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Boas! Para que o programa Dreamflash v0.

1 pelo DanMak funcione (testado pessoalmente) com o jtag, o jtag deve ser s com resistencias e no convem que tenha mais de 10cm. As ligaes so: LPT--------------> Dreambox/Clone 2 --> 100 ohms --> 11 ( Halt) 3 --> 100 ohms --> 9 ( Tms ) 4 --> 100 ohms --> 7 ( Tck ) 5 --> 100 ohms --> 3 ( Tdi ) 11 --> 100 ohms --> 1 ( Tdo ) 25 ------------------ 16 ( Ground) OS pinos 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 e 25 da porta LPT devem ser shuntados entre si, como os jtags comerciais tm. Agora a ciencia est (graas dica do Matrix10) em fazer connect e ligar a box ao mes mo tempo. Com testes percebi como funciona melhor: O segrego est em primeiro fazer connect no programa e depois ligarem o clone, mas com um certo atraso. Este atraso depende da velocidade das vossas CPU, CPUs mai s rapidas, menor o tempo/atraso (ente 0 e 1 seg). Alterarem a prioridade do programa jtag_windows.exe no task manager para tempo r eal deve tornar mais certo esse atraso, pois o programa fica com a mxima priorida de de uso da CPU. Quanto ao timing, se aparecer s "ERROR:register test failded" ento o jtag est bom, mas ligaram a box cedo de mais, se aparecer as 4x "ERROR: communication with LPT /JTAG", ento devem ligar a box mais cedo, ou o Jtag no est bom. Lembrem-se que devem ligar a box sempre depois de fazerem connect no programa. Depois devem entortar/endireitar os pinos da tomada do adaptador da box, para qu e encaixe mais rapido na tomada electrica. Por fim, devem usar uma tomada electrica facil de encaixar, eu usei uma tripla d as ranhosas, mas tive a desmonta-la e a apertar os seus pinos electricos para no fazer mal contacto. Ao fazer write o programa envia logo o boot, que o ficheiro "blimg". O ficheiro presente neste anexo o boot de uma DM500 e tuner ALPS de CRC-32 9055B 110, mais uma vez indicado pelo Matrix10, pois tinha testado um boot que dizia s er para as DM500 e ALPS e no deu nada, este no anexo garantido que funciona. Depois de enviarem o boot de 128KB por Jtag, podem ligar a box com o dreamup e p or RS232 enviarem uma imagem (no convem enviarem a Gemini 4.31 porque dizem que m ata clones... :D) Cumprimentos, FME_fta ______________________________________________________ Translation ENG: Hi! So that the program Dreamflash v0.1 DanMark works (tested personally) with jtag, the jtag can only have resistences and they can't have more than 10cm. The connections are: LPT--------------> Dreambox/Clone

2 --> 100 ohms --> 11 ( Halt) 3 --> 100 ohms --> 9 ( Tms ) 4 --> 100 ohms --> 7 ( Tck ) 5 --> 100 ohms --> 3 ( Tdi ) 11 --> 100 ohms --> 1 ( Tdo ) 25 ------------------ 16 ( Ground) Th pins 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 e 25 of the port LPT must be shunted between themselves, like commercial jtags has. Now, The cience of the thing (thanks to Matrix10 tip) is doing the connect and t urn on the box at the same time. With the tests done I've understood better how it works great: The secret is in 1 do connect to the program and then turn on the clone, but with a certain delay. This delay depends on the speed of your CPU, the faster CPU's, minor the time/delay (between 0 e 1 seconds). Change the priority of the program jtag_windows.exe on the task manager for the real time which must turn more real the delay itself, once the program will give maximum priority of the use of the CPU. About the timming, if it shows you only "ERROR:register test failded" then the j tag is ok, but you have turned on the box sooner then expected, if it shows you the 4 times "ERROR: communication with LPT/JTAG", then you must turn on the box sooner, or the jtag isn't ok. Remmember that you must connect the box always after making connect on the progr am. After you must warp/straight the pins on the adaptor switch of the box, so it fi ts faster on the electric switch. By end, you must use an electric switch easy to fit, I have used one triple (fro m the bad ones), but I had to dismount it and press their electric pins to don't make bad contact. When doing "write" the program sends immediately the boot, that is the file "bli mg". The file present in this attachment is the boot of a DM500 and tunner ALPS of CR C-32 9055B110, once again thanks Matrix10, because I've tested a boot that were supposed to be for the DM500 and ALPS and it didn't worked, and this one in the attachment is guaranteed it works. after sending the boot of 128KB by Jtag, you can turn on the box with dreamup an d by rs232 send an image (with exception of Gemini 4.3.1 because some people say it kills clones... :D) Regards FME_fta

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