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Os verbos dvidem-se, quanto & funcdo que fazem na oracdo, _. _emverbos principais e auxllares. Séo aquales usados para i as agbes da frase: “to drive” (quia, cirigi), “to take” (evar), “to play" (tocar, Jogar, brincar), etc. Ressalte- 8, pordm, que alguns verbos res podem fazer a vez de principais. S40 05 casos — dos verbos “to be" (ser, estar), “to do” (fazer), *to have" (ter), @ por exemplo. eo Como o préprio nome sugere, 0s verbos auxlares S40 ~ _agueles usados ra frese para dar suporte aos verbos principals, ‘muito especialmente na interrogativa € na negatva, indicando © tempo verbal ou uma sitvaoéo (modo). Dividen-se em ts ccategoras: verbos auxliares comuns, verbos auxiiares especials 3: Wil " 2 — _everbos auxliares modais. gE e cepare x. 4: Would you lke something else, sir? Recebem esse nome exatamente por néo terem nada de especial: servern somente para indicar 0 tempo verbal da oragéo. Nao so nem traduzidos na frase. Sao eles: dojdoes (presente) did (passado) will (futuro) would (concicional) “WilP corresponde em portugues 2o futuro do presents € a “would” a0 futuro do pretérito. “Do” e “did” podem ter traducéo, mas apenas quando forem verbos principals (corresponcer a0 ~ verbo “fazer’) INGLES Unit? x. 1: Did you do your homework yesterday? (Voc8 fez seu exercicio de casa ontem?) Ex. 2: Yes | did tall. (Sim, eu fz tod.) 1.2.2 Verbos auxiliares especiais ‘Sao assim chamados porque podem, na mesma orapa0, fazer 0 papel de auxiiares @ principais ao mesmo tempo. Sao representados pelos verbos “Yo be" ‘to have”. Vejamos exemplos ‘em que “to be” ¢ “to have" séo auxlires € principals ao mesmo tempo: Is she happy? (Ela é feliz?) Were you at home last z right? (Voc8 estava em casa contem & noite?) Have they chance to win the game? (Eles tem chance de ganhar 0 jogo”). —e WiN)/ Convém lembrar que 0 uso do “have” como verbo auxiiar & ccaracterstica do inglés britinico. A forma americana seria: Do they have chance to win the game? Como coniraponto, seguem exemplos em que “to be" e “to ‘have” séo apenas verbos auxiliares de um outro verbo principal: ‘Are they cooking now? (Eies estéo cozinhando agora?) | have been there before. Eu estive é antes.) 8 Ano Militar -Vol.1 1.2.3 Verbos auxiliares modais 0s auxilares modais, 2o contrério dos auxilares comuns, ‘tém tradugéo. Porém, néo indica tempos verbais, exprimindo apenas ideas, situapGes. Séo exemmplos desses verbos e as ideias que exprimem: = “can” (poder) - exprime habilidade, possibilidade ou permisséo (informelmente).. + *may”, “might” (poder) — exprimem possibilidade ou permissao (formalmente) + “must" (dever) — exprime obrigagéo, dedugéo lagica.. + “should”, “ought to” (dever) - exprimem conselho, recomendacéo... ‘tengo! ‘Alguns graméticos consideram “wile “would” como verbos, ‘aunillares modals e ndo como comuns. Preferimos discordar, tendo em vista as aproximagbes estruturals destes com os verbos auxiares comuns (no ter tracug&o e indicar tempo verbal) [DA forma interrogativa de “She left for Pars yesterday” &: (A) Does she lett for Pars yesterday? (B) Did she leave for Paris yesterday? (C) Did she left for Paris yesterday? (0) Does she leave for Paris yesterday? (©) Do she leave for Paris yesterday? Solution: Letra B. Como a oragdo esté no passado, devemos usar o auxiit “did”, deixando 0 verbo principal para 2 forma de infnitivo (eave). TB... people need old things to wear? () Do (0) Has (8) Does © ls (©) Have Solution: Letra A Sujeito: “neople" — Auxliar: “do”. TVA forma interrogativa negativa de “We live near the alport.” é: (A) Do we live near the airport? (@) Don't we lve near the airport? (C) Does we lve near the airport? (0) Do welives near the airport? (©) Dich't we five near the airport? Solution: Letra B. Como é pedida a forma interrogativa negativa da oracéo que est ro presente, devemos usar 0 auxiiar “don’t”, deixando 0 verbo principal para a forma de infntivo (ive). Introduction to verbs: auxiliary verbs (I) [H... the teachers you were talking about? (A) Isthey @) Arent they (©) isn'the (0) Aren'the © Wesn'the Solution: Letra B. Goma o sujeto é plural (teachers), devernos usar “Aren't they". Hi esv-sr) | like work: it fascinates me. | can sit and look at it for hours. | love to keep it by me: the idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart. Jeane, Jerome, De acordo com texto: (A) Minha amada me fascina. (B) As horas que passo ao lado de minha amada sao fascinantes — so horas de pouco siléncio ¢ muita incompreensao. (©) Minha amada me dé muto tabalro. (0) Talécfascinio de minha amada que passo horas embevecido olhando-a. {E) A ideia de separar-me do trabalho quase despedaga meu ‘coragao. Wicrev-se) ‘On the Solomon islands, beginning with his marriage a man must nether see nor speak with his mother-in-law, He should act asi he did not know her and run away as fast he can in order to hide himself seus De acordo com 0 text: (A) Onthe Solomon slands aman cannot marry his mother-in-law and thereby become the stepfather of his wife. (6) Should you happen to meet your mother-in-law bite her before she bites you. (C) Mothers-in-law are usually put to death on the Solomon Islands. (D) On the Solomon Islands a man should not speak with his mother-in-law. (€) The natives of the Solomon Islands are very wise in the way they treat their mothers-in-law. Texto para as questées 03 e 05, Agoraphobia is an irrational fear of open places. It is much ‘more common in women. When the victim goes out into the open there is a terrifying of panic, racing heart, sweating and trembling INGLES Unit? Invariants of agoraphobia the sutferer may fear only a particular type of open space ~ for example, a park or even a supermarket .with a high roof. Agoraphobies often have other phobias too, such as fear of cats, insects, or of talking to other people. AAs vitimas de agorafobia nao apresentam o seguinte sintora: (@) pinico. (8) dor. (©) palptagoes. ©) suor © tremor ‘Todas as alternativas abaixo identificam medos tipicos de ‘agoréfobos relatados no texto, exceto medo de: (A) altura. (8) insetos. © gatos. (0) recintos com telhado alto (©) conversar com outras pessoas. |. As pessoas agoréfobas geralmente possuem outras fobias. 1l, Qualquer tipa de lugar aberto causa agoratobia. Ii, Taquicarcia é um dos sintomas da agorafobia. Com relagéo as afirmagées acima, podemos dizer que: (A) todas estio erradas. ©) somente all estécerta, (C) todas esto certs. (0) somente a lest certa © aleaill esto certas. 1 wnim-ro) “Why don't we go to the cinema this evening?” asked Tom ‘eagerly. His sister Ruth was sitting working at the table. “Not tonight”, she replied. “I must finish copying these notes". She looked up from her work and saw the expression of disappointment on Tom's face. “Oh, all right!” she said. “I suppose the work can wait”. De acordo com 0 text: (A) Tom estavajentando enquanto sua irmé estava estudando. (B) Tom telou para sua irma acabar seu trabalho. () Ruth cecicu largar seu trabalho para rao cinema, (0) Puth peciu para seu irméo esperé-la terminar seu trabalho antes de ir 20 cinema. (©) Puth estava inritada porque Tom estava atrasado para 0 cinema. 9° Ano Mitar-Vol- @ INGLES Hl cunwui-rs) Muscles? In 7 Days! ‘Dynamic Tension stats giving results you can feel and your friends wil notice. Big, useful muscles. Gain weight, if needed. Lose “potbelly”. Send name and address for information. Charfes Atlas, PO. Box 10159. NYC. NY. O texto ¢ provavelmente uma propaganda de: (A) um remécio para curar cahicie. (@) um produto para emagrecer. (C) um produto para allviar tensoes. (©) um aparelho para musculacéo. (©) uma oferta de sete clas de um spa. (UFRS) Mrs. Dora Shields, mother of five children already, gave birth to twin daughters at Brighton General Hospital early yesterday ‘morning. The rather, 46-year-old Mr. Albert Shields, a greengrocer, said, ‘ofcourse, it was a bit of a shock, but we always wanted big family According to the text: (A) the wite is 48 years old now. (8) mmx Albert Shields is a famous doctor. (C) mrs, Shields works atthe Brighton Hospital, (0) the Shields have saven children now. (€) the whole family got up early yesterday. Hi uc-se) Meeting informally in the street to gossip over a drink or to discuss business is a normal feature of life in small towns of the ‘Mediterranean, It makes their lifestyle totally different from that of ‘the Norther part of Europe. No taxo acim, apalavra destacada “I referese a (A) the Mediterranean, (8) tha street. (G) the