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Ing_8 (7)_2o bi_08


2 BIMESTRE - 2008
Apresentao Com a inteno de contribuir de forma mais efetiva para a elaborao de instrumentos de avaliao, coerentes com a abordagem metodolgica adotada nos Cadernos do Sistema Anglo de Ensino, os autores de nosso material didtico produzem, bimestralmente, estes Subsdios. Trata-se de sugestes que podem ser utilizadas nas avaliaes, mas tm como principal destinatrio o prprio professor. Por esse motivo, ser necessrio que voc analise cada uma das propostas, verificando o nvel de adequao, de acordo com as necessidades de seus alunos. Sabendo das particularidades de cada regio, de cada escola e respeitando a dinmica e as caractersticas de cada professor, salientamos que a utilizao das atividades sugeridas depende exclusivamente de sua deciso.

Orientaes gerais Ao elaborar os instrumentos de avaliao para suas classes, o professor deve considerar, em linhas gerais: os objetivos das aulas previstas para o perodo; as competncias e habilidades que foram trabalhadas no perodo; as prioridades ou relevncias do contedo para a escola e/ou o professor, tendo em vista as especificidades de cada contexto escolar (projeto da escola, classes com diferentes nveis de aprendizagem, etc.) Em lngua estrangeira, a avaliao deve calcar-se nos objetivos lingstico-comunicativos pretendidos (estrutura da lngua ou gramtica, funes comunicativas e habilidades) e nos tipos de atividades propostas no material didtico. Sugerimos instrumentos de avaliao compostos de trs sees: READING, GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY E WRITING/COMMUNICATION (= produo escrita). READING os assuntos dos textos apresentados para leitura e compreenso devem ser, preferencialmente, relacionados a assuntos trabalhados no perodo. Os textos podem ser selecionados de revistas, da Internet ou de outros livros didticos; importante que a fonte seja sempre indicada. GRAMMAR - questes semelhantes aos exerccios do livro de ingls: reescrever frases; completar um pequeno texto, dilogo ou frases com as estruturas trabalhadas no bimestre etc. Sempre que possvel, avalie os conhecimentos das estruturas gramaticais estudadas de forma contextualizada. (Ex: Ao pedir o preenchimento de lacunas com tempos verbais, faz-lo com pequenos textos ou dilogos e no com frases descontextualizadas).

Ing_8 (7)_2o bi_08

WRITING esta atividade dever ser relacionada aos assuntos dos textos trabalhados em aula e/ou projetos desenvolvidos durante o bimestre ou, ainda, ao texto apresentado na seo de READING da prpria prova. Proposta 1 Objetivo Avaliar se o aluno l e compreende texto em lngua estrangeira, utilizando o conhecimento lingstico associado ao conhecimento prvio sobre assuntos estudados em classe e/ou atuais. Texto The Big Man
Walter Hudson is big. In fact, hes enormous. He weighs over 250 kilos. And yet Walter is on a diet. Hes losing weight at an incredible nine kilos a week. He used to weigh over 630 kilos.

He used to eat enough to feed three families. For breakfast he ate two pounds of sausages, two pounds of bacon, twelve biscuits, six Danish pastries, a pot of coffee and four pints of orange juice. Lunch and dinner were even bigger. Then there were the snacks between meals. During the morning he ate twelve doughnuts.
Each afternoon he ate ten large packets of crisps and in the evening a couple of family-sized pizzas. On top of all that he drank 96 cans of soda. That was one days food and Walter ate that much every day. Until recently the world knew nothing about Walter Hudson. In the past 28 years hes only been outside for two hours. That was when his family moved house. He hasnt seen the sun since he was 25 years old and hes now 43. He lived in a secret world a prisoner in his own home near New York. He used to watch TV for 12-15 hours a day and he only left his bed to walk the five yards to the bathroom. Even that short journey was exhausting. Walters secret world finally hit the headlines ten months ago. He fell over on his way back from the bathroom and became stuck in the doorway. It took eight police and firemen to free him. But that incident changed his life. While he was lying on the floor he decided that enough is enough. The next day he started his diet. He didnt just cut down on food, he stopped eating completely. Every morning now he drinks a cocktail of vitamins in a pint of orange juice, and during the day he drinks a lot of water. He also takes more exercise now. He still has a long way to go, because he wants to get down to 85 kilos.

Ing_8 (7)_2o bi_08

Food, says Walter is an addiction. Its worse than drugs or alcohol. You can just stop taking them. But you need food. And its everywhere. Walter doesnt watch TV any more, because too many of the adverts are about food. He hopes that his example will help other overweight people, especially children.
HUTCHINSON, T. Lifelines Pre-Intermediate. Oxford: OUP, 1999. Vocabulary enough sufficient a pound 453 grammes (almost kilo) crisps potato chips become stuck can not move pint 0,57 of a litre

Questo Mark these sentences True (T), False (F) or Not mentioned (NM). Correct the false sentences. a) Walter has lost over 400 kilos in ten months. b) He used to eat a big breakfast, but he didnt usually eat lunch. c) Walter used to spend almost the whole day in bed. d) Walter began his diet ten months ago. e) He only eats one meal a day now. f) There are a lot of adverts for food on TV. g) Walter is two meters tall. h) He still watches TV most of the day. Observao Considerar apenas metade do valor do item quando a afirmao incorreta no for corrigida. Resposta a) F. Walter has lost over 300 kilos in ten months./ Walter has lost 380 kilos in ten months. b) F. He used to eat a big breakfast and a even bigger lunch and dinner. c) T d) T e) T f) T g) NM h) F. He doesnt watch TV any more. Proposta 2 Objetivo Avaliar se o aluno transfere conhecimentos lingsticos adquiridos e faz associaes para completar sentenas com tempos verbais estudados e/ou revisados.

Ing_8 (7)_2o bi_08

Questo Put the verbs in these conditional sentences (types I and II) into the correct tense. a) If she doesnt get up soon, we _____________ (be) late. b) If you mix blue and yellow, you _____________ (get) green. c) If I were taller, I ______________ (play) basketball better. d) If she didnt talk so much, she _____________ (learn) more. e) If you work hard, you _____________ (do) well in your exams. Resposta a) a) will be b) will get c) would play d) would learn e) will do

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