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Loar ge Gleason A Cer TT Instructor’s Solutions Manual SINGLE VARIABLE Third CTC UL'UIS INSTRUCTOR’S SOLUTIONS MANUAL to accompany CALCULUS ee SINGLE VARIABLE THIRD EDITION Deborah Hughes-Hallett University of Arizona Andrew M. Gleason Harvard University William G. McCallum University of Arizona etal Prepared by Ray Cannon Srdjan Divac Elliot J. Marks Emie S. Solheid Xianbao Xu JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. New York * Chichester + Weinheim + Brisbane + Singapore + Toronto COVER PHOTO © Eddie Hironaka/The Image Bank. To order books or for customer service call 1-800-CALL-WILEY (225-5945). Copyright © 2002 by John Wiley & Sons. Ine. Excerpis from this work may be reproduced by instructors for distribution on a not-for-profit basis for testing or instructional purposes only to students enrolled in courses for which the textbook has been adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012. ISBN 0-471-44185-6 Printed in the United States of America 10987654321 Printed and bound by Bradford & Bigelow Ine CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 oo... eee cece eee 1 CHAPTER 2 2.2... 0.00 e eee eee 53 CHAPTER 3 «2.0.2... 0 eee eee ee cee cece ee 107 CHAPTER 4 .. 185 CHAPTER 5 275 CHAPTER 6 313 CHAPTER 7 0... cece cece e cece eee » 355 CHAPTER 8 2.0... 0.00... cece ee eee cece eee 457 CHAPTER 9 «0.0... eee eee eee cece eee eee 543 CHATTER O cheesy cee eee eee 575 CHAPTER 11.......... 2000 c cece ee eeee eee 641 APPENDIX... 0... ee cece eee 735 ‘1souumons 1 CHAPTER ONE Solutions for Section 1.1 Exercises 1. 4(38) means the value of P coresponding tof = 35. Since f represents the numberof years since 1950, we see tht (88) means the population ofthe city in 1985. So, n 1988 the city’s populition wax 12 milion 2 Since T = (P), we see that f(200) isthe value of T when P = 200: that is, he thickness of pecan eggs when the concentration of PCBs is 200 ppm. 3. (a) When the crs 5 years oi, itis worth $6000. {b) Since the value ofthe car decreases asthe ear ges older. this isa decreasing Function. A possible graph sin Figure 1.1 rs as = as Figure 14 {€) The vertical intercept isthe value of 1” when a = 0, or the value ofthe car when i is new. The horizontal intercept is the value ofa when = 0, or the age ofthe car when iis worth nothing. 4. (a) The flat ire corresponds to part of the graph where the velocity is zero. This could be (II) or (IU), Since the velocity in (II) is higher forthe later part ofthe interval, corresponding to speeding up, the answer is (ID). (b) This i (1), as the graph shows a postive velocity followed by a zero velocity (@) In (IV), the velocity is positive, zero (while the package is being dropped off) and then nepatve (the drive hom (a) Groph (Ill) could represent a drive to the country, stopping to have lunch (velocity zero), and continuing on at a slower speed (0 look at the scenery. Other stories are possible Ps Rewriting the equation as, shows thatthe line has slope ~12/7 and vertical intercept 2/7 6, Rewriting the equation ofthe line as We see the line has slope 1/2 and vertical intercept 7. Rewriting the equation ofthe line as y 2 watz 3 ‘we see thatthe line has slope 2 and vertical intercept ~2/3. 8 The slope is (1 — 0)/(1 ~ 0) = 1. So the equation ofthe line is y = + 9, The slope is (3 — 2)/(2 ~ 0) = 1/2. So the equation of the line is y = (1/2)2 + 2 2 Chapter One SOLUTIONS 10, Using the points (~2. 1) and (2,3). we have 1 TCH AT Now we know that y= (1/2) +b Using the point (~2,1), we have 1 = ~2/2 + by which yields b = 2. Ths, the esuation ofthe tine sy = (1/2) +2. Sr ~3. Since the slope ofthis lines 5. we want ane == —He-2eory= he F 12, The line y +r = 7 has slope A, Therefore the parle! line has slope — and equation y ~ 5 = A(z ~ 1) or “iz + 9, The peponicolr line has slope ty = 4 and equation y 5 = 1(2— I) ory = 0252 +4. 13, ‘The line parle to y= mz + cals has slope, 3 is equation is Slope = th slope ~ } passing through the point (2.1). The equation ysl a) +6. “The line perpendicular to y = ynz + ebas slope ~1/ni, so its equation will be 1 y=-H(e~a) +6. 14, (a) is (V), because slope is positive. vertical intercept i negative (hy is (LV), because slope is negative, vertical intercept is positive {e) is (), because slope is 0, vertical intercept is postive (2) is (V1), because slope and venieal intercept ate boah negative (c) is), because slope and vertical intercept are both positive (fis AID, because slope is positive, vertical itercepr is 0 15, (a) is (V), because slope is negative, vertical intercept is 0 (b) is (VD, because slope and venical intercept are beth positive (c) is () because slope is negative, venicalimercept is postive (@) is UV), hecause slope is positive, vertical itercep is negative (e) is ID), because slope and vertical intercept are heth negative (8 is (I), because slope is positive, vertical intercept is 16, Since the function goes from 2 OSs. Since the function goes from = ~2Sys2 18, Since + goes from I 10 Sand y goes from | 106, the domain is 1 < x < 6 and the rangeis 1 2, since x* > @ forall 2, tox = 5 and beween y = Oand y the domain is 0 < x < 5 and the range is 2wor = 2and fom y 20 2,the domain is -2 < x < 2 and the range is 20, Te doesnt al > th ania ase em Theregisd <9 The value of f(t) is real provided f? — 16 > 0 oF /# > 16. This occurs when ether t > 4, ot < —4. Solving f(t) = 3, we have VEG 22, Factoring gives e-ne+y “Ten and x = —1. when the denominator is 0. So the domain is all wor's factors is 0, s0 2 = 22. ote) = ‘The values of z which make g(2) undefined are £0,—1, Solving y() = 0 means one of the nun For some constant k, we have $= KR? sasowmnons 3 24, We know that Eis proportional to v2, so for some constant k 28, We know that is proportional to 1/F", so A. foesome constant Problems x owes | | | 27, (a) f(B0) = 10 means thatthe value of fat = 30 was 10. In oer Words, the temperature atime t= 30 nutes was 10°C. So, 30 minutes afer the object was placed outside. it had cooled 10 10°C, {b) The intercept a measures the value of f(4) wien f= O. In other words, when the object was intially put ouside, it had a temperature of a°C. The intercept b measures the value of € when f(t) = 0. In other words, at time b the ‘object's temperature is 0°C. 28, sven) | | ime) ». Detar tom Kaname 158 120 5 ——~ twe sain amen re a Grea KSbmano ‘eve [M4 (a) Wend the slope m and inercept bin he ner equation © BC, Bom Se = 0100 b+ me."To find the slope m, we use 02. We substitute to find b “The linear formula is C ‘Chapter One SOLUTIONS () The slope i 0.2 dollars per kilogram. Each adcitional kilogram of waste costs 20 cents. (6) The intercept is 12 dollars, The flat monthly fee to subscribe to the waste collection servic is $12. This isthe amount charged even if there is no waste, as 103 ~ 90 7 3te (a) Charge per ebiefowt= 5S = B= BI = sunrise. ‘Alternatively, if we let & = e0st, wv = eubie feet of water, b = fixed chary ++ mar. Substituting the information given inthe problem, we have 96 = b+ 1000 105 = b+ 1600. ind m = cosveubie fet, we obtain Subtracting the frst equation from the second yields 15 = 600m. som = 0.025. (b) =b + 0.0251, so 90 = b + 0.025(1000), which yields b = 65. Thus the equation isc (©) We need to solve the equation 130 = 65 + 0.0251, which yields w = 2600. 32. (a) Given the two points (01,32) and (100, 212) and assunning the graph in Figure 1.2 isa line, 65 + 0.025u: spe = 22=82 18g | *f we Wo 130 200 Figure 1.2 (b) The °F intercept is (0,32). 