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Frente: Língua Inglesa

Professor(a): Anquisis Moreira


Assunto: Exercícios

● Texto para as questões de 01 a 06.


The French satellite system ARGOS that for 30 years has been
used to track animals across the globe is getting a major overhaul and 01. Analise as proposições a seguir e escolha a alternativa que condiz
expansion. A new company, Kinéis, will take over its operation and com sua análise.
launch 20 small satellites to start tracking objects of all kinds as well. I. O sistema francês de satélites ARGOS, especializado no
There is a growing market for services that manage connected devices. monitoramento de animais, passará por um processo de revisão
Kinéis would be the first European satellite constellation e expansão;
dedicated to this so-called Internet of Things. The commercial II. A nova empresa, KINÉIS, substituirá a ARGOS e pretende tirar
initiative would see beacons, or terminals, attached to all manner of proveito do crescente mercado de serviços voltado para o
monitoramento de objetos conectados;
objects, from vehicles and shipping containers to remote, unattended
III. A KINÉIS se tornará a primeira empresa europeia dedicada a
machinery and even livestock. IoT services allow users to monitor the
chamada Internet das coisas;
status of their assets and better manage their movements, for example IV. A rede de satélites da KINÉIS ficará restrita ao monitoramento
in supply chains. de objetos, e até animais, apenas no continente europeu.
“Today ARGOS has about 20,000 beacons around the globe
and our mission now is to multiple this by 50 to 100 in the next Está(ão) correta(s)
10 years. And to do that we will diversify our markets and applications,” A) Todas as assertivas.
project leader Alexandre Tisserant told BBC News. B) Nenhuma das assertivas.
C) Apenas uma das assertivas.
D) Apenas duas das assertivas.
How does tagging and tracking work? E) Apenas três das assertivas.

02. De acordo com o texto, a nova empresa KINÉIS

Kinéis will be working with manufacturers to produce hundreds
A) contará com a ajuda de estatais francesas para criar uma rede
of thousands of small transmitters that can bounce simple messages
de satélites que possa monitorar objetos e animais em várias
off its satellite network. A new computer chipset is being produced partes do planeta.
that can be used in these beacons. Unlike the existing ARGOS chipsets, B) produzirá, em conjunto com outras empresas, centenas de
the new processor will also permit two-way communication, to change milhares de microtransmissores que possam enviar mensagens
electrical settings on a piece of remote equipment, for instance. simples para além do alcance de seus satélites.
Kinéis has been created by CLS (Collection Location Satellites) C) trabalhará com o mesmo sistema de comunicação bidirecional
of Toulouse, which has run ARGOS - a kind of “Internet of Animals” já utilizado pela ARGOS.
- since 1986. ARGOS has enabled scientists to attach small tags to D) juntará forças com a agência espacial francesa (CNES) com
animals to track and study their movements. The creatures, such as o objetivo de atingir um nível de monitoramento de objetos
birds, polar bears, seals, and turtles, report their position and simple jamais vistos na Terra.
E) terá como foco principal o monitoramento de animais
data on their environment.CLS, with its partners, including the French
ameaçados de extinção, criando assim uma rede de proteção
space agency, CNES, intends now to take this system to a whole new
que contribuirá para o salvamento dessas espécies.
level. Kinéis, also based in Toulouse, will assume the operation of
ARGOS and introduce many more services to be run across its coming 03. Escolha a alternativa que traz a incorreta referência de termos
constellation. usados no texto.
Disponível em: <www.bbc.com>.
Acesso em: 13 out. 2018. A) its (linha 2) – ARGOS
B) their (linha 8) – IoT services
C) our (linha 11) – ARGOS
D) its (linha 14) – Kinéis
E) which (linha 18) – Kinéis

