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Seeing difficulties as teachers.

If there is no teacher around to give us direct personal guidance on how to stop causing harm, never fear !! Life itself will p rovide opportunities for learning how to hold our seat. Without the inconsiderat e neighbor, where will we find the chance to practice patience? Without the offi ce bully, how could we ever get the chance to know the energy of anger so intima tely that it loses its destructive power ? The teacher is always with us. The teacher is always showing us precisely where we're at - encouraging us not to speak and act in the same neurotic ways, encour aging us also not to repress or dissociate, encouraging us not to sow the seeds of suffering. So with this person who is scaring us or insulting us, do we retal iate as we have one hundred thousand times before, or do we start to get smart a nd finally hold our seat ? . No assista a uma aula sem antes fazer os exerccios da aula anterior. No esquea, os exerccios permitem a compreenso e o amadurecimento do contedo visto na aula corres pondente. Voc pode ter entendido os conceitos dados na aula, mas sem fazer os exe rccios o conhecimento adquirido superficial. . Os gabaritos apresentam um raciocnio para a resoluo dos problemas. Tente encontr ar outros raciocnios e mostre ao tutor presencial ou distncia. . Consulte os livros recomendados para a disciplina na biblioteca do plo. Professoras: Sulamita Klein e Susana Scheimberg Tutora a distncia: Fernanda Couto BIBLIOGRAFIA BSICA Anlise Combinatria e Probabilidade, A. C. O. Morgado, J. B. P. De Carvalho, P. C . P. Carvalho e P. Fernandez, Coleo do professor de matemtica, SBM. ISBN: 85-8581801-8 Introduo Anlise Combinatria, J. P. O. Santos, M. P. Mello e I. T. C. Murari, Editor a Cincia Moderna, 2008. ISBN: 9788573936346 Fundamentos Matemticos para a Cincia da Computao: um tratamento moderno de Matemtica Discreta, Judith L. Gersting,LTC- Livros Tcnicos e Cientficos Editora LTDA. ISBN: 978-85-216-1422-7 Pema Chodron

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