drink (0) meeting informally {€) life in small towns, 1 wers) ‘As | was shopping, | came upon a group of teen-age boys engaged in animated conversation. One tall boy looked at me closely. “I remember you", he said, *You were my kindergarten teacher!” Suddenly he looked puzzled. Leaning toward me, he said, “you know, you're not as tall as you used to be”. @ 9 hoo Mita = Volt According to the text: (A) the teacher went shopping with her Kindergarten boys, (@) the boy introduced his kindergarten teacher to his fiends. (C) the teacher and the boy did not recognize each other. (0) the boy thought that the teacher looked shorter than before. (©) the teacher was as tll as the teenage boy. Read the text and answer the questions from 01 through 04, There are four main foroes which act onan airplane in fight: i, ‘weight thrust and drag. The weight force is, of course, cue to gravity and, therefore, acts vertically downwerds. So the arplanaisto remain in level fight, the weight has tobe opposed by an equal force which ‘we cal it. Thrusts the force provided bythe engine inorder to move the aipiane through the ai, and drag isthe resut ofthe air resisting such movement. In level fight at a constant airspeed, the drag and thrust forces must be equal and opposed to each other and wil, be acting horizontally Lift and drag are known 2s aerodynamic forces. I (aFA) The engine supplies a force cal. (©) gravity. (0) equa force, (A) fit, (8) thrust. 1 (ara) The weight force act... due tothe ora (A) vertically upwards (8) horizontaly upwards (C) verticaly downwards (0) horizonaly downwards (cara) Otexo trata: (A) da sustentagdo do avido no ar. (6) as quato forcas aerodinamicas. (C) cas fungées do mator de um avigo modemno. (0) ¢as forgas que atuam sobre um aviéo em voo. (AFA) A resistencia & provocada: (A) pelo ar vertical. () pela forga oposta. (©) pela forga vertical (©) pelo ar circundante, Introduction to verbs: auxiliary verbs (I) Fad the text and answer the questions from 0S thrugh 08. Words, words, words One cay te teacher tld the chidren to write about their holidays, ‘soJohn began a story abouthis visit to the 200. Aer sometime, he put Luphis anc, "Please Miss", he asked, “now do you spel rhinoceros?” "Don't ask me,” she answered, “look itup in the dictionary". But how ccan | look it up? “the chid said, “I don't know how to spal it!” Its not hard to understand John's difficulty. Rhinoceros could start with “rye” or ‘righ. These are the eccentricities of English ‘speling that it could even begin wih a different combination of letters entirely. Nobody can forget Bernard's Shaw's way of writing the word “fish”, He spelled it"chot”. “Gh” as in enough. “o" asin ‘women and "t” asin nation, There really is no logic to it. Vocasutinio: to spell soletrar to look up — procurar palavras (em um dioiondrio) ‘eccentricities ~ excentricidades spelling —jato de separaras slabas ou soletrr uma palavra even ~ até entirely - completamente as como “The teacher asked the children to write about thelr holidays...” Nessa frase: . Que pronome substiuiria as palavras em destaque? '. Que tipo de pronome seria esse? Por qué? Qual era a dificuldade de John? Baseado em que Bernard Shaw criou um outro jeito de se escrever a palavra “ish? 0) Retire do texto: 2. umverbo auxiiar modal b. uma preposigéo. Read the text below and answer the questions: ‘Turning the world into a better one is our mission because we are the world. Observe the way Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie used to show people their point of view about it. Texto! Dspometer: We are the world There comes a time When we hear a certain call When the world must come ‘Together as one ‘There are people dying And i's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all ‘We can't go on Pretending day by day That someone, somewhere wil soon make a change We are all apart of God's great big family ‘And the truth, you know lave Is all we need (Chorus) We are the world We are the children ‘We are the ones who make a brighter day So it's start giving ‘There's a choice we're making ‘We're saving our own lives Its true we'll make a better day Just you and me Send them your heart So they'l know that someone cares ‘And ther lives be stronger and free [As God has shown us by turning ‘Stone to bread So we all must lend a helping hand (Chorus) We are the world (a) ‘When you're down and out ‘There seems no hope at all serconntr-wit INGLES Unit But it you just believe ‘There's no way we can fall ‘Well, well, well, well let us realize ‘Thata chance will only come When we stand together as one (Chorus) We are the word a) (AFA) In tha sentence “When the world must come together as one’, the singers mean that: (A) ‘theircountry has tobe together with others giving them afand to change ®) there are needy people around the world who must be suocored. (©) all the peoples should join ther effort in order to live as @ unique one. (©) population from different countries ought to keep the world whimsically alive [BD (ara) According to their way to express the world’s situation, Ite is (A) the biggest truth ofall @) the most important point to be given attention to. (©) avery brittle human need. (O) choices to be made. TE (ara) Mark the correct option attar reading these lines from ‘the song “We are the world” “We can't go on Pretending day by day ‘That someone, somewhere Will soon make a change” Itlets us understand that: (A) none of us cannot wait along time for better days. {@) we can'tcontinue ving making believe that someone ina near ‘ture will change the world. (©) people all over the world cannot ive day waiting for someone to vex the world sooner. (©) someone one day wil surely make a huge change in the word (ITA) in order to learn English, we should .. our homework every. (A) do, days (0) do, day @) too, days (&) done, day (© todo, day ou. Texto Il The headlines might just as easily have screamed, "Mom Saves Toddlerin Dramatic Rescue!" But the female in question was no ordinary 160-pound brunette, AS the world now knows, the hero who cradled an unconscious ‘three-year-old boy last Aug. 16 ‘when he fell into the gorila habitat at Ilinois' Brooksfield 200 was herself a simian — and an exceptional one at that, But then, 8-year- ‘old Bint-Jua (Swahl for “daughter of sunshine"), a rare lowland gorila native to western Africa, has long-been “a people-oriented gorila”, says her Keeper Craig Demos. “She has always had a {good rapport with people”. She has an even better one now. After her heroics, Bint received a medal from the American Legion, some 4,000 letters of congratulations and an honorary membership In a Downey, Calf, PTA. With the boy she rescued (ivhose name has rot been released) recovered nicely from his inuries, Binti seems content to spend her days munching bananas and “primate-chow” on her stone terrace, playing with a rope between her toes and serving as an unofficial poster-gir for the remaining 25,000 of har endangered brethren. “In that sense’, says Demitros, “this gorila in captivity helped her relates in the wild.” She also reminded her ‘riends up the evolutionary ladder that behaving like an animal may ‘Not be such an ignoble thing ater al. ope Wot, Dean 1967 (UFMG) The place where Bint:-jua lives is: {A) designed for goritas. (8) awest african zoo. (C) filled with sunshine. (0) anuninhaoited place. 