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Ministrio da Educao - MEC

Secretaria de Educao Profissional e Tecnolgica (SETEC)

Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia do Cear

Tcnico em Guia de Turismo Regional
Ingls II

Ministrio da Educao - MEC
Secretaria de Educao Profissional e Tecnolgica (SETEC)
Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia do Cear

Dilma Vana Rousseff

Ministro da Educao
Aloizio Mercadante Oliva

Secretaria de Educao Profissional e
Marco Antonio de Oliveira

Reitor do IFCE
Cludio Ricardo Gomes de Lima

Pr-Reitor de Extenso
Gutenberg Albuquerque Filho

Pr-Reitor de Ensino
Gilmar Lopes Ribeiro

Pr-Reitor de Administrao
Virgilio Augusto Sales Araripe

Diretor Geral Campus Fortaleza
Antonio Moises Filho de Oliveira Mota

Diretor de Ensino Campus
FortalezaJos Eduardo Souza Bastos

Coordenador Geral Reitoria
Jose Wally Mendona Menezes

Coordenador Adjunto - Reitoria
Armnia Chaves Fernandes Vieira

Superviso - Reitoria
Daniel Ferreira de Castro
Andr Monteiro de Castro

Coordenador Adjunto - Campus Fortaleza
Fabio Alencar Mendona

Elaborao do contedo
Jlio Csar Ferreira Lima

Equipe Tcnica
Manuela Pinheiro dos Santos
Kaio Lucas Ribeiro de Queiroz
Vanessa Barbosa da Silva Dias
Edmilson Moreira Lima Filho
Vitor de Carvalho Melo Lopes
Rogers Guedes Feitosa Teixeira


Criado no dia 26 de Outubro de 2011 com a sano da Lei n 12.513/2011 pela Presidenta
Dilma Rousseff, o Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Tcnico e Emprego (Pronatec) tem
como objetivo principal expandir, interiorizar e democratizar a oferta de cursos de Educao
Profissional e Tecnolgica (EPT) para a populao brasileira. Para tanto, prev uma srie de
subprogramas, projetos e aes de assistncia tcnica e financeira que juntos oferecero oito
milhes de vagas a brasileiros de diferentes perfis nos prximos quatro anos. Os destaques do
Pronatec so:
Criao da Bolsa-Formao;
Criao do FIES Tcnico;
Consolidao da Rede e-Tec Brasil;
Fomento s redes estaduais de EPT por intermdio do Brasil Profissionalizado;
Expanso da Rede Federal de Educao Profissional Tecnolgica (EPT).
A principal novidade do Pronatec a criao da Bolsa-Formao, que permitir a oferta de
vagas em cursos tcnicos e de Formao Inicial e Continuada (FIC), tambm conhecidos como
cursos de qualificao. Oferecidos gratuitamente a trabalhadores, estudantes e pessoas em
vulnerabilidade social, esses cursos presenciais sero realizados pela Rede Federal de Educao
Profissional, Cientfica e Tecnolgica, por escolas estaduais de EPT e por unidades de servios
nacionais de aprendizagem como o SENAC e o SENAI.


Expandir, interiorizar e democratizar a oferta de cursos de Educao Profissional Tcnica
de nvel mdio e de cursos e programas de formao inicial e continuada de
Fomentar e apoiar a expanso da rede fsica de atendimento da Educao Profissional e
Contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino Mdio Pblico, por meio da Educao
Ampliar as oportunidades educacionais dos trabalhadores por meio do incremento da
formao profissional.


Ampliao de vagas e expanso da Rede Federal de Educao Profissional e Tecnolgica;
Fomento ampliao de vagas e expanso das redes estaduais de Educao
Incentivo ampliao de vagas e expanso da rede fsica de atendimento dos Servios
Nacionais de Aprendizagem;
Oferta de Bolsa-Formao, nas modalidades:
o Bolsa-Formao Estudante;
o Bolsa-Formao Trabalhador.
Atendimento a beneficirios do Seguro-Desemprego;



LESSON 1 Useful classroom language
LESSON 2 Months, days, nationalities
LESSON 3 Chatting for introduction
LESSON 4 Cardinal and ordinal numbers

LESSON 1 Discussing on tourism
LESSON 2 Traveling by air
LESSON 3 The right place, the right price
LESSON 4 Checking in at a hotel
LESSON 5 Your table is waiting

LESSON 1 Honeymoon hot spot
LESSON 2 The big apple
LESSON 3 A world of pleasure
LESSON 4 Getting back to nature
LESSON 5 How to be a good guide?