0 °F = 18°C) +32, (6) Ifthe temperature is 20°Celsius, then F = 1.8(20) +32 = 68°F (a) 16°F = °C, then *cH18°C+92 32 = 08°C "c= 40" 33, (a) This could be a linear funetion because w increases by 5 as increases by. (b) We find the slope m and the intercept b inthe linear equation w = b + mb, We frst find the slope vn using the frst two points in the table. Since we want 1 tobe function off, we take Aw _ 171-166 Sn > wos 5 into the Hinear equation Substituting the fest point and the slope sob = ~174. The linear function is + mah, we have 166 = b + (5)(68). sh 174, The slope, m1 = 5 isin units of pounds per ined, b+ mw using m = \h/Aa to obtain the linear function +348, Alternatively, we vould solve the linear equation found in par (b) For. The slope. m pound. 2, has units inches per sasoLuTIONS «5 3M. We are looking fora linear function y = f(x) that, giver atime x in years. gives a value y in dollars for the value ofthe refrigerator. We know that when 2 = 0, tha is, when the refrigerator is news, y = 950, and when x = 7, the refrigerator is worthless, so y = 0. Thus (0,950) and (7.0) are on th fine that we are looking for. The slope is then given by 950 7 1s negative, indicating thatthe value decreases as time passes. Having found the slope, we can take the point (7.0) and use the point ‘slope formula: yam = m(e~ 21), So, 35. (a) We have the following functions. (i) Since a change inp of $5 results in a decrease in of 2, the slope of g = D(p) is ~2/5 items per datar. So Now we know that when p = 530 we have g 100 =~ 2 too = 6 ~ 220 320 Thus a formula is = 320- Gi) We ean solve q = 320 ~ Fp for pin terms og iy = 1600 2p 2p = 1600 ~ 59 p= 800 ~ 34. The slope of this fretion i 5/2 dlls per items we would expec. (by A gph ofp = 800 ~ ie given in Fique 1. iets) 00 1 es) io a0 Figure 13 5 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS. 36, Given I = lo = alot ~ fo) with fo to and a all constant. (a) Weave I = alo(t — to) + lo = alot — aloto + fo, which isa linear function oft with slope alp and y-intercept at (0. -aloto +10) (b) Ilo = 100. 60°F and a = 10~*, then 107% + 99.91 0.001" + 99.94 1= 107*(100)" ~ 107*(100)(60) + 100 {c) Ifthe slope is positive, (as in (D), then as the temperature rises. the length of the metal increases: it expands. If the slope were negative, then the metal would contract asthe temper a1. (a) R k(950 — H), where kis a postive com IF His greater than 350° the rate is negative, indicating that s very hot yam will coo! down toward the temper ature ofthe oven. (b) Letting Ho equal the inital temperature ofthe yam the uraph of Fugainst F looks lke: R (350 ~ Ho) le 0 temperature ofthe yam, since the yams surface will [Note that by the emperarure of the yam, we mean the aves bbe hotter than its center. (a) Assembling the given information, we have img — ke) where kis the constant that relates velocity to sir resistance (which depends on the shape of the object), (b) Solving the above equation for a we have © a 39, Looking atthe given data, it seems that Galile’s hypothesis was incorrect, The ist tle suggests that velocity is not 8 linear funetion of distance, since the increases in velocity for each foot of distance are themselves geting smaller. Moreover, the second table suggests thit velocity is instead proportional to rime, since for each second of time, the velocity increases by 32 sec. Solutions for Section 4.2 —_——_——————— Exercises 1. The graph shows a concave up function 2 The graph shows a concave down funetion. 12sounoNs 7 3. This graph is nether concave up or down, 4. The graph is concave up. 7. Initial quantity 3% (eominwus) 8, ital quantity = 15; growth rate ~6% (continuous deeay. 9. (a) The Function is linear with initial population of 1000 and slope of 5D, so P = 1000 + 30t () This funtion is exponential wit initial population of 1000 and growth rate of SS, so P = 1000( 1.05)" 10. (a) This isa linear function with slope ~2 grams per day and intercept 30 grams. The function is Q = 30-~ 2t, and the graph is shown in Figure 1.4 tons) Qigams 0 0 30(0.88)" S— ae ta Figure 14 Figure 1.5 (b) Since the quantity i decreasing by a constant percent change, ths isan exponential function with base 1 ~ 0.12 (0.88, The function is Q = 30(0.88)', and the graph is shown in Figure 1.5. 11, The function is increasing and concave up on the 4-interal between D and F and the z-interval between H and I. Its increasing and concave down on the 2-interval between .A and B. and the x-interval between E and F. Ibis decreasing land concave up on the z-interval between C' nd D, and the 2-interval bewween G and H. Finally itis decreasing and concave down onthe 2-interval between B and C, and the x interval between F and G Problems 2 @) astm (b) “The rate at which new people ty it” isthe rate of change of the total number of people who have tried the product ‘Thus the statement of the problem is tlling you thatthe graph is concave down—the slope ix postive but deereasing, asthe graph shows, 13, (a) Advertising is generally cheaper in bulk: spending more money will give bewer and better marginal results initially, (Gpending $5.000 could give you a big newspaper ad eaching 200,000 people: spending $100,000 could give you 3 series of TV spots reaching 50.000,000 people.) A graph is shown below lef (b) The temperature of a hot object decreases at arate proportional to the difference between its temperature and the temperature of the ait around it, Thus, the temperature of «| very hot abject decreases more quickly than a cooler ‘object. The graph is decreasing and concave up. (We are assuming that the coffe i al a the same temperatute.) M (Graper One SOLUTIONS revenue temperature NK advenising time (a) A linear function must change by exacily the same amount whenever x changes by some fixed quantity. While h(2) decreases by 3 whenever x increases by 1, f(x) and g(2) fail this tet, since both change by different amounts between x = 2 and x = —1 and between 2 = —1 and z = 0, So the only linear function is A), so it will be given by a formula of the type: A(2) = mz +b. Asnoied, m = —3. Since the y-intercep of his 31, the formula for Nx) is h(a) = 31 ~ 32. (b) An exponential function must grow by exactly the same factor whenever x changes by some fixed quantity. Here, 9(z) increases by a factor of 1.3 whenever x increases by 1, Since the y-intercept of g(2) is 36 g(2) has the formula 9() = 36(1.5"). The other two functions are not exponential: h(x) is not because itis a linear function, and f(z) ‘snot because it both increases and decreases. 1S, (a) Let P represent the population of the world, and let & represent the number of years since 1999. Then we have P= 6(L.013)'. (b) According 0th billion people {(€) The graph is shown in Figuee | {his oceurs a approximately 53.7 years, formula. the population of the world inthe year 2020 (at € = 21) will be P = 6(1.018)" = 7.87 ‘The population of the world has doubled when P 3.7. Under these sumptions, the doublis 2; we sce onthe graph that {ime ofthe world's population is about ‘ 1 tens 16, (a) We have Reduced size = (0.80) - Original size Original size = Reduced size 1 : aaa (1.25) Reduced size, so the copy must be enlarged by a factor of 1.25, which means itis enlarged to 1256 of the reduced size (b) 1a page is copied n times. then New size = (0.80)" - Original ‘We want t0 solve for 50 that oso)" 0.168 and (0.80)? Sy tal and ero, we find (0.80)* 12sowumoNs «9 17. (a) Using Q = Qo(1 ~ 1)! for toss, we have Q ‘The investment was worth $3486.78 alter 10 years (b) Measuring time from the moment at which the stock begins to gain value and letting Qo ft yearsis 0,000(1 - 0.1)"° = 10,000(0.9)"° = 3486.78. 