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Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3

Lesson 3
Demonstrative Pronouns
Os pronomes demonstrativos tm a funo de indicar, apontar ou mostrar alguma coisa, lugar, pessoa ou objeto











- O pronome this deve ser usado para indicar algo que est no singular e perto do falante.
E.g.: This car is really cool. (Este carro muito legal).

- Ao se referir a algo no singular e distante, o falante dever utilizar o that.

E.g.: That is my new neighbor. (Aquele o meu vizinho).

- Ao se referir a algo perto, s que no plural, o falante dever utilizar o these.

E.g.: These tickets are very expensive. (Estes ingressos so muito caros).

- O those deve ser usado toda vez que o falante quiser demonstrar algo no plural e que est distante dele.
E.g.: Those are my classmates. (Aqueles so meus colegas de classe).

This perto/singular


Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3

These perto/plural
That longe/singular
Those longe/plural
Choose the correct pronoun.
1. ____This______ book is expensive.
a) This

b) These

2. __________ cat is small.

a) That

b) Those

3. __________ pens are blue.

a) This

b) These

4. __________ movie is funny.

a) That

b) Those

5. __________ airplanes are very big.

a) That

b) Those

Pre-intermediate Revision
6. __________ morning is perfect for a walk.
a) This

Lesson 3

b) These

7. __________ car is expensive.

a) That

b) Those

8. __________ candy is delicious.

a) This

b) These

9.__________ children are cold.

a) That

b) Those

10. __________ food is healthy.

a) This

b) These

Transforme as frases acima de plural para o singular, e as que j estiverem no plural, converta para o

Vocabulary Expansion
Bike Bicicleta
Cheap Barato
Backpack Mochila
Big Grande
Small Pequeno
Little- Pequeno

Huge Imenso, Vasto

Tiny Minsculo, Muito pequeno
Large Enorme, Largo
Kid Criana/Cranas
Interesting Interessante
Tired Cansado

Pre-intermediate Revision
Lesson 3
Excited Excitado, animado, empolgado.
Building Predio
Street Rua
Square Praa
Downtown Centro (da cidade)
Corner - Esquina
Way Caminho, maneira, jeito
Up-country Interior do pas
To give, gave, given - Dar
Left Esquerda
To ask, asked, asked Perguntar, pedir
Right - Direita
To go, went, gone - Ir
Straight Reto


This is my new bike. - Esta a minha nova bicicleta.

Those chocolate are delicious. Aqueles chocolates so deliciosos
This book is cheap. - Este livro barato.
This is Mikes backpack. - Esta a mochila do Mike.
That woman is my friend. - Aquela mulher minha amiga.
Excuse-me, give me this dress, its mine Com licena, me d esse vestido, ele e meu.
Those people are busy Aquelas pessoas so ocupadas
That house is very big. - Aquela casa muito grande.
I felt my legs tired in that walk Eu senti minhas pernas cansadas naquela caminhada.
That is our teacher. - Aquela nossa professora.
These magazines are interesting. - Estas revistas so interessantes.
These earrings are beautiful. - Estes brincos so bonitos.
These are their books. - Estes livros so deles.
Those kids are intelligent. - Aquelas crianas so inteligentes.
This Party us boring. Essa festa chata.
Those nurses are dedicated professionals. - Aquelas enfermeiras so profissionais dedicadas.
These are my mothers shoes. Estes so os sapatos da minha me.
Those are Mikes notebooks. - Aqueles so os cadernos do Mike.

Dialog practice


Pre-intermediate Revision
Lesson 3
Desa nessa rua, vire a esquerda na prxima esquina,
e ... ah em frente igreja branca.
John Oh, perfect, I can walk and get there to

surprise Jessica!
Ah, perfeito, eu posso caminhar e chegar l para
surpreender a Jessica!
Susan wow, youre really excited about this, good

luck John!
Wow, voc est mesmo empolgado com isso, boa
sorte John!
John Oh you have no idea Susan, that girl went to
John Hey Susan, what is the name of that friend

of yours?

my class yesterday, shes so amazing.

Ei Susan, qual o nome daquela sua amiga?

Ah voc no faz ideia Susan, aquela garota foi na

minha aula ontem, ela to incrvel.

