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28/07/2017 Soberania alimentar: um dilogo crtico

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Soberania alimentar:

Um dilogo crtico



14 a 15 de setembro de 2013

Documento de conferncia n 5

Financiamento, Distncia e

Poltica Global de Alimentos

Jennifer Clapp

Pgina 2

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28/07/2017 Soberania alimentar: um dilogo crtico
Financiamento, distncia e poltica de alimentos globais
Jennifer Clapp

Documento de conferncia para discusso em:

Soberania alimentar: um dilogo crtico

Conferncia Internacional
14-15 de setembro de 2013

Convocado por

Programa em Estudos Agrrios, Universidade de Yale

204 Prospect Street, # 204, New Haven, CT 06520 EUA
http://www.yale.edu/agrarianstudies /

O Journal of Peasant Studies


Projeto de alimentos sustentveis de Yale


em colaborao com

Food First / Institute for Food and Development Policy

398 60th Street, Oakland, CA 94618 EUA

Iniciativas em Estudos Agrrios Crticos (ICAS)

Instituto Internacional de Estudos Sociais (ISS)
PO Box 29776, 2502 LT A Haia, Pases Baixos

Instituto Transnacional (TNI)

PO Box 14656, 1001 LD Amsterdam, Pases Baixos

Com apoio de

O Macmillan Center, Edward J. e Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial

Fundo e o Conselho de Estudos do Sul da sia na Universidade de Yale

July 2013 Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicao pode ser reproduzida
Ou transmitido de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio sem permisso prvia da
Editor e o autor.

Pgina 3

Abstract 1

Este artigo fornece uma nova perspectiva sobre as implicaes polticas da intensificao da financiarizao
No sistema alimentar global. Houve um crescente reconhecimento do papel das finanas no
Sistema alimentar global, em particular a forma como os mercados financeiros se tornaram um modo de
Acumulao para grandes operadores transnacionais de agronegcios no atual regime alimentar. este
O documento destaca uma outra implicao poltica da financiarizao do sistema agroalimentar, a saber, como
Promove o "distanciamento" no sistema alimentar e como essa distncia molda o contexto mais amplo de

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Poltica alimentar mundial. Especificamente, o artigo avana dois argumentos inter-relacionados. Primeiro, um novo
Um tipo de distanciamento surgiu no sistema alimentar global como resultado da financiarizao que
A) aumentou o nmero do nmero e do tipo de atores envolvidos em agroalimentao global
Cadeias de mercadorias e b) alimentos extrados de sua forma fsica para agricultura altamente complexa
Derivativos de commodities. Em segundo lugar, esse distanciamento obscureceu as ligaes entre atores financeiros
E os resultados do sistema alimentar de formas que tornam o contexto poltico oposto
A financiarizao especialmente desafiadora.


As ltimas dcadas viram um crescimento fenomenal na venda e compra de produtos financeiros

Ligados a commodities agrcolas e terras agrcolas por bancos, comrcio de commodities agrcolas
Empresas e fundos de investimento. Essa tendncia ocorre ao lado de um processo maior de
Financeira na economia global, que tem visto os mercados financeiros desempenhar um papel
Papel cada vez mais importante nas decises de investimento e resultados em uma variedade de setores. o
A literatura sobre estudos alimentares est apenas comeando a examinar o que esse papel maior o papel financeiro
Os atores da economia global significam para a dinmica poltica dentro da comida global contempornea
Sistema (por exemplo, Burch e Lawrence 2009; Daniel 2012). Um nmero crescente de estudos tem
Situar a financiarizao no contexto dos regimes alimentares, mostrando a
Os instrumentos so amplamente utilizados por corporaes agroindustriais transnacionais como outro modo de
Acumulao que solidifica ainda mais seu papel dominante no regime alimentar global (Burch e
Lawrence 2009; McMichael 2012, 2013). Este trabalho tem sido importante no desenvolvimento de um aprofundamento
Compreenso de como a dinmica dinmica do capitalismo no contexto econmico global conduz
Decises de investimento corporativo com repercusses em todo o sistema alimentar.

Este artigo destaca uma implicao poltica adicional do aumento do papel dos atores financeiros
No sistema alimentar. Ao mesmo tempo que a financiarizao abre novas oportunidades para

1 Uma verso deste artigo est sob reviso no Journal of Studies Camponesas


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Acumulao corporativa no sistema alimentar mundial, algumas das suas dinmicas especficas do forma
Contexto poltico para a resistncia. Em particular, tanto o aumento da atividade dos atores financeiros como
A crescente gama de ferramentas especficas de investimento financeiro baseadas na agricultura que utilizam tm
Contribuiu para um novo tipo de "distanciamento" dentro do sistema alimentar. Distncia - que inclui o
Extenso geogrfica da fazenda ao prato ao longo de cadeias de commodities globais, bem como conhecimento
Lacunas quanto aos impactos sociais e ambientais da produo de alimentos - afetam a distribuio
De poder e influncia sobre a governana do sistema alimentar (Kneen 1995; Princen 2002;
Clapp 2012). A intensificao da financiarizao no sistema alimentar global contribui para distanciar
dois caminhos. Primeiro, aumenta o nmero de atores envolvidos nas cadeias de produtos agroalimentares globais;
E, em segundo lugar, abstrai o alimento da sua forma fsica para uma mercadoria agrcola altamente complexa
Derivados que so difceis de entender para todos, exceto os comerciantes financeiros experientes.

Esses dois tipos de distanciamento tendem a obscurecer o papel que os atores financeiros desempenham na alimentao
Sistema, dificultando a ligao com as consequncias sociais e ecolgicas das
Atividades de investimento no terreno. Derivados financeiros, como os fundos indexados que derivam seus
Valor de mudanas em um ndice que rastreia os preos das commodities, das terras agrcolas e da empresa agroalimentar
Partes, foram formas proeminentes de investimento financeiro no setor, e foram
Popular com os especuladores financeiros. Esses investimentos financeiros, por sua vez, afetam os preos dos alimentos e

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Fornecer o capitalnegativos,
Efeitos colaterais para que asincluindo
faamdeinvestimentos no altos
alimentos mais setor eprodutivo, muitas
mais volteis, vezes
bem comoresultando
uma srieem
Problemas ambientais e sociais associados a aquisies agrcolas extensivas. Mas
Distanciamento associado financiarizao significa que o papel que os atores financeiros desempenham
Alimentar esses problemas nem sempre transparente. Essa falta de transparncia sobre quais atores
Esto envolvidos na conduo dessas tendncias, criando espao para narrativas concorrentes - muitas vezes avanadas por
Os prprios atores financeiros - que apontam para outras explicaes sobre os aspectos sociais e sociais negativos.
Resultados ambientais. A distncia, assim, configura o contexto poltico para grupos que procuram
Opem-se financiarizao no sistema alimentar, complicando as tentativas da sociedade civil de desafiarem
As normas dominantes em torno do papel das finanas no sistema alimentar.

