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Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas D.

Antnio da Costa-Almada
Ensino/Aprendizagem do Ingls no 1 ciclo do Ensino Bsico

O Programa de Generalizao do Ensino do Ingls no 1 ciclo teve por base o reconhecimento da importncia dos seguintes factores: 1. A relevncia da introduo da aprendizagem da Lngua Inglesa enquanto lngua de comunicao internacional por excelncia e instrumento das novas tecnologias de informao. 2. O seu carcter essencial para a construo de uma conscincia plurilingue e pluricultural de acordo com os princpios enunciados no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referncia. 3. Os benefcios que decorrem do desenvolvimento de uma competncia comunicativa em Ingls, no contexto da crescente mobilidade de pessoas no espao da Unio Europeia. 4. O reconhecimento do seu contributo para a construo da cidadania. De acordo com o que est preconizado no Programa de Generalizao do Ensino de Ingls no 1 ciclo do Ensino Bsico, o ensino desta Lngua dever ser norteado pelas seguintes finalidades: Sensibilizar para a diversidade lingustica e cultural. Promover o desenvolvimento da conscincia da identidade lingustica e cultural atravs do confronto com a lngua estrangeira e a cultura(s) por ela veiculada(s).

Fomentar uma relao positiva com a aprendizagem da lngua. Fazer apreciar a lngua enquanto veculo de interpretao e comunicao do/com o mundo que nos rodeia. Promover a educao para a comunicao, motivando para valores como o respeito pelo outro, a ajuda mtua, a solidariedade e a cidadania. Contribuir para o desenvolvimento equilibrado de capacidades cognitivas, socioafectivas, culturais e psicomotoras da criana. Proporcionar experincias de aprendizagem significativas, diversificadas, integradoras e socializadoras. Favorecer atitudes de auto-confiana e de empenhamento no saber fazer. Estimular a capacidade de concentrao e de memorizao. Promover o desenvolvimento de estratgias de aprendizagem. Fomentar outras aprendizagens.

Embora as orientaes programticas definidas no documento supracitado visem exclusivamente o 3 e 4 anos de escolaridade, a iniciao do contacto e sensibilizao Lngua Inglesa ter lugar, nas escolas bsicas do 1 ciclo do Agrupamento D. Antnio da Costa, j no 1 e 2 anos de escolaridade. A sensibilizao e contacto com a lngua Inglesa no 1 e 2 anos centrar-se- na oralidade visando proporcionar a interiorizao dos padres fonolgicos tpicos da lngua Inglesa (entoaes e ritmos) e o desenvolvimento da capacidade de discriminao e imitao fonolgica tendo em vista a produo de realizaes lingusticas significativas. No 3 e 4 anos, embora continuando a centralizar a aprendizagem essencialmente no desenvolvimento da oralidade, a leitura e a escrita reforaro e consolidaro a estrutura e o lxico da lngua. Anexas seguem as planificaes previstas para o 1 ciclo- 1, 2, 3 e 4 anos-no ano lectivo de 2006/2007. O 1 e 2 anos tero como manual respectivamente o Zap A e Zap B da Oxford University Press. O 3 e o 4 anos devero utilizar o manual Hello Kids! da Texto Editora. A avaliao ser essencialmente formativa e como o Programa de Generalizao preconiza no poder nunca levar o aluno a sentir-se derrotado. Anexas seguem as fichas de registo usadas nas escolas do agrupamento bem como a ficha de auto-avaliao (self-assessment) a usar pelos alunos. Esta s dever, no entanto ser utilizada a partir do 3 ano.

Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas D.Antnio da Costa-Almada Departamento de Ingls 1 Ciclo-1ANO

2006/07 YEAR PLAN
Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 1. Hello! Say the name -----------------Structural Whats your name? Memorising rhymes/ Singing Colouring pictures Cut-outs 2. My friends Follow simple instructions Stand up! Sit down! Hands up! Hands down! Matching pictures and sounds (words) Total Physical Response Games Classroom work Assessment Tools Time

Course Book: Zap A

First Term

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 3. Millys house Identify the colours Colours Structural Whats your favourite colour? What colour is the.? Colouring pictures Cut-outs Matching pictures and sounds (words) Singing 4. Christmas Celebrations Wish Merry Christmas related Christmas and vocabulary ----------------Happy New Year Cut-outs Colouring pictures Singing First Term Work in the classroom Assessment Tools Time

