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BLOOD HUNTER i re A(MARTIAL GLASS FOR 5TH EDITION rn iN \ BoNGEONS & DRAGONS | a Lee Ret eo a Mcneela a { \Cacador de sangue Desfigurado, mas resoluto, seu rosto carrancudo pingando de suor, um melo-ore passa um dedo vermelho em suas feridas para desenhar um glifo de rubi brilhante no ar. Ele agarrao sigilo completo e sem peso, torcendo-o para liberar ‘energias mégicas das trevas que disparam, amaldigoando 0 ssigante perseguidor de dentro de suas préprias velas para rmelhorar ainda mals as chances, Um misterioso meio-elfo envolto em um manto gasto & uma armadura de couro robusta investiga culdadosamente tuma cena grisalha na estrada, seus olhos brilhando com 0 reconhecimento enquanto ela medita sobre os restos do massacre. A sobrevivente que a contratou cautelosamente se retira com um salto quando a meio-lfa se levanta repentinamente, certa do conhecimento do culpado, onde ele chama de lar e qui pouco tempo resta para encontré-l. Entrando nas cfmaras sem luz de poeira antiga © ssussurros persistentes, 0 narkz do halfling eapta o cheiro pungente de perigo iminente quando ela ouve o raspar de ossos e garras na pedra préxima. Ela estremece enquarto passa a limina pela palma da mfo, o ago transmutando seu ssangue em runas brlhantes de magia poderosa, sua espada, repentinamente engolfada em chamas areanas, ansiosa para marcar e queimar a came de seus inimigos. Freqilentemente temidos ou incompreendidos, e movidos por um impulso interminével para destruir 0s perversos, 0s ccacadores de sangue so guerteiros arcanos intligentes que vineularam sua esstnela as erlaturas sombrias que cagam. para melhor perseguir e sobreviver as suas presas. Armados. ‘com os rites da magia de sangue proibida e dispostes a sacrificar sua prépria vitalidade © humanidade pela causa, ‘les protegem os reinos das sombras, sempre vigilantes para fevilar se tomarem os mesmos monstros que escolheram. agar. SACRIFICIO PARA PRESERVAR A VIDA juanto a maloria das escolas cldssieas de estudo mgico sto bem conhecidas e amplamente respeitadas, os encantamentos menos refinades e macabros de Hemocraft hd muito foram proibidos e perdidos para a maior parte do mundo civilizedo. Os Cagadores de Sangue recuperaram essas tenieas longe dos olhos julgadores da sociedad escobrindo que a natureza esotérica da magia do sangue é eficaz contra os males que multas vezes desafiam os poderes divinos que historicamente mantém a linha Por meio de estudo e pritica cuidadosos, os eacadores de ‘sangue aprimoraram os ritos de hemocralt em suas proezas e combate, perdendo uma faceta de sua sade para infundir ‘suas armas com poderosa magia de sangue © convocando os elementos para envolver seus ataques. Eles podem queimar uma marca arcana no corpo de sua presa que impede as habilidades de seus inimigos e pune sua agressio, ou invoca rmaldigdes de sangue sobre seus inimigos, manipulando seus ‘corpos por dentro. Dispostos a sofrer o que for preciso para aleangar a vitéria, esses guerreiros hébeis se transformaram ‘em uma forca poderosa contra os terrores que ameacama os Imocentes. UM MONSTRO PARA LUTAR CONTRA MONSTROS ‘Seja impulsionado pelo deseo de fazer a diferenga em um mundo perigoso, a necessidade de se vingar de um grande ‘mal que sofreram, sendo inspirados por testemunhar as estranhas ¢ poderosas téenieas de outro cagador de sangue ‘pessoa, ou apenas procurando um Tugar para perten: em um mundo indiferente, as razbes pelas quals alguém pode aceitar o Hunter's Bane e escolher esta vida so muitas e varladas. Ao ingressar em uma ordem de cacadores de sangue, a pessoa também se une a uma familia unida pelo servigo mituo e pela causa comum. Para muitos, esta é a Ginica famfia que eles conheceram ou deixaram, entdo 0 parentesco sentido entre os membros de uma ordem é um vineulo inquebrével. ‘Além dos limites da ordem, no entanto, a vida de um cagador de sangue muitas vezes nfo ¢ facil. Os rituais éa Maldiglo do Cagador regularmente deixam a pessoa visivelmentealterada e propensa a perturbar © povo comum, © 0 testemunho de hemocraft pode invocar um medo supersticioso até mesmo do estudioso mais erudito, Enquanto algumas sociedades aceitam as boas agdes das ordens, muitos cagadores de sangue escondem publicamente sua natureza, a menos que seja absolutamente necessério, sentindo-se mais confortivels nas selvas e desertos do undo onde as Ordens geralmentetreinam. Mesmo assim, ‘melhor trabalho que um cagador de sangue pode fazer ‘geralmente envolve os pobres ¢ indefesos & margem da Sociedade, aqueles propensos ao toque corruptor de dembnios ¢ intengSes sombrias. Enfrentando a ameaga da dlifamagio, esses protetores das trevas atravessam a eivilizacio, ganhando moedas como mercenérios ou cagadores de recompensas, ‘Ao escolher este caminho, um cagador de sangue deu Inrevogavelmente uma parte de si para sua causa, fisicamente, emocionalmente © as vezes moralmente. As ordens dos cagadores de sangue praticam seus préprios Ideais e métodos inicos, multas vezes empregando téenicas com origens sombrias que testam a forca e a vontade desses ‘guardides, Muitos lutam com 0 medo de perder essa luta, entiio uma vida de disciplina evigilincia conduz suas viagens enquanto vagam pelo campo em busca de aventureiros com Ideias semelhantes © rumores de agées sombrias em andamento, CRIANDO UM. DOR DE SANGUE ‘Ro eriar um cacador de sangue, os aspecios mais importantes de seu personagem sto por que voc# fot levado a esse estilo de vida e por que procura desistir de tudo para chafurdar no ‘escuro com os males que caca? Vocé perdeu um ente querido para uma fera diabélica e agora deseja impedir que outros sofram o mesmo destino? Vocé busca um senso de propésito seguranga, e encontrou isso entre a ordem que 0 acolheu? Voc’ sempre carregou uma semente da escuridao dentro de voc# e procurou parentes para cuidar de vocé e impedi-lo de sucumbir a ela? Voot jé fol um guerreiro sagrado que se desviou de sua fé e foi expulso, mas ainda procura se dedicar a causa de proteger os inocentes? Ou voct & um eriminoso com um passado obscuro que busca fazer as pazes, levando ‘esta vida como um caminho de peniténcia? ‘What is your relationship with the powers of hemocraft and the abilities it promises to grant you as you step closer to ‘ts mastery? Do you respect and fear the ancient power that surges through your veins, using them only when necessary? Do you relish in the strength it offers you, embracing your gifts and using them freely? Are you worried the superstitions are right, and this power will eventually turn you into one of the monsters you hunt? Or has your study instilled you with the confident control of mind over matter, certain you can bend these gifts to bring a brighter dawn? Consider too that while a blood hunter belongs to an order, ‘many strike out on their own to do their best work. What ‘made you leave the comfort of your order? Do you intend to return, ot have you decided you have more to learn in the ‘world beyond? What do you seek in other adventurers that ‘can help you meet your goals? While most blood hunters follow @ path of good or neutrality in their pursuits, some have fallen to the dark, seductive side of hemocraft and use their abilities for selfish and evil purposes. These deviants are always thrown from the order, and often hunted along with the creatures they once trained to fel, QUICK BUILD Voot pode fazer um cagador de sangue rapidamente seguindo estas sugestées. Primeiro, faga de Fora ou Destreza seu valor de habilidade mais alto, dependendo se ‘oct deseja se concentrar em armas corpo a corpo ou arco e flecha (ou armas finas). Faca da Inteligéneia ou da Sabedoria 0 seu préximo ponto mais alto se vocé planeja se concentrar na poténcia das maldigdes de sangue e no poder mistico. Em seguida, escolha uma Constituicao mals alta, pois deseja ter pontos de vida extras para queimar em seu rito carmesim ou amplificar maldigdes de sangue. Em seguida, selecione fundo de ourigo ou soldado. Carers Se vocé deseja se tomar um cagador de sangue multiclasse fs pré-requisites ¢ proficncias adquisidas estdo listados! abaino, PRE- REQUISITOS DE MULTICLASSE DE CACADOR DE SANGUE PONTUACAO DE HABILIDADE MINIMA Forga 13 ou Destreza 13 eInteligéncia ou Sabedoria 13, PROFICIENCIAS — MULTICLASSE + DO CACADOR DE SANGUE PROFICIENCIES GAINED Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, ‘martial weapons, one skill from the class's skill list, alchemical supplies. BLOOD HUNTER Gee mrs ee) Die Features ist 2 1d4 Hunter's Bane, Blood Maledict md 42. 