1 (UFMG) Binti-jua’s g00d relationship with people: (A) isnot anew thing. (B) has changed itl. (C) seems very rude. (0) canbe seen as heric. [il (UFMG) The gorila spends her time now: (A) serving other oils there. (8) playing withthe rescued boy. (C) wating for al her relatives. (0) eating and passing the time, [1 (ume) The toy she has in the 200 is: (A) a poster (8) amedal. (C) arope. (0) a ladder a 1. Quanto as formas de passado 1.3 Listagem de verbos irregulares ‘Quanto & forma que assumem no passado, os verbos podem ser ragulares ou irreguares, Esta dvisdo é feta com base nas formas de passado e partciio passado. ~ 1.1 Verbos regulares (0s verbos regulares no pasado s40 construidos a partir do — —acréscimo de *-2d" a sua forma verbal de infnitivo (em alguns livros chamada de base form). Sua estrutura entdo seré: infinitive + -2d ee eT) ander, _ towak walked walled tar ee ee ee Todas as formas sao idticas: toopen opened opened abrir es ee ee tocal called caed a jobet bet bet apostar 1.2 Verbos irregulares to burst burst burst. estourar a Estes verbos, como 0 proprio nome ja diz, ndo possuem toast © cast_« cast arremessar rogras definidas para sua conjugagéo. Alguns tém as formes de tocost cost «cost custar ~ pasado epartipoiguas entre si, mas cferentes do radical do Inv Outs tém as tes formas Iquls ane si, Ouvos zinda«YOOUL Ot cue cote _— tims trés formas diferentes entre si to hit hit hit golpear tohurt = hurt hurt ‘esr, magor ~ eo ile ae tT eee err) toput put put pi, colocar ~ —tostand stood stood —_ficarde pe toqut gut quit desis, renunciar i at 7 fe | /evocn vor toread read_—Sread ler tose set set por to ought bought» comprar : oe 2 . n toshed shed shed deramar toswim = swam = sum radar Raa aut ante ~ fospit spit’ spit’ —_‘fender,separar tospread spread spread_—«—_espalar, dfundir oe towet wet wet molar es 9° Ane Militar = Vol. 6 ge INGLES unit2 ‘Apenas as formas do passado e do partcipio sao idéntioas: Cn to bend to bind to bleed toring to build toburn to buy to-catoh to creep to deal todig tofeed to feel tofight to find toget to grind tohang tohave ‘to hear tohoid to keep tolay ‘to lead toleave tolend ‘to lose to make tomean tomeet to pay to say 10 seek to send to sell to shine to shoot tost to sleep tospend a 0 bent bound bied brought built burnt bought caught crept deat ug ted ‘eh fought found ‘ot ground hung held En bent bound bled brought built burnt bought. caught crept dealt dug fed fet fought found ‘got (gotten) ground hung had heard held kept laid led left lent lost made meant met paid ‘said sought sent sold ‘shone ‘shot sat slept spent rm dobrar, curvar star, emarrar sangrat ‘razer construit queimer ‘comprar pega, anannar rastejar, engatinhar lidar, negociar cavar alimentar sentir lutar, combater encontrar, desoobrir pegar, ganher moet, turer pendurar ‘ter, possuir ouvir segurar, manter ‘guardar por ccondu2i, liderar partir, abandonar emprestar perder fazer significa, tencionar, querer dizer encontrar, reuni-se agar dizer rocurar tentar mancar, enviar vender brihar atrar (Gar tos) sontarse dormir gastr, passar(frias) Introduction to verbs: auxliary verbs (II) INGLES Unit2 tospin spun spun ira, rodar to stand stood stood ‘car, suportar tosting stung stung picar to-strike struck struck bater, olpear to sweep swept swept varrer toteach taught taught ensinar totell told told contr, relatar tothink ‘thought thought pensar to understand understood understood entender to weep wept wept hora, lamentar towin won ‘won ganar ‘to wind wound wound er corde {As formas do passado e do participio tm vogais diferentes: [im Ee Pn io to begin began begun comegar ‘0 drink rank drunk beber toring rang rung soar, tocar (campainha) tosing sang sung cantar to sink sank sunk afundar to spring sprang sprung saltar toswim swam swum nacar As formas no participio sto Idénticas as do infntv, sofrendo apenas o acréscimo de -n ou -en: [mn Passado fen fer to beat beat beaten bate, venoer to blow blew blown soprar,ventar to draw drew drawn desenhar tocat ate eaten comer ‘ofall fall fallen cat 10 forbid forbade forbidden proibir to forgive ‘orgave forgiven perdoar to give cave iven dar togrow grew ‘orown crescer to know knew known saber, conhecer to-see saw seen ver to shake shook shaken sacudir, balangar to take took taken pega, tomar tothrow ‘threw thrown arremessar,langar 9 Ano Militar VoL e@ Bw INGLES Unit2 ‘As formas do partiipio. s20 construidas unindo-se -n, en, ou -ne a0 infinitive, sofrendo uma aiteragao na forma sonora: Infinitivo Passado Ei fora todive drove driven digi, guar todo ai done fazer t0 90 went gone ir to hide hid higen esconder toride rode ridden ceavalgar torise rose risen levantarse, erguer-se to write wrote ‘written eserever ‘As formas do partiipio sto construidas pelo acréscimo de -n, en, ou -ne as formas do passado: Infinitive Ea ed fee to bear bore borne suportar, auentar to bear bore born dar luz, gerar ‘to bite bit bit morder to break broke broken quebrar ‘to choose chose chosen escolher to forget forgot forgotten esquecer to freeze ‘froze frozen ccongelar tole lay lain jazer, detar to speak spoke ‘spoken falar to steal stole stolen furtar to swear swore ‘sworn jurer totear tore tom rasgar to wear wore wor vestir to weave wove woven tecer ‘As formas de partcipio sdo idénticas as do infnitivo, havendo altera¢do na forma do passado: mn Ea Gan fee ‘to become became become tommar-se to come came come vie torun ran run corer |As formas do passado e do partcipio s20 construidas com -ad, mas 0 partciio ainda pode ter outra forma: Cn Ez | EEE Traduean tosaw sawed sawed /sawn ‘serrar tosew ‘sewed ‘sewed / sewn costurar ‘tosow sowed ‘sowed / sown semear a Introduction to verbs: auxiliary verbs (II) Apenas as formas do passado so construldas com -e¢: Passado | Participio | Traducao showed shown ‘mostrar Infinitive ‘to show Duas formas séo possiveis para o passado & partiipio, sendo uma delas regular: re tobum — bumed/— ume queiar totem — ama? Gpamel ina tolean leaned leant leaned leant apola-se toleam = ‘eamed/ teamed/ aprender tosmay —Smeled/smeled/ chiar tospot asp! estar tooweat Sweted/ sweated yay ‘As formas sto todas diferentes: Infnitwa | Passado | Partcipio | Traducao tofy flew flown wave es) 2. Estrutura da lingua 2.1 Estrutura da pergunta A lingua inglesa tem a partiou- laridade, inexistente em portugues, de ‘sempre ter um verbo auniar paraiindicar (0 tempo verbal em suas perguntas (conforme visto anteriormerte). Com sso, aestrutura da pergunta em inglés € bem definida, apresantando-se da seguinte forma: (Pron. | Verbo | eG roby ponent MS What = do you want from me? Did she speak English? Whee is =—she—studying=—=—nw? Ex. 1: What do you need from me? (do — auxliar de presente) Ex. 2: Did she study Spanish? (did - auxliar de passado) Ex. 3: When will you travel? (wil — a de futuro) Obs. 1: Como 0 verbo to be, por ser verbo auxilar especial, faz a fungdo de auxiiare princioal ao mesmo tempo, ele ido necesita, de Um outro verbo, ou seja, ela € auxiiar de si mesmo. Confira ‘nos exemplos: ‘What is her profession? (Qual é a proissao dela?) Who is he? (Quem é ele?) Obs. 2: A excegdo & estrutura apresentada acima é a chamada pergunta indireta, em que o sujeto € 0 proprio pronome interro- ‘oatvo, fazendo com que 0 verbo sea flexionado, suprimindo-se o auxilia. Who came to last night's party? (Quem veio festa de onter ‘a noite?) ‘What caused the accident with Jacqueline? (0 que provocou co acidente com Jacqueline?) 9° Ano Militar Volt e INGLES Unit 2.2 Estrutura da resposta Ha dois tipos de resposta: a curta ¢ a longa. Elas seguem as seguintes regras: 2.2.1 Estrutura da resposta curta ‘Afirmativa: yes + sujeito + aula, Negative: no + sujeito + auxiliar + not*. *A estrutura auxiliar + not pode vir na forma contraida — também chamada de contrata- (con, didn't, “won't”, wou, etc.). Nao é possivel usar a forma contrata na afirmativa. Aiengao! A forma negativa necesita sempre do uso do verbo auxilia. AA: Does he know how to swim? B: Yes, he does. / No, he does not (doesn't). AA: Did they have time to go there? B: Yes, they did. / No, they did not (didn'), eo" 2.2.2 Estrutura da resposta longa ‘Airmativa: yes + sujeto + auxiiar + verbo principal + ccomplemento. Negativa: no + sujito + auxliar + nat* + verbo principal + complemento. ‘A: Will she come to the party next week? B: Yes, she will come to the party next week. / No, she won't come tothe party next week. ‘A: Do you we to your pen pal every month? B: Yes, | writs to my pen pal every month. / No, I don't write to my pen pal every month, ‘Obs. 1: Nas formas do presente simples, omitimas o auxiiar. Para a 3# pessoa, temos um aoréscimo de -s, (como serd visto 4 seguir), ¢ nas formas do passado, temas @ flexdo do verbo (também veremos adiante). Obs. 2: € importante frisar que quando tivermos uma palavra negatva (never, scarcely, rarely, et) na oragéo, ela pode ter fungdo atrativa tanto no presente quanto no passado, fazendo com que 0 verbo auxiliar venha imediatamente apds ela, como se fosse ‘uma pergunta e ndo em sua estrutura normal de oragéo negativa. ‘She never understood what | said. (forma normal) Never did she understand what | said. 3. Visao geral dos tempos verbais ‘A seguir, teremos uma viséo global dos tempos verbais da lingua inglesa. Vale ressaltar que todas as aplicagdes mais esmiugadas desses tempos verbais serao vistas oportunamente, Introduction to verbs: auxiliary verbs (II) INGLES Unit2 3.1 The Simple Tenses (os tempos simples) Tempo fash ecu Ex. 1: snows in Canada. {Weva no Canada) Ex, 2:1 see fms everyeey. {Eu velo fires todos os dis.) Ex. S:Do they celebrate ther birthday? (Eles comemoram seu aniversario?) x. 1: It snowed yesterday. (Wevou ontem.) Ex. 2: | saw some films ast right (Eu vi alguns filmes noite passada.) Ex. 3: Did they cetebrate their brtnday last year? (les celebraram seu riversrio ano passado?) Ex. 1: twill snow tomorrow. (Nevaré amanha.) Ex, 2: | will se some fms tonight. (Eu vere alguns filmes esta note.) Ex, 3: Will they celebrate their birtiay next year? (les celebrardo seu aniversério no proximo a0?) Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future Em geral, o presente simples expressa eventos ou situagdes que existem ‘sempre, usualmente, habitualmente; existem agora, exstiram no passado, ¢ provavelmente existirao no futuro. Em um momento espectfico no pasado, isso aconteceu (comecou € ‘terminou no pasado), Em um momento especttico no futuro, isso aconteceré. 3.2 The Continuous or Progressive Tenses (os tempos continuos ou progressivos) Forma: to be + -ing (participio presente) foc) i sleeping ight now. Ci) @ilesta dormindo agora.) Bill was sleeping when | Past arrived. Goris) (Bill estava dormindo quando eu cheguei.) Bil willbe sleeping when we ont antve Git) Gillestarédormindo quando ‘nds chegarmos.) Ele foi dormir as 22 horas. S40 23 horas ‘agora ¢ ele continua dormindo, portanto a agao est em progresso no presente. noite. Eu cheguei as 23 horas ¢ ele ccontinuava dormindo. Entao, seu sono estava em progresso durante um tempo noite, Nés chegaremos as 23 horas. A ‘ago de dormir estara em progresso em ‘um tempo particular no futuro. Significado: Os tempos progressivos déo @ ideia que uma agdo esta em progresso durante um tempo particular (no presente, no passado ou no futuro). Ele foi dormir as 22 horas ontem particular no passado. Ele iré dormir as 22 horas aman 9° Ano Militar ~Vo.1 Q gE. INGLES unit2 3.3 The Perfect Tenses (os tempos perfeitos) Forma: have -+ Past Partciple (participio passado) Significado: Todos os tempos perfeitos do a ideia de que uma coisa acontece antes de um outro tempo ou evento. Eu terminei de comer em algum TE) have aready eaten. car) (Gujécomi) conan sae oe {had aeady eten when Primero eu acabei de comer. Depois they called. eles telefonaram, A agéo de comer Cte (Eujétinna comido __estava completamente terminada antes quando eles telefonaram.) de um outro momento no passado. Primeiro eu terminarsi de comer. {wil haye afeady eaten ‘Depo els telefono. A agdo Se cu tral ae quando, 08 comer estar completamente ‘ees telefonarem.) ‘terminada ape E ‘outro tempo 3.4 The Perfect Continuous Tenses (os Significado: Os tempos perfeitos continuos déo a ideia que tempos continues perfeitos) Forma: have + been + -ng (partici presente) dturago co primetr evento. SEY 0% enon ogee Perlect estudando, Quando? Antes © GEstou estudando na cuas ees me de agor, até agora. {had been studying for Evento em progresso: eae) MO hous before my Mend esudando, Quando? Artes Teens percs tes UM aH eNOS até meu amigo chegar) PEE, | will have been studying fortwo hours by the time _Evento em progresso: Ce you arrive. estudando. Quando? Antes TET) (rere estudado por duas de um outro evento no horas na hora que vooé futuro. chegar) ou um evento esté em progresso imediatamente antes, até um outro ‘momento ou evento. Estes tempos sao usados para expressar @ Introduction to verbs: auxiliary verbs (II) Nas questdes abaixo marque a opgéo que corresponde & forma interrogativa da oragao apresentada, {Bi The tourists entered the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. (A) Didn't the tourists entered the Cathedral of Notre-Dame? (B) Did not the tourists enter the Cathedral of Notre-Dame? (GC) Entered the tourists not the Cathedral of Notre-Dame? (0) Entered not the tourists the Cathedral of Notre-Dame? ©) Didi the tourists enter the Cathedral of Notre-Dame? Solution: Letra ‘The teacher knows a lot about Middle East matters. (A) Does the teacher knows a lt about Middle East matters? (@) Knows the teacher alot about Middle East matters? {G) Does the teacher know @ lot about Middle East matters? (0) Do the teacher knows alot about Middle East matters? {E) Doss know the teacher a lot about Middle East matters? Solution: Letra C. ‘Sue understood the lesson. (A) Did Sue understand the lesson’? (8) Doas Sue understands the lesson? (C) Did Mr Sue to understand the lesson? (0) Did Sue understands the lesson? (©) Did Sue understood the lesson? Solution: Letra A. Tims. Kennedy. her new blue dress last night? (A) Did — wore (8) Did-worn (C) Did not — wear (D) Didn't - worn (©) Did-wear Solution: Letra E. Comentario das questées: Em todas as questOes note 0 uso da estrutura: verbo auxiiar + sujeto + verbo principal (ininitivo) $2 Tl (AFA) !never____ Trigonometry very wel, and I til don’t (A) understand (@) did understand (©) did understood (0) dicn't understanc INGLES Unit2 “Why don't we go to the cinema this evening?” asked Tom eagerly. His sister Ruth was siting working at the table. “Not tonight", she replied. *! must finish copying these notes”. Sho looked up from her work and saw the expression of disappointment ‘on Tom's face. “Oh, allright!” she said. “I suppose the work can wait. (UNIR-RO) ‘Take from the text: a. amodal verb. b. acommon auxiliary verb. Text] Magnets for pain? This may not be as wacky a it sounds. In a recent study cf 50 patients at Baylor Collage of Medicine and The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, both in Houston, participants — all suffering from postpoiio syndrome — were asked to rank their pain on aten-point scale when a sensitive muscle r joint area was touched. Asmall magnet ora placebo device (nether doctors nor participants knew which was which) was tapedto the area and left here for 45 minutes. When twas removed, patients were again asked to gauge ‘ther pain, Twenty-two ofthe 29 patients treated with areal magnet reported improvement, compared with four out ofthe 21 treated with ‘adurmmy magnet. Furthermore, the average decrease in pain score ‘was five points among al who received a magnet, but only one for ‘those in the placebo group. “We cannot explain the significant and quick paln reliet reported”, wrote researchers inthe Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabiltaion. They speculate thatthe magnet might have ‘caused changes in pain-receptor cells, provoked an indirect response inthe bran or affected the release of pain-ciminishing body chemicals called endorphins. Studies are continuing. Pender Digest. Ap 26, . 170. Responda, em portugués, &s perguntas abaixo: Retire do texto uma oracdo em um tempo simples, uma em um tempo continuo ¢ uma em um tempo perio. ‘Ao final do teste, 0 que se pediu aos sujetos da pesquisa? Que sto endorfinas? Ti oual o posicionamento dos pesquisadores ligados aos Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehebittation? 9° Ano Militar -Vol.1 Q Check the correct sequence: (A) Mi ited; fed (©) come; came; came. (G) run; run; ran (0) sing; sang; sang. (€) ‘eal; tolled; feled. “tm wondering if. {A) could help @) could {C) could you help {(D) you could help {€) help ‘me finish this homework.” BE “Mary went home from school at 6 p.m. you why she left so late?” (A) Does she tell (8) She told (C) Did she tet (0) Shetels {€) She oid te ‘Tent for questions 01 and 02. Pollution There are countless causes and kinds of pollution. Some pollutants undergo chemical change in the ir. Sufur dioxide (SO,) is oxidized ($0,) and then hycrolyzad(H,0) to falas diate suture acid (H,S0,), forming the acd rai, The excessive presence of gases such as carbon coxide(C0,) inthe earth's atmosphere traps solar radiation that le the sunlight ass through but absorbs heat racated back from the earth, rising ‘the balance temperature on the surface ofthe planet. This is called greenhouse effect aan, Ra ey an Cmpay, 1978, ge 135 ato countess — innumerable, kind — type; sort; ta undergo ~to experience; o be subjected; balance ~ equilibrium; to trap ~to retain; to catoh; to raise — to increase, [BBD The acid contained in the acid rain is: (A) $0, @) 80, (©) CO,. (0) H,80,. © H,0,80, oun [the greenhouse effect. (A) retains heat trom the sunlight and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (®) radiates CO, on the earth’s atmosphere. (© provokes te elevation of the temperature on the earth's surface. (0) is process in which soir raclation is trapped on the planet's temperature. (©) absorbs gases such as CO, from the atmosphere of he earth. i Sabe-se que toda pergunta em inglés possui um verbo auxiliar Porque entéo a forma correta dese perguntar“O que aconteceu?” em inglés é “What happened 2" ¢ ndo “What did happen?"