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New York City 10/Apr - 14/Apr

Pegar o AirTrain no terminal 4 do aeroporto JFK at Jamaica-Sutphin Blvd Archer Station. Pagar o AirTrain (US$ 5,00) e comprar o passe 7-day MetroCard (US$ 25,00). Pegar o metr Linha E (azul) em direo a Manhattan.

Descer na estao 42nd St-Port Authority Station, em Manhattan. Subir a 8th Avenida at chegar ao hotel.

Milford Plaza Hotel

700 8th Avenue, New York, NY 10036 http://www.milfordplaza.com

City Hall Civic Center Park Row

Pegar o metr na estao Times Square-42nd St, linhas R ou W (amarela)

Descer na estao City Hall (R/W - amarela)

Atravessar a praa da prefeitura (City Hall), Seguir at a Lafayette St., tirar foto do FBI Building, Centro Cvico (Civic Center), US Court, voltar pela Park Row; Ir at a loja J&R Eletrnicos (34 Park Row); Tirar foto do Woolworth Building (233 Broadway);

World Trade Center

Descer pela Broadway, visitar a Capela de St. Paul.; Continuar pela Broadway at Liberty Street, passar pelo One Liberty Plaza Building,ir at o WTC Tribute (122 Liberty

Street), subir pela Church Street at a estao WTC (linha E azul)

Brooklin Bridge
Pegar o onibus B51 na Park Row Street ou o metr Broadway - Nassau St. (linhas A/C azul) para ir ao Brooklin.

- De nibus: Pegar o B51 (que passar pela Manhattan Bridge), aps descer a ponte no Brooklin e passar pela Tillary Street, descer no primeiro ponto da Cadman Plaza. Atravessar a rua e pegar o onibus B25, descendo no final da Old Fulton St. - De metr: Pegar o trem A ou C na Broadway-Nassau Station e descer na High Station no Brooklin. Descer a Washington Street at o Down Under Manhattan Bridge (DUMBO). Ir at o Fulton Ferry State Park.

Voltar a Manhattan pelo Metr linhas A/C (High St Nassau-Broadway St.)

Washington Square
Descer na estao 4th Sq.-Washington Square (linhas A/C/E ou B/D/F/V)

Ir at a praa Washington Square

Tirar foto no Arco do Triunfo.Voltar para a estao W 4th Street, pegar o metr linhas A, C ou E (azul)

Madison Square Garden Penn Station

Pegar o metr linhas A, C ou E (azul) e descer na estao Penn Station-34th St.

Descer a 8th Avenida, fotografar o One Penn Plaza Building; Contornar o Madison Square Garden e a Penn Station; Tirar foto do US Post Office (Agncia Central dos Correios de NY), MSG e Penn Station. Caminhar pela 33rd Street at a 5th Avenida em direo ao Empire States Building.

Empire States Building Macys

Visitar o Empire States Building e voltar pela 34th Avenue; Visitar a Macys e voltar para a Times Square subindo a Broadway.

Ir ao Teatro Lunt Fontanne Theater (205 W 46th Street), retirar os ingressos para a pea The Little Mermaid.

Battery Park - Statue of Liberty

Ir at a estao Times Sq.- 42nd Street; Pegar o metr linha 1 (vermelha) at a estao South Ferry Alternativa: linhas R ou W (amarela) at a estao Whitehall St - South Ferry Station

Passear pelo Battery Park, passando pelo Castle Clinton, at a estao de embarque do Statue Cruises;

Fazer o passeio at a Esttua da Liberdade e Ellis Island (US$ 12,00); Embarque: 11/04/2009 11:00h

Charging Bull - Wall Street Pier 17

Ao retornar da Esttua, ir at o Bowling Green para tirar foto do Charging Bull (Touro de Wall Street) e do Fort Amsterdan

Pegar o metr na estao Bowling Green, linhas 4 ou 5 (verde), descer na estao Wall Street; Tirar fotos da Trinity Church, NYSE (Bolsa de Valores de NY), Federal Hall, Trump Building, American International Building.

Percorrer a Wall Street at a Water Street, pegar o onibus M09 ou M15 em direo norte. Descer no Ponto da Fulton Street e caminhar at o South Street Seaport (Pier 17); Visitar o shopping e tirar fotos da Ponte do Brooklin.

Para retornar at a Times Square: Opo A) Retornar pela Fulton Street, pegar o metr linhas 2 ou 3 (vermelha) na Fulton Street Station. Descer na estao 42nd Street. Opo B) Pegar o onibus M15 em sentido Sul at a estao Whitehall (R/W amarela), pegar o metro em direo Times Square-42nd Street Station.

