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Prova Oral

PB DE INGLS (manh)

Mdia da PB


UNIDADE:_________________ PROFESSOR: ________________________ 2 BIMESTRE/2011 ALUNO(A): _______________________________________________________ N __________ TURMA: _____________ 6 ANO /E Ensino Fundamental DATA: ____/_____/_____
I - Orientaes: Preencha o cabealho de todas as pginas de sua prova. Verifique se o nmero de questes e a paginao esto corretos. II - Ateno: O aluno no poder estar portando, durante a prova, aparelho celular, bip ou outros objetos eletrnicos. Esses devero estar guardados, desligados, dentro das mochilas ou bolsas. Se o espao fsico permitir, todo o material escolar dever ser colocado perto do quadro-negro. Caso isso no seja possvel, ser colocado embaixo da carteira. A prova deve ser feita com caneta esferogrfica azul ou preta. No ser aceito rasura nas questes objetivas. A quadrcula do canto inferior direito para uso do professor e, no interior dela, sero colocados os pontos relativos aos acertos da pgina. No utilize qualquer corretivo e mquina de calcular. No pea material emprestado durante a prova. Ao escrever, observe se sua letra est legvel. Faa a prova com calma, pensando bem antes de responder s questes. Boa Prova!

2. Look at the map. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (15 points 3 each)

1. Look at the picture. Answer the questions: (15 points 5 each)

a) The parking lot is _____________ the movie theater. b) The video arcade is ____________ the skating rink. c) The candy store is ___________ the bank and the bowling alley. d) Bobs restaurant is ____________ the school. e) The department store is___________Washington street. 3. How are these people feeling? (10 points 5 each)

Ex.: Wheres the bed? Its next to the desk. a) Wheres the wastebasket?

b) Where are the books? c) Wheres the bike?




PB DE INGLS - 6 Ano/E - Manh - Ensino Fundamental -

2 BIMESTRE / 2011

ALUNO(A):____________________________________________ TURMA:_____________
4. Complete with: This is, Thats, These are or Those are: (20 points 4 each) 5. Match. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ( ( ( ( ( Im thirsty. Its hot. Lets play Lets go to the Im bored. ) ) ) ) ) Lets go swimming. Have a soda. volleyball? Go to the movie theater. mall?

(15 points 3 each)

_________________ my hat.

6. Complete the text with a or an: (10 points 2 each) Hey, Jenny. What is this? ______ video game? No, this is _____ cell phone. Its also ______ calculator. _________________ Tinas brushes. Wow Is this ______ MP3 player, too? Yes, and this is ______ camera. This cell phone is great!

7. Read the information below. Check (T) TRUE or (F) False. (15 points 3 each) _________________ her watch. Favorite places Hello! Im Jack and Im from the USA. Its cold in my country, but I like it. My favorite places are the mall and the video arcade across from my house. Hi, Im Tina. Im from Lisbon, Portugal and my favorite place is the bookstore, in front of my school. The restaurant next to the bookstore is great! _________________ her pen. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Jack is from the USA. The USA is cold. Tina is from Canada. Tinas favorite place is the beach. The bookstore is near Tinas house.

_________________ my books.


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