1d4 Fighting Style, Crimson Rite, Hardened Viscera ard 2 1d4 Blood Hunter Order, Unstopping Heart ath 2 144 Ability Score Improvement sth 8 1d6 Extra Attack oth 8 148 Brand of Castgation, Blood Maledic (/test) 7h 8 1d6 Order Feature, Primal Rite, Rebuttal of Body sth 8 1d6 Ability Score Improvement sth “ 148 Hardened Soul “4 148 Dark Augmentation, Grim Psychometry “4 18 Order Feature, Crimson Manipulation “4 148 Ability Score Improvement 5 148 Brand of Tethering, Blood Maledic (/rest) ra Esoteric Rite, Iehorous Vigor 1s Order Feature +5 Ability Score Improvement +6 Blood Matedict (6/rest) +6 Order Feature +6 Ability Score Improvement +6 Sanguine Mastery CLASS FEATURES EQUIPMENT ‘As a Blood Hunter, you gain the following class Features You start with the Tollowing equipment, in addition to the ‘equipment granted by your background: HIT POINTS HIE Dice: : 110 per blood hunter Tevel + (@) @ martial weapon and a shield or (b) two simple Hit Points at it Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier ‘weapons or (c) two martial weapons eM einiee aM Faso Tavelas Sadia’ (ce6) f.your t erossbow and 20 bolts oF (b) hand erossbow Constitution modifier per blood lunter level after Ist and 20 bolts (@) studded leather armor or (b) scale mall armor PROFICIENCIES san explorer’s pack ‘Axor: Light armor, medium armor, shields ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Alternatively, you may start with 5d x 10 gp to buy your ‘Tools: Alchemist’s supplies own equipment Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Skills: Choose three from Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Religion, and. Survival Hunter's Bone ‘Beginning a st level, you have survived the Hunter's Bane, a dangerous, long-guarded ritual that alters your life's blood, forever binding you to the darkness and honing your senses against it, You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track fey, fiends, or undead, as well as on Intelligence abilty checks to recall information about them. The Hunter's Bane also empowers your body to control and shape hhemocraft magic, using your own blood and life essence to fuel your abilities. Some of your features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. Choose either Intelligence or Wisdom. This is your Hemocrafl modifier, which you use when setting the DC of your Hemocraft Save, and any associated blood hunter features. ‘The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: Hemocraft Save DC = & + your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier Blood Moledict At st level, you gain the ability to channel, and sometimes sacrifice, a part of your vital essence to curse and manipulate Creatures through hemocraft magic. You gain one blood ‘curse of your choice, detailed in the “Blood C the end of the class description. You learn one additional Dlood curse of your choice, as shown on the Blood Hunter table. When you gain a level inthis lass, you can replace any ‘and all of your Blood Curses, substituting them with ones appropriate for your level ‘When you use your Blood Maledict, you choose which ‘curse (o invoke, While invoking a blood curse, but before it affects the target, you can choose to amplify the curse by losing a number of hit points equal to one roll of your hhemocraft die, as shown in the Hemocraft Die column of the Blood Hunter table. An amplified curse gains an additional effect, noted in the curse's description. Creatures that do not hhave blood in their bodies are immune to blood curses, unless you have amplified the curse. You can use this feature twice. Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Blood Maledict feature three times, at 13th level ‘you can use it four times between rests, and at 17th level, you ‘can use it five times between rests. You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. 3rses" section at Fighting Style ‘Av and level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Sole option more chan once, even if you later get 0 choose a ARCHERY You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons, BATTLE VIGOR Whenever you rol initiative, you gain temporary hit points ‘equal to your level + your proficiency bonus. BLIND FIGHTING Being unable to see a creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it, provided the creature isn’t hidden from you. DUELING ‘When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no ther weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. GREAT WEAPON FIGHTING ‘When you roll a1 or 2 on a non-rite damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with ‘wo hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. POWER ATTACK ‘When you make a melee attack, before you make the attack roll, you can choose not to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll Ifthe attack hits, you deal an additional die of damage, You cannot do this if you are using the finesse property of the weapon, ‘SANGUINE ONSLAUGHT ‘When you're not wearing heavy armor and you are engaged {in two-weapon fighting, you can activate your Crimson Rite feature without using your bonus action, as long 2s you use your bonus action to make the second attack. You can ada your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. Crimson Rite At 2nd level, you learn to invoke a rite of hemocraft within Jyour weapon at the cost of your ov vitality. Choose one rite from the Primal Rites list below to learn, ‘As a bonus action, you can activate a crimson rite on a ‘ingle weapon with the elemental energy of a known rite of your choice that lasts until you finish a short or long rest, or if you aren't holding the weapon at the end of your turn. ‘When you activate a rite, you lose a number of hit points ‘equal to one roll of your hemocraft die, as shown in the Hemocraft Die column ofthe Blood Hunter table. For the duration, attacks from this weapon deal an additional 1d damage ofthe chosen rite's type. This damage [Is magical, and increases as you gain levels asa blood hunter, as shown in the Hemocraft Die column of the Blood Hunter table. A weapon can only hold single active rte ata time. ‘You gain access to an additional Primal rite at 6th and 11th level, and an Esoteric Rite at 14th level PRIMAL RITES ‘Choose from the following: Rite of the Caustic. Your rite damage is acid damage. Rite of the Claw, Your rite damage is slashing damage, and is considered silvered. Rite of the Flame, Your rite damnage is fire damage. Rite of the Frozen, Your rite damage is cold damage. Rite of the Bludgeon. Your rite damage is bludgeoning. ‘damage, and deals double damage to objects and structures. Rite of the Venom. Your rite damage is poison damage. Rite of the Spike. Your rite damage is piercing damage, and when you make an attack with this weapon, ignore shields when calculating the target’s armor class. Rite of the Storm, Your rite damage is lightning damage. ESOTERIC RITES ‘Choose from the following: Rite of the Dead. Your rite damage is necrotic damage. Rite of the Oracle, Your rte damage is psychic damage. Rite of the Roar. Your rite damage is thunder damage. Hardened Viscera ‘At and level, your body takes on physical traits and aspects of the toughest people and most resolute populations. You gain the following benefits: + While you aren't wearing heavy armor, you can reduce ‘any damage you take by 2. ‘+ Your hit point maximum can't be reduced. Blood Hunter Order At grd level, you commit to an order of blood hunter martial focus. Choose Order of the Ghostslayer, Order ofthe Profane Soul, Order of the Mutant, Order of the Lycan, Order of the ‘Scale, Order of the Inquisition, Order of the Sin-Eater, Order of the Atavist, Order of the Dark Draught, Order of the Residuum Touched, or Order of the Spirit Warden, all detailed