A primeira seo deste artigo descreve as literaturas tericas em ascenso da financiarizao,

Sua interpretao at agora na literatura sobre estudos alimentares e as formas pelas quais o conceito de
O distanciamento pode ajudar a destacar as implicaes da financiarizao para o sistema alimentar
poltica. A seo subseqente ento ilustra como surgiram novos tipos de distanciamento
Com a financiarizao do sistema alimentar, rastreando os vrios novos atores envolvidos e a
Tipos de investimentos financeiros que empregam, que extraram alimentos da sua forma fsica e
Adicione novos pontos de deciso dentro das cadeias de commodities. A seo final mostra que o distanciamento
Provocado pela financiarizao no sistema alimentar tem trabalhado para obscurecer o papel de


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Atores e os custos impostos por suas atividades, de forma a complicar os esforos de

Grupos de sociedade que buscam reduzir o impacto dos atores financeiros na volatilidade dos preos dos alimentos e

Finanas, comida e distncia

O crescente significado dos atores financeiros na economia mundial nas ltimas dcadas deu
Ascender a uma literatura crescente sobre "financeirizao" e suas implicaes (Epstein 2005;
Montgomerie 2008; Engelen 2008). A financiarizao, conforme definido por Epstein, refere-se
"(I) crescente importncia dos mercados financeiros, motivaes financeiras, instituies financeiras e
Elites financeiras no funcionamento da economia e suas instituies governamentais, tanto na
Nveis nacional e internacional "(Epstein 2005, 3). A literatura sobre financiarizao procurou
Para explicar como e por que os mercados financeiros e os atores, instituies e estruturas associados
Surgiram como uma fora to poderosa na economia global, bem como suas implicaes.
Essas obras apontaram vrios fatores polticos - do abrao dos Estados de neoliberal
Ideologia econmica para presses competitivas e lobby de interesses privados especficos - que
Impulsionaram uma desregulamentao dramtica e a globalizao dos mercados financeiros mundiais.
A financeira amplamente vista como uma resposta ao esgotamento da economia fordista.
Modelo de crescimento, onde o capital financeiro substituiu o capital produtivo na busca por novos
Lucros. Este processo tem visto o aumento do domnio de uma forma de capitalismo liderada pelas finanas em que
A propriedade dos ativos financeiros gera decises de investimento e permite novos modos de
Acumulao (ver Montgomerie 2008). A literatura de financiarizao tambm examinou a
Aumento de novas relaes entre mercados financeiros, empresas, indivduos e o mais amplo
Economia (Hall 2012; French et al., 2011).

Os atores financeiros tm desempenhado um longo papel no sistema alimentar atravs de mercados de futuros, mas esse papel
Cresceu notavelmente nas ltimas dcadas. Antes da crise alimentar de 2007-8, poucos estudiosos de
A financiarizao concentrou sua ateno especificamente no setor de alimentos (Clapp e Helleiner
2012a). Mas o aumento rpido e a volatilidade dos preos dos alimentos nessa crise incentivaram vrios estudiosos
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Para comear a notar o crescente papel da especulao financeira sobre os futuros de commodities agrcolas
Mercados como uma das causas contributivas dessas tendncias de preos (Clapp 2009; Mittal 2009;
Ghosh 2010). Olhando para as causas estruturais e conseqncias do aumento de atores financeiros
No sistema alimentar, vrios estudiosos tm procurado explicar o aumento da financiarizao no
Setor alimentar como parte da tendncia mais ampla em direo a um capitalismo liderado pelas finanas dentro da corporao.
Regime alimentar (Burch e Lawrence 2009; McMichael 2012). Espelhando o mais amplo
Literatura de financiarizao, esses trabalhos fazem com que a financiarizao fornea uma
Estratgia de acumulao adicional para grandes empresas agroalimentares dentro de um alimento global transformado


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regime. Este trabalho mostra que os atores financeiros que buscam lucros, por sua vez, so especulativos
Investimentos no setor, possibilitando corporaes transnacionais, incluindo grande agronegcio
E cadeias de supermercados, mais oportunidades de acumulao de lucros (Burch e Lawrence
2009; McMichael 2005; 2009; 2013). Alguns tambm apontaram para o papel da especulao financeira
Em terras, como o capital financeiro atrado para o imobilizado da terra e as receitas que fluem
Da offshoring da agricultura, que tambm serve estratgias de acumulao corporativa (Daniel
2012; Cotula 2012; McMichael 2012). Estes estudos recentes tm sido importantes na identificao
Algumas das principais foras e atores envolvidos neste processo, e sinalizar a necessidade de mais
Investigao do papel dos atores financeiros no sistema alimentar para provocar suas especificidades

Alm de moldar o regime alimentar, fornecendo novas vias de acumulao, o

Dinmica de financiarizao - os tipos de atores envolvidos e as caractersticas do novo
Ferramentas financeiras que utilizam - tambm afetam as polticas alimentares de outras maneiras, moldando a poltica
Contexto de resistncia. Ao adicionar novas e altamente complexas relaes financeiras dentro dos alimentos
Regime, o papel preciso dos atores financeiros e as conseqncias de seus investimentos na
O terreno tornou-se mais opaco, fazendo com que as aes polticas para enfrent-lo fossem mais desafiadoras. o
O conceito de distncia pode ajudar a iluminar a luz sobre esse impacto da financiarizao. Distncia em
As cadeias globais de commodities referem-se separao entre produo e consumo
Decises (Friedmann 1994; Kneen 1995; Princen 1997; 2002; Clapp 2012). Como observa Freidmann,
A distncia tornou-se uma norma dominante medida que os sistemas alimentares se tornaram mais globalizados, o que, em
A mudana suprimiu as particularidades do tempo e do lugar na agricultura, bem como dietas,
Com implicaes importantes para a poltica (Friedmann 1994, p.379). Princen mostra essa distncia em
Cadeias de produtos globais podem ocorrer ao longo de vrias dimenses, incluindo geografia (fsica
Distncia), cultura (conhecimento sobre as condies de produo), poder de barganha (capacidade de
Decises de conduo) e agncia (o nmero de pessoas do meio em uma cadeia de commodities) (Princen
2002). Kneen observa que a mudana tecnolgica tambm expande a distncia separando alimentos crus
Do produto final (Kneen 1995). Maior distncia entre o ponto de produo e
O consumo tende a restringir o feedback da informao sobre os aspectos sociais e ecolgicos.
Implicaes de processos de produo e relaes econmicas em diferentes pontos ao longo
Cadeias de mercadorias (Kneen 1995, p.25; Princen 1997; Dauvergne 2008). Com mltiplos
Pessoas intermedirias tipicamente presentes em cadeias de mercadorias que se estendem por maiores reas geogrficas
Distncias, por exemplo, as oportunidades so abertas para que alguns agentes exeram mais negociaes
Poder e reter informaes que, em ltima instncia, separam os laos de feedback que normalmente
Deixar claro as linhas de responsabilidade para proteger um recurso (Princen 2002, p.122-23).


