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Banda larga

Nvel Intermedirio

A sua conexo est lenta? Tenha pacincia! Nessa aula voc

vai aprender a falar sobre a velocidade da sua conexo de
internet. Clique play e aproveite!

No final dessa lio voc vai ser capaz de:
Entender o comparativo com adjetivos curtos
Entender o superlativo com adjetivos curtos
Entender vocabulrio relacionado Internet

Jack: Argh!
Emma: Uh... is everything ok there, Jack?
Jack: I'm trying to watch this streaming movie, but it keeps freezing. It's taking longer to download
than I expected.
Emma: Be patient, Jack. Brazil's still a little bit behind when it comes to broadband internet access.
Jack: That's it! Which country has the fastest internet access? I'm moving there...
Emma: Ha, ha! Yeah, good luck learning Japanese!
Jack: What?! Japan? Oh, man...


Jack: Argh!
Emma: Uh... Est tudo bem a, Jack?
Jack: Eu estou tentando assistir a esse vdeo em streaming, mas fica congelando. Est demorando
mais para baixar do que eu esperava.
Emma: Seja paciente, Jack. O Brasil ainda est um pouco atrasado quando se trata de acesso de
banda larga internet.
Jack: J chega! Qual o pas que tem o acesso mais rpido internet? Eu vou me mudar para l...
Emma: Ha, ha! Sim, boa sorte no aprendizado de japons!
Jack: O que?! Japo? Poxa vida...

To Keep Doing Something

Continuar Fazendo Algo

To Watch



Streaming/transferncia Contnua De Dados


Mais Longo

The Fastest

O Mais Rpido

Internet Access

Acesso Internet

Good Luck

Boa Sorte

To Download

Baixar/fazer Um Download

Dialog: "It's taking longer to download than I expected."
We use the comparative to make comparisons between two or more things or people. In this lesson,
we're focusing on making comparisons using short adjectives, which have one or two syllables.
My internet connection at home is faster than my connection at work. (A minha conexo de
internet em casa mais rpida do que a minha conexo no trabalho.)

A netbook is smaller than a regular laptop. (Um netbook menor do que um notebook
2) SHORT ADJECTIVES THAT END IN Y, take off the -y and add -ier.
John is a lot happier now that he has a job. (O John est muito mais feliz agora que ele tem
um emprego.)
Laptops are heavier than netbooks. (Notebooks so mais pesados do que netbooks.)

Dialog: "Which country has the fastest internet access?"
We use the superlative to express the extreme or highest degree of a quality of one thing or person
in a group of things or people.
THE + ADJECTIVE + (-est)
I was the fastest runner in high school. (Eu era o corredor mais rpido no segundo grau.)
Those were the smallest dogs I have ever seen. (Aqueles foram os menores ces que eu
j vi.)
2) SHORT ADJECTIVES THAT END IN Y, take off the -y and add -iest.
Her wedding day was the happiest day of her life. (O dia do casamento dela foi o dia mais
feliz de sua vida.)
This is the heaviest laptop I've ever carried. (Esse o laptop mais pesado que eu j
NOTE: If the word ends in vowel + consonant, then the last consonant is doubled. Examples: big- bigbigger-biggest, fat- fatter-fattest, thin- thinner-thinnest.

Dialog: "I'm trying to watch this streaming movie, but it keeps freezing."

The word "keep" can be used in many different ways as a verb. It can mean to restrain; to do
something constantly or continuously; to store or put away; or to detain. Check out some examples.
1) KEEP- restrain
Can you please keep your dog off my property? (Por favor, voc pode manter o seu
cachorro fora da minha propriedade?)
John and Sarah kept their daughter from dating until she was 17. (o John e a Sarah
impediram que a sua filha namorasse at ela tinha 17 anos.)
2) KEEP- do something constantly
My brother keeps telling me to buy a new computer. (O meu irmo fica me falando para
comprar um novo computador.)
The neighbor's dog keeps barking every time a car passes by! (O cachorro da vizinha fica
latindo toda vez que passa um carro!)
3) KEEP- to put away
Where do you keep your silverware? (Onde voc guarda os seus talheres?)
My mom keeps the blankets in the hallway closet. (A minha me guarda os cobertores no
armrio do corredor.)
4) KEEP- to detain
I didn't mean to keep you so long. Are you ready to go? (Eu no queria ter feito voc
esperar tanto tempo. Voc est pronto para ir?)
The police kept the suspect for 48 hours before releasing him. (A polcia prendeu o suspeito
por 48 horas antes de pr em liberdade.)

Copyright 2011 Ezlearn Educacional Ltda

Publicado em 03/10/2009

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