? to the nearest (EN) The driver asked the policeman hospital. (A) how would it (@) if farther was tt (C) how quickly was it (D) Where would it be (E) how far it was. tired but very hungry as wel i en not ony (A) he is (@) he has been (©) was he (©) willbe he © hedia ‘Change the following statements to the negative form: (EN) Frank hurt his ankle in the accident. (EN) The tourists lost their passports. (EN) He always goes home by bus. CChange the folowing statements to the interrogatve form: Cen) He'c rather go to the movies. (EN) She'd better take a ta introduction to v fexercsts Lv 3 LL bs: auxiliary verbs (II) Brain Chemistry Recent studies of the human brain have resulted in some interesting discoveries. Scientists believe that a way to improve the power ofthe brain may soon be possible. They have discovered that ‘he brain can make its own crugs. The brain contains peptides, a protein substance, Peptides can act deatly onthe brain to change aspects of mental activity, There are peptides that may change cr improve, for example, creativity, intaligence, imagination, and ‘good memory. Chemicals found in the brain are called neurotransmitter because they carry messages. In recent years scientists have found ‘chemicals that affect mood, memory, and other happenings of the rind. About 25 neurotransmiters have been found so far. Today the role of neuropeptides in human behavior is creating much interest Research seers to show that peptides may helo control insormia, pain, and mental ilness. Peptides have a great capacty to stimulate the bran to conquer deficiencies. They also improve the qualies of ‘memory and leaming already inthe brain ‘Thay hold the secrat to mood and emotion. Someday the peptides may be the chemical way to creato better and more efficient brains. BDI (UNESP) De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa correta: (A) Acriatvidade ea meméria podem inorementar a procugao de pepticios no cérebro. (@) 0s pootcios nada tem a ver com ainteligénciaeaimaginagao. (©) 0s pentidas sdo proteinas encontradas no cérebo, que podem cafetar alguns aspectos da atvdade mental (0) 0s popticios causam insdnia e doenga mental (©) 0s peptiios prejudicam a meméria ea inteigéncia INGLES Unit 2 (UNESP) De acordo com o texto, assinae a aterativa corre: (A) 0s naurotransmissores sdo a: ‘transmitem mensagens. {B) Os cientistas descobriram recentemente que as substancias ‘quimicas nao afetam os fendmenos mentais. (C) 0s neurotransmissores transmitem apenas 26 mansagens.. (D) O cérebro comporta apenas 25 neurotransmissores. (€) Os neurotransmissores so prejudiciais 20 cérebro. chamados porque Textil How are your genes? Some 200,000 babies are born in the United States each year with deformed bodies, impaired minds and possibly fatal abnormaltes in body chemistry — often because of defective genes or chromosomes. away could be found to “est” routinely the genes of prospective married couples - much as the couples now take Wasserman tests to detect syphilis the toll might be reduced drastically. This is the goal of genetic counseling. And while ts stl far oft testing is expensive and elaborate — genetic counseling centers in hospitals and clinios across the United States are already helping parents. Such centers help the parents of a detective chil in their decision whether or not to have more children, and they advise couples wit family histories of genetic ciseases even before mariage. The genes that help determine a person’s individual characteristics —from the color of his eyes to the score he makes ‘onan IQtest~ are located on chromosomes within the cells of his body. Half of a person's chromosomes come from his father, half ‘rom his mother. Many diseases are the resut ofa single detective ‘gene on one of the chromosomes. Achoncroplastic dwarfism, for example, is caused by a dominant gene and any child who inherits itwillhave the disease. A genetic counselor confronted by a parent with such a disease could war that half of his children risk the disease. More often, genetic diseases are caused by recessive genes. The most common is oystic fibrosis, a disorder that affects at least one in every 1,600 babies and causes their lungs and other body organs to become congested with mucus. A child ‘who inherits oniy one of these recessive genes will not have the disease, but willbe a carrer. I both parents are carriers, one in four oftheir children wil have cystic fibrosis, two willbe carriers, and one wil be normal Some diseases, such as the bloodclotting disorder, hemophilia, are sex-inked recessive detects carried onthe famaleX ‘chromosome. These genes generaly produce disease only in ‘children when the X chromosome bearing the faulty gene pairs the father’s ¥ chromosome. Half the sons of a female hemophilia. carter risk the disease; half the daughters may be carers. Until recently, much of genetic counseling has relled on estimates based on the law of averages. But researchers have begun to develop lab tests for carriers. There are blood, urine ‘and other tests which show promise in detecting more than 100 genetic diseases, including cystic iorosis, phenyikefonuria (PKU), 98 Ano Militar Vol ® INGLES Unit2. hemophilia and some forms of muscular dystrophy. As a result, @ {genetic counselor can tell the sister of aman with hemophilia with reasonable certainty whether she is a carrier. Researchers are also detecting genetic defects even before a child is born. By amniocentesis, a process in which a needle Is inserted through the mother's abdomen and into her uterus, researchers can withdraw samples of the fluid surrounding the fetus. By growing these fetal cel in tissue culture, researchers can ‘detect chromosome defects or chemical abnormalities. “intra-uterine detection,” notes Dr. Henry L. Nadler of Northwestern University, Medical School, “brings a new dimension to genetic counseling. ‘The physician may now inform the parents that they will have either an affected or a normal child.” HIRASAWA,L 8 MARKSTEN,L Develing rec iat ow, sees: er Huse Puskas, 198.9. 7279 (cz), (UFMG) According to the text, the goal of genetic counseling Is: (A) toincrease the number of people with genetic defects, (8) to reduce the high cost of syphilis tests. (C) to routinely tet the genes of parents and future fami (0) to‘ransform hospitals in counseling centers. [5 (UFMa) in the tex, “such” refers to: (A) achoncropiastc dwarfism, @) cystic fibrosis. (©) nemophita. (0) muscular dystrophy. JFMG) Inthe text, the word “ther” (line 25) refers to the: (A) babies’ (8) counselors. (C) genes’. (©) parents’ [15 (UFMe) In the tax, the word “faulty” (ine 34) means: (A) orazy. (B) defective. (C) healthy. (0) repressive. {Hil (UFMa) According tothe tex, itis incorrect to state thattoday ‘genetic counseling is: (A) developing lab test for caries of genetic diseases. (8) promising to detect more than 100 genetic diseases. (C) relying only on estimates based on the law of averages. (0) teling @ hemophilc man's sister whether she's a carrier. 1) (WFMe) According tothe text, the objective ofan amniocentesis testis to: (A) detect chromosome defects or chemical abnormaltes. (@) grow the mother’s cels in tssue culture. (©) insert a needle into the baby's abdome (0) withdraw some samples ofthe fui inside the fetus. @ 9° Ano Militar Vo. 1 1. Estudo dos pronomes (Os pronomes em inglés dividem-se em varias categorias, muitas delas similares @s do portugués. Vamos estudé-las caso caso. 11 Pronomes pessoais ou subjetivos ‘Tam na oragao fungéo de sujet, dai seu outro nome. Como | fo visto, eles serve de suporte a0 verbo principal, devendo vi, Dortanto, antes dele. Sao eles: 18 pessoa ‘ eu 2% pessoa you voce he ale spesson aa it ele / ela (neutro, impessoal) ‘14 pessoa we nos 2 passoa you ‘voces ‘3 pessoa ‘they eles / elas (Obs. 1: Lembremos que o you pode assumir funcdo expletiva, You liar! (Seu mentiros Hey, you friend! (El, amigo!) Obs. 2:0 pronome it é usado em todas as formas impessoais ou de sujetto indeterminado, Ext: t's raining, (Esté chovendo.) £2: Is it your problem? (E seu problema?) 