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Pgina 7

A forma como o distanciamento restringe o feedback da informao importante para a poltica

contexto. Quando a distncia se expande medida que mais atores entram na cadeia, os atores poderosos tambm so mais
Susceptvel de externalizar ou reduzir os custos, tornando-os "invisveis" para os outros (Princen 2002; Kneen
1995). Os problemas ambientais podem ento ser facilmente deslocados e os consumidores so deixados em grande parte
Desconhecendo as consequncias ecolgicas e sociais do seu prprio consumo (Princen
1997; 2001; 2002, p.108-115; Dauvergne 1997; 2008). O sombreamento dos custos tambm desfigura as linhas
De responsabilidade por abord-los. Dauvergne argumenta que cadeias de produtos alongados em
A era atual da globalizao econmica particularmente problemtica porque a desigualdade
O comrcio global, o investimento e as relaes financeiras alimentam inmeros aspectos ambientais e sociais.
Conseqncias em diferentes locais ao redor do mundo, com os custos geralmente caindo
Desproporcionalmente sobre os pobres do mundo (Dauvergne 2008, p.10). Nesses casos, a poltica de
Resistir a essas foras e enfrentar os custos est repleto de desafios (Princen 2002, pp.123-
30; Dauvergne 2008 p.210). Os atores corporativos podem explorar a natureza obscurecida de seu prprio papel
Na externalizao dos custos atravs do desenvolvimento de discursos concorrentes que visam moldar ou reformular o caminho
As pessoas vem suas atividades de forma positiva (veja Fuchs 2007; Clapp e Fuchs 2009).

Essas idias conceituais da literatura mais ampla sobre distanciamento ajudam a iluminar polticas
Dinmica emergente dentro de um sistema alimentar mais financiado. Para comear, pode-se notar que
A financiarizao distancia dentro do sistema alimentar de duas maneiras principais, cada uma das quais forma
O contexto poltico mais amplo. Primeiro, novos atores e seus vastos recursos financeiros so trazidos
No sistema alimentar, alterando os limites das cadeias de produtos agroalimentares como mais deciso
So adicionados pontos de produo para consumo. Os investidores financeiros podem no ser diretamente
Envolvidos na produo e comercializao de produtos alimentares reais, mas ganharam barganha
Poder em torno das bordas das cadeias fsicas de produtos agroalimentares atravs da proviso de
Financiamento, extrao de lucros e sua maior influncia sobre tendncias de mercado e preos
(Burch e Lawrence 2009). Embora os investidores financeiros tenham tido um relacionamento longo com
Mercados de commodities agrcolas, a desregulamentao financeira no setor permitiu grande nmero
De investidores, operando atravs de bancos e subsidirias financeiras de empresas comerciais, para entrar nesses
Mercados em massa. Por causa de seu tamanho, os investidores agora exercem enorme influncia sobre
Condies de mercado e, finalmente, preos, de produtos alimentares.

Em segundo lugar, a financiarizao desencadeia um novo tipo de distanciamento, incentivando uma maior abstrao de
Commodities agrcolas da sua forma fsica. Como as regras que regem a agricultura
Mercados de commodities tornaram-se mais relaxados (veja abaixo), o uso de novos e mais intrincados
Proliferaram derivados financeiros (Burch e Lawrence, 2009). Esses produtos so projetados como
Investimentos financeiros, para dar aos investidores a oportunidade de se exporem s commodities em
Para diversificar suas carteiras financeiras, mas sem ter que comprar o


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Commodities. Para esses investidores, os derivados agrcolas so atraentes para os recursos financeiros.
Oportunidades que eles oferecem. A dimenso virtual do produto assume seu prprio valor e

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Pode gerar lucros, mesmo que o investidor no possua ou tenha necessidade de, o fsico
Commodity com o qual est associado. Desta forma, o investimento na mercadoria est separado
Da sua forma fsica. No entanto, ao mesmo tempo, esses novos derivados agrcolas esto bloqueados para
Mercados fsicos de formas novas e complexas, e tendncias em um mercado afetam tendncias no outro
(Russi 2013).

Esses novos tipos de distanciamento associados financiarizao - envolvendo tanto um aumento

Nmero de jogadores na cadeia de commodities, bem como a abstrao de commodities fsicas para um
Nova forma financeira - por sua vez, tem implicaes importantes para a poltica de alimentos. Essas formas de
Distanciamento no sistema alimentar, ao contrrio de distanciamento maior em outras cadeias de commodities, tem um
Efeito obscurecido que molda o contexto poltico (Princen 2002). Nesse caso, financeiro
Investimentos alimentam atividades que muitas vezes resultam em efeitos sociais e ambientais negativos em uma
Escala global, no entanto, esses custos so muitas vezes externalizados ou sombreados. O aumento do nmero de
Os agentes financeiros envolvidos nas cadeias de produtos agroalimentares e em torno deles restringem a informao
Feedback, o que torna a externalizao de custos mais fcil e mais provvel. Como resultado, as formas
Que o sistema financeiro global est vinculado aos resultados no sistema alimentar - em particular quando
Custos sociais e ambientais negativos ocorrem - nem sempre so claros. As atividades de financiamento
As instituies e os investidores geralmente esto ocorrendo praticamente em centros financeiros concentrados no
Pases mais ricos do mundo, muitas vezes bem antes das commodities serem cultivadas ou entregues, e muitas vezes
A uma grande distncia fsica e cultural do ponto de produo. Bancos e financeiros
Os investidores esto comprando e vendendo produtos com base em commodities agrcolas e influenciando
O sistema alimentar mundial de formas que nem sempre so visveis para o pblico em geral. Essa falta de
A clareza cria oportunidades para narrativas concorrentes, ou discursos, para surgir que buscam
Explique os resultados negativos de formas que retratam atores financeiros como fornecedores de solues
Em vez de fontes de problemas. O resultado de novas formas de distanciamento e emergncia
De discursos concorrentes apresenta um contexto poltico desafiador para organizaes da sociedade civil
Que buscam se opor financiarizao no sistema alimentar global.

Agricultura como investimento financeiro

A ligao entre investidores financeiros e comrcio de commodities agrcolas existe h sculos

(Bryan e Rafferty 2006). Os intercmbios de futuros para commodities agrcolas foram estabelecidos em
Londres, por exemplo, no sculo 18. Os mercados de futuros forneceram um meio pelo qual agricultores
E os comerciantes de gros poderiam comprar e vender commodities agrcolas para entrega em um futuro
encontro. A capacidade de fazer negcios no "futuro" permitiu aos vendedores e compradores bloquear os preos


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E cercam seus riscos em um setor que altamente incerto devido s flutuaes climticas e
Perecessibilidade dos gneros alimentcios. Como tal, esses mercados tm desempenhado um papel importante no "preo".
Descoberta para commodities. Os investidores financeiros especulam sobre os movimentos de preos nestes cedo
Mercados de futuros por liquidez fornecida nos casos em que agricultores e usurios finais no encontraram igual
Corresponde s suas necessidades. Mais mercados institucionalizados de mercado de futuros de commodities emergiram em
Outras cidades do Reino Unido e nos Estados Unidos em meados do sculo XIX e a prtica de commodities
O comrcio de futuros tornou-se generalizado (Cronon, 1991). A capacidade de proteger suas posies no
Os mercados de gros permitiram s empresas comerciais de grandes gros expandir seu escopo e tamanho no ltimo
parte do sculo 19 (Morgan, 1979).