at the end of the class description. The order you choose grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 1th, 15th, and 18th level. Dork Augmentation Upoa reaching 10th level, arcane blood magic susfuses your body, permanently reinforcing your resilience. Your speed Inereases by 5 feet, and whenever you make a Strengch, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, you gain a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Hemocraft_modifier (eainimum of +2) Grim Psychometry ‘When you reach 10th level, you gain the ability to meditate fon any object, person, creature or artifact and discern lingering evils or wicked pasts that surround them. You can cast the legend lore spell once per day. While this spell details use on any legendary or unique item or person, your use of this spell grants you greater knowledge when specifically used on items created from evil, or for sinister and impure purposes. Crimson Manipulation ‘At tuth level, you hone your contral over blood magi, Batgsting Jer eactiice nel|emmpowering your capably (Once per turn, whenever a blood hunter feature requites you to roll a hemocraft dle, you can choose to reall the die and choose which result to use Brond of Tethering Starting at 13th level, the psychic damage from your Brand of CCastigation increases to twice your Hemocraft modifier (einimum of 2 damage) In addition, a branded ereature can't and ifa creature branded by you attempts to teleport or leave their current plane via ability, spell, or portal, they take 4d6 psychie damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the teleport or plane shift fils Ichorous Vigor AL 14th level, damage dealt by your Crimson Rite feature ignores resistance to that damage type. If a creature is immune to the damage dealt by your Crimson Rite feature, ‘they instead take half damage, instead of no damage. ‘Sanguine Mastery Upon becoming 2oth level, your ability t hamess your pain and the pain of your foes is perfected. Whenever a blood hunter feature requires you to roll a Hemocraft Die while you are below half of your current maximum hit points, you can instead take the maximum result. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit with 2 ‘weapon attack empowered by your Crimson Rite, you regain ‘one expenced use of your Blood Maledict feature. fe the Dash action, BLOOD CURSES ‘The blood curses are presented in alphabetical order. ERO o ns ‘As a bonus action, you magnify the adrenaline in the body of a creature within 3o feet of you, making them susceptible to forceful influence. Until the end of your next turn, all creatures have advantage on Charistna (Intimidation) checks directed atthe target creature. Amplify. The next Wisdom saving throw the target makes before this curse ends has disadvantage. Once you've amplified this blood curse, you must finish a long rest before you can amplify it again. EROS aa ‘As a bonus action, you can attempt to bind a creature you can see within 30 feet of you that is no more than one size larger than you, The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have their speed be reduced to 0 and they can't use reactions until the end of your next turn. Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute and can affect creature regardless of thelr size. At the end of each of its tums the cursed creature can make another Strength saving throw. On.a success, this curse ends. ERT aac ‘As a bonus action, you curse a ereature that you can see within go feet of you to painfully swell until the end of your next tum. For the duration of this curse, the creature has disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity ability checks, and suffers 1d8 necrotic damage if it makes more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute, At the end of each of its tums, the cursed creature can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, this curse ends. ERR aoesae as ‘When a creature you can see within 3o feet is hitby an attack. cr spell, you can use your reaction to temporarily weaken their resilience against it, Until the end of the turn, the target loses resistance to the damage types of the triggering attack or spell Amplify. The target instead loses invulnerability to the damage types of the triggering attack or spell, having vulnerability to them until the end of the tur. Eames ‘When a creature you can see within 3o feet of you makes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to roll one hemocraft die and subtract the number rolled from the creature's attack roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature's rol, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll, succeeds. The creature is immune if it is immune to blindness, ERT ae a lees When a creature you can see within 30 fet of you drops to 0 hitpoints, you ean use your reaction to give that creature a inal act of aggression. That creature immediately makes a single weapon attack agnnst a target of your choice within its attack range Amplify You can frst move the cursed creature upto hal their speed, and you grant a bonus to the cursed ereature’s attack roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +). ERT a enn) ‘Asa bonus action, you can mark a creature that you can see within go feet of you, Until the end of your turn, whenever you deal rite damage to the target, you roll an additional hhemocraft die of rite damage. Amplify, The next attack roll you make against the target before the end of your turn has advantage. ERT om ae ‘As a bonus action, you curse a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you that is concentrating on a spell. That creature has disadvantage on the next Constitution saving throw it must make to maintain concentration before the end of your next turn. Amplify, The cursed creature has disadvantage on all Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration of spells until the end of your next turn. ERT ees ‘As a bonus action, you can link to a ereature within 30 feet for up to a minute, forcing them to share in the pain they nfl upon you. The next time the cursed creature deals| Gamage to you, they lose hit points equal to half the damage ealt. This curse then ends. Amplify, The target loses hit points equal to the damage you initially suffered. In addition, this curse lasts for 1 minute. The target can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success. Blood Hunter Orders ‘There are a handful of secretive orders of blood hunters that ‘guard their eryptic techniques and rituals. One must adhere to one of these orders to even be granted access to the Hunter's Bane rite that starts their journey, and only once they've proven their dedication and ability will the secrets of the order begin to be revealed. It’s within these small, enigmatic sects that the real power of a blood hunter is Tearned, Order of the Ghostsloyer ‘The Order of the Ghostslayer is the oldest of the orders, having originally rediscovered the secrets of blood magic and refined them for combat against the scourge of undeath. Ghostslayers seek out and study the moment of death, obsessing over the mysteries of the transition and how it can become corrupted by unholy powers to rise once more, ‘Tuning their abilities to annihilate such aborninations, these zealous blood hunters seck out the sources of such necromantic energies, intent to destroy them wherever they RITE OF THE DAWN When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn 0 the Dawn esoteric rte (detailed below). Rite of the Dawn. Your rite damage is radiant damage While the rite is active, you gain the following benefits ie Rite of + Your weapon sheds bright light out co a radius of 20 feet. + You have resistance to necrotic damage. + Your weapon deals one additional hemocratt die of rite damage when you hit an undead. CURSE SPECIALIST Beginning at grd level, your ancient order teaches advanced mastery over blood curses. You gain an additional use of ‘your Blood Meledict feature. In addition, your blood curses can target any creature, whether it has blood or not ETHEREAL STEP Upon reaching 7th level, at the start of your tum, W you aren't incapacitated, you