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04. A frase “A new computer chipset is being produced that can be 07. De acordo com o texto, a preocupação acerca da transformação
used in these beacons.” (linhas 14 e 15) se encontra na voz passiva. da Suécia em uma sociedade “sem dinheiro vivo” se dá
Essa mesma frase na voz ativa seria A) pelo fato dos idosos e outros grupos vulneráveis não saberem
A) They are producing a new computer chipset that they can use usar a tecnologia necessária para se adaptarem à novidade.
in these beacons. B) por conta das padarias e bancos do país escandinavo não mais
B) They have produced a new computer chipset that they can use aceitarem pagamento ou qualquer outra transação comercial
in these beacons.
com moedas ou cédulas.
C) They will be producing a new computer chipset that they can
use in these beacons. C) porque somente 25% dos suecos admitem usar dinheiro vivo
D) They produce a new computer chipset that they can use in pelo menos uma vez por semana, preferindo fazer pagamentos
these beacons. por meios virtuais.
E) They are going to produce a new computer chipset that they D) em função da velocidade com que a mudança está
can use in these beacons. acontecendo, o que prejudica os idosos e outros grupos
vulneráveis que têm dificuldade em acompanhar o ritmo da
05. Os vocábulos “livestock” (linha 7) e “assets” (linha 8) são
implantação da novidade.
sinônimos, respectivamente, de
E) face ao risco que correm idosos e outros grupos vulneráveis
A) mammals e accesses.
B) cattle e possessions. de serem ludibriados ao usarem meios virtuais para proceder
C) livings e seats. transações econômicas por não serem tão familiarizados com
D) lives e liability. a tecnologia aplicada.
E) plural e connections.
08. Com base nas informações do texto, a Organização Nacional dos
06. A frase de Alexandre Tisserant, líder do projeto da Kinéis, “And Pensionistas da Suécia
to do that we will diversify our markets and applications.” A) é radicalmente contra a implantação dos meios de pagamentos
no discurso indireto seria virtuais no país.
A) And to do that they would have diversified their markets and B) faz lobby junto ao governo para que seus 350 000 membros
applications. sejam isentos de usar os meios de pagamentos virtuais.
B) And to do that they would have to diversify our markets and C) demanda que sejam dadas opções para aqueles que não
applications. queiram usar os meios eletrônicos de pagamento ou que optem
C) And to do that they would diversify their markets and por manter suas economias guardadas nos bancos.
applications. D) faz um trabalho de educação e convencimento com seus
D) And to do that we would diversify our markets and applications. 350 000 membros para que esses se adaptem o mais rápido
E) And to do this they would diversify their markets and possível às novas formas de transações comerciais implantadas
applications. no país.
● Texto para as questões de 07 e 08. E) age junto ao governo local para que os idosos e outros grupos
vulneráveis sejam proibidos de usar as novas formas de
THE SWEDES REBELLING AGAINST A CASHLESS SOCIETY pagamentos por meios eletrônicos por acharem ser de grande
Sweden is winning the race towards becoming the world’s first risco para essas pessoas.
completely cashless society, but there are growing concerns it’s causing
problems for the elderly and other vulnerable groups. ● Texto para as questões de 09 a 14.
None of the High Street banks around Stockholm’s spotless
Odenplan square handle cash any more. LONG BEFORE TECH BROS, SILICON VALLEY HAD A HIGHLY
You can only pay for your coffee and cinnamon bun by card DEVELOPED SOCIETY
or with your smartphone at the local branch of the country’s largest
cafe chain. And there’s no chance of using coins or notes if you want
to hop on one of the shiny blue busses whizzing past. There was a point in time, before colonization, when the
Yet for Swedes there’s nothing unusual about how cashless San Francisco Bay Area was dominated by a people with a way
this inner city neighbourhood has become in recent years. The vast of life and philosophy that did not revolve around technology or
majority of the nation’s banks have long stopped allowing customers technological improvement.
to withdraw or pay in cash over-the-counter. 5 Five hundred years ago, this swath of northern California
Only a quarter of people living in Sweden say they use cash at was populated by the Ohlone peoples, about 10,000 of whom
least once a week and a boom in mobile, card and online payments lived in the stretch of land that we call the San Francisco Bay Area.
has resulted in the proportion of cash transactions in the retail sector So rich in plant and animal life was this region that the Ohlone
dropping from around 40% in 2010 to 15% today, according to were able to survive without farming or animal domestication;
the central bank. However, while Sweden’s rush to embrace digital 10 indeed, western explorers, when they eventually arrived, were
payments has received plenty of global hype, and is frequently flagged amazed at the quantity of wild animal life.
as an example of the Nordic nation’s innovation, there are growing The Ohlone lived off acorns from all the different varieties
concerns about the pace of change. of oaks, blackberries and gooseberries, chia, shellfish and the
Some worry about the challenges it poses for vulnerable roots of many plants. They hunted squirrels, rabbits, elk, bear,
groups, especially the elderly. “As long as there is the right to use cash 15 whale, otter and seal. They did not “farm” in the western sense
in Sweden, we think people should have the option to use it and be of the word, though they had a complex knowledge of how to
able to put money in the bank,” says Ola Nilsson, a spokesperson for use controlled burns to cultivate plant and animal food sources.
the Swedish National Pensioners’ Organisation, which is lobbying the Though they are called Ohlone now, at the time they did
government on behalf of its 350,000 members. “We’re not against not think of themselves as a contiguous group: There were at least
the cashless society, we just want to stop it from going too fast.” 20 eight different languages between their small tribelets, each one
Disponível em: <www.bbc.co.uk>. Acesso em: 14 abr. 2018. spoken by about a thousand people. One might walk 20 miles