A possibilidade de que os especuladores possam manipular os mercados ao assumir grandes posies foi
Reconhecido no incio. Por causa desse risco, os mercados de futuros agrcolas nos Estados Unidos -
Lar da maior bolsa de futuros de commodities agrcolas, a Chicago Mercantile Exchange
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Grupo - foram rigorosamente regulamentados desde o incio dos anos 1900. A Lei de Futuros de Gro de 1922
Exigiu que todas as negociaes de futuros tivessem lugar em bolsas aprovadas que proibiam o preo
manipulao. Desde 1923, relatrios dirios sobre negociao por comerciantes de mercado nos mercados foram
requeridos. O 1936 US Commodity Exchange Act deu aos reguladores federais dos EUA a autoridade para
Estabelecer "limites de posio" sobre os comerciantes que foram considerados "no comerciais"; isso
Aqueles que no estavam envolvidos no lado comercial da mercadoria como agricultores, elevador de gros
Operadores ou usurios finais, como empresas de commodities e processadores de alimentos. Estes no comerciais
Os comerciantes no foram vistos como hedgers de boa-f nos mercados. Em vez disso, eles eram vistos como
Especuladores financeiros e o nmero de contratos de futuros que legalmente foram autorizados a deter no
Qualquer momento foi rigorosamente controlado. O objetivo da legislao no era proibir a especulao, mas
Em vez de evitar especulaes "excessivas" que possam resultar em manipulao de mercado e
Turnos de preos acentuados (US Senate 2009; Clapp e Helleiner 2012a). Desde 1974, o Commodity
A Comisso de Negociao de Futuros (CFTC) manteve o controle regulatrio dos futuros de commodities
Mercados nos EUA, incluindo o monitoramento dos limites de posio.

Bancos vem oportunidade na agricultura

Os regulamentos acima foram estabelecidos para evitar manipulaes de mercado e mudanas de preo acentuadas.
Mas esses regulamentos comearam a ser relaxados nos anos 80 e 90 (Ghosh 2010). Em resposta a
Presso de alguns grandes bancos para relaxar os limites de posio apertada para operadores no comerciais,
O CFTC emitiu o que foi referido como "nenhuma carta de ao". Essas letras habilitaram
Bancos que lhes pediram que excedessem os limites de posio, alegando que suas posies em
Os mercados de commodities foram hedge contra os riscos reais que enfrentaram nos mercados financeiros. Bancos
Necessrios para proteger seus prprios riscos financeiros ao se envolverem em mercados fsicos em grandes quantidades


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Porque eles comearam a vender produtos derivados financeiros aos investidores baseados em
Mercados de commodities agrcolas (Clapp e Helleiner 2012a).

Um derivado financeiro comum que os bancos comearam a vender conhecido como "fundo de ndice de commodities"
(CIF). Esses produtos derivados acompanham as mudanas nos preos de um pacote de diferentes tipos de
Commodities como ndice (Kaufman 2010). Um ndice geral de commodities composto pelos preos
De commodities agrcolas, minerais, gado e produtos petrolferos. Produtos agrcolas
Geralmente representam cerca de um tero do valor desses ndices. O que o CIF oferece aos investidores
Uma oportunidade de ganhar exposio aos mercados de commodities sem ser obrigado a comprar o
Commodities reais sobre intercmbios. O mais popular desses fundos indexados o Padro e
ndice Poor's Goldman Sachs e ndice Dow Jones AIG (IATP 2008, DeSchutter 2010). Dentro
Vendendo esses produtos, os bancos atuam como operadores intermedirios, fornecendo um derivado financeiro
produto baseado em mercados de commodities aos investidores 'over the counter' (OTC), o que significa que um
Contrato de derivativos no padronizado e, portanto, no pode ser negociado em uma troca aberta, mas
Em vez disso, organizado informalmente (Russi 2013, p.47). Ao mesmo tempo, a venda desses recursos financeiros
Os produtos representaram um risco financeiro para os bancos que os venderam. Se os preos das commodities no ndice aumentassem,
Eles teriam que pagar retornos aos investidores. Para proteger esses novos riscos financeiros, os bancos
Comeou a comprar contratos de futuros de commodities reais em troca de commodities, para que eles
Realmente ganharia financeiramente se os preos subirem e, assim, pudessem fazer os pagamentos para
Investidores. Esta necessidade de investir nos mercados de futuros de commodities foi precisamente por isso que esses bancos
Pressionado por um relaxamento dos limites de posio (Clapp e Helleiner 2012). As novas regras permitiram
Expandir a venda de produtos de derivados agrcolas OTC para investidores que eles mesmos
No conseguiram participar diretamente nas trocas de commodities. Mas os produtos OTC e

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As trocas de commodities se tornaram vinculadas porque os bancos operavam em um para proteger seus riscos no
de outros.

Em 2000, o relaxamento dos regulamentos foi codificado com a passagem do Commodity Futures
Lei de Modernizao (CFMA) nos EUA (Ghosh 2010). Esta lei isenta a negociao de derivados OTC
De superviso pela CFTC (Tett 2009). Com efeito, a venda de produtos derivados de OTC no era
Regulamentado, e foi permitida a negociao puramente especulativa desses tipos de produtos derivados.
Essa desregulamentao nos Estados Unidos, os mercados de commodities mais bem regulamentados,
Melhorou isso com os mercados de outros pases. A UE, por exemplo, teve apenas luz
Regulamentos em seu mercado de futuros de commodities, e antes de 2008 no havia regulamentos sobre OTC
Negociao de derivativos (Vander Stichele 2011, p.1).