1.2 Pronomes objetivos “Tem fungao de objeto na frase, portanto, devem virapés 0 vverbos principals ou preposig6es, Sdo eles: 42 pessoa me me pessoa you ‘voce him 0, Ihe mpeea her ane it ofa/the (neutro, impassoal) UNIT 2 1# pessoa us nos, conosco 2 pessoa you voces: 3 pessoa them 0s /as /Ihes Obs.: Atengdo para a fungo do pronome na frase nos casos em que temos compostos com and. Se a fungéo for de sujeto, uusamos um pronome pessoal dapois de and ¢ se for de objeto, tum proname objetivo. x: You and | will do this together. This is between you and me. 1.3 Pronomes reflexivos 18 pessoa myself 2 pessoa yourself himself 32 pessoa herse iselt Pe ees 42 pessoa ‘ourselves 2 pessoa yourselves A pessoa themsaives Normalmente usamos os pronomes reflexvos para: ingicar que uma pessoa ao mesmo tempo executou e sofreu uma agao;, Il. dizer que alguém praticou uma agéo sozinho, sem companhia (precedido da particula b II apenas para dar énfase. x. 1:1 cut myself badly yesterday. (Eu me corte feioontem.) x. 2: He's been living by himse for along time, (Ele mora sozinho ha muito tempo.) 9° Ano Mita = Volt & INGLES Unit3 x. 3: They themselves painted theirhouse. Eles mesmos pintaram sva.casa) scanner Obs.: € importante ressaltar que os pronomes reflexivos so os ‘inicos nos quals as formas de you para singular e plural séo diferentes. Outros usos mais raros dos pronomes reflexivos so: + Semo substantivo ou pronome corresponderte, am especial ‘2m comparagbes. Ex. 1: Himself unologged the drain. (Ele mesmo desentupiu o can.) Ex. 2: She looks chubbier than yourset. Ea parece mais gorcinha que vocé.) @ 9° Ano Militar Vol ‘= Anexos a um substantivo ou pronome pelas palavres and e but. Ex.: He pointed at myself and Wiliam. (Ele apontou para mim & Wiliam.) Obs. 1: Algumas preposigdes atraem o uso cos pronames objetivos 0 invés dos reflexivs, $40 elas: about, around, behind, between, infront of ewith. Obs. 2: Por outro lado, certos verbos so geralmente usados ‘com as pronomes reflexivos. Vajamos: to absent anese, to pride ‘oneself 0 avail oneself, to ingratiate oneself, to perjure oneself, to betake oneself to, etc. bs. 3: Alguns verbos que séo reffxivos em portugués néo levam pronome reflexivo em inglés, Dentre eles: fo stick (apegar-se), to ‘approach (aproximar-se), 10 dare (atrever-se), to marry (casar- se), f0 behave (comportar-se), to endeavour (esforgar-se), 10 ‘care, to mind (importar-se) to remember (lembrar-s), to rise (evantar-se), to become {tomar-se). 1.4 Possessivos 1.4.1 Adjetivos Possessivos Lembremos que adjtivos sao sintagmas nominais, ou sei, ‘walficam ou restingem um substativo, Logo, os adjtvos passas- sivos necessariamente devem acompanhar um substantvo. S20 les: my, your, his, her, its (singulares)e our, youre thei (plurais). Ex, 1: This is your car Pronouns (1) x, 2: His house is very large. Obs. 1: Enatural confundir os pronomes de 28 pessoa com os de pessoa, pois, em portugues, sua tradugdo € dada pela mesma palavra (Seu / sua). A fim de prevenir esta confusdo, substiua his por “dele”, her por *dela” e apenas your por “seu”. Vejamos a diferenga: x. 1: Do you know where your seat is? (Vocé sabe onde é o seu ~~ assento?) - BN. -\- wl INGLES Unit Ex, 2: He cancelled his tip to Japan (Ele cancelou sua viagem (a viagem dele) 20 Japa0) a Obs. 2: Paraindicar posse para pronomes indefinidos (somebody, anybody, ec.) devernos lembrar que eles pertencem & 3# pessoa do singular, portanto, deveros usar his. Ex: No one here fs supposed to know about his obigatons. 1.4.2 Pronomes possessivos Pronomes so palavras que servem para substituir 0 ‘sustantivo, Corno em inglés nao se acmite ambiguidade, ou sea, ‘duas paavras que indiquem a mesma coisa na frase, usaremos 0 pronome possessivo em substiig&o ao substantvo. Os pronomes possessivos so: mine, yours, his, hes (singulares) eours, yours, theirs (plurals). Ex. 1: My cats sick, but his is fine. (Meu gato esté doente, mas o dele esté bem.) x, 2: Every single dress inthis rooms dirty except yours. (Todos 1s vestidos nesta sala esto sujos menos 0 sev.) ‘Obs. 0-S nal dos pronomes possessivos nada tem a ver com plural. E apenas um indicativo de pronominalzagao. ‘Obs. 2: Uma construgéo muito comum usando 0 pronome possessivo é:@ /an + substantivo + of + pronome possessivo. ‘She's a very close friend of mine. sramonana-vs INGLES Unit x 1.5 Pronomes demonstrativos 0s pronomes demonstrativos em inglés séo representados por iis ¢ that (singular), these e those (plural), Usarnos this / these paraindicar objetos proximos (este(s), esta(s), isto, esse(8), ssa(6), isso), Usamos that / those para indica objetos distantes (aquele(s), aqueta(s), aquilo. Podem ser ainda usados: + Para se referi a palavras anteriormente usadas. The good old days were those of no violence. (Os bons ‘tempos eram aqueles sem viléncia,) + Para enfatizar a palavra much. | don't like pizza that much. (Eu no gosto de pizza tanto assim.) + Coma advérbio de intensidade ‘That guy is not that bad. (Aquele cara no é tao mau.) Quadro geral de pronomes Subject pronouns | Object pronour oe eee Where do young people go for holidays? (A) their (8) theirs (C) yours (0) your © his Solution: Letra A. Notem que a palavra substtuida “people” pertence & 3% pessoa do plural, e a substituigdo deve ser feta por um adjetiva possessive. os cara) choose the best question for this answer: “He's about six feet tall, has curly brown hair and weighs about 175 pounds.” (A) How is John? (6) What is John tke? (C) What does John look tke? (0) What kind of person is John? Solution: Letra C. ‘Como a resposta foi sobre a aparéncia, a opgdo correta é a C. Pronouns (I) (AFA) They intended to keep all the money for, Jack ‘gave me this information. What is going to happen to now? (A) they /his own / ours. (@) themselves / himself / us. (©) theiseves / himself / we. (0) they own / by him / ourselves. Solution: Letra C. [A primeira lacuna deve ser completada com 0 reflexvo de 3 pessoa do plural (“themselves”). A segunda com o da 3* do singular (“himself”) Ja a teroeira deve ser completada com um pronome objetivo, por causa da preposigéo “to”. 0 nico é “us”, logo, letra C. (ITA) The International Monetary Fund voted in February to increase quotas. (A) their (0) theirs (8) its (€) hers (G) his Solution: Letra D. ‘Como 0 Fundo Monetaro Internacional é uma organizacao plural, ‘devemnos considerar como “they", logo 0 adjetivo possessive sera "their". Kursk’s accident The british royal navy has sent ts min-submersible [LAS to the scene ofthe disaster MOSCOW (CNN) - Norwegian divers have found that a Russian nuclear submarine lying on the bottom of the Barents ea is flooded, and an official says there's no chance of finding any survivors. Norwegian spokesman Captain Rune Fredheim said that meant the rescue effort was over atthe site north of the Arctic Circle, “The divers have determined that the submarine is full of ‘waier, That is sad”, he sald Monday. Earlier on Monday, divers suoceeded in opening the rear outer escape hatch ofthe Kursk after several unsuccessful attempts on ‘Sunday. They used tools specially manufactured atthe scene. The divers found the first chamber inside to be full of water. That find ‘was described as “nat good news" by Britain's Commodore David Russell. The team of 12 divers had been working continuously to gain access to the Kursk, with three working six-hour shifts at @ ‘ime on the sub, while the other nine remained in a compression ‘chamber. ‘The British and Norwegian divers, recruited from the oil and ‘gas industry, were operating a method called “saturation diving” ‘which they can operate for weeks ata time. INGLES Unit 3 [A special British underwater rescue craft, the LR 5, arrived atthe soene on Saturday after @ two-day journey from Scotland. Russian authorities sought help irom the Norwegians and British after their rescue attempts failed last week. The Kursk, ‘commissioned In 1995, lies about 110 meters (350 feet) down ‘on the bottom of the Barents Sea. Putin breaks silence with rescue pledge Hope had been fading fast forthe crew, withthe congregation, ‘ata memorial service ata Russian Orthodox Church in Murmansk ‘on Sunday praying forthe sailors’ souls rather than for survival President Viaimir Putin broke a three-day silence when he pledged on Sunday the rescue effort would go onto “the last moment” in the hope of saving crew members. Putin, who has faced growing public cricism for hishandi othe disaster told church leaders: “With sorrow in ourhearts and, {do not exaggerate, tars in our eyes, we ae following ll that is happening in the Barents Sea. The sallors are doing everything they can to save their comrades.” ‘Answer, in English, the following questions. [il Why was the resoue effort declared over at the site on ‘Monday? [ what was the original job of the British and Norwegian divers ‘who helped the resoue? €] Whom was Putin's quotation directed to? ‘Take out from the text: ‘a. Asynonym