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and be unable to understand the local tongue. Their laissez-faire 09. De acordo com o texto, a chegada dos colonizadores espanhóis
social relationships were alien to the hierarchy-obsessed Spanish à região da atual cidade de São Francisco, na Califórnia
missionaries, who commented that ‘in their pagan state no A) serviu para impulsionar o uso da agricultura e da caça pelos
25 superiority of any kind was recognized’. povos Ohlone, que habitavam a região antes da chegada dos
Likewise, the Ohlone lived in a communal society – which europeus.
vaguely resembled a gift economy – that shocked the missionaries.
B) interferiu na forma de vida dos povos Ohlone, o que apenas
“They give away all they have... [and] whoever reached their
espelhou o que já estava em curso no sistema de colonização
dwelling is at once offered the food they possess,” one missionary empregado pelos europeus no Novo Mundo.
30 said. There was no obvious form of government. Status and C) mudou o sistema de comércio entre os diferentes povos que
competition were not important to the Ohlone; generosity and habitavam a área, imposição inicialmente rechaçada, mas
family were. This led early missionaries, who were subject to depois bem aceita pelos habitantes originais do lugar.
powerful European governments, to conclude that the Ohlone D) contribuiu para a proliferação de doenças como o sarampo e a
lived in “anarchy”. catapora, o que ajudou a dizimar os povos Ohlone quase que
35 The Ohlone peoples had a very different relationship totalmente.
with animals than the Europeans. Predators like foxes, bobcats, E) doutrinou os povos Ohlone, habitantes nativos da área, e os
mountain lions and coyote were plentiful, yet coexisted peacefully escravizou sob as ordens da Coroa espanhola.
with the Ohlone. “Animals seem to have lost their fear and
become familiar with man,” said Frederick William Beechey, 10. De acordo com o texto, são características dos povos Ohlone todas
40 an English captain. It has been suggested that as the European as seguintes, exceto
colonizers openly hunted and killed easy game over several A) altruísmo. B) multilinguismo.
C) extrativismo animal. D) politeísmo.
generations, animals adapted to the presence of gun-toting
E) liberalismo social.
hunters and learned to keep their distance. “We take it entirely
for granted that animals are naturally secretive and afraid of
11. De acordo com o texto,
45 our presence,” wrote historian Malcolm Margolin, “but for [the A) o estabelecimento de missões espanholas na região onde hoje
Ohlone] who lived here before us, that was simply not the case.” está a cidade de São Francisco introduziu espécies de animais
In the late 18th century, the newly-arrived Spanish e plantas que não eram nativas da região.
quickly set up missions in California, and began forcibly taking B) Apesar de remodelar a paisagem para seus caprichos
Ohlone subjects into the missions – ostensibly to convert them. tecnológicos, os missionários espanhois permitiram que os
50 Yet the Ohlone were held against their will and forced to labor Ohlone continuassem a “se nutrir” de bolotas, trutas e outras
for the Spanish, who separated men and women, lashing and colheitas selvagens.
hitting them when they refused to act as the missionaries C) No final do século XVI, os recém-chegados espanhóis
pleased. One firsthand account describes the Spanish missions rapidamente iniciaram missões na Califórnia e começaram
as indistinguishable from slave plantations. a levar à força os súditos de Ohlone - ostensivamente para
55 In addition to violence against the Ohlone, the missionaries convertê-los.
D) Os povos Ohlone tinham uma relação muito diferente com os
brought measles and other diseases with them, which killed many
animais do que os europeus. Predadores como raposas, linces,
Ohlone independently. Various epidemics in the 1790s killed
leões da montanha e coiotes embora escassos, coexistiam
hundreds at Mission San Francisco and Mission Santa Clara. And pacificamente com o Ohlone.
over the course of the 19th century, the native population of E) Não havia uma forma óbvia de governo nos povos Ohlone.
60 California dropped from an estimated 310,000 to 100,000. This Status e competição eram importantes para o Ohlone;
mirrors what was happening in the rest of North America: there generosidade e família não. Isso levou os primeiros missionários,
were an estimated 10 million American Indians living “north of que estavam sujeitos a poderosos governos europeus, a concluir
Mexico” when Columbus arrived, a number that eventually fell que os Ohlone viviam na “anarquia”.
to less than one million.
65 As the Spanish established their Missions, they also 12. A palavra ou expressão sublinhada na primeira coluna pode ser
imposed their technological ideals on the land. By 1777, Mission substituída pela palavra na segunda coluna em todas as opções,
Santa Clara (in present-day Santa Clara, California, now home mantendo o mesmo sentido, exceto em
to the Intel Corporation) had a farming and livestock operation
that included pigs, chickens, goats, roosters, corn and wheat, A) …with a way of life and philosophy that
70 mostly nonnative species. Despite re-shaping the landscape to did not revolve around technology or Orbit
their technological whims, the missionaries were surprised at how technological improvement.
the Ohlone continued to “nourish themselves” on acorns, trout, B) Five hundred years ago, this swath of
and other wild harvests. The Spanish did not understand why northern California was populated by the Steppe
the Ohlone did not have reverence for their “superior” systems. Ohlone peoples…
75 “For one who has not seen it, it is impossible to form an
idea of the attachment of these poor creatures for the forest,” C) Though they are called Ohlone now, at the
wrote Basque missionary Fermín Francisco de Lasuén. “[Outside time they did not think of themselves as a Separated
the Mission] they are without a roof, without shade, without food, contiguous group.
without medicine, and without any help. Here they have all of D) …which vaguely resembled a gift
80 these things to their heart’s content. Here the number who die Parallel
is much less than there. They see all this, and yet they yearn for
E) “They give away all they have... [and]
the forest.” It was unfathomable to missionaries like Lasuén that
whoever reached their dwelling is at once Domicile
the Ohlone might prefer a world without the rigid hierarchies and
offered the food they possess,”
controlling attitude towards nature that the Europeans possessed.
Disponível em: <www.theguardian.com>. Acesso em: 9 jan. 2019.