Outros tipos de produtos de investimento financeiro ligados ao setor agrcola tambm comearam a ser
Oferecidos pelos bancos depois de 2000, incluindo fundos que investiram no apenas em commodities, mas tambm


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Empresas agrcolas e baseadas em agricultura (Burch and Lawrence 2009, pp.271-2; McMichael 2012,
Pp. 688-91; White et al.2012; Daniel 2012). Comprar uma participao na fazenda fornece recursos financeiros
Exposio dos investidores produo agrcola subjacente aos preos das commodities. E
O investimento deste tipo tornou-se mais atraente e mais fcil, pelo aumento
Financiar a alimentao e a agricultura. atraente porque a exposio s terras agrcolas
Expande as oportunidades dos investidores para obter retornos da produo de culturas de alimentos e biocombustveis
Num contexto em que os mercados financeiros e de commodities (incluindo a energia fssil e biomassa)
So cada vez mais volteis e incertas, mas tambm inextricavelmente ligadas (White e Dasgupta 2010;
McMichael 2012; Clapp e Helleiner 2012b). O envolvimento de investidores financeiros em
As terras agrcolas tambm foram facilitadas pelo desenvolvimento de derivativos financeiros baseados
Sobre investimento em terra (Burch e Lawrence 2009; McMichael 2012). Alguma agricultura nova
Fundos especializados em aquisio de terras agrcolas e cerca de 66 fundos agora incluem terrenos em seu portflio
(Buxton et al., 2012, p.1). BlackRock, por exemplo, uma empresa de investimentos que a maior do mundo
Gerente de ativos, criou um Fundo Mundial de Agricultura em 2010 que investe em uma gama de
Ativos baseados na agricultura, incluindo futuros de commodities, terras agrcolas, empresas de insumos agrcolas e
Empresas de processamento e comercializao de produtos alimentcios, que agrupa um ndice (BlackRock 2012).
Tambm surgiram fundos de troca-comrcio baseados na agricultura (ETFs), incluindo o DaxGlobal
ndice de Agronegcios e ndice de Agricultura Global de Equidade Dow Jones. Esses fundos acompanham o
Desempenho das maiores empresas agrcolas e venda de aes na bolsa de valores. De acordo com
Instituto Internacional de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, cerca de 190 empresas de private equity
Esto adquirindo terrenos e outros ativos agrcolas em nome de seus investidores (Buxton et al., 2012).

Empresas de comrcio de mercadorias aprofundam a ligao

Os bancos no eram os nicos atores financeiros a capitalizar a mudana de face da commodity
Futuros mercados que resultaram de mudanas nos regulamentos. Alcanando a crescente demanda dos investidores
Para produtos financeiros derivativos de commodities, as grandes empresas de comrcio de commodities agrcolas tambm
Comeou a entrar no negcio. Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Bunge, Cargill e Louis Dreyfus
- conhecidos no negcio como empresas ABCD - esto fortemente envolvidos nos derivados agrcolas
mercado. Cada uma dessas empresas tem uma longa histria: a Bunge remonta ao incio dos anos 1800, Cargill para
Na dcada de 1860, Dreyfus at a dcada de 1880 e ADM at o incio dos anos 1900 (Morgan, 1979). As firmas ABCD
Operar sob um modelo de negcio complexo que envolve lidar com commodities e comrcio a granel
Grandes volumes em margens tipicamente baixas. Cada uma dessas empresas est intimamente ligada ao mundo de
Cadeias complexas de commodities agrcolas, com diferentes aspectos de seus negcios tocando em todos

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Aspectos dessas cadeias da produo ao consumo. E cada um tem acesso privilegiado a
Informaes que os ajudaram a manter a vantagem sobre seus concorrentes (Murphy et al.


Pgina 12

As empresas de comrcio de commodities usaram suas vantagens de informao para gerir as suas prprias
Riscos de negcios atravs da compra e venda de contratos de futuros sobre commodities agrcolas
Trocas (ver Kneen 2002; Morgan 1979). Em alguns casos, essas empresas esto envolvidas em hedging
De suas prprias operaes comerciais. Mas praticamente impossvel dizer quando essas empresas so
Em vez disso, crie investimentos puramente especulativos com base no prprio conhecimento interno de
Mercados de commodities agrcolas. Como observou o Wall Street Journal em 2009, "em contraste com
Aes, comrcio de commodities o nico grande mercado dos EUA onde as empresas podem atuar
Em informaes privilegiadas para gerenciar os riscos que outros podem no saber sobre "(David 2009). Mercadoria
As empresas comerciais so muitas vezes as primeiras a tomar conhecimento da escassez de culturas ou de outras interrupes
Comrcio agrcola, dando-lhes uma vantagem de informao nos mercados de futuros (Meyer 2011).
As empresas comerciais de commodities foram capazes de capitalizar seus conhecimentos especializados do setor
E, nas ltimas duas dcadas, fizeram do gerenciamento financeiro e de riscos uma parte importante da sua
Estrutura de negcios (Murphy et al., 2012). Neste perodo, cada uma das empresas ABCD estabelecidas
Empresas subsidirias financeiras que se especializaram nesta tarefa. As empresas de servios financeiros ABCD
Gradualmente, comearam a atender no apenas suas prprias necessidades de gerenciamento de risco, mas tambm as de terceiro
Investidores do partido. The financial arms of these firms became very active in selling OTC derivatives,
much like the banks were doing. Cargill, for example, founded Cargill Risk Management (CRM)
in 1994, explicitly to sell individualized OTC products for its own purposes and for third party
clientes. In 2003, Cargill established another independently managed subsidiary, Black River
Asset Management, which started to manage the funds of third party investors in 2004. ADM
operates ADM Investor Services (ADMIS), a subsidiary which also sells OTC agricultural
derivatives to third parties and which has two separate financial subsidiaries that operate under
it, selling investment products to business partners and third party institutional investors. Louis
Dreyfus established two agricultural hedge funds: the Alpha Fund that specializes in agricultural
commodities and Calyx Agro that specializes in farmland investments in Latin America. Bunge
has two financial divisions, Bunge Global Markets and Bunge Limited Finance Corporation
(Murphy et al. 2012).

The distinction between banks and commodity trading firms has become increasingly blurred
since the mid 1990s as both sets of actors became actively engaged in selling OTC agricultural
commodity derivatives products such as commodity index funds and other OTC financial
derivative products (Burch and Lawrence 2009, p.277). The market for these products grew
rapidly after 2000 when the CMFA came into place, and the total assets of financial speculators
in agricultural commodity markets increased from US$65 billion in 2006 to some US$126 billion
by early 2011 (Worthy 2011, p.13). Much of this increase is due to financial speculation. No
US wheat futures market, for example, financial speculators' share of the trade increased from
12 percent in the mid-1990s to 61 percent in 2011 (Worthy 2011, p.13).


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Large-scale Third Party Investors

In this period, agriculture-based financial investment products became hugely popular among
investors, including large-scale institutional investment funds and wealthy individuals.
Institutional investors include insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, sovereign
wealth funds, hedge funds, and university and foundation endowments. These investment
funds essentially pool resources of those that invest in them, enableing them to expand and
diversify their investment options while sharing transaction costs (Burch and Lawrence 2009,
pp.272-3; Buxton et al. 2012). According to the Bank for International Settlements, in 2005,
insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual funds together managed US$46 trillion (BIS
2007). These large-scale investors have some unique features, one of which is that they tend to
be passive investors with a significant proportion of their investments. With large amounts of
money to invest, they tend to make long-term investment decisions that do not require active
management, and members do not always have detailed knowledge of their own investments.
Large-scale financial investors increasingly began to seek exposure to commodities as an asset
class after 2000, as commodity prices in general were rising in this period (Burch and Lawrence
2009, p.273). Food and energy commodities in particular saw important upward price shifts, as
these sectors became increasingly locked together through the rise of biofuels as an alternative
energy source and financial derivatives that bundled food and energy commodites together
(Clapp and Helleiner 2012b; McMichael 2010). Investors sought to purchase financial products
from large banks and the financial arms of commodity trading firms who offered exposure to
commodities and farmland through CIFs and other kinds of agriculture-based financial
investments that were becoming more readily available to them. Some estimates put overall
commodity investments of institutional investors at around US$320 billion, which is up
significantly from the US$6 billion they held in investments in this sector in 2002 (Buxton et al.
2012, p.2).

