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understood: eendido underwear: roupa intima unemployment: desemprego unfit: fore de forma unfortunately: infelizmente unhappy: infeliz untidy: desarrumado until: até up: para cima upset: pertubado, transtornado, chateado usi nos useful: Gil use: usar, usado, costumar usually: geralmente So vacation: férias valley: vale valuable: objeto de valor, vatioso van: caminhao-bad, perua vegetable: legume very: muito very much: muitissimo very often: freqiientemente village: aldeia, vila vineyard: vinhedo voice: voz Ww. wages: salérios wait: esperar waiter: garcéo (ou garcom) waitress: garconete wake up: acordar walk: caminhar wall: muro, parede wallet: carteira de dinheiro want: desejar, querer war: guerra wardrobe: guarda-roupa warm: quente, moro was: era, estava, fui, estive was born: nasci, nasceu was built: foi construfdo wash: lavar waste: lixo, residuo watch: relégio; assistir, ver water: agua waterproof: prova d’égua way: caminho, meio wer nés weak: fraco Weapon: arma wear: vestir, usar (roupa) weather: tempo we're: nds estamos, nés somos Wednesday: quarta-feira week: semana weekend: fim de semana weigh: pesar weighing-machine: balanca weight: peso welcome: bem-vindo welfare: prosperidade wells bem Welsh: galés went: foi, esteve, fui were: foram, estiveram ‘we won't have to: nés n3o precisamos wet: mothado what: 0 que what time: que horas What's the matter?: Qual é 0 problema? wheat: trigo wheel: roda when: quando where: onde whether: se which: qual, que while: enquanto whisper: cochichar white: branco who: quem, que whose: de quem, cujo, cuja why: por que (em perguntas) wife: esposa win: veneer, ganhar wind: vento windows janela windshield: para-brisa wine: vinho winter: inverno wires fio wish: desejo, voto, desejar with: com without: sem woman: mulher 159 wonder: ter curiosidade em saber, admirar; maravitha wonderful: maravithoso word: palavra ‘work: trabalho, trabalhar, funcionar worker: trabalhador working: trabalho, trabalhando, funcionamento world: mundo, mundial World War: Guerra Mundial worse: pior worst: 0 pior would be: seria, estaria would go: iria write: escrever writer: escritor written: escrito wrong: errado om yeah (= yes year: ano yellow: amarelo yes: sim yesterday: ontem yet: ainda you: voce, vbs, vocés you should have seen: vocé devia ter visto you're welcome: de nada young: jovem Your: seu, sua, vosso, vossa yours: seu, sua, vosso, vossa yourself: voce mesmo yourselves: vocés mesmos youth: juventude 7 Greetings — Hello! — Hello, Jane. Is everything ok? — Yes, thanks John: Good evening, Mary! Mai John: I'm well, and you? Mary Joh Mary: ood evening, John, How are you? 'm fine, thanks. ‘Oh, Mary! We are late today! Ih, yes! Let’s go to schoo! then. GREETINGS Good morning! Bom- palavra morning significa manha. Usa-se a saudago good morning até o meio-dia Good afternoon! Boa-tarde! A palavra after significa depois. A pala- vra noon significa meio-dia. Good evening! Boa-noite! Usa-se good evening 20 encontrar uma pessoa 4 noite. Good night! Boa-noite! Usa-se good night a despedir-se de alguém & noite, '8 good beginning makes 2 good endl (Um bom comero leva a um bom fact) — Good morning, Mr. Kanashiro. — Good morning, Miss Loren. How are you? —I'm fine, thanks. aa Tire suas davidas sobre o significado de palavras consultando 0 vocabulario no final do livro. So long! Até logo! Usa-se so long em despedidas comur Good bye! Até logo! Good bye significa até logo e també adeus. Pode-se também dizer apenas bye, que & forma abreviada. See you tomorrow! ‘Até amanh’! (See = vejo, you = vocé, tomorre = amanha). Ola! Saudacao comum entre amigos. Hell A6! Ola! Saudacdo comum entre amigos. VERB TO BE Forma por extenso —_— ww Tam (Eu sou ou estou) I'm You are (Vocé é ou est) You're He is (Ele é ou est) He's She is (Ela & ou esté) She's Ibis (Neutro: ele ou ela ou esta) It's We are (NOs somos ou estamos) We're You are _(Vocés so ou esto) You're All good things come to an end. = : (Todas os coisas boos chegom They are (Eles ou elas sao ou estéo) They're eum fim) ACTIVITIES Complete com as formas verbeis am, is ou ar 4. Traduza as frases: a] How ______ you today? a) I'm well, and you? bl ing inven bi b) We are late today. 2. Escreva os cumprimentos em inglés: . : . @) Let's go to school then. a) Bom-dia, Maria i eeserda, dao 5. Complete a cruzadinha: 6 | in. va, vamos e ©) Até emanha. 1 escola }— a) Boarnoite. su, estou hoje! . ‘entéo - | . bom, boa bons, boas 3. Reesoreva as frases, colocando os verbos na for- ma abreviada: obrigado }— a) | am fine. a 6. Escreva as frases no plural: b) We are late. 2) 1am well. We are well, c} She is @ student. i DiC eee dh It is a school 0) He is fine. Forma abreviada, comum na conversacéo @) How is she? Z. What are they? iaping mat he «sens — Are they singers? — Ishe a player? — Isita lion? — No, they are not singers. — No, he is not a player. — No, it is not a lion. They are dancers. He is a painter. Ibis a tiger. VERB TO_BE - PRESENT TENSE 4 Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form a a a Iam (Eu sou, estou) I am not (Eu no sou, eu ndo estou) Am I? (Sou eu?, Estou eu? You are (Vocé &, est) You are not Are you? He is (Ele é, est) He is not Is he? She is (Ela é, esta) She is not Is she? Itis (Ele, ela é, esta) It is not Is it? We are (Nos somos, estamos) We are not Are we? You are (Vocés sao, esto) You are not ‘Are you? They are (Eles, elas séo, estéo) They are not Are they? 1, Para se ter a forma negativa em inglés com 3. Na forma interrogativa, 0 veto vem antes ‘os verbos auxiliares, basta colocar not (nao) de- do sujeito: pois do verbo. You are good. (affirmative form) 2. Observe as duas formas negativas abreviadas ‘Are you good? (Interrogative form) do verbo to be no presente do indicativo: ae Conta form (forma abreviada) “ara You're not. vouraren'e (Forma irregular para interrogativa-negativa n= He's not He isn’t 1° pessoa do singular.) She's not She isn’t Ws not Itisn't We're not We aren’t You're not You aren‘t They're not They aren't INDEFINITE ARTICLE — A - AN A teacher Adoctor DP A6 usado no singular, diante de consoantes. Significa um, uma. An orange, AN 6 usado no singular, dante ce vagel ou ft mud (h ndo An apple A (AN) néo tem plural 1. Passe para a forma interrogativa: a} You are a teacher Are you a teacher? ) She is a secretary. ©} It is an orange. d) They are doctors. @) We are good students. #1 You are well 9) He is late. 2. Passe para a forma negative a} He is @ doctor. He is not a doctor. b} She is @ painter. ©} You are @ good singer. d) It is an apple. @) John is well 3. Passe para a forma negativa abreviada: a) She is not a secretary. She isn’t a secretary. She's not a secrotary. pronunciado: an hour), Significa um, uma. ACTIVITIES b) He is not a singer. ¢) You are not a good friend. 4d) It is not an orange. e) They are not teachers. fi Jane is not well today. 4. Escreva a diante de consoante @ an diante de vogal ou h muda al teacher) apple b) elephant e) book ° hour ) player Complete a cruzadinha: mags —_jogador professor | secretéria} — loern— Nery ure eles, elas }-— amiga }— a At the bus station — Excuse me, Is this seat free? — No, it is not, but you can sit on that one on the corner. — Thank you very much. DEMONSTRATIVES : _ THIS é usado para pessoa, animal ou objeto que esté perto. This significa este, esta, isto. THAT 6 usado para pessoa, animal ou coisa que esta longe. That significa aquele, aquela, aquilo. ACTIVITIES 1. Veja 0 madelo e continue: a) rose: tree i) This is a rose. b) tree: orange j) ©) car: 3. Veja o modelo e continue: d) plane: 2) book/magazine: This is a book and that is a magazine e) boy: b) apple/orange: 1) gil: ¢) dog/cat: 9) pen: h) pencil 4) car/bus: 2. Observe 0 modelo, faga a pergunta & responde book a) What is this? This is a book. house b) apple c) dog 4) table ©) elephant f) Pen g) magazine h) 11 Leia @ traduze: Bob: Good afternoon. How are you? I'm fine, thanks This is my family. This is John, my brother, This is my sister Carol. Ronald, my father. And that is Telma, my mother: Bob: Complete a cruzadinha: oo sorvete —] fae wore larania 4. On the farm izperience isthe mother of wisdom (Aemperincia & 0 mée o _— What are those beautiful birds flying over the trees? Are they parrots? — Oh, yes! They are parrots. They are very noisy birds. — And these birds on the cows? — They are cowbirds. — Why are they on the cows? — Because they eat the Iarvas and insects that disturb the cows. DEMONSTRATIVES - THIS - THAT - THESE - THOSE Singular Plural — _ This (este, esta, isto) These (estes, estes) That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) Those (aqueles, aquelas) PLURAL OF NOUNS tae Em geral, forma-se 0 plural dos substantivos, em inglés, acrescentando-se $ ao singu- lar: car, cars; book, books; bird, birds. ACTIVITIES 1. Escreva no plural: a} boy: fh) eat; by pent i) apple: aaa Oe: «|S: Etcreverns frost plural. (Obneeve cus-0:e go the e 0 adjetivo ficam invariéveis). ) dog: a) The boy is good. @) house; The boys are good. f) book: —____———— b) The apple is red. g} table: — 12 ©) The house is yellow. 4. Escreva as frases no singular @ no plural. Siga 0 modelo: 4) The magazine is new. a) an egg This is an egg. ©) She is beautiful ae These are eggs. | bla car O adijetivo beautiful refere-se a pessoas do sexo = feminino, animais ou coisas. Para homens, empre- a ga-5¢ 0 adjetivo handsome. Os adijetivos sao inva- riaveis e vém antes do substantivo: beautiful cla house birds. 3. Escreva as frases no plural. (Observe que o arti houses 90 indefinido a, an desaparece no plural) a} This is a book aitback These are books. That ea book: b) This is @ beautiful flower. books Those are books. ©) This is a new car. e} 8 plane 4) That is a yellow bird, planes REVIEW ae a! 1. Leia com atengéo @ traduza: John: Mary, these are my friends Jane and Rose. Mary: Hello, girls. I'm glad to meet you! ‘And those people over there? John: Those people are my parents. Mary: And that boy and that girl over there? John: The boy is my brother and the girl is my sister. My sister is a teacher of English and my brother has a shop downtown. 13 2. Escreva em inglés: a) Bom-dia: b) Boa-tarda: ©) Boa-noite (ao chegar): (20 despedir-se}: d) Adeus: @) Até amanha: 3. Escreva as formas verbais abreviadas: a) am = I'm b) You are ©) He is = d) She is = e) We are = 4) They are = 4, Escreva no plural: a} This girl is my friend b) That boy has a new car. Escreva a ou an: a) He is ___ American singer. b) She is English painter. o) lam teacher. 4d) This is orange. @) We have shop downtown, f) Paul is intelligent boy. 6. Escreva no plural: a) How is she? Completa as frases com palavras do quadro’ a — red ~ are this - am —- is who is — color is 2) ____ is a hot dog. b) What the chair? ©) That isn’t window. d|___ a dentist. e) ___ this a cheeseburger? f) The epple is ____. @ You h) the secretary. Tim Foster? Complete os espacos em branco traduzindo os pronomes demonstrativos: a] Aquele & meu melhor emigo is my best friend. b) Esta 6 a casa onde moro. is the house where | live in ¢} Aqueles alunos séo inteligentes, students are smart. d) Este & um exercicio feel is an easy exercise. @) Estas pessoas so especiais. people are special f) Aquela € uma mulher muito fascinante. is @ very fascinating woman Escreva as frases no singular: a) These bracelets are expensive. bb) Are these your friends? b} How is he? c} Those churches are old, ) | am well. @) Are those good stores? 4d) You're a singer. @) These books are not interesting 14 Forced love does not last. (Amar forcado néo dura.) This picture shows a girl and a boy: Bob and Simone, They seem very happy. Simone loves Bob very much. Bob loves Simone, too. Bob has a good job. He is a young engineer and works for a big company. Simone is a secretary and works in an office: They plan to get married soon. VERBS — SIMPLE PRESE! No presente do indicativo, os verbos em inglés geralmente seguem os modelos abaixo: I love (eu amo) T wish (eu desejo) T go (eu vou) You love You wish You go He loves He wishes He goes She loves She wishes She goes We love We wish We go You love You wish You go They love They wish They go T play (eu jogo) I study (eu estudo) You play You study He plays He studies She plays She studies We play We study Sema alae via lay Tinted we rand died we BIL They play They study a Geraimente os verbos no presente do indicative recebem um s na terceira pessoa do singular (he loves, she works). Mas note-se 0 seguinte: — Os verbos que terminam em s, sh, ch, 0, x — recebem es. — Os que terminam em y precedido de vogal recebem apenas s. — Os que terminam em y precedido de consoante mudam o y por ies. 15 1, Escreva no singular: ) She very happy. a) They play football (seem ~ seems) b i pa 3. Escreva em inglés: 7 Jed alee els a) Simone ama Bob. @) They dance well ne a) They go to school. b) Eles planejam casar logo. e) They wash the car. ee ¢} Bob tem um bam emprego. 1) They like music. 4g) They watch television. d) A figura mostra duas garotas. hy The students read books. 7: a ) Ela vai para @ escola i) The boys like apples }) The birds fly in the sky. ee a Complete @ frase de acardo com 0 pronome as S Observe 0 modelo: Cee ee a} | read 2 book Wj The girls play the piano. } The girls play the pi fe a Se o) He I) The students relax after class 1 a e) We (A ————— 2. Preencha os espagos com a forme verbal correta: g) They a) We sports. Leia em vor alta e traduza (like ~ likes} b) She flowers in the garden Love {plant ~ plants) } The planes in the sky. (fly ~ flies) i) The bus the station. (reach ~ reaches) e) Mary to the park. (go - goes) #) The child sweets. (want - wants) 16 Love is patient, love is kind. It is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, Love never fails. From the Holy Bible ~ 1 Corinthians, 13 Good company on the road is the shortest way. (Bea campaniia na estrada faz o caminko mas exo) Hi, John! : Hi, Jack! Welcome back! How was your trip? Oh, it was fantastic! Thad a wonderful time. Where were you? I was in Las Vegas, Miami Beach, Washington and New York, PAST TENSE a To be Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form —_— — —_ I was (era, estava) Was 12 Twas not I wasn't You were Were you? You were not You weren't He was Was he? He was not He wasn’t She was Was she? She was not She wasn’t Tt was Was it? Tt was not It wasn’t We were Were we? We were not We weren't You were Were you? You were not You weren't They were Were they? They were not They weren't ACTIVITIES 1. Mude os verbos em negrito para o tempo passa- do ae saa 1) It is there, a) John has an ald house. John had an old house. 2. Escreva as frases no plural: b) | am very tired. a) | was late We were late. b) She was beautiful d) You are sick ch | am here, €) She Is very beautiful. d) She was well 17 3. Passe para a forma negativa: 2) We have an interesting book We have not an interesting book. b) They were in the house. } She was at school. 4. Passe para a forma interrogativa: a) She was in Rio. Was she in Rio? bj They were good boys. ©) You were sick. 7 How many. This is a weighing ‘machine. It weighs things and people in grams and kilos. This is a measuring tape. cs This is a ruler, This is a meter. Measuring tapes, meters and rulers are used to measure things in meters, centimeters and millimeters. 