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Cha gter 3 (Odd) |. forwand-and reverse-biasek . 5. I 9. Teahyte => Tex t00Te Le

Tes Te—p = 2.8m A-0.02 mA = 2.76mA, ge = Te = 218M = 0.903 Te ZF emaA mn a Ce) 3 a@Te= (SE, )Ts* = (288,.)¢49.00= ema Te = Te 2 tema =~” baas a SOOMW/ gg, =2Z5mA 25mA Vis ToR. = (25m 0K ee) =25V Vo = 28¥ = 50 Bo Vo osv 14,— Al (ay G= EA = 2m sues wn ac Be. whee onan Ga ies1 Teeo= 0.30 @) Tego = (1-) Tego, = C1 0.442 K 0.3m) = 2 HP Ca) Pac = Te 2 G.mA _ 93.15 me BopA oh Gae= Fe = 0854 2170 “SpA . = 34mAL us. © Gace B= S508. yoas «© 23 Low Tp, high Vee > bigh betas High Te, low Vee —> lower beTas as. 24mA Cac= = 2A mA 2 We CAD ge does chamas from pf. To @T onthe characTerisTies. 25 pA mK =. = tte = 0991 Gr e+) _ Te = Teja =24mA/oaa1 a7. 4. OsTgsT Chanadienis Tics * Te ce © Corves ane. essen att, G- |e =a sealer a shows. Ve ce. Vec Weet characteristics: Commen= emiller MageT cheraTerisTres may be weed diveetig Gov comman=colleTor etaateTions. SY Te=Temep » Ver = Femar = 30mm) _ sv Teme O78 Vee Vena? Fox Pemer = 20-W_ ona VeSmag 1M Tes mA, Veg= Vem somW ea nsv mi a BOmS = Bm TOV 33. Teg. = 200m0, Vog,_.= 30 Phmag = C2Smn Tes Tema Vers Pomay = O25mW = 3.125V Tenn 200m8 Vee = Veemay? Fe = Fomee _ 2SmW = 20.03mA Yen 3eY Te = 100m, Veg 2 MDmey _ G25mW = 6.25V =, 1OomA ®, Vee =20V, Te = Tome O25) = 125m lg 20¥ 24 1 3080 “Vee wv) 35. hee (Ode) with Veg = 4V, T= 25°C. Tex OmA, hee 2O48100)= 43 Te= tom, hee F0.98(100)= 48 hge (fae) with Vee = Ov, T= 25°C, Te = O1mA, hy = C= OMA, ge = 12 Tes 10m, hy 2160 For both hpe amd big, the came srewenat ain colle Tov evrvesT resviTed Us a aimilan mivenae Wreldtivelyy speak mag) Ma the sarin parameter: he levels aut higher de hy ee mote “ade Vee is higher Bao. 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A The leateage evreent Teo fs the miveriTy tamien corre ie the collect e— 8. Te the longest Kg the smatlee™ Ie #Te 10, = 12, a vy, = BV. = cav—04y, on" BI ae 25s oa ” (o> Upo, omer 2532 Is ofTen wiglisible compared To tu other wessstote, Wetehe ake sate © ML. (a) Uodmg Fig. 3-1 fuss, Te = Then Fig. 8.8 resviTs da Te Ton (be) Usuig Fig. B.BhiwsT, Te 2 5mA then Fig: 357 revi: im Vee © O-18V Ce) Wears Fig. SAO) Te = Sma resutts in Vac #0-81V G) Uomng Fig 310K) Tes SA resutts Me Ve CE) Ups, “rhe difference sim levels aise cam be igperes de NieeTivms if voITage> 4 ered veils ake pr oa. = 200mV = 200M Lema Zo+1ooN 120SL TleLe =o Tma Vox ToR = CheTmAaXseRr) = 835V Ags Yes 835V = 41s Vi O2v AOIFig. 3.14Cb): Ly =35pA Fig. B14 Ca)? Te Ss.omA Ga Fig- 34 (4): Veg 5 25V Fig.3-14 Cb): ge 2 on2¥ 22. 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Vez Vi -Vee = AVON = NAV by = Veo av e0as et vO av Te = Ye a AY 2 mA Cred Be RR 30. HL = 2OmW= Vee Te. Te= Tema » Vee = Pome = soma J 2 424v Tomas Tm Vee = Vee may» Les Temes = 300N a 1SmA Te many OV Vee = 10M, Te= Pa mae = 2OmN = 3mA Vee ~ 10 Vee = Remap - 200 _7.5V 7 eee sarsy 10 20 Voe(V) BZ. the opevaTsieg Temperature range 85% £T = 50% "Fa £4 32° = £ CSS) +32" = OTE Fe &£ (50%) +32" = 302°F f+ epee Ty = 902°F 3 From Fig.2.23¢a) Toga = SOA mer Gang = Cniee x Coane = PH ISe_ we Zz = =100 oo Teeo® PFewo = Coo) SonA) =5.0 36. As the revevse-biae poTanTid unoveacte Kn iT the MaQrT cagacitance Ci, deoreaces CFs + 3.23). lworesodue, revurse-biao puTMTiale Camdes the with he os) om ion To drcrears Hhev vedas the Gapacitauce Ce=cAyy. 3B. AT Tee tomA, hee ¥ O48 (mormbigeh)@ 25°C hee FEMS CO” 2@ 125% nee Foss © OSS Acteminn Qat0o ok 25°C will resort sina teeta A ooo 1S et \2EC aed Stal Asse — a Mgmificauer orange ena ted mk we Considered Hatta Rotem Ghost —

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