Institutional investors are also increasing their exposure to farmland via new derivative
products on offer from large investment banks and commodity firms (Daniel 2012). Farmland is
especially attractive to institutional investors because it not only holds value in itself due to its
limited supply, but also produces a flow of income from the production that arises from it.
These traits suit investors with long time horizons, such as pension funds, that seek to capitalize
on rising demand for food and biofuels on a fixed land base. BlackRock's World Agriculture
Fund noted above, for example, markets to institutional investors and includes agricultural land
in its fund (Black Rock 2012). Pension funds have been actively adding farmland to their asset
mix, holding approximately US$5-15 billion in farmland assets (GRAIN 2011). The Calyx Agro
fund, noted above, explicitly seeks to identify, acquire, develop, concert and sell farmland for


Pgina 14

large institutional investment funds such as AIG, with a focus on Latin America. 2 Private equity
funds EmVest and SilverStreet Capital have established funds that target institutional investors
and focus specifically on African farmland (Daniel 2012, pp.705-706).

This closer look at the regulatory trends and the actors involved in financialization in the food
system illustrates the ways in which distancing has expanded. Deregulation has enabled the
entry of new actors, or middlepersons, into agrifood commodity chains. Banks, institutional
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investors, and new financial investment arms of the ABCDs are now active participants in
agrifood supply chains, bring with them considerable decision-making power based on their
financial weight. Along with new actors, new types of relationships between actors, in the form
of abstract commodity derivatives, have also changed the shape and culture of those
commodity chains. Financial investors are not necessarily buying agricultural commodities in
their physical form, but rather are seeking profits in and around the commodity chain, through
new kinds of financial derivatives that are abstractions from the physical commodity. CIFs, in
particular, have been especially attractive for the needs of these large-scale third-party
investors. They are easy to obtain because they are sold OTC, and investors can hold them for
long periods of time, waiting to reap profits as commodity prices climb. The pooling of financial
resources of multiple investors and the availability of new financial products also enables
institutional investors to buy a stake in farmland and other land-based derivatives. Estes
changes brought by financialization have important implications for the politics of food, as
discussed below.

Financialization and the Political Context for Opposition

Increased distancing that has resulted from financialization has worked to obscure the role that
financial investors play in driving certain outcomes in the global food system. O aumento
number of financial actors in the agrifood sector and the introduction of new and complex
agricultural derivatives have made the boundaries around commodity chains, and the lines of
responsibility within them, less clear. This new context complicates political action around food.
Some analysts have linked rising financial speculation in agricultural commodities and land to
food price volatility and speculative land grabs, each of which imposes social and ecological
costs in the world's poorest countries (eg Ghosh 2010; Dauvergne and Neville 2010; White et
Al. 2012; McMichael 2012; Daniel 2012; Russi 2013). But distancing, as outlined above, has
made the precise impact of each financial investment hard to pinpoint with certainty because
the flow of information is inhibited by greater distance that financialization has brought to the

2 See Calyx Agro website : http://www.calyxagro.com/company.php and Henriques 2008.


Pgina 15

food system. Financial investors' funds are often pooled and managed by others, which in turn
makes drawing a causal link between particular financial investments and their potential
negative outcomes, such as hunger or environmental degradation in specific locations,
extremely difficult (Clapp and Dauvergne 2011, p.217). The new forms of distancing, in other
words, have expanded the opportunity for powerful agents within commodity chains to shade

The difficulty of drawing a direct causal line from financial investments to outcomes in the food
system has made the political context much more challenging for civil society organizations
campaigning on these issues. Although there are growing pressures for progressive reform in
the food system in the face of crisis (eg Gimnez and Shattuck 2011), the lack of certainty
about the specific impact of financial actors caused by distancing creates room for competing
narratives that feature other, non-financial explanations for hunger, displacement from land,
and environmental degradation. Instead of seeing the rise in financial investment in agriculture
as a potential problem, other narratives in fact often portray financialization as a solution to
problems in the food system. These narratives typically emanate from financial actors
themselves as well as powerful organizations that support them. The World Bank, for example,

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has played a key role in advocating for more commodity exchanges in developing countries at
the same time that it has portrayed large-scale land acquisitions as an important development
opportunity (Bush 2012; World Bank 2007; 2010).

Both the new forms of distancing, and the competing discourses they give rise to, complicate
efforts of civil society organizations that are seeking to curb the effects of financial actors in the
food system. In this political context, the typical response of states has been to adopt weak
Regulamentos. These trends can be illustrated through a very brief overview of the recent politics
surrounding food price volatility.

Uncertainty and Debate Over Role of Finance in Driving Food Price Volatility
It is widely understood that financialization in the food sector has exposed agricultural prices to
broader trends in financial markets (Kaufman 2010; Russi 2013). As noted above, financial
market turmoil after 2006 contributed to disruptions in food markets that encouraged investors
to capitalize on commodities that were at that time widely advertised to be a more stable and
higher-return investment than other kinds of financial derivatives. As money poured into
commodities in large amounts in this period, food prices began to climb. In the 2006-2008
period, average world prices for rice rose by 217 percent, wheat by 136 percent, maize by 125
percent and soybeans by 107 percent (WRI 2008). But by the end of 2008, prices fell just as
dramatically as financial markets collapsed and investors retreated. Volatility and renewed


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price spikes then returned in 2010-12. Fluctuating food prices on world markets in this period
have caused enormous disruptions to food security of the world's poorest people (FAO 2011;
Daivron et al. 2011; IFPRI 2011). Most analysts agree that there is some link between the recent
rise of financial speculation in commodity markets and food price trends. But because
distancing has obscured the precise lines of cause and effect, the extent to which financial
speculation is viewed as central cause of food price volatility or a marginal force is highly
contested. In other words, distancing has fuelled uncertainty about cause, effect and
responsibility, giving rise to competing discourses about the issue.