18 © Treine seu vocabulério resolvendo a cruzac) 1. Viagem) 5. tempo 2. capital dos EUA 6. onde 3. bem-vindo 7. maravilhoso 4. plural de was ® @ © : QI Success has many friend (@ sucess tem muitos am 1. one 17. seventeen 105. a hundred and five ou one hundred and five 2. two 18. eighteen 107. a hundred and seven 3. three 19, nineteen 120. a hundred and twenty 4, four 20. twenty 200. two hundred 5. five 21. twenty-one 201. two hundred and one 6. six 22. twenty-two 300. three hundred 7. seven 23. twenty-three 310. three hundred and ten 8. eight 30. thirty 400. four hundred 9. nine 31, thirty-one © 425. four hundred and twenty-five 10, ten 40. forty 500. five hundred 11, eleven 50. fifty 540. five hundred and forty 12. twelve 60. sixty 600. six hundred 13. thirteen 70. seventy 700. seven hundred 14, fourteen 80. eighty 800. eight hundred 100. a hundred ou 15. fifteen 90. ninety 900. nine hundred ‘one hundred. Depois 16. sixteen 100. a hundred 1000. one thousand ey ACTIVITIES Now think and answer: a) How many centimeters are there in a meter? Address: Telephone number: There are ____ centimeters. i i > | 3: Escreva nas cruzadinhas os ntimeros por exten- 'b} How many millimeters are there in a centimeter sd’em inglés ‘There are ___ millimeters. ch How tall are you? ii i 7 lam —___ tall 4d} How much do you weigh? | weigh ____ kilos. @} How high were the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York? They were _____ and meters high. 1] How high is Mount Everest in Nepal, Asia? Make your personal card indicating) 70 100 © 80 60 Your first name: Your sumame: Age: Height: Weight: 19 It’s seven o'clock now. JACK, BREAKFAST IS READY. HURRY UP/ {T's 7:30/ IT'S TIME TO GOTO SCHOOL! Observe como dizemos as horas exatas em inglés: It’s two o'clock. It’s five o'clock. Agora, observe as maneiras de dizer as horas e os minutos: Its fifteen past seven. It’s a quarter past seven. It’s seven fifteen. It’s twenty-five to eight. It's seven thirty-five. It's twenty-five past seven. It’s seven twenty-five. It's twenty to eight. It’s seven forty. JACK! JACK? GET uP/ Time flies. (0 tempo vos. It's seven o'clock. It's half past seven. It's seven thirty. It’s a quarter to eight. It's seven forty-five. ACTIVITIES Observe os relégios © escreva a pergunta e as respostes, como no modelo: 3) What time is it? It’s five past seven. I's seven five, Goo OGG al hy | i kK m) So @ ® © Reescreva a frase, completando-a com a hora por extenso: a) | get up at (6:00): b) | have breakfast at (7:00) ¢) | have lunch at (11:30) 4} | have dinner at (8:15): €} | go to bed at (11:45): 21 (do existe lugar como o lor. go What can you see in the picture? There I no plac tke home. I can see a large room with a very long table surrounded by many comfortable arm chairs. On the long table there are four ashtrays. — And what can you see in the background of the room? I can see a vase of flowers on a little table. It is near the long table, In the background I can also see two different rooms with sofas, chairs, little tables, vases and a table lamp. And on the walls there are three different pictures. VERB THERE TO BE Affirmative and interrogative form > Observe these sentences: 1) There is a flower in the vase. 2) There are pictures on the wall. 3) Are there chairs around the table? Present tense [> There is = ha (singular) There is a bird. There are = hd (plural) ‘There are birds. Past tense > There was = havia (singular) There was a bird. There were = havia (plural) There were birds. Interrogative form p> Is there . = Ha... ? (singular) Are there 2 (plural) Was there .. 2 (singular) — ire thee a wil, there 3 way Were there ... 2 (plural) (Onde bd'ume vontade, tum came.) ACTIVITIES a} ___ a bus on the corner. B.__a pallow oer c}___ many birds. d) _____ roses in the garden e}_______ four girls playing. Escreva there was ou there were: a) ___a rose in the vase. b) roses in the vase. c} ____a boy in the street. dj) ___a yellow house. ¢)___biirds on the wire. Escreva as frases no plural a) There is 2 rose in the vase. There are roses in the vases. b) There is a flower in the garden. ©) There is a boy in the car. 4d) There was @ bird on the wire, e) There was a girl in the street. f) There is a blue car in the street. Escreva as frases no tempo passado: a) There is a red rose in the vase. There was a red rose in the vase. b) There are many pictures in this book ¢) There is @ bus on the corner. 4) There are dogs in the garden. e) There are boys playing football 23 Passe as frases para 2 forma interrogativa: a) There are cars in the street Are there cars in the street? b) There was a plane in the sky. ¢) There are girls playing in the park. ) There were roses in the garden. ‘Traduza es frases: a) There ere many birds on the wire, b) You can also ses some cats, ©} I can see many things. Escreva em inglés: 2) Quantos quadros hé na parede? Ha trés quadros, b) Quantos vasos de flores hé na sala? Ha um vaso de flores. Leia em voz alta @ traduza oralmente. ‘Telephoning (Wrong number) A- Hello! This is Janet. Can I speak to Paul? B — Paul??2! There is no Paul here! ‘A ~ Please, what's your telephone number? B — My telephone number is 12 5 0 7. (one, two, five, zero, seven) A — Isn't it number 1 2 6 0 7? (one, two, six, zero, seven) B — No, it’s number 12 5 0 7. A — I'm sorry! Excuse me... B-OK. (One ie never too olé te learn. (Munca se € velo. ara aprender, terview 7OAn — How old are you, lady? — I’m 80 years old. — Oh, are you old! — Old? No! My mother is 99 years old. ‘And you? How old are you? —Tm 3s — Only that? You are still a child! — Oh, thank you, grandmother! HOW OLD. ‘© Empregamos a expresséo how old para perguntar a idade de alguém. How old are you? (Quantos anos vocé tem? — Qual é a sua idade?) How old is she? (Quantos anos ela tem? — Qual é a idade dela?) How old are they? (Quantos anos eles tem — Qual é a idade dele: © E se responde assim Lam twenty years old ou I am twenty. (Tenho vinte anos). She is fifteen years old ou She is fifteen. (Ela tem quinze anos). HOW MUCH... HOW MANY... Emprega-se a expresso how much para se perguntar a quantidade em geral de coisas que nao costumamos contar, como agua, tempo, etc. How much time? (Quanto tempo?) How much water? (Que quantidade de égua?) How much sugar? (Quanto agécar?) ‘A expresséo how many emprega-se com elementos contaveis: How many books? (Quantos livros?) How many people? (Quantas pessoas?) ACTIVITIES 1. Observe a figura @ escreve as idades corretamente’ #1 am four #1 am seven. =| am eleven. © 1am fourteen | am eighteen. + | am twenty, ra vinko he verdode.) Siga 0 modelo: a) How old are you? (10) | am ten years old. b} How old are they? (12) c) How old is she? (20): d) How ald is he? (19) @} How old are you? (16) £) How old are you? (40): g) How old is Mary? (26) h) How old is Peter? (27): Siga 0 modelo: a) Is Paul old? No, he is not old, He is very young. b) Is Mary old? ©) Is Peter old? d) Are Paul and Ann old? 25 5. e} Are Ted and Bob old? Escreva much ou many: al Is there water in the cup? b) There are eggs in the refrigerator. ol Were there books on the table? d) There was not _______ time to study. *) How ______ people can you see? f) How coffee is there in the cup? Escreva em inglés: a) Quantos anos vocé tem? b) Hé muito café na xicara? ¢) Eu tenho vinte anos. d) Meu avé & muito velho. e) Maria @ muito joven? Escreva as horas por extenso’ a) 7:00 b) 8:15 Treine seu vocabulério resolvendo a cruzadinha: dinheiro muito a veto] livros +} bom— ainds }— 77 \mperative COME HERE/ COME BACK/ 0 imperativo provém do infinitive. Basta suprimir a particula to, indicadora de infinitivo, para se obter © imperativo. to stop = parar Stop! = Pare! ‘to come = vir Come! = Venha! Emprega-se 0 modo imperativo para expressar or- dem, pedido, conselho, proibicéo. 1. Ordem: Get out! (Retire-se! Saia!) 2, Pedido: Come with me. (Venha comigo.) 3. Consetho ou pedido: Drive slowly. (Dirija devagar.) 4, Proibicd Don’t smoke! (Nao fume!) Never judge by appearances. (éo julgue pelas oparéncias.) DON'T speak ALOUD, PLEASE / A forma let (let's ou let us) é usada para expres- sar convite ou pedido. Let’s read the lesson! (Vamos ler a ligio!) Let's go to the beach! (Vamos & praia! Negative form Obtém-se o imperativo negativo antepondo-se ao verbo a negacdo don’t (do not). Run! (Corral) Don’t runt (Nao corra!) Imperative with please Para se abrandar a dureza de uma ordem ou para se fazer um pedido de uma maneira deticada, polida, usa-se a palavra please, no comeco ou no fim da frase. Shut the door, please. (Feche a porta, por favor.) Please speak aloud! (Por favor, fale alto!) 1 ACTIVITIES Escreva as frases de acordo com as figuras: a) Get out! b) Come in, please. ) Shut the window! 4) Don’t smoke! Passe os verbos do infinitive para @ forma impe- rativa: a) to get out (sair) Get out! (Saia!) b) to shut the door (fechar @ porta) e) to get up {levantar) 4) to stand up (ficar de pé) 4g} to go there [ir 14) h) to read on page 10 {ler 4 pag. 10) 3. Passe para o imperative negativo: a) Go there! Don't go there! b) Smoke here! ¢) Eat now! 4) Write on the wall! e) Speak aloud! 4) Sit down! 4g} Open the window! hy Pay the bill! 5 Use a palavra please no comeco ou no fim das frases: a) Come int Come in, pl Please come b) Stand up! ©) Sit down! ¢) to come back (voltar) d) Don’t smoke! d) to come in (entrar) ©) Drive slowly! 28 72 What is Jack doing? Jack is not a lazy boy. He is getting up now. He gets up early every day. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE _ Jack sleeps late every day, Jack dorme tarde todos os dias. Jack plays football every day. Jack joga futebol todos os dias. ws O simple present (presente simples) indica uma aco que se faz costumeiramente, que se repete nor- malmente. Observe a conjugagéo do verbo to sleep (dormir) no presente simples: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE I sleep You sleep He sleeps She sleeps Tt sleeps We sleep You sleep They sleep Muitas vezes o simple present vem acompanhado dos advérbios usually, generally, always... 1. . =e e (nett pa cos) Jack likes to play football. He is playing football with Bob and Jim. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Jack is sleeping now. Jack esta dormindo agora. Jack is playing football now. Jack esta jogando futebol agora. w~ J4 0 present continuous (presente continuo) in= dica uma ag&o que se esta fazendo agora, que come- ou e continua ainda neste momento, Observe @ conjugacao do mesmo verbo no presen- te continuo: PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Tam sleeping You ate sleeping He is sleeping She is sleeping It is sleeping We are sleeping You are sleeping They are sleeping 0 present continuous é formado pelo verbo to be (verbo estar) no presente + 0 gerindio do verbo principal. 1 ACTIVITIES Responda as perguntas, usando as seguintes respostes: Tecan write T can touch. Tecan speak, I can hear. T can eat, T can work. T can see. T can smell a) What can you do with your hands? b) What can you do with your mouth? ©) What can you do with your eyes? d) What can you do with your nose? e) What can you do with your ears? Mude as frases para o tempo passado: a) | can help you, J could help you. bj You can speak aloud, ©} She can get up early, 4d} You can drive slowly. e} You can come back early. f} They can get a lot of money. g} You can’t drive the car. hy Can you hear me? 37 a. Escreva as frases na forma negativa por extenso e abreviada: a) | can walk, 1 cannot walk. J can't walk. bj | can see well ch 1 could work in the morning, d} She can drink hot coffee. fe} He could swim in the river. Escreva na forma interrogativa: 2) You can hear me. b) You can see that bird, ) They could do the exercise. d) She can work as a cook Substitua can por may a) Can | go? May | go? b) Can I read this book? } Can | help you? d) Can | enter the house? ii te ts ope 76, WNhy? Because... Tes Sane he WHY ARE YOU g WORKING? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY? WHY? BECAUSE... Quando queremos perguntar para saber a causa, 0 motivo de algo, usamos a palavra why. Para responder, empregamos because. ACTIVITIES 1. Leia © traduza. DIALOGUE John: Why are you studying? Robert: I am studying because I like it. 1 want to get a good job and be a great man in the future. John: I am glad to hear that from you, I wish you success in your life. 2. Relacione as perguntas as respostas: a) Why are they running? + * Because he is hungry. b) Why are you so happy? * * Because they are late. ©) Why is the boy crying? * * Because today is my birthday. 38 ACTIVITIES Mude para 0 gertindio. Siga 0 modelo: a} to read: reading @} You are dancing well b} to teach: ¢} to 90 hi He is reading a newspaper. d} to look: @} to study: Mude para o presente simples: f) to build: Mude para o presente continuo: a) She drinks water. She is drinking water. b) I read @ book 1am reading a book. } She paints well d) | eat an apple. @) I go to school. 4) They study History. @) He teaches English. Mude para o plural: a) am studying History. We are studying History. b) Iam playing tennis. ©) Lam drinking milk @) She is working @) He is going to school. #1 She is helping me. 30 @) She is helping me now. a) | am studying History now. | study History every day. b} | am drinking milk now. } | am playing tennis now. i | am going to school now. e} | am eating rice now. #) She is writing a letter now. Escreva os gertndios em inglés: trabalhando pintando pirtendo bebendo lentok — dangando indo —— When al men speak, no man h (Quando todos fulam, ninguém escuta.) Responda, de acordo com a figura: He is kicking a ball. 1 Semrxneaenen What is Paul doing? What is Jeff doing? What is Jane doing? What is Mary doing? What is Bob doing? What is Meg doing? What is Betty doing? What is Joe doing? What is Mark doing? What is Peter doing? He She She He She She He He He Actions What are they doing? 31 a ball. a ball. a ball a ball. a pail under @ rope. over a rope. ACT! IWITIES Siga 0 modelo: a) He — to cateh fish He is going to catch fish. Now he is fishing b) She — to eat an apple ©) They — to buy vegetables. d) | — read a book, Siga 0 modelo: a) What is she doing? (drinking milk) She is drinking milk. b) What is he doing? (drinking beer) ©) What are they doing? (helping Mery) d) What is she doing? (writing a letter) Responda &s perguntas de acordo com as figu- ras a) What is she doing? b) What is he doing? ©) What is he doing? 4 Observe 0 modelo e continue: a} | am going to catch fish. And you? (to play football) 1am going to play football. b) | am going to read a book. And you? (to read a magazine) ©) We are going to play tennis. And they? (to play football) @) He is going to eat an apple. And she? {to eat a sandwich) Escreva os gertndios em inglés: cruzando comendo, lendor—| TBesTando bebendo Jogands Necessity is the mother of invention. (A necessidode € a mde do invencio.) 33 Iam in my office. It is very large. We can see four new tables in it and a basket under a table. There are computers on two tables. There are a telephone and a fax on another table. There is a map on the wall. There are books and papers on the tables and many pencils in a box. Jane and Monica are talking about a letter. I am talking about business with Mr. Peterson. We are near the door. PREPOSITIONS Observe o emprego de algumas preposicées em inglés: ‘in: em, dentro de There are pencils in a box. (Ha lapis dentro de uma caixa). fon: sobre, em cima There are papers on the tables. (H& papéis sobre as mesas). under: sob, embaixo There is a basket under a table. (H4 um cesto embaixo de uma mesa). with: com Lam in a room with my friends. (Estou numa sala com meus amigos). about: sobre, a respeito de We are talking about business. (Estamos conversando a respeito de negécios). near: perto Mr, Peterson is near the door. (0 Sr. Peterson esta perto da porta). of: de This is a book of English. (Este € um livro de inglés). rene ee ‘We are all slaves of opinions. (Estou indo para 2 escola). {Wes Somes tales eres de opines) 34 75 Can... Cannot Who cannot obey, cannot comman 1am Jane. I can swim very Look at Lucy. She can't swim Tam Bob. My leg is broken. I well She is crying out: “Help! Help!” cannot walk. VERB CAN Can é um verbo auxiliar e defectiv Significa poder, no sentido de capacidade fisica ou mental. Nao recebe s na 3* pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo. Present tense Past tense Negative form wa — — I can I could Can possui duas formas negativas: You can You could cannot He can He could can't She can She could A forma negativa de could & It can It could could not ou couldn’. We can We could You can You could They can They could Q verbo ean pode indicar: 1. Capacidade fi | can walk. Eu posso caminhar. 