LESSON 1 Verb to be
LESSON 2 Present simple
LESSON 3 Past simple



Hello everyone,
Welcome to the second English booket. Lets go on improving our knowledge of this
language through Tourism and Hospitility an amazing area for studying and working with.
You will be able to see in this booklet basic topics for understanding better the language
and material directly related to Tourism and Hospitality. Then texts and exercises will bring
vocabulary and structures to be used, for example, in restaurants, hotels, travel agencies, etc
As there was no material previously prepared for our study, we present here a
compilation of ideas from books, sites and other sources found in Referncias.
I hope you enjoy it!
Jlio Csar Ferreira Lima

Benvindos segunda apostila de Ingls. Vamos melhorar nosso conhecimento dessa
lngua mergulhando em uma rea de estudo e trabalho bastante interessante que o Turismo e a
Voc encontrar nessa apostila tpicos bsicos da lngua Inglesa e material
relacionado diretamente com a rea de Turismo e Hospitalidade. Os textos e exerccios trabalham
com vocabulrio e estruturas encontradas, por exemplo, em restaurantes, hotes, agncias de
viagens, etc.
Essa apostila apresenta uma compilao de algumas ideias e textos de livros, sites e
outras fontes ligadas rea do Turismo e Hospitalidade.
Esperamos que voc aproveite o curso ao mximo!
Jlio Csar Ferreira Lima

Review basic structures and vocabulary to help students cope better with the material from this

Work with classroom language for helping communication between the teaher and the
Classroom statements for everyday communication
1. Good morning / afternoon / evening! Bom (boa) dia / tarde / noite!
2. Can you repeat, please? Pode repetir, por favor?
3. Sorry, I dont understand! Desculpa, no entendo.
4. How do I say .. in English? Como digo . em ingles?
5. Whats the meaning of ? Qual o significado de .?
6. How do I pronounce ? Como pronuncio ?
7. Spell that, please! Como se soletrar, por favor!
8. Speak slowly, please! Fale devagar, por favor!
9. May I leave the classroom? Posso sair das ala?
10. See you! / Goodbye! / Bye! Tchau!
11. Tecaher, comer here! Professor, venha aqui!
12. Whats the page? Qual a pgina?
13. I need to go to the restroom. Preciso ir ao banheiro.
14. I have a question. Tenho uma pergunta.
15. Have a nice weekend! Tenha um bom fim de semana!
16. For you, too! Pra vc tambm!

Fonte: Professional Clipart CD
Activity 1
Write the statements the teacher says in English.
__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________

Activity 2
Write in English the statements the teacher says in Portuguese.
__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________

LESSON 2 Capital letters for months, days and nationalities

Notice the use of capital letters for months, days and nationalities and the prepositions
used with some of them.

Peoples names (Mary, Bill, Gregory, etc) start with CAPITAL LETTERS.
Animals names (Rex, Garfield, etc) start with CAPITAL LETTERS.
Names of places (New York, Mississipi River, Opaia Lake, etc) start with CAPITAL LETTERS.
But in Englsih there are other groups of words that also start with CAPITAL LETTERS.

Activity 1
Complete the group of words starting with a CAPITAL LETTER.

________________ ________________
Fonte: Professional Clipart CD ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________

________________ _______________
Fonte: Professional Clipart CD _______________ ________________
________________ _______________ ________________


Fonte: Professional Clipart CD

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Activity 2
Complete the sentences with the prepositions IN or ON.
1) Barbara has English class ______________ Wednesday.
2) My birthday in ______________ October.
3) Theodore lives ______________ Canada.
4) We aren`t ______________ March.
5) Miami is a city ______________ Florida.


Fonte: Professional Clipart CD
We usually use the preposition __________ with countries, states and cities.
We usually use the preposition __________ with months of the year.
We usually use the preposition __________ with days of the week

LESSON 3 Chatting for introduction

Use basic structures for asking simple questions when meeting people for the first time and
answering to those questions accurately.

Activity 1
Suppose you dont know the boy in the picture. Ask possible questions for an imaginary first
conversation with him.