When food prices rose steeply after 2006, a number of analysts and civil society organizations
pointed to speculative finance as a driving factor. Bolstered by the FAO's analysis that a
significant portion of the price volatility was well beyond what would be explained by
underlying supply and demand for food (FAO 2008), these analysts made the case that the
fundamentals of supply and demand alone could not explain the food price spikes (Mittal
2009). They argued that speculation was the only plausible explanation, and that it drove up
food prices and made them more volatile as financial speculators moved in and out of
commodity derivatives in order to seek profits as financial market conditions changed (eg IATP
2008; Ghosh 2010; Kaufman 2010; Russi 2013). Speculative investment in CIFs was blamed in
particular for pushing up food prices. Even though they are only indices of prices on commodity
markets, large movements of speculative capital into these particular financial products can
cause severe disruptions to commodity markets (Masters 2008). As institutional and other
investors purchase index funds, banks and commodity trading firms hedge the risks associated
with the sale of those products on commodity futures markets, in effect linking the physical
market with the index. And although they are betting huge sums on the physical commodity
futures market, these transactions are in the hands of relatively few traders. At the height of
the food price rises of 2008, just six traders held up to 60 percent of the Chicago wheat futures
contracts that were linked to index funds (US Senate 2009). In this context, critics argued, even

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very small changes in how investment portfolios of thousands of investors are managed can
result in sharp changes in agricultural prices. Several recent studies that have presented
sophisticated models teasing out the different factors that have affected commodity price
volatility point to financial speculation as a significant force (Lagi et al. 2011; Basak and Pavlova

Others have taken issue with these lines of argument, inserting a competing narrative into the
space obscured by distancing. The World Bank and OECD, for example, have presented highly
technical arguments about the functioning of futures markets that downplay the idea that
financial speculation fuels food price volatility (World Bank 2008, Irwin and Sanders 2010).


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Supporters of this view have made the case that there is little evidence to prove that causal link
and they suggest that critics of financial speculation have misunderstood the technicalities of
how the markets work (Irwin et al. 2009). For these analysts, commodity futures markets have
provided liquidity and capacity to absorb risk to global food markets in ways that have instead
helped to stabilize food prices (Irwin et al. 2009; Sanders and Irwin 2010). From this standpoint,
the primary causes of food price volatility can be found elsewhere, namely fundamentals of
supply and demand in food markets themselves (Irwin et al. 2009).

The debate over the impact of commodity speculation on food prices continues. By 2010, it was
clear that food price volatility was persisting, and pressure grew to uncover the cause. The G20
announced that it was taking up the issue under France's leadership the following year. Around
this time, several international organizations began to stress that speculation in agricultural
commodity futures markets and financial derivatives was a factor in at least exacerbating price
volatility trends. The Bank for International Settlements noted, for example, that
financialization influences commodity prices, especially in the short term. Several UN reports
also came to a similar conclusion (BIS 2011, De Schutter 2010, UNCTAD 2011). An UNCTAD
report explains that investors often act in a herd-like fashion, following each other due to the
lack of perfect information. This herd behaviour can make prices swing up and down more
dramatically than they otherwise would have done (UNCTAD 2011). Although these reports
provided some fuel to those seeking greater regulation of financial markets to stem excessive
commodity speculation, progress on this front has been slow and uneven, indicating that the
debate on the role of finance in food price volatility is far from settled (Clapp and Murphy

Civil Society Campaigns and Financial Sector Backlash

A number of civil society groups concerned about the impact of food price volatility on hunger
have sought to challenge the new role of financial actors in the food system by calling for
divestment from speculative activities that drive up food prices and for stronger state-based
regulation to curb speculation on food. The new types of distancing brought about by
financialization, however, have made the political context within which these groups operate
more difficult in several ways. First, these groups have had to engage with a large number of
new actors in the agrifood commodity chain, namely financial institutions, which they
previously had not dealt with in any extensive way. Second, the abstract nature of agricultural
financial derivatives has complicated the general public's understanding of the issue and meant
that campaigners have to become knowledgeable about a highly technical sector in a very short
period of time. And third, because these types of distancing created room for the emergence of
competing narratives about the causes of food price volatility (as outlined above), civil society

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groups face the challenge not only of explaining their concerns to the general public, but also of
constantly engaging with these alternatives narratives in order to ensure that their message
was not undermined.

Although distancing brought by financialization introduced these new political challenges, civil
society organizations were not deterred from launching campaigns that sought to shine a light
on the role of financial actors in fuelling food price volatility. As the G20 took up the issue of
food price volatility in 2010-11, a number of organizations based in Europe, including World
Development Movement, Oxfam, and Friends of the Earth, and Foodwatch, launched
campaigns that sought to stop banks' participation in agricultural commodity speculation and
to improve financial sector regulation (Jones 2010; Worthy 2011, Herman et al. 2011; Friends of
the Earth Europe 2012; Foodwatch 2011). In the US, a coalition of groups launched the Stop
Gambling on Hunger campaign, including the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Better
Markets, and Commodity Markets Oversight Coalition (CMOC). 3 An open letter posted on the
World Development Movement website has been signed by over 100 civil society groups which
allied in a broader global campaign to stop gambling on food and hunger (WDM 2011). Muitos
of these groups targeted large banks familiar to the general public that deal in agricultural
commodity derivatives. The World Development Movement, for example, has targeted Barclays
Bank and Goldman Sachs, while Oxfam France and Foodwatch focused their attention on major
banks in France and Germany respectively (eg Scott 2011; Foodwatch 2011; Oxfam France

Some successes have been won by these groups, but given the complex political environment in
which these campaigns were launched the overall outcome has been mixed and the successes
are fragile. In the first half of 2012, several German and Austrian banks, including Deutsche
Bank, announced that they would be removing agricultural products from their index fund
produtos. In early 2013, several major French banks pulled out of commodity speculation in
direct response to an Oxfam France report that targeted them (Oxfam International 2013). E
in the UK Barclays announced in early 2013 that it too would be withdrawing from speculation
on food prices (Treanor 2013). By mid-2013, the WDM reported that some 11 European banks
had pulled out of financial investment in agricultural commodities. 4

But the WDM also warned that these banks could chance course at any time. Indeed, one major
financial institution that had halted agricultural commodity speculation in 2012, Deutsche Bank,

3 See http://stopgamblingonhunger.com
4 See http://www.wdm.org.uk/category/tags/food-speculation


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has already reversed its decision, announcing it was reinstating its agricultural commodity

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Investimentos. On making this announcement, the bank invoked the competing narratives cited
above, arguing that it found no convincing evidence that financial speculation in agricultural
commodity markets had driven up food prices or made them more volatile (Deutsche Bank
2013). Lobbyists for the banks have also become more aggressive in trying to shape the public
debate on the issue by taking advantage of the uncertainties about the cause and effect
generated by distancing. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), an
association representing over 800 financial institutions including Barclay's, Deutsche Bank, JP
Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, among others, launched a website in early 2013
that counters growing criticism of commodity speculation by selectively reproducing quotes
from reports and media appearances of analysts who argue that financial speculation is not a
cause of price volatility and that financial reform to address it is not needed. 5 Civil society
groups in turn have coordinated their own efforts more tightly and have filled their own
websites not just with their own studies, but those of other groups, academics, and
policymakers that agree with their assessment of the role of speculation in causing food price
volatility. But it has often been challenging to present to the general public what are often quite
technical debates about the impacts of the abstract financial products involved.