2. Capacidade mental: | can think. Eu posso pensar. 3, Capacidade moral: | can love. Eu posso amar. He could come today. Ele podia vir hoje. 36 . No inglés moderno can € frequentemente em- pregado no lugar de may (poder) para denotar permissao, licenca: You can go = You may go. Vocé pode ir . Could pode indicar uma solicitacao polida’ Could you tell me the time? Vocé poderia me dizer as horas? Can é um verbo defective porque nao possui algumas formas verbais como imperativo, futu- fo, etc. 76 WNhy? Because... (eee et nc hope WHY ARE YOU WORKING? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY?) 7H TO MAKE MONEY. WHY? BECAUSE... Quando queremos perguntar para saber a causa, o motivo de algo, usamos a palavra why. Para responder, empregamos because. ACTIVITIES 1. Leia e traduza. DIALOGUE John: Why are you studying? —_ Robert: I am studying because I like it. — T want to get a good job and be a great man in the future. John: I am glad to hear that from you, I wish you success in your life. 2. Relacione as perguntas as respostas: a) Why are they running? © © Because he is hungry. b) Why are you so happy? * © Because they are late. ) Why is the boy crying? © + Because today is my birthday. 38 3. Responda 4s perguntas abaixo, seguindo 0 mo- delo: a} Why are you running? | am late Jam running because | am late. b} Why is the boy crying? He is hunary. ©) Why are you taking your umbrella? It is raining, ) Why are you so happy? My team is winning the game. e) Why is the bay going to get the book? He wants to read it, REVIEW 1. Leia em voz alta e traduze. Evelyn, a beautiful girl, is twenty years old. She is a secretary and works in a big office near the station downtown. Evelyn has many good friends, Now she is going to the office with a friend. ‘They are talking about many things: job, business, sports, studies, ete. They live near their office and reach it in seven minutes. 2. Escteva no imperativo negativo: a) Smoke here. = b) Open the window. ©) Shut the door. d) Speak aloud 3. Mude para o presente continuo: a) She drinks water. ') | go to school ¢) He teaches English. 39 d) They dance well Veja a figura responda a) What is he doing? *. b) What is she doing? 77 An interview Who are you? 1am John Baker. What are you? Tam a dentist. How old are you? Lam forty years old. And where is your office? It's near my house. Thave many clients, Boy: And how much is a filling? t costs five dollars. Boy: It's not expensive. It’s cheap, Why is your price so low? Because people can’t pay more. They are not rich. They are poor. INTERROGATIVE WORDS. 1.Who: Quem Who is that man? (Quem é aquele homem?) Who are those people? (Quem séo aquelas pessoas?) Who wants to drink coffee? (Quem deseja tomar café?) 2.What: 0 que, qual (empregado também para perguntar sobre profissdo ou cargo). What is she? She is a secretary. (0 que é ela? Ela é uma secretaria.) What's your name? My name is Bob. (Qual é seu nome? Meu nome Bob.) What is that? (0 que € aquilo?) 3.Where: Onde Where's the book? It’s on the table. (Onde esta o livro? Esta sobre a mesa.) Where are you? (Onde esta vocé?) 4,How: Como How are you? (Como vai vocé?) How is your father? (Como vai seu pai?) 5.How old are you? I'm twenty. (Que idade vocé tem? Eu tenho vinte.) How old is she? She's fifteen years old. (Que idade ela tem? Ela tem quinze anos.) 6.How many: Quantos, quantas How many birds can you see? (Quantos passaros vocé pode ver?) 7.How much: Quanto How much is it? (Quanto custa?) Why: Por que...? _ : Wh tvs by hope die by hunger, Why are you sad? (Por que vocé esta triste?) (oven Ve etree Noe Se fone 40 ACTIVITIES 1, Traduza as seguintes perguntas: 3. Formule as perguntas de acordo com as respostas: @) Who are you? al My name is John Baxter b) What ere you? 6) Lam a doctor. ©) How old are you? °) | am forty-five years old ) Where is your book? e My book is on the table. e) How much is it? e) | have ten pencils. ) Howsarsiyou? 4. Preencha os espagos com as palavras interroge- tivas adequadas: 2. Dé respostas para as seguintes perguntes: . anion 8} Who are you? It is in the drawer. b) is a filling? b) What are:your It costs ten dollars. ° is the baby crying? c} How old are you? y Hen adhere Because he is not well : @ old are you? 4) Where is your book? °) is this? fi__wrayour ©) How much is this watch? . 5. Escreva em inglés #) How are you? @) Why are you working? h) What is your name? i) How old is your father? 4 a) Ela 6 uma secretéria, b) Eu tenho vinte @ dois anos. ©) Quem sao aquelas pessoas? d) Quanto uma obturacéo? ACTIVITIES Complete com to ou from: 2. Escreva no passado a) We are coming —_____ the park a) They are going to the club. ) Are you going ____ school? eee o) | have some perfume ____ France, BY Ste. f2 comin! trem the shoe: 4d) The cat is running _____ the door. hn oC e) | am glad to hear that you f) She is taking a book the table. ~~ d) We are talking about wine from aly. 4g) Plesse, go the door. hl Don't go the station. Observe os modelos com as expressdes de sentidos opostos going to © coming from e continue: a} Alain/painter/Paris, Alain is a painter. He b) Joaquim/baker/Lisbon going to Paris. Alain is a painter. He is coming from Paris. ©) Leila/ttalian/Rome, i) Frangois/FrenchyParis. c) € muito fécil gastar dinheiro. Escreva em inglés 5. Treine seu vocabulério, resolvendo a cruzadinha: a) As coisas estao muito caras, ganhar, francés conseguir coises} — | an b) E dificil ganhar dinheiro. fausent italiano }— gaster | hoje ) Nés devemos economizar dinheiro. What soberness conceals, drunkeness reveals. (0 que a sobredade disfarca, 0 bebedeira revel.) 43 Winter is a cold season. Autumn (or fall) is the season of fruit. In autumn the leaves fall from the trees. SEASONS MONTHS ‘There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, There are twelve months in a year. autumn and winter. The names of the months are not difficult. Spring is the season of flowers. The number of the days in every month is not the In summer it is hot. We go to the beach. same. For example: There are 31 days in January, 28 Autumn is the season of fruit. The wind blows and | or 29 in February, 30 in April and so on. the leaves fall from the trees. There are ten months in a school year. January and Winter is a cold season. It snows, July are vacation months. Boys and girls spend these months in vacation places, MONTHS. slim, ORDINAL NUMBERS = - There are twelve months in a year: 1° ~ first January 22 - second February 3 - third Match 4 ~ fourth April 5* - fifth May 68 ~ sixth June 7° - seventh July 8 - eighth August 9° - ninth September 10° - tenth October November December (Hate pe aes Far Hp 44 Tt is love that makes the world go round (€ 0 amor que foz 0 mundo gira) What day is today? Today is Friday. Are you sure? + Yes, yesterday was Thursday. Today is Friday, December seventh. My birthday! Alice: Congratulations and my best wishes! Nas datas, o inglés usa uma ordem diferente da do portugues para os dias e os meses. Observe: Diana was born on July 7, 1972. Diana was born on July seventh, nineteen seventy-two. Diana nasceu no dia 7 de julho de 1972. Porém, quando 0 ano for omitido, escreve-se o dia em ordinal. John was born on January 7th. He was born on January seventh. Ele nasceu no dia sete de janeiro. En 1. A maneira de se ler os anos € a seguinte: Iéem-se primeiramente os dois algarismos iniciais e depois os dois ltimos: 1982: nineteen eighty-two. 2. Cabecalho de cartas: normalmente, adota-se a seguinte ordem em inglés: Sao Paulo, January 17th, 1982. S20 Paulo, seventeenth January, Sa0 Paulo, 17 de janeiro de 1982 teen eighty-two. 3. Os dias da semana escrevem-se com inicial maitiscula, AB DAYS OF THE WEEK There are seven days in a week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1. Responda as perguntas: al What day is today? (Monday) Today is Monday. b) What day is today? (Tuesday) MORE ORDINAL NUMBERS 118 — eleventh 19° — nineteenth 12° — twelfth 20° — twentieth — thirteenth 218 — twenty-first 14° — fourteenth 228 — twenty-second fifteenth 238 — twenty-third 16° — sixteenth 302 — thirtieth 17% — seventeenth ° 40° — fortieth 18% — eighteenth 50° — fiftieth ACTIVITIES 3. Faca frases, seguindo a ordem dos dias da se- mana ¢ do més. Observe a modelo: a) Today is Sunday, May first. b) Today is Monday, May second. a c} What day is today? (Wednesday) d) ) What day is today? (Thursday) * f) 2) What day is today? (Friday) 9) f) What day is today? (Saturday) 9) What day is today? (Sunday) 2. Complete as frases. Observe 0 modelo a) Today is Sunday. Yesterday was Saturday. b) Today is Monday. Yesterday was Sunday. ©) Today is Tuesday. 4d) Today is Wednesday. ©) Today is Thursday. 4) Today is Friday. 9) Today is Saturday. 4. Escreva os anos por extenso: a) 1942: Nineteen forty-two b) 1965: ©) 1974: d} 1981 5. Responda as perguntas. Observe o modelo a} When were you born? (7/5/72) | was born on May 7, 1972. b) When were you born? (10/8/1960) c) When were you born? (9/72/1968) 4) When were you born? (22/11/1975) e) When were you born? (4/1/76) 2) When were you bom? (5/7/87) 47 Pode indicar posicao dentro de uma érea: ‘The ball is in the box. (A bola esté dentro da caixa.) Pode também ser usado para indicar um espago de tempo delimitado: | must finish my exercise in five minutes (Eu preciso terminar meu exercicio em 5 minutos.) On Pode indicar posigao de contato com uma super ‘The book is on the table. (O livro esta sobre a mesa.) & também usado em expressoes idiométicas como: Go on! (Continue!) Put on your hat. (Coloque seu chapéu.) Turn on the right. (Vire a direita.) Siga o modelo, escrevendo as preposigdes on, in, at de acordo com as frases: a) | was born in 1964, b) | was born —_____ May. ©) | was born a Sunday. d} | was born March 7th e} | was born 7 o'clock. 1) | was born Brazil 4g} | was born Salvador. hh} | was born Florida Street i) | was born 65 Florida Street. j) He goes to Rio ___ 1983, k) He goes to Rio a Monday, 1) He goes to Rio ____ January. m) He goes to Rio ___ January 4th, n) He goes to Rio ____ 7 o'clock. 49 ACTIVITIES Turn on the left. (Vire & esquerda.) Turn on the light. (Acenda a luz.) At Pode indicar presenca ou proximidade: He is at school. (Ele esta na escola.) He is at the door. (Fle esta a porta.) E usado também em expresses como: at first: primeiramente at last: finalmente at the end: no fim at full speed: a toda velocidade at once: imediatamente at least: pelo menos at present: atualmente at home: em casa (in the house) Preencha os espagos com as preposigées in, on, at a) My birthday is ___ June 2nd. b) The lesson starts —— 10. 7 o'clock and ends ©) He lives 44 Sun Street but works Madison Avenue. Gl The Independence Day of Brazil is ___ September 7th, 2] The Independence Day of the United States is —_ July 4th. fl 1 get up six and go to work seven, g] We go to school Mondays, hj | go to the movies Sundays. i} We have breakfast 7, lunch 12 and dinner 8 o'clock 27 ®unning after the hats STOR, JIM! OUR HATS! THE WIND IS TAKING AWAY OUR HATS! BOB AND JIM. RUN AFTER THEIR HATS, POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES my — meu, minha, meus, minhas your — seu, sua, teu, tua, seus, suas, teus, tuas his — dele, seu, sua, seus, suas her — dela, seu, sua, seus, suas its — dele, dela (neutro) our © — nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas your — seu, sua, vosso, vossa, seus, suas, vos- E ae Gaal, (Os adjetivos possessivos his € her variam de thei dit eis acordo com 0 possuidor e no com a coisa pos- 3 suida. His name is Paul. Peter has a car. His car is red. His refere-se a uma pessoa do sexo masculino, (Pedro tem um carro, Seu carro € vermelho.) Mary has a car. Her car is blue. Hes name:is Many (Maria tem um carro, Seu carro ¢ azul.) Her refere-se a uma pessoa do sexo feminino. 50 Escreva his ou her: a) Jane has a car. Her car is blue. b) Paul has a bike. bike is red. ©) Fred has @ house. house is new. d) Meg has a ball ball is yellow. @) Lucy has a book. book is interesting, Preencha os espacos com his ou her: a) Mary is studying her lesson. b) John is studying lesson. ©) Betty is reading magazine, d) Jeff is reading newspaper. ©) Meg is dancing with friend. f) Fred is dancing with friend g) Albert is driving car. h) Monica is driving car. i) Sho is writing name. i) He is writing name. kK } name is George name is Patricia Escreva as frases no plural: a) His book is on the table. Their books are on the table, b) Her pencil is in the bag. in the bag ©) He is playing with his friend. playing with d) She is writing to her friend. ACTIVITIES 4. Complete as frases usando o adjetivo it 0 adjetivo possessivo its refere-se a uma coisa ou a um animal a) This is a giraffe. (neck — long) Its neck is long. b) This is a ball (color — red} ©) This is a pig. (legs — short) 4d) This is a donkey. (ears — long) ©) This is monkey. (ears — short) Escreva no plural a) My blouse is red. Our blouses are red. ) This is my house. ©) My car is clean. 4) Open your book. e) Write your name. 4) That is his friend, 9) His hat is blue. 51 1. Siga 0 modelo: a) Whose car is this? (Peter) It's Peter's. b} Whose pen is this? les Wohn). c) Whose skirt is this? It's (Monica). d) Whose shirt is that? It’s (Charles). e) Whose tie is that? Its (Mr. Clark). f) Whose blouse is that? fe ae ) Whose books are these? They are ___ (Elvis) h} Whose pencils are these? They are (Ann). 2, Responda conforme o modelo: a) My hair is black, and yours? (blond line is blond, b) His eyes are brown, and hers? (blue) Hers are blue. ©) His nails are white, and hers? (red) d) Your house is old, and theirs? (new) @) His hands are dirty, and hers? (clean) #} Her father is tall, and his? (short) Transforme as frases como no modelo: a) Jane has a purse, It’s Jane's purse. bj Peter has @ watch. ACTIVITIES a > d) Davis and Bob have @ motorbike. @} My old grandmother has a flat. Faga como no modelo: a) This dress belongs to Mary. It's Mary's dress. b} This skirt belongs to Betty. c} This hat belongs to John. 4) This shirt belongs to Davis. Escreva em inglés: a) Estes quadros pertencem & minha mae. b) De quem sao estes quadros? Traduza: a) Those books are Mary and Jane's. bj Are these things theirs? ©} Is this car Paul's? ¢) Charles has a car. di These pencils are mine. 56 ACTIVITIES 1. Escreva no plural 2. Traduza: a) This lady is my friend, a} There are many peoples in the world. b) Take the key. b) Are those beaches dirty? } | am visiting a wonderful beach. ¢) Are their parents young or old? d} She likes to see his photo. 