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Michael Gurian is a world leader in the field of gender diversity.

He and his colleagues

help corporations, organizations, managers, and sales forces to understand men and women,
and utilize both male and female assets most effectively.
Dr. Hyde um dos principais especialistas do mundo sobre gnero e sexualidade. Ela
atualmente professor de Psicologia e Estudos da Mulher da Universidade de Wisconsin-
Madison e obteve seu doutorado em Psicologia na Universidade da Califrnia, em
Berkeley. Dr. Hyde ganhou uma srie de prmios de ensino na Universidade de Wisconsin e
suas publicaes incluem mais de 100 artigos cientficos e captulos. Alm disso, ela
autora de dois livros principais, metade da experincia humana: a psicologia das mulheres, e
compreenso da sexualidade humana. Sua pesquisa ganhou prmios, incluindo o Prmio de
Kinsey, da Sociedade para o Estudo Cientfico da Sexualidade por suas contribuies para a
pesquisa do sexo, eo Heritage Award da Sociedade para a Psicologia da Mulher (Diviso 35
da American Psychological Association) para sua pesquisa sobre as mulheres e de
gnero. Ao longo das ltimas trs dcadas, o Dr. Hyde ocupou uma variedade de cargos
eleitos e nomeados em seu campo, incluindo o Editor do Psychology of Women Quarterly e
como Editor Associado do The Journal of Sex Research. Ela uma ex-presidente da
Sociedade para a Psicologia da Mulher e da Sociedade para o Estudo Cientfico da
Who was David Reimer (also, sadly, known as "John/Joan")?
David Reimer was born an identical (non-intersex) twin boy in 1965. At the age of 8
months, David and his brother each had a minor medical problem involving his penis, and a
doctor decided to treat the problem with circumcision. The doctor botched the
circumcision on David, using an inappropriate method and accidentally burning off virtually
all of Davids penis. At the advice of psychologist John Money at Johns Hopkins University,
Davids parents agreed to have him sex reassigned and made into a girl via surgical,
hormonal, and psychological treatmentsi.e., via the system Money advocated for
intersex children.
For many years, John Money claimed that David (known in the interim as Brenda) turned
out to be a real girl with a female gender identity. Money used this case to bolster his
approach to intersex the approach that is still used throughout much of the U.S. and
developed worldone that relies on the assumption that gender identity is all about
nurture (upbringing), not nature (inborn traits), and that gender assignment is the key to
treating all children with atypical sex anatomies.
As it turns out, Money was lying. He knew Brenda was never happy as a girl, and he knew
that as soon as David found out what happened to him, David reassumed the social identity
of a boy.
The case of David Reimer has been used by the proponents of the gender is inborn
(nature) theory as proof that they are right.We like to point out that what the story of
David Reimer teaches us most clearly is how much people are harmed by being lied to and
treated in inhumane ways. We dont think we can ever predict, with absolute certainty,
what gender identity a person will grow up to have. What we can predict with a good
degree of certainty is that children who are treated with shame, secrecy, and lies will
suffer at the hands of medical providers who may think they have the best of intentions
and the best of theories.

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