UN United Nations
Opo C) Pegar o onibus M15, descer no ponto da ONU (United Nations) Da ONU pegar os onibus M42/M104 ou os onibus M50/M27, at a Times Square

Times Square Broadway

Tomar caf da manh no Europa Caf (3 Times Square na 43rd St com 7th Av.) ou no Starbucks (684 8th Av.) Visitar as lojas de chocolate da M&Ms World e Hersheys (Broadway com 48th Street); Visitar o Times Square Visitor Center (1560 Broadway); Visitar a loja de brinquedos ToysRUs (7th Avenida com a 44th Street); Tirar fotos dos teles e letreiros luminosos da Times Square; Visitar o Museu de Cera Madame Tussauds (US$ 30,00), entre a 7th e 8th Avenidas (234W 42nd Street); Assistir a pea The Little Mermaid, no Lunt-Fontanne Theater (205W 46th Street) s 20:00 do dia 11/04 (sbado); Jantar no Dallas BBQ (241 W 42nd Street, entre 7th-8th Aves.), Johns Pizzeria (260 W 44th Street, entre 7th 8th Aves.), Tonys di Napoli (147 West 43rd Street), Papa John Pizza (768 8th Avenue),

Carmines (200 W 44th Street) ou um lanche no Wendys (1211 6th Avenue);

42nd Street Bryant Park NY Public Library Grand Central Station Crysler Building

Da Times Square, seguir pela 42nd Street em direo Leste, segundo o roteiro abaixo:

Tirar fotos do Bryant Park, 500th Fifth Avenue Building, Biblioteca de Nova York (New York Public Library), Grand Central Station e Chrysler Building. Visitar o interior da Grand Central Station, pegar o metr Linha 6 (verde) e descer na estao 51st Street. Seguir o roteiro abaixo, passando em frente ao Waldorf Astoria Hotel na Park Avenue. Seguir pela 49th Street at o Rockfeller Center a p ou tomar o nibus M27 ou M50 conforme indicado no mapa.

Rockefeller Center

Vir pela 49th Street (a p ou nibus M27 ou M50). Visitar a Nintendo World Store, entrando pela Rockfeller Plaza com a 48th Street. Tirar fotos na Plaza central (onde fica a rvore de Natal e o Rink de patinao no inverno). Seguir pela 49th St. at a 6th Avenida, contornado o GE Building e entrar na 50th Street. Tirar foto no Radio City Music Hall e entrar/subir no Top of The Rock (US$ 20,00). Seguir pela 50th Street at a 5th Avenida. Tirar fotos do Channel Gardens (em frente a loja Sacks). Subir a 5th Avenida e tirar fotos da Catedral de St. Patrick e da escultura do Atlas. Continuar subindo pela 5th Avenida ...

MoMA 53rd St. Late Show with David Letterman

Subindo pela 5th Avenida, entrar esquerda na 53 rd Street, tirar foto em frente a igreja de St. Thomas e do MoMA, seguir pela 53rd St. at a Broadway, tirar foto em frente ao estdio do The Late Show, voltar e pegar o metr da 7th Av. Station linhas B ou D (laranja) em direo ao Central Park (Columbus Circle Station);

Central Park

Rotas de nibus cruzando o Central Park

Central Park South

Playgroun d Wolkman Rink

Charrete s

Descer na estao Columbus Circle (1/A/B/C/D). Visitar o Time Warner Center (shopping no subsolo com praa de alimentao), tirar fotos da Hearst Tower e Trump Hotel. Seguir pela 59th Street e entrar no Central Park. Visitar o Playground, Carrousel, Centro de informaes do Central Parque, Wolkmann Rink (Patinao) e o The Pond. Pegar o metr na Estao Columbus Circle (linhas B laranja ou C azul).

Descer na estao 72nd Street (linhas B laranja ou C azul).

Bow Bridge Strawberry Fields

Boat House

Bethesda Fountain

Da esquerda para a direita: Edifcio Dakota, Strawberry Fields (Imagine Memorial a John Lennon), Bow Bridge, Bethesda Fountain, Boat House e Esttua da Alice in Wonderland. Tirar foto em frente ao Edifcio Dakota (onde morou e foi assassinado John Lennon) e tambm no memorial Imagine no Central Park. Tirar foto na Bow Bridge; Pegar novamente o metr da estao 72nd Street (linhas B laranja ou C azul).

Museu de Histria Natural

Descer na estao 81st Street Museum of Natural History (linhas B laranja ou C azul); Visitar o Museu de Histria Natural (doao sugerida de US$ 15,00); Para atravessar o parque, pegar o onibus linha M79 na W81st e descer no ponto do Turtle Pond (Belvedere Castle e Delacorte Theater). Pegar novamente o nibus M79 e descer na E79th Street;

Guggeheim Museum The Met

Pegar o metr linhas B (laranja) ou C (azul) em direo northbound;

Descer na estao 86th Street Station; Pegar o nibus M86 para atravessar o parque; Descer no primeiro ponto da 84th Street. Ir at o Guggenhein Museum, subindo a 5th Avenue; Descer a 5th Avenue at o Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met). Visitar o museu (doao sugerida de US$ 15,00).