can choose to magically step into the vel between the planes. You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, as well as see and affect creatures and objects on the Ethereal Plane, You take 1dio force damage if you end your turn inside an object. If you are inside an object when this feature ends, you are immediately shunted tothe nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy and take force damage equal to twice the number of feet you ‘moved. This feature lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 round). You can use this feature once, Beginning at 15th level, you ‘can use your Ethereal Step festure twice between tests. You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. BRAND OF SUNDERING TOUGHENED BODY Beginning at 1ith level, your Brand of Castigation now ‘exposes a fragment of your foe's essence, leaving them vulnerable to your Crimson Rite. Whenever you damage a branded creature with your Crimson Rite, your weapon deals ‘one additional hemocraft die of rte damage. In addition, the ‘branded creature can't move through creatures or objects. BLOOD CURSE OF THE EXORCIST ‘At 15th level, you've honed your hemocraft to tear wicked influence from your allies, punishing those who would infiltrate their body and mind. You gain the Blood Curse of the Exorcist for your Blood Malediet feature. This doesn't count against your number of blood curses known, RITE REVIVAL Upon reaching 18th Tevel, you learn to protect your fading life by absorbing your blood rite. When you are reduced to 0 hit points while you have an active Crimson Rite, but don't die outright, the rite ends and you drop (o 1 hil point instead. If you have rites active on multiple weapons, you choose which one ends. EN ese Prerequisite: 15th level, Order ofthe Ghostslayer ‘As a bonus action, you can choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you that is charmed, frightened, or possessed. The target creature is no longer charmed, frightened, or possessed. Amplify, The creature that charmed, frightened, or possessed the target of your curse suffers 3d6 radiant damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of your next turn. Order of the Lycon OF the many terrible curses that plague the realm, few a ancient or as feared as Lycanthropy. Passed through blood, this affliction seeds a host with the savage strength and ‘hunger for violence of a wicked beast. The Order ofthe Lyean is a proud order of blood hunters who undergo “The “Taming,” a ceremonial inflicting of lyeanthropy from a senior ‘member. These hunters then use their abilities to harness the power of the monster they harbor without losing themselves to it, Through intense honing of one's own willpower, combined with the secrets of the order's blood magi rituals, embers learn to control and unleash their hybrid form for short periods of time, Enhanced physical prowess, unnatural resilience, and razor sharp claws make terrible foe to any evil that crosses their path. Yet, no training Is perfect, and without care and complete focus, even the ‘greatest of blood hunters can temporarily lose themselves to the bloodlust. hese warriors a HEIGHTENED SENSES ‘Starting when you choose this archetype at Gri Tevel, you begin to adopt the improved abilities of a natural predator. ‘You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely ‘on hearing or smell ‘At grd level, your bit point maximum increases by double! your Blood Hunter level and increases by 2 again whenever! you gain a level in this class HYBRID TRANSFORMATION ‘Upon choosing this archetype at grd level, you begin to earn to control the lycanthropie curse that now lives in your blood. ‘As a bonus action, you can transform into your hybrid form. for up to 1 hour. You ean speak, use equipment, and wear larmor in this form, You can revert to your normal form earlier as a bonus action. You automatically revert to your normal form if you fall unconscious, drop to hit points, oF ie, This feature replaces the rules for Lycanthropy within the Monster's Manual. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. While you are ‘transformed, you gain the following benefits: HYBRID TRANSFORMATION FEATURES. ‘While you are transformed, you gain the following features: Feral Might. You gain a +1 to melee damage rolls. This bonus increases by 1 at 1th and 18th level. You also have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, and your speed increases by 10 feet. Hunter's Sight. You gain darkvision out to 80 feet. If you already possess darkvision, the range instead increases by 40 feet. Predatory Strikes. You can apply your Grimson Rite feature to your unarmed strikes as a single weapon, You can, ‘use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes, When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action, Your unarmed strikes deal 148 slashing damage. The damage inereases to 1d10 at ith level Resilient Hide. You have resistance to bludgeoning, plereing, and slashing damage from non-silvered damage. ‘While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bors to your AC, STALKER'S PROWESS ‘Av Tih level, your speed increases by 10 Feet, Vou aso can add 10 feet to your long jump distance and 3 feet to your high jump distance. In addition, your hybrid form gains the Improved Predatory Strikes feature, and you can use your Hybrid Transformation feature three times, regaining all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. Improved Predatory Strikes. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with your unarmed strikes. This bonus increases by 1 at 11th level (+2) and 18th level (+3). In addition, when you have an active Crimson Rite while in your hybrid form, your unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to ‘nonmagical attacks and damage, ‘ADVANCED TRANSFORMATION ALCHEMICAL KNOWLEDGE Starting at 1th level, you learn to unleash and control more of the beast within. You can use your Hybrid Transformation feature four times, regaining all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. In addition, your hybrid form ‘gals the Lycan Regeneration feature. Lycan Regeneration, At the start of each of your turns, ‘you regain hit points equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of one) if you have at least 1 hit point and no ‘more than half of your hit points lef. BRAND OF THE VORACIOUS ‘AL igth level, our Brand of Castigation now binds your Tos to your hunter's thirst for savagery. While in your hybrid form, your attacks have advantage against a creature branded by you. HYBRID TRANSFORMATION MASTERY. ‘At 18th level, you have wrestled your inner predator and mastered it, You can use your Hybrid Transformation feature an unlimited number of times, and your hybrid form can now last indefinitely. You also gain the Blood Curse of the How! for your Blood Maledict feature, This does not count against your number of blood curses known, BLOOD CURSE OF THE HOWL Prerequisite: 18th level, Order of the Lycan ‘As an action, you unleash a blood-curdling how. Each creature within 30 feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If they fail their saving throw by 5 or more, they are stunned while frightened in this way. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to this blood curse for the next 24 hours ‘You can choose any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by the howl Amplify. The range ofthis curse increases to 60 feet. Order of the Mutant ‘The process of the Hunter's Bane is a palnful, searring, and sometimes fatal experience, Those that survive find themselves irevocably changed, enhanced. Some found this experience exalting, embracing the ability to alter one’s own physiology through a combination of hemocraft and corrupted alchemy. Over generations of experimentation, a splinter order of blood hunters began to emerge, one that focused on brewing toxic elixirs to modify cheir capabilities im battle, altering their blood and, over time, become something beyond what they once were. They called themselves the Order of the Mutant. Rescarching their targets to know their strengths and weaknesses, these blood ‘hunters ean alter their biology to be best prepared for the ‘coming conflict. When you adopt this order at grd level, you gain the following features: ‘+ Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check ‘you make that uses alchemist’s supplies. + Ifyou craft a magic item in the potion category it takes ‘you a quarter of the normal time, and it costs you half as ‘uch of the usual god. FORMULAS You begin to uncover forbidden ‘temporarily alter your mental and physical abilities. [Beginning at 3rd level, you choose to learn four mutagen formulas. Your formula options are detailed atthe end of this, order description. You gain an additional formula at 7th level, 11th level, 15th level, and 18th level Additionally, when you gain a new mutagen formula, you can choose one ofthe formulas you already know and replace ‘twith a new mutagen formula MUTAGENCRAFT ‘At ged level, you can concoct one mutagen when you Gaish a short or long rest. Starting at 7th level, the number of ‘mutagens you can create when you finish a rest increases to two, and at 15th level, you ean now ereate three mutagens. {As @ bonus action you can consume a single mutagen, and the effects and side effects last until you finish a short or long. rest, unless otherwise specified. While one or more mutagens are affecting you, you can use an action to focus and flush the toxins from your system, ending the effects and side effects ofall mutagens. ‘Mutagens are designed for your biology and have no effect on other creatures, They are also unstable by nature, losing their potency over time and becoming inert if not used before you finish your next short or long rest. STRANGE METABOLISM HE AS oar ae ae eS Sage ea eat Soa eater ene BRAND OF AXIOM. ‘At uth Tevel, your hemocrafe has akered your Brand of Castigation to enforce a foe's true nature. Any illusions disguising or making a creature invisible when you brand them end, and they can't benefit from such illusions while branded. Ifa creature branded by you is polymorphed or has changed shape, they must succeed on @ Wisdom saving ‘throw or revert to their crue form and be stunned until the [chemical formulas that end of your next tum. Whenever a branded creature attempts to polymorph or change shape, they must succeed ‘on a Wisdom saving throw or the attempt falls and they are stunned until the end of your next turn. ee BLOOD CURSE OF CORROSION ‘Starting at isth level, your blood curse can wrack a creature’ body with terrible toxins. You gain the Blood Curse of Corrosion for your Blood Malediet feature, This does not ‘count against your nuraber of blood curses known, EXALTED MUTATION ‘AL 8th level, your body has adapted to produce your toxins naturally in a moment of need. As a bonus action, you can choose one mutagen currently affecting you to flush from your system and end, then immediately have a mutagen you Jkmow the formula fr take effect in its place. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Hemocfraft modifier (minimum of 1. You regain all uses of this feature after you finish along rest. Eee Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of the Mutant ‘As @ bonus action, a creature within 30 feet of you becomes poisoned. At the end of each of its turns, the target ‘can make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, the curse ends. Amplify, The cursed creature suffers 446 necrotic damage, and suffers this damage again every time it fails its Constitution saving throw to end this curse at the end of its, tur, MUTAGENS ‘These mutagens are presented in alphabetical order, You can learn a mutagen atthe same time you meet its prerequisites AETHER Prerequisite: 11th level Side effect. You have disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity ability checks for 1 hour. TI Your skin and voice become malleable, allowing you to slightly enhance your appearance and presence. You have advantage on Charisma ability checks. Side effect. You have disadvantage on initiative rolls. GTi Your Dexterity score increases by 3, as does your Dexterity ‘maximum. This bonus increases by 1 at 1th and 18th level. Side effect. You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving ¢ F COVES Ou ‘You gain advantage on Intelligence ability checks. Side effect, You have disadvantage on Wisdom ability cheeks. Crt i : : : i When you use the Attack action, you can make an! additional weapon attack as a bonus action. Side effect. You have disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. DEFTNESS You gain advantage on Dexterity ability checks Side effect, You have disadvantage on Wisdom ability hocks. GES You gain resistance to fire damage. Side effect. You gain vulnerability to cold damage. GELID You gain resistance to cold damage. ‘Side effect. You gain vulnerability to fire damage. es You gain resistance to piercing damage. Side effect. You gain vulnerability to slashing damage. Crag 3 z i a i i B conditions. At 11th level, you also are immune to the paralyzed condition. Side effect. You have disadvantage on Strength ability cheeks. NIGHTEYE You gain darkvision for up to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, this inreases its range by 60 additional feet. Side effect. You gain sunlight sensitivity (detailed in the Dark Elf section of the Player's Handbook). axes ‘You gain advantage on Wisdom ability checks. Side effect. You have disadvantage on Charisma ability checks. red Your Strength score increases by 3, as does your Strength ‘maximum. This bonus increases by 1 at 11th and 18th level. Side effect. You have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. eee Prerequisite: 10h level Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on azo of 19-20, Side effect, You have disadvantage on Strength saving e arin Your speed increases by 10 feet. At a5th level, your speed increases by 15 feet instead. Side effect, You have disadvantage on Intelligence ability checks. Pees ae Prerequisite: th level For 1 hour, atthe stat of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to your proficiency bonus if you have at least 1 [itpoint, but no more than half of your hit points Side effect. Your speed decreases by 10 fe for 1 hour. Soi Your Intelligence score increases by 3, as does your Intelligence maximum. This bonus increases by 1at 11th and 18thlevel Side effect, You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws. ais Your Wisdom score increases by 3, as does your Wisdom. ‘maximum. This bonus increases by 1 at 1th and 18th level Side effect. You have disadvantage on Charisma saving & g é SHIELDED. ‘You gain resistance to slashing damage. Side effect. You gain vulnerability to bludgeoning Gamage. Crees ‘You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage. ‘Side effect. You gain vulnerability to piercing damage. CEI ‘You gain an additional use of your Blood Maledict feature. Side effect, You have disadvantage on death saving throws. (Order of the Profane Soul ‘Those who have taken to the Order of the Profane Soul have ‘seen the limits of hemocraft against some of the most ancient and cruel fiends and terrors of the world. Unable to pursue beings of such power, creatures able to vanish amongst the nobles without a trace, or bend the mind of the most stalwart warrior with but a glance, this order crusted in their resilience and delved into this same wel of corrupting arcane ‘knowledge, making pacts with lesser evils to better combat the greater, While they may have traded a part of themselves, members of this order believe the power gained far outweighs the price, for even devils now quake when they know they've drawn the attention of the Order ofthe Profane Soul. OTHERWORLDLY PATRON ‘When you reach grd level, you strike @ bargain wih an otherworldly being of your choice: the Archfey, the Fiend, or the Great Old One, each detailed in the Player's Handbook, ‘the Undying within the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide, and the Celestial or Hexblade in Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Your choice augments some of your order features. THE ARCHFEY You have chose THE CELESTIAL ‘You have chosen the Gelestal as your otherworldly patron