3486.78, the value after Q = 3480.78(1 +0.1)' = 3486.78(1.1)" ‘We can estimate the value of ¢ when @ = 10.000 by tracing along a graph of Q, gi years fo get the investment back to $10.000. 18, We look for an equation ofthe form y = yod" since the graph looks exponential. The points (0,3) and (2.12) are on the raph, so 11. Teil take about 11 mE. we and a? giving a = 42, Since a > 0, our equation is y (24), 19, We Took for an equation ofthe form y = yoa* since the graph looks exponential. The points (~1.8) and (1.2) are on the graph, so Hence y = 4(3) We look for an equation of the form ‘raph. so 1yoa™ since the graph looks exponential. The points (1.6) and (2.18) ae on the yoo! and 18 = yon? ast = 18 = 5, ands06 = yoa = yo S:thus, yo = 2. Hence 21, The difference, D, bewe equation of the form ‘Therefore a 23"). the horizontal asymplote and the graph appears vo decrease exponentially, so we Took for an D=Da* where Do = 4 = difference when x = 0. Since D = 4 ~ y.we have 4aysda% or y=4—4a% = 401-0") ‘The point (1,2) is ont Therefore y = 4(1 = (4)* 22 (a) Let Q = Qua! Then Qoa® = e graph, 302 = 4(1 — a"), giving a = 3 4-2), 73.94 and Qua? = 170.86, So Qoa? _ 17088 _ 9 95 Goat = Fa.gr = 228 Soa=15 (b) Since a = 1.5. the growth ate sr = 0.5 = 50% 2B, (a) Let Q = Qon', Then Qoa%"? = 25.02 and Qou®®* = 25.06, So Qua? _ 25.06 Gout? = 35.03 = NOE = al So 3.001) = 1.05. (b) Since a = 1.05, the growth rate is r = 0.05 = 5%. 2b Since e928 = (e#8) = 1.28", we have see that this is growth because 1.28 > 1 Since e®* = (0°8*)! = (0.61)', we have P also see tht this is decay because 0.61 < 1 15(1.28) This is exponential growth since 0.25 is postive. We ean also 2(0.61). This is exponential decay since ~0.5 is negative, We can 10 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS 26, P = Po(e®2)' = Po(1.2214)'. Exponential growth because 0.2 > 0 or 1.2214 > 1, 21, P= Tem")! = 7(0.0482)'. Exponential decay because —7 < 0 oF 0.0492 < 1. 28, (a) We have Py = 1 million, and k = 002, so P = (1.000,000)(¢°°") P 1,900,000 ‘ Direct calculation reveals that each 1000 foot increase in aude results ina longer takeoff roll bya factor of about 1.096, Since the value of d when ht = 0 (sea level) isd = 670, we are led tothe formula = 67041.096)"", ‘where di the takeoff rollin feet, and his the airport's elevation, in fet. Alternatively, we can write d= doa, where dy isthe sea level value of d, do = 670. In addition, when 734 = 670'™, Solving fora gives 30, Since fis lin its slope is constant “Thus f increases 5 units or unit inerease in 2, so JQ) =15, f(@) =25. 30, Since g is exponential its growth factor is constant, Writing 9(2) = ab*, we have g(0) = a = 10,50 gz) = 10-8", Since 9(2) and since 8 > 0, we have vi. ‘Thus g increases by a factor of V3 for unit increase in 7,50. g(t) = 10V3, (3) = 10(V3)° = 20V3._g(4) = 10(V3)* = 40. [Notice that the value of g(z) doubles between z = and x = 2 (from g(0) = 10 to g(2) = 20), so the doubling time of ‘9(z) is 2. Thus, o(z) doubles again between x = 2 and x = 4, confirming that g(4) = 40, 31 If the pressure at sea level is Py, the pressure P at altitude his given by p=n(i-2t)™ since we want the pressure to be multiplied by a factor of (1 ~ $34) = 0.996 for each 100 feet we go up to make it decrease by 0.4% over that interval. At Mexico City h = 7340, so the pressure is P = Po(0.096) 7H ~ 0.745 Pp, So the pressure is reduced from Py to approximately 0,745 Po, a decrease of 25.5%. s2souumoNs 11 32, (a) We compound the daily ination rate 30 times to get the deste monthly rater ry! 13)" (+35) = 0+ an) Solving forr. we get r = 47.3, s0 the inflation rate for June was 47.39% (b) We compound the daly inflation cate 365 times to get a yearly rule RE Ry 1a" (1+ 56) = (1+ jaa) Solving for Rw gt Ft = 110.544, so the yearly rate was 1154.49 dring 1988. We could have obtined approx imately the same result by compounding the monthly rate 12 times. Computing the annual rae from the monthly gives a lower result, because 12 months of 30 days each is only 360 days, ‘3%. (a) Thisisthe graph of a incar function, which increases a a constant rate, and thus corresponds o h(t) which increases, by 0.3 over each interval of 1 (b) This graph is concave down, soit corresponds toa function whose increases are getting smaller, as isthe ease with ‘A(t. whose increases are 10.9, 8,7, and 6. (€) This graph is concave up, soit corresponds 10 a function whose increases ae getting bigger. a isthe case with g(t). whose inereases are 1, 2,3, 4, and 5. 3M. The doubli time ¢ depends only on the growth rate; it isthe solution to 2.02)" Since 1,02* represenis the facior by which the population has grown after time f. Trial and error shows that (1.02)°° = 1.9999 and (1.02)°* = 2.0390, so tha the doubling time is about 35 years. 35. (a) The forma is Q = Qo(3)°. (b) The percentage left after 500 years is 20 The Qos cancel giving ()" xaser, 0 80.7% is let 36. Let Qo be the intial quantity absorbed in 1960, Then the quantity, Q of stronium90 left after # years is ona ey” ‘Since 1990 ~ 1960 = 30 years elapsed, the fraction of strontum-$0 ett in 1990 is yor Qo(F @ Q (y= a8 = 88%, 37, Because the population is growing exponentially, the time it takes to double is the same, regardless of the population levels we are considering. For example, the population is 20.000 at time 3.7, and 40,000 at time 6.0. This represents a doubling ofthe population in a span of 6.0 ~ 3.7 = 2.3 years. How long does it take the population to double a second time, from 40,000 to 80,000? Looking atthe graph once again, we sec that the population reaches 80,000 at time t = 8.3. This second doubling has taken 8.3 ~ 6.0 = 2.3 years, the same amount of time asthe frst doubling Further comparison of any wo populations on this graph that differ by a factor of two will show thatthe time that separates them is 2.3 years. Similarly, during any 2.3 year period, the population will double. Thus, the doubling time is 23 year, ‘Suppose P = Poa doubles from time #10 time t+ d. We now have Poa! 30 Poa! = 2Pya Thus, canceling Py and ad mst be the umber such that a4 = 2, no matter wht ts 12 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS 38, We see that 198 = 1.03, aml therefore M(s) = o(1.09):€ must be 1. Similarly $85 = 1.1 and so f(s) = a(t)": a= 2. Lastly, BB 1 (1.05): b= 3 39, (a) The slope is given by Poh 100 T=h ~ 20-0 ~ 20 We know 30 when t= 0, so P= 251-430, () Given P = Poa! and 50 when t 30 = Pa”, s0 Po Then, using P = 100 when ¢ = 20 100 = 50a°® 2e0* a= 2 = 1.035265, And so we have P= 50(1.085268) ‘The competed abies found in Table (© ic st 200 10 > 160 Table 1A The cost ofa home fa ‘e)Linew Growth_] 5) Exponential Growth 10 # | rien sion0 units) | rien 1000 ui 400 ° 30 30 2 10 78 ot ® 2 100 100 © x0 rs vai laa * 150 200 o5 wis we eM () Since economic growth (inflation, investments) are usually measured in percentage change per year, the exponential ‘model is probably more realistic. Solutions for Section 1.3 Exercises (a) gQ4h)= +h 4+2Q4h) +344 4h4 444 WEI = He OH T (by 9(2) = 2422) += 4444 (©) 92+) ~ 9(2) 11, which agrees with what we get by substituting h = 0 imo (a). (#4 6h +11) ~ (11) = 4? + 6h, Parse ae 4m42 eR La Lag DF 2, (8) 2f(t) = 20 +1) = 2 +2. fe) (f@) +1 = (P41) F128 HeLa t+ oe 42 3 (a) f(a) + 9(n) = (Bn? — 2) + (m1) = Sn? +9 — (b) fladgln) = (Gn? — 2)(n +1) = Bn? + Sn? — 2-2. (©) the domain of HE? is defined everywhere where gn) #0. for al Holm) = 30 1) = 2 = 308 + 6 +L fe) of f(n)) = Gn? — 2) + 1 = 3n? = 1. tssownions 13, 4. Figure 1.7 shows the appropriate graphs. Note that asymmprotes are shown as dashed lines and a-or y-intercepts are shown as filled circles « y o 8, m(z+h) = m(z—h) + Ohz +h? - (2? - the +h?) 9. (a) £(25) is qcomesponding