NAME: ___________________________________________
COUNTRY: _______________________________________
AGE: ____________________________________________
HAIR: ____________________________________________
EYES: ___________________________________________
CLOTHES: _______________________________________
INTERESTS: ______________________________________

Activity 2
Supose you are the boy now. Answer the questions from activity 1.
1) ____________________________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________________________________________
4) ____________________________________________________________________________
5) ____________________________________________________________________________
6) ____________________________________________________________________________
7) ____________________________________________________________________________

Activity 3
Use the information you have about the girl in the picture and write a paragraph to introduce her to
your teacher.


LESSON 4 Cardinal and ordinal numbers
Review cardinal and ordinal numbers calling attention for the differences between the

Activity 1
Repeat the numbers with your teacher.
1 - 3 - 8 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 28 - 33 - 49 - 51 - 67 - 72 - 85 - 94 - 100 - 1000
- 5
- 8
- 13
- 24
- 32
- 43
- 58
- 69
- 75
- 100
- 204
- 2013

Activity 2
Write the missing cardinal and ordinal numbers. Fonte: Professional Clipart CD
1 one 21 twenty-one 1
first 21

2 2
3 3

4 - four 4

5 5
6 six 6

7 7
8 eight 8

9 nine 9

10 10
11 eleven 11

12 twelve 12

13 13
20 twenty 20

Activity 3 BINGO! Fonte: Professional Clipart CD

Make students aware about the tourism role at present times.
Develop the reading skill through texts from the tourism and hospitality area.
Put students in contact with specific vocabulary.

Activity 1
Decide whether you agree or disagree with these ideas.

(From Going international: English for tourism, p. 164 and Professional Clipart CD)

Activity 2
What effect did these key events have on the development of toursm?
1 The introduction of computer technology
2 The invention of the jet engine
3 The introduction of travellers cheques
4 The introduction of holidays with pay
5 The invention of television
(From Going international: English for tourism, p. 11)
The best way to
travel is alone.

I would never go on
a holiday to a country
whose politics I didnt
agree with.

It doesnt matter if you
cant speak the language of
the country you visit.

Travelling makes
you appreciate your
home more.


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
book travel agent destination preference itinerary

a) The place where you want to go for the trip is your _______________ .
b) The cheaper way to _______________ airplane tickets is usually on the Internet.
c) The _______________ can make your plane reservations.
d) Wanting airline A over airline B is to state your _______________ .
e) An _______________ is a plan for a trip.

Activity 2 Read the pasage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 10)

Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) What is the most common way to make reservations for air travel?
a) web-site
b) mail
c) travel agent

2) Why do people prefer booking through a travel agent?
a) The travel agent has lots of information.
b) The travel agent provides the cheapest ticket.
c) The travel agent gives theflight mileage.

3) What information does the customer give to the travel agent for the reservation?
a) the hotel preference
b) the destination
c) the cost of the ticket

4) What information does the agente need from the clent for teh reservation?
a) the airline which the customer prefers
b) the purpose fo the trip
c) te total expenses for the trip

5) What do travel agents do after they get paid for the ticket?
a) They send out the ticket and an information packet.
b) They send out the boarding pass.
c) They send out the immigration card.

Acitivity 4 Specific vocabulary


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
accommodation operator transportation confirm peak

a) To verify is to _______________ .
b) _______________ is a means of travelling from one place to another.
c) The _______________ season is the time of the year when people travel most.
d) _______________ is the place where one stays / sleeps when travelling.
e) A tour ______________ can book your transportation and accommodation.

Activity 2 Read the pasage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 60)
Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) What must travel agents confirm prior to the trip?
a) accommodations
b) transportation
c) accommodations and transportation

2) When does the travel agent confirm your reservations?
a) before the trip
b) during the trip
c) after the trip

3) Which method is NOT used by hotels?
a) by e-mail
b) by fax
c) by radio

4) How are guest reservations filed?
a) by country
b) by last name
c) by dateof arrival

5) If a customer / client changes a reservation with a tour operator, they _________.
a) shout at the customer
b) charge extra Money
c) always refuse to make the change

Activity 4 Specific vocabulary


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
satisfaction surrounding bellhop availability pertinent

a) _______________ is whether something is easily accessible or not.
b) There are many good restaurants in the area _______________ the hotel.
c) _______________ is gratification, pleasure or contentment.
d) _______________ information is important or needed information.
e) A ______________ will carry your luggage to your hotel room.