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 5. School Identify school objects School objects Structural Cut-outs Whos got the rubber? Millys got the rubber 6. Monster Face Identify body parts. Follow simple instructions The body Touch your nose! Jump up! Skip with me! Colouring pictures Singing Cut-outs Second Term Total Physical Response Games Singing Work in the classroom Assessment Tools Time

8. Easter Celebration

Wish someone a Happy Easter

Easter related vocabulary

-----------------Cut-outs Colouring pictures

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 9. Toys Follow simple instructions Names of toys Structural Cut-outs Can I have the ball, please? Colouring Walk! Turn pictures around! Stop! Singing Cut-outs Identify toys Follow simple instructions 10. A picnic I like biscuits. Do you like cheese? Yes, I do. Singing Third Term Total Physical Response Games Assessment Tools Time

Work in the classroom

Colouring pictures

Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas D.Antnio da Costa-Almada Departamento de Ingls 1 Ciclo-2ANO

2006/07 YEAR PLAN
Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 1. Hello again! Say the name -----------------Structural Im Marvo! Memorising rhymes/ Singing Colouring pictures Cut-outs 2. The animals Identify animals names Identify animals voices Names of farm animals Who says neigh Its the horse. Matching pictures and sounds (words) Classroom work Assessment Tools Time

Course Book: Zap B

First Term

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 3. Christmas Celebrations Structural First Term Memorising Rhymes /carols Singing Colouring pictures 4.The scarecrow Say the names of body parts Body parts vocabulary Cut-outs Can you wave your arms? Total Physical Response Games I like picking apples. Can I have some apples, please? Here you are. Singing Colouring pictures Cut-outs Classroom work Second Assessment Tools Time

Wish someone Christmas related -------------------Merry words Christmas


5. Fruit

Say the names of some fruits

Fruit names

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 6. Clothes Clothes vocabulary Big/small Structural Put on/ Take off your t-shirt Assessment Tools Time

Singing Colouring pictures Cut-outs Total Physical Response Games Classroom work Second Term

7. Easter Celebration

Wish Happy Easter

Easter related vocabulary


Colouring pictures Cut-outs

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 8. Minibeasts Say the names of some animals Animal names Structural Theres a worm. Singing Colouring pictures Cut-outs Classroom work Third Term Assessment Tools Time

9. The birthday party

Say the age


How old are you? Im..

Singing Total Physical Response Games

Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas D.Antnio da Costa-Almada Departamento de Ingls 1 Ciclo-3 ANO

2006/07 YEAR PLAN
Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 1.Greetings! Say Hello Introduce yourself Hello! Hi! Boy/Girl Parrot Dog Ask someones name to be questions: Whats? Matching words with pictures Labelling pictures Possessive adjectives: my/your/his/her Project work Drilling exercises .Portfolio First Term Structural to be singular: Memorising am/is rhymes/ (short/long forms) lines Subject pronoun: I Assessment Tools Time

Course Book: Hello Kids

Classroom work

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 2.The numbers Ask someones age Say your age Count to twenty Structural Memorising rhymes/ lines Assessment Tools Time

Cardinals (1-20)

to be singular: are (short/long forms) to be questions: How old are you? Songs Im How old is she/he? Drawing S/he is Labelling pictures

Progress Review .Classroom work First Term

Project work 3.Christmas Celebrations Wish someone Merry Christmas Christmas Cards Christmas decorations Puzzles Christmas carols .Portfolio . Self-Assessment

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 4. The alphabet Spell out words Say the alphabet Identify letters 5. The Calendar Say when is and the time my/his/her Days of the week birthday The months Alphabet Structural to be questions: Whats? What colour is it? Its When is your birthday? My birthday is on the 1st February/in April Dictation Labelling Singing .Classroom work Assessment Tools Time

Matching words with pictures Labelling pictures

Project work Second Term

.Portfolio 6. Colours Identify colours Describe the colour of things Names of colours What colour is this? Names of animals Labelling pictures Drawing