to p = 25, of i other words, he number of tems sold when he pic is 25. (b) f~1(30) is p corresponding to g = 30, or the price at which 30 units will be sold. 10, (a) $(10,000) represents te value of C eoresponding to A = 10,000, orn other word the cos of building & 10.000, Squatetoot stor. (b) f—#(20.000) represents the value of A corresponding to C = 20.000, or the area in square feet of a store which ‘would cost $20,000 to build LL, £71(75) is the length of the columa of mercury in the thermometer when the temperature is 75°F. 12, (a) Since m = f(A), we se that f(100) represents the value of m when A = 100. Thus f(100) isthe minimum annus {70s income needed (in thousands) take out a 80-year mortgage loan of $100,000 at an intrest rate of 9% (b) Since m = f(A), we have A = f~'(m). We sce that f~*(75) represents the value of A when m = 75, or the size of a morgage lin that could be obzined on an income of $75,000, 13, The faction is not invertible since thee are many horizontal ines which hit the Function twice 14, The Function isnot invertible since there are horizontal lines which bit dhe function more than once. 15, (a) We find f~"(2) by finding the z value corresponding to f(r) = 2. Looking atthe graph, we see that f-1(2) = =1. (b) We construct the graph of f~(x) by reflecting the graph of f(x) over the line y = =. The graphs of f—!(x) and f(z) ace shown together in Figure 1.8. Figure 1.8 16, This looks ikea shift of the graph y = —2". The graph is shifted to the left | unit and up 3 units, so a possible formu isy=-(@ 41) +8 14 chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS 17, This looks lke a shift ofthe graph y = 2%, The graph is shifted to the right 2 units and down 1 unit sa possible formula isy=(r- 2-1. 18, Soa) = (-2)8 + (-2)t 1s 2-28 $1. Since J(—2) # fle) and f(—2) # ~ f(z), this function is nether even nor odd » f(-2) = (-2)? + (-2)* + (-2) Since J(—2) # Fle) and f(—2) # ~ (2), this function is nether even nor od Problems 20, (a) The equation is y = 2z* + 1. Note that its graph is narrower than the graph of y = 2? which appears in grey. See Figure 1.9, 8 yee 8 = 27+) t 7 6 6 4 yaa \\a a \2 Kit Figure 19 Figure 1.10 (0) y= 2(24 +1) moves the graph up one unit and then stretches it by a factor of two. See Figute 1.10. (6) No, the graphs are not the same, Note that stretching vertically eaves any point whose yale i zero in the same place but moves any ether point. This isthe source ofthe difference because if you stretch it irs its lowest point stays atthe origin Then you shift tp by one and is lowest points (0,1) ARermatively, if you shift fis, is lowest ‘point is (0.1) which, when stretched by 2, becomes (0,2). 21, Not invenble. Given a certain number of customers, say f(f) = 1900, there could be many times , during the day at which that many people were in the store, So we dont know which time instant the right one. 22, Probably not invertible. Since your calculus elas probably has less than 363 students, there willbe at leat two days in the year, say @and , with f(a) = f(0) = 0. Hence we don’t know what to choose for f"(0). 23, Invenibe. Since at 4°C, the mass of 1 liter of waters 1 kilogram, the mass of 2 Titers is x kilograms, So f(z therefore, f-"(2) = 2. 24. Not invertible, since it costs the same to mail a SO-gram ltr a it does to mail 51-gram letter. 28. flo(0) = f2) = 0. 26, g(F2)) = (04) LA. 27. {(F() = f(-0.4) = -039. 28, Computing f(g(2)) asin Problem 25, we get the following table. From it we graph f(g(2)). and Ce =05 aa a2 a2 1s -05 =02 ot 07 oul Sata) sasownions 15 29, Using the same way to compute 9(f(2)) as in Problem 26, we get the following table. Then we ean plot the graph of a(f(2)). = [ie) To 7) =26 or | os at ai} maa TT wen -15|-13] —18 I mi fava) az ' wos} —1 | -14 : o |-o8) - < 3 as |-08] -08 4 1 |-04} “03 15 |-01] 03 2|oa| i as}oo} 2 3 [is | 22 30, Using the sime way to compute #(/(z)) as in Problem 27, we get the following table. Then we can plot the graph of HG). = [eG yay le -25} 01 | -07 ts | ee 15] -13 1@) ar |a2 es nos! -1 0 |-o8 | as |-o8 = 1 | -os Tt 1s | -01 Ty t 03 a 09 16 BL flz)= 2°. g(z)=2 +1. 32 fle 2 rth gz)=2. 33. Since B= y — 1 and n = 25? ~ B, substitution gives B® — B= Ay - 1)? ~ (y—1) = 29? Sy +3. ‘M4. (a) The function f tells us C in terms of q, To get its inverse, we want qin terms of C, which we find by solving for 4 00 + 2e, re). (b) The inverse function tells us the number of articles that can be produced for a given cos 135. (a) For each 2.2 pounds of weight the object has, it has 1 kilogram of mass, so the conversion formula is (b) The inverse Function is and it gives the weight of an object in pounds as a function of its mass in kilograms. 16 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS 36. Solutions for Section 1.4 —————— Exercises 1, The function e* has a vertical intercept of 1, so must be A. The function nx has an x-intercept of 1, 0 must be D. The ‘graphs of 2 and z*/* go through the origin. The graph of 2? is concave down so it corresponds to graph C and the raph of 2? is concave up so it corresponds to graph B. . Taking logs of both sides log 3° = rlog.3 = log 11 ‘3. Taking logs ofboth sides log 17 = log? 2g 17 = log 2 108% 2 9.24, jog, ‘Taking logs ofboth si log 10 = log 4? = rlog 4 ogo | 1 Tost fog * 1°6 20 = 50(1.09)" 1.04)" 20 50 Taking logs of both sides log log(1.04)* log? = 2og( 1.04) log(2/5) Tou(7.03) ~ 28.4 46, Taking logs of oth sides sasowuTioNs 17 ‘Taking logs ofboth sides tos (7) = 108 (3) (4/7) Ho (5/3) ‘Taking logs ofboth sides 9. In(2*) = Infe"*) rin? =(2+1)Ine zln2=2+1 0.6932 = 2 +1 1 oes: 10, To solve for x, we fist divide both sides by $ and then take the natural logarithm of both sides 12, In(2e%*) = In(4e**) in2+In(et*) = In + In(e™*) 0.693 + 32 = 1.386 +52 2 = -0347 18 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS 13, Using the rules for In, we get 7 (24 2)n7 = 172 (iu 7-17) = -21n7 1 n(10°*) = Ine (c+3)n0 =ln5+(7—2)Ine 2:308(2 +3) = 1.609 + (7-2) 330082 = 1.609 +7 ~ 2.203(3) 2 = 0515 1S. Using the rules for in, we have te-1 Hats1=0 fe-F 16, Using the rules for In, we get Ing = In2et rind =In242* zing +In2 = 0. [tao Tad Wn9s VUNOE AH? or 0382.2 = 1.815. We can use the quadratic formula to get 2 loga v= eS ae, = BC) _ log P - log Po ' log P — log Po Toga Toga 19, Taking logs of both sides yields Tog Hence Yon ($) _ log @ = logQo loge ‘loga 20, Collecting similar terms yields Hence = nk eee met SK, ankaneor="d 23, Using the identity” z,we have 0) sasownons 19 24 Using the identity 10!