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3 F B O N L I NE .C O M . B R
Módulo de Estudo

13. No contexto da passagem, todas as palavras pertencem à mesma

classe gramatical, exceto
A) technological (Linha 4).
B) rich (Linha 8).
C) plant (Linha 8).
D) animal (Linha 8).
E) farming (Linha 9).

14. Na frase “Likewise, the Ohlone lived in a communal society –

which vaguely resembled a gift economy...” o termo em destaque
pode ser substituído por todas as opções a seguir, exceto
A) Withal.
B) Unevenly.
C) Besides.
D) Furthermore.
E) In addition.


Disponível em: <https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes>.

Acesso em: 5 fev. 2019.

Tirinhas são gêneros textuais que trazem situações cotidianas,

muitas vezes cômicas, da vida dos seus personagens. Na tirinha,
A) se recusa a comer porque não está se sentindo bem.
B) tenta ludibriar seus pais por preferir comer em um restaurante
que lhe agrade.
C) tece críticas muito fortes quanto à qualidade do restaurante.
D) sugere um outro restaurante, pois não encontra naquele algo
que lhe agrade.
E) ignora a sugestão de seus pais e pede uma comida de baixo
valor nutritivo.

01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15

SUPERVISOR/DIRETOR: Marcelo Pena – AUTOR: Anquisis Moreira


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