Activity 2 Read the pasage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 68)

Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) Who is the first person to greet a guest?
a) waiter
b) housekeeper
c) doorman

2) Which of these jobs does the concierge NOT do?
a) collects payment or credit card
b) carries the bags
c) gives the guest his key

3) For a guest who shows up unexpectedly at a hotel, what does getting a room depend on?
a) how much money the guest has
b) whether the guest wants a smoking or a non-smoking room
c) whether a room is available

4) The resgistration card contains the following information:
a) name, address, room number
b) name, address, number of bags
c) room number, movie list, credit card

5) Who leads the guest to his room?
a) bellboy
b) carhop
c) desk clerk

Activity 4 Specific vocabulary


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
customary busboy vending machine beverage chef

a) A _______________ is something you drink.
b) You need coins to get items from the _______________.
c) The usual or normal thing to do is _______________.
d) The person who prepares meal is a restaurant is the _______________.
e) The _______________ clears and wipes the table after the diners have left.

Activity 2 Read the passage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 76)
Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) The greeters job is
a) to welcome people, hand out menus, and organize seating.
b) to welcome guests and lead them to their seats.
c) to lead people to their seats and take their orders.

2) Which of these jobs does the waiter NOT do?
a) gives the order to the cook
b) serves drinks and appetizers
c) operates the cash register

3) To whom is th 15 tip given?
a) bartender
b) waitress
c) busboy

4) Who cleans the table and prepares it for the next diners?
a) waiter
b) busboy
c) chef

5) What can often make more money for the hotel than room rentals?
a) beautiful grounds
b) lage swimming pool
c) talented chefs and good servers

Activity 4 Specific vocabulary

Develop the reading skill through texts linked to the tour guide job.
Put students in contact with specific vocabulary.
Prepare students for building up a local city-tour.


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
newlyweds attraction venue amusement vantage

a) The location with a good view of something is a _______________ point.
b) Which _______________ do you want to visit today?
c) Two people who have just been married are _______________.
d) An _______________ arcade is a place where you can play games on machines.
e) The place where an event or activity happens is its _______________ .

Activity 2 Read the pasage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 94)

Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) The best honeymoon destination in America is
a) Canada
b) Goat Island
c) Niagara Falls

2) Why do ice mountains form?
a) to make it easier to hike
b) because of the cold weather
c) because of the colored light show

3) The best way to access the helicopter tours is
a) from the US side
b) from the Canadian side
c) from the Maid of the Mist

4) Who would use the rain gear?
a) tourists
b) hikers
c) attractions

5) How do people get to the Cave of the Winds?
a) by goat
b) by elevator
c) by helicopter

Activity 4 Specific vocabulary


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
suspesion mom and pop fabulous skyscrapers frustrating

a) A high percentage of immigrants set up _______________ stores.
b) When a traffic jam is very bad and I cant get where I want to go, it is _______________.
c) A _______________ bridge extends from one piece of land to another and hags on cables.
d) The _______________ architecture I NYC is almost beyond belief.
e) The tall buildings in New York make it a city of _______________ .

Activity 2 Read the pasage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 110)
Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) The Statue of Libery, New Yorks most famous landmark, was given as a
a) gift from France
b) peace offering from the Japanese
c) symbol of unity between Europe and America

2) The Satue of Liberty is meant to symbolize the USAs
a) power and wealth
b) richness in culture
c) acceptance of immigrants

3) According to the reading, what is one of New Yorks greatest draws?
a) expensive shops
b) bridges and tunnels
c) fabulous architecture Fonte: Professional Clipart CD

4) Which of the following does not describe the Empire State Building?
a) built soon after the great depression
b) sign of Americas imperialism
c) symbol of confidence and success

5) Why is getting around in New York sometimes frustrating?
a) constant traffic jams
b) unavailability of transportation
c) unpredictable weather

Activity 4 Specific vocabulary


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
centerpiece exotic fireworks representative combine

a) _______________ are colourful explosives that light up the sky.
b) To put two or more thins together is to _______________ them.
c) The _______________ is the most important part of something.
d) We saw _______________ animals from all over the world at the zoo.
e) A _______________ is the person who comes and speaks on behalf of others.