°** = x, we have 10848) AB 25, Using the identity e™* = x, we have 5A, 26, Using the identity In (e*) = 2, we have 2AB. 27, Using the rules for in, we have in(2) +inap=iat-mnetind tin O-14+lnayinB 1+ leat in B. 28, Using the rules for In, we have 2.4 + Sein B. (ele) = lint = "4, we have P = 152", Since 0.41 is positive, this is exponential growth, 28, Since (1.5)! (0.5306, Thus P = 106% 0.1054, Thus P 42-980. Since —0.6 is negative, tis represents exponential decay: 30, We want 1.7" 31, We want 0.9 32, Since (0.55) ie :a088e (ete) lesan, 33. If p(t) = (.04!, then, for p™? the inverse ofp, oe should have our =e, P(t) log( 1.04) = log, 1) = lost Ph O* Bao 58.708 logt. BM. Since fis increasing, fas an inverse, To fn the inverse of J(0) = 50%, we replace ¢ with J-"(0), and, since FO) = we have ta auc", We then solve for f= "(t) 0070) orn EC 35. Using f(F-"(0) tewe see AO) = 14 nfO So wero 1 rose Problems 136, We know thatthe yintercept ofthe Tine ist (0,1), so We need one other point wo determine the equation ofthe line. We ‘observe that it intersects the graph of f(z) = 10* atthe point x = log 2. The y-coordinate of tis point is then ple of 20 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS s0 (log 2.2) isthe point of intersection, We can now fing the slope ofthe line: a1 ™ = i920 ~ log? Plugging tis into the pointstape formula for a Tine, we have 1 ~ 0.18, the decay rate is 0.18, so 186 leaves the body each hour, (0(0.82)* = 3.04. The amount in the body after 6 hours is 3.04 me. (4) We want to find the value of ¢ when A = 1. Using logarithms: 10(0.82) 01 = (0382)' tq.) = €1n(0.82) = 11.60 hours After 11.60 hours, the amout is 1 mg. 38. (a) Since the initial amount of caffeine is 100 mg and the exponential decay rate is ~0.17, we have A = 100e7° (b) See Figure 1.11, We estimate the halflife by estimating f when the caffeine is reduced by half (so A = 50); this ‘occurs at approximately ¢ = 4 hours. Figure 1.11 e) We want find the value of when 4 = 50: ‘The half-life of caffeine is about 4.077 hours. Ths agrees with what we saw in Figure 39, Since the facor by which the prices have increased aer time tis given by (1.05) the time after which the prices have doubled solves 1.05)! Jog 2 = log(1.05") = Hog(1.05) log? Tog 1.05 14.21 yean, sasowmions 21 440. Given the doubling time of S hours, we can solve forthe bactera's yrowth rates 2Py = Poe™* not So the growth of the bacteria population is i Pree ‘We want 0 find # such that 37> = Poettt2"l8 ‘Therefore we cancel Py and apply In. We get 7.925 hours. 441, In ten years, the substance has decayed to 4056 ofits orginal mas. In another ten years, it will decay by an additional factor of 40%, so the amount remaining after 20 years will be 100 409% - 40% = 16 ke. Using the exponential decay equation P= Pye", we can solve forthe substance’s decay constant ki (Po = 0.37) = Pre“ (0.7) 20 Knowing this deeay constant, we can solve for the halle fusing the formula OP» = Ppetso0s20 20in(0. = 38.87 hours 43, Let B represent the sales (in million of dollars) at Borders bookstores f yeas since 1991. Since B= ‘we want the continuous growth rate, we write B = T8e, We use the information from 1994, that B tofind k: 78 when t = 0 and 12 when f= 3, We have B = 78, which represents an annual (continuous) percent growth rate of 83.54. 444. Te population has neeased hy a factor of $8509 = 1.4 in 10 years. Thus we have te formula P = 40,000,000(1.4)"7 and t/10 gives the number of 10-year periods that have passed since 1980. {In 1980, 2/10 = 0, so we have P = 40.0001,140 in 1990, 1/10 = 1, 80 P = 40.000.000(1:4) = 36,000.000. In 2000, £/10 = 2, so P = 40,000.000(1-4)* = 78,400,000. “To find the doubling time, solve 80,000,000) = 40.000,000(1.4)'/"°, o get ¢ = 20.6 year. 45. number of years since 1980. Then the number of vehicles, Vin milions, atime tis given by FO(L.04)! and the number of people, P, in millions, at time tis given by P= 27101)! 22 Chapter One /SOLLTIONS, ov ‘There isan average of one vehicle per person when ‘Thus, we must solve for ¢ the equation: P 170(1.04y' = 227(1.01)', ‘which implies (2s)! = G00! = BE io) = (ony = 170 ‘Taking logs on both sides, Lo 27 Hog ee tg 2 Tero, log (#35. 106 (FB). 00 years, log (97. So there was, according to this model, about one vehicle per person in 1990, 46, Let n be the infant monlity of Senegal. Asa function of time tn is given by n= no(0.90). “Totind when n = 0.50no (so the numberof eases hasbeen reduced by S05), we solve 0.50 = (0.90)", Jog(0.50) og(0.90), {og(0.50) imtoo) * 8383008 47, (a) We ow the dscay follows the eeation P= Poe. and that 108 ofthe pollaton i ema ater 5 hours (meaning that 90% i ef, Therefore, 0.90P) = Poe™"* += -Lin(o.90) “Thus. after 10 hors Px Pye !4-02310000) P= PUY =081F, $0 816 ofthe origina aout ie. () We want 0 sove forthe ime when P 0.30Ph: = Pret m0.90) (e090) go" 31n(0.50) (0.50) 2.9 hours © P 10 a (@) When highly polluted air is filtered, there is more pollutant per liter of air to remove. Ifa fixed amount of air is cleaned every day, thee is a higher amount of pollutant removed earlier in the process. 1ssowmons 23 48. (a) The pressure P a 6198 meters is given in terms of the pressure Pp at sea level to be P= Pye 20ers ‘Ppel-om123005 Pye B78 SOATSBP) or about 47.5% of sea level pressure (b) AU = 12,000 meters, we have P= Pre Doo0i28 = Pel 200012920 = Pooh 0.28697) or about 23.7% of sea level pressure. 49. Since the amount of strontim-90 remaining halves every 29 years, we ean solve forthe decay constant; 0.5, = Poe 0/2) be 5 Knowing this, we ean look for the time ¢ in which P = 0.10Ps, or O.10P = Poel 1n(0.10) _ Ta(0.3) bs 1 eM) 0.5508 -hart0-te 441.43 years, so the painting is a fake. 21-1074. Thus, & Solutions for Section 1.5 Exercises Py Copter One SOLUTIONS sin is postive cos F ispositve tan 4 is positive 5 is posi sin dr cosdr = -1 isnegative tan3r ‘ssowuTions 25, 25 Chapter One /SOLUTIONS 8. 4 radians radians cos is negative tan4_ is postive 9, —L radian ABBE = — (ME) = 60° sin(-1) is negative cos(-1)_ ispostve tan (-1) Isnegatve 10. > (by piewre) = 0.808, nL sssownons 27 By the Pythagorean Theorem, (cos so (sin §) = 1 - (cos $)?-andsin ¢ = JT (60s 3) = y= (ROOF ~ 0.588 ‘We take the postive square root since by the picture we know that sin § is positive. 0) L 1 on By the Pythagorean Theorem, (cos 7 (cos #5)? = 1~(sin )* andcos /T= (0-259)? = 0.966. We take the positive square root since bythe picture we know that cos 13, (a) We determine the amplitude of y by looking atthe coefficient of the cosine tem. Her. the coeficien is 1, s0 the amplitude of y is 1. Nov thatthe constant term does eo affect the amplitude. (6) We know that the cosine function cos-x repeats itself at x = 2x. so te function cos(3zx) must repeat itself when 3r = 2x, oral x = 2x/3, Sothe period of y is 27/3. Here as well the constant term his no effect, (€) The graph of y is shown inthe figure below. y 5 4 ¥ 14, (a) A(t) = 2eos(t— 7/2) (0) f(t) = 2eost (6) aft) = 2eon(t + 7/2) This raph iain carve wiper an mpd 2.50 gen by J(2) = 2sin (2) period 6x and amplitude 5 s0itis given by f(z) = 30s (2), 16, This graph is a cosine curve wit 17. The graph is an inverted sine curve with amplitude 1 and period 2, sifted up by 2 soitis given by f(z) = 4 sin(22). 18 Ths path an eres cre ith arp ad pero ogy le) 18. Ths pap nie ane cn Pro 5b she by oii ghenby a) = 26a (2) +2 so() 20, THis graph isan inverted cosine curve with amplitude 8 and period 20, soit is given by f(x) = 2. The graph isa sine curve which has been shifled up by 2, s0 f(z) = (sin 2) +2. 22, This graph has period 6, amplitude Sand no vertical or horizontal shifl so itis given by 2) = sun (Zs) M2) = sin ( 28 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS. 23, This graph has period 5, amplitude 1 and no venical shift or horizontal shit rom sin x. s0 itis given by Sex) =sin (2) 24, This graph has period 8 amplitude 3. anda vertical tit of 3 with no horizontal shift Is given by Ke 2) =343 ange iE arecos\ 1 recs iv Se mor /2 Sy Sa/2 Figure 1.13, Figure 1.14 (©) The domain =1 & 1 £ 1 while the range is 0 < y < x. Se Figure 113, (4) The domain of areeos and aresin are the sme, “1S # 1 since their inverses (sine and cosine) only take on values in his ange. (The domain of the origina sine function was restricted tothe the interval [~. $] to construc the aresine funtion. Hene, the range of sesne is also [~ §.§]. Now. if we resect the domain of cosine in the same way, we obtain an accosine curve which is nota function (See Figur 1.14) For example, for = 0, y = arecos wil have to talues,~$, and $. Also, it gives no vales for < 0 0 isnot very sel. The domain of cosine should instead be restricted [02] sothaty = arcs. gives a urigue y foreach vale of x Solutions for Section 1.6 Exercises 1. Exponential growth dominates power growth as x + 20, 0 10-2 is large. 