3. Escreva em inglés: e} | am visiting an important city with my child, 8) As praias esto limpas. b) Quem sé0 aquelas senhoras? #) The new watch is in the box. 4. Resolva a cruzadinha: @) There is a tomato in the refrigerator. ral, pas cinzas onibus (pl) ‘copos}-— fh) Is there a potato in the cupboard? igrejas || caixas | i) This lady likes to play the piano. —— rinquedos ZO, Richard's farm Richard bought a large farm last year. He paid a lot of money for it. And now he is showing his farm to a friend that came from the city. ‘There are many animals on Richard's farm such as horses, cows, oxen, pigs, geese, many sheep, etc. There are two lakes near the house with many fish. There are also many kinds of fruit in the orchard. ‘Men and women work daily on the farm and do all sorts of jobs. 58 ACTIVITIES 1. Escreva no plural: 2. Escreva no plural a) A white tooth. a) There was a goose in the lake. White teeth There were geese in the lakes. «ph Abie inat b) There was a mouse in the old house, YQ. oe Hoang WIL VOIeD 1 ©) Affttle tooth 4d) A little foot. Wrote live @) A wild wale Lo on, 4). A white goose. YOR O. g) An old ox. * hy A green leat OF gee MOK i) Ahappy child cron 27 Traveling Tam preparing for a trip. Tam not taking many things because I am going to travel by plane and there are some weight restrictions. Last year I visited London and Paris. I stayed three days in Paris and four in London. I liked both cities very much. It was a wonderful trip but very short. dns Ade, Snows c) There was an ox in the field. TUE WH ON OH Tg d) There was a man in the room. Way das ern yo Pat xOOrn 3. Resolva a cruzadinha: povos 4 ovethats) abe Z muheres Co pois paRaTS Tradugao 60 PAST TENSE OF REGULAR VERBS‘ 1 2. BDU an Wap srw ae 4 Ju) dot. ro BORL do an aenfione, d) We play football Yn the afternoon, 0 vo, sal Or pe sorte OSGeo 2} They\ive ofa farm, = in ‘ \ ITT 1. Os verbos regulares, em inglés, possuem uma nica terminagao para o passado: ed. Observe: I visited (Eu visitei, visitava) You visited (Vocé visitou, visitava) He visited (Ele visitou, visitava) She visited (Ela visitou, visitava) We visited (Nés visitamos, visitévamos) You visited (Vocés visitaram, visitavam) They visited (Eles visitaram, visitavam) 2. 0s verbos terminados em e, no infnitivo, acrescentam apenf a) no passado. Exemplo: to dance — I danced (Eu dancei, dancava), you dangéd... 3. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante formam o passado mudando o y por ied. Exemplo: to study — I studied (Eu estudei, estudava), you studied... ACTIVITIES Escreva 0 passado dos seguintes verbos: | 4} The boys plant many trees. a 7 an Or, a) to answer: answered Boa Wwoyrs gorTTOr ‘ ids ook CONDO 3. Complete a <¥uzadinha com 0 passado destes verbos: ot to cross: CL OrOra0 Ch 7 1.10 paint 6. to march 11. to dance di to dence: af Vota 8 ae 2.t0 walk 7.10 ogok, 12. 108 6) to pain: OTC, 3.10 observe 8. to Watch 13. 10 like cH ae Nita pee OMS 4, to. work 9.10 dose 14. to love duno 5. to call 10. to answer fh to listen: OOS 9 10 fe] (a Tor iL] fu l Ss DEBE Escreva as frases no passado: a} John works in an office, John worked in an office, b) I study in the morning. 2a] C4 fe TR S 8 ©) | wash my face in the morning, ole 1 joy L| Let ie p ac. f) The girls cleen the house, sonic ks Sy 61 28, Nesterday and today When I was a boy I went to school in a little village near my house. There I learnt to read and to write. My teachers were very good but I forgot their names. | finished my studies two years ago. Now I work in a big bank. I work 8 hours a day. Every morning at 7 o'clock I go to work by car. Tradugao Tredugao Sao verbos irregulares aqueles que nao tém o passado terminado em ed: Verb to go — Past tense I went (eu fui, eu ia) Ee You went (tu foste, tu ias, vocé foi, vocé ia) He went (ele foi, ele ia) She went (ela foi, ela ia) We went (nés fomos, nés iamos) You went (vocés foram, vocés iam) They went (eles ou elas foram ou iam) © past tense corresponde, em portugués, aos pretéritos perfeito e imperfeito do indicativo. ‘Como os verbos irregulares so muito freqtien- tes no uso diario, é necessario aprendé-los de cor. Veja a lista dos verbos irregulares & pagina 133. 29 Dialogue Waiter! Please! Yes! What do you want to eat? We want fish and rice. Oh! No! The children like chicken and fried potatoes. Father: Well. Bring chicken and fried potatoes for three and fish for me. Waiter: What do you want to drink? Father: Beer. Bring me beer. Children: Beer?! We prefer lemonade. Father: — Well. Bring beer for two and lemonade for the children. Waiter: Ok. USE OF DO AND DOES Com verbos nao-auxiliares, usa-se 0 auxiliar to do na interrogativa Exemplos: 1. You love me. Do you love me? 2. You speak Portuguese. Do you speak Portuguese? 3. He comes from Brazil Does he come from Brazil? 4, She speaks English. Does she speak English? Observe 0 emprego de do ¢ does Do 1 — dance well? Do you dance well? Does he dance well? Does she dance well? Do we dance well? Do you dance well ‘The only people who do not make mistakes are those who do nothing. Do they dance well? (As dnicas pessoas que nao cometem erros sd0 aquelas que nada fazer.) 64 SO. Ina restaurant NEGATIVE FORM _ Do not put new wine in old bottles. GOITER Waa) (080 Pon vnko novo en graf aos NOLIDONT, RO YOI, My DAUGeER? aa Fish ves 100 8 Mf MOTHER DOESNT URE 1, Emprego de don’t ou do not: Emprega-se don’t ou do not em frases negativas, no presente, com os pronomes I, you, we, they. You don't like coffee. They don't like coffee. I don't agree with you. Voce nao gosta de café. Eles ndo gostam de café. Eu no concordo com voce. We don’t agree with you. Nés no concordamos com vocé. 2. Emprego de doesn’t ou does not: Emprega-se doesn't ou does not em frases negativas, no presente, com os prono- mes he, she, it. He doesn’t like milk. She doesn’t like milk. It doesn’t bark. Esquema da forma interrogativa com verbos ndo- auxiliares (no presente): Verbo auxiliar Pronome os you — Do | | | Does | Ele ndo gosta de leite. Ela nao gosta de leite. Ele nao late. EEE Do substitui o verbo da pergunta: Do you want some fish? Yes, | do. Esquema da forma negativa com verbos nao-auxi- liares (no presente): Verbo auxiliar Verbo no infinitivo Verbo no Pronome infinitive I | You = | 0? We | do not You =| don't —— They | He work? She It 66 i REVIEW Assinale a alternative que preenche a lacuna de frase corretamente: The mayor it difficult to refuse. al find (4) found (>) finding De) to find ) founded Complete as freses utilizando o simple present ou o simple past a) The teacher (to finish) the class 30 minutes ago. b) Cathy ay. (to go) dancing every ©) She (to come) to schoo! by car every day. d) The game (to start) at 10 o'clock and (to end) after midnight yesterday. e) She usually before going to bed. (to take) a shower Assinale a alternativa que responde corretamen- te a pergunta: Do you want some ice cream? a) Last night. ] 4) It is not black. ) In my pocket. e} No, thank you. ©} Last Sunday. Preenche as oragdes a seguir com do, does, don’t ou doesn’t: al Joanne believe in ghosts b)____ Peter still like to read about Psychology? ©) Some gases contribute to air pollution, 68 a a computer help people's jobs? e) My car work very well f) What 2 good protessional have to do? Nesta questéo uma certa situagao € sugerida Assinale @ alternativa mais adequada para 2 s- tuagéo. — Do you still have tickets to Londrina? — Yes, we do. — Wen does the next bus leave? (Cai Rs 35,00 b) Seats 21 and 22 ©) Only aisle seats 4d) From gate 5 e) In twenty minutes Coloque os verbos entre parénteses no passado simples: a) Yesterday | (study) a lot for my tests b) |_____ travel) to the USA in 1991 ¢) |______ (live) in $80 Paulo from 1980 to 1986, d) My friend (work) at schoo’ from 1987 to 1994. e) My cousin (stop) smoking three years ago. f) t____ rain) all day long yesterday 57 Athiet AUXILIARY DID __ Forma interrogativa no passado Did you steal her purse? ~ YF Vocé roubou a bolsa dela? Para se fazer uma pergunta em inglés, no passado, com verbos nao-auxiliares, usa-se a forma verbal did. (Nesse caso, did no tem traducao. £ simplesmente um indicador de que a pergunta esta sendo feita no pasado.) Observe o esquema de perguntas no passado: Verbo auxiliar Sujeito—_—Verbo no infinitive (sem traducéo) WW v Did you go? Voce foi? Did she close the door? Ela fechou a porta? MORE IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle as ns ~ to buy bought bought (comprar) to steal stole stolen (roubar) to catch caught caught (pegar) to give gave given (dar) to sell sold sold (vender) to fall fell fallen (cair) to feel felt felt (sentir) to send sent sent (enviar) to read read read (ler) to write wrote written (escrever) to shut shut shut (fechar) to cost cost cost (custar) to cut cut cut (cortar) to have had had (ter) to begin began begun (comecar) to know knew known (conhecer) to bring brought brought (trazer) to build built built (construir) to choose chose chosen (escother) to drive drove driven (dirigir) 69 ACTIVITIES Preancha a cruzada com os verbos no tempo pasado’ 1. to send 6. to speak 2. to see 7. to drink 3. to read 8. to have 4, to catch 9. to shut 5, to find 10. to be (singular) 6 Escreva as frases na forma interrogativa: a) The boys played football yesterday. Did the boys play football yesterday? b) They worked in a big factory. they in a big factory? ¢} The girls studied their lesson. the girls their lesson? 4) Mary cleaned her house. Mary her house? @} You helped your friends. i) The boys took their books. i) She went to school. ki They came by bus. The boy found the coin. m) You saw Jane yesterday. 1n) She drank much wine. 0} The guide spoke in French, p} She wrote a long letter. 4) Bob sold his car. f} They invited you to the party. 1) The class began at 7 g) The people caught the thief. 8) They brought their children. h) The thief stole her purse. 1) Many leaves fell from the trees. 70 ACTIVITIES Observe 0 modelo © escreva as frases na forma negativa: a} Your mother called you. Your mother did not call you. Your mother didn’t call you. b) The guide showed the way. ©) They liked to play tennis. d) We lived on a farm, e} The maid cleaned the house. f] The thief stole my money. he tH id not steal my money. The thief didn’t steal my money. 9g) My mother bought many presents. h) They got up at 7 |) They sold their house, i) They found the key, k) She slept until 10, 1) The cat caught the bird. m) It cost 10 dollars. n) She cut her finger. 0) Gordon ate yesterday. p) She wrote her name in ink q) We had much time, r) The teacher spoke in English. 8) The baby drank all the milk. 1) My friend came yesterday. 72 ACTIVITIES 1. Escreva no futuro: 3. Escreva na forme interrogativa a} He — be — in Sé0 Paulo tomorrow: a) Paul will be in S80 Paulo. | He will be in Sao Paulo tomorrow. | Paul be in Sao Paulo? b) | — be — in the second grade next year. b) You will be in the second grade next y ©) She — be — angry with me. ©) She will be angry with me. d) Mr. Green — be — my teacher next year. d) She will wait for you @) John will pay his bill Passe para o futuro: i cheno — Inv cloths 4) Jane and Ted will come late, I will change my clothes, bb} | — go — to the chemist’s 4) He will take @ taxi will go to the chemi: ) He — get — some aspirins. 4. Escreva na forma negativa 2) He will be in S80 Paulo. ) She — come — late, He will not (won't) be in Sao Paulo. b) She will be angry with you e) She — wait — for you. ©) We will be there next week 4) John — pay — his bills on Friday. d) She will weit for you 9} It — cost — five dollars 2) | will take a taxi hh — take — the purse to her. ) Bob and Jim will come late. Smile! i) We — go shopping — with you. }) |— meet — my friends at the beach tomorrow. k) | — take — a taxi 714 54. What would you... (sass2m%, ara (Sets resptasan CONDITIONAL TENSE ~ WOULD + INFINITIVE Affirmative form Contracted form Interrogative form wa w wa I would buy (eu compraria) Td buy Would I buy? You would buy You'd buy Would you buy? He would buy He'd buy Would he buy? She would buy She'd buy Would she buy? We would buy We'd buy Would we buy? You would buy You'd buy Would you buy? They would buy Theyd buy Would they buy? Negative form > I would not buy I wouldn’t buy Wouldn't I buy? You would not buy You wouldn't buy Wouldn't you buy? He would not buy He wouldn't buy Wouldn't he buy? She would not buy She woutdn’t buy Wouldn't she buy? We would not buy We wouldn’t buy Wouldn't we buy? You would not buy You wouldn’t buy Wouldn't you buy? They would not buy They wouldn't buy Wouldn't they buy? Cm 1. Conditional tense — futuro do pretérito Com a conjuncao if (se), havendo verbo na for- l would buy a big truck. ma do presente simples, 0 outro verbo tera a (Eu compraria um grande caminhao.) format do,futura: do. arese Dis Para se transformar um verbo em futuro do +1 it were necessary the firm would install pretérito, basta antepor ao infinitivo 0 auxiliar computer. would. (Ge fosse necessério, a firma instalaria um com- O inglés britanico usa should para as primei- putador.) ras pessoas (I, we). The firm would install 2 computer if it were necessary. 2, Emprego da conjuncao “if” (A firma instalaria um computador se fosse ne- # If it is necessary the firm will install a cessirio.) computer. (Se for necessério, a firma insta- lara um computador.) The firm will install a computer if it is necessary. (A firma Com a conjuncao if (se), havendo verbo na for ma do passado, 0 outro verbo teré a forma do futuro do pretérito. stalaré um computador se for *Obs. — Com a conjuncao if usa-se were em to- das as pessoas verbais. 75 ACTIVITIES 1. Siga o modelo: a) | — buy — a car — had — money. I would buy a car if | had money. b} You — buy — a house — had — money, c) We — buy — a truck — had — money. 2. Esoreva na forme negatives SSS a} | would buy a car. I would not buy a ca | wouldn't buy a car. b) She would take @ texi ¢) They would go with you 3. Mude para a interrogativa a) They would install a computer. Would they install a computer? b) Jane would read that book 55. With friends Yesterday Bob took Jane to a party. When they arrived at the party Bob left Jane with some friends and went out for a few minutes. When he came back he didn’t see her any more. — Where is Jane?, he asked one of his friends. — Let me see... I can’t see her... Look! She is there, At the corner. — Who is dancing with her? — It’s Jeff, my friend, — Stay here. I will meet them, Tomorrow will be another day. (Amon serd um outro aio ©) She would leave tomorrow. Complete com will ou would: 2) If John gets a risa in salary he will buy a ne car. b) If John got a rise in salary he would buy = new car. ) If my mother permits 1 return la d) If the prices were high | not eat in that restaurant, eI ot eat in that restaurant if the Prices are high. #) If | had money | pay the bill 9) He pay his bill if he had money h) They had good players. i} You 5. Escreva em inglés: a) Eu pagaria a conta se eu tivesse dinheiro, be the champions if they marry Betty if she loved you. b) Se eu tiver tempo eu irei Tradugao 76 Substitua os nomes pelos pronomes sujeitos a) Alice lives in Salvador. ‘She lives in Salvador. b) Robert is a tourist guide. ©) Give the camera to me. #} | like Mary very much. ene 4. Use 0 pronome correto: ©) Salvador is @ beautiful city. a) Come with I me 4) Jane and I live in Sao Paulo. Le o b) She is playing tennis with @) At noon the tourists stop for lunch. { Ihe { (him ©) What can | do for ? Substitua as palavres em negrito por um prono- ( )he { byou me obliquo: 5. Sige o modelo: a) | bought this wateh for you. a) My cousin shows them the beaches. I bought it for you. My cousin shows the beaches to them. b) | know the lesson very well b) He sent me a letter c) We visited Mary yesterday. ) She gave me a present. d} | saw John last week a) | offered him some money. REVIEW Treduza: Patricia is John’s daughter. She went to London in 1995. When she arrived there her English was very poor. While she was in England she spoke English all the time. As a result she learned it Now she speaks English very well. 78 Responde, de acordo com o texto: a) Who is Patricia? b) Where did she go to? (\) She went to London, (_) She is going to London. 