Entrar na 84th Street, pegar o nibus M86 no primeiro ponto da 84th;

Descer na estao 59th-Lexington Av. (4/5/6 verde) e seguir pela 59th Street, subindo na 3rd Avenida. Passar pela loja Bloomingdales e seguir pela 60th Street at a estao do bondinho na 2nd Avenue com a 60th Street.

Obs: Na ida ou na volta, parar no caf Serendipity 3 (225 E 60th Street, entre a 2nd e 3rd Avenidas) para tomar o famoso Chocolate Quente Gelado da casa (Frrrozen Hot Chocolate US$ 8,50)

TRAM (Bondinho) para Roosevelt Island

Pegar o Metr linhas N ou R (amarela) na estao 5th Av./59th St. e descer na estao Lexington Av./59th st.

Caminhar 2 quadras pela 60th Street (ou 59th Street) at a 2 Avenue. Pegar o bondinho (Tramway) na estao da 2nd Ave. Utilizar o Metrocard para acesso ao bondinho. Ir at Roosevelt Island e retornar.

Retornar para o Central Park/ 5th Avenue pela 60th Street

Descer a 5th Avenida at a 42nd street para retornar Times Square. Visitar as lojas da 5th Avenida:

Apple Store 767 5th Av. com 59th Street; F.A.O. Schwarz 5th Av. com 58th Street; Niketown 6 E 57th St. com 5th Avenue; World of Disney Store 711 5th Av. com 55th Street; Lindt Chocolate Store 692 5th Av. com 55th Street; NBA Store 666 5th Av. com 52nd Street; Saks 611 5th Av. com 50th Street; American Girl Place 609 5th Av. com 49th Street; Best Buy 529 5th Av. com 43rd Street.

Roteiros Alternativos
Madison Square Park Flatiron Building
Descer na estao da 23rd Street (linhas R/W amarela). Tirar foto do Flatiron Building. Contornar a praa, tirar fotos do MetLife Tower e New York Life. Voltar para a mesma estao.


Pegar o metr (linhas A/C azul ou B/D laranja), descer na estao 125th Street. Percorrer a Martin Luther King Boulevard (125th St.), sentido leste. Tirar foto no Apollo Theater. Fazer compras na Marshalls .

Retornar com o metr 125th Street-MalcolmX Blvd. (Linhas 2/3 vermelho).

Intrepid Sea Air-Space Museum

Pegar o nibus M50 na 49th Street, descer em frente ao Pier 86. Tirar fotos do Porta Avies USS Intrepid e do avio Concorde, no pier 86. Entrada para o museu: US$ 20,00

Para retornar, utilizar o nibus M50 (e descer na 50th St. com a 8th Avenida) ou o nibus M42 (e descer na 42nd StPort Authority)

OBS: Para ir Hoboken (NJ), pegar o Ferry Boat NY Waterway no Terminal do Pier 80 (39th Street).

Lincoln Center
Pegar o metr linha 1 (vermelha) e descer na estao Lincoln Center

Columbia University e St. Paul Cathedral

Pegar o metr linha 1 (vermelha) e descetr na estao 116th St-Columbia Univ. , percorrer o Campus e descer pela Amsterdam Ave. At a Catedral de St.Paul. Pegar o metr 1 na estao 110th St-Cathedral Parkway

Bronx Zoo Pegar o metr linha 2 (vermelha) e descer na estao Bronx Park

Yankee Stadium Pegar o metr linhas B ou D (laranja) e descer na estao 161st St.-Yankee Stadium

Laguardia Airport
Pegar o o metr linha E (azul) na estao Port Authority ou o metr linha 7 (purpura) na Estao 42th St. Times Square

Descer na estao Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Av.- 74th Street

Pegar o nibus linha Q33 (LaGuardia Airport) no ponto terminal da estao e descer no terminal da Delta Airlines.