2, As2 + 00, 0.252" jg larger than 25.0002~% BASE 0c. y 00. As 00. 9 + ~00. 4. ASE 00,4 0. Aer 20,9 > 0, ‘SSOLUTIONS —3t 8, (1) Degree > 3, leading coefficient negative. (ily Degree > 4, leading coettcient positive. (ll Degree > 4, leading eveficient negative (V) Degree > 5, leading cvetficient negative. (V) Degree > 5, leading coetficent postive. 6. (a) I and II1 because in both eases, the numerator and denominator each have 2” as the highest power, with coefficient Therefore, asx + boo. (b) L since a. boo. () I and Il since replacing x by x leaves the graph of the function unchanged. (@) None {e) IL, since the denominator is zero and f(2) tends to +36 when x = 1 7. (a) From the 2-intercepts, we know the equation has the form y= Re+ 22 (e- 5). Since y = 2 when x = 0, (2-1-8) Trane ne yates ate me-9 f(a) Boca oor cubic has a 04a 2 and double oo st ~2 tas he frm y= He +2 0422-2) when 2 “Thus our equation is Leen y= - H+ 2-2) 9. (a) & polynomial has the same end behavior as its leading team, s0 this polynomial behaves as ~3z globally. Thus we have: J(2) + -casz 4-00. and fz) + ~20882 + $00. (®) Polynomials behave globally as their leading term, so this rational function behaves globally 2s (3z)/(222), oF 3/2. Thus we have: $(2) 43/2382 -4 00, and f(z) 4 3/2as 2 + +00. () We see froma graph of y = e that M2) 0asz4 20, and f(z) + $00 a2 + 400. Problems 10. f(z) = Ke+3)(2—(e=4) ae equal: oterwise one cant M1 f(z) = he(e + 3)(z ~ 4) = R(29 ~ 24 ~ 122), where k-< 0. (= —F if he horizontal and vera sis are equal, ‘otherwise one cant tel how large is.) 12, f(a) = He +z = le e~ ‘etcal scales are equ otherwise one ean tll how large is) #22? —11e-412), where k <0. how large kis.) iF he horizontal and vertical seales K(o! — Ta 4522 + 912 — 30), where & > 0.8 ifthe horizontal and 32 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS, 1B, f(x) = be + 2)(2 = 2)4(2 = 8) = R(x" — Te" + Ge? + 282 — 40), where k <0. = ‘otherwise one can’t tell how large kis.) i the seales are equal; 14, Since this rational function has a vertical asymptote at x = 2, one possibility forthe denominator is 2. The function oes through the origin, so the numerator must have a fcior of. Since there is horizontal asymptote ay = 3, the end bbehavior must give this result. One possible funetion with his behavior is ar y 15, Substituting w = 65 and h = 160, we have @ 0.01(63°"*)(160°7*) (b) We substitu ¢ = 1.5 and h = 180 and solve for w: 15 = 0.01w"** ago"), We have 0 = Seay = Since w°?® = w'/*, we take the fourth power of both sides, giving oF (©) Wesubsinue w= 70 and soe fork in tems of 0.01(70°"* )ho7* Since O75 we take the 4/3 power of each side, giving . n= 11265 16, Let us represent the height by h. Since the volume is 7, we have eh Solving for h gives ‘The graph isin Figure 1.15, We are assuming Visa positive constant Figuie 1.15, vesownions 33 17. (a) (i) The water that has flowed out ofthe pipe in I second isa cylinder of radius rand length 3 em. lis volume is ver (i) the rave of flow isk emvsee instead of 3 cnvsec, the volume is given by h Fk (b) i) The graph of V asa function ofr isa quadratic. See Figure 1.16. Figure 1.16 Figure 1.17 (ii) The graph of V as. function off is line. See Figure 1.17 18, The water which has come through the pipe in | second isa box with sides 5, x, and 2. Its volume is Vesr" 19, The volume of water which has come through the pipe in | second isa cylinder of volume Var “The volume of water which has come through the pipe in second is box with sides 5, 3, and. is volume is ¥ 5-3-2 = loz, 21. Let D(v) be the stopping distance required by an Alpha Romeo aa function of its velocity. The assumption that stopping Gistance is proportional tothe square of velocity is equivalent to the equation Div) = bo hy’ ‘whore kis a constant of proportionality. To determine the value off, we use the fact that (70) = 17, (70) = k( 70)" = 177, Thos, Ie follows that and ‘Thus, at half the speed it requires one fourth the distance, whercas at twice the speed it requires four times the distance, as we would expect from the equation (We could infact have figured it out that way. without solving fork explicitly) (a) Since the rae 7 varies diceetly with the fourth power ofthe radius r, we have the formula Rake where fis a constant 34 Chapter One /SOLUTIONS (b) Given f= 400 forr = 3, we can determine the constuntk. 400 = (3) 400 = &¢81) 400 ka x 1038 So the formula is R= 4.938" © ds Evaluating the formula above at r = 3 R= 4.928(5)" = 3086.42% 23, (a) The object stant at ¢ = 0, when s = r9(0) ~ g(0)2/2 = 0. Thusit starts on the ground, with ero height. (b) The object hits the ground when s = 0. This is satisfied att = 0, before ithas lef the ground, and at some later time “that we must solve for 0 = vot — gf? /2 = (v0 ~ 9t/2) Thus « = O when = Oand when vo ~ gt/2 0/9. The staning time ground at time t = 20/9. The object reaches its maximum height halfway between when it is released and when it hits the ground, oF at (2v0/9)/2 (2) Since we know the time at which the object reaches its maximum height, to find the eight it actually reaches we just use the given Formula, which tells us « at any given f, Substituting ¢ = t/a, shen (0,0 it must hit the te 0/9. 24, The pomegranate is at ground level when f(Q) = ~1612 + 64t = ~161(t ~ 4) = 0,s0 when t = ort = 4 At time £ = 0 itis thrown, so it must hi the ground at € = seconds. The symmetry of is path with respect 10 time may eonvnee you tha teaches its maximum Neigh after 2 seconds. Altematvely, we can think ofthe graph of JO) = ~16t2 + 641 = ~16(t — 2)? + 64 which i a downward parabola with vertex (.. highest point) at (2, 64). The maximum height i #(2) = 64 feet. 28, (a) «5 HF(1, 1) som the graph, we know that 1=a(l)' +01) +e=a+b4e. (id) 16(1,1) isthe vertex, then the axis of symmetry is. = 1, $0 -pen and thus . $.50d But to be the vertex, (1,1) musta be on the graph, so we know that a +b + ¢ = 1, Substituting b = —2a, +a. a(0") + (0) Fe = c.s0€ 3. From (ayii),a = e= 180.0 we get —u +e = 1. which we can rewrite asa = ¢—1,ore= (il) For (0.6) tobe on the graph, we must have (0) = 6. But f(0) (b) To satisfy all the conditions, we must first, from (ai), have & (aX), b= ~2a, so b = =10, Thus the completed equation is f(a) y 5x? —10r +6, whieh satistie all the given conditions. esoLuTIONS — 35 26, At) cannot be of the Form et® or Kt? since (1.0 the ratio of successive values of h is approximately 1.5. Therefore h(t) 9(1.0) = 3.00. However, (2.0) = 24.00 ¢ 3-2°. Therefore y(t) a(t) = 30. Thus f(0) = ef? and since (2.0) = 4.40, we have f() 27, Looking at g, we see that the ratio of the values is: 312 _ BT 49 9.39 aa * Tao é “Thus g is an exponential function, and so f and k are the power functions. Each is of the form az? or az*, (1.0) = 9.01 wo see that fork, the constant coefticient is 9.01. Trial and error gives A(z) = 9.010 43.61 = 9.01(4.84) = 9,01(2.2)?. Thus f(z) = na and we find aby noting that f(9) = 7.29 = 0(9") 2.04. Therefore h(t) must be the exponential, and we see that 2.04(1.5)'. If g(t) = cf?, then © KP, and using 9(.0) = 300, we obiain ia and f(x) = 0.012" 28, The function is a cubic polynomial with postive leading coefficient. Since the igure given inthe text shovs thatthe function turns around once, we know that the function has the shape shown in Figure 1.18. The funetion is below the 5 inthe given graph, and we know that it goes to ++2c as x —> +00 because the leading coeficient is 3. seas for # positive, Therefore, there are exactly three zeros, Two 2210s are shown, and oceur st approximately x = —1 and. ‘The third zero must be tothe right of z = 10/and so oceurs for some x > 10, Figure 1.18 29, Consider the end behavior ofthe graphs that is, as x —+ +90 and x —> ~2c. The ends ofa degree $ polynomial are in ‘Quadrants {and IT if the leading coefficiom is positive or in Quadeants Il and IV ifthe leading coefficient i ne ‘Thus, there mus beat least one roo. Since the degree is 5. there ean be no more thin roots. Thus, there may be 1. 