Science Dog - 01

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ROBERT KIRKMAN + CORY WALKER ROBERT KIRKMAN writer CORY WALKER pencils & inks KANILA TRIPP colorist - pages 1-12 FCO PLASCENCIA colorist - pages 13-24 DAVE STEWART colorist - cover RUS WOOTON letterer SINA GRACE editor . TRADUGAO: WARXOX LETRAS: GARRA SCIENCE DOG created by ROBERT KIRKMAN & CORY WALKER oo. For YBOUNO ENTERTANMENT ‘Www. skvBOUNDENT.COM SCIENCE DOG SPECIAL #1. August 2010, Pubished by Image Comics, Inc. Oiice of publication: 2194 Alston Way, 2nd Floor. Berkeley, CA 94704. Copysght © 2010 Robert Kirkmon & Cory Waker. All ights reserved. SCIENCE DOG™" (inclucing al prominent characters feetured Herein), ts ogo end all charodtor likenesses are tredernarks of Robert Kirkman & Cory Walker, unless cthervise noted. Image Comice® and its logos are registered trademarks Sd copyrights cf image Comscs, Inc. All rights reserved, No pare ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmied, in any form or by any means (except for shart excerpts for review purposes) without the express writian permission of Image Comics, Inc. Al names, cherecters, events and locales in this Pubscetion are entirely fotona. Ary resemblonce to actual persans (wig Or dead), events or places, without sauric intent. is coincidental. Printed inthe EIS.A. For informacion regarding the COSIA on this printed material cal: 209-595-3636 and provide reference # EAST - 67273 (— €SS€ NAO Tem siD0 UM = Bos periopos mais Aaeavavels Pe

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