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Future Simple with will Usa-se 0 futuro com will para fazer previs6es baseadas naquilo que vemos ou imaginamos. Também Afirmativa e negativa: para expressar decisées tomadas na altura em que estamos a falar. Forma-se com will / won't + infinitivo do verbo principal para todas as pessoas verbais. recycle he/she /it we / you they Interrogativa: Pa 1 you will not waste he/she /it (won't) we / you / they Forma-se invertendo a posicao do verbo auxiliar (will / won't) e do sujeito. will ba reduce? Won't heyeneyit need? j ‘we /you/ they Ae Respostas curtas Yes,1/he / she / it will, Yes, we/ you / they will. No, I/he / she / it won't. No, we /you / they won't. Future with be going to A forma verbal be going to usa-se para expressar: + planos e intencées; Vm going to study hard this year. Afirmativa: Forma-se com o presente do verbo to be (am / is / are) + going to + infinitive do verbo principal. + previses baseadas no que vemos ou sabemos. There are clouds in the sky. I's going to rain. Negativa: Forma-se com o presente to verbo to be na negativa (am net /is not / are not) + going to+ infinitivo do verbo principal. Ajustar ao tamanho do ecr ; mancleg | Fr ‘am not going to | fminotictol | (‘m not going to) Sec) | Bescss) _ fertern “terse rezanans, * imrner pate nvmler Gort garge Interrogativa: Forma-se invertendo a posicao do verbo auxiliar (am /is / are) e do sujeito. Am 1 | ae a a going to | Is he /she/ it | Are we / you/they Respostas curtas Yes, you / we / you/they are. Yes, 1am. Yes, he / she /it is. Py ‘No, Im not. No, he / she / itisn't. ‘Yes, you /we//you / they aren't. Present Continuous for future arrangements ‘On Thursday, we're spending the morning at Oxford Street. { 0 Present Continuous também é usado para falar de um futuro prdximo, principalmente: = quando fazemos referéncia a planos definidos. para indicar aces que temos a certeza que vo acontecer. E mais utilizado em situacoes informais e em conversacao. Normalmente utilizam-se advérbios de tempo (tonight / tomorrow / this evening / this afternoon I this weekend / next weekend / next month / on Saturday...) no inicio ou no final da frase para indicar que a acao vai acontecer num futuro préximo. Tonight I'm having dinner with my old friends. \'m having a school party next Friday. She is not going to school tomorrow. What ate you doing on Sunday night? Past Continuous was trying to find some coins inside my pocket O Past Continuous é usado: + pare falar de algo que continuou antes e depois de uma acao. My brother was doing the homework when lartived home. + para demonstrar que algo continuou durante algum tempo. My head was aching during the test. para falar de algo que acontecia repetidamente Iwas practising English every week. Forma-se com o passado do verbo to be e o verbo principal terminado em -ing was / were +-ing (you, we, they, you - were eating I,he, she, it was dancing Was Ihe /she /it | Uh fhe it was not / wasn't playing? doing homework. Were | we/you/they | | we/you/they | were not/weren't

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