Activity 2 Read the pasage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 142)

Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) A multi-day pass
a) is not good at night
b) is for a whole family
c) is good for many different parks

2) Where is Mickeys head?
a) at the fireworks show
b) in a parade
c) on the castle gate

3) What does World Showcase give us a glimpse into?
a) 11 nations
b) Epcot
c) the future

4) Which place has fantastic water slides and wave machines?
a) MGM studios
b) Typhoon Lagoon
c) Pleasure Island

5) Which of the following is NOT correct?
a) Hotel rooms are scattered around the park.
b) Hotel rooms are collected in a few areas.
c) Hotel rooms are available to suit different budgets.

Activity 4 Specific vocabulary


Activity 1 Preview
Write the word that best completes each sentence.
access granite wall explore Looping road magnificent

a) The face of a mountain is like a _______________.
b) The scenery in the park is truly _______________.
c) You can either take the straight road that goes through town or the _______________ that
circles around town.
d) You can _______________ the camping area by following this path.
e) I _______________ when I travel into little-known regions and discover what is there.

Activity 2 Read the pasage

(From Talk about travels: English for airlines, hotel, and tours, p. 166)
Activity 3 - Select the correct answer
1) How long does it take to fly to Yosemite National Park?
a) 3 or 4 hours
b) 300 minutes
c) You cant fly there.

2) How many waterfalls are less than 800 meters high?
a) 13
b) 3000
c) 8

3) Shuttle buses are used to
a) reduce the traffic congestion
b) keep the parking lot full
c) help those people who are lost

4) Reservations are required during
a) summer
b) the top of the mountain
c) fall / autumn Fonte: Professional Clipart CD

5) When can visitors see the strongest waterfalls?
a) in spring
b) in summer
c) in fall / autumn

Activity 4 Specific vocabulary


Activity 1 Write your opinion about the qualities for being a good tour guide. (in English or
in Portuguese)
1) ___________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________
7) ___________________________________________________________________________
8) ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity 2 After reading the text next page, write the experts opinion about the qualities
for being a good tour guide. (in English)
1) ___________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________
7) ___________________________________________________________________________
8) ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity 3 Write a paragraph telling if you ARE or ARE NOT prepared for becoming a tour
guide. (in English or in Portuguese)

(From Going international: English for tourism, p. 138)

Present basic grammar structures.
Practise the grammar structures.


The meanings of the verb TO BE:
1) Happens
The party is tonight. The meeting is down the hall. Come, it is over

2) Located
She is at school. She is home. The food is on the table.

She is home.

3) Shows identity
She is Alexis and this is Bob. He is a singer. He is not a singer.

4) Shows a quality
She is beautiful. It is stinky. This is dangerous.

Activity 1
Complete the sentences with the verb to be making the all the sentences affirmative.
1) I __________ hungry.
2) Sally __________ rich.
3) It __________ seven oclock.
4) We __________ at school.
5) The taxi __________ here. Lets go.
6) The door __________ open.
7) Tokyo __________ in Japan.
8) I __________ sorry.
9) They __________ very tired.
10) Franco and Michelle __________ in the park.

Activity 2
Put sentences 1 to 5 from activity 1 into the negative form and sentences 6 to 10 into the
interrogative form.

_________________________________ ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________

Use 1 Repeated actions

Present Simple expressa a ideia que a ao repetida ou frequente. A ao pode ser um hbito, um
hobby, um evento dirio ou agendado ou algo que ocorre com frequncia. Tambm pode ser algo
que esquecemos geralmente.
I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
Does he play tennis?
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
The train does not leave at 9 AM.
When does the train usually leave?
She always forgets her purse.
He never forgets his wallet.
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
Does the Sun circle the Earth?
Fonte: Professional Clipart CD

Use 2 Facts or generalizations

Present Simple pode tambm indicar que o falante acredita qye um fato era verdade anteriormente,
verdade no presente, e ser verdade no futuro. No importa se o falante est correto sobre o fato.
Usa-se tambm para fazer generalizaes sobre pessoas ou coisas.
Cats like milk.
Birds do not like milk.
Do pigs like milk?
California is in America.
California is not in the United Kingdom.
Windows are made of glass.
Windows are not made of wood.
Fonte: Professional Clipart CD

