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La Menina que Voltou Vida

The Girl Who Came Back to Life

Um dia, Jesus estaba andando com os Seus discpulos quando Jairo, um sacerdote que trabalhava no Templo foi correndo at Ele. One day, Jesus was walking with His disciples when a priest named Jairus came to see Him.

Senhor! Jairo disse. Minha filha nica est doente. Ela est quase morrendo! Por favor, venha cur-la! Master, Jairus said, My only daughter is very sick and might die. Will You please come and heal her?

Jesus imediatamente comeou a seguir Jairo na direo da casa dele. Tinham andado s um pouco quando a esposa de Jairo chegou correndo e chorando. tarde demais Ela falou chorando, Nossa filha j est morta! No se preocupe Jesus disse. Ela no est morta, apenas dormindo. Jesus started walking to Jairus house. But they had not gone far when Jairus wife came to meet them with tears in her eyes. Its too late, she cried. Our daughter is dead. Dont cry, Jesus told her. Your daughter is not dead. She is only sleeping.

Chegaram casa de Jairo. Entrando no quarto, Jesus segurou a mo dela e disse suavemente: Menininha, acorde! Jesus, Jairus, and Jairus wife arrived at the house. Entering the room, Jesus took the little girls hand and said softly, Little girl, Jesus said, get up.

Immediately, the little girl opened her eyes. She sat up in bed and threw her arms around her mommy and daddy! Jairus and his wife were so happy and thankful! A menina imediatamente abriu os olhos, sentou-se na cama e deu um grande abrao na sua me y no seu pai. Eles ficaram muito felizes e agradecidos!

Disciples - discpulos Priest - sacerdote Daughter filha Sick doente Crying chorando Dead - morta Sleeping dormindo Get up acorde

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Illustrations by Didier Martin. Dramatization of this story Treasure Attic

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