In addition to targeting specific financial institutions to demand divestment, civil society

organizations have also worked to strengthen financial regulation to stem commodity
speculation. To engage in these debates, these groups had to learn the highly technical details
of abstract financial derivatives as well as the complex regulatory context. The outcomes, once
again, have been mixed. The 2008 food and financial crises generated significant political
momentum to reform its financial market regulations, including demands from civil society
lobby groups such as the CMOC for tighter position limits and improved reporting in commodity
derivative markets (Clapp and Helleiner 2012). After long and hard-fought struggles, the 2010
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act did in back stronger measures to
limit speculation in agricultural commodities, calling upon the CFTC to put in place more
stringent position limits and more rigorous and transparent reporting of over-the-counter
trades, among other things.

But the implementation of Dodd Frank has been slow and uneven, raising concerns about its
long term fate. In late 2011 the CFTC was faced with a legal challenge from ISDA and the
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association over its rules concerning position limits
(Protess 2011). These lobby groups made the case that the rules should not be implemented

5 See www.commodityfact.org.


Pgina 20

because the CFTC moved ahead to impose position limits without first determining whether
those limits were either 'necessary' or 'appropriate.' Because distancing obscures the lines of
cause and effect, the implementation of the act was easily contested. Weeks before the rules
were due to be implemented in 2012, the court ruled that the CFTC failed to prove that such
rules were 'necessary', and as such the rules did not come into place. The CFTC appealed the
ruling and the case is still in the courts (Protess 2012; Schoenberg 2012).

Civil society groups are also lobbying policymakers in Europe to impose position limits and more
comprehensive reporting on commodity derivatives markes as part of financial market reforms
under the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). As in the US case, however,
opponents of reform have capitalized on the obscured role of financial actors caused by

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distancing. Like their US counterparts, these opponents have called into question the causal
relationships drawn by the civil society groups, thereby weakening the momentum behind the
reform efforts. Civil society groups have expressed strong concern about the direction of the
negotiations (Friends of the Earth 2013). Even if the European Union does tighten regulation in
this area, implementation of the new rules is very likely to meet with further resistance by the
financial industry, as has been the case in the US.

From this very brief review of the recent campaigns against agricultural commodity speculation,
it is apparent that the results have been mixed, and the political context remains a complicated
1. Although some financial institutions have chosen to withdraw from financial speculation
on food prices, other banks and lobby groups have fought back and are seeking to shape public
discourse toward a more positive view of the impact of agricultural commodity speculation by
financial actors. Progress on financial regulatory reforms in the US and EU has also been slow
and uneven. The campaigns have required civil society groups to engage with new financial
actors and financial regulatory issues. Distancing has also obscured the impact of financial
investments on the global food system in ways that complicate the efforts of campaigners to
engage the general public and that open the door for competing campaigns to undermine
campaigners' goals.

Financialization in the food system has added a layer of complexity to agrifood markets in
anos recentes. New financial actors have entered agrifood commodity chains and have acquired
significant power within them through the use of new complex financial derivative products.
But the influence of these actors and the outcomes of their investments are not always
transparent because of the distancing that financialization has also generated. Financialization
has contributed to greater distancing within the food system by facilitating the entry of new


Page 21

actors taking profits along in and around agrifood commodity chains, and by encouraging more
abstraction of the commodity from its original form, in this case into a 'virtual' financial
derivative product.

By obscuring the cause and effect of financial investment activities from public view, distancing
increases opportunities for ecological and social costs to be externalized on a global scale. Com
many more financial actors now involved in and around the edges of the agrifood supply chain,
and with their investments in a mix of abstract financial derivatives and pooled investment
funds linked to food commodities, agriculture and farmland, it is difficult to ascertain the
precise role of specific investors in driving the negative outcomes as well as the lines of
responsibility for addressing them. This lack of clarity on the role of finance has complicated the
efforts of civil society groups to engage the general public and has opened spaces for counter-
narratives to emerge over the role of financial actors in fuelling the problem. In this challenging
political environment, it is not surprising to see only slow and uneven progress.

The analysis in this paper contributes to the broader literature on financialization as well as
more recent work on the financialization of food by showing how the specific dynamics of
financial markets contribute to distancing in the global food system, which in turn affects the
political context for resistance to the growing power of financial actors within that system. o
paper also contributes to the conceptual literature on distancing by highlighting the way in
which financialization fosters new forms of distancing, in particular through abstraction of food

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just initsterms
of itstoimplications
a financial form. It also shows
for production and that distancingdecisions,
consumption is important
but to examine
also how it not
affects investment decisions that have crucial implications for social and ecological outcomes
relating to both production and consumption.


For helpful comments and advice, the author would like to thank Kimberly Burnett, Taarini
Chopra, Eric Helleiner, Sarah Martin, Sophia Murphy, and Jan Aart Scholte, and three
anonymous reviewers.


Pgina 22



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Food Sovereignty: A fundamentally contested concept, food sovereignty has as a political project
A Critical Dialogue and campaign, an alternative, a social movement, and an analytical framework
barged into global agrarian discourse over the last two decades. Since then, it has
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE inspired and mobilized diverse publics: workers, scholars and public intellectuals,
SEPTEMBER 14-15, 2013 farmers and peasant movements, NGOs and human rights activists in the North
and global South. The term has become a challenging subject for social science
research, and has been interpreted and reinterpreted in a variety of ways by var-
ious groups and individuals. Indeed, it is a concept that is broadly defined as the
right of peoples to democratically control or determine the shape of their food
system, and to produce sufficient and healthy food in culturally appropriate and
ecologically sustainable ways in and near their territory. As such it spans issues
such as food politics, agroecology, land reform, biofuels, genetically modified or-
ganisms (GMOs), urban gardening, the patenting of life forms, labor migration,
http://www.yale.edu/agrarianstud- the feeding of volatile cities, ecological sustainability, and subsistence rights.
Sponsored by the Program in Agrarian Studies at Yale University and the
Journal of Peasant Studies , and co-organized by Food First, Initiatives in Criti-
cal Agrarian Studies (ICAS) and the International Institute of Social Studies
(ISS) in The Hague, as well as the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute
(TNI) , the conference Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue will be held at
Yale University on September 1415, 2013. The event will bring together
leading scholars and political activists who are advocates of and sympathet-
ic to the idea of food sovereignty, as well as those who are skeptical to the
concept of food sovereignty to foster a critical and productive dialogue on
the issue. The purpose of the meeting is to examine what food sovereignty
might mean, how it might be variously construed, and what policies (eg of
land use, commodity policy, and food subsidies) it implies. Moreover, such
a dialogue aims at exploring whether the subject of food sovereignty has
an intellectual future in critical agrarian studies and, if so, on what terms.


Jennifer Clapp is a Canada Research Chair in Global Food Security and Sustain-
ability and Professor in the Environment and Resource Studies Department at
the University of Waterloo, Canada. She has published widely on the global gov-
ernance of problems that arise at the intersection of the global economy, the
environment, and food security. Her most recent books include Hunger in the
Balance: The New Polifics of Internafional Food Aid (Cornell University Press,
2012), Food (Polity, 2012) and Corporate Power in Global Agrifood Governance
(co-edited with Doris Fuchs, MIT Press, 2009).

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