1 ACTIVITIES Preencha @ cruzada com 0 tempo passado dos verbos: to build (construir) to begin (comecar) to say (dizer) 10 lose (perder) to teach (ensinar} 10 leave (partir, sair) to hear (escutar} to put (por) 9. to run (correr) 10. to make fazer) 11. to lend (emprestar) 12. to fall (coir) 13. to learn (aprender} 14, to understand (compreender) 15. to think (pensar) 16. to pay (pagar) 17. to bring itrazer) " 18. to have (ter) SN OgeeNS 19. to spend (pasar) 20. to drive (dirigir) 21. to meet (encontrar) Esoreva as frases nas formas interrogativa @ ne- gativa: a) She drives well Does she drive well? She doesn’t drive w b) John saw her yesterday, Did John see her yesterday? John didn’t see her yesterday. ©) She began to work at 7. 9) They spent much money in horse races. h) She left for Rio last night. i) Bob tells lies, 4d) She brought her brother. j) He lost his wallet. ©) They paid the bill k) You understand English. f) She sat near George. She got @ good job. 91 Friends {female bmg AE me, Hi, Jane. Hi, Mary. What day was yesterday? ‘Yesterday was Monday. Did you go to school? ‘Yes, I went to school but I didn’t see you there. I wasn’t at school. I went to the doctor's. My mother wasn’t well. LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS: INFINITIVE - SIMPLE PAST — PAST PARTICIPLE 1. to buy — bought — bought (comprar) 14, to pay — paid — paid (pagar) 2. to catch — caught — caught (pegar) 15. to say — said © — said (dizer) 3. tocome — came — come (vir) 16. to see — saw — seen (ver) 4. tocut — cut — cut (cortar) 17. to sell — sold — sold (vender) 5. to do — did — done (fazer) 18. to send — sent — sent (enviar) 6. to drink — drank = — drunk (beber) 19. to sleep — slept — slept (dormir) 7. toeat — ate — eaten (comer) 20. to speak — spoke — spoken (falar) 8. to find — found — found (encontrar) 21. to steal — stole — stolen (roubar) 9. to give — gave — given (dar) 22. to swim — swam — swum (nadar) 10. to know — knew — known (conhecer) 23. to take — took — taken (pegar) 11, to make — made — made (fazer) 24, to think — thought — thought (pensar) 12, to run — ran — run (correr) 25. to win — won — won (ganhar, vencer) 13. to read — read — read (ler) 26. to write — wrote — written (escrever) ACTIVITIES 1. Faca a pergunta ¢ responds. Observe o modelo: | 2. Faca as perguntas e responda de acordo com 0 a) (school) Did you go to school? — ee eae eee a) (school) Did you go to school? No, I didn’t go to school. by (park) ») (park) No, ? ©) (movies) c) (movies) d) (doctor‘s} 4d) (doctor's) e} (beach) e) (beach) 92 3. Observe o modelo e faga o mesmo: d] Does Miss Carol sing well? a (school) | went to school but | didn’t see you there I (park) €] Do you pay the bill? ¢} (movies) Responda negativamente 2] Did you understand the lesson? 4d} (doctor's reer No, I didn’t. | didn’t understand the lesson. e} (beach) Did you spend your vacation in Rio? 4, Observe © modelo, faca as perguntas e res- ponda €] Did you pay the bill? al (eggs) What did you eat yesterday? | ate eggs. 4) Did you lose your keys? by) (cheese) @) Did she know your father? ©) ham) Mude para a forma negativa: dl (rice and beans) a) | know the president. | don’t know the president. ) He drives well ) (beet) ¢) She forgot your name. 5. Responda negativamente: een ee a) Do you run fast? No, | don't. I don’t run fast. b) Does Mr. Green teach English? No, he doesn't. He doesn’t teach English. €) Do you sit on this chair? @) | spent two days in Rio. #) She keeps the house in order. 9) Saioko understands Japanese. 93 THIS IS AN AMERICAN SINGER, ISN'T HE? YES, THIS IS A FAMOUS ROCKN ROLL SINGER: ELVIS PRESLEY. If you want a thing done well, do it yourself. (Se quiser uma coisa bemfeite,foca-a vocé mesmo. IVES, EVERYBODY KNOWS THEM] THEY ARE STAN LAUREL AND. OLIVER HARDY, QUESTION TAG - WITH AUXILIARY VERBS Tag 6 uma pergunta curta e répida no final de uma frase para se pedir uma confirma- gfo do que se disse antes, parte afirmativa final negativo ww wa He is a singer, isn't he? 1 parte negativa final afirmativo _— = He isn't a singer, is he? Observe outros exemplos: It is hot today, isn’t it? She was here, wasn’t she? Paul is a good boy, isn’t he? They were friends, weren't they? Mary has a car, hasn’t she? She can’t run, can she? You can help him, can’t you? They can work, can’t they? They could work, couldn't they? (Ele @ um cantor, nao 6?) (Ele ndo € um cantor, 62) 1am a good singer, aren't 7 Na primeira pessoa, na forma negativa, usa-se aren't 12 94 Keep company with the wises and you will become wise. {Conserve « companhia dos sébios 2 vord se tornard um sdb.) Folk dance in Rio Grande do Sul, Bi —If you have money... you will visit Brazilian cities, won’t you? — If you have time you will get to know Brazilian folklore, won’t you? — If you go to a ball you will dance, won’t you? —If you had a girl friend you would give her a present, wouldn’t you? QUESTION TAG - FUTURE AND CONDITIONAL a + parte afirmativa _ final negativo —_— wa You will go, won't you? —(Vocé ira, no ira?) She would come, wouldn't she? (Ela viria, nao viria?) + parte negativa _ final. afirmativo ~~ ww He won't come on time, will he?_-—(Ele no viré a tempo, vird?) He wouldn’t go, would he? (Ele nao ria, iria?) Observe outros exemplos: They will come next year, won't they? You would buy this house, wouldn't you? 96 ACTIVITIES Complete com tags {futuro e condicional): 2. The children were entertained by the clown, 2) They will come tomorrow, won't they? —_____? b) They would come tomorrow, wouldn't they? 3, He was innocent, ) He will work in a factory, won't he? 4, The bus stops at that corner, —_? ) He would work in a factory, 5, You didn't call the doctor, ___? @) You will go next month, 6. We aren't disturbing you, —_? 4) John won't show the photos, 7. The store is managed very well, 9) Mary would tell 2 lie, 8, The water wasn’t boiling, —__? Gt You will lve tn. Par, 9. The newspapers didn’t describe the crisis, i) She would need money, ——______ 2 J They would read the book, 10. I's difficult to tell someone bad news, ? KI She will not merry you, : 11. It's annoying to wait a long time for a bus, Assinale as respostas certas na loteria ¢ comple- a te as frases: ee 1, Jim invited Clara to his graduation dance, 12. He writes short stories, —______? ? 13, The girls aren't ready, —__? LOTTERY — TAGS 1 x 2 1. did he didn't he didn't she 2. |_ weren't they were they wes he 3. L_was he wasn’t he was she 4 | doesn't it does it does he 5. didn’t you do you did you 6. are we aren't we are you a isn’t it is he isn't he 8. was it wasn’t it was he 9. did it did they | does he 10. is it is he | isnt it 1. isn't he isn't it [Lisit 12. does it doesn't he | does he 13. are they is she aren't they 97 Juliet is in the house. Juliet is inside the house. Romeo is out of the house. Romeo is outside the house. Mary is going to cross the street. She lives across the street Juliet is at the window. Romeo is at the door. There is a picture of a boy at the top of the page. There is a picture of a tree at the bottom of the 2 eee. ogee toe Some birds are flying over the trees. Some birds are flying above the trees. ‘The boys are playing behind the house. ‘There are cows under the trees. The girls are playing in front of the house. ‘There are cows below the trees. 98 Responda as perguntas abaixo, seguindo 0 mo- ) Why are you so happy? My team is winning dolo: the game a) Why are you running? | am late. 1am running because | am late. bi Why is the boy crying? He is hungry. @) Why is the boy going to get the book? He wants to read it. ¢) Why are you taking your umbrella? It is raining, REVIEW Leia em voz alte e treduza. Evelyn, a beautiful girl, is twenty years old. She is a secretary and works in a big office near the station downtown. Evelyn has many good friends. Now she is going to the office with a friend. They are talking about many things: job, business, sports, studies, ete. ‘They live near their office and reach it in seven minutes. Escreva no imperative negativo: d) They dance well 2) Smoke here. — 4. Veja a figura © responda: b) Open the window. ) Shut the door. i Speak aloud a) What is he doing? 3. Mude para o presente continuo: a) She drinks water. yy L b} | go to school c) He teaches English. pi b} What is she doing? 39 John is beside Mary. John is by Mary. John is near Mary. John is next to Mary. John is close to Mary. She is going up the stairs while he is going down. ACTIVITIES 1. Faga frases, empregando a preposigio at: a) John — home John is at home, b) The family — the table ©) They — the airport d) John — schoo! fe) She — live — 45 Main Street f) He — go to bed — midnight ) Read — the top of the page Reescreva as frases, empregando o anténimo das preposigdes destacedas: a) The submarine is above sea level. b) The boys are inside the house. } There is a tree in front of the house. d) She is going up the stairs. ¢) Read at the top of the page. ) There is a box under the chair. Substitua a preposigao destacada por outra siné- ima: a) The sky above our heads is blue. The sky over our heads is blue. b) Look at the kite ever the building. ©) There is @ boat passing below the bridge. 4) Jane is sitting beside Mary. 2) He is standing ahead of the house. 99 7 15, -going to catch some fish... Extremes are dangerous. (0s extremos 500 perigoscs) 1 am going to close the door. IMMEDIATE FUTURE He is going to read. Ele vai ler. 0 futuro imediato indica uma acao que vai ser vealizada imediatamente, logo ou num tempo préxi- mo. 0 futuro imediato formado de: am is => going ... are . infinitive (to read) IMMEDIATE FUTURE - Verb to read Tam going to read You are going to read He is going to read She is going to read We are going to read You are going to read They are going to read 32 am closing the door, PRESENT CONTINUOUS He is reading now. Ele esté lendo agora. O presente continuo indica uma acao que esta sendo realizada neste momento. O presente continuo € formado de: am geriindio (reading) PRESENT CONTINUOUS ~ Verb to read Tam reading You are reading He is reading She is reading We are reading You are reading They are reading 46, Prepositions The farmer planted many trees along the road. “Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare. I prefer to travel by plane. ‘The mouse is jumping into the box. ‘The mouse is jumping in the box. 101 ‘The man is walking through the field to reach the road -MONDay ee TUESDAY | WEDNES; Tuesday is after Monday. Tuesday is before Wednesday. Tuesday is between Monday and Wednesday. (Between: entee dois; among: entre muitos.) Icut my finger with a knife. Now it is jumping out of the box. ACTIVITIES ©) Do you like to travel by ship? 1. Use as preposigdes after e before, segundo 0 modelo: a) Sunday: Sunday comes after Saturday and before Monday. a eo d) Do you like to travel by plane? b) Monday: ? ¢) Tuesday: @) Do you like to travel by train d) Wednesday: 4. Traduza as frases: a) | will go by bus. @) Thursday: aFAeey b) This book was written by James Cooper. 9) Saturday: ) There are many trees along the road. 2. Empregue a preposicao between, de acordo oth 6 ea d) | can see @ camel walking through the desert a) Wanuary — February — March) February is between January and March. b) (April — May — June) eee e) Life is a fascinating adventure with or without money. ©) \Wuly — August — September) 5. Reescreva as frases, usando 0 anténimo des preposigées destacadas: 4d) (October — November — December) 2} The mouse is jumping Into the box. 3. Responde de acordo com 0 modelo: b) We went to the park before class. 2) Do you like to travel by car? Yes, | like to travel by car. b) Do you like to travel by bus? 102 ) He is waiting inside the car. ACTIVITIES Mude da voz ativa para a passiva, observando os tempos verbais: a} Many people saw the attack {to see - saw - seen) ‘The attack was seen by many people. b} She left the money in the drawer. {to leave ~ left — left! ©) The beaches were visited by the ladies. d) The leaves were eaten by the oxen. @) The cars were sold by Tom ¢} The cat drinks milk. (to drink — drank — drunk) d) The cat drank the milk, (to drink - drank - drunk) e) Mary did the work. (to do ~ did - done) f) The gardener plants flowers, (to plant ~ planted ~ planted) 4g} Graham Bell invented the telephone (to invent — invented — invented) h) Water covers a great part of the Earth. {to cover ~ covered ~ covered) i) The mother took the children to the park. (to take — took ~ taken) Escreva no futuro’ a) The work was done by Mary. The work will be done by Mary. b) The car was made in Brazil 111 Escolha a forma verbal que preenche correta- mente a lacuna a) The car was by him. (1 to sell ( ) sold b) The flowers will be by him, ( }t0 give ( ) given ©) The door will be by the carpenter, ( } to repair ( } repaired 4) These photos were by her. ( } to see ( } saw (seen e} The cheese was by the mice. () to eat {late { 1] eaten f) The leaves were by the cows. { ) to eat ( ) ate ( ) eaten 9) The glasses were by the children, ( } to break (broke ( ) broken GENERAL VOCABULARY A a um, uma ability: habilidade able: capaz about: sobre, a respeito de, aproximadamente above: acima de absent: ausente acceptable: aceitével accountant: contador accounting: contabilidade accuracy: preciséo accurate: cuidadoso accused: acusado achiever atingir, alcancar across: do outro lado activity: atividade ads aniincio add: acrescentar address: endereco adequate: adequado addict: viciado advantage: vantagem adventure: aventura advertisement: andncio, propaganda advertising: propaganda advice: conselho, aviso advise: avisar, aconselhar, informar a few minutes: uns poucos minutos affect: afetar afford: agilentar, suportar afraid: com medo after: depois de afternoon: tarde again: novamente, de novo against: contra age: idade ago: antes, atrais agree: concordar ahead: a frente aisle: ala, corredor aisle seat: assento do corredor alarm clock: despertador alive: vivo all: tudo, todo, toda, todos, todas all day long: o dia todo all over the world: em todo o mundo all right: tudo bem almost: quase alone: sozinho along: 20 longo de a lot: muito a lot of (lots of): uma porco de to already: jé also: também always: sempre am: sou, estou among: entre muitos amusing: divertido ancient: antigo and: € and so on: e assim por diante and that's why: e é por isso que angry: bravo, furioso annoyance: chateagzo, aborrecimento annoying: aborrecedor, aborrecendo another: outro answer: responder, resposta any: algum(a), nenhum(a), qualquer anymore: néo mais anyones alguém, ninguém, qualquer um(a) anything: qualquer coisa, nenhuma coisa anyway: de qualquer jeito, de qualquer forma anywhere: em qualquer lugar, em nenhum lugar appear: aparecer apple: maca apple tree: macieira applied: aplicado apply: aplicar, ditigir-se a 148 apply to: dirigir-se a are: do, esto are there: ha? armchair: cadeira de bracos armored cars: carros blindados, tanques blindados army: exército around: ao redor de arrive: chegar ast como, tao as many... as: tantos... quantos as soon as: logo que as usual: como de costume as well as: assim como ash: cinza ashtray: cinzeiro ask: perguntar, pedir asked: perguntou assignment: tarefa astonished: atdnito, pasmo, surpreso at: 8, no, na at all: absolutamente at home: em casa at least: pelo menos at noon: ao meio-dia at school: na escola at the bottom: no fundo at the top: no alto, em cima at the: no, na, nos, nas at this moment: neste momento at this time: neste momento attempt: tentativa attend: assistir, assessorar, acompanhar attorney: promotor August: agosto author: autor autograph: autégrafo automated: automatizado availability: disponibilidade available: disponivel avenue: avenida avoid: evitar away: longe careless: sem cuidado, descuidado carol: cancao de Natal case: caso, estojo cat: gato catch: pegar ‘caught (to catch): pegou, agarrou cause = because: porque cell célula century: século certain: certo certainly: certamente chair: cadeira challenge: desafiar, enfrentar, desafio chambermaid: camareira champion: campedo championship: campeonato change: mudanca, mudar, trocar, troco