Activity 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1) He ________________ tennis at the weekend. (to play)
2) She ________________ two litters of water every day. (to drink)
3) My dog ________________ to sleep under my computer desk. (to like)
4) We ________________ in London. (to live)
5) Bill ________________ to school. (to walk)
6) Janet ________________ 3 languages. (to speak)
7) I ________________ for an international travel agency. (to work)
8) George ________________ to be a tour guide. (to want)
9) Ted ________________ to the mountais at Carnival. (to go)
10) I ________________ my car every week. (to wash)

Activity 2
Make questions with do or does.
1) you / travel a lot _______________________________________________________
2) you / write in English _______________________________________________________
3) he / come home by car _______________________________________________________
4) she / have a cat _______________________________________________________
5) you / live near the sea _______________________________________________________
6) this train / go to Oxford _______________________________________________________
7) we / study hard _______________________________________________________
8) elephants / fly _______________________________________________________
9) you / do your exercises _______________________________________________________
10) we / use cell phones _______________________________________________________

Activity 3
Respond the questions in activity 2 in a negative way.
1) No, _________________________________________________________________________
2) No, _________________________________________________________________________
3) No, _________________________________________________________________________
4) No, _________________________________________________________________________
5) No, _________________________________________________________________________
6) No, _________________________________________________________________________
7) No, _________________________________________________________________________
8) No, _________________________________________________________________________
9) No, _________________________________________________________________________
10) No, ________________________________________________________________________
Past simple usado quando nos referimos a eventos que ocorreram em um tempo detrminado no
passado. Sendo assim, podemos concluir que o Past Simple usado:
1) Para aes que se completaram no passado em tempo definido estabelecido na frase.
Ex: He travelled to Australia in 1998.
2) Em contextos que nos reportem ao passado, mesmo desprovido de indicao temporal.
Ex: Im sorry about last night. The bus was 30 minutes late.

O past simple um tempo verbal simples, formado apenas por um verbo principal flexionado na
forma do passado (para todas as pessoas), e que faz uso do verbo auxiliar (DID) apenas nas
formas interrogativas e negativas.
A flexo do verbo no passado ser feita diferentemente para verbos regulares e irregulares. Os
verbos regulares recebem a terminao (-ed) para formar o passado. Os irregulares devem ser
memorizados, pois no trazem nenhuma lgica em suas formaes.
She visited danced worried preferred
We went (to go) spoke (to speak) built (to build)

Negative: The teacher didnt explain the grammar.
They didnt go to a football match at the stadium last Wednesday.
Question: Did you visit the Great Wall when you were in China?
Did she speak English with the teacher?

O verbo TO BE tem duas formas no past simple: was / were
I was / wasnt
You were / werent
He was / wasnt
She was / wasnt
It was / wasnt
We were / werent
You were / werent
They were / werent

Activity 1
Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verb to be.
1) My favourite CDs _______________ (not) in my car yesterday.
2) When I _______________ a child I played football with my friends.
3) My neighbour and I _______________ (not) close friends in 2005.
4) Mike and Anthony _______________ at the new disco last weekend.
5) My best friend _______________ (not) in his house last Saturday.

Activity 2
Fill in the gaps with did, was or were.
1) _______________ your brother play the guitar at church last Sunday?
2) How old _______________ your sister when you were born?
3) What _______________ you wear on your college graduation ceremony?
4) _______________ you in a Cyber Caf last Saturday?
5) Where _______________ you go surfing on your last vacation?

Activity 3
5) Look at the pictures and write sentences telling what these people did last weekend. Use your
imagination and write complete sentences. Dont repeat the verbs. (12 points)
1) __________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________
6) __________________________________________________________________________

1) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

Fonte: Professional Clipart CD


(From Into English 1, p. 128)


Figuras do VERB TO BE disponvel em: <http://www.really-learn-english.com/the-verb-to-be-
forms-examples-grammar-exercises.html>. Acesso em: 13 Jan. 2013.

Grficos e exemplos do SIMPLE PRESENT em:
<http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/simplepresent.html>. Acesso em: 13 Jan. 2013.

HARDING, Keith. Going international: English for tourism. Spain: Oxford University Press,
NORDVALL, Karl. Talk about travel: English for airline, hotels, and tours. Compass

Professional Clipart CD. V. 1

PUCHTA, Herbert, STRANKS, Jeff. Into English 1. So Paulo: tica, 2012.

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