LOJAS Departamentos
Century 21 Department Store 22 Cortland St., Downtown (WTC)

Saks 5th Avenue 611 5th Avenida

Macys Herald Square Manhattan Mall 151 W 34th St. (7th 6th Avenue & 33rd Street Broadway) Bloomingdales TJ Maxx 1000 3rd Avenue 620 Avenue of the Americas Marshalls Forever 21 105 W 125th St, Harlem, 50 West 34 th St New York Cosmticos Sephora 1500 Broadway (43rd-44th M.A.C. St.) 611 5th Avenue 597 5th Avenue (com 48th St.) Victorias Secret 901 6th Avenue (32nd - 33rd Cosmetics Warehouse St.) 250 W 39th Street (7th-8th th 1328 Broadway (35 Street) Aves.) 34 E 57th Street (Madison Ave.) Chocolates Hersheys M&Ms World Times Square Times Square Godiva Lindt Chocolate Store 1460 Broadway 692 5th Avenida 701 5th Avenue Artigos Esportivos Niketown Foot Locker 6 E 57th Street 1530 Broadway (com 45th St) NHL Powered By RbK NBA Store Store 5th Ave & W 52nd St 6th Avenue & 47th Street Super Runners Shop Tent & Trails

Grand Central Station (42nd St.)

21 Park Pl (Bway-Church Street)

ToysRUs Times Square World of Disney Store 711 5th Avenida American Girl Place 609 5th Avenida F.A.O. Schwarz 5th Avenue & 58th Street Nintendo World Store 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York VideoGames New York 202 East 6th street Game Stop 30 Rockefeller Plaza

Apple Store 767 5th Avenue B&H Photo Video 420 9th Avenue (34th St.) J&R Elecronics 34 Park Row, Downtown New York Gifts 729 7th Avenue Supermercado K-Mart 250 W 34th Street Ed Sullivan Theater 1697 Broadway, New York, NY "Late Show with David Letterman" Lunt Fontanne Theater 205 W 46th Street "The Little Mermaid" New Amsterdam Theater 42nd Street & Broadway "Mary Poppins" Minskoff Theater Broadway & 45th Street "The Lion King" Adorama Camera Store 42 West 18th Street, NY Tri-State Camera 338 8th Ave. (27th St.) Best Buy 529 5th Avenue (44th St), NY

Jacks World 99C Store 110 W 32nd St Walgreens 1471 Broadway, New York

Neil Simon Theater 250 W 52nd St, New York "Hairspray" Winter Garden Theater Broadway com 50th Street "Mamma Mia!" Gershwin Theatre 222 W 51st Street "Wicked" Majestic Theatre 247 W 44th Street The Phantom of the Opera

Madamme Tussaud 234 W 42nd Street Metropolitan Museum of Art 5th Avenue & 82nd Street Museum of Modern Art 11 W 53rd Street (5th 6th Avenues) American Museum of Natural History Central Park West & 79th Street Guggenhein Museum 5th Avenue & 89th Street Intrepid Sea Air Museum Pier 86 (W 46th Street)

Cafs, Restaurantes e Lanches

Europa Caf 3 Times Square (43rd St & 7th); 1177 6th Ave (46th St); 1412 Broadway (39th-40th St); 545 5th Ave (44th - 45th); (closed sat-sun) Dallas BBQ 241 W 42nd Street (7th-8th Aves.); 27 W 72nd Street; 261 8th Avenue $ 23rd Street; www.bbqnyc.com Lenny's 613 9th Avenue & 43rd Street Papa John's Pizza 765 8th Avenue Johns Pizzeria 260 W 44th Street (8th 7th Av) Jekyll and Hyde Pub 91 7th Avenue South New York IPANEMA (restaurante Brasileiro) 13 W 46th St, New York, NY Sbarro 574 5th Avenue 701 7th Avenue 49TH & Broadway ROCKEFELLER CENTER 1250 6th Av. Hard Rock Caf 1501 Broadway Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. ("Forrest Gump") 1501 Broadway (43rd-44th St) Heartland Brewery 127 W 43rd Street (6th Av-Bway) 1285 6th Avenue (51st. St- Radio City) 93 South Street Seaport Starbucks 684 Eighth Avenue (43rd St & 8th Av.) 251 West 42nd Street 1535 Broadway 1 Battery Park Plaza 4 Columbus Circle (58th St-8th Av) Gigi Caf 64 E 34th Street 2067 Broadway 958 3rd Avenue

Tonys di Napoli 147 West 43rd Street

Carmines 200 West 44th Street 2450 Broadway (90th - 91st Streets) Rays Pizza 856 8th Avenue Wendys Burger 938 8th Avenue; 259 W 34th Street; 1211 6th Avenue; Serendipity 3 225 E 60th Street, New York Via Brasil (restaurante Brasileiro) 34 W 46th Street, New York T.G.I. Fridays 1552 Broadway and 46th St. 761 7th AVE. 484 8th AVE. 604 5th AVE. Planet Hollywood 1540 Broadway, New York, ESPN Zone 1472 Broadway Kentucky Fried Chicken 761 Seventh Avenue (49th St.) 1286 Broadway (33rd St.)

H&H Bagels 2239 Broadway (80th Street) 639 West 46th Street (12th Ave)

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