changing: troca, mudando chapter: capitulo cheat: colar (prova escolar) check: verificar cheek: bochecha cheese: queijo chemical: quimico chemistry: quimica chemist’s: farmacia chews mascar chicken: frango childs crianga, filho children: criancas, filhos choose: escolher church: igreja Christmas: Natal cigarette: cigarro citizen: cidadao citys cidade class: classe classmate: colega de classe clean: limpo, limpar lear: claro clearly: claramente clever: inteligente climb: subir clock: relégio close: fechar close to: junto 2, pegado a closing: desfecho clothes: roupas clothing: vestuério, roupa clown: pathaco coat: paleté coffee: café coin: moeda cold: frio colleague: colega collect: colecionar collegial: colegial colloquial: coloquial come: venha, vir come across: encontrar come back: voltar come in: entre, entrar comfortable: confortavel coming back: voltando coming out: saindo complaint: queixa, queixar compulsive: compulsivo concerning: concerente confident: confiante, seguro congratulate: congratular-se congratulations: parabéns conquer: conquistar contain: conter continue: continuar control: controlar cook: cozinheiro, cozinhar com: mitho comer: canto, esquina correct: correto, corrigir corresponding: correspondente cobrir could: podia, poderia, pode couldn't: ndo pode country: pafs, campo countryside: interior, zona rural course: curso court of justice: corte de justica cousin: primo ‘cow: vaca cowbird: chupim crack: quebra, fenda, racha crazy: louco crib: manjedoura, bergo crime: crime crisis: crise cross: cruzar, cruz 150 tar, chorar cue: sugestio, dica cup: xicara, copa cupboard: armario de cozinha cure: cura costume liente, fregués damage: danificar, estragar dance: dancar danger: perigo dangerous: perigoso dark: escuro, sombrio date: data daughter: filha day: dia day-dreamer: sonhador dead: morto dear: querido dearest: queridissimo death: morte deceive: decepcionar December: dezembro decide: decidir delivery: entrega delivery boy: menino que faz entregas, demand: demandar, pedir, exigir deprived: privado describe: descrever desert: deserto deserve: merecer desire: desejar despite: apesar develop: desenvolver development: desenvolvimento device: aparelho diamond: diamante i fez morrer difficult: dificil aplicado jantar dirty: sujo disappear: desaparecer disadvantage: desvantagem discovers descobrir discovery: descoberta discuss: discutir disease: doenca dishes: pratos, travessas dishwasher: maquina de lavar pratos districts bairro, distrito disturb: perturbar do: fazer do you mind?: vocé se importa? do your best: faca 0 melhor doctor's: consultério médico dog: cio doggone it: caramba! doing: fazendo don’t: nao done: feito donkey: burro door: porta down: para baixo downtown: centro da cidade draws desenhar drawer: gaveta drawing: desenho, desenhando drawn: desenhado dream: sonhar, sonho dress: vestido, vestir drink: beber drinking: bebendo, bebida drive: dirigir driver: motorista, condutor drown: afogar dust: poeira Ee each other: um 20 outro each: cada eager: vido eagerly: avidamente ear: ouvido, orelha early: cedo earn: ganhar earth: terra earthquake: terremoto east: leste Easter: Pascoa eastward: em direcdo ao leste easy: Facil eat: coma, comer eating: comendo, comida effort: esforco egg: ovo eighth: oitavo either: também empty: esvaziar, vazio encourage: encorajar end: fim, terminar endurance: resistncia enemy: inimigo engineer: engenheiro England: Inglaterra English: inglés enjoy: apreciar, desfrutar enjoyable: desfrutavel, aprecivel enough: bastante, suficiente enter: entre, entrar entertained: entretido environment: arredores, meio ambiente essay: redacdo even: até, mesmo even so: mesmo assim evening: noite ever: sempre ever 2 todos everywhere: em toda parte exactly: exatamente examination: exame ‘example: exemplo excite: excitar exclaim: exclamar excuse me: desculpe-me expect: esperar expensive: caro experiment: fazer experiéncias explain: explicar explanation: explicacéo eye: olho F fable: fabula face: face, encarar fact: fato factory: fébrica faculty: faculdade fade: murchar 151 fail: falhar fair: bonito, regular, médio, justo fall: cair fall asleep: adormecer paixonar-se farmer: fazendeiro fascinating: fescinante fashion: moda fast: répido faster: mais rapido fat: gordo father: pai fatter than: mais gordo que fear: medo fevereiro few: poucos fel fifty: cinglienta fight: lutar, combater, luta fill in: preencher fill up: encher filling: obturagio; enchendo Finalmente find: encontre, encontrar fine: bem, timo finger: dedo finish: terminar, acabar fire: fogo fireman: bombeiro firestation: corpo de bombeiro firm: firma first: primeiro first timet primeira vez fish: peixe, pescar fitness: forma fisica, aptidio five-day-week: semana de cinco dias flag: bandeira flash: brilho flat: apartamento; vazio floor: assoalho flower: flor fluency: fluéncia flush: dar descarga fly: voar flying: voando folklore: folclore follow: siga, seguir following: sequinte food: alimento foot: pé for: para, por, durante for ages: por épocas for ever: para sempre for example: por exemplo for me: para mim for us: para nés foreign: estrangeiro forest: floresta forget: esqueca, esquecer forgot: esqueceu forty: quarenta found: encontrou fourth: quarto (n# ordinal) fox: raposa free: livre, desocupado freedom: liberdade freeze: gelar French: francés Friday: sexta-feira fridge: geladeira fried: frito friend: amigo frog: 1 from: de from here: daqui front: frente fruit: fruta, frutas fuel: combustivel full: cheio fullfill: preencher fun: graca, diverséo function: Fungo funny: engracado furious: furioso furiously: furiosamente fuss: perturbar G game: jogo garden: jardim gardener: jardineiro gas: gasolina (acelerador) gas station: posto de gasolina gate: portdo gave (to give): deu geese: gansos gee!: arre!, puxa! general: geral generally: geralmente German: alemao Germany: Alemanha get: conseguir, alcancar, ter, comprar, chegar get hungry: Ficar com fome get in shape: ficar em forma get in touch: entrar em contato get money: conseguir dinheiro get off: sair get together: reunir get up: levante, levantar ghost: espirito, assombracdo, fantasma gift: presente girl: menina girlfriend: namorada give: dé, dar gym: gindstica, gindsio glad: contente, alegre po, vidro cola go: v8, ir go away: vé embora, ir embora go out: sair go jogging: correr, fazer cooper go shopping: ir fazer compras, go swimming: ir nadar goal: objetivo goods: mercadorias caramba gossipy: tagarela got: conseguiu got uy grab: pegar, agarrar fon: graduacao ave grandmother: avo 152 grapes: wvas grapevine: vinha grass: grama grassy: cheio de grama great: grande greater than: maior do que green: verde greeting: saudacéo, cumprimento grew up: cresceu grey (gray): cinzento group: grupo grow: crescer growing: crescendo, em expansio growth: crescimento guess: adivinhar guest: héspede guide: guia gum: chiclete, goma guy: rapaz had: teve, tinha Hague: Haia (cidade da Holanda) hair: cabelos half: metade, meio hall: entrada, ante-sala ham: presunto hand: mao; entregar handbag: pasta, mala handsome: simpatico, bonito happen: acontecer happy: feliz hard: duro, duramente harmful: prejudicial has: tem has just arrived: acabou de chegar hat: chapéu hate: odiar have: ter he: ele he'll remember: ele se lembraré head: cabeca headache: dor de cabeca heading: cabecalho health: sadde healthier: mais sadio, mais saudavel healthy: sadio hear: ouvir, escutar, escute latest: ltimas laugh: ria, rir laws lei lazy: preguigoso leaders lider leading exporter: lider exportador leafs folha learn: aprenda, aprender least: menos leave: deixar, partir, sair leaves: folhas left: esquerda, saiu, partiu, deixou esquerda lemonade: limonada lend: emprestar less: menos let's: vamos letter: carta, letra level: nivel Wiar: mentiroso library: biblioteca lie: mentira, mentir life: vida lifeboat: barco salva-vidas life insurance: seguro de vida lifeguard: guarda de seguranca, salva-vidas light: luz; leve lights on: luzes acesas likes gostar; como likely: provavel Lisbon: Lisboa listener: ouvinte listen to: ouvir, escutar little: pequeno, pouco liver viver, morar lives: vidas located: localizado locked: fechado a chave London: Londres tong: tongo look: othe, olhar, parecer look alike: parecer look for: procure, procurar lose: perder lost: perdido, perdeu lots oft porgao de loud: alto love: amor, amar low: baixo luck: sorte tunch: almogo lunch time: hora do almogo M machine: maquina made: feito, fez, fabricado madness: loucura magazine: revista matd: empregada mail: correio mailman: carteiro main: principal maintenance: manutencéo make: fazer, fabricar man: homem manage: dirigir, administrar management: administracao manger: mangedoura manner: maneira many: muitos march: marchar March: margo marmalade: marmelada, geléia de laranja marriage: casamento marry: casar marvelous: maravilhoso mathematics: matematica matter: assunto, matéria May: mato may: pode, poder maybe: talvez, pode ser mayor: prefeito meadow: campina meant significar, meio meaning: significado measure: medir measuring tape: fita métrica meat: carne medical: médico (adjetivo) medicine: remédio, medicina contre, encontrar meeting: encontro ‘men: homens mentioned: mencionado merchandise: mercadoria merry: alegre message: mensagem 154 met: encontrou method: método mice: ratos midday: meio-dia middle: meio midnight: meia-noite miles mitha mille: leite mind: importar, mente mine: meu miner: minerador mining: mineragio minute: minuto miss: senhorita mistaken: enganado mom = ma = mother: me segunda-feira month: mes more: mais morning: manha most: a maioria, mais mother: mae motorbike: moto mouse: rato move: mude, mudar movie: filme movies: cinema Mr. (Mister): senhor Mrs. (Mistress): senhora much: muito mud: lama must: precisa, precisar my: meu mystery: mistério nail: unha name: nome need: necessidade, precisar needed: necessério, requerido needle: agulha neighbor: vizinho "inho proud of: orgulhoso de proudly: orguthosamente purple: pérpura purse: bolsa puts coloque, colocar, por put on: vestir, apagar (Fogo) pyjamas: pijama Q quarrel: discutir quarter: quarto (de hora) queen: rainha question: pergunta quick: rapido quiet: quieto, calm quite: bem, muito, bastante rabbit: coelho race: cortida racer: corredor rain: chuva, chover reach: conseguir, alcancar read: Leia, ler reading: lendo, ready: pronto realize: perceber, realizar reason: raza0 rebel: rebelar-se receive: receber recognize: reconhecer record: disco recorder: gravador red: vermelho refrigerator: geladeira refuse: recusar reinforces reforcar relationship: relacao relax: relaxe, relaxar relieve: aliviar, diminuir remedy: remédio remember: lembrar remind: recordar repair: conserte, consertar repeatedly: repetidamente replace: repor reptied: replicou, respondeu reply: responder, resposta report card: boletim discurso indireto reported speech: require: requerer required: requerido requirement: requisito research: pesquisa researcher: pesquisador resignation: reniincia respect: respeitar rest: descanso, descansat, restante restriction: restricao result: resultado, resultar resume: resumo, curriculum vitae resupply: reabastecer retire: aposentar return: remetente, volta, voltar, retornar rib: costela rices arroz rich: rico richer: mais rico ride: montar ride on: apoiar-st sobre rights reto, certo, direito right away: imediatamente right hand: & cireita right now: imediatamente rights: direitos ting: tocar (sino, campainha); anel ripe: maduro rise: aumento, aumentar river: rio rivet: rebitar, rebite road: estrada, caminho rob: assaltar, roubar rocket: foguete rocket launcher: lancador de foguete room: quarto rose: rosa row: fila, remar royalty: realeza rubber: borracha rubbish: ix0, refugo ruler: régua, regra run: corra, corter tun after: correr atras rush: correr, correria rye: centeio ndar em ou 156 sadder: mais triste safe: cofte safe and sound: s30 ¢ salvo safety: seguranca said: disse sail: velejar sailing vessel: navio a vela salary: salério sale: venda salesman: vendedar same: mesmo sandwich: sanduiche sabado school year: ano letivo scientific: cientifico scramble: mexer (ovos) scrambled: mexido sea: mar seal: foca search: procura, busca season: estacao, tempo seats assento, banco seated: sentado second: segundo secretary: secretéria section: secio see: ver see you tomorrow: até amanha seem: parecer seen: visto seldom: raramente select: selecionar selfish: individualista self-protection: protecdo propria sell: vender send: enviar sender: remetente September: setembro serious: sério set: conjunto, aparelho seventeen: dezessete seventh: sétimo several: varios shame: vergonha share: dividir, compartithar sharp: agudo, pontudo, apontar shet ela she was in love: ela estava apaixonada ship: navio shirt: camisa shop: loja shop windows vitrine shopper: comprador short: curto, baixo shorthand: estenografia shot: matei, cacei should: deveria, devia shout: gritar show: mostrar shower: banho shriek: gritar sibling: irmao, irma sick: doente side: lado sight: vista sign: assinar signature: assinatura signed: assinado silent movie: filme mudo, cinema mudo silly: bobo simples simples simpler: mais simples iesde tar singer: cantor sink: afundar, pia sister: irma sit: sentar sitting: sentado, sentando size: tamanho skill: habilidade skin: pele, casca skirt: saia sky: céu sleep: dormir sleepy: sonolento slice: fatia slide: escorregar slow: vagaroso slowly: vagarosamente small: pequeno smart: esperto smell: chefrar, sentir 0 cheiro smile: sortir smoke: fumar, fumaca snack bar: lanchonete snake: cobra snap: falar asperamente snore: roncar snow: nevar, neve so: to, por isso, portanto, assim so far: até agora soft: suave, leve soccer: futebol socks: meias soil: solo solve: resolver some: alguns, algum somebody: alcuém someone: alguém something: alguma coisa, algo sometimes: algumas vezes son: filho song: cancao sort: espécie soul: alma, tipo de misica sour: dspero, azedo, triste source: fonte south: sul souvenir: lembranga soybean: soja spaceship: espaconave spank: espancar spare time: tempo livre speech: discurso speed: velocidade spend: passar, gastar spinach: espinafre spoiled: estragado spot: localizar 157 spread: expandir, expansi0 spring: primavera square: quarteirao stair: degrau stamp: selo stand: ficar stand up: ficar de pé standing: de pé stare: ficar admirado start: comece, comecar starve: definhar, morrer de fome state: estado, estabelecer, determinar static: estético, parado station: estacdo stay: ficar steak: bife colar, enfiar still: ainda, até stolen: roubado stone: pedra stop: pare, parar stop speaking: pare de falar store: loja storm: tempestade story: histéria strange: estranho stranger: (pessoa) estranha street: rua strength: forga, vigor strict: estrito, severo strong: forte stronger: mais forte estudante, aluno estude, estudar style: estilo subject: assunto, matéria uubmarino success: sucesso successful: bem-sucedido such as: assim como suck: sugar, mamar sudden: repentino suddenly: repetinamente ‘Sweden: Suécia suffering: sofrimento sugar: agiicar suit: terno than: do que ‘tomorrow: amanha suitable: apropriado, conveniente thank you: obrigado tonight: esta noite summer: verio thanks: obrigado too: demais, também summer camp: acampamento de thats que, aquele too much: demais verdo that won't helps isto de nada took place: aconteceu sun: sol adianta tooth: dente Sunday: domingo that’s true: é verdade top: topo sunset: por-de-sol the: 0, a, 0s, as, topaz: topézio superb: soberbo theft: roubo tortoise: tartaruga supply: suprir their: deles, delas touch: tocar sure: certo, certamente, seguro 3, a5, thes tours volta, turismo surely: seguramente entdo, depois tower: torre surmamet sobrenome there: [5 town: cidade surprise: surpresa there are: hé (pl) toy: brinquedo surrounded: circundado there ist a (sing.) trade: comércio surroundings: ambiente there was: havia (sing.) traffic: tréfego suspicious: desconfiado there were: havia (pl.) traffic jam: congestionamento sustain: sustentar there you are: aqui esté train: trem swallow: engolir these: estes, estas translation: traducio sweet: doce they: eles, elas translator: tradutor swim: nade, nadar thick: gordo, cheio travels viajar, viagem swimming: natacio thief: ladtdo traveling (travelling): vigjando swimming pool: piscina thin: magro, fino tree: drvore system: sistema things coisa trips viagem ‘think: pensar trouble: problema tS thinners mais magro, mais Fino trousers: calgas table: mesa third: terceiro truck: caminhéo table lamp: abajur thirsty: sedento true: verdadero take: pegar, tomar, levar this: este, esta truly yours: atenciosamente take a look: dar uma olhada those: aqueles, aquelas truth: verdade take pictures: tira fotos though: embore try: tentar, experimentar take place: acontecer thought: pensamento, pensou Tuesdays terca-feira take turn: revesar thousands: milhares turkey: peru tall: conversar thrifty: econdmico tum: voltar, virar tall: alto thrils vibraggo turn off: desligar, apagar tank: tangue thrilled: excitado, vibrante turn on: ligar, acender target: alvo ‘through: através de twentieth: vigésimo tasks tarefa throw: atremessar twice: duas vezes taster paladar, sabor, gosto Thursday: quinte-fera twin: ge teat chi tickets bilhete,bilhete de typ teach: ensinar passagem, entrada typing: datilografia teacher: professor tidy: arrumato teeth: dentes ties gravata ea telephone: telefonar tires pneu ugly: feo, feia tell: contar, dizer tired: cansado unberable: insuportével tell the time: dizer as horas tobacco: tabaco, fume umbrella: guards-chuva tent: tenda today: hoje uncle: tio term: perfodo, together: juntos uncontrolled: incontrolavel termo told: disse under: debaixo de terrible: terivel tomato: tomate understand: compreender 158 ACTIVITIES Observe a indicagao das flechas e escreva in, on ou under: iy th m o P, Escreva na forma interrogativa: a) There is @ cat under the table. Is there a cat under the table? b) There is @ pencil in the box. ©) There is a bird on the tree. d) There are girls in the park. 35 e) There are people in the room. f) Peter is talking about you. 9) Mr. Peterson is near the door. h) They are going with you. i) You are going to the park. Escreva em inglés: a) Onde esté 0 carro? Where is the car? Ele esté perto da casa. It is near the house. b] Onde estéo os livros? Eles esto sobre a mesa. ©) Onde estéo as mesas? Elas estao no escritério. d) Estou na sale com meus amigos. @) Estou lendo um livro de inglés. ) Estamos conversando sobre negécios. Escreva as preposigdes em inglés: embalxo, com>, onde} [ee lied a respeito de perto onl Tee Out of sight, out of mind. (Longe des oites. lange do coracde.) ACTIVITIES Escreva as frases na forma negativa por extenso 1. Responda as perguntas, usando as seguintes | 3. respostas; @ ebreviade: 2) | can walk Tean write, T can touch. sean ae Tean speak. I can hear. | can't walk. - 1 can eat T can work. b) | can see well. T can see. Tcan smell. 2} Whet can you do with your hands? af cou Warde tna aon d) She can dink hot coffee. ’b) What ean you do with your mouth? 2} He could swim in the river. ) What can you do with your eyes? ch What can you do with your nose? 4. Escreva na forma interrogative @) What can you do with your ears? al Yat can heat me, ’) You can see that bird 2. Mude as frases para 0 tempo pasado: al can help you ¢) They could do the exercise. | could help you. ) You can sneak aloud, 4) She can work as a cook ¢) She can get up early 2 5. Substitua ean por may: — al Can | go? ive slow d} You can drive slowly woree e} You can come back early. 4) They can get a lot of money. 9) You can't drive the car. h) Can you hear me? 37 bb} Can | read this book? ch Can | help you? d) Can | enter the house? 78. To save money Tourists love 10 buy souvenirs everywhere they go. ‘Things are very expensive today. It's very difficult to get money but... it’s very easy to spend it ‘We must save money and buy only what is necessary. PREPOSITIONS To: para (indica movimento para algum lugar). He is going to the shop. (Ele esta indo para a loja). From: de, desde (indica movimento de algum lugar para outro e origem). He is coming from the shop. Perfume from Paris. (Ele esta vindo da loja). (Perfume de Paris). 19 1. Complete: a) The first month of the year is i) How many days are there in January? b) The second month is ¢) The third month is d) The fourth month is f) The sixth month is Responda as perguntas: a) What are the seasons of the year? ‘The seasons of b) What is the hot season of the year? ©) What is the cold season of the year? d) What is the season of flowers? e) What is the season of fruit? f) How many months are there in a year? 9) How many months are there in the school year? h) What are the vacation months? e) The fifth month is 45 3 j) How many days are there in February? Complete a cruzada com os nomes dos meses: agosto janeiro fevereiro novembro dezembro junho marco maio abril julho outubro setembro nN 12, Complete as frases: a) Spring is the season of —___ b) is the hot season. } The season of fruit is d) Winter is a season, @) The number of the days in every —_____ is not the f) January and July are months. 27 Where are they from? Negotiate pmen, WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Joe: Where are you from? Peter: I am from Sao Paulo, a large city in Brazil These tourists are from different countries. Joe: Is it a beautiful city? They are walking in a big park. Peter: I think it is. I was born there. Joe: Are you planning to stay here a long time? Peter: No, I am visiting your country for a short time. I must return because I have an important date next week in Brazil PREPOSITIONS IN, ON, AT, FOR, FROM Essas preposigées sao usadas nos seguintes casos: anos: I was born in 1965. meses: I was born in May. in 4 patses: I was born in Brazil. estados: I was born in Parana, cidades: I was born in Fortaleza. datas: I was born on May 7, 1967. was born on Columbia Street. at { horas: The baby was born at 10 o'clock. ni de ruas: I live at 77 Columbia Street. for { Indica duracéo de tempo: I am visiting your country for a short time. (Eu estou visitando seu pais por um curto espago de tempo.) { dias da semana: I was born on a Sunday. on ruas: oe { Indica origem: I come from Brazil. (Eu venho do Brasil.) Cheese and butter come from milk. (0 queijo e a manteiga vém do Leite.) 48 4, Betty's house THIS IS JOHN'S BEDROOM. Betty is showing her house to a friend. THESE ARE MY MOTHER'S PICTURES. POSSESSIVE CASE (GENITIVE CASE) Observe os recursos utilizados pela lingua inglesa para estabelecer a relacdo de posse entre 0 possuidor e a coisa possuida: Casa de Betty. Casa de Davis, + Casas des mew av. Betty's house. Davis’ house. My grandfather's house. 1. No caso possessivo, invertemos a posicdo do possuidor e da coisa possuda. 2, Notmalmente se colocam apéstrofo es ('s) depois do possuidor. 3. Quando a palavra que indica 0 possuidor terminar por s, basta acrescentar 0 apés- trofo: Charles’ — Davis’ 4. Quando 0 possuidor for indicado por uma expresso, colocamos o's no fim dessa expressao: My old grandfather's house. 5. Quando ha mais de um possuidor para a mesma coisa possufda, s6 0 Ultimo rece- be o's: Ted, Meg and Bob's house. 6. Quando o possuidor € coisa, geralmente nao se usa 0 genitive com ’s, ¢ sim a pre- posigao of: The door of the car. 55 25, Noung people Many young people think that their families do not understand their problems. Young people generally make their decisions alone or with the help of a friend of the same age. Very often this happens because there is no communication between parents and children. Parents, sometimes, have no time to talk with their children and boys and girls move and live their parents. There are, of course, different remedies for this situation, For example: Parents must talk frankly to their children and try to understand their problems. Many young people generally make their decisions alone or with the help of a friend. PLURAL OF NOUNS 41. posteard — postcards Regra geral: forma-se o plural dos substanti- place — places vos, geralmente, acrescentando-se s ao singular. car — cars 2. boy — boys Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de toy — toys vogal seguem a regra geral: acrescenta-se s a0 key — keys singular. 3. city — cities Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de lady — ladies consoante formam o plural mudando-se o y por ie secretary — secretaries acrescentando-se es. 4, bus — buses Aos substantivos terminados em s glass — glasses sh ash — ashes ch flash — flashes x beach — beaches z church — churches ° watch — watches geralmente se acrescenta es para se formar o box — boxes plural. fox — foxes Excegées: photo ~ photos; piano ~ pianos. topaz — topazes potato — potatoes Banat 2 epetnes People are known by the company they keep. negro — negroes (Contecenes 2s pessoas plas comorias que prim.) 57 PLURAL OF NOUNS (continued) 1. leaf — leaves (folha — folhas) Os substantivos terminados em f ou fe no life — lives (vida — vidas) singular geralmente mudam o f por v no plural e knife — knives (faca — facas) acrescentam es, wife — wives (esposa — esposas) wolf — wolves (\obo — tobos) 2, man — men (homem — homens) Os substantivos com o final man no singular woman — women (mulher — mulheres) mudam 0 a por e no plural. policeman — policemen (policial — policiais) fireman — firemen (bombeiro — bombeiros) mailman — mailmen (carteiro — carteiros) postman — postmen (carteiro — carteiros) gentleman — gentlemen (cavalheiro — cavalheiros) 3. foot — feet (pé — pés) Esses substantivos mudam 00 no singular por tooth — teeth (dente — dentes) ee no plural, goose — geese (ganso — gansos) 4, child — children (crianga — criancas) ox — oxen (boi — bois) mouse — mice (rato — ratos) 5. fish — fish (peixe — peixes) Esses substantivos tam a mesma forma para 0 sheep — sheep (ovelha — ovelhas) singular e para o plural. fruit — fruit (fruta — frutas) bread — bread (pio — paes) 6. news: Geralmente s6 se emprega no singular: Is there any news? (Ha alguma novidade?) What's the news? (Que ha de novo?) 7. people: A palavra people pode ter dois sentidos: a) povo, nacao Nesse caso, tem uma forma para o singular e outra para o plural: people: povo peoples: povos The Brazilian people is good. There are many peoples in the world. ») pessoas, gente Nesse sentido, a palavra people fica invaridvel e exige o verbo no plural: There are many people in the room. (Ha muitas pessoas na sala.) so SOME IRREGULAR VERBS ~ ~ > Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle wa a ww to go went gone (in) to learn learnt (learned) learnt (leamed) (aprender) to forget forgot forgotten (esquecer) to come came come (vir) to see saw seen (ver) to find found found (encontrar) to drink drank drunk (beber) to eat ate eaten (comer) to get got got (gotten) (conseguir...) to speak spoke spoken (falar) to take took taken (pegar, levar...) to be was, were been (ser, estar) to sleep slept slept (dormir) ACTIVITIES Escreva (R) para os verbos regulares e (|) para os irreguleres: Infinitive Simple Past 2) to live lived (R) b) to work worked (R) «) to take took (R) d)to sleep slept (a @) to see saw We #) to play played (a) g) to study studied (QI h) to look looked (Ro i) to like liked (Q) j) to forget forgot (gm) k) to be was, were (a D to visit visited (2) m)to dence danced (a) n) to eat ate (D 2. Complete as frases, usando os verbos no passado: 2)| £100) Mery yesterday. (to see) b) Paul and Mary QQUCR to schoo! in the morning. (to go) ©) They back at 1. (to come) d) My mother werd at 6. (to get up) 21 SOQALOL breakfast at 7. (to have) Ashe BALOKLGL to me in English. (to speak) 4g)! ARAOOK LOLs glass of milk. (to drink) hy They 10 in the library. (to be) i) She a at home. (to be) i) They SOKO the books from the shelf. (to take) k) She 3 a coin in the street. {to find) ) She QQ. to the man in English. (speak) mt 3 a lot this morning. (eat) + Com os verbos auxiliares, basta inverter 0 sujeito € interrogativa: He is your friend, She can help John. Paul likes beer. Is he your friend? Can she help John? Does Paul like beer? * Note-se que, com 0 emprego de does, ndo ha s na She likes apples. Does she like apples? © verbo para se obter a forma terceira pessoa do verbo: ACTIVITIES Preencha com do ou does: ab you like epples? b) she like apples? ) they go to the beach? a he write a letter? e) you work in that store? ) it start at 7 o'clock? a you drive well? 2. Escreva na forma interrogativa, observendo se ha verbo auxiliar ou nao: a) She can go with me. b) They are good teachers. ch You drive well 4) They speak English. @} Paul and Mary were friends. 3. Escreva na forma interrogativa, observando o nao-emprego do s na tercaira pessoa do singu- lar: a) He likes fish. b) John drinks beer. o) Jane loves her parents, d} She goes to school by car. Escreva na forma afirmative: a} Does she like me? b) Does John go to school? 0) Do they work in an office? d) Does she read 2 magazine? @) Do they visit their parents? 5. Escreva na interrogativa: a) He buys newspapers. b) You like me. ©) She likes me. d) They want coffee. 65 ACTIVITIES ca Escreva na forma negativa e observe o desapa- recimento do s na terceira pessoa: a) The boy wants beer. The boy doesn't want beer. bi He plays the piano. ) She drives well d) She reads well ©) Fred sings well 4) She works here, Paul likes ham. h) He goes to school i} Naney helps her brother. 2. Escreva na forma negativa a) | work at night. I don’t work at night. b) She eats very well She doesn’t eat very well. ©) | like ice cream. d) We study in the morning. e} She plays the piano well {] Mary likes marmalade, i You know the lesson. 67 h) They go to school. Siga 0 modelo a) (I — pears — an apple!: I don't like pears. | prefer an apple. 'b} (He — ham — cheese) ©) (She — marmalade — ice cream) d] (They — milk — orange juice) e) (We — bread — cake) #) (Paul — coffee — beer] 4, Complete com do ou does: a) What time Ben get up? b) When ___ he play basketball? } How Mary and Carlos go to school? } What you like to eat? @] Where ___ Janet work? 4) When, John come back? 9) Where. you live? h) What your sister do? 57 Catching a thief NEGATIVE FORM IN THE PAST TENSE: DID NOT or DIDN'T A forma negativa, no passado, com verbos nao-auxiliares, con- siste em colocar did not ou didn’t antes do verbo no infinitivo. 1 worked yesterday. 1 did not work yesterday. I didn’t work yesterday. 