for the word “sadness”. b. A possessive adjative. cc. Anagjective formed with a numeral. By (TTA) Our friends insist that there is something (A) between her and | () between she and me. (C) between hers and | () between her and me. © between she and | [Bi You mustall ook atter trip to New York and everyone must take car@ of ‘own personal things. I's avery dangerous city. (A) myself ~ my — my. (©) yourself — your ~ mine. (8) them ~ their - yours. (0) yourselves — your— his. 9 Ano Mitar—Vol1 ® INGLES Unit (ITA) i John needs @ pencil, he can use one (A) of the mine. {D) of my. (8) of mine. (&) mine. (C) of me. Di Kelly and Aretha took the book although they knew it was and they leftit an hour ago with a friend of, (A) his theirs. (8) my own / her. (C) my his own, (0) me own's / hers own. All through high schoo! Judy Martin, 19, wanted to work in ‘the travel business. When she graduated from high school a year 90, she got od as a travel agent. We interviewed her about her ist year at work. What’ the biggest difference between high school and work? In high schoo! | didn't getup so early! Now I get up at 5:30 to getthe tain into New York City. Then | spend eight hours in the office, and then ft takes two hours to gat home again. What wes the most difficult at fist? Working wth numbers. | wasn't crazy about math in school, and now I'm working with prices, and fight numbers all he time. n my first day t work made a lt of mistakes because I ried to do things too quickly, but now I work more carefully, and I check everything. ‘What do you enjoy about work? | enjoy everything! 'm meeting lat of new people, learning ‘about new places, going to alot more parties. The best thing is that | feel alot more confident because now I'm working ofall ages. FastLane ~ A slats —baseo ees, Sea, Sota & ust Hane, 1286. I (acre) choose the best tite forthe tex. (A) Meeting peoole. (8) Hours of work (©) Leaving high school (2) First job. (€) Work and vacations. [i (acart) select the correct alternative about Judy, according to the tex. (A) Her fist day at work was very easy. {@) She dic’ tke math when she was in school (©) When she was a student, she had a parttime jo. (0) She works in an office with older people. () When she was in high school, she had to get up eater, @ 9 Ano Mitr Vol1 [BE (acare) Select the correct alternative to complete the following sentence, according tothe text Judy is concerned about the quality of her work, so she. (A) gives information about prices, dates and flight numbers. (B) makes many mistakes with numbers. (C) spends more time with people her own age (0) does everything very rapidly. (€) pays attention to everything she does. (ACAFE) Acoordingto the text, what does Judy fice about her jo? (A) Traveling to new places. (B) Working long hours. (C) Having more money. (0) Meeting cterent people, (©) Working with numbers Clove and cinnamon There are writers l admire and writers love. loth admired and loved Jorge Amado. Athough a cardcarrying Communistinis youth, deep inside he was actually a conservative, He was a conservative in his love for his country and family, and a conservative in his adoring ‘faithfulness to the Portuguese language as we speak itin Brazil. He \was a conservative revolutionary. A conservative is someone who preserves, defends and shelters whatever is in danger of becoming extinct. Well, Jorge ‘Amado loved his homeland and wanted to protect from invaders ‘and colonizers. He wanted Brazil tobe free; he wanted the Amazon = its trees, its birds, ts animals — left intact. Jorge Amado loved nature, with a flaming, passionate love that others reserve for religion, He was also a true believer in Brazil: fascinated by the ‘tropics, enthralled by our music and dance, and always in love with Afro-indigenous traditions. That's another way of saying that he loved Bahia, his home state, which was also the cradle ofthe country and home to its early childhood. For Bahia is where it all began. Jorge Amado managed to transpose that history into his books with the generous passion of someone who loved life a8 much as he loved writing TELLS, Lia aque. Ant TUE, 201062001 [i (uec-2002) De acordo com o primeiro paragrafo do texto, ‘Jorge Amado era um conservador: (A) por seu amor zo Brasil e sua fidelidade a lingua portuguesa. (B) porter deixado o partido, apesar de comunista ce carteiinha, (C) porque passou toda sua vida na Bahia (0) por goster muito do Brasil e da culinéria baiana, Pronouns (I) {UEC-2002) Por amar sua terra natal, 0 escritor desajou: (A) expuisar os colonizadores do pais. {@) protegé-a dos investidores estrangeros. (©) que a Amezinia permanecesse intacta (0) que fosse feita a reforma agréria no pais. {1 (uec-2002) segundo a autora do texto, Jorge Amado: (A) acrecitava verdadeiramente no futuro do Bras (B) queria que a Bahia ficasse independente do Brasil. (C) queria que o Brasil fosse um pals livre. (0) amava a Bahia, mas se importava pouco com o Bras (UEC-2002) 0 reterente do pronome its (linha 11) é: (A) Brazil (@) Amazon, (C) homeland. (0) Bahia, [5 (uec-2002) 0 titulo do texto é uma referéncia a: (A) “Gavaleio da Esperance”. @) ‘War Morto", (©) ‘Navegagdo de Cabotagem”. (0) “Gabriela, Cravo e Canela”. [11 (FA) Jane took the book atthough she knew twas ‘and she left itan hour ago with a friend of. (A) mine / hers. (@) my own her (©) me own's hers own. (0) me own's ners own, 1 (1A) A ternative que corretamente preenche as lacunas | Te lil de: ‘The blue pencil isnot | and itis not I elther; tis ML. 1 0 mW ® omy tis hers. (8) your of her = our. (©) — mine of him your. (0) yours hers ine. © ous his her (AFA) Nas frases a seguir, quando a palavra that pode também ser entendida como this? |, Could you say that again, please? Il, Gan you close that door, lease? Ii Roberto Carlos is dead? | can't believe in tha. (A) Le ll estéo coretas. (8) Somente a ll esta errada, (C) Somente al esté certa, (0) Todas esto corretas. (AFA) Choose the correct alternative. The ship struck an Iceberg, which tore a huge hole in side. (A) its. (©) het 8) his (©) thei She is afraid of are very suspicious eos (A) them — Them. (©) them - They. (@) they —They. (0) her— Hers. (UFPR) ‘Wher | switch on the light, rays of ight fll on my eyes and ‘the pupil in the center of each eye becomes smaller. Muscles in ‘the irises around the puplis contract so as to protect the retina from the bright ight. Unike the muscles of my arm and hand, the ‘muscles ofthe irises contract automatically, and | cannot prevent them from contracting even if wish. They do not obey my will, ‘What does the author of this passage say? (A) All muscles contract automatically. (8) The pupils become smaller when rays of ight fall on his eyes. (C) He has control over the muscles ofthe irises. (0) Light prevents the muscles in the irises from contracting (€) The muscles inthe irises expand to protect the retina, (AFA) * (..) still n the doorway, | heard a mission bell and | was thinking tis could be heaven or this could be hell” (A) with me (8) of myself (©) tomysait (0) about my own 9% Ano Militar “VoL @ 1. Interrogative pronouns Em inglés, 0s pronomes interrogatives so 0 primsiros elementos que podem aparecer em uma pergunta. (pronome interrogativo) + verbo auxilar + verbo principal + complemento? Ca) What 0 que, qual ‘What is ner job? Where Onde ‘Where did she go? When Quando» When does the show start? ‘Who Quem ‘Who are they talking about? Whom Quem Whom are you talking to? Why Porque Wy did we do that? Which Qual Which color do you prefer? ‘Whose De quem Whose car is that? How Como How are you today? Obs. 1: Enquanto why & 0 pronome interrogativo “por que”, because ¢ a conjungéo “porque”. Como regra geral, portanto, usamos why na pergunta e because na resposta. Obs. 2: 0 pronome intrrogativo wham tem 0 mesmo significado cdewno, Seu uso, mais restrto é mais formal, ¢ dado pela sequinte regra: vino pode ser usado tanto em relagdo 20 sujelto quanto 20 objeto @ wham s6 pode ser usado quando a pergunta for feta relativa 20 objeto, Analsemos 0 exempio abaivo: Whom / Who are you walting for? (Quem voce esta esperando?). Que Note-se a presenga da preposicéo for. Uso opcional do whom. Porém: For whom are you waiting? (Uso obrigatério de whom). ‘Obs. 8: Apesar de which e what terem o mesma significado (qual), wich s0 € usado quando nds tivermos opgdes a fazer. What's your name? (Qual o seu nome?) Which flavor does he prefer, chocolate or v ele prefere, chocolate ou baunilha?) (Qual sabor 1.10 caso how+ adjective Em