Contents Activities Unit/Topic 7. St. Valentines Objectives Lexical Wish someone a happy Valentine Structural Valentines cards Valentines charts Classroom work Labelling pictures Names of Possessive case common animals Have got affirmative(I, she/he) Matching words with pictures Drawing Puzzles Singing .Portfolio .Project Work Second Term Assessment Tools Time

8. Animals

Say the name of some animals Tell the name of a favourite animal Tell its colour

9. The Family

Talk about your family

Family members

Possessive adjectives: his/her

Contents Activities Unit/Topic 10. Easter Celebrations 11. The Classroom Objectives Lexical Wish Happy Easter Identify room parts Identify classroom objects Identify teacher/pupil 12. The human body Describe body parts Classroom objects: book/board pen/pencil ruler rubber/ sharpener rucksack scissors/chalk/map/ window/door desk/chair teacher/pupil .Portfolio The body vocabulary Short/tall Thin/fat Straight/curly Structural Indefinite article Matching words Classroom with pictures work Labelling pictures Drawing Puzzles Third Term Singing Self-Assessment .Project Work 2Te rm Assessment Tools Time

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 13. People Describe people Short/long Freckles Glasses Pigtails Structural Memorising rhymes/ lines Classroom work Assessment Tools Time

.Project Work Labelling pictures Matching words with pictures Drawing .Portfolio

Third Term

14. Revisions

Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas D.Antnio da Costa-Almada Departamento de Ingls Planificao de Ingls-1 Ciclo-4 ANO
2006/07 YEAR PLAN
Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 1. Units 1-14: Revision Revise vocabulary and structures learnt in 2005/2006 Structural Drilling exercises Matching words Classroom with pictures work Singing Christmas Cards Christmas decorations Puzzles Christmas carols Project work First Term .Portfolio Assessment Tools Time

Course Book: Hello Kids



2. Christmas Celebrations

Wish someone Merry Christmas


Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 3.Food and Meals Say the names of The meals the meals Structural Demonstratives: this /that these/those Labelling pictures Drilling Exercises .Portfolio Identify and say names of food Expressing preferences Food and Drink names Present Simpleverb like (I /you) Affirmative Negative Interrogative . Project Work Matching words with pictures . Classroom Work. Assessment Tools Time

Second Term

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 4. StValentines ------------------Structural --------------------Making Cards Celebrating St. Valentine 5. My house Identify and say the names of the main rooms Parts of the house ------------------Matching words with pictures . Classroom Work. . Project Work Assessment Tools Time


Second Term

Labelling pictures

6.Opposites 7. Easter Celebrations

Describe objects Wish Happy Easter ------------------

Adjectives Easter related vocabulary

Drilling Exercises Self-Assessment

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 8.Shapes Describe objects Shape related adjectives Structural -------------------. Classroom Work. . Project Work 9. Clothes Say the names of Clothes names some clothes Describe their colour Matching words with pictures -----------------Labelling pictures Drilling Exercises 10. Actions Follow simple instructions ----------------Imperative (affirmative and negative) Total physical response games .Portfolio Third Term Assessment Tools Time

Contents Activities Unit/Topic Objectives Lexical 11. Jobs Say what someone is Structural Assessment Tools Time

Jobs names


Matching words with pictures Labelling pictures

.Classroom Work . Portfolio

Third Term

Drilling Exercises .Self- Assessment 12. Revision -----------------------------------------------------

Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas D. Antnio da Costa Almada

Departamento de Ingls INGLS 1CICLO Ficha para Sntese da Avaliao Qualitativa


Competncias Transversais Assiduidade (a partir de ...... a....... ) Aulas Previstas Aulas Dadas Aulas Assistidas B Motivao M F Organizao pessoal B M F B Entender M F B

Competncias Especficas Falar M F B Ler M F B Escrever M F

Comportamento Adeq. Desa.

Documento apenas para uso interno do agrupamento

B- Bom M- Mdio
O (A) Professor (a) de Ingls:______________________________

Data: ____/____/_______

A Coordenadora da Escola: _______________________________ A Presidente do Conselho Executivo:________________________


Attendance Sheet
School: ________________________ Class: _________________________ Teacher: _______________________ Month: ________________________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Observations (progress, participation,


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