THE FIEND ‘You have chosen the Fiend as your otherworldly patron, THE GREAT OLD ONE You have chosen the Great Old One as your otherworldly patron. Archfey as your otherworldly patron. THE HEXBLADE You have chosen the Hexblade as your otherworldly patron, THE UNDYING You have chosen the Undying as your otherworldly patron. PACT MAGIC ‘When you reach 3rd level, you can augment your combat ‘techniques with the ability to cast spells. See chapter 10 of the PH for the general rules of spelleasting and chapter 11 ‘of the Player's Handbook forthe Warlock spell ist. Cantrips. You leam two cantrips of your choice from the ‘warlock spell ist. You learn an additional warlock cantrip of your choice at oth level. Spell Slots. The Profane Soul Spelleasting table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slot is; all of your spel slots are the same level. ‘To cast one of your warlock spells of ast level or higher, you ‘must expend a spell slot. You do not regain any pact magic spell slots upon completing 2 short or long rest. You can spend 1 minute entreating your patron for aid to regain all, your expended spell slots from your Pact Magic feature. You ray use this feature three times before completing a long rest, For example, when you are 8th level, you have two 2nd- level spell slots. To cast the 1stlevel spell witch bolt, you ‘must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 2nd-level spell. ‘Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher. At 3rd level, you ‘mow two ist-evel spells of your choice from the warlock spelllist. ‘The Spells Known column of the Profane Soul table shows ‘when you learn more warlock spells of your choice of ts level and higher. A spell you choose must be ofa level no higher ‘than what's shown in the table's Slot Level columm for your level. When you reach 11th level, for example, you learn a new warlock spell, which can be 1s, 2nd, or 3rd level ‘Additionally, when you gain a level in this class and order, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, hich also must be ofa level for which you have spell slots. ‘Spellcasting Ability. Your Hemocraft modifier functions as your spelleasting ability modifier. In addition, you use your Hemocraft modifier when setting the saving throw DC. for a warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one, Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier ‘Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier PROFANE SOUL SPELLCASTING ere eee ec | Level Known Known Slots a ard 2 3 2 Ist 4th 2 4 2 Ist sth 2 4 2 Ist 6th 2 4 2 Ist 7th 2 5 2 and 8th 2 6 2 and oth 2 6 2 and 40th 3 7 3 and ath 3 8 3 and 12th 3 8 3 Sd 13th 3 9 3 ard ath 3 10 3 ard 15th 3 10 3 ard 16th 3 " 3 ard 17th 3 u 3 ad 16th 3 u 3 ad 19th 3 2 3 4th 20th 3 8 3 4th RITE FOCUS [Beginning at grdTovel, your weapon Decomies @ core To your pact with your chosen dark patron. While you have an active Crimson Rite, you can use your weapon as a splleasting focus (found in chapter §of the Player's Handbook) for your warlock spells, and you gain a specific benefit based on your chosen pact (outlined below) The Archfey. When you deal rite damage toa creature, it lows with faint light uni the end of your next tur. For the dluration, the ereature can't benefit fom half cover, three- «quarters cover, or being invisible. The Celestial. You can expend a use of your Blood Maledict feature as a bonus action to heal one creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. They regain a number of hit points equal to one roll of your hemocraft die + your Hemocrat modifier (minimum of +1. ‘The Fiend. Whenever you roll damage for a weapon empowered by your Crimson Rite feature, you can reroll the die and choose which roll to use. The Great Old One, When you score aerial hit against a creature while using the weapon, that creature is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. The Hexblade, Whenever you target creature with @ blood curse, your next attack against the cursed creature deals additional damage equal to your proficiency modifier. ‘The Undying, Whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 ‘it points using a weapon attack, you regain @ number of hit points equal. one roll of your hemocraft de. PROFANE SCARS [Also at grd level, you learn how to invoke blood rites into spelleasting, if only for a while, On your tur, you can choose to lose hit points equal to your Hemocraft die to empower your spelleasting with one of your rites. Until the end of your next tura, when you would cast a spell that would deal Gamage, the damage type of that spell becomes your rte’s Gamage type, and you deal extra damage equal to your (Crimson Rite die, MYSTIC FRENZY ‘Starting at 7th Tevel, when you use your action To cast @ cantrip, you can immediately make one weapon attack as a Domus action. REVEALED ARCANA ‘AL 7th level, your dark patron grants you the rare use of a iangerous arcane spell based on your pact. ‘The Archfey You can cast blur once using a pact magic spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long ret. ‘The Celestial You can cast Jesser restoration once using a pact magie spel slot. You can't do so agaia until you finish a Tong rest. ‘The Fiend You can cast scorching ray once using a pact magic spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long ‘The Great Old One You can cast detect thoughts once using a pact magic spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish along rest. ‘The Hexblade You can cast branding smite once using a pact magic spell slot. You can’t do so again until you Gnish a Tong rest. ‘The Undying You can cast bilndness/deafness once using 1 pact magic spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish along rest BRAND OF THE SAPPING SCAR Upon reaching iith level, your Brand of Castigation feature now digs dark, arcane sears into your target, leaving them ‘vulnerable to your magic. A creature branded by you has Gisadvantage on their saving throws against your warlock spells UNSEALED ARCANA [At igth level, your patron grants you the rare use of an additional arcane spell based on your pact. ‘The Archfey You can cast slow once without expending a spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. ‘The Celestial You can cast revivify once without expending a spel slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. ‘The Fiend You can cast freball once without expending a spell slot. You can't do so again ttl you finish a long rst. ‘The Great Old One You can cast hunger of hadar once without expending a spell slot. You can't do so again until ‘you finish along rest. ‘The Hexblade You can cast haste once without expending ‘spell slo. You can’t do so again until you finish along rest. ‘The Undying You can cast bestow curse once without expending a spel slot. You can't do so again until you finish a Tong rest BLOOD CURSE OF THE SOULEATER Starting at 18th level, you've learned to siphon the soul From your fallen prey. You gain the Blood Curse of the Souleater for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against ‘your numberof blood curses known, SS! Prerequisite: 18th level, Order of the Profane Soul When a creature that isn’t a construct or undead is reduced to 0 hit points within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to usher their soul to your patron in exchange for power. Until the end of your next turn, your weapon ack have advantage Amplify. in addition, you regain an expended warlock spell slot. Once you've amplified this blood curse, you must finish along rest before you can amplify it again, (Order of the Scale ‘The Chroma Conclave, One of the greatest disasters that Exandria has endured post-Calamity. Following their attack ‘on Taldorel and Draconia, some in the Claret Orders recognized the danger these creatures presented. These ‘Blood Hunters founded a new order, based around a new version of Hunter's Bane derived from dragon's blood. You Jkmow the saying, fight fire with fre. DRAGON'S BANE ‘When you join this order at 3rd level, you consume a version of the Hunter's Bane made from dragon's blood, The benefits of your Hunter's Bane feature apply to Dragons in addition to the usual creature types, and you can speak, read, and write Draconic. In addition, choose the type of dragon your Dragon's Bane is brewed from, and reference the Draconic Features table below for your Order ofthe Scale feature. DRACONIC FEATURES Ce ee Sr Black Acid Rite of the Caustic Dexterity Blue Lightning Rite of the Storm _Dexterty Brass Fire Rite of the Flame Dexterity Bronze Lightning Rite of the Storm Dexterity Copper Acid Rite of the Caustic Dexterity Gold Fire Rite of the Flame Dexterity Green Poison Rite of the Venom Constitution Red Fire Rite of the Flame Dexterity Silver Cold Rite of the Frozen Constitution White Cold Rite of the Frozen Constitution ELEMENTAL AFFINITY ‘Also at rd level, as the draconic blood alters your body, you gain the following benefits: Damage Resistance. You have resistance to your chosen Draconie damage type. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal ‘while you use your natural armor. Draconic Rites. You learn the Primal Rite associated with that type of dragon. If you already know this rite, you may learn another Primal Rite of your choice. DRAKE'S HIDE ‘At7ih level, Ge draconie Dlood in your velus has caused your skin to toughen and grow scales in patches. While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC and Constitution saving throws. BRAND OF ELEMENTAL PROWESS. Beginning at ith level, your Brand of Castigation now strengths elemental magics around it. When you damage a| branded creature with that damage type, they suffer additional damage equal to your Hemocraft modifier. In| addition, the branded creature's speed becomes 0, if it has GREAT DRAKE'S BANE. ‘AL 15th level, you consume an even more powerful version of the Dragon’s Bane, farther infusing yourself with draconic 4ualities. You gain blindsight out toa range of 30 feet. ‘You also gain the Blood Curse of the Wyzm for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against your number of blood eurses known, DRACONIC CALL ‘When you reach 18th level, you gain the ability to call Tesser _> ‘When you Join this order at rd Tevel, sth 6 42 == the Arcane esoteric rite (detailed below). Rite of the Arcane. Your vite damage is force damage. a § sp ‘While the site is active, you gain the following benefits oth 7 403 - = + You add a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with ni o a that weapon. If the weapon already grants a magical 12th 8 S58 == bonus to attack and damage, use whichever bonus is 13th 9 43a 2-8 higher. These bonuses to hit and damage increase to +2 ‘when you reach th level and +3 when you reach 13th a a + You can use this weapon asa spelicasting focus. 15th mw 4 8 2 * oucan chanoe! pls no our espn sie, Choose eh fl 4 6 g = spell you know with a casting time of one action, anv expend a spell slot as ifyou were casting tas normal. The 17th n 403 9 = spell must be capable of targeting a hostile creature. As 18th " 4303 - ‘rt of the action, you then make a single weapon attack aA @ og 6 9 0 ‘with the chosen weapon. If the attack its, che target suffers the attack’s normal effects and the effects of the 20th wo 4 3 31 spel. The target has disadvantage on all saving throws made against the spell (if any), and automaticaly fails Dexterity saving throws. Ifthe spell has an area of effect, it instead only affects the target Ifthe spell has an area of effect, it instead only affects the target. Ifthe attack does not hit, the spell slot is not expended. SPELLCASTING [Also at rd level, you augment your martial prowess with the ability to cast spells, See chapter 10 for che general rules of spelleasting, Cantrips. You learn three cantrips of your choice from the ‘wizard, sorcerer or dunamancy spell lists. You learn another ‘wizard, sorcerer or dunamancy cantrip of your choice at 10th level. Spell Slots. The Residuum Touched Spelleasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1s level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spel’s level or higher. You regain all ‘expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, ifyou know the is-level spell shield and have a 1st- level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast shield using either slot, ‘Spells Known of ist-Level and Higher. Choose wo schools of magic (detailed in the Player's Handbook, Chapter 40: Spelleasting, page 203, The Schools of Magic sidebar) ‘which become your arcane specialties. You know three 1st- level wizard, sorcerer or dunamancy spells of your choice, to of which must be spells of the same school as either of ‘your areane specialties. ‘The Spells Known column of the Residuum Touched Spelleasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of your choice of ist level or higher. Each of these must be spells of the same school as either of your arcane specialties, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For Instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn ‘one new spell of ist or 2nd level. ‘The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic. ‘Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard, sorcerer or dunamancy spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard, sorcerer or unamaney spell ists. The new spell must be of a level for Which you have spell slots, and it must be a spel ofthe sarme school as either of your arcane specialties, unless you're replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic. Spellcasting Ability. Your Hemocraft modifier functions as your spelleasting ability modifier. In addition, you use ‘your Hemocraft modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard, sorcerer or dunamancy spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one, Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier ‘Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier MAGICAL INTUITION ‘At 3rd level, you gain the following features + You gain proficiency inthe Arcana skill. Ifyou are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency ‘bonus to checks you make with it. + Choose either detect magic or identify. You ean east the chosen spell without expending a spell slot, or requiring material components, a number of times equal to 1 plus your Hemocraft modifier. Your Hemocraft modifier is ‘your spellcasting ability for this spe! COMBAT MAGE ‘AL 7th level, you have the abiliy to weave weapon strikes between spell casting seamlessly. ‘When you cast a cantrip with your action, you can make fone weapon attack as a bonus action. BRAND OF MAGICAL DESTRUCTION Beginning at 11th level, your brand of castgation strips away magical defences. Whenever you hit a branded creature with ‘weapon infused with a spell, they suffer additional damage equal to your Hemocraft modifier. Additionally, the creature hhas disadvantage on saving throws against spells you cast ‘until the end of your nexc turn, BLOOD CURSE OF SPELL VULNERABILITY Beginning at 15th level, you learn to strip away all defences against spells. You gain the Blood Curse of Spell ‘Vulnerability for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against your number of blood curses known, SPELL SURGE Starting at 18th level, choose one SUi-level spell from the wirard, sorcerer or dunamancy spell lists. You can cast this spell once without expending a spell slot. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again, Additionally, as an action, you can imbue your weapon with ths spell, then make a single attack with that weapon. If the attack misses, the spell has no effect. Ifthe attack hits, the target takes weapon damage, is subject to the effects of the spell. The target automatically fails on all saving throws ‘made against the spell (if any). If this spell effects an area, the area originates from the target of the weapon attack. ‘Once you successfully use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 20th level ERO e ng Prerequisite: 15th level, Order ofthe Residuum Touched ‘As an action, you curse a ereature you can see within 80 feet of you. The target must make a Charisma saving throw against your Hemocraft DC. On a failed save, until the end of your next turn, the next time you or an ally deals damage 10 the carget with a spell, the target has vulnerability to all of that spells damage. Amplify. The target has disadvantage on their saving throw. Order of the Spirit Warden ‘The process of the Hunter's Bane is painful and often deadly. ‘This near death experience grants some of the Hunters the ability to peer in the veil beyond death. Buta few have gone further, linking the sprit of the dead to thelr body. Through zealous practice with masters, they learn to enhance their abllty by sacrificing the ghostly essence. This power is a dangerous one, and many have lost their sanity to the voice from beyond the grave. ‘When you first choose this subclass you master control over the spirits of the dead, using them to amplify your powers. You have control over @ number of spirits. Each splzt gives you gives you one dice, dice that are used to fuel your abies. USING SPIRIT DICE ‘At ged level, you have access to @ number of spirit dice equal to your 1 + Hemocraft Modifier (minimum of one). A spirit dice is expended when you use it. Spirit dice are equal to your hemocraft dice {At the end of every short or long rest you can focus and peer in the veil beyond death to reform your spirits SPECTRAL GUIDANCE As a reaction you can expend one of your spirits to guide your attack, to de so expend one spirit dice and add it to the attack roll. You can use this ability before or after making the attack roll, but before any of the effects of the attack are applied, PHANTASMAL RESILIENCE As a reaction you can expend one of your spirits to strengthen your mind, When you make an Intelligence, a ‘Wisdom, or a Charisma saving throw, you can expend one spirit dice to ada it to the rol. You can use this feature only before you learn ifthe save succeeded or failed. SUPERNATURAL SIGHT ‘Asa reaction, when you make a Wisdom (Perception) check, or an Intelligence (Investigation) check, you can expend one split die to add ito the roll. GHOSTLY PROTECTION ‘As a reaction, when an attack is made against you, you can use one of your spirits to protect you, expending one spirit die and reducing the opponent's attack roll by the result. You ‘can use this ability ater the attack is rolled EYES OF THE SPIRITS ‘At grd level, if you still have a spiet dic an project your consciousness in one of the spirits bound to you. As an| action, you can see through your spirit’ eyes and hear what] it hears until the start of your next turn, During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses. While in this form you have a flying speed of 15f¢ and can pass through solid objects as if they were dificult terrain, When you start using this ability make a wisdom saving throw (DC = 20 - your Blood Hunter level), on a failure, the spirit takes control of you and attacks any creature in sight, ‘until your body falls unconscious. On a success you maintain control. Repeat this save every minute you are using this ability. ‘SPIRIT SAGE A level 7, Once per long Test you can use an amplified blood ‘maledict ‘without taking damage or expending its use sacrificing one of your spirits insteed. Expend a spirit dice as reaction to do so. In addition, your blood curses can now targel any creature, ‘whether it has blood or not. BRAND OF DISRUPTION Upon reaching 1ith level, your Brand of Castigation now carves deep ethereal tendrils in your foes, ripping out a part of the target's spirit, leaving them valnerable to your power. ‘heir first attack roll on a turn, if f's made on a creature other than you, is at disadvantage. In addition if they attempt to teleport by any means (misty step, teleportation ciele,..) they must succeed a Wisdom saving throw ofall and be stunned until the end of your next BLOOD CURSE OF THE SHACKLED SPIRITS ‘AL 1gth level you gain access to the Blood curse of th shackled spirits, This doesn't count against your number of blood earses known, UNYIELDING BLIZZARD ‘AC 18th level, you gain the ability to become one with The spirits you control. As a reaction you can trigger this fusion, expending 3 spirit dice, Your form becomes spectral, you gina flying speed equal to your movement speed, resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage, as well as necrotic damage. If you took the attack action during your ‘urn while transformed, you can make a single extra melee attack as part ofthis action, = you This transformation lasts for one minute and you can’t use itagain until your next long rest. CRT ase as Prerequisite: 15th level, order ofthe spire warden [As bonus action, you can send the spirits bound to you to ‘shatter the mind of your enemies. A creature withing 3oft of ‘you must make a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for ‘one minute, the creature can repeat the save at the end of ‘each ofits turns. Amplify, The cursed creature is stunned instead and take tan extra 2d6 necrotic damage, and suffer this damage every time it falls the save Changelog ‘+ Saving throws changed from Dexterity and Intelligence, to Strength and Constitution, Grim Psychometry revised and placed at level 10. ‘Number of Blood Curses known increased by 1 overall Number of Blood Maledicts per rest increased by 1 No longer limited to Intelligence - Choose Hemocraft Modifier at 1st level, either Wisdom or Intelligence. Great Weapon. Fighting Style, Two-Weapon Fighting Style, and Dual Wielder Feat all revised or replaced, Rite ofthe Caustic and Venom added Number of Primal Rites gained increased and spaced out. Rebuttal of Body added at 7 level Hardened Soul revised and replaced. Ne level, now at 9, (Crimson Manipulation added Tchorous Vigor added Sanguine Mastery revised Alchemical Knowledge added to Order of the Mutant act Magie revised for Profane Soul Profane Scars added for Profane Soul. Allows for some focus on spelleastin. Changed the spell gained from Unsealed Arcana for Hexblade and Great Old One. Order of the Seale, Inquisition, Sin-Eater, and Atavist added. Order of the Dark Draught added Hardened Viscera and Unstopping Heart added. Order ofthe Residuum Touched added Tonger at 14th Credits + ujmatthewmercer, for creating the Blood Hunter ‘+ Joma Cueto and Matthew Mercer for the art of Elias, used as the front cover. + u/Cixal, for their wonderful Blood Hunter revision, which aided me greatly (The increase in Primal Rites plus progression, Grim Psychometry, Alchemical Knowledge, Profane Sears, and the increase in Blood Malediet and ‘Curses is from their brew) + u/Ashtonium for Ichorous Vigor + Vorpal replacement for Fighting Styles + ufeyberhawkos for Orders of the Scale and Inquisition + u/MobiusFlip and u/SwordMeow for Order of the Atavist (a mix of the Atavist Class by u/SwordMeow and the (Order ofthe Deathbound by u/MobiusFlip) + Blood Hunter Expanded, by Dave Gibson, for Order of the Sin-Eater (Found on DMsGuild), + Apostol Apostoloy and GMBinder for this theme + ‘Travis Legge, for his Blood Hunter subclass, Order of the Dark Draught Dice Press for their Fighting Maneuver OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.00 The following text i the property of Wizards of the Cons, Ine Jand is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Ine ("Wizards"). All, Rights Reserved, 4. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright andjor trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (bY'Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations Gneluding into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, Improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (¢) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, Tease, sel, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise istribute; (@)"Open Game Content” means the game ‘mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines tothe extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any addicional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product dently. 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(h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License, You must afix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be spplied oany Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. 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