4, oF 5 roots. Graphs showing these five possibilities are shown in Figure 1.19. Sr estas (@20008 (to Figure 1.19 30. (a) Since as De and ay = ~€.S0, (2) = (e+ 2c)? and g(x) = (x ~ e)*. Then we have Je) (e+ 20° tert, der +46 396 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS (b) Since © > 0. the graph of f(a) is the parabola y = 0. Notice that the graph is symmetric about the y-axis and lims-soe f(2) = 2. 32, (@) Ith mv @1 @ 0 33, The graphs of both these functions will semble that of 2* ona are enough window, One way to tackle the problem sto raph them bot along with 2° if you like) i successively larger windows unt the graphs come together. n Figure 1.21, 4.9 and 2" are graphed in four windows. Inthe larges! ofthe four windows the graphs are indistinguishable, es required. ‘Answers may vary. ¥ oo + wo? too 10° Figure 1.21 ‘SSOLUTIONS 37 3M. The graphs are shown in Figure 1.22. @oy ooo# ® y ob atnise est a sn 5 " Figure 1.22 (2) a(x) = A(ENGINE - WIND) = (Fe ~ hu®), where bis a positive constant (®) A possible graph is in Figure 1.23. Figure 1.23, 36. Suppose the length is land the side ofthe square end is. Since the int i the perimeter ofthe square cross-section, we Know Length + Girth = 1 + 4s 08. In addition, the volume is given by 1, so substituting for? = 108 — 4s, we have Vy = 6?(108 ~ 45) = 1080? ~ 4s". ‘The graph isin Figure 1.24 7 Figure 1.24 38 Chapter One /SOLUTIONS Solutions for Section 1.7 Exercises 1. Yes, because 2x + 2? js defined forall x 2. No, because 2x + 27? is undtined at: = 3. Yes, because 2 ~ 2s not zero on this interval 4. No, because 2 ~ 2 2 Yes, because 2x — 5 is positive for3 0, we have [2 2,0 f(z) = —1. Thus the function is given by s0 f is not continuous on any interval containing 2 = 0. 15, For any values of k, the function is continuous on any interval that does not contain x ‘Since 5z* — Or? = 52°(x — 2), we cam cancel (z ~ 2) provided x # 2, giving Per Figure 1.28, (b) In order for ft0 approach the horizontal asymptote at 9 from above it is necessary that f eventually become concave up. It is therefore not possible for wo be concave down for all x > 6, 19, The drug first increases linearly for half a second, a the end of which time there is 0.6 min the body. Thus, for 0 < t-< 0.3 the function is linear with slope 0.6/0.8 = 1.2: QH1 for O 0.5, dhe quantity dacays exponentially ata continuous rate of 0.002, so @ has the en" <, Q We choose so that Q = 0.6 when ¢ = 0.5: “Ae 2OPHO) = 4,-0.0. 06022 Lat o Ois any constant, 10, Since this funetion has y-intercept at (0.2), we expeet ito have the form y = 2eM*. Again, we find k by forcing the ‘other point o ie on the graph: Wd) 7 “This value is negative, which makes sense sine the graph shows exponential decay The Rial equation thea, s 0.34657, pa 20 OT 15, This looks like a fourth degree polynomial with roots at ~5 and —1 and a double root at 3. The leading coefficient is negative, and 50 a possible formula is ya (2 +9) +(e - 3) 16. ‘This looks like a rational function. There are venical assmptotes at 2 = —2 and x = 2 and so one possibilty forthe denominator is 2” — 4. There is a horizontal asymprote at y = 3 and so the numerator might be 32?. In addition, y(0) = 0 ‘which isthe case with the numerator of 3z%, A possible formula is 3a w=ae 17, There are many solutions for a graph like this one, The simplest is y = 1 ~e°*, which gives the graph of y = e*, flipped lover the z-axis and moved up by 1. The resulting graph passes through the origin and approaches y = 1 as an upper bound, the two features of the given graph, 18, There is no break inthe graph of f(z) although it does heve a ‘comer’ at x = 0,s0 f(2) i 19, The graph of g(z) is shown below. 1 has a break at x = 0, so g(2) isnot continuous on {1.1} fe) = eb ———— 20, The graph has no breaks and is therefore continuous. See below: Osind SOLUTIONS to Review Problems forChapler One 43, 21, The graph appears to have a vertical asymptote at t = 0,0 f(t) is not continuous on [1.1] 22, f(a) =Inz, g(z) = x*. (Another possibly: f(z) = 32, gz) =Inz) 23, f(z) =z, glz) = Inz. Problems near equation 5 = b+ mit, To find the slope m, we use 24, (a) We find the slope m and intercept 3S _ 66-113 > 0-0 0.94. 118, so the intercept b is 113, The linear formula is When t = 0, we have $= 113-094. (b) We use the formula $= 113 ~ 0.94", When $ = 20, we have 20 = 113 ~ 0.94¢ and vo ¢ = 98.9. IF this linear model were carec, the average male sperm count would drop below the fentlity level during the year 2038, 25, We will et amount of fuel for take-off. amount of ful fo landing, ‘amount of fuel per mite inthe air, ‘he Fength of the trip in miles. ‘Then Q, the total amount of fuel needed, is given by Qn) =T +L 4 Pm. 26, To find a half-life, we want to find at what ¢ value Q = }Qo. Plugging this into the equation of the decay of plutonium- 240, we have = 222) = Zo.oo0t ‘The only diference in the case of plutoniun-242 is thatthe constant —0.00011 in the exponent is now ~0.0000018, ‘Thus, fllowing the same procedure, the solution for ¢ is 1/2) 385,081 yeas Fo.ano0ors * 385.981 » 6.301 years ' 44 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS 227, We can solve for the growth rate of the bacteria using the formula P = Pye: 1500 = s00e"?) i= leso0/son) 6: Knowing the growth ratc, we can find the population P atime P = s00e# = 13.500 bocteria 28 2», Given the doubling time of 2 hours, 20 ove, we ean solve forthe growth rate k using the equation Using the growth rate, we wish to solve for the time ¢ inthe formula P= 100%" where P = 3.200, so 3.200 = 100" f= 10 hour, Assuming the US population grows exponentially, we have 248.7 = 226.5e"* {n(.098) = 0.00936. 10 ‘We want to find the time ¢ in which ‘Thus, the population wll go over 300 million around! the year 2010. Since we are told thatthe rate of decay is continuous, we use the function (Q(t) = Qoe”* to model the decay. where Q(E) is the amount of strontiurs-90 which remains atime f, and Qo isthe original amouat. Then QU) = Goer So after 100 years. Q(100) = Qye 728100 and (100) Qo 0.0846 $0 about 8.46% ofthe strontium-60 remains 31. Ir was the average yearly inflation rae, in decimals, then 4(1 +r) = 2.400,000,s0 r = 211.53, ie.r = 21.1599. 32. The period Te ofthe cant is (by definition!» one year or about 365.24 days, Since the semimajor axis of the earth i 150 million km, we ean use Kepler's Law to derive the constant of proportionality k (Set Te where Se isthe earth's semimajor axis, or 150 million kn 365.24 = 4(130)3 ‘SOLUTIONS to Review Problems for Chapter One 365.24 6 = 0.198, (a0)! [Now that we know the constant of proportionality, we can use it to derive the periods of Mercury and Pluto. For Mercury, Tar = (0-198)(58)? = 87.818 days. For Pluto, Tp = (0.198)(6000)* = 92. 400 days. or (converting Pluto's period 10 yeas). (0.198)(6000)* 5 = 258 yeas 3, (a) Let the height of the ean be A. Then v rh. The surface area consists of the area of the ends (each is =r?) and the curved sides (area 2xrh), so r? + Inch. eS ‘Substituting into the formula for S. we get = rine 100 Figure 1.33, 34. (a) The line given by (0,2) and (1.1) has slope m =1 and y-intercept 2s its equation is yaar. “The points of intersection of this line with the parabola y = 2 are given by Pee-de (2422-1) 242 coordinate of C. When we substitute back into ‘The solution 2 = 1 corresponds to the point we are alrealy given, so the other solution, = ~2, gives the x- er equation to get y, we get the coordinates for C, (= 4), 6 38, Depih 36. 3). 38 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS. (t) The line given by (0.0) and (1,1) has slope m: forthe line as we did in par (a) 1 —b,and yi 1 — br +b. We then solve for the points of intersection with y = 2 the same way: #-(1-br-b F4(-r-b (e+ 6r=1) ‘Again, we have the solution a the given point (1,1). and a new solution at x = —b, corresponding tothe other point ‘of intersection C. Substituting back int either equation, we can find the y-coorinate for Cis b%, and thus Cis given bby (~b.b*) This result agrees with te particular case of part (a) where b +1.5sin (Ft) ‘Over the one-year period, the average value is about 75° and the amplitude of the variation is about function assumes its minimum value righ atthe beginning of the year, so we Want a n in yeas, we have the function a (any other answers are possible. depending on how you ead the char.) (a) Yes, fis invenibe, since f is increasing everywhere (by -*(400) isthe year in which 400 million motor vehicles were registered in the world, From the picture, we see that 4° (400) is around 1979. (6) Since the graph of f-" is the reflection of te graph of f over the line y = 2, we get, gure 1.3, ean a (ations) Figure 1.34 Graph of f-* (a) is (2) since itis linear: (b) is f(2) since it has decreasing slope: the slope starts out about 1 and then decreases 19 bout #5 (6) is h(x) since it has increasing slope: the slope stars out about and then increases to about L 39, (a) The period is 2x. 40. (a (b) fier x, the values of cos 20 repeat, but the values of 2 sin 8 do 901 (in Fat, they repeat but tipped over the x-axis). After another that is after a total of 27. the values of eos 26 repeat again, and now the values of 2 sin 6 repeat also, so the function 2sin 6 + 3.cos 28 repeats at that point “The rate is the difference of the rat at which the glucose is being injected, whichis given to be constant, and the rate at which the glucose is being broken down, which is given to be proportional tothe amount of glucose present. ‘Thus we have the Forms Rak-0G ‘where is the rate that the glucose is being injected, a isthe constant relating the rate that i is broken down to the mount present, and G isthe amount present. SOLUTIONS to Review Problems for Chaplet One 47 o AL. (@) r(p) = kp(A ~ p)s where k > isa constan. ©) p= A/2 42, (a) The domain is (0, 4000), the range is (0.10). (b) The domain is (0. 3000), the range is (0. 10"). e) The domain i (0,0.2), the range is (0.0.04). CAS Challenge Problems AB. (a) ACAS gives f(z) = (x ~ a)(z + al( +O ~ (b) The graph of f(z) crosses the z-axis at z 2 = =b, x = crit erosses the y-axis at abe, Since the coefficient of x* (namely 1) is positive, the graph of f looks like that shown in Figure 1.3. y Figure 1.35: Graph of f(z (2 al(z+a)(z+ 02-0) He (@) ACAS gives f(z) = -(z ~ "(2 - 3). (b) For large 2, the graph of f(z) looks lke the graph of y = —2*, so f(z) -+ co as x -+ ~oo and f(z) -+ ~20 a8 2 > 00. The answer o pat (a) shows that f fas a double root at x = 1, s0 near x = 1, the graph of f looks like 4 parabola touching the z-axis at z = 1. Similarly, f has a tiple root at x = 3. Near x = 3, the graph of f looks like the graph of y = 3°, ipped over the z-ais ad shifted tothe right by 3 so tat the “sea is at 2 = 3, See Figure 1.36. Figure 1.8: Gi fle) = -@- (2-3 48 Chapter One ‘SOLUTIONS 48) ) 46. 4a) o a7. a oy ©) w [As 2 + 3c. the terme dominates and tends to 2c. Thus, f(z) -¥ 20 a8 3 + 26. ‘Ast + —3e. the terms ofthe form e**, where k=, 2,1 all tend to zer0, Thus, f(x) + 1688 2 4 ~>0. ACAS gives Sa) = (oF + 1Nfe* = 2)leF ~ 2Y(e"F + 27 +4). the factors (e* + 1) and (e® ++ 2e* +4) are never zero. The olher factors each lead to a Since ef is always po 2210, 50 there are (0 7670. The zeros are given by mn2 so r=in2. Thus, one zero is wvice the size ofthe other. Since f(z) = 2° — 1, J) = FN ~ fla) = (@* ~ a) = 2 ar a Using the CAS to atin the function f(2)- and then asking io expand f(J((2))). we get. {Efla)) = 248 422 = 524 De pe a a, “Te degree of f(J(2)) that i, fF composed with ill 2 vines) is 4 = 22. The depos of f(4(J(2))) (hats. composed with itself 3 limes), is 8 = 2°. Each time you substitute f into itself, the degree is multiplied by 2, because sour stig ina dee pola Sowsexpest be dee of SUUUUJULe))) a fc ‘With itself 6 mes) to be G4 = 2° ACAS or division gives 7 f)= =f eareo- 3 Fo8 3 ‘of plz) are much smaller than the values of r(2)/a(2). so ple) = 2° + 3x +9. and rz) = -3, and gl} The vertical asympote is. = 3, Near + = 3, the valu Thus foy= 35 tore car For large. the values of p(2) are much larger than the value of (2) g(x). Thus FE)S IPED S24 00,24 00. Figure 1.37 shows f(x) and y = ~3/(2 ~ 3) for = near 3. Figure 1.38 shows f(z) and y = 2? + 32 +9 for =20 €£$ 20. Note that in each ease the graphs of {and the approximating function are close. Je) 50 Figure 1.37 Figure 1.38: Far-away view of f(2) and yar +art9 ‘CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 49 48, Using the trigonometric expansion capabilities of your CAS, you get something like sin(Sz) = Seos'(x) sin(2) ~ 10cos"(2)sin*(x) + sin"(2). Answers may vary. To get rid of the powers of cosine, use the idemity eos?() sin (x). This gives sin(z) = 5 sin(x) (1 ~ sin’(z))" — 10sin%(x) (1 ~ sin*(2)) + sin"Cz). Finally, using the CAS to simplify. siu(9#) = 5 sin(x) ~20sin%(2) + 16sin®(e). 49. Using the wigonometvic expansion capabilities of your computer algebra yystem. you get something like c05(42) = cos" (2) — Geos" (x)sin"(2) + sin'(r) Answers may vary (a) To got rid of the powers of cosine, use the identity cos*(r) = = sin (2). This ives cos( 42) = cos! (2) = 6.c0s%x) (1 — €057(2)) + (I~ c0s(ai)’ Finally, using the CAS to simplify cas(4z) = 1 ~ 8¢05%(r) + 8cos"(2) (b) This ime we use sin®(2) = 1 — cos*() to get rid of powers of sine, We get 41 = sin®(e))* — Gsin®(x) (1 —sin*(z)) + sin*(x} cos(42) = Ssin’(2) + 8sin'(x). CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. False, A line can be put through any two points in the plane. However, if dhe line is vertical i 6 aot the graph of @ function. True. The graph of y = 10" is moved horizontally by h unis if we replace « by # ~ J for some number h. Writing 100 = 10", we have f(z) = 100(10*) = 102-10" = 10°*?. The graph of f(x) = 10° isthe graph of gz) = 10° shied wo units tothe Tet 3 Truc as seen fom the graph 4. False. since og(e — 1) = if — 1 = 10,s0.2 = 11. 5, Truc, The highest degree term in a polynomial determines how the polynomial behaves when 2 is very large inthe postive or negative direction. When n is odd, 2" is postive when is lrge and positive but negative when 1 is large and negative. ‘Thus if polynomial p(z) has odd degre, it will be positive for some values of x and negative for other values of. Since every polynomial is continuous, the Iatermediate Value Theorem then guarantees that p(x) = 0 for some value of 2 6, False, The y-interceptis y = 2+3e™° = 5, Ber 45, 8. True, Suppose we star at r = 23 and increase 2 by 1 unt tory + 1-Ify = b+ mz. the comesponding values of y are b+ may and b + m(xy + 1). Thus y increases by 1 True, since, ast 4 2, we know e~** 4 0, so Aya b+ me +1) = b+ may) =m 9, False. Suppose y = 8. Then increasing x by | increases y by a factor of 5, However increusing 2 by 2 increases y by a factor of 25, not 10, since (Other examples are possible.)

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