Susan Her name is Jessica.

Susan Of course she is amazing, shes my friend,

O nome dela Jessica

all my girlfriends are like this

John Can you tell me where her house is?

Claro que ela incrvel, ela minha amiga, todas as

minhas amigas so assim.

Voc pode me dizer onde a casa dela?

John HahAhaHa, youre such a funny girl

Susan hmmm, I dont know, she lives in

downtown, close to the JK Madison building

sometimes Susan, it is always a pleasure to meet


Hummm, Eu no sei, ela mora no centro, perto do

edifcio JK Madison

HahAhaHa, Voc uma menina to engraada Susan,

sempre um prazer encontrar voc.

John How do I get there?

Como eu chego l?
Susan Go down in this street, turn left at the next

corner, and oh it is in front of the white church.

Susan oh, please, save this cuteness for Jessica

Ai, por favor, guarde essa fofura para a Jessica.


Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3

it's this way

por aqui

it's that way

por ali

take this road

v por esta estrada

go down there

siga por ali

take the first on the left

vire na primeira esquerda

take the second on the right

vire na segunda direita

turn right at the crossroads

vire direita no cruzamento

continue straight ahead for about a

siga a reto por cerca de uma


milha (uma milha so aproximadamente

1,6 quilmetros)

continue past the fire station

continue depois de passar a estao

dos bombeiros

you'll pass a supermarket on your

vai passar por um supermercado sua




keep going for another

Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3

continue em frente por mais

hundred yards

cem jardas (cerca de 91 metros)

two hundred metres

duzentos metros

half mile

meia milha (cerca de 800 metros)


um quilmetro

it'll be


on your left

sua esquerda

on your right

sua direita

straight ahead of you

Bem sua frente


Pre-intermediate Revision

Asking and giving directions exercise

Lesson 3


Pre-intermediate Revision

Choose the correct pronoun.
1. __________ pencils in my hand are small.
a) These

b) Those

2. __________ in the other room is

a) That

b) Those

3. __________ pens are blue.

a) This

b) These

4. __________ movie is funny.

a) That

b) Those

5. __________ airplanes are very big.

a) That

b) Those

Lesson 3


Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3

6. __________ morning is perfect for a walk.

a) This

b) These

7. __________ car is expensive.

a) That

b) Those

8. __________ candy is delicious.

a) This

b) These

9.__________ children are cold.

a) That
b) Those

10. __________ food is healthy.

a) This
b) These

Traduza as expresses abaixo para o ingls:

Esse minha me, ela uma pessoa to engraada.


Pre-intermediate Revision

Aqueles sapatos eram meus.

Esta tarde eu me senti cansada.
Ele ama essa garota.
Eles amam aquelas bebidas.
Nos gostamos de caminhar assim.
Eu vou caminhar nessa manh.
Como eu chego l?
O livro deles cheio de fotos.
um lugar incrvel. Estou to empolgado!
Dobre a esquerna na prxima rua.
Aqueles ces so fofos.

Lesson 3


Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3

Eu sinto muito, essa carteira dela.
Aquela a bicleta do Mike.
Essas crianas esto com fome.
Neste momento, isto interessante.
Eu fui festa, mas, era muito chata.

Reescreva as frases abaixo no plural. (observe que o adjetivo no varia)

a)This color is very beautiful.


b)This house is very expensive.


Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3


c)This boy and that girl are my friends.


d)This boy is happy.


e)This girl is beautiful.


f)That is a new house.


g)That is a happy boy.


h)That is a good teacher.


i)That is a red bird.


Traduza para o portugus.

a)That girl is my friend.



Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 3

b)These balls are yellow.


c)Those houses are beautiful.


d)This pen is very good.


Traduza as frases para o ingls.

a)Aquele carro est longe.


b)Estes avies so velhos.


c)Aqueles cadernos so pretos.


d)Isto um lpis.


Complete as frases com this ou these.

a)__________is a ball.


Pre-intermediate Revision

b)__________are trees.

c)__________is an orange.

d)__________are apples.


a)This significa__________,_________,__________.

b)That significa___________,__________,_____________.

c)These o plural de__________.

d)O plural de that ________________.

Lesson 3

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