inglés, comumente usamos compostos usando how + adjetivo, em que how assume o valor de “qua. ‘big (grande) — How big (Qudo grande / Qual o tamanho) far (longe) - How far (Qudo longe / Qual a distancia) heavy (pesado) ~ How heavy (Quo pesado / Qual o peso) hig (ato [ooise)) ~ How high (Quao alto / Qual aatura) long (longo {tempo}) - How ong (Ha quanto tempo) tong longo [comprimentol) ~ How long (Quao longa/ Qual 0 ‘comprimento) offen (requente) ~ How often (Quao trequente / Qual afrequéncia) ‘ld (velho) - How old (Quo velho / Qual a idade / Quantos enos) {all (alto [pessoal) ~ How tall (Qudo alto / Qual a altura) Obs.: Note que as formas how + adjetivo vém quase sempre soguides de construgdes com 0 verbo fo be, como a seguir: Pronouns (ll) x, 1: How far ist rom Rio to Manaus? (Qual ¢ a distancia do Rio até Manaus?) Ex. 2: How old ae the twins? (Qual é a idade dos gémeos?). oe 2 Bc. 2: How tal is your father? (Quel 6a altura do seu pai?) 1.2 Os casos do whate do how Destacamos ainda algumas construgées interrogativas que usam what e how: Wat... for? ~ (para que, por que) ‘What / How about ? — (que tal, e quanto a) ‘What + be + like? - (como 6: personalidade ou aparéncia) How / What + ... + look like? - (como é ~ aparéncia) How do you like? — (qual a sua opiniéo sobre) (bs.: Muito cuidado com a construgzo How come. Elaé sindnima de why, mas gera uma alteragéo na estruture da pergunta, Velamos: ‘Why didn't he bring the soft crinks as we requested? (Por que cle ndo trou 0s retigerantes como nés pedimos?) Usando how come: How come didn’t he bring the soft drinks as we requested? Prestem atengéo que, embora as perguntas sejam abso- lutamente igus, a estrutura fol mudada na segunda (invertendo-se © verbo auxiliare o sujet). Essa mudanga sempre acontecerd quando usarmos how come. Velamos mais exemplos: Ex: How come you missed the train? (Por que vocé perdeu 0 ‘rem?) = Why did you miss. How come birds fly south in the winter? (Por que as aves vvoam para 0 sul no inverno?) = Why do birds fy... How come he can getin and I can't? (Porque ele pode entrar ‘eeu nao?) = Why can he get in. ‘Ask questions to the following answers, accordingly: She misses Jonn very much. She misses John very much. ‘The drugstore is across the street. ‘They'll take the tests next week. ‘She can speak Spanish, English and Japanese. Yes, thank you. 'm thristy. It's very cheap. it costs only three dollars. We go to our English course twice a week. Solution: A partir da resposta e dos termos destacados com os pronomes interrogativos equivalentes. necessério, também, se atentar 2 cesirutura da pergunta, How much does she miss John’? Who does she miss very much? Whereis the drugstore? ‘When will they take the tests? ‘Which languages oan she speak? Would you like a glass of water? How much does it cost? How often do you go to your English course? 9% Ano Mitar-Vol1 @ Ferpeapge INGLES Unit 4 Select the correct alternative to complete these questions about Judy is Judy? She's nineteen. hours does she work? She works eight hours does Judy go the work? She goes to work by train. does it take her to get home? it takes two hours. does she like her job? She likes it alot. (A). How —How much ~ How many — How old—How long (B) How many — How long - How old ~ How much ~ How (C). How old - How many—How — How long — How much (0) How much — How old - How long - How ~ How many (How long — How How much —How many — How old is bringing ___for our Christmas party at the squadron? (A) Who — what (©) Where — when (8) Which - how (0) Why —how many cman Charles: 2 Philip: | bought her some flowers. {A) What | bought my friend last Friday? (6) What you bought your friend last Friday? (C) What dd you buy Mr. Spencer last Friday? (0) What did you buy your niece lat Friday? (€) What cid I buy Mrs. Spencer ist Friday’? Text for question from 04 to 07. Love among the laundry When Sally found a man's striped sook curled among her clothes atthe launderette she returned i to the tal dark young man with a shy smile. They met there every week for several months, then were seen no more, One of their wedding presents ha been ‘@ washing machine. ay Bun. H (UFIG) Love among the laundry isthe story of: (A) a couple who met forte frst time at a launderette. (@) aman and @ women who had lost their crt socks. (C) awoman and her husband trying to wash their clthes. (0) people who goto iaunderettes only to make a date. (©) two people who wanted to buy @ new washing machine, @ 9 Ano Mitar Vol. 1 (UFMG) Sally met the tal dark young man when she was: (A) buying a present. {B) doing her ironing. (C) drying her socks. (0) setting married. (€) washing her clothes. (UFMG) The word “it” in .. she returned it to the tall dark young man... (ref) refers to: (A) asmile, (0) the faunery. (@) asock, (©) the machine. (C) the launderete, (UFMG) I they had not got married, they would probably have: {A) changed their dirty clothes. (8) lost their socks forever (C) rented a washing machine. (0) retumed to the launderette, (€) ‘sold their striped socks. | 03 does Caroline spend her vacation ?” “In Italy, with some fends.” (A) What (©) Whom @) Where © Who (©) Wren rE ne Tor ‘Newsweek ofters an article on how schools are using empathy training programs in an effort to reduce bullying in schools: Pronouns (II) ‘The effectiveness of such programs is unclear at this point, and experts are divided on whether it makes more sense to offer ‘the programs to young children (elementary school age) or older Children (middle schoo! age) (oot, is probably the answer). High school kids are simply dificult to reach logistically, since they all have different schedules all day. Unsurprisingly, some experts have ‘ound thatthe mostimportant component to empathy training isto include the parents. n assessing these programs and the broader issues of empathy-training and bullying, tere are mutiple factors to consider and no clear answers. First of all, empathy is one ‘of the most dificult and least-understood skils we can develop = adults and kids alike. Empathy is the process of viewing and Understanding the world through anather's experiance, and itis oiten confused with sympathy, which is, essentaly, compassion ‘and lacks the walking in another's shoes component (which fs not to say tis not an admirable trait, it's just diferent from empathy) Developmentally, children may not be able to trly understand and practice empathy unt they are closer to the pre-teen years, but introducing the concept early and often is a good primer for its {ater development. Another big question to consider: ae programs focused on empathy simply band-aids on much larger, more systemic problems? Why are Kids bulying other kids inthe fist place? What family issues, societal issues, educational issues, are contributing to the neediurge to humiliate and attack other children for some sortot personal gain and satisfaction? My guess is that for many kids, participating in brief (or even a few bref) ‘empathy-skils seminars simaly is not enough, and will not get at the root(s) ofthe problems), no matter how young they are when the programs begin. 'm nat saying tha the programs are nota good idea. limagine that they have lot of benefits and could especialy help kids who would not necessarlly be bulles themselves, but ‘may have quietly stood by while witnessing bullying, to become more confident about standing up to/feporting bulles. However, to truly reduce bullying, society and schools need to find ways to identity nd work wit aggressive children and ther families from 2 ‘young age — to troubleshoot factors (from not having basic needs met, to divorce, to models of aggression inthe home, etc.) that Contribute to triggering aggressive behavior. Such an approach ‘would be expensive and imeconsuming and would command alot ‘of schools’ resources, but itis hard to imagine a more lightweight approach being nearly as effective. Dace 1,200 Darien: ‘o verbo na forma interrogativa negativa, obrigatoriamente, ‘Do we need to a lot? ~ — deverd vir na forma contracta. Usamos a interrogativa negativa para fazer confirmagées. Neste caso, esperamos receber uma — _resposta positiva. é interessante ressalta que 0 pronomne it éusado para objetos @ animais em gera, mas também para gerar uma idea impessoal, ‘apenas para dar suporte ao verbo, j& que em inglés néo temos sujet ooulto ou indeterminado. “Ee néo quer cizer ‘sso”, tradugdo ‘cornuments eta por multas pessoas. De tal modo, "sso" éproname

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