1 took her purse. I did not take her purse. I didn’t take her purse. MORE IRREGULAR VERBS Eu eu eu Eu Eu Eu Infinitive Simple Past — —_ to. go went to come came to find found to see saw to take took to drink drank to speak spoke to be was, were to have had to get up got up to buy bought to eat ate to steal stole to catch caught to sleep slept to give gave to send sent to sell sold to write wrote to shut shut to cost cost to cut cut to read read trabalhei ontem. nao trabalhei ontem. nao trabalhei ontem. peguei a bolsa dela, nao peguei a bolsa dela. nao peguei a bolsa dela. Past Participle wy gone come found seen taken drunk spoken been had got up bought eaten stolen caught slept given sent sold written shut cost cut read m1 DID YOU TAKE HER NO, | DID NOT TAKE (in) (vir) (encontrar) (ver) (peger, levar) (beber) (falar) (ser, estar) (ter) (levantar) (comprar) (comer) (roubar) (pegar, agarrar) (dormir) (dar) (enviar) (vender) (escrever) (fechar) (custar) (cortar) (ler) Paul and Mary are going to get married next month. They love each other very much. But will their marriage be successful? FUTURE TENSE Iwill help you. (Eu ajudarei vocé.) Para se transformar um verbo em futuro do presente, basta antepor ao infinitivo 0 auxitiar will, © inglés britanico usa shall para as primeiras pessoas (I, we): Ce 2 bat ae FOR We shall leave London on May 7. (Nés partiremos de Londres no dia 7 de maio.) Veja também o Immediate Future na licdo 13. CONJUGATION OF THE Affirmative form —_— I will help (eu ajudarei) You will help He will help She will help We will help You will help They will help Negative form a T will not help You will not help He will not help She will not help We will not help You will not help They will not help Contracted form — Til help You'll help He'll help She'll help We'll help You'll help They'll help I won't help You won't help He won't help She won't help We won't help You wan't help They won't help 73 Interrogative form we Will T help? will you help? Will he help? Will she help? Will we help? Will you help? Will they help? Won't I help? Won't you help? Won't he help? Won't she help? Won't we help? Won't you help? Won't they help? ‘A witful man will have his way. (Um fomem de vontade fencontaré seu caminho.) Work won't kil, but worry will (kil). (rabaiho ndo mata, ‘mas preocupacdo mato.) OBJECT PRONOUNS SHOW ME THAT BLOUSE, HOW MUCH 1S IT > HE LIKES POST CARDS.’ SEND HIM THIS ONE. 1S VERY BEAUTIFUL, Subject Object Subject Object Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns — ws ww ws i me (me, mim) It it (0,a, the, a ele, a ela) You you (te, a vocé) We us (nos) He him (0, the, a ele) You you (vos, @ vocés) She her (2, the, a ela) They ‘them (0s, as, thes, a eles, a elas) Se 0 objeto indireto vier antes do objeto direto, Se 0 objeto indireto vier depois do objeto dire- nao se usaré preposicao. to, deverd ser precedido de preposigao. OL OD. op. Ou. a — wv Ww Give me an apple. Give anapple to me. Dé amim uma maca. De — uma mac para mim. ACTIVITIES eine 1. Traduze estas frases: a) | saw him yesterday. @) | will go with them. b) | saw her last week. e) Work for us. ©) | gave her a book, f} Tell me the truth. 77 4.7 Coming back home Esquema da forma interrogativa com verbos regulares e irregulares: Verbo auxiliar Sujeito Do you go? Voce vai? Does she go? Ela vai? Did they go? Eles foram? Esquema da forma negativa: Sujeito —_Verbo auxiliar rll w/w wa I don’t know. Eu nao sei He doesn’t know. Ele nao sabe. You didn’t know. Voce nao sabia. Infinitive Simple Past — — to begin began to bring brought to feel felt to forget forgot to get got to keep kept to know knew to lose lost. to make made to pay paid to put put to run ran to say said to tell told to sing sang to sit sat to spend spent to teach taught to understand understood Verbo no infinitivo wa Verbo no infinitivo Past Participle — begun brought felt forgotten got (ou gotten) kept known lost made paid put un said told sung sat spent taught understood 90 WHAT DID YOU SEE THERE? I VISITED MANY INTERESTING PLACES. WHAT DID YOU BRING FROM THE UNITED STATES? | BROUGHT SOME ‘SOUVENIRS... | BROUGHT THIS WATCH, THIS CAMERA, MANY CLOTHES AND TOYS, (comegar) (trazer) (sentir) (esquecer) (conseguir) (guardar) (conhecer) (perder) (fazer) (pagar) (por) (correr) (dizer) (contar, dizer) (cantar) (sentar) (passar, gastar) (ensinar) (compreender) TION TAG - ITH_OTHER VERBS io Quando os verbos ndo séo auxiliares, empregamos as formas verbais: 2) do, does, don’t, doesn’t P> para o presente b) did, didn’t D> para 0 passado Exemplos: — You know England, don't you? —_(Vocé conhece a Inglaterra, néo conhece?) — You knew England, didn’t you? (Voce conheceu a Inglaterra, nao conheceu?) — She doesn’t speak English, does she? (Ela nao fala inglés, fala?) — She didn’t speak English, did she? (Ela no falou inglés, falou2) ACTIVITIES Complete, usando tags: h) You weren't friends, 2) The car is red, isn’t it? i) He isn’t busy, b) She is beautiful, _________-_____] 3. Escreva em inglés: ©) They are good friends, a) Eles sd0 cantores, nao sé0? a) She was sick, e) Mary is coming, — b) Elas estavam na festa, no estavam? f) It was necessary, Vs dvetes ©) Voo8s podern andar, néo podem? h) He is a busy man, i) She was very sick, HE bom, 0. 6? i) They are very tired, Complete com tags. Observe se os verbos es- k) You were busy men, —_ 180 no presente ou no passado: 1) They are hungry, a) Romeo loves Juliet, doesn’t he iii seq Waelheney) ee b) She loves the boy, ea) ©) Thay changed words of love, 0} You were wrong, 4d} Romeu fell in love with Juliet, } They are so careful, @) He took Juliet's hands, Complete, usando tags: 1 She wants to marry me, a} You aren't an artist, are you? 9] They dance very well, b} She isn’t beautiful, bi Theyvepeak bod, ©) They aren't enemies, i) She arrives early, ) She wasn't in the garden, j) You wait for me, ie] You srenf-alone, k) You visited Pisa, #) They weren't happy, ——__ I) She went to school, 4} They can’t walk, m) He wants coffee, 95 47 The World Trade Center Were crac en (Wolénca otrat violécia.) The Twin Towers before the attack. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York (417 and 415 meters high), the symbol of the American power, were destroyed by terrorists on 11th September, 2001. Everyone in the world was astonished. Do you know why they did it? PASSIVE VOICE = VERB TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE MAIN VERB Exemplo: The twin towers were destroyed by terrorists. As torres gémeas foram destruidas por terroristas. Em inglés nao @ sempre necessario mencionar o agente da passiva. 0 que interessa é a ago feita e nao a pessoa que a pratica. (Ge tiver davida quanto aos participios de verbos irregulares, consulte a lista da pagina 133), 110 LIST _OF IRREGULAR VERBS Simple Past Simple Past Past Participle Translation Infinitive Past Participle Translation = was, were been ser, estar to make made made fazer jerome became become tomar-se to mean meant meant signticar began begun comegar tomest met met cencontrar-se com poe blew blown soprar to pay paid paid pagar 5 broke broken quebrar to put put put por brought brought trazer to read read read ler suite butt construir tw ride rode fidden——cavalgar “1 burst burst atebentar to ring rang rung tocar @ campainha 2 bought bought comprar torise rose risen erguer-se a cast east arremessar tonn an run corer caught caught pegar rosy said said dizer chose chosen escolher to see saw seen ver came come vir to sell sold sold vender cost cost custar to send sent sent enviar cut cut cortar to set set set colacar, far dealt dealt negaciar to shake shook shaken sacudir dug aug cavar to shine shone shone brilhar id done fazer to shoot shot shot ata, disparar drew drawn desenar ‘to show showed shown mostrar reamed, dreamt dreamt sonhar ‘to shut shut shut fechar drank drunk beber to sing sang sung cantar drove diven—— dirigir to sink sank sunk afundar ate eaten comer to sit sat sat sentar fall fallen air tosleen slept slept dormir fed fed aimentar to stide sid stid cescortegar felt felt sentir to slit slit slit fender, rachar fought fought lutar tosmel smelt smelt cheirar found found encontrar to speak spoke spoken falar flew flown voar tospeed sped sped apressar-se forgot forgotten esquecer ta spend spent spent gastar froze frozen gelar ta spoil spoiled, spoilt spol estragar ot got conseguir to spread spread spread espalhar gave given dar to spring sprang sprung saltar went gore it to stand stood stood _ficar de pé grew grown crescer tosteal stole stolen roubar hung hung pendirar to stile stuck struck ater had had ter to swear swore swom ura heard heard ouvir to sweep swept swept varrer hia hidden esconder tosnim sam swum nadar hit hit bater ‘to swing swung swung balancar hela held segurar ‘take took taken tomar hurt hurt mmachucar to teach taught taught ensinar kept hept suardar ‘tell told told contar, dizer new known conhecer to think thought thought pensar laid laid er, deitar te throw threw ‘thrown arremessar led led suiar to understand understood understood entender leamed leamed aprender to wake woke woken acordar le let deixar, partir to wear wore worn vest, usar lent tent cemprestar to wed wed wed desposar let let deixar, permit, alugar | to wet wet wet umedezer ty tain Jazer, estar deltado = to win wor won ganar, vencer fit tie ‘uminar, acender to wring = wrung wrung espremer lost lost perder towite wrote written escrever 133 a week: por semana awful: horrivel a wonderful time: um tempo maravilhoso (divertir-se muito) = babys bebe back: atrés, costas background: fundo bad: ruim bag: pasta, mala baker: padeiro balance: balanga, equilibrio ball: bola, baile bark: latir barley: cevada barn: celeiro, estabulo, cocheira baskets cesta bath: banho bathroom: banheiro bet ser, estar be back: estar de volta beach: praia beans: feijao beautiful: bonito beautifully: belamente, perfeitamente became: tornou-se because: porque become: tornar-se bed: cama bedroom: dormitério beef: bife been: sido, estado beer: cerveja intes de comegou begin: comece, comecar beginning: comeco, comecando behave: comportar-se behavior: comportamento behind: atris de being: ser believe: acreditar bell: sino, campainha belong: pertencer below: debaixo de cinta, cinto beside: ao lado de besides: além de best: melhor bet: apostar betters melhor better than: melhor do que between: entre (dois) beverage: bebida beyond: além de bicycle: bicicleta big: grande bigger than: maior do que bike: bicicleta bilingual: bitingiie bills conta bird: passaro birth: nascimento birthday: aniversario bit: porgao, bocado bite: mordida, morder bitter: amargo black: preto blew: soprou blonde: loiro blouse: blusa blow: soprar boiling: fervendo, fervente book: livro boom: explosdo, desenvolvimento rapido borrow: pedir emprestado boredom: tédio boss: patréo, chefe both: ambos bottle: garrafa bottom: fundo bought (to buy): comprou box: caixa menino, rapaz boyfriend: namorado brake: breque brand new: novo Brazilian: brasileiro bread: pao break: quebrar breakfast: café da manhé bridge: ponte bring: trazer 149 bring back: trazer de volta, devolver broken: quebrado brother: irmao brother-in-law: cunhado brought (to bring): trouxe brown: martom build: construir build on: construir sobre, apoiar- se em building: construcio, edificio queimar arrebentar motorista de Gnibus bus stop: parada de Gnibus, ponto de Gnibus business: conta, negécio business hours: horario comercial busy: atarefado, ocupado butter: manteiga j buy: comprar i by himself: sozinho by itself: sozinho — = cacao: cacau call: chamar, telefonar call on: visitar hamado veio amelo maquina fotografica campaign: campanha can: pode, podem nao pode, nao podem capable: capaz capital: capital, maidscula car racer: corredor de carro, piloto de corrida ear: carto ‘card: carta, cartéo care: cuidado careful: cuidadoso carefully: cuidadosamente heart: coragdo height: altura help: ajude, ajudar, socorrer hen: galinha her: dela, a ela, the here: aqui herself: ela mesma high: alto higher: mais alto hills colina him: o, a ele, the himself: a si mesmo his: dele history: historia hobby: passatempo hold: segurar hole: buraco homes casa homework: tarefa de casa honor: honra hope: esperar horse: cavalo host: anfitrigo, recepcionar hot: quente hour: hora house: casa housewife: dona de casa housing: moradia how: como how about John’ Joao? how about: que tal how are you?s como vai vocé? however: todavia, porém how far: a que distancia how kind of you: é muita gentileza de sua parte how many: quantos @ com relagdo @ how old are you?: que idade vocé tem? how would I likes como eu gostaria huge: enorme humble: humilde hunger: fome hungry: faminto hunt: cacar hunting trip: cacada hurry: depressa, apressar-se, pressa hurts machucar husband: marido I T can't affore u no posso aglientar. ( Eu no consigo pagar...) I did: eu fiz T shouldn't be thinking: posso deixar de pensar le Td love: eu adoraria Td say: eu dria Til be out: eu estarei fora Til be: eu serei, eu estarei Tm: eu sou, eu estou I’m sorry: eu sinto muito T’m used: eu estou acostumado T'm well: eu estou bem ‘ce cream: sorvete if se ‘if I were you: se eu fosse voc’ ‘lls doente illness: doenca improve: melhorar, progredir in: em in back off atrés de in front of: em frente de in its nele, nela {in the 50’s (in the fifties): nos anos 50 in the late forties: nos dltimos 40 anos including: inclusive increase: aumento Indian: indio indicate: indicar information: informagao injure: ferir, machucar ink: tinta insistir instalar instead of: em vez de interesse interessante entrevista into: dentro invitation: convite 153 invite: convidar is: &, esté is going: esta indo, vai is known: € conhecido itt ele, ela (neutro) Italy: Italia it'll be: seré, estaré it's: &, esta (neutro) its: dele, dela (neutro) J January: janeiro Japan: Japo jealous: ciumento job: emprego, servigo, trabalho joy: alegria juice: suco July: julho junior: janior, mais jovem just: apenas, exatamente manter, guardar, conservar key: chave kid: crianga Kill: matar kind: espécie, bondoso kiss: beijo, betjar kitchen: cozinha kite: papagaio, pipa knew: soube, sabia, conhecia knife: faca knock: bater know: conhecer, saber knowledge: conhecimento L lack of: falta de lady: dama, senhora lakes lago land: terra landscape: paisagem language: lingua large: grande, espacoso last: ltimo late: tarde lately: ultimamente later: mais tarde never: nunca ovo news: noticia(s), novidade newspaper: jornal next: seguinte, pr6ximo next time: préxima vez nice: bonito, bom, timo night: noite ninth: nono no: no no one: ninguém nobody: ninguém noise: barulho noisier: mais barulhento noisy: barulhento none: nenhum (it’s none of your business: ndo 6 de sua conta) nor: nao, nem Norway: Noruega nose: nariz not: nao nothing at all: de nada nothing: nada notice: observar November: novembro now: agora nowadays: em nossos dias, nudge: cutucar, acotovelar number: némero 0 object: objeto of course: naturalmente of them: deles, delas offer: oferecer seritério freqiientemente oil: dleo old: velho ‘older: mais velho on: sobre, em ‘on board: a bordo on the left: & esquerda on the other side: no outro lado on the right: a direita on the: no, na, nos, nas on time: a tempo one o'clock: uma hora one: um only: somente open: abra, aberto, abrir operating: operando or: ou orange: laranja orange juice: suco de laranja orchard: pomar order: ordem, encomenda, encomendar tro ought: devia out of: fora de outside: do lado de fora oven: fogdo ‘over: por cima de, super over there: la overtime: horas extras owe: dever ‘own: possuir; proprio ‘owner: possuidor, dono ox: boi ‘oxen: bois P page: pagina pain: pena, dor paint: pinte, pintar painter: pintor pants: calcas, paper: papel, jornal parents: pais parrot: papagaio party: festa ass: passar past: passado, atras pay: pague, pagar pay attention: prestar atencao payroll: folha de pagamento pear: péra pear tree: pereira pen: caneta pencil: lapis penpal: amigo por correspondéncia People: pessoas, povo perfect: perfeito perform: executar, desempenhar 155 perhaps: talvez permit: permitir person: pessoa petrochemical: petroquimico phone: telefone, telefonar physical: fisico pick: pegar, apanhar, colher icture: figura, quadro, foto Pile: pilha pin: alfinete pink: cor-de-rosa pioneiro plan: planeje, planejar, plano plane: avigo plant: plantar plate: prato play: jogar, brincar, desempenhar player: jogador agradavel por favor = prazer plenty: fartura plenty of room: muitas vagas plus: mais pocket: bolso policeman: policial politician: politico poor: pobre Popcorn: pipoca Poputous: populoso possibly: possivelmente postcard: cartao-postal post-office: correio potato: batata power: poder, forca practice: pratica, praticar Prayer: oracao predict: predizer pressure: presséo pretty: bonito prevent: previnir Feo principio provavelmente programmer: programador property: propriedade protect: proteger

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