nos mapas astronmicos

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

1961-62: Atlas Eclipticalis

Baseada nos mapas astronmicos

1962: 000

In a situation provided with maximum amplification, perform a disciplined

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

1962: Variations III

Muitas instrues para os interpretes Nenhuma referncia musica, instrumentos musicais ou sons

The New School: aulas de Composio Experimental

Happenings: evento teatral, sem conceito de publico, sem durao definida

1967: Publicao de A Year From Monday

Ensaios, palestras e titulos de jornais de 1961-67

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

HPSCHD (1969)

Sobreposio aleatria de 7 Cravos Fragmentos de peas de Cage, Hiller e clssicos 52 gravaes de computador 6400 slides em 64 projectores

40 filmes cinematogrficos

University of Illinois : durao 5 horas

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

Cheap Imitation (1969)

Para piano Baseado em Socrates I de Erik Satie

"Obviously, Cheap Imitation lies outside of what may seem necessary in my work in general, and that's disturbing. I'm the first

to be disturbed by it."

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92


Escrita de notas Instrumentos tradicionais Tcnica de Improvisao

Child of Tree (1975)

"Using a stopwatch, the soloist improvises clarifying the time structure by means of the instruments. This improvisation is the performance.

John Cage
1912-31 1931-36 1937-49 1950s 1960s 1969-87 1987-92

ltimos anos

Two (1987)

Para flauta e piano Curtos fragmentos de notao tocados a qualquer tempo Number Pieces

Conjunto de cerca de 40 peas

5 peras: Europeras (I a V) (1987-91)

Europera V

John Cage

John Cage - Bibliografia

http://johncage.org/ www.youtube.com http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?anno=2&dept h=1&hl=ptPT&rurl=translate.google.pt&sl=en&tl=pt&u=http://en.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Sonatas_and_Interludes&usg=ALkJrhiV7HPx8VtUm19fHL zI-UsK9GE3JQ http://translate.google.pt/translate?hl=ptPT&sl=